Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, July 16, 1885, Image 1

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Cuthbert Enterprise and Appeal. BY STANFORD & COOPER. VOL. V. ‘•Independent in All Things—Neutral in Nothing.” TERMS $1.50 H ALV N E- CUTHBERT, GA„ THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1885. CANCER I Chapel IIIix. Douglas County. (J \ i J Scj.fmbfr 1st, 1>7!L i | qkxI) for lcr-o I!!u<tratH Tntalo-ue lientli'iiiMi—This is to cert By that ! <>i‘ the* Dr.L«».\« ii Water Whet K l , «»r- liave Ijeentwcd of cancer on my iio-t- of i taMr MilL. Mil! Stoiie<, ami all kind of eitfht years* <t:m«lin^. from tin- use of un- ly on** small h«>ttl“ of l)r; 1 Li\«-!w?»•»«}*>. weal cancer remedy, star I'ui'iiic. vviiieh I purchased from my ol«l friend. Mr. Camp.your agent for Douglas county. J Saw Mill-*. 'Jins, and .anything.needed in August, and 1 am now entirely well j al.out a .Mill, this the li rot of November. You! NO. 2 3 — _ m,m 1 Mill Supplies. REST FOB THE WEARY! Health for the Sick! A Convict’s Sod. A. J. l.EllliAN. IS Till HITS. Frank, bluntly, at last, with a flush of vexation, as lie abruptly rose to go. Two Sorts of t'onrage. ! She Slew Him. Commodore Garrison was once ! He was a tiresome beau, an<l I Captain of a steamboat on the | the girl couldu't get rid<pf liim to Men ami women are often worn down ! Wliv I've seen him stand in mind amileidy iiy the iy i*or.> antf care. | you couM learn that even if a fall)-1 Peabotly Institute for 1SS5. er is guilty of a crime it Joes not' One teacher's Institute will lie make his son any the less honors , hell! this-year in the citv of Atlan “So he was as honest a man as aide, or fit to associate with thejta, commencing July 2?ili and l Mississippi, and while selling] save her life. The other evening He was the best shot around. , ever breathed. Don't he too] world. Everyman's ln.nor is in jeantinueing four weeks. All the | tickets one day happened to rouse! lie called, and during the conver- teachers of the state of every the ire of a passionate old ‘ man,; sntion, or rather near its close, sho trade arc invited, as are also | who drew his pistol, and present-1 said: T ] quick to assume that human jus- is never wrong, nor that the liis own hands, and is not affect . ed ill the slightest by what others' cun use my mum- in m-ommoijdingtid- great remedy to the |mbli< if v-u wish, as I think it tin* yreutf.-t remedy for can cers in the world. Ynnrs trnlv. MiiS. n. WILLIAMS. ■ AND Atlanta June 30,1S70. Gentlemen— I wish to say to you that I AVntei* 'Wheels half tin* usual price. PoriaMc Mil Li so clu-ap that every Farmer can af ford one. «nd they an- guaranteed to make First-Class Table >i« al. i»em for prices.ami you will be sur- prised. A. A. DKULUll A* BKO.. Atlanta, ba." - to lb«* merits of our 'York, we refer:** the following gentlemen, who have bought of us: n. A Barry, Dunn A Stanford. J. X- Iv^y. E. NY. Pittman. ... vev. bave been suffering with a Sore !c*r fm .1. T. ticorge. rut!ih« rt. La. A1 several years, ami 1 have had several I many others of the best citizens of South doctors to practice on it without siicces*. j \v c ~.t (in. m:r They all said it would have t«* be anipu- tateii. but I could not “tan»l that. I saw y«mr advertisement in the paj»ers, and concluded t«» try your J*tar Purine. I liavt* liccn using it for six \ve**k«*, and am now entirely well. You ran u»e m\ name in any way you see lit in reeom- ln-wlin" your great remedy. I know it will care any kind of chronic <**res by experience.* I wish you sm eos. geut'.e- iucii. Thanking you for the medicine you saved my life with. I am Yours ve~v respeetfullv. BETTI E Fit HEM AN. a bun if life. Their ne rves give wav under the j feet off and put ii\e arrows, ^ ^ severe pr.a-.iir,-. muitlicnlitdv system is June after amitlier, into the bull's-j law never makes a mistake, my j may do—it is by a man’s own , school officers and all other citi-j ing it at tlie narrow window, full j “I dreamed about you CATARRH Atlantx. Da., June .