Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, October 08, 1885, Image 1

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and Appeal. BY STANFORD & COOPER. “Independent in All Things—Neutral in Nothing.’' VOL. V. CUTHBERT, GA., THURSDAY. OCTOBER 8, 1885. TERMS $1.50 IN ADVANCE. NO. 35 CANCER ' - » Chapel Hill. I)or<;t.\s County. Oa.,1 Scj»tt*n»lK*r 1st. IS7U. f Cvctitlcniii’ii—Thin is to ccrtil.v tliat I have twen cured of cancer on my nose of eight years’ standing, from the use of on ly onesmall lnjltlc* of I»r. IIaycl\v<H)ii’> f reatcancer remedy. Star Purine, which purchased from my old friend. Mr. Carup. your agent for Douglas county, in Augtist. and 1 am now entirely well- this the first of 'November. You can use my name in recommending this great remedy to the public if you wish, as I think it the greatest remedy for can cers in the world. Yours truly, K. WILLIAMS. AM) Atlanta (Ja., June 3*0*70.. Ctentleincn—I wish to say to you that I have been suTenng With a sore leg for pc Vera I years, and I have had several doctors to practice on it without success. They all said it would have to he ampu tated. hut I could not stand that. I saw your advertisement in the papers, and concluded to try your star Purine. I have been using it for six weeks, and am now entirely well. You can us«* m\ name iu any way you see lit in Iveoui- mcmling your great remedy. I know it will cure any kind of chronic sores, by experience.* I wish you success, gentle men. Thanking you for the medicine you saved my life with. 1 am Yours verv respectfully. P.EtTIK KK ELMAN. CATARRH Atlanta, (Ja.. June 1S70. ^ CJentlemeii—You can use my name in recommending Dr. Jlayelwod’ *tar < u- rine for Cancer. It has cured me *»t ( au- ccr of six years’ standing. Uespeetfully yours. * AhKKKl) KDWAilDS. Atlanta. <1a., June 30, IsTih Dear Sirs—You have my consent to use niv name in recommending Dr. llay- c1w<mkVs Star (’urine for Dry Catarrh. 1 have had Catarrh for several years, and the Star Curine has cured me. Yours truly, CAIT. WM. McCONNKLL. Contractor. FARMERS, S END for large Illustrated Catalogue of the Df.Loncii Water Wheels. 1'or- tablo Mills. Mill Stones, and all kind of Mill Supplies. Saw Mills, (litis, and anything needed about a Mill. "Writer 1 AVI i eels about half the usual price, and Portable Mills so cheap that every Farmerean af ford one. and they are guaranteed to make FiksT-Class Table Meal. Sem for prices, and von will he sur- ! general debility prised. A. A. DELOACH A BHO.. Atlanta, <ia. As to the me rits of onr Work, we refer to the following gcTi- y Hprh'Ii, “who have , i liought of us: O. A. -- T' v*' -'Bum*, (iiumi A St;Mi- V■ ? ford.’J. Y. Ivcv. K. ^ : 'V. Pittman, and .1. k:; T. « ieorge. " (Hth- ‘ "y bert. (la. Al>omanv ; •; • ‘ others of tlie hot cit- / r >v '" i/eus of s. W. Cia. -* mav21-ly Pembertons French Wine! A Good IHTBStSlSllt Coca. i r. j sail! little Essie. -Grandpapa was T've called to see—’ she Itegan. hut to her amazement the rest ol THE ORE IT SERVE REMEDY, Cures diseases of the f’>i: un and \ 1:1:- v». called Neuralgia. Ei-ilcpsy. Fund ing F t-\ l'araiysis; Ac: It also c ires diseases of the Liver, nervous weakness, loss of nerve yniver ete. it is n sj.eeiiie for Pym-is or ■* Water Brush." sjdttina hbiud, I .ss of appetite, weight or fullness under left hrea-t and stomaeh nausea, llatldeic-r. eostiveness, fltarrhca, palpitation