Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, June 18, 1885, Image 1

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Cuthbert Enterprise and Appeal. Vs* BT STANFORD A COOPER. VOL. V. ‘Independent in AH Things—Neutral in Nothing.’ 1 TERMS $1.50 IN ADVANCE. CUTIIBERT, GA., THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1885. NO. 19 CANCER [ FARMERS, CiArn Ifiu. DorcuHPorsTV, Ga.,i j ™ - , Krj*t« *nl>« r 1st. IS,,. . j END for larp* Illustrated Catalogue i Gentlemen—Thi* ia to eertily that I j O of rke DeLoach Water Whci-K ! FRENCH WINE COCA Strengthen* and Exit iterates. THE NEW WIFE. Cherry, it have been curwLof cancer on my nose of eight years' atatuitng. from the Use «*f on ly one small Untie of I>r. nayo|\vo.».|’> great cancer remedy. Star Purine, which I |»iir«*ha»ed from tny oM friend, Mr. <*amj».T«ur agent for Douglas county, in August, ami I am now entirely well* this the first of November, 1*711. You enn use my name iii recommending this great remedy to the public if you wish, an 1 think it the greatest remedy for can can iii the world. Yours truly*. MIL*. K. WILLIAMS. tahll* Mills. Mill Stones, and all kind of AND Mill Supplies. |»*K AI NS and refreshes, aids diges- *n»v Mills. Lins, and anything needed about a Mill. "Water "Wheels als»;it halt tlie usual pri<-e. and Portable Mills so cheap that every Farmercanaf ford one. and they arc guaranteed to make First-Cl vss Table Meal. Sent for prices, and voii will he sur prised. A. A. PKLOACll A* BUG.. Atlanta, Ga. to the merits of our Work, we refer to the following gentlemen, have bought of us: o. A. I’arrv. Gunn & Stanford. J. Y.Ivey. K. W. Vittman. and J. T. George, (,’uthhert. Ga. Also many others of the lwst citizens of South West Ga. mav21-3m ‘Nf 193 Cherry, Miss is time t<> come in!* The oltl stable clock struck six with her sun was sinking behind the fringe of willows that outlined the Atlixta Ga., June 30,1879. Gentlemen- I wUli to say to you that l have been suflering with a sore leg for several year*, ami 1 have had several doctors to practice on it without success. They all said it would have to be ampu tated. but I could not stand that. I saw your-advertisement in the papers, and cone tided to try your .*tar t'urine. I have been using it for six weeks, and am ] ." j axi* joy in every fotti.e. For sal now entirely well. You can use mv r rA ..„ • *„ all druggists, and J. W. STANFOK see fit in rcco.n- <* roccc * & Commission Merchants,: Cu *hb« . imparts 1 r-w energies to the i as Nurse Nancy stood xhanrted mind and body. and . excites every faculty to healthv action. hand *na<iing her eyeS—the t'OCA, j or^n." j w,,,01r * u,at ouU ' nea tl,e « vcr . j complaints, >m h h»sick headache, net -. anti the dead leaves fluttered to KALOIA. WlKEFt LXESS. !/.»* of MEMORY. I . _ .... , ! NEKvnrs tckmoim. losi* or aw'etite, i«e- anti fro upon the brick paved walk | I'EESSION OK SfllUTS, ETC. Prnaberlna*« U inr 4Va " *11 vitalize your Moot] and !>uiid up "ivr! } " ur, -‘e* 1! ! 1 at lawyers. Mini.-! And Clierrv Fountain, ' i l«rs, iearlier.. Orat-ir-. V-icahtts. and ! . , . . , Trno j all who *pcak in pul.lie. -ill tin. I the ; in a low rustic chair on the river j Wine Ox-a. taken half In.ur before -i-.ak- l n u r Htlrr ,..i : me. a siieeuietor theroiec. )Jnk ' never surrui. care of it myself.’ •But I should like to help you, tlear, I am so fond of gardening.’ ‘I prefer to do it myself,’ said Cherry stiffly. Mrs. Fountain looked at her wistfully, but said nothing more just then. In the afternoon she came into the little Boudoir eertain—there cannot lie two mis tresses in the same home. And 1 will try to be as happy as possi Making Beds. Let every bed maker, as soon as the carers are spread, ttirn down The Printer's Bream. A printer sat in his of lice chair, his boots were patched and his But nT Work. Why are so many boys anil young persons, and older ones. Elam Johnson, Son &Co., Wholesale ncc. W lAi: DM A. is endorsed bv ov» f JU.Oihi eminent Medi al Men in the work!, am! Pemberton's* ‘•Where are your books, Cher try?' said she. “Your papa thinks 1 could read French and German witli you and help ron in youn practicing.” •Thanks,' said Cherry, sudden .... ... , . . ... . ! 