‘Mb 1 S7tl. Gentlemen—You ran use my name in reeoiniuemiiiig l>r. Ilayelwod’ •'Bar Li- rine for Cancer. It lia**cured mcofCnn- irr of six vears* standing. Ile-»peetlully a ours. ' AI.FRKD KDWA RI)S. • :;o t i htj>. Elam Johnson, Son & Co., Wholesale • Grocers & Comrr.ission M-erchants, 12 Decatur and 13 bine Sts., ATLANTA* GA. "ITTK feel that our present organized VV force, having Six Years Experi ence. ami b'-ing located at the most avail- aM«-'li'tributing point in th** South, will be a sufficient guarantee to Shippers ol the hot re-ults afforded by the market-. NYe shall always sell iii:i:k when we can. ami only forward Melons and Fruit when we must. 1 *on>i_ r n incuts <4 dicited. El.A M JOHNSON. SON A CO. nin\2l-3m involved us a coii.-dj lienee. It is then that (■eve/’ exclaimed rrank Howson, Pcinhert on’s French Mine (oca acts as a direct means of restoration, giv ing perfect health to mind and body, dissipating every feeling of depression ami lassitude, ami imparting calmness, energy ami happiness. Pemberton's French Mine Coca IS Tin: GREAT NEKVE KK^TotrEi: \ND IXVI- GOUATOK. t»i\'es health to the ner\esjusd the entire system is restored. for the ner ves a e the life of man. If they sire de- J ranged, all else will be. if healthy then, health to mind and l*odv follows. last j dear Frank,” said Bud, with an j deeds that he will be judge.l bylzens interested in educational ' in the captain’s face, tiled. • 'night.” as his older brother's prowess witli ; impressive earnestness which ‘ his maker! and now, iny dear; matters. There will lie separate The cap snapped, lie tried a' “No!” he exclaimctl with a the ashen bow ruse up before liis ! made his hearers hesitate to fob j Frank, l will go toy our house and j buildings and accommodations second time, and again failed. ' smile as big as the mouth of a riv- mind. low the angry Frank, who tuyned j pack my valise, and if you will ] for the colored teachers. l>ut the Garrison's own pistol lay within | cr after a thaw. This remarkable statement cans j and looked at Bud. j have the carriage ready for the j same instructors serving the white reach, but instead of taking it tip. j “Yes I dreamed you bad pro- ed a profound sensation among] "What do you mean?” lie ask , five o'clock train I will relieve you j teachers will serve them also. he quietly opened a drawer, took posed tome.” the group of young aryhers lying etl. “You know very well that if j of my presence.” j Sjiccial arrangements will be out a box of percussion caps, and “And — and —” he hesitated, beneath one of the largest elms i von are the son of a convict we And in spite of his friends' pro jwnaric with the hotels and board- j handing it to his would be mar- bltishctl, looked appealingly at ! wliiclmkirU-d ilu»-kuu* . ..4s- - *w : -i. y .,. ] us. the boy.-that afternoon, j towbouses. anti liberal rates will I derer, said: her, and put out his hands in a | down from ilowson's villa to the I’ll tell the coaclnnan to have t he j shook from his feet the dust of. be given by the railroads. The I “Take anew cap; yours don't dazed sort of way, “and what did parkiing rivyr below. ] carriage ready for the live o'clock • the Howson estate. j State School Commissioner will | work well.” [yon think, my—my—” For IScuf. A dwelling house, conveniently Atlanta. *• v., Juin Drar Sirs—Y«*u liaw my c’oiis»*ut t'* Use mv name iu mMiiimiciiiling Dr. Hay- i • 1\v«nmV> St:.r ( urine f..r Dry « ;«tarrb. i located, near the lnbiness pail ol linvr had ( atarrli f«*r ,-i* year-*, and ] town. LarjlC enough l«»r a board tin* Star (’urine has cured iim*. Y* truly. ( AIM'. NYM M. IONNEU.. Pemberton’s French M'ine Coca acts s]i<H:»lically up.m the nerves, the muscles ami the win.!»• human organism. In every hottlc there is health and rest and happiness. For further particulars, send for 1 oh»k on ( oca. For sale hy all Druggist's, and in Cuthbert hy J. NY. hTAxroBD. J. S. PEMBERTON A CO.* Solo Proprietors and Ma’nufaoturofs. jo2o-lm ATLANTA. (JA. It was a glorious August after- train.” noou. and the half dozen school-j His young host's plain speaking j . m S. S. S. mates of Frank, w horn he had in did not seem to give the other any vited to spend the summer w ith uneasiness, for he answered, with | him at his father's place on the a short la take pleasure in furnishing to all ] The furious man stared at him | who may address him for further j a moment, then burst into a laugh V Medicine that has Itone More to information, a printed statement ! and belli out his band. ;!