Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, August 06, 1885, Image 1

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and Appeal. BY STANFORD ft COOPER. VOL. V. “Independent in Ail Tilings—Neutral in NstWnf.” TERMS $1.50 IN ADVANCE- CANCER CKAm UlI.L, DrtniLA* COUNTY. Oa.,) 1st. 1*7H. j GentWmcn-.Tl»is is to'certify that I hzv* Jicfircurcti of cancer on my nose of standing. from the use of on ly small Inittle of Dr. Iln\cIwikmI’v r rat Cancer remedy. t*tar Curine. wliiuli ptm-haned from my old friend, Mr. ('aiup. your a treat for Douglas county, in August, and l :trn now entirely well-- this the first of November. 1R7!*I. You can use my name in recommending this great remedy to the }»ul*hc if you wish, an I think it the greatest remedy forean- ters m U»e arorld. Your.** truly. MRS. U. WILLIAMS. CUTHBERT, GA.. THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1885. NO. 28 AND Atlanta Ga., June 30,1S70. Gentlemen—I wish to say to you that I have hern suffering with a so re leg for aereral years, ami 1 have had several doctors to practice on it without wicc e‘s?». They all sanl it would have to l»c ampu tated. hut I could not stand that. I saw your advertisement in the papers, and concluded to try vour star Citrine. 1 hare been using it'for six weeks, am! am ■o« entirely well. You can use my name in any way you see tit in recom mending your great remedy. I know it will cure any kind of chronic sores, by experience.* I wish you «mve>s. gentle men. Thanking you for the medicine you saved my life*with, I am Yours very respectfully, BKtTIK FKELMAN. CATARRH Atlanta. Ga., June :w). 1879. Gentlemen—You can use »nv name in recenimending Dr. llnyelwod v Star Pu rine for Lancer. It has cured me of Can cer of six Years* standing. Respectfully yours. * ALFRED EDWARDS. Atlanta. Ga., June 30, 1*70. Dear Sirs—You have my consent to use mv name in recommending Dr. Hay- elwood’s Star (’urine for Dry Catarrh. I have had Catarrh for several years, and the Star ( urine has cured me.- Yours truly, CA1T. \VM. McCONSKLL. Contractor. FARMERS. GEXI) for large Uln-t rated Catalogue of the IHIeiowi Water U'M«.i'or- tablc Mills. Mill Stones, an.) all kind of Mill Supplies. *a\v Mills, Lins, and anything needed a! tout a Mill. Water AVheels about half the usual price, and Portable Mills so cheap that every Farmer can af ford otic, and they are* guaranteed to make Ftkst-Ci.ass Table Meal. Sen* for prices, and v*m will he sur prised. A. A. DELOACH A llUO.. Atlanta, Ga. As to the merit*of our Work, we refer to the following gen tlemen. who have Wjghtof us: <». A. Harry. Gunn A Stan ford,* J. Y. Ley. H W, Pittman “and J. T. George, jCuth- bert, Ga. Alsomatiy others of tlic best cit izens of 8. W. Ga. rnav2l-3m Elam Jolmson, Son ft Co., Wholesale Grocers &. Commission Merchants, 12 Decatur and 13 Line Sts., ATLANTA- GA. W E feel that our present organized force, having Six Years Experi ence. and being located at the most avail able distributing point in the South, will be a sufficient guarantee to Shippers of the best results atlordcd by the markets. We shall always sell nku£ when we ran. and only forward Melons and Fruit when we must. Consignments solicited. ELAM JOHNSON, SON A CO. mav2l-3m French Wine Coca The Great Promoter of Health and Longevity. CTOCA WI.\C positively cures and prevents Mental and Physical Depres sion, Loss of Memory, Insomnia, loss of Apnetite. Emaciation. Dyspepsia. Fe male Weakness, Sexual Debility. Kidney Diseases. Neuralgia. Sick Headache, for the purpose named. Mis* B.*ft General Nervous Debility, Muscular Re- , . . , ... taxation, etc. j letter was charmingly written in WISE. .IS <t penern! Toni.