1» straightening herself np; *but I ‘Miss Clierrv, reiterated the old ■ ... . . - i , * ; don t want any help. I would that extended beneath the espalier of pear-trees. sitting ble with my Uncle Willoughby in j the upper sheet and all above it. j coat threadbare, and his face look j too, out of work? There must be the meantime. And please do I leaving a generous margin below cd weary and worn with care.— j some causes. Here are some of not forget that I loving still your! Alice’ j the bolster. Some people, you know, puli all tlie covers straight Colonel Foontain’s first inipret-1 up to the top and lay the bolster sion was that of hot anger, his j upon them, so that when lied lime; he soundly slept: and sleeping he second a dull despair. But Aunt'comes they must be arranged at j dreamed that be was dead, from Wiule sadly thinking of business! them: lebt, old Morpheus slowly round 1. Because they are lazy, and liim crept, and before he knew i! nurse; Void yourself, you might; ' 12 Decatur And 13 Line St**., ATLANTA- GA. TXTK feel that our present org.-niized If force, having Six Years Tvxj*or:- ence. :iml being h»catc«l at the mo-t avail able fli^trilmting point in the South, will he a «ullh‘ient guarantee to Shipper.- of the he«t results allonle'l by tlic markets. We shalhalways sell here when we can. and onlr forward Melons ami Fruit name in any way you see tit in recoin mending your great remedy. I know it will cure any kind of chronic sores, by experience. 1 wish you success, gentle men. Thanking you for the medicine you saved my life with. I am Yours verv respectfuIIv, iti:i ni: kkekman. CATARRH Atlantv. Ga., June 30, 1*79. Gentlemen—A’mi can use my name in j when vye must, recommending I)r. llayelwinl’ Star <'u- Consignment*-»licited. rine f«*r Cancer, it has cured me of fan- I KI-AM JOHNSON*, SON A CO. } * rer of nix years’ standing. R**s]»ert fully | inay21-3m yours. * ALFRED EDWARDS. Atlanta, G\., June 30, 1*79. Dear Sirs—Y* ni have inv consent to use mv name in recommending Dr. Hay- elw«H»d’s Star t’urine for Dry C atarrh. I have had Catarrh for several years, and the Star C’urine has cured me. Yours truly, CA1*T. WM MiCONNKl.!.. Contractor. rt. » J. S. PEMBERTON* * CO., Sole Proprietors and Manufactiin rs. mav21-ly Im ATLANTA. GA. bv * a* ! Wine I'.K-a is rwznlnl ili<* pnim over »!11 have some consideration for Mas- i oilier in\ :-or:tms by physician* ami peo- . .. VI-;i r,I * pie who have ii-e*i i!. Ttirnr is iik-i.tii ; ‘Nancy, don't interrupt,* cried Cherry, petulantly; “we are hap py here, Willie ami I. Why can’t y ou let us alone?' ‘But your papa is Enterprise & Appeal : ”' Miss< l r rrv HcIl “, come , “ * * j home, he ami your mamma. rather go on with my daily gnv- ierness. Miss Mary, just as I did ! before.’ ! And once more Alice found her i self repelled. Aunt Frederica came daily to , . I the bouse, and sat solemnlv in asking for ; , , , ., . i judgment on the bride s new llieo- Frederica pursed up her lips. •Depend ujion it, Felix,' said she, *llie giri is tired of you. I do despise these cbils that never know their own mind!’ •Be silent,' said Fountain hoarae- ly. ‘You have mined me! is that not enough?* A week of Aunt Frederica's the head. Boys don’t like this I trouble and toil way and (>erhaps some other folks j fled, and that not even a cowbell don't, either. It is the custom to ! tolled for the peaceful rest of his pile two big square pillows on the | cowhide sole. As be wandercii top of the bolster, and then put j among the shades that smoke and on two pillow shams, and then,. scorch in the lower Hades, he sometimes, nr perhaps before the slowly observed an iron door that pillow shams, n sheet sham. This creaking swung on binges ajar, is setting the trap lor the unwary, but the entrance was closed with rule completely disenchanted the; Only a remarkably careful woman ; a red-liol-bar, ami Satan himself whole family. Cherry burst into ; is equal to the task of getting oll[ stood peeping out, and watching suiscuimoN ruici:: )ne copy one year .... “ Kigrbt Tnonths . . . ** Four months . . . ADVERTISING RATES: Laundry and Toilet Soaps, •lie and his new wife, you |1.50 J u cansaid Clu rry with a curl of 1.00 \ her lip. 50 ' -I | Fu 1 ttle Wiifiel jumped up and pulled eagerly at his sister's - -- ' d rcss. Let's go in, Clierrv.