Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, July 02, 1885, Image 1

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Enterprise and Appeal. r STANFORD & COQPER VOL. V. “Independent in All Things—Neutral in Nothing.’ TERMS $1.50 IN ADVANCE- CUTHBERT, GA., THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1885. NO. 21 CAUCER Chaw. Him., Dor»ji..\s Coi'xty. (l\.j f^l'tcmkT 1st. 1879. ) (Jentlt'tncn—This is to ecrtity that J cured of cancer on my imse of eij?ht years’ standing. from tin* lise of on ly one *ni;ill Jmttlo of Dr. llayclwoiNi's jrreat cancer remedy, star Citrine, which purchased from* my old friend, Mr. Esrtup, yottr ajrent for* Douglas county, ■h August. and I am now entirely well* this the tir>t of November, 1879. You can use my name in recommending this great remedy to the public if vou wish, as I think it the greatest remedy forcatt- in the worhl. Yours trulv. MRS. K. WILLIAMS. AND Atlanta Ga„ June r»0, ISTf). fientleinen—I wish to say to you that I have been sutt'ering with a sore leg for *ev*j*l year?, and I have had several doctors to practice on it without success. They all said it would have to lx; ampu tated. hut I could not stand that. I saw your advertisement in the papers, and concluded to try your . c tar ('urine. I have been using it for six weeks, and am now entirely well. You can use my name in any way you see lit in recom mending your great remedy. I know it will cure any kind of chronic sores, hy exj»cr cnee. I wish you success, gentle men. Thanking you for the medicine you a ived mv life wijli. I am YoUrs verv respcctfullv. HETTIK FREEMAN. FARMERS, S END for large Illustrated Catalogue of " ' REST FOR THE WEARY! 1 THE SECRET CHAMBER Health, for the Sick! table the DkLoach Water Wheels. Por- Miiis. Mill .Stones, and all kind of Mill Supplies. Saw Mills, (jins, and anything needed a}>outaMHl. Water ‘Wheels about half the usual price, and Portable Mills so cheap that every Farmer can af ford one. and they are guaranteed to make Ficst-(’i.ass Table Meal. Sem for prices, and you will lie sur prised. A. A. DELOACH A BUO.. Atlanta, Oa. Men and women are often worn down in mind and bode l»v the iaitors amt cares . . . . of life. Their nerves give wav under the i »tS rotten outside, severe pressure, and the whole -astern is involved as a consequence. It is then that Penberton’s French Wine Coca -A* to the merits of our. Work, we ttlei acts as a direct means t»f restoration, giv ing perfect health to mind ami body, dissipating every feeling of depression and lassitude, and imparting calmness, energy and happiness. Pemberton's French Wine Coca refer to the following gentlemen, who have bought of us: O. A. Harry, CJutm i.«the GBE\tKCRVE restore* avi> fnvi- A M.tuford. .T. Y. Ivey. E. W. Pittmaii. gouatou. (jiveshealth h> the nerves and, imdJ.T. (ieorge, 1'nthhert. Da. Awj the entire system is restored, for the ner- many others of the best citizens of south i ves arc the life of man. If they are de- 'VcstUa. may2I- hn | ranged, all else w ill be, if healthy then. “It stood in | court leading out of I Points,’’ in New York. For three ! years this old frame liouse, with had lieen unten anted, or* at least it was thought so. Gloomy and dark, and grim, and scowling, it stood there, sop arated on all sides from the sur rounding houses, and always re minding people of its fixed deter ruination U» fall and demolish those who passed beneath its shadow, for it was crooked, crazy, ami seemingly falling apart. CATARRH Atlanta. Da.. June .'10, 1-870. Gentlemen—You can use »ii\ mum* in recommending I)r. Ilnyclwod* star cit rine for Cancer. It has cured me of ( ni cer of six years’ standing. Ropcctfully yours. * ALFRED EDWARDS.