-1 VC r*e. ] t has never been publish- am! Invigorator, has no cqu:tL It gives 1 * jM'Wer to the brain and strength to the c*(l before, and 18 as follows: entire nervous system, firmness and From the Alexandria (Va.) Gazette. Captivated the PiwMmt Miss Lucy Buck, a young lady of Fort Royal. Va, recently wrote lo Grover Cleveland asking a silk en necktie for a crazy quilt, to be made and sold for the benefit of A USEFUL LESSON. There they were, to be anre! sparkling like twin sisters, as en veioped in seal site tripled down the steps and turned her head a mament in passing by. Sirs. the poor. In reply she received a ' Ma > rt “ dropped the Holland win pleasant autograoh letter from the|*» {rom beh,wl wh,cb *! ,, i had been reconnoilenng, and 1 resident inclosing an elegant tie- _ . XI; ... 1 turned awav with a groan. To for the purpose named. Miss 11.*; - B 1 * j live n the basement “flat’ was eUxticity to the muscles and riclmc« < i t*j the bio*si. Every invalid, though Ih:- yond the reach of othvr rcmetlies. can take Wine Coca with l*cnclit. ill the most hopeless cases it will give strength and vigor, and prolong life and activity for the duties of rife. For Professional men. «ui-li a* I«.vt- ver*. Minister*. Doctor*, Student* and W riter*, the Coca V.'im* is indispensable, renewing all the nerve force, giving en- My dear Mr. Cleveland, 1 know it’a a luune bad enough. To have in peat rj* BrusaeU carpels where Mrs. Klnalev had uoqiirt ft* worse; but U> have only coral ear rings blame. At least, not so much, for Jack is the one Who first put me up to the thing I have done. eriry ami vitality tol*oth mind and body, l ife told me last night if I’d make for Aii afflicted will find the (.’oca Wine a I > r •_ delightful remedy. j ^ * air For Female Goinjdaint*. such a* 8up- 1 A crstzv patch quilt and in a square in-e.,i.«i Clw.rnsi.. l>.v*uicn..rrl.a-. si.* j Of something that Cleveland had wo Headache, cold hands and feet, etc., the I pre-eminent enre and ! To bother you now, but I am not to now ft ht-u the tenant of the floor above displayetl diamonds was the latest nml most cruel blow of fate. A latch key turned in the street, tloor. ’t here was a step in the passage without. Will’s cheery voicc rang out, “D<wa, dear!” And then in a minute—“Why, what’s up! Arc you 1117’* For his wife’ or a year liftol her head from the sofa cushion and .Tin further information in regard wonderful j.rojs-rtiesof the and wine. Fur sale by all and in t'utlibcrl by J. Vi'. Stunfo worn he would buy thins for himself, no matter how and divining the truth, he kindly and politely turned his bark upon her. Over the scene which followed at linme turn low the lights, ring down the curtain. • • • • • But raise it again for a moment! It is two weeks sinre Mrs. Will -Phew! how did yon manage! Mayrell met her husband with a that on seventy five a month? It’s face winch told him his scheme your wife’s solitaires.” -th.n’t joke pan. I’m a little sore on the subject of my paver ty.” * *Tm not joking,” replied Dan. snapping s spring with bis finger; -what do you think of that?*’ And he handed him a little blue velvet case. Will’s eyes widened s beauty.” Andrews chuckled. “You like it?” -I should say so. IIow would stones like that do for ear rings?” “Oh, let npi Dan. Where's the! use of talking about it? That’s a carat, isn’t it?” “Right you are. But yotr can get the same if you'wish.' -On some installment scheme, I suppose. had found him out. He mines in now and hands tier a paper, pointing out a paragraph as he does so, and this is what she reads: New York—George Kinsley, of Chicago, who arrived in this city yesterday. was to day arrested for emlwzzlcroent as he was about to Ixiard the steamship Serris. His b<ioks show s deficit of 19.000, ta ken, as is ciedibly asserted, to gratify his wife's extravagant de mands. He managed to avoid Andress restored the ring to its SI | S |,- tL .i on „j, totlic day of leaving. Receiving more. CURED. It LA XK LOOKS of every kind.size and style,cheap or than ever before, at at'—Mtf J. W - . Staxfoud’s. stfE cm in;i»iciM:c<t.. liH Wull Street, Atlanta, For sale by J. V. Stanford n»ay21-ly —Taylor's IVomit’m Cologne J for sale at J. W. Stanford**. NOa r lO IZ TO (Va Wine is J preventive. j SvmT fur Pamphlet, trhlrii will trlve you - ’ 1 ,V‘V ‘ ,U V « -is o i t ». Turned toward him a pair of sut j "YV " k-.