* said tears one day when the old was especially exacting. *1 wish I had my mamma back again.' she said impetuously. ‘Your sainted mother, dear rics of household management.! child,’ groaned Miss Frederica, Miss Darling glided in and out | •„ j„ heaven.’ like a shadow, attaching herself- *Bul I mean my mamma Alice.’ markedly to Clierrv. will not work. 2. Because they arc too proud to dirty their fingers, and are his spirit had | looking for a genteel job. 3. Because they have never learned to do any kind of w^rk. 4. Because they are unreliable and will quit work to go to a cir- ens, and can never be depended on in an emergency. 5. Because they drink anient spirits, and arc thus not desirable employees. Ci. Because they use tobacco, for travelers thereabout, and thus j and so defile themselves, and be- ladv jall the "finery” properly. Why { not almost, if not altogether, abol j to the passing printer spoke: ! come a stench and nuisance, ish shams of all kinds? Why not j “Coinc in, my dear, it shall i 7. Because they are too inde al most, if out altogether, abolish i cost yon nothing, and never fear; pendent and saucy to their e»- sliains of all kinds? Why not lion ! this is the place where I cook the j ployers. estly take off the big, square pil- j ones who never pay their subscrip-1 8. Because they are fearful of lows and supply every bed with a * tion sums; for though in life they • doing more work than they get may escape, they will find comfortable take the hen [ sobbed Cherry. ‘I do miss her so! place of pillows? If yon like | they're dead it is too late; I will I here was a derided counter- j dreadfully! I believe she really j adornment, embroider or decorate | show you the place where I melt bolster to If ; current in the house, which Alice j could feel rather than see; and. as days went CURED. Laundry Blueing, at L.-w Tri ces, at T. S. TOWEL'S I lie had been. One morning, sitting at the utTC « ity ni:nii i.\i:('».. 38 Wall street. Atlanta, For sale l,\ J. \\. Stanford mav21-lv jSTOTTCU One square, (ten lines or less) 1 | -Let's go in. Cherry.* said lie;! 11 *® . nsttrtion . . - $l.oo' * j vaguely to fancy Bon Ton and Royal Gloss Starch,! Fwroavli siiWiHi«*nt insj-rlion . 50 , ‘I ««« !»«P L 1 "ant to see my ilUHi> . 1 * 4 ] WJW t |,jf creBt Crum All per*•'!»•** itHtrfcr tiovble prtcr.. new mamma. Obituaries will l**- charged for as j Cherry rose, slowly and reluc- •fthor advertisements. J A-lverliivinpiits inserted without tantlv, blit before she could pick ; . , . , , nui..i M .r .-i in. . ' . . . , , ... window slic saw a carriage loaded 'ins-itUsitioii as t«»in« niniKr ot in U p j lcr bf^iks and shawl, a lijriit <i»rti«ns, will Ut t uidislu'd until order- • c id out, and charged an-ordin-lv. j liffure dressed in some "listening *»j) 0 ar j All advertisements due when hand- J material came running out to the C C ’ Taylor’s Premium Golognc ' rivor .1. n . STtM.,i;i. s, J. ,J. WORSHAM. ; ’Where are the children? 1 said , a soft voice; 'I want to see the ilildren.’ neve loved me. And—and I do love her, and I wish I hadn't behaved the slips and sheets themselves without any make-believe. Silk, 1 scraps of tin pay for. 9. Because they arc careless, and waste stock, damage work, them thin with red-hot citains and ! and squander time belonging to and also where I ! their employers. so horridly to her. ThereT I lace, and the like, seein out of , cornli their heads with broken j 10. Because they would father •Can't we bring her home?" i place on a bed. which should sug-; glass and melted lead, and if of: work for higher wages half the time than for moderate wages aii et. Drug Store. by, she began that even her what shouted Willie. ‘Nobody rcinem-1 g‘ ,st repose. -Imagine a boy with j refreshments they only think, i hers to help me with my sums, or | big boots on flinging himself into ; there's boiling water for them to to cut out paper ships for me, j the midst of a fairy