* Atlanta, Ga., June i{0, ]S70. Dear Sirs—You have my consent to use mv name in recommending Dr. Hay- f 1 Wood’s Star (’urine for Dry Catarrh. I have had Catarrh for several years, and the Star (’urine has cured me. Yours truly, CAl'T. WM Mr(’(*NNELL. (’ontractor. CURED. CSATFUT1 *■«■>■«■* KUO., .'IS Wall Street. Atlanta, For sale by J. W. Stanford may21-ly Elam Johnson, Son & Co., Wholesale Grocers & Commission Merchants, 12 Decatur and l'J Line Sts., ATLANTA* GA. W K feel Unit force, l.iiv In iillli to niiitii aiul body follows. Pemberton's French Wine Coca follow.” I the shackles «>u my ankles— “I scorn yoor offers bitterly.! quick I say!’ was Robert's Com - a wretched side I :, nd firmly refuse them, anil defy j mand. tbe “Five■ jour threats, Ralph Langly.” I ‘It's in my pocket,’hissed the “This room shall be your tomb. 1 fear stricken coward, llien: do you hear me?”- in a rage. I Searching with one hand in the “Your tomb, I say—your tomb!” j wretch's pocket, Robert Grimily j of his eyes was permanently in ‘You said that before; there's j brought forth the keys to the j jured, and hisjaw running in huge no use in repeating it. Now go j shackles, of tbe secret room, and ; sores, and leave me.’ I also of the front door, which he *1 shall return again—to-nior- i dropped into his pocket. T he Story of a Kohust Boy. Willie White, a boy of seven years, has been afflicted with scrofula ever since be was three months old. vear almost a A Mechanic in Hall Comity Invent* a I with great success. Mr K s cotton Machine or (treat Valuf to Planters. I gin lire extinguish) r fills a mint ! that has been felt since Eli FI hit- nev invented the first gin. It lias The Constitution lias a right interesting story to tell this morn-j been endorsed by insurance men His scalp was last Mng. In Hall county there lived a j as one 0 f i|, e best inventions of the mass of sores. One poor but hard working man nara-|a»e. The machine can be seen at •Now then I've got to lock you in here till I return with a couple of officers. Yon shall pay for all the misery iliave suffered, or I’m mistaken.’ Saving which lie grasped him still tighter around the throat, acts specifically upon the ntrvos. the muscles and tin* whole human • •rgauLm. In every bottle there is health and rcat and happiness. For further particulars, send for ln>ok on Coca. For sale by all Druggist’s, and in Cuthbort bv J. W.Stanford. our present organized ng Six Years E.vperi- 1 being located at the most avail- I able distributing point in tie* South. will be a sutlieient guarantee to Shippers of fhc best results afforded by the market*. We-hall always sell ii'krk when \ye can. and only forward Melons and Fruit when we mu -t. Consignment^ «.»licited. ELAM JOHNSON, SON tfc CO. J. S. PEMBERTON A CO., For Kent. A dwelling liouse, conveniently located, near the business part of town. Large enough for aboard itjg liouse. Coldains about twelve rooms with all necessary out houses and lot. Apply to tl* idle Proprietor? and Manufacturer*. jeJo-lm ATLANTA, (iA. Enterprise & Appeal.' — SUlSSCUilTION PRICK : Inc copy one year . . . “ Eight months . “ Four months . row night for your last answer, and then you shall he left here to die. And I shall win Marian Mandrake lor my wife—her gold, her fortune shall be mine—mine!* With a weak bow ana a sneer ing laugh, Ralph I.augly passed There was a deep mystery aliout out the secret room and out of! raised him to his teet and hurled this old bouse, and we will pro j li,e oU1 frame house. ; him against the wall of the room, eccd to unravel it. !***•* ! where lie fell, partly unconscious. The church clocks of the city! It was the night after the atyve Casting a look of hate and tri scene in the old house, and past unipli at his fallen enemy, Robert ten o’clock. The November night | Grantly passed out of the chara- was cold and windy, with a star ‘her, and unlocking the shackles less sky, and the streets partly J from his ankles gained the open deserted. In the secret room of j street and breathed the fresh air | the old frame house, sitting in ! for the first time in a year. !gloom and darkness on his old’ Ralph Langly, on gaining eon straw tick, was the prisoner whom j sciousness, looked around for j e we saw the night before—the vic tim of a treacherous man. ‘I must make ail effort to es- In September last he com menced to take Swift’s Specific ed.T. N. Ren free, a mechanic by trade. One day be was at a gin when with the suddenness of the