-i pLiut [The price I might sot—and 80 don t j 1 explain. Druggist s.. you soe j piciously retl eyes. I If I manage this plan how nice it util! **Xoo!’ gulping rioirn the ftob* J. 8. PKMItERION & CO., j that would rise; “but—but »U«*8 ; Jack "ives a neat sum toward our fair J „ ol them f’ | for the poor, i big, pood na f ur?d, myati* instead what he values far ... , . *» tied \\ ill just stCKnl and alar*I. And then, when I marry dear Jack, ; * ® saw ^hem! it is plain, j *"Yoti did, clif , I’ll own Ijotli tin.* fijuilt ant! memento j -Ye yes!*’ 1 (X) again; ! “And now.** delilieratelv, “will . ’30 dear Mr. CleveUnd, please wont! you 1)e;?l||)d to tell | yon just ask Your sister to send me, *tis not mud ~ j of a t:t>k, An old silken necktie, or handkerchief j say, To lend toniv handiwork di^nitv due? • And tlu-n may the Fates most kindly 1|»\ >U . „ ||, uui9. lUiU a i"»> iau To phitv at the patch work you vc ta- . . . , * . . ; »thin seem" that it was a very aen i „ n k«-n m band, .... - * {WtHMayrelL ItH intrii-uto paturns. at once small! ous lnatlc r with his wife, sympx case sod Ibe case to his pocket. -Not exactly.” Ami he forthwith proceeded to .Sole l‘ropriet«»rs and Manufacturers, jy30-lin. ATLANTA. GA. Enterprise & Appeal. -SL'I’.SCUIITIOX PltU'K : 'nepopv one year . . . “ Kight months . 11 Four monllts . One ADVHUTISIXU i:.\ri:s: (ten lines <>r b I n ho is‘she,’ anil to what has me she! That night Mayrvll said to his wile: -I’ll try and manage it. Dot.” “What? not the car rings?” “Ycs.”- “Ob von darling!” c and died School of Jsnrnalisai. One of the Schools of jottrnal- Words or V ideo. He that gets out of debt get* ism has become a great success.! rich. During a nnmlier of years many A hovel welt kept is a palace to attempts to teach the art or jour j the inmates. nalism were made liut the results j Much learning shows iiow little -si i fl.on . ! Dora swallowed another invisi ble pill a» she rose. “1 mean M rs. Kinsley. Shelias got diamond earrings.” Will burs; iuto a boyish laegh; He swallowed strychnii within the hour. With x very white fare Dora laid down the paper. Will took her in iiis arms. “Darling,” lie ' said quietly, “that was the only other course left open to me.” • Oh. Will!” “You forgive me now, dear?” She was shaking from hand to And the very next day tic bro’i! feet. She began to cry softly, them np. ! “Not that. Will. You forgive Didn’t they sparkle on their bed ! me. I didn’t know—I didn't or snowy velvet, though? And: think—■" weren't they beautiful? Actually : II.- kissed her tenderly, larger than Mrs. Kinsley’s, too. j “Of course not. sweetheart. But | and So.’ “I'm glad you like them, Dora.” j we ran do without diamonds lietter | ‘In writing up were so far from lieing satisfac tory that with one exception they have all be n lailurcs. This one college, realizing the impractica bilit v of the curriculum previous ly adapted threw it asule, employ ed a man who had, during many years, been engaged in active newspaper work, and introduced a course of study the achievements of which have proved that jottr nalism can be taught in colleges. Tlie following is a report of the exercises through which a graduating class was conduced: •What is a law student? •A rising young lawyer? •What is a medical student? •A promising young doctor.’ •What is a young member to the legislature?’ *A silver tongued orator.’ •If a man should marry an ugly woman. Iiow would you write lip the affair?' mortals know. lietter go round altoul than fall into the ditch. A pleasant tone and • sweet smile cost nothing. Virtue and a trade are the best portions for children. Any one may do a casual act of good nature, but s continffaltoB of them shows it to be n part of the temperament. Useful knowledge can have no enemies except tiic ignorant; it cherishes youth, delights old age. is an ornament in prosperity, and yields comfort in adversity. As for they who. every slight infirmity take physic to repair their health, do rather impair it; so they who, tor every trifle, are eager to vindicate their character, do rather weaken it. piare I UHertioii . . . . • . . 