creation of! drink; there's the red-hot grind now that mamma is gonef ! fink satin and torchon! Let beds; stone to grind down his nose, anti with trunks drive up. j -We will bring her liome,' said t **® what they look like, and let j red hot rings to wear on his toes, he cried, run | the Colonel, who was just then j them look like what they are—real; and if they mention they don't ning to where her husband sat in ' particularly exasperated at dis ! resting places. A great deal of j like fire. I'll sew up their months invited - c overing that Miss Frederica had : attention should be given to the with red hot wire, and then, dear TO you want COTTON SEED OIL MILL, A Cotton Gin, A Cotton Feeder, A Cotton Condenser, DENKSfj CUTHBERT. GA. Office over l'obtoflicc*. septM If WM. D, KIDDOO, A'riuii t i:y at fut/ibrrt. (i<i. :icti**e :it any place in Willie, an afleetiunate little fel I low of eii*!it years <»1«I, ran inti»j tiic arms of bis young stepmother, >;»eeial eontra«’t. R. THORNTON, D E N T I 8 T Cl'THBERT, GA. o ! and overwhelmed Iter with kisses, which were most cordially recoiv i • c-1, hut Cherry hung back with ; defiant glances. ‘Come here, darling.’ said Mrs Fountain. ‘Why, you are nearly as tall as I am.' Papa,' turning archly to the bridegroom, whoi ’ had follow'd more slowly her fly- j ing footsteps, ‘you never told us that this Cherry of ours w as al ! the library, ‘have you company?’ Colonel Fountain reddened little. •Company f related he. yes, I see. I intended to mentioned it before. The fact is, I dear, been transforming Alice’s boudoir into a bedroom for some fourth proper airing of the mattress eve- sir, you slnuld see them squirm, ry morning, and at least once a while I roll them over and cook to the time. 11. Because they swear and talk vilely, and corrupt the man ners of those around them. 12. Because they are impu dent to their superiors or tyranni cal to those whom they dare abuse. 13. Because they slay oul late cousin who was contemplating an! week a stiff brush should remove a turn.” With these last words at nights, at parties ‘Oh, uninvited sojourn at the house, havci And Alice, sitting solitary and the dust which will accumulate, even in the best ordered house, and amnse- the printer awoke and thought it j monts, and eome late to work and all a practical joke; but still at alone, like ‘Mariana in the -Moat- ■ around and under the tufts of cot 1 real did it seem that he mv sister, Frederica is com- t .,| Grange,’ was astonished that l " n * or tl>c bits of leather, or what j cannot believe it was all a dream; here for a few months. You , V prv ihiv bv the unexpected vis-1 ever is used to tack the mattress j anti often he thinks, with a chuck ; with. Attention should also he le and grin, of those arc so vonnti few months, loti very day by the and inexperienced ion of Cherry herself. ! tl*at I thought, perhaps, it would i -Mamma.’ saul the girl, O 7 mamma. who save i are unfit for service. 14. Because they watch the clock more clescly at the end of the day titan at the beginning. 15. Because they are not dili- .1 iFFK'F. over It. West Si«lt» Public L. Dituu'.'* >t«*re. inarc. !»17-1 v 9 S A W Pulleys, Shafting, Hangers, AND MILL WORK, Write to u.s for PRICES ami IlISCOl.XTS. make it tovour interest to Imv direct from us. E. VAN WINKLE & CO., nVL^aSTTJF^.CTTTT^EE.S, ^Atlanta, Georgia. Notick to the Trade—Wo give discounts to the trade, may 21 3tn. STEVENS’ POTTERY! most a young lady.’ -t ‘Because I didn't realize it my-! A Cotton Press, or a H. I. GORTATOWSK {, j>elf,' said Colonel Fountain, tesoing one of Cherry's long brown j curls, an-1 thinking, even at that And Dealer in Clvrkm Winches. .Irnrlrj null Silverware. be better for Iter to take charge of; liashtul, the housekeeping, for the present, at least.' Alice's damask rose complexion deepened into scarlet. •Have I in any way failed 'to meet your wishes, Felix?"’ said she in a stifled voice. •No, no; but Frederica thought that ' dearest half | directed to the edge of the mat-: their tin, and never pay the prin-jgcnt in business, serving the will, where the braid is sewed on. i ter. | Lord. you forgive us all and particularly for dust sifts under that. t\ here ; me? Will von come home to us, the bedroom is also the dressiu again? We are so lonely you, and papa says ’ But Alice had sprung WatsSMer. Jeweler ail Ecsraicr, What Did It. How a Oirl may Always Look Nice. , , , , i - . ,t The fall of Gladstone, Premier When I was a girl there was without room, dust cannot l»e avoided, but! , . . . . ! t . . . .. ‘.of Knglaml, ami bis cabinet are; one of inv young mends who was it may .it least be changed, ami it! . e . , . I . : , , ® .. . , , * , , ,, ,, , , • thus briefly and clearly explained: distinguished f° r “ er to her; n °°d not he allowed to accumulate!. . , ... . .. , , , , , _ , _ , ! Health X H mne ! in vesterday s Advertiser: In'things last. Ilcr dress, hats, feet and clasped her repentant j 1 Englantl they have what they call'gloves, were a marvelof dnrabili- stcp-la.ighter in her arms. . Bow to Make Good Wive*. '-“budget.” They estimate the! ty. I used to wonder liow she , . . , _ i n is an umieniuuie lact that a | expenses for the next fiscal year | managed to make them last \ cstr said s!ie. ‘Oil, Cherry, Cher • t j uc t j iMTr . I n °t want to hear what j rv jf vou col ,!d but know-how l! ! rantrd. All rl«ck and Watch Work Wnr- marl'Jtt like her j growing. dead mother she this is j Frcdctiea thought, ! Fountain quickly. And Cherry is getting so said Mrs. 1 P . p N L ■* r* H K J a s r x- o; E I ? e-* ^ ft - ~ 5 Near Mitledgeville. P. 0., Stevens Pottery, Ga. Headquarters for Doubled Glazed Vitrified Drain, Sewer. Culvert and Water Pipes, from 2 to 24 inch calibre, for Draining Land, R. R. I '„|verts Road and Street Crossings an-1 Well Curbing. Fire. Grate. Border and Hearth, Brick Smoke and Hot Air Flues. Lining for Fur nace* Fire Brick for Setting Boilers, made to Order, any Shape or Style on short notice. Flower Pot*. Swinging Baskets. Stumps, Chimney Thimbles and Tops. Fire Clay and Sand, suitable for h ttr- naee Building or other similar purposes. Correspondence Solicited. Our prices arc reasonable. All we ask is a trial. ,, , , Stevens Bros. & Co. marl9 6m ’PROPRIETORS- > l fill ra 4 f’L?" !► ► Q H ! d — — c* P H 3 C —• ft * J -a O' H H 5 |f! ew * b > w Jif; Ur Kj _• W i X p r\ a; — 3 " or; ~ -i - x = | 2 >53,j o 2. o s £ ’5 o x H HI m Cd O M r CD > z D O T 1 r D X PI z H PI PI H X z Q Q t_i •m GC a “liiidget.” They estimate the ty. a i expenses for the next fiscal year managed to make them last so ree of imjiortancc has not.! atll j then bring in a bill levying'long without their looking sliab- , -bisittg late years, been accorded ■ enough taxes to meet the outgo.! by, blit I ceased to do so after I have pined for your IdvcP j in the education of American I This is the “budget,” and this 1 , So she came home again, tins j vounf women, to a practical j y Par u, e budget brought into the Cherry this is >"<"• \, "“‘VwJllieIn"i tinl ® . l ° ““ u,, ‘ i,v,dcd kingdom, j knowledge of the duties anl re ; House of Commons by the Glad ; nciv mamma. You must be great. ’ „* , . j for Miss F re-lcrtca and her sis sjK.nsibililies that will devolve t stODe ministry increased a num i Iriends with herf , gmuna. c, an. retctica *«J». ters had politely been turned out „ 1)0I , t i, eni w lien thry assume the t, er 0 f levies to meet theextraex | The tears brimmed into Cher- lbi,tl . ’! , * onsenee, l® 1 * fir T r Ji and °fdoors; the bondoir was itself ... . I to rule it. went on Colonel rotin-' • * « 1 ■ *- : ry s eves—her lips quivered. 1 i J „ - .. . . : tain. Mrs. ronntain s quick eve saw: . I it all, but she bad too mn'ch tact! ^ *'1'*^ J come her back. c , no, not exact j . ut^ *My dear,' said he, I have made J to an injurious extent, the educa a fool of myself. I see it all now.; tjon of the average girlot Lite pe- 1 not happen a second r j ( , ( l j s generally either wholly | frivolous, purely ornamental, or, right, Felix?' own. | |*.uses incurred in Egypt and In One of these increased taxes ! to interfere. and! Site only kissed Cherry ' clasped her hand tenderly, and; then began to talk about the beau j ty of the river, all reddened in the sunset glow. ‘They are beautiful children.' she said to Iter husband that' night. T am sure I shall love you know, [Kit, that you are young ! to he at the head of a household j t like this.’ | time/ Alice bit her lip. j . Did j do ‘Why did jou not think of that; sai( f f :„.i v :.i .l. I Cl o M 1^1 t"* w w M rw o before you raarricti me?" sai-l she. •Now you are getting childish, Alice,’ said her husband gravely. ‘I shall begin to believe that Fred erica is right about your temper!' Mrs. Fountain could endure no more. She turned and left the room. Colonel Fonntain looked ear-' ! nestly after her. Like most men he haled scenes, but nevertheless, his conscience , cares of homes of their again, and Colonel Fountain was ’ j | leir grandmothers certainly, and lIia . waiting on the threshold to wel- probably their mothers, learned j vas a higher duty on beer and the science of housekeeping; but, j spirits, and it was opposition to j - ! to •“ injurious extent, the educa ; tll is that caused the downfall of Thus it ap pears, but while the opposition rallied around this point, the gen . ™r oral dissatisfaction with Glad But, oh, it was so - cable as to be ofliltle Value in fit vretched? | ting her to fulfill her destiny as j first put them in search of a pre 8 * le j at best, so abstruse and impracti- liad visited tier at her home. The reason why her clothes lasted so long was that she took such good care of them. Her dresses were brushed and folded away careful ly, an-1 the slightest spot on them was removed as soon as discover ed. IIe r hat was wrapped in an old pocket handkerchief, and put away in a box ns soon as done with, the strings and lace being straightened and rolled out most systemmatically each time. Ilcr • them if only they w ill let meP ‘I don't think there will he any trouble about that, darling,’ said ! : the colonel fondly. | Nor would there have been, if: Cherry's frank, generous soul had J been left to its own impulses. But the neighbors bad condoled | with Iter too sympathetically. | . , , ,, , ,, ! ... _ • pricked him a little. He half rose. Miss Darling, who would herself- ..... , , , j : have been glad to console the handsome widower, had said plain j tively: ‘You, dear Cherry, must remem- ' her your mother's memory, al ! though your father seems to have ; forgotten it.' And Aunt Frederica, the elder ‘Sweetheart,’said Colonel Foun-' wife ami mother. If she is not tain with limitless loyalty, ‘you ; taught howto select food in the are always right!" |inaiketfor the family table, bow •Mamma is always right, echoed i to prepare it well, how to serve it Cherry and Willie, showering ca j P ro perly, and how, by an infinity rcsses on their recovered treasure, j '■*'* dainty, graceful arts ami For, by some magic spell, Alice! 0118 ,,f ‘ Jratlical knowledge about had contrived toconvertthe whole I hou **«'L> in g, to make her home , j bright, attractive and happy, site will fall far short ot what will be i as if to follow her, and then sat j -town again. •Frederica says I ought not to ! give way to her in everything,” ' said be. ‘And perhaps she is : right. Frederica thinks the chii- ; dren should receive a little more family at last. It was nuver ‘my stepmother' again, it was always •Mamma Alice.’ From the Dissecting R< I hare taken Swift’s Specific for expected of her when she marries. It is not necessary that when she marries she shall do ail these : Conservatives arc called on to take things herself, bnl.if she docs not t | lc reiu s of government, though blood poison contracted at a med | know thoroughly how they should j our cablegrams indicate that they ical college it a dissection, while! * ,e done, she cannot direct the do- j -i re hesitating to lace the respou- I was a medical student. I am grateful to say that it gave me a of mv attention. I'll go and wulkj 8 !**^' and trough enre after through the garden with them j "V ^ rent8 h9i s ^ nt 1,umlrt,1 ' i swollen to twice its usual j size, and as nothing helped me I look ' was despairing of ever being cur ing of them by others and will be! sibilitr. unable to be—in anything more than the mere name—mistress oi household.