>: lielictc Suffering lluiuaiiil} than All the Physicians. j Hudson, bad just appeared with “All right—as you please. Ilut. It is seldom that a newspaper j long liows and quivers full of ar i you may change your mind about ] condescends to editorially notice j rows for a “range" in the woods my not lieing good enough to as the thousand and one patent med giving full details. It is intended that this Insti tute shall be far in advance of anything heretofore seen in Geor gia, both in the large attendance but ; which is expected, and in tin which covered the southern part | sociate with, after you have heard icines that flood the market ; of the Howson estate. : iny story.” ] Swift's Syphilitic Spceilic has j number of instructors and leclur 3?jj40J , T3J i Igg & ADD3S1 1 A murmur of wonder and admi- i Frank looked uncertain at this j proven such a great boon to the ! ers on special tapics. w" * j ration ruse from “the boys of Lin-1 moment, and then sat down and human family, that in sounding] The Stale School Commissioner j coin Green,” to whom tiieir young I looked uneasily at the other, who ] its praises one feels that he is ] will be in charge of the Institute SCBSCKHTIOX l’ltll'K : Inc copy one year . . ? ‘‘ Eight months . . . 1-tXii “ Four months -">01 ♦ l.oO! host's elder brother appeared a be AltVEUTISlXi; KATES: (’i>iitnM'ti»r. CURED. I in" liouso. C*»nlains about twelve | I rooms with ail necessary out ( i houses and lot. Applv to i tf J. MT. STANFORD* M i r ern n i:hi< i >h: i «. Mi NYall Street, Atl:mt;i. For sale bv J. W. Stanford may21-ly i i —'Favlor's Premium ('olojjnc j for sale at J. \V\ Stanford s. X() r PlCb: r PO (tin- sijiuire, (ten lines ■ ‘r less) 1 Insertion *1.00 i-'or eai-ll sutiseijllellt insertion . -V* i At/ pcrsHH'tl mutter *Ioubte price. ! Obituaries will in- charged for as ’ itlicr advertisements. \ Advertisements inserted without ! -peeilicution as to the number of in- \ sertl"ns, w ill bepuidislieil until order- I sd out, and eharaed aeeontiieyly. ! All advertisements due when band- '■ ...i in. wonderful marksman. To all but olio, to s|K-ak more correctly, and Frank, wliochanccd to be looking at him, saw his full Wonderful Bedbugs. One day they were talking in Uncle Hank's grocery about large i bedbugs and tough'bedbugs. ,... . . . . i o- -- | *■ “J boiletl a bedbug nine hours, man. 1 Ins gi eat preparation is a lions in the school laws ot the the daily papers heaped unsoair ! ... , „ ,i.„ „ii r, , , . .. . , .'ii i - 1 and it swam around on the top all Georgia product, purely vegeta-, Mate. Superintendent IV. II. j i n g lidiculeon him. Hope for the i ^ u> „ of killing his uncle, and tried for ' hlc. and has taken a stand in the Baker of Savannah, Supcriiitcn future seemed vain. He looked i l ’ the murder. The testimony,; world of medicine that has forced dent B. M. Z.-ttler of .Macon. Su gan: simply doing his duty to fellow- and will regularly give irislruc- Another kind of courage is ex eniplified in a story of a young New York inventor, who, about twenty years ago, spent every dollar he was worth in an experi ment which, if successful, would introduce his invention to publu- notiec and insure iiis fortune and —what he valued more—his use fulness. It failed. The next morning I thought—1 thought—” she also hesitated and blushed, and then stopped. “Well, my—my—, what did you think?" he stammered in impa tient hopefulness.” “1 thought it must have been the mince pie I ate before retiring that gave me the nightmare.” “My father was arrested tv eight years ago on the twen •h urge future seemed vain, around the shabby room, where bis wife, a delicate little woman, was preparing breakfast. He lip curl with a contemptuous which was entirely circumstantial, ] a recognition and endorsement not ] perinteudent W". F. Salton of At smile, which the next moment dis i was not suHIcent to hang him, but; only from the press and the pul lanla. and President J. Harris appeared. j was so damaging that in spite of; pit, but even physicians. It has Chappell, ot the