1 F*>r uadi subsequent insertion All )>er*Qi)iil i.i'ilhr double price. \ Obituaries will be charged for as- •tb<T atlvertisemenls. A«lv(‘r!;st»mont> in>‘ rb»«l without -jKvifieati-ui :i* to the number *•! in-j ' -ertions, will bupuMisht**! »t»xtil ‘>r»lur- ! £»i out, ami uhar^otl aivortliiv/ly. t Ail julvertisemviitei due when haim-j j p«1 in. j May cadi sqiuire that’s fashioned with j “Come, now, Dora. " infinite art ! than without honor or cadi other,, mont exercises of the female col lege what would you say?* “Like them!*’ And her eyes were brighter than i can’t we?** the gems. “Yes, yes!*’ she cried, and clung And for one whole month home to him. Hut the tears had frash was a paradise ot serenity for J away the old selfishness and envy, ments of society, were cltarmin; 111* KraMS. 'Judge,’ safd a citizen, address ing a well known iurist, *1 thought •I shouhl speak of the beautiful rrom thc evil)tn( . c> Ulat ‘ ytms and accomplished bride. charge to thejuiy would save the •Iiow would you speak of a ; j )r j sonPr ^ i >t ,t instead of that you ; loafci r j camc 0 ,it plainly and said he must • ’Ishould refer to him as onr.j )e |, You certainly do enterprising fellow townsman.’ [ nol hc i, cvc ( lc is gnihy.’ *A\ list is u drumim-i ? ‘ *Xo, I don’t believe he is guilty.* •The handsome an.l popular So, n . as lIl0 j IIl]gc * s rep l v . •Then, why do you 110011 that the commence ■ i,c should lxs hanged? : •Well, I'll tell yon. I was fa- ! vorably disposed toward him and *1 would say that the beautiful' w;ls advocate his acquit young girls, soon to become ortia But one day, go ami with her smile of love began : in their feathery array. and great; j thetically sobered up. lie sensi you want to purchase a CQTTGI SEEB OIL A Cotton Gin, A Cotton Feeder, A Cotton Condenser, MILL, ble, like a good little girl. You , | ing out in a hurry, put in her earrings, have fastened them womanhood.— J. WORSHAM. i Glow with the tints truth and wisdom j mraQ to say you'd cry for a' on her roturn she found herself CUTHBERT. GA. OHici* over l'ostoflice. ^ KiqitlN tf Wm. d, kiddoo, ATTOKMIV AT I.AW Cuthltert, Ga. A Cotton Fress, or a; \\r»•«•<;•■ | W. R. THORNTON, 9 D E N T I S T j CtJTHHEUT, GA. ... ... . . pair of earrings/ Till tin* national crazy-patch crazy no 1 v.. - mon . j Mrs. May roll s pretty olive face Grows into svmmetrv ne’er known • brightened uot at all at the picas in tfir tf. Pulleys, Shafting, Hangers, AND MILL WORK, ^FFK E West siili- over It L. Dunn’s St«*re. O H. I. G0RTAT0WSKY,j Fur TiUubr, Jeweler ui Engrater, before! j And still something lietter I wish you may win— ; Some true, earnest woman, who, through thirk and thin. Will follow your fortunes as I‘I! Jack’s : And not any further your patience to * tax, I uill close, just adding this PS tosav 1 If your own secretary l»e out of the way i Or too much engaged this fietition to i read, Rucause it is small, just tell him to j heed * This admonition—it never is wise Public Square. ( febl«-l\ ; jj |C j ilv G f „ ma i| things to neglect or Wo <*lork». rantetl. STEVENS’ POTTERY! Near Milledgeville. P. 6., Stevens Pottery, Ga. Write to us for PRICES an«l DISCOUNTS, nuike it to vour interest to huv<lireet from us. E. VAN WINKLE & CO., IMlA.ItTTTIFTVOTTJIR/IEIR.S, Atlanta, - ~ ” Georgia. || Notice to tiie Tkape—We give discounts to the trade. 3 ^ mat* 21 3m. X i ' > H L H H H eW > > K r u H »» ► _ . some time, perhaps in years not I remote, ; We women may have legal riirht to a j And Dealer in vote Hatchrm Jewelry Then if he w'shed to be* President, he ami Silverware. All Clock and Watch Work War- C z. f ** p-i-! i 3 x r* 2. o; jj r r 5 * * 3 B l =- - Headquarters for Doubled Glazed Vitrified Drain, Sewer, Culvert aii'l Water Pities, from 2 to 24 in.