—Cook. An Albany darky, named Peter Hilliard, drank a gallon of lager beer in ten iniuutes on Saturday lust. Another darky made a wager with him that he couldn't I have just opened at the Owen A- Scaly old stand a NEW FURNITURE STORE and will, as soon as it can be shipped from the Factories, have on ; 8100 WILL BE PAID hand a full line of everything us “ r “^ C ‘ ,t “ ' j Kor anv fase ^drunkenness that Oold-! Chert - y was prepared to meet her j “ sllar !> su,ldcn P an S al her l,ca, t ; ~«FIRST“0LASS ESTABLISH MEN T#- \ i fathers second wire. s«au w„ n ,; •}« !ntrnder h " e -’ | sister of the deceased lady ha-1 nuw ;' 0ftou ° etllc jjoordarlings of a ° llars fur treatment. My ; ostentatiously come to the house; . . . . . , . ' was I ... ought not to be neglected because i to remove all the personal belong- ‘ , . . . , _ , . ‘ . I have married again, mgs of the late Mrs. Pouutain, ,, , , ... , . , _ , . ■ Half an hour later Alice , daring the absence of the colonel ^ c d. But hearing of theS. S. S. ed out of the casement and saw j H : . Rr . . . i out of the ■ ^ a Lottie little tliinking I P cr *°rm the feat m fifteen minutes, j f or India. Wi " LTLhouLs wi'th "Cherry ding-! ’ roo,d dcrivc a V ,,enefit from ' ’ ’ I began taking it regularly, and soon tile swelling began to go down and the arm ceased to pain me. ' i taking eight bottles was thorough-; e,rs - gloves were never folded together, stone’s course in Egypt and India! but were pulled out straight and ' laid flat in a box one upon the other, each time they were used, the tiniest hole being mended al most before it bad to show itself. But the thing that impressed me most was the care she bestow ed on her ribbons. When making up bows she used to line the un der part of the ribbon with white paper, and this not only prevented tiie ribbon from becoming limp and creased, but kept it clean, wo that w lien the how was soiled on one side she could turn the rib bon, and the part that had been covered came out looking new and fresh. The girl married ami brought up a large family. Her husband had to fight bis way, and did so bravely, ami was unusually successful, lor he became wealthy. But his prosperity was due qtiito as much to his wife’s care and economy in saving money as it was to bis in making it. text. The proposed renewal of the crimes act in Ireland arrayed the Parncllitcs against the minis try ami coin Dieted the majority which wrought its downfall. It is the custom in England when the party in power fails to pass any measure promised by it tlnough the House of Commons, its ministty shall resign and the opposition form a new cabinet. In obedience to this custom the on iiis wedding tour, i ‘I dare say your new ma i he tor flinging all these in the] 7 ; fire,' said she. - ‘I only hope she will be kind to Willie, poor child!’ ‘If she is not," flashed Cherry, It might be stated in this con nection that the Conservatives will now form a new ministry, prolia bly with the Marquis of Salisbury for Premier; Sir Stafford North- cote for Chancellor of the Ex chequer, and Lord Randolph Churchill for Secretary of State DRUNKENNESS ! CURED IS ITS VARIOUS STACKS. ! Desire f«»r stinmlants entirely remov- ! e «l. Home treatment. Metlleine ean he ! administered without knowledge <»f V* a * i , , . , ... , licit placing it in e-.lfev. tea | she will have me to settle with. . i or an V article of food. Cures guaranteed, t ~> —» But Aunt Frederica only groan ed and shook her head. And it was in this spirit that' her husband coining cling-1 ing fondly to his arm, Willie trot- 1 i ting on before and Aunt Frederica : ! following with both hands full of ! the rare, white grapes which the ! old gardner parted with so re- ‘ ly cured. , . , . Augustus Wxxdel, M. D., “They arc happy enough witli- - * rj ■ 1 v. out me,” she said to herself, with They went into a bar-room and the beer was measured off—a full gallon—and Peter put h in self on the outside of every drop of it in I continued its use, and after ! s ‘‘* c I*- -0 minutes. Albany Newark, N. J. Jan. 3, 1885. Fac ia. of this kind. I propose to buy in large quantities, direct .Dom lories, and will compete in style and prices with any house iu Guu B. W. Ellis will have full charge of the business, and will be found at bis post at all time*, ready to serve all in bis usual fair and square manne. • |y- REMEMBER the place, Owen A Nealy old stand, East. Public Square, Cuthbert, Ga. • Respectfully, J. w. STANFORD. For any case of drunkenness th will not cure. < , ullwlll ,... r .v-stimoniol* and full ! Jars sent free.