Alabama Stale j was without a penny. lie seemed Not, however, before Frank, net- 1 his most solemn protestations of j effected hundreds of thousands of Normal College, will lie the to- ] like a fool iu his own eves; all of hard work were lie were out of the tied at the smile, had cried: , his innocence, lie was transport- I cures of blood poison, and there is \ struetors in what may be termed j these vears ‘Perhaps, you don’t believe, [ed for life to the penal settlements not a hamlet iu the land hut where the regular branches, viz: Spell wasted. If j Bud Markam? You are always ; in Australia. j you see living illustrations of its jin; j laughing at everybody. Maybe “He was taken there, and for j < llieiency. There today j yeti could do as well, or perhaps ten years worked like a slave, with | the streets of Athens well known ; These J. J. WORSHAM. !*b9 djepj t Reading, Penmanship, Gram id gentlemen, by sin i c- o- . ■ i wa y walks mar. Geography and Arithmetic, friends. : could return to her lie went into his chain a chain and ball dragging COTT0 ra M 7Tf &UZ3, If vmi want tn purchast' a jdB oil Cotton Gin, A Cotton Feeder, A Cotton Condenser, A Cotton Press, or a < I'THBKKT. GA. isr Office over Pustoflice. | septts if Wm, d. kiddoo, A’lTORMlt AT I.AM'. f'nt/iturt. 0'<7. X V er.H ti i- : r any j If Slain 1*V sl't-eiitl tsint'-a W. a. THCRK70N, ~ D E N r F I 8 T better, yoiir*ilf?” The one addressed, a slender, heels. ! dark faeed boy of about sixteen. At the end of that time another I turned his brown eyes upon thu convict died in the same prison. ' speaker with an apologetic look. where he had been sent four years "I did not ineau to smile inered after father was transported. On ulouslv. but I could not help it his deathbed he confessed that J. aid old Gifford. •I put a bedbug in a kerosene lamp,” said Campbell, “kept it there four years, and it hatched out twenty seven litters of bed bugs right in the kej-osene. Old Hank Allen, who had been listening as an outsider, here gave in his experience in corroboration of the facts. Said he; “Some years ago I took a bed- ... expo her, sat down and buried his face, . , . . ! . ,, , , , ! ’ bugtonooils iron fountlry anil at his gentlemen who owe their vcr\ rienee, as well as by natural qual I in his hands, with a desperate re I , , . , . i „n„ ,i,„ f. ...... , , 1 dropped it into a ladle, where tUe ; lives to S S. S.. and they will tell ilications, are eminently tilted for solve to end it a. Then, with a ‘ . i i „ i , , , , ’ . melted iron was, ntid had it run you so if you ask them. It iihs : the work assigned them, 1 here, fiery heat passin" through his become a household remedy, and will also be instructions given in ' body, lie stood erect- in every family you see a bottle the Natural Sciences, iu the high-' “Jt shall succeed!” he said, standing-on the mantle. It not ] er Mathematics, etc. ! shutting his teeth back, only positively cures all manner; A distinguished corps oi in- 1 His wife was crying over the cle, and gave minute details of the and hundreds of other diseases ; crime, and even told . where he had hidden 111 tlu- —it scented such an easy thing lie had murdered my father's un " of blood poison, but rheumatism to do.” “Humph! perhaps you could do it yotfisclf?” said Frank sneering ly. ! which ho had used in the crime, i afflicted with impure blood,'and “I could—and"better!” replied : and alsowbere ho had hidden the 1 they have now discovered in S. 8. struetors have been secured in special subjects. Among these the place . incident Thereto. Nine-tenths of; are Rev. I)r. II. II. Tucker ol At the knife _ our population are more or less j lanla, Prof. II. A. Scornp of Km ory College, President J. II. Car lisle, LL. I)., of YYoffjrd College M ILL IvJi 1L -LJ LA cunuiKRT, West Si,to fi nil’s St*' 9 l-ulluvs, Shaft im?, Ilangors, NND MILL WORK 9 W 1 UL X- \ Ji.A. T Jil—K- X4—J ^t t V Write’to us for PilKT.S -and DISCOUNTS. ni:ik<‘ it to vmir interest to Imv direct from us. E. VAN WINKLE h CO., |7 Atlanta, Gfeovgia.jl Notice to.tiie Trade—W c give discounts to the tr«i<lc.; may 21 3ni. j STEVENS’ POTTERY! Bud, cnufidcntlv. “Let's see you d.i it then,” cried the others incredulously, i In answer the boy look a memo i.,io s.