-li calibre, for Draining Land. R. R. Culvert* Road :in<‘ Street Crossings and Well Curbing. Fire. Grate. Border and Hearth, Brick Smoke and Hot Air Flues. Lining for Fur naces Fire Brick for Setting Boilers, made to Order, any Shape or Stvle on short notice. Flower Pots. Swinging Baskets. Stumps,, Chimney Thimbles and Tops. Fire Clay and Sand, suitable for F ur- j ■ace Building or other similar purposes. j Corre*|iondence Solicited. Our prices arc reasonable. All wc ask ; is s trial. . _ c Stevens Bros. & Co. marltifiin PROPRIETORS K ► d Q d q Stf b W K| I have just opened at the Owen & Sealy old stand a NEW FURNITURE STORE, ■nd will, as soon as it can be shipped from the Factories, have on hand a full line of everything usu.-liv kept in a -*FIRST-(3LASS ESTABLISHMEN'T*- 0 ? — i — s 1 = f-i § .* c 2. SI - Kg 1 # 5 JR 2 zf |3 ac « 2 - § ^ 21 r- * I J O PO H X PI Cd O pi r co > 2 D O X r a x pi 2 H PI PJ H 2 ►—t 2 O o Q W i—* >« Might have some aid from e’en j»onr little me. “Ycrbum sap” is the cue—adieu— may you 1ms As lmppy as good, prays your friend, Lucy B. m Au Important Uiscttfry. The most important Discovery i is that which brings the most good • to the greatest numl»er. Dr. King's ! New Discovery for Consumption, ! Coughs, and Colds, will preserve j the health and save life, and is a ! priceless b<M»n to the afflicted. Not ( only docs it jiositively cure Con ! sumption, but Coughs, Colds. ; Bronchitis. Asthma, Hoarseness, | and all affections of the Throat, idlest, and Lungs, yield at once \ to its wonderful curative * jKiwers. If you doubt this, get a 1 trial Bottle Free, at J. W Sr AX ! iouu's Drug Store. a a w > Ellis will have full charge of the business, and will be found at all time*, ready to serve ail in his usual lair ami square • tffiir REMEMBER the place, Owen & Sealy old stand, East situ. Public Square, Culbbert, Ga. Bespectfully, J. 4V. STANFORD. Black Flag Insect Powder, I S warranted to destroy Asts. Pm Hi-.:*. Flies, ami every kind of In serts. Hotisi-ki-efers. try it. 1 oil will Ik- ldeased with it. For sale by jy!M-t J- 1‘- TOOMBS A BRO.*, T.bnrc o. Cheap, Medium and Fine, for sale very low. at J. W. Stakfobb’s. Crab Apple Vinegar, The Best to be Had, —AT— POWELL’S DRUG STORE. j -nit raillery. “Much good it will do me!” she | declared, sullenly, and intently re- I o.srdfui of the ti* of her slip{H.-r. 1 Will edged over to the sofa, sat | down beside her, stole an arm around her. “Dora!” “Well?” “Yon don't look half so pretty when you're cross.” Silence. Will began to ask himself if he hadn't made a tremendous mis take about twelve months ago.— Then lie banished the thought as disloyal. She was a little selfish, i perhaps vain, at times diseontcnl- | cd, but he loved her very dearly, 1 and no other girl would have suit ed him half so well. “Dora, pet," he said gravely, “you’d have diamonds if I could give them to you, indeed you wonld, dear. Bnt von know I've got to figure pretty eloscly to make ends meet now that the hard times arc upon us. You know that?” She nodded. But when half an hoar later he went hack to the office, lie left be hind him a still very dejected lit tie lady. He was not quite so gay as usu al that atlcrnoon. He didn't joke so audaciously with the boys, nor! break now and then into a wins- j lie Thc man who had the desk : next to his observed the change. “What’s the racket, Mayrelt?’ Will started. “Oh. nothing!" and he laughed and shrugged his shoulders. “That’s a lie!” returned An : drews, with calm directness, aad Dora hastily a grander, fairer She couldn't Chicago Tribune. securely, for, . , “0, Lor’, Uit’lia Again. In the early days of Methodism j | in Scotland, a certain congrega tion, wiiere there was but one rich man, desired lo build a new chap el. A church meeting was held. The old rieli Scotchman rose and sai.l: “Brethren, wc dinna need a new cha|iel; 1 11 give JL"-> for re pairs.” Just then a bit of plaster fall ing from the ceiling hit him on him of her repossession in the | * lca same breath. She offered fifteen dollars reward, ami caine home j 11 * as - fagged and heartsick. But day I * ,,r#e than. ^ by day passed am) never a word ■ il ' Mln ’ camc there of the missing Jewel -1 * ° h L ‘ ,n1 ’ » •If a countryman were you a lot of hard apples would you say? yon are skaters. not are ; minus one. Of her grief, distraction could write? straightway down; town went she and advertised in - all the dailies But she did not give her real name and address.