* Address ! GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO. j je-l!»-ly. IsA Race St., t inchmati. O. . Dr. C. A- Cheathasa’s EXCELSIOB family medicines Of Dawson, Ga., For sale at T. S. POWELL’S, jell-ct Drug and Bookstore. der that Alice Fountain found it j When Colonel Fountain came well-nigh impossible to win her I up stairs to dress for dinner* he love. ■ found the room empty, but a little •This was your dear mamma’s | note lay on the bureau, favorite flower bed, Cherry,’ said j ‘Dearest l eux,' wa* what he the bride one morning. ‘Willie j read on tearing it open,—‘I hope told me so. You ami I must i vou will not blame me for leav- Pvrafugc for Chills at J. W. Stanford's. make it our care to keep the place always bright and lovely.’ Cherry blushed a little as she glanced down at the weed-grown parterre. ‘There is no occasion for troub ling yon,’ said she. ‘I can take ing your bouse. But I have de cidcd that I cannot live where I am not loved and trusted thor oughly. If you and Cherry can be happier with Miss Frederica than with me, I cheerfully ab-li cate in her favor. One thing ia A Pbjslciaa’s Testimony. I have tried Swift’s Specific in a very bad case of blood |ioison. ami take great pleasure in stating that it was a perfect success producing a complete cure. I have trie-1 it also in many other cases with good results. I think it the best biqod purifier of the age. J. R. Yeriow, M. D. Miilsap, Tex., March 8,1885. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Tiie Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. A Remarkable Escape. ! Mrs. Mary A. Dailey, of Tunk- liannock, Pa., was afflicted for six years with Asthma ami Bronchi tis, during which lime the best physicians could give no relief. IIer life was despaired of, until in . last October she procured a Bottle Vork militia: 0 f Dr. King's New Discovery, She attended a review when immediate relief was felt, and by continuing its use for a short time site was completely cured, gain'ng in flesh 501hs. in a lew months. Free Trial Bottles of this ccr tain cure of all Throat and Lung Diseases at J. W. Stanford's j Drug Store. Large Bottles 41.00. Airs. Sniverly is the wife of the Captain of a New company not long since at which her hus band was the commanding officer. ; Mrs. Sniverly laughed all the way | liome-, and when, after she got | liome, site was asked what was the 1 cause of merriment, she replied: “It was the funniest tiling in the wot III to see my husband, who; never dares 0|ien his mouth at! home, ordering all those men about, and they doing just wbst lie told them to do.” An enterprising Frenchman has invented a revolver which, though so small as to be conveniently car ried in tiie vest pocket, can i« fired ten times without reload ing. and witli greater ease and certain ty than those of the o'd pattern. The whole length of the weapon i- 4 inches, which be reduced to 2? by unscreniug the burreL Daniel Fender concluded • let ter, asking Mary to be bis,- thus: •And should you say, ‘yes,’ dear- Marj-, 1 will ever and faithfully be your D. Fender.' Daniel thought that was neat, and so did Marv. It doesn't tire a man half so much to saw a cord of wood as it docs to amuse a baby hr an hour when its mother is away. In tearing down the old court house in Monroe tiie other day, gays an exchange, two frogs hop ped out of the corner stone, where they had been sealed np for 40 years. The man who pat them there is still living. A grain of corn was also found in a perfect state of preservation. ! Now that England and Russia have settled their differences wit., out resorting to a bloody war. speculators can count np tbeir losses and profits. — m • -w- “Paps, why do little pign gat so much milk?’ “Because we want them tn-Mrire hogs of themselves.” January 32 Gm.