|iito-e, l an ,i om iionk from ins i ocket, tore O. It* 'I <-Iv | * a leaf from it, ami then with his GORTAi 0 W Six Y. penuil ma:ke»l a eiielc of black in j the centre, about the size of a pen I nv, then, he walked to an elm Ami leader in . u | )OU ^ t% 7 o hundred feet tram them 4 *I»nt his spirit had been near i«'lock?*. M ateltcs JpxvOrj —pinned the leaf to it and return ; broken, and for a lon^ time lit uimI Silverware. J vl \. I felt the most terrible bitterness to All < l««k ami Watch w,.rk War-: ‘*\Yhat on earth <lo you mean to , wards society. In a year lie mar- ! ranted. O itdt: v over li. I IhTT ! WiitilciiiSr, Jeweler a,id Burster, All * lurk Slid Watch ",.rfc W:ir- I m.-.rlti-ft | murdered man's watch and pock j 8. a panacea for their ills, lienee ct book. its field of usefulness is unbound “Of course luy father was re j ed. Would that the proprietors leased, and everything done for; hail millions, that their grand and him by the government of New ■ gioiious work might be extended South Wales, to show how deeply to the four corners of tlie earth! every one regretted that an inno ! No-.v, many persons have been veal uian should have suffered so: ruined lor life and rendered niis- long. j erable, by trying to eradicate one ly j poison with another. It is sim ply an exchange of evils. But not so with the great 8. 8. 8. cleansing the blood of eve papers w hen he went back, arc very cruel,” she said. “They don't understand. I'll make them understand,” he plie.1 cheerfully. “It was a fight lor six years, into a skillet. Well, my old wo man used that skillet for years, ! and here the other day she broke it all to smash, and what do you think gentlemen? that ’ere insect 1 lie -' I just walked out from his hole, j where lie had been laying like a j frog in a rock, ami made tracks for 10 : Iiis old roost up stairs. But,” lie ! added, by way of parenthesis, “by , . ginger, lie looked mighty pale.” 8. C., Di s. Groll ami Phillips of he said afterwards. “Poverty and j —o-.-v Pennsylvania, specialists of high sickness and contempt followed] A Chicago paper says a citizen repute, and lion. -J. 1*. Wicker- ] me. I had nothing left but the j of that city who has been travcl- sh-iin. LL. I)., Lancaster Penn , a Jogged determination that it l ing in India lias brought home, man of worldwide reputation < should succeed.” ! among other curiosities, two pray- among educational men*. , It did succeed. The inventor j ing machines, oue of which runs Our high school teachers are’ is now a prosperous and happy. lor eight and the other for four earnestly invited to attend. Teach- man. “Be sure you're right,” lie j hours after being wound up. never! Communities that cannot com- j mand the services of .Sam Jones or cr's Institute, sooner or later, savs to younger men “then must become a permanent feature j give up.' of our educational system. By | i ... , , , ThoaMimlitKay No. title availing thcmselvesof the advan ......... , .. . , - . “ , ... ; Mr. r. M. Atkins,Girard,Kan., . . ,, . , , par tages offered now to teacher-pupils wr j teg; nt . ver hesitate to re, , , , , do.- asked L- rank, in amazement, ried tiro daughter of a merchant, tieleof poison, it is as harmless as tlu-y w ill be better qualified for commend your Electric Bittcis to! that have been worked up by these Mr. Mtinhall immediately, may get these machines and prepare for them. Those communities 3 k w i—i rW as he stared at the pajier and then 1 who had visited the prison verv the rippling waters of a mountain • the work to which many of them mv customers, they give entire I evangelists may prevent a reaction iften, and been a ministering an brook. The only result of its use j will themselves be hereafter called satisfaction and are rapid sellers.” j by investing in the prayer ilia- Y'oti haven't gel to him and the other convicts, is a complete and a; a £ ~ C '* * 3 Near Milledgevilie. P. 0., Stevens Pottery, Ga. lM i—« r 1 - k Headquarters fur Doubled Glazed Vitrified Drain, Sewer, Culvert j ami Water Pipes, from 2 to 24 inch calibre, for Draining Land. R. R. j Culverts Road am' 8treet Crossings and Well Curbing. Fire. Grate. | Border and