lightning's flash the cotton caught under my direction. Today he i lire, and instantly the lint room had tolled out eleven one dark, starless night in November, as a man. dressed in deep black, as cended with noiseless footsteps the rickety stoop of this old house, and applying a key to the door, entered and dosed it behind him. Not a living soul liad observed him. The quiet court was serted and partly wrapped indee| is a fat, squabby, robust boy. His jaw is well and his head is covered with a fine coat of hair. There is a little dryneas about the scalp. This is the only sign ot the terrible disease left. His mother desires me to lhauk ttic proprietors of Swift's Specific very heartily, ami says she is so grateful that words cannot express it. This is a remarkable cure. C. W. Pabrek, M. I). Bremen. Haralson Co, Ga., t\b. 12, 1885. and lot. J. W. STANFORD. 0 ..VII slumber. Gaining the dark and •-"i* ! dusty hallway the man proceeded rape, he groaned to himself. 'Oh, ."•<i i ‘ „ , , onward, going up a flight of stairs were 1 but free from tbesc'lerri ADVERTISING RATES: laud then into sinusty sum — 1 • " - a r—— —| passage, narrow and dark as One square, (ten lines or less) 1 i Hades, insertion $1.001 ’ For each subsequent insertion . 50 Here be produced a large Ian All jiemuual umtier double /trice, j tern from some corner, ami strik Obituaries will be charged for ,Hj n „ | hie irons, thou there might be a some opening of escape ere his late victim returned with the offi I have suffered for thirty years i with scrofula, and plagued with erysipelas of. the face and head. 1 tried everything that medical skill could suggest but found no relief. At the suggestion of Dr. cers, as he had threatened to do. jC. W. l’arker, I took Swilt’s Spc The tables were now turned oucitic. I have so much imp:o ed him. | that my best friends hardly know A small air opening just over me. It is a wonderful mediciuc. was ablaze. Those who were op crating the gin fled precipitately, but Rcnfroe, who was standing near, seized two buckets of water and dashed them, not on the fire, but into the mouth of the gin. The wheels revolving like lightning, took up the water and the ccutrif ugil force threw the water all through the gin, took it to the brushes that were fairly sizzing with speed, and in less than a second the water was being play ed in a heavy spray by the brush 21 Marietta street.—Constitution. Locusts in Georgia. Above Canton a few miles and around Ball Ground, the woods fairly ring with the music of the locust, and they abound in large numbers. Besides eating tiie growing crops they seem to have a special mania for killing lruil trees, committing other depreda tions and doing all tbe damage they can. As long as they re main the hogs will be apt to live high, as they are said to be very fond of them. The 17-year locust3 have come to Gainesville in earnest. The I trees and fences are literally cov ered with them, and their un- os right into the lint room where ! tcasiDgi w bi,ling noise is kept up the burning cotton was. The fire| from ea ' r ] v dawnUU the darkest was cheeked, nearly extinguished, hour of nig | lti aml U iey keep com- and it was an easy matter to put . it out by baud. If the brave me chanic had not run out of water From a gentleman just returned j from Northeast Georgia it is lcarn- heconld, single hamleil and alone, | e(1U|at lhe 17 year i t)cus t s are have put out the conflagration.— j lhSck aro ,i m l Lula and Clarkes- As it was he got the tire under; T|I , fc They corac ollt of the ground and immediately go up in the bed lick presented itself, and ! It lias restored my little lie weut to gain it by standing the j Willie White, to perfect health. stitf lick against the wall then getting upon it that he might —Taylor's Premium Cologne for sale at J. W. Stanford's, ■ Ulier advertisements. Advertisements inserted -peidlteathm as to the minds vvitl r of in- “■ | ing a match, he ill I and unlocked door of a room. lighted a strongly situated. candle barred it ap- cliancc. Oh, Marian. Marian what must you think of my long absence from you?’ To the outside of the door came familiar footsteps. The key reach the air opening. grated in the lock, and the jailor's | He had got to the top of the i Eczema sf 17 Years Standing Cared, j various aids thought of the matter lantern threw its flickering candle tick and had grasped the edge of I I s idle red intense a<*onv from ! only as a fire averted, hot theme control in a few seconds, and his companions, who had fled when bov, j the tire flashed up were able ti> i come to bis rescue, and save tlie j Mbs. J. J. White. |ginliouse. The gin was started and business proceeded as usual. The gin feeder and his Bremen, Ga , March 2, ISSo. NOTICE TO . SB in tlie very heart ot lhe!^‘^ ,t into the room, anti on tbe' the opening above, when the alraw j eczema on my hands and arms clianic never took such a narrow i slilion wit |, t i ie Southern negro ed in. ! tick. ... rtions, will Ue|iid>lishe«l until order- . ed out, ami churecl accordingly. pea red All advertisements dm- when hand- Jhouse, and surrounded by } prisoner s form, lyvug on his straw | tick fell over ou the -large lantern j f or seventeen years.- At times -view of his experience. Themore rooms on all sides. Inio this ai i * j ; pnrcnlly secret room the stranger j j entered. By the rays of the candle in the I the trees and commence boring into the timber and deposit tlicir eggs. A gentleman at Lula fas tened a bullet to tlie end of a 200- yard spool of thread and dropped in a bole that a locust had come out of, and it did not reach the 1 bottom. There is an old snper- ihere the caudle was burning. - w -as unable to use them even to If you want to pun-haso it COTTOM SEED OIL MILL, J. J. WORSHAM. DElVTrST C'L’THBKRT. GA. Offleo over 1‘ustollice. Ml l|.tl« if Wm lie thought of it tlie more he was! determined to utilize the principles | that w hen the locust disaptiears lie goes to “sheol,” and it takes him 17 years to get back from “ | lantern, we see a round, wood ; j panneled room, cold and chilly, n j r M J stool, an old tireless hearth, and ■■ enough my D, KIDD00, .VlVOItA j:\ AT L-UV. Cotton Gill, A Cotton Feeder, Ctt filbert, Cl a. my place in tin* Hitrait. tf. [TII*I* practiff at State by special r A Cotton Condenser, A Cotton Press, or a w A M S A ® AND MILL WORK, W J V7. R. THORNTON, I) E N T I S T CLTHBKRT, GA. 0'S j straw tick laid on the dirty, dust ! covered floor, and on ibis tick re . ; dines a pale, emaciated man of perhaps live and twenty, tied with : hi iron band around his ankles; , attached to the band was a chain ; four feet iu length. The other, | end of the chain was fastened to a heavy l ing ill the wall. •You see,'said Ralph Langly, and he losing his hold of the edge J ,l rC ss myself. During the time I as lie entered. *1 have come as 1 of the opening, fell back into the j tried every known remedy without j tluit were unlolded to him in that t j lat country I . _...i. _ benefit. i>ix weeks ago 1 began flash of fire and dash of water. In i m s — and have j months he had perfected an Hon te Treat treaters* in its con-: The Greensboro Herald gives i struetion and yet so wonderful in ; the following remedy for thetreat- ils effect that men whosee it won-, meat of croakers: “You will find promised, for your last and dccis- secret room with a curse, ivc answer to my proposition.’ j His first act was to drag th "You have received it often straw tick from the lantern usual refusal. That’s j he was too late; the flames of enough. Now go away from me.’j candle had entered it and dense I Inar k aD y kind visible, anddu- *Do you know that you will j smoke began to fill the room, and 1 m ,g tJiis period 1 have taken no tongues of flame beg.