— She must not let Will know till it: had been recovered. He would j feel so badly about it. No, no. I she would conceal the fact or her ; i loss from him till she could u-11! lal when I heard that some time . ago lie shot the proprietor of a : roller skating l ink.’ to bring j ‘But mv dear sir, what s<l l’urtiai to roller : yon? •It is not that, my dear sir. He •Our farmer fritnd. Colonel So. f . lile , t t „ kil | thc fyiow.’—.-lj-A-fr*- and So, honored us with a call !s«ic Traveler. yesterday. Aside trom giving us | * ^ -“ the pleasure of his own genial self, j belaid upon the table a collection 1 of the most choice apples we have ever seen. Come again Colonel,. when you have longer to stay.' | •Correct. How would you speak j of a little girl? I . , , 1 goring deatli. While no one can be too honest, honorable, faithful or kind, on any day in the wreck, it is a safe and wise thing to have one day iu seven set apart as a special re minder. The man or woman will as a rule, soon die, or live a lin- wlio does not rest •Would call her a fairy.’ ‘What would von sav of a boy?’. . ... ,, r ,, .'’ , -. ’ , - , . . i day in seven; and exiK-rience haw •Wonld speak of his bright in- • 1 Looking up and seeing how had 1 telliv-ent fare.’ from secular labor as often as one ! shown that happiness, health. he said; “Bretlir n, it's thought; i'll make ilevo scat, “hit She staid at the house altogether now. She had no heart for shop ping or calls. Her hope of ever recovering her precious earring grew fainter dal ly. She could not la-ar to look at thc |>oor lonely one laid so care fully away. Going out to the theatre with Will one evening he said, sudden- b “Why, Dora, yon haven’t got \ kwn! > r ‘‘« ret '«** U9e " c * liJ i “‘ ,t yonr earrings in.* Are you Uref ,! use our judgment, follow of them already?” you a , .. prosperity and righteousness do say of the J ' , ” largely depend on the Mamie* few bolts ol i nance of the Sabbath. But this ted brother ju a hack 'im again!” There are many human taber nacles which are in sore need ofi radical building over, but putter and fuss and repair in spots with out satisfactory result*. It is on .... ■ ■ , ., i>iaiui iighteousness •What would man who keeps calico? I means a real Sabbath, and not a •I would speak of lorn na one of ^ (>f labor <>r gclfisl , thc most successful merchants in | 8 l,. Pp . j t means a day of change; thc State.’ ! a day of sweet and rcstfnl modi- Yes this si-lmol of journalism is ! tation: a day of trusting for one* a success. It defines the true po sition ot the local newspaiicrs. It makes the business so .dear that the student, though a fool, need isclf, and of service \ others —Exchange. of God for ’ In The<■ rave •t l-rr. conversation with a cadet ly when wc are personally alarm- D<> t err therein. It attempts no J just returned from thc Virginia ed at thc real danger that we act indc|>cn<lently, and do the right thing. Then it is that wc most revolution; makes no mistakes.— I military institute. Arkantaur Traveler. i the grave of Gen. learn that t.. Lee ia “Oh, no!” she exclaimed with a feverish laugh, “bnt I can't wail for them. Come, I do hate to be late.' the advice born of thc experience of others and jump away from our perils. Thousands of persons who will read this imragraph arc in abject Substitute for U«t Springs. Father—What did the doctor 1 say? Does lie think he can cure vour rheumatism, my son?’ Young Man—No; he advised - t |, c famili . )ri , v born of long friend- me to go to the Hot Springs, and | ghi ^ ,. 