Hearth, Brick Smoke and Hot Air Fines. Lining for Fur-1 naces. Fire Brick for Setting Boilers, made to Order, any Shape or | Stele on short notice. Flower Pots. Swinging Baskets. Stumps, I ('liimnev Thimbles ami Tops. 1- ire l lay and Sand, suitable for h ui-1 liace Building or other similar purposes. ! Correspondence Solicited. Our pricesarc reasonable. AH we ask is a trial. Stevens Bros. & Co. marl9 fill! PROPRIETORS- -:®:- I have just opened at tlie Owen & Scaly old stand a NEW FURNITURE STORE • J U H L H <rv > rr p K {> 3 i> o cl b U d 5 5 C ft _ zz ta. “ x - (It ^ z ^ = * r. r - r p i £ 05 " 05 - -s - « = = 5 pi-- * s j. ' o -3 X n dd O m r cn > Z a o z r a x pi 2: H PI PI H X 5 o Ol 1—1 M : at bis gnest. • “I mean to bit it. You haven't gel to him and the other convicts, is a eomidete and thorough res ' a seen me try the bow yet, you “After living a short tune in j toration to health.— .11Items Kan ! know.” answered Bud, with a Melbourne. Iiis dislike of the city ! <ter. langlt. as he drew the longest ol ; as being the pi ice where he had j Treatise on Blood and Skin his arrows from his quiver, care- ■ suffered so much unjustly, drove. Diseases mailed free. i ; Institute Instructors. Grsm-fs J. Oku, State School Commissioner. One of the surest and safest best medicine known and will ! iiosilively core Kidney and Liver] ! complaints. Purify the blood' 1 anil regulate the bowels. No] ' t-bincs.—At neon Telegraph. ; family The Swift Si-ei.-ific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. tests of a man's character is the j them. life not Wanted—A Mail. Cj o W E SrW kLi t C i—1 w ; HHI fully notched, and drawing it to j him to move away, and with' i the head aimed it for a second at my mother he went far up into tliej I the tree, and then let it dy. I interior, in the bush miles away! 1 The shaft darted through thej from any human beings except the j air and buried itself fully two t natives, and there built a log hut inches in the tree, passing direct- ] and lived for twelve years. ly through the centre of lliepajier. j "I was horn soon after our new i _ ' 1 ,--ii 1 1 Meadville, this State, selected as if he is faithless to those to whom A shout ol wonder arose Irmn home was finished, and in less, * * 1 1 . -.1 . i !• .1 . r. 1 ■ the subject for her essay “Want.- he should be most faithful, if be Ins comrades, but without heeding than two years alter, my brother. ...... A .. . ... can afford They will to be without save hundreds lie leads at home. Wc care] of dollars in doctor's hills every how great lie may be in tlie]. vcar - • s '"id at lilty cents a bottle ... , . . . j . by J. W. Staxitikd. ! world s eye, how high I113 position, I - < _ An esteemed contemporary, says how wide spread his lame, if lie j “A Kittle Child Shall bead Them.-’ the Philadelphia Times, asserts ! fails in the exercise of those vir- that a young lady graduate at j tues that most adorn private life, ; eil—A Alan,” and thought of I is false to the obligations which them lie quickly drew another and ! came. We grow up together with . 1 . . .. , , -, . . , .. 1 course she only expressed the sen ; spring from the holiest and most 1 shot again, the arrow also sink ; no companionship but each other - 1 1 1 = liment of every girl in the gradn-j tender relations, then he fails in and the few natives who lived in the mountains near us. From them we learned how to throw the boomerang and draw the how, un til young as wc were, we excelled even them in their use. We could ing the black circle which was now filled by the two shafts. “I can’t land another there, but I can split the first one.” he said 1 carelessly as he shot . again, and the third arrow struck the notch of the first and split it nearly half' bring down a kangaroo its length. ! bow at a hundred yards, even if it j :,n - v sort of a ,nan t!,at .