-.ii to issue ,,Uicr medicine or used any exter- Irotn the bed tick. i application whatever, so that ’Yes, you will. Langly s pas | *My God, the house will be on j nl y cure is entirely due to Swift's sion was stirring at his prisoner's j fire. Iluw can I escape; how, Specific. J. Ai.hkctsox. ; coolness ‘These walls are thick, how? j 7 Park Place, New York, | this room lies in the very heart of! He tried to beat out the fire, March 21, 1885. jtlie house, your loudest cry can out to no use; tlie flames of Lhe j Treatise on Blood and Skin The 1! " 1 penetrate scarcely beyond this ; burning tick caught the dry door ; Diseases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3. Atlanta. Ga. using Swift's Specific, anil have pi but i thus far taken seven bottles. To- invention, so simple H*e j day there is barilv a trace starve to death here?’ •Will 1?’ I West sitlc Public Square, i L. Dunn's store. foblT-iy ! der why it was never invented be-' { the croaker in nearly every corn- fore. And Munn A Company of munity. lie mopes around with the Scientific American said of it: ! a woeful face. Every enterprise • You have the best simple linen-' that is mooted meets with a tion that lias been patented in live; croak; he looks eternally on the years.” The simplicity of the ex- : gloomy side of every picture; he tiuguishcr is its great charm, no throws a dampness ui«m cvcty- more, however, than the way it thing and everybody with whom does its pel feci work. Above tbe becomes in contact. The sun in at a proper elevation is a tank never shines bright to him, noth- H. i Pulleys, Shafting, Hangers, "Write to us for PRICES niul IYIS( OL N IS. make it tovour interest to liny direct from us. E. VAN WINKLE & CO., II^^IISrUIF’A.OTTJIE^IEIRS, Atlanta, Notice to the Trade—A\ e give discounts to mav 21 3m. w« i WatclMer, Jeweler and Engraver, And IValer in Clot’lis ftalt’liFs Jewelry and Silverware. T*r ' ranted. All ( lwek and Watch Work War- niarl9-ct rmmtxmmmxnaammm poison feo ~” - - -1. come back again, you sec! Come. you aid sleeping!” “Go away from iny sight, you demon in man’s form!” cried out! the prisoner. “Your presence is a tome! Curse vou, what. Dust ou the Knees. minister, leaving a : for water. From this tank run i a hose in easy reach of the feeder I of the gin. From the tank runs croak, house another hose which at the gin con ing looks inviting or happy in his sight, but all is croak, croak, “it won’t succeed.” hangs on the end of his drooping tongue; This man is a prisoner. stranger is bis jailor. room. People think this house! and wood paneling of the room “So Robert Granllv!” says the uninhabited—quite right that and a heap of old rags in the stranger, biting his lantern down, they should think thus—nothing ! corner, and three minutes after I, JjORTATOWSKY, jand then resting himself on the | suit me bcUcr *’ ; tbe room was one cell of flame three letrircd stool, said: “I've 1 ‘Go from my sight, you murder- . and smoke and burning wood. er, coward! It is my chained! Yells of agony, curses on curses j where he had been praying, notic nects with an iron pipe, and right j “failure** lies heavy iu the depths condition that emboldens you to and maledictions came from the ed dust on bis knees. He brush- at the hand of tlie feeder of the of his baleful eve, and “death** speak thus. Oh, for a moment's suffocating wretch, as lie battered ed it away; but it was nothing to gin is an arrangement for turning quivers on tlie tips of his sbrivel- 1 i her tv! I should avenge all the at the walls iu hopeless despair be ashamed of. A man seeking* on tlie water. The pipe runs ! ed fingers. One croaker can do months of suffering I have expc- and terror at the fearful fate work at a place of business, was ; down under the gin, and a perfora-- more harm and cause more back* rienced at your bands.’ i which threatened liim. | summarily refused, as lie could i ted pipe with the holes up-1 sets to any enterprise than can ‘Indeed! and Langly came near | Denser became the smoke,, produce uo credentials or recoin j ward runs lengthwise the brushes | be overcome by a dozen lire, ear his prisoner. *Hut it is not likely fiercer the flames, and louder ! mendations. As he sadly’ left the j and directly under them. If A fire : nest men. These croakers must ! lias brought vou here again? Geovo-ia. I tin: tratio. 3 > L -1 »*W Tl O 53 Let me starve to death, but do not I torture me with your fiendish ! presence!’’ STEVENS’ POTTERY!. 