0 ,it with it.” said that he thought the hot water ; wn , tarBe<I on Uim . would lie good lor my rheum a ; .. Y(M] ’vc liel^d me nut of a good l ' s,u - : many tight places I admit, but Father Well, are you going to! yo() can l d „ ft U|U Ume “ the Hot Springs? j Andrews, a sandy haired and Young man-‘No; not «actly., . fecea j |lUe Scotchman, L guess I’ll get married. i cocked , lU Uea d on one side like Father ‘Ah! Hot water “»>’ j an in< , UIsit ive sparrow. “Maybe '* S;** 1 but lhere * s no useof ‘ caK1 - j „oU but try me.” '“-• ' Will langhcti with an air of cm liarrassinent. “It seems a Foolish thing to And Will, having read thc oft- miser - v wllin m, S l11 repeated advertiseme.U and no j «* in a ^Gsfaetory cond.t.on - tieiug the unadorned pink ears,, ^ arewenk, lifeleso, full of odd ha.1 come to his own conclusion. | acbe * an< I pa>o*. and every year But he only smiled and was silent j lh ** know lbe > » re R ett,n 8 -except for thi. one reference to even though the best doctors are divert suspicion-like the wise! patching them in M*»ts. fellow lie was. Ami when two! • j alu going to get marricii.’ weeks had passe*! anil doubt had j sa j<i |i e _ as he placcil a hand U|ion liegan to settle into despair little j t | le t .„ un t er> a n«l I want a wedding Mrs. Mayrell began to wonder if cak e.' she could by any economical strain replace the lost trinket, unknown to Will. She might have managed it if they had not been such very brilliant stones, and so large, too. They roust be worth an enormous sum! How Will had managed to get them in the first place rather •It is customary,* said the pret- ty girl, ‘nowadays to have the materials of the cake harmonize with thc calling of the bridegroom. For a musician now We hare an oat cake; for a man who lias an calling and lives upon his friends, a sponge cake; for a newspaper Tke Wear and Tear on Presidents. Mr Adams made good Presi dent and earned his salary, though j it wasn't so much of a job ns it is | now. When there was no Indian j war in those days thc President could put on an obi blue flannel shirt and such o her clothes ns he might feel disp >sed to adopt and fish (or bull head in thc Potomac till his nose peeled in thc full glare of the fervid sun. Now it is far different. By the time we get through with a President nowa days he isn't good for'much. Mr. Hayes stood the fatigue of being President better, perhaps than 1 sadly neglected, and that no mon- any other man since the republic; became so large a machine. Mr. Hayes went home to Fremont with : his mind just as fresh and his : 1 uin.-nt marks the last resting place ■ of this hero. He says that the | Ohio editors went lo hts grave when they came to Virginia and i were perfectly astonished at the neglect of the last resting place of the greatest soldier the world ever knew. A fund should 1>e at once start ed to build a monument over Lee's grave II is a shame to Southern people that it has not been done before this. Telegraph <te Messenger: The : whiskey inen are still making ef- i forts to get an extension of tho i bonded period for their whiskey for seven months more. The ex tension of seven months already ! secured was under thc condition ‘Then you want a pound cake.’ “The development at the back •Now Jolmuie,' said the teacher. •Ifyour father borrows $100 and, v promises lo paj $10 a week, how 1 so about,” apologetically. - j, much will lie owe in 7 weeks? j “ -' o0 m,,8t kn,, ‘- Uere ‘* thc casein a nutshell: Dora wants rings, and 1 could One hundred dollars.' said John- •Fm afraid you don’t know j diamond well,’ remarked i ff* 1 '**-’ as casiiy purchase for her tlie teacher. ‘I may not know mv j llie worU1 ' , fair wil1 * U,c Greal lesson very well,’ Johnnie frankly | ^ rn thro%u in ’ > ou admitted. Hint I know pa.’ 1 me. your lesson very know. | Andrew rubbed his chin, j “Yes, I know,” drily. “I know at least I know one wo Young artist (displaying a pic ture)—‘This palming is entitled j women. •Jonah ami the Whale.’ Possible i man «“ d 1 S ueM the T **• - 11 P** 1 A fresh lot of Teas at the Drug Store of J. W. Stanford. purchaser—‘Where is Jonah?' Young artist! ‘You notice the rather distended appearance of the whale's stomach midway lietween tlie tail and the neck? Possible purchaser—‘Yes.’ Young artist —'That** Jonah.’ ty much alike I'm engaged.” ' -II*. r cried Will. “Fact. Got to get rich first.— domestic lisppicess indefinitely post|Mwed. Just bought the ring.” fumbling in bis vest pocket. “You may look at it and gel an Idea for puzzled and frightened her when ! paragraphs, a spice cake, and so . i . ■ i_., tl , on. What Is your calling, please? she let herself think gf it, but then ., aI „ 3 ’ nuC Will always did things on a grand scale when lie made gifts at all. They must lie worth three hun dred at least. Several had valued them at that—none less. She would take the one in her dressing case down lo Mackia, the chief jeweler, tell him of her loss, and learn from him the lowest sum at which it could be replaced. And this the very next day she did. Mr. Mackin examined the ear ring as she faltcringly inquired what one exactly like it would be worth. “Two fifty, madam.” AU. even more than sbe thought! “Two hundred and fifty! That is a great deal!” she murmured. He looked at her blankly. “Two dollars ami fifty cents, madam.— We don’t keep such atones, iiut we can have your missing ear-ring replaced for that sum.” And then, observing her pallor brain just as co d as when lie pull cd up his coat tails lo sit down in thc Presidential chair. The re.y- i " that they ex[Kii t at tlie end of i that period and give bonds to pre sent certificates within a year to show that thc whiskey was landed son why Mr. Iluyes saved his ■ said in sonic foreign |*>rt- It is ..... ... . j that if they fail to get the exten- mmd, his brain and Ins salary was | r .; nQ lhev j, ow wa „ut i, the inten- plain enough when we stop tot t j on u f some of them to try to consider that lie did not use them ! make the government sue on these much during his administration. | bonds, thus delaying the payment —Dill Xge. When Rev. Sam Jones recently j ; of the taxes for a year. Peter Strozier, author of several of the head, my friends, indicates jjecjafej j n Chattanooga that no choice snake and squirrel stories. parental affection,” exclaimed thc phrenologist. “Now, you will ob serve," lie went on to remark, “that this lail ioves and reveres iiis parents to an unusual degree. Is not that an, my lad?” “Xaw.” •What! you do not love your parents? ‘I think well enough of my mither,’ replied the boy, ‘but I ain’t very fond of Ctlhcr. That bump you're a feeling of be give me last night wid a cricket atum.’ A Yankee paper ban the follow ing: *A man who in owing us a little bill said be would call last week and pay us if he was alive. He still appears on the streets; but na he did not call it is natur ally supposed that he is dead ami walking aruand to save funeral expenses.’ man who went into the armv i sa > s that on cc upon a time a lit- swearing came out without steal I lle c . vl ' lone struck down into thc ing ami called upon anv ex sol-! *'<'»t«rranean stream at Palmyra dier to stand up whose conduct in j aml ,<lew aI1 llie watcr oot cf the the army disapproved their asser j otl,cr * at ' uC il * aB ‘ l tl,at !t *«* tion, one man arose before t | le ; three .lays for the water to reach o-reat audience. “Yon went into! P * l * n U“/’ n Ibe return trip. j must be true, as Peter This bears a the army swearing and eame out| 8(rilsiDg rr «,emhiunce to Gen. without having stolen anything? ' j Washington’s diminutive hatchet, inquired Mr. Jones, ‘I did,' replied !—Alba eg Medium. the man ‘Tlieu.’ retorted the i ~ . . — , 1 An Ohio farmer, the oilier day. preacher, ‘they must have kept j you in prison.' Then there was a roar of applause. ; met in a lonely country locality * *] thought Miss 8. that listed that flirty minx; jet you went np aBd kissed her.’ •So I do hate Iter, ami that is Look at the big whj' I did it. freckles ot ed the powder off young woman attired in a night gown. Naturally, be asked her you | who she was, when sbe replied: “Nobody. I died lim morning.” The farm** wailed to hear no more bnt made tracks for the nearest settlement at a pace rival- freckles on tier chin where 1 kiss ing Hie speed of Bonner's fastest i nowder off’ * tdAtcf. January 22 Cm.