* 1,e w:,Dt ] Ule l ,3, t of ,,,iscr '-'-’ P«‘J l - vrants ' ] repeat the temptation. “Where—on—earth—did ating class and every girl in the; the essential thing if lie is not at universe, for that matter, 'he eon-! heart a base hypocrite, the most j ovv t u take some beer. Firmly fession seems to be creating some; despicable of men. Not unfre- surprise. ipicnlly men parade before the Of course the young lady grad- world as generous and pliilan- with the ,,a t* wentnn tosay that it was not' thropie, while at home they act No less than thirty-three dis tinct missionary agencies arc at work in Africa at the present time. In South Africa there are 450 Protestant missionaries, 95 native ministers, 40,000 commu nicants, and 45,000 scholars. On the west coast, 190 missionaries, 33,000 communicants. 250,000 un der instruction, and probably one million, more or less, under the influence of Christianity. ^ • m The registration of Mormons under the new law has given an opportunity to ascertain the ex tent of polygamy in Utah. It ap pears that the number of dual or and at once the hoy replied: *^°, ] plural marriages has not been I ean t take that; I m in the Band j properly represented. About 30,- ofllope.’ Ihe men looked at one j qod Mormons have bcendisfran- another, but no one was found to chised. The whole number or I be man j registered voters is about 25,000, An esteemed clergyman writes thus: “Very recently a little hoy- in my parish, only six years of age, was sent by bis mother to fetch Iiis father home from a pub lic house. Be found his parent drinking with some other men; one of them invited the little fvl- ,, you was running at full speed, and ' ^ was niJ ^ 1 dude, with j They .lie B cncious whue they ; then said: ‘Y\ ell, if you won t take 0 f whom nearly* three fourths are er learn to handle a bow that! smash a bottle set tiehind a tree a i s,Dootb 1,air - nor a mere dashing : think their gifts are likely to re ; the beer, here's a penny for you | Mormons, and four ninths of thw I beau iu good clothes, much less ! spendthrift, loud but would-be turn measure for measure through to blly some candy.’ The boy j who!e numb er are women. : popular favors, but niggardly I way? There isn't an archer in hundred feet away, with the boom America who could do it unless 'eran-r * | spemltlintt, loud but would-be-j popular ravors. but niggardly I too jj the jionuy and sai-l: ‘I thank i ! lie was an Indian, and I don't be- j “When I was thirteen and my ! respectable scamp, who would j where they find it safe to be so] you>but 1 fiad rather not boy | „ =_ ■ ' "<•- and than without detriment lor their purs cam ly; I shall put it into the sav- lieve any or them could!" exclaim- : brother eleven, father discovered lu,n n ’* l: a *' 10 ’ ' * | gold on his farm, which by that i mort S a S e ber silvcr ' moment ! time had grown into thousands of i *‘ 11 ^ 1 ed the amazed Frank. The otiier hesitated a The y oung : es. Others are courteous and afd jog's bapk.’ The men looked at and will, as soon as it can be shipped froin the Factories, hand a full line of everything usually kept in a 5 have on Dr. C- A* Cheathams j excelsior- i FAMILY MEDICINES sFIRST-SLASS ESTABLISHMENT* ■gs-— ] of tills kind. I propose to buy pi large quantities, direct from lories, and will compete in style and prices wit' ~ Fac- tli any iiouse in Georg . Of Dawson, Ga., For sale at T. S. POWELL’S, jell ct Drug and Bookstore. raduale, of course, wanted ; fable in their business intercourse | one another, and for some mo | a man that amounted to some ; through the day, but carry home : lncn t, 3 we re entirev silent. At and ; lllin S’ lhat was somebody and : at uiglit their frowns and siglis | cngl |i one of them rose and gave dol '' L '° 11 *'* ‘1° ;l man's part in the house and peevish fault finding to chase j utterance to his feelings in these j hold and the world. ] away what little happiness their! wor( } s: “Well, I think the sooner untTlVe'ome w'yonr s'ehoof YmTl! “‘“My mother then prevailed np-j ^ this, too, she expressed the ] absence left behind. The home! we sign lbe pledge and put our suppose you think I am an Ainer- . on him to move back to Melbourne lean, but I'm not.” “What are you, then—an Indi i New South Wales, and one an?” ejaculated Jim -Crawford, j richest men in Australia.” ] as he sat on the grass, and then,, acres, and in two months the c-oun I with a flush on his dark face, said: ] try was flooded with miners | “I have never told you fellows j he was worth half a million i where I was born, or where I lived lars. universal yearning of all the girl j life is the real life, the life in j savings in the bank the better.’