3 ■< - « cl i—i <r* Near Milledgeville. P. 0., Stevens Pottery, Ga. > Headquarters for Doubled Glazed Vitrified Drain, Sewer Culvert and Water Pipes, from 2 to 24 inch calibre, for Draining Lund. It K Culverts, Road and Street Crossings and W dlC urbing. I-no. Grate. Bolder and Hearth, Brick Smoke and Hot Air Flues. Lining tor F ur n-ices Fire Brick for Setting Boilers, made to Order, any Hiape or Style on short notice. Flower Pots. Swinging Baskets Stumps, Chimney Thimbles and Tops. Fire Clay and Sand, suitable tor 1- ui- nnce Building or oilier similar purposes. Correspondence Solicited. Our prices are reasonable. All wc ask is a trial. , Stevens Bros. & Co. PROPRIETORS- H !> ■ 1 marlO 0 m L C > Cj t> Q cl y u < — a ” _ S’ —-s CO O m r CO u.i L 7 ] AM “Come now, Grantly. you know why I came here again. I want jyon to answer, yes or no.” “No, you plotting, incarnate {scoundrel! No, to your teeth, land fertile last time.” , “You are quite brave, ain’t you Y' sneered the stranger, j “You’ll never leave this place; it - shall lie your tomb.” freedom; no, my dear fellow.’ He j 'J'lie room was now one sheet of i ticed dust on bis knees. 11 ‘After i raging flume, which began to quired the cause of it, and you shall be granted a moment's i shrieked the unfortunate Ralph. room took out Ins watch now. eleven, getting late. \\ ell I sup- communicate with the other pose I have received my final an 1 apartments of the old house. A I started out in search of work, lie j dor the brushes. Tlie rapidly re \ Don’t pay any attention to them, swer. You must give up Marian j terrible cry of agony, a shriek of j had gone before Goil on his knees,! volving brushes throw the water Treat them as imbeciles, whose place, one of the proprietors no-1 o.-eurs in the gin or iu the lint go. The best way to serve them cn ; room the feeder simply turns on when they set up their mournful the the water and itslioots up through j dirge “of death to enterprise,” is man confessed that before he! innumerable holes in the pipe un to run rough-shod over them. Mandrake. York until 1 on won t leave New ! despair and pain, and Ralph j asking that Ilis guiding and tli- j through the gin and into the lint j opinions for or against are worth after the wedding. Langly fell backward into the j reeling hand might be upon him. room will you?’ j raging sea of fire, with his dark [ The proprietor was not a religions I great ‘No, a thousand times no; neitli- j soul heavy with sin. er will Marian Mandrake ever be ! For three hours afterward the conic your wife.’ •You'd rather stav > 2 D o X ^ J. tri k! 2 x 2 c 2 —. — - e* ^ ■ « l 5 P w __ *5 c 3 3" 35 — 05 ® -:o> 0 p X X — - P 1 r o co rn z: H n n H X k—• w< »—j w : fire continued, unabated, nor did •Perhaps, replied tlie prisonor;: ’to' 11 * ratner Slav here and it cease till every piece of limber ! but I'll not "ive up life without a starve and die, eh?’ The villain’s j of the old house had burned to ' struede, I can tell you. You manner would have aggravated an | ashes, and left naught but a black, ' talse, treacherous Judas.” angel to anger and rage as it did smoking pile to show where it the prisoner. ‘And still, for all i that, Miss Mandrake shall be- j come my wife.’ j Marian Mandrake’s joy at Rob- Maddened, aggravated, almost fit Grantly’s return was un- .. .i . • • i _ ] frenzied, bv the words and man . bounded, as was also her indigna- “Yes; that is rightlv vour name. „ , T , , - ’ fc ner of the sneering Langly, Rob- tion toward Langly, w hen she man, but lie remembered that lie thrown forty feet, and completely once had an employee who was' floods a lint room aiul gin room, accustomed to have dust on his j While this automatic work is go I “Judas;” and the stranger laughed, or at least grinned, as the “traditional” demon does tn satanic plavs. i once stood. All we have to add is, that , , , ... i ert Grantlv leaped to his feet, and heard of her lover’s imprisonment Judas would have played the vile , , , 1 - forgetting for the moment that he ( by that now dead man. And — ouble part that you have en-1 ° i J z o w W I have just opened at the Owen & Scaly old stand a