— ! where he is now the Governor of' ? ra,Iuates an<1 t!,e otI,t ' r 8 il ls ’ loa •. which men act out their true na ; Tbc men immediately left the of t he ; But, bless their dear hearts, did; lures. It is within the privacy ; |, ou3c . Such was the effect of tbc {it ever occur to them to ask oi of home where to a great extent rwo speeches of a boy six vears one of his schoolmates. “No—worse than that! I am the son of a convict! I was born in Australia, where iny father was j transported for life, twenty-eight I vears ago!” said Markham, quiet- The Best to be Had, | ly, as he looked at the faces ol' his I comrades. —at— Crab Apple Vinegar. POWELL'S DRUG STORE. : Frank Howson instinctively j drew away from him, as did the will have full charge of the business, and will be found at bis post at. all times, ready to serve all in iiis usual fair and square manner. gvy- 'rkMEMBKR the place, Owen Sc Scaly old stand, East side Public Square, Cuthbert, Ga. Respectfully', J. w. STANFORD. HIjA \K HOOKS 1 others, and for a moment no one of every kind,size and style,cheap er than ever before, at j spoke. “It seems I have made a mis- January 22 6:n. ar-'“*1 tf -L ^ • Staxfoho s ; ta j. e _ j thought you were the son \ fresh lot of Teas at thejofanhonestman,orlshouldnev Drug Store of J. YY*. Stanford. i er have invited you here!” said “I beg your pardon, roy- fellow!” exclaimed Frank, extending his hand whi ers crowded around equally profuse apologies. But to their astonishment and • i " I J w what earthly use the average girl j nieu exhibit those weaknesses How many oi<l people have ears; drum on the piano and rack : cretl , )re cinet8 of the home that his nerves; dress fine for the street the rarest virtues and gl ares that and be a dowd at home; neglect! ennoble human character arc 1 1 ' ir Only thirty-live Christian Is raelites were known to be in all chagrin he did not seem to notice i her body and her mind and think ! found in their freest exercise, j England at the beginning of this anyof the proffered hands, but that ,, el . on iy raiss i 0 n is to be eared j i Cent ° r - V ' SinCt ll,Cn m(,re ll,an with a quiet smile, turned to f .. r9 ^ Wanta o i 1 \ uU f. 1 1 b J. 1 : one huudred Jews have been or- A * J torr* Ul course sue wants a man. things there are in bis nature. It . . , . ^ Frank. j needs one badly. But suppose bas bis deepest sympathy, hisAen- darned clergymen of the Church “Now that yon know how J she begins to query what' she will | ,i erest regard, his most loyal and of England, and there arc eslinia came to handle a bow so well-as ! j}° WI , th h!m 0r f “ r Uim wben he U enduring affection. In its care lOUUU.' •mil iwntcH inn Ins ninnhood n.4- also, how a man can be a convict ed felon and yet be innocent of any crime—it would make your slock of information more complete, if found.- The way to make an overcoat last is to make the undercoat first. —Lynn Union. and protection his manhood as serts itself most strongly, and for its peace and happiness he holds nothing too dear for the sacrifice. —Observer. ted to be 3,000 Christian Israel ites in England. In one wny or another it is thought that 1,500 Jews leave the synagogue for the Christian Church every year. It is alleged by one who has been cured of a consuming taste for alcoholic stimulant, that a half ounce of ground quassia stecpeif in a pint of vinegar, a small tea spoonful of the decoction to be drunk in a little water every time the thirst comes on, affords a de tain cure. In a few days the liq nor craving will have entirely di» appeared. If is the purpose of the mana gers of the new exposition which is to he ojiencd at New Orleans in Noveuilier, to- retain and enlarge the Mexican exhibit and to sceu>e exhibits from South and Centiui American States and West Indi i Islands, and Secretary Bayard states that this project would have the friendly support of the State Department. “That dock, stranger,” sai-l i Michigan farmer, “was the W-t kind of a dock op to six moot!,: ago, when my dawgbter beg -n to have beans, and now the Mam- i thing is always two hours loo slow.”