NEW FURNITURE STORE, x r QD S —• Ci 3 3 ="75 and will as soon as it can be shipped from the Factories, have on full iinc of everything usually kept in a Dr. C. A- Cheathams EXCELSIOR FAMILY MEDICINES ; and ! acted? Why am I here, a wei j and starving man? Why hav been imprisoned here for twelve months? You are a peumless; 1 man. 1 was paying my addresses to Marian Mandrake, a loving girl, fi horn you discovered had I ! boundless wealth. You wished to 1 gain her for your bride—God j help her should that be her fate.! I stood in your way. Y'ou played ! tlie part ot a friend to me, and ; late one night, after drugging : so knees. He decided to hire tlie stranger without further creden tials, and found him through many years, a faithful servant. When a man comes from his chamber in the morning with dust! the machine will sec that Mr. Ren on his knees; when a man leaves froe has struck it right. The l his vestry lor his pulpit, with the ; truth of this was demonstrated in same mark, when lie comes from ; Macon county, where recently fif- among the suffering and the dy-; ty one of the machines were sold ing with this token—it is nothing ; in a few days. Macon county is to be ashamed of. It is a mark , in the cotton country, and the The centrifugal force is so 1 nothing. Run them out, and do that the water is easily what you feel is for the best.” . Tobacco Chewing. A writer iu tlie Houston Home Journal says: As the people of Houston county are often com plaining of taxation being so ing on the feeder of the gin is free to use the other hose in turning the water on in places not covered . by the thick sprav made by the l,cav - v ’ 1 wl 'I "V to Deyoung men Any man that looks at tliat °nc or the heaviest taxes a —n has to pay is the tax ho ivc-ik i was t ’* 1:l * ne| (» rushed at his foe, they were married in the summer. ; of power; it is a sign of high priv- ! planters down there know when a i 0,10 " vc i ; with the intention of strangling! “ - ; iloge of going to the Throne of j thing is only a theory ami when it so,fa reive i llilD0ntUcsp ° t ‘ i Sever Give Ip. {Grace; it is a token that he who (is a practical affair. It takes only **“ Cl i man lias to pay is levies on himself, and that is the I use of tobacco. A boy thinks he ! will uever become a man until he j chews tobacco. Let me insist ! tliat yon make a calculation of what it will cost yon. I know ■ one man that tbe tobacco for liim- and tbe snuff for bis family eost fifty dollars per year ever by a glad cry from the prisoner, Robert Grantly. By the lantern’s light. Ralph Langly, behind the prisoner, saw him rush toward him. go the length of his chain, and then ... ..... . i come to a sudden pause, then lie me, vou enticed me into this grim i . . ‘ , , , ; heard the sound from the wall, and lonelv place, consigned me to i. , . , , , ... , , , , ; looking saw the part of the wood this dreary and dark roam, and' . .. , in the wall which held the chain As he got out as far as his chain would allow him, there came a strange sound from the wall, near the bed tick, followed a ciie, or any disease of a billious nature, by all means procure a bottle of Electric Bitters. Y'ou will be surprised to see the rapid improvement that will follow;you hand a 1 9 HlS Of Dawson, Ga., For sale at T. S. POWELL S. jell ct for one vear I have not seen the ... , . , " ., ; give way, and the heavy chain light of dav. I" . J i dropping to the floor told him that “You can purchase vour free- 1 . ins prisoner was Irec. Don't Expect Too Much. A great many people expect the future to bring them too much will be inspired with new life; prosperity; they calculate oxtrav- streugtii and activity will return:: agantly upon their crops ami their pain and misery will cease, and henceforth you will rejoice in the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by J. W. Stanfokd. will have full charge of the business, and will bo found at his post at aH ASp!yoUlsiaJd:^ M* ~ Respectfully, Public Square, Cuthbert, Ga. J. W. STANFORD. Crab Apple Vinegar. The Best to be Had, Drug and Bookstore. ■ *^ om — ! “By signing a paper drawn up by you, Ralph Langly, renounc ing all claim to Marian Man drake's band and leaving her for you to win, by consenting—by swcariugto leave New York until after you have married her, and never to mention—never to breathe to a living soul my im prisonment hero.” “Exactly, my dear Robert, these are the conditions whereon you gain your life and liberty, my fine —at— POWELL’S DRUG STORE. blank hooks of every kind.size and style,cheap er than ever before, at ap ,oi t f .1. YV. Staxfokd’s X fresh lot of Teas at the Drug Store of J. W. Stanford. With a sudden cry of fear the villain turned to flee. But Robert Grantly was upon him in an instant, and bore him down on his back on the floor, then, with one knee on his breast and one hand grasping the throat, he exclaimed: ‘Now, you coward, who is mas ter?’ The wretch on the floor made an effort to rise, but tlie lato pris oner’s grip was one ot iron. ‘Give me the keys to unlock The Burt Oat is making a new development this season. 51 r. C. R. West about prospects generally, and fail to take into consideration tlie inci dental expenses and contingen- tax for tobacco. The principal ami interest of that amount for greatly pleased ami pronounce it a great success in every way. Great loss is sustained by plan- j twcnt F ” ve J' cars *‘U amount fo- ters every year by reason of smo kers in the gin house, straj sparks from the engiue, matches and pie ces of flint in the cotton, and from other causes. This can nearly all now be stopped. The machine is cics. Basing their ability to pay : so cheap that it can be afforded upon their overdrawn estimate of '>3' an 3' ginner. tbe near future, they often plunge ! A number of certificates have headlong into debt, and when i been obtained from those who . jueauiou- iuiu ucm, urn* wuiruj . rec wee t nn ee they get beyond their depth, i have used the machine, since cut his, white the heads ap-' , ... , , , ' , , I they grow giddy ami drift from peaiei su cient > ripe ut t e r temporary relief to another ] county, says it is by far thecheap- Mr. J. F. Law, ordinary of Hall stalk a little green. Ho was afraid to wait longer lest some thing might turn up to cause the oats to fall down so that they could not be saved. As 6oon as the oats were cut the stumps of the stalks began to sprout out and have grown up till the stalks are now about two feet high with a prospect of a profitable second crop. Others have, a similar prospect.—BarntrriUe Gazette. until finally they go down into j cst *nd safest insurance ruin, and often into shame and {eaa-put on his gin house, disgrace.—ICxchaage. $2,547.67, which amount would have bought him a good plant.! tion and it well furnished, lie U yet running a one horse farm a-n-ii renting the land worked. I have chewed tobacco mysi-1 f for thirty years, ami I have a right to know what it costs. A backwoods preacher once elucidated as follows in conm-. tion with the parable of the vii gins: “In ancient times, my be loved hearers, it was the custom after a couple had been manic., for ten virgkis to go out wets Sir. A. R. Smith, clerk superior lighted lamps and meet ’em “Just to think,” said a Yassar graduate, “here is an account of a train being thrown irom the track hy a misplaced switch. How ut terly* careless some women are about leaving their hair aronnd.” And she went on reading and eat ing caramels. f court of tlie same county, says it is all that is claimed for it, and does its work admirably. Colonel Oliver Clarke, state sen ator, says tliat the extinguisher fills a long felt want and will efl’ec tually put out the fire in gin houses The invention is now thrown on the market, aud so far has met the way home, five of these virgi.i were males five females.” “Hey, Sambo, wlta’ d’ye Icar* yo’ last boardin’ house fur?” “Oh, dey charge too mnch f * dis j-er darker. “What d.-v charge?” “Dey charge roe wid stcaliu' de spoons, an’ so I let." r I, >o »>’ 2d ‘a- li* ml mt ng i»y on- Ims- g r ’ I»r". >f a mav s .f ogrb Many Kill.- and »s »a to Af limit* • liaU-t. ves i'» id a v ,aint *•! Jly tLf >w ax%< January 22-6m.