of the heart, dizziness, pain in the head, de- spondenev. ju'evishness. irrilahility, and eold feet. Pemberton's French Winet’oea, Is the mediral wonder of the world. It is aerniHplisiiing grrsi t results for the pri*|»ltv hy ret-loriughealtli 0 • Isidy and mind, anilTiSp'pmessTn flu-ie srt vexed with my mamma lor marry ino pajta and going to England, j her siieech was abuptly checked but papa thinks lie'll take care of j by the young lady's arms being! me now. Bull won’t stav with 1 thrown round her neck. i use Proprietors and Manufacturers, Atlanta, tia. Sdd liy all Druggists. S-prai-1 m him unless papa stays too ’ And siie resolutely tightened her grasp upon the thin, ferer- : bnrning hand. ‘I s pose you want to get LonsdaleJ’ said Miss Comfort, i The man nodded. | Is it far?' •Eleven good miles vet.’ said ‘Oh. I'm so glad to see t on.' she eried out, ecstatically; ‘I thought I never should see yon again. I went to the old farm, to 1 hut yon hail gone away, nobody i knew whither!' hung its radiant pennons over the velvet slopes of the Kairhavcn farm; the river, murmuring sottlv over its pebbly bottom, flashed up like a sheet of silver, and the purple lields of clover maiding reml^ for the scythe, filled tin- warm air with sweet, slumberous seer.ts. ‘Fine weather for the havin’.' said Eliakim Fairhaven. To hi material nature God's sunshine linn.mi nappim-ss n. uietiR,n. . ■ - - S ra "' 1 gbUerof c5r ^M wagon, a«l with a good buffalo led spinster,‘who are you?’ I here is joyandl,ealth“7»»ullwl 1 u an* *R>. Vrere Imj tlaM»rtrtMiK-nts-t M ^ tlic seals rnnH ri.le! TarEssie! Don’t von reraem *• it.. to fill his pockets With sordid L ... . .. .. List of Jurors Drawn to Sen e at the November Term of Randolph Su perior t'oart. GIt.VXD JVnoitS. “Dot Vhas All.” ! ‘I |H>lief I vhas shwindled voncej at ! j Miss Comfort, ‘hut : what: I’ll make Juab get Ami she hugged Miss Comfort more enthusiastically than ever, with bright tears sparkling on her I'll tell ye' eyelashes. out the' ‘WJtv,’ .lemamled the bewilder crop. Alas! Is not this CURED. J. J. Kalm, c i tiiin: n r, a a. Enterprise & Appeal. world | j n ’ an) j jivin'; and i , '" 11 of Eliaki,n Fairhavcns in one f a w;litin . bri , lonn a sul;lck SUBSCRIPTION PRICK : Oncvojivnne year .... “ Kij'ht months . . . 11 Four months . . . ADY E DTI SI NT. HATES: CiATi:4’ITl MKIM41AU4 0., .‘>8 Wall stri ct. Atlanta, For sale by J. W. Stanford iiiay:M-ly IV«:It *Usirs! Masons Improved, just received and for sale cheap, at 3t .J. W. Stanfokd s. Black Flag Insect Powder, I S warranted to destroy Ants. 1‘.kd I»i*os. Fi.iks, and every kind of Iti- Mcts. Housekeepers, try it. You will he pleased with it. For sale by jyJKt J- P- TOOM IIS A I’.DO. Toluiecoy Tobacco. Cheap, Medium tiud Fine, for sale very low, at ,T. \V. StaniokiVs. Crab Apple Vtaegar, The lest to fee Had, —AT— TOWEU.'S DRUG STORE. One square, (ten lines or less) 1 j insertion . ♦1.001 For curb subsequent insertion . ot) All pcrxHiiiiI mutter double price. Obituaries will 1m* charged for as j itlier advertisements. Advertisements inserted without , specification as to the number of in-’ serlions, will ltopnblished until order- j ed out, and charged accordingly. All advertisements due when hand-; ed in. shape or another? Miss Comfort Fairhaven sat j beside him knitting and watching "no! the cumbersome frolics of a pair jO : of twin lambs, deserted by their — i heartless mother, whom she was ! ‘bringing up by hand.’ •Yes,' she said, with a mecliani eal glance in the ilirection of the lieamy west. ‘Who's that a com ing up the path, I wonder?’ •One of the new hands, I ealen late,’ said Eiiakitu, screwing up his eyes. ‘Iiiidn t "gree to give! ’em their supper and board into the bargain, a night afore thej d> begins—and I'm blessed if there' ain't a little gal along with hitu!’ j ‘‘Ta I n't no havin' hand.’ saitl I easy enough. They'll be back ber tTulc Essie Bell that you gave afore Eliakim gets through shout j the five-dollar bill to in the twi ddle you're, light by the wild rose liushes, hen —’ S II Fnlford, C A Harris, Jas Crapp, W B Spurlock, II Tobias, J T Stevens, W W Joiner. J C Mullins. J W Nichols, Columbus Taylor J. M. Kaigler, W Ii Thornton, W J Bin field. - P H Gumilev, J A D Grubbs D II Stewart, J M Cox, J F Crit tenden, J R Bridges, C M Poindexter, Phil Pearce, Cin. Crittenden, N T Crozier. E 11 Kecsc, W H Shelly, J F Tripp, J I! Cox, ' I Easley, R 1> Martin, J T George, o’ bread and meat anil a bottle of; ‘Oh—o—o—hf exclaimed Miss my currant wine. ’Taint good j Comfort. ‘You don't mean to say to travel on an empty stomach.’ And live minutes later Miss ; Comfort was carrying her hospila ■ strangled by Essie's renewed cm- l>!e intentions into effect, greatly j braces, while she listened to the ‘ ; to the delight and appreciation ol • story of how grandpapa hail adopt the hwngrv child. ed her; and how she was surround Some Hints for Itojs. Avoid that which you sec amiss more,’he saitl to the Sergeant at! inHlhers. the Central Station yesterday as} Follow the examples only of the he was asked to take a chair and 1 good. report his errand. ! Keep your ears open to all that ‘How?’ | is worth hearing, anti closed to •Yliell, I vhas in mv blace all that is not. TKAVi-KSE Jl'UOKS—IsT WEEK. R W Montgomery, F JI Garner, you're that ’ | And here she stopited, nearly | 1 •Now see here.’ said Miss Com ed lty all that luxury cot fort, drawing the child aside, or ait invent, when Jacob drove up with the ‘And I have longed to comfortable farm wagon and stout old horse, ‘I don’t you’ve got more money than you never (ntiiil Have lived to reach can use. — j his home. And you shall live •We have only enough for our with me always now, and be in railroad tickets,' said Essie, her darling old friend.’ | ’No,’ said Miss Comfort,' grave _ see you again.’ added Essie, ‘for if it had gness j not been for your kindness papa CUTHBERT. GA. Office over Postoflice. _£SrB i, . ! leading a pale, bowed down man. who walked with difficulty, lean sept is if WM. d, kiddoo, ATieitAEV AT LAW. countenance falling, "lint ’ •I thought so,’said Miss Com- ly, shaking her head. 'Tve come Miss Comfort, rising and going; f,,,!. ; here’s a five dollar bill | to apply for a situation as housc- I’ve laid aside out of my bolter keeper, and il'vou won’t give it to money that Elliakim don't know nothin’ about.’ i.iivn the steps to meet a slender ! child of nine years old, who iva* j me, why I must go elsewhere.’ And Essie was obliged to con- llKADQFAIM ERS FDR Ctitfiberf, (itt. lyll.B. praetl'-e at Cool:tut) cl’- Heating Stores, Tin inter, Crocker;), Class tea re, Lit in j>s tint! Setrintj Ma eh i lies sj»cci il » in tlic tf. X!. 8. TBORHTOti, DENTIST CUTHBERT, GA. () on :i crutch. ‘Heart alive, chihl,* said Miss Comfort, whose kindly nature in voluntarily sympathized with all who wereMittViriugor in distress; •what ails you, and what do ; want lu re?’ ‘Please, uia’am,* began the child, j * -.CHipM'lv, 4 **" * * ' ’ —• ■• ~ -■ 1 The child’s eyes were brimming sent. as she looked up in Miss Com fort s honest, hard featuied face. •Hut mind,’ said she, nodding i the golden masses of her crepe ■Will yon let me kiss you, just' hair. *1 shall give you what once?’ she whimpered standing on < wages I please! Grandpa always I tip toe !cheek her the blooming spinster's ‘if vou could give us FFicE over 11 \Ve<t side . L. Dunn’s : ruhlie tore. Miimre, felilT-l \ Will duplieatp any Fill w ithin live ilre<l miles of tliis Uepairinj; Sewinjf Machines a Specialty ’ iiinT-et — A fresh bit of Teas tit Drug Store of J. \V. Stanford. the sick a ml tired, and — hTI G0RTAT0WSKYj K! 2m“UlLlT* i WstsMSer, Jeweler aid Engraver, And Dealer iu riol-ks WntclicM. Jewelry uimI Silverware. t» Inirig C't 1 ,-iw.oV .-lose to ; wrinkled li[>s. Kissing, as Miss Comfort might ln-rself have remarked, had she night’s lodging—poor papa is so i , ■ .. , „ , , ° = =- 1 ' * : leisure lor a remark, was nol much in lier way, but she could | not resist the sweet, wistful en 1 treaty. •There,’ she said, with a strange ‘run along; entrusts those things to inv man agement.’ So Miss Comfort, Fairhaven 11 v broke in •This ain't a charity voiir J P Wallace, 1) It Milchiner, W J Smith, IJ -L Dunn, T A Bass, G I! Arthur, T R Brown, O B Knight, W 8 Morris, J W Ritter, W H Justice. J L Brown. Jr., W T Little, J L Pollard, W J Dennis, W G Lockett, 11 T Nit-hols, J J McDuffvy, F J Moore, J W Martin," T J Miller. J \\ Pi nett, jr.. 1) I Weaver, It G Owen, I) Peaty. C \Y Stand Icy, M II Nit-hols, J I. Sanders, W D Hay. R 11 It ilierts, R E Ward, D D West, J I. Kuowles, Jesse Merritt. TI’.AVEItSE Jl'UOKS—2l> WEEK. J Oliver, jr.. W II Coleman, A E Mizell, IS C Speer, W II Jordan, W R Blackburn, P E Keese, W G Ivey. W N Coram, I. P Arthur, J li Beacham, T C Byars, E T Carraway It Bell, J A Dawson, M Dixsnn, D K Bynum, I. T Du Vane, J IS Payne, B F Mainor, It F Ivey, il J McFathcr, P Harris, J J Bass, C W Marlin, W C Bynum, J W Bone, John Bias, B F Butler, IS F Ivey, Will Bass, J M Anthony, II DeVane, R 1 Brown, W S Arrington, J II C Atkinson. apntidl t-vo hours ago vlten two strangers vhalk iu, and one of 'em says to me: •Shake. I haf a bet on. you. 1 know you vhas a great man to hal confidence in human nature, und i bet $2 eafen oup, dot you vhill lend me feel'ly cent.’ •Ylielf, I dunno. I nefer see him peforc, but if somebody bet $2 on me I tloan’ like him to lose it, und m.-iype he also divide vhat he wins.’ ‘And you let "him have it?’ ‘Yliell. I huf some confidence in human nature. lie vhulksoff mit inv fee fly ei-nt. und my vhil'e says I vhas iler i>iggest tool in Do troit.’ ‘An-l what do you want of me?' •I like to know if you pelief like my vhifo?' ‘Yes, sir, I do! You’ll never see your money again.’ ‘My son Carl says I pettcr soak my lieadt. I like to know if you ; think dot vliay?’ •I do.’ •L'ud my hrudder inlaw says I make a lino lunatic asylum aii by myself. Vhas he correct?’ •He is.’ ‘Yliell. dot vhas all. If I vhas tight I get niadt und clean out An older person's experience is of no value to you unless you profit by it. Yon are not building on the fu ture but on the [mst and preseat. Evil communications corrupt good manners. Nobody wants to deal with a double minded boy. , Be industrious; the world wants boys who arc not afraid of hard, steady work. The empty vessel makes the greatest sound. Some hoys inherit good iortnnes but no boy ever inherited a schol arship, a good character or a use ful life. Ifyou would he capable, culti vate yonr mind; ifyou would be loved, your heart. Never excuse a wrong action by saying some one else does the same thing; this is no excuse at all. A Funny Tear. Jim Webster has been before the courts of Austin innumerable times for various petty offenses. He was tried for stealing eiiiek- ens one day last week. Finally the Judgetohl him: “You can go. You are dis- Thc jury has decided . . .... , l charged, del' shanty. II I vhas wrong I go! , ’. , ,, yon arc not guilty, home und keep still until mv r .. .... , , , , , , , ' Jiiu passed his hand lieadt vhas soaked enough to lose' j my confidence in human nature, i Dot vhas all—good day.’—)>e troit Free Frernt. The New York Times says that “the total annual value of forest. over his iu a dazed sort brow, and asked of way: “Me not guilty ?’ “Yes, you are not guilty.” “Y'ou don’t tell me so, liosg. I’se ticker had nullln like dat Thousands of cases of SICK Hoadnc ho .are permanently vured every year (as tlic hundreds of tes timonials in 1113' possession will testily) by thM use of DE. LESLIE’S Special Prescription. This Remedy stands to day w ithout a rival, nnd with scarcely a competitor in the world. Thousands ol 1‘hysi eians throughout the country have acknowledged tlu-ir inability to t-t.rc it, and are now prescribing Dr. Leslie Special Prescription be- all cates of Sick HEADACHE . In either its nervous, bilious or congestive form, arising from ob Blrucliou, congestion or torpidity of the liver. V\ hen 1 sa\ that Dt. Leslie's SPECIAL » Prescription will cure the most obstinate eases ot Sick Headache, I mean just what I say, and that, is, ihat It not merely rclie\es but POSITIVELY £{r~ All ('lock amI Walch Work j ranted. uiarlll-ct CTW -I ID '-.'A If Yon Want to be Happy. If vou want to he happy you must he pootl. A maxim all ri“ht in it^ way: lint a far hotter one. if umlerstooH, Is what I have now trot to say. If you want to he happy you must be well. Whatever the station you serve in: Ami of all the nieHieines one bears the lead. The giMjtl Samaritan Nervine. | no almshouse, nor yet ! j*1 ace. 1 f ye can imy | well and good : if ye i sooner you go about your business | the bctle'T i *\Ve have war, • . . , * moisture in her eyes, can’t the . .. ... ,, Joah s wauin . Business is a science quite ; sat. on the buffalo draped seat, no money,’ timidly T . , T . . i ......... v • T wish I was rich and grown up? began the-chihl. while the man, as ,, , i i .. 1 v ^ *n Iiv, what ud you dor tie I once tried every sort of cure. To re>iore me io irv«»d he.-.lth; And spt nt in vain, of that I’m sure, Ctmsiderahle share of wealth; But all was vain, till a friend advised, I11 a manner most desrrviif, The medicine he most highly prized, Biciimonu’s Samaritan Nervine. I took his advice; in one short week, I felt no further pain: For doctor.-- no longer 1 had to seek. For 1 never felt sick airain. I*m healthy and happy the whole day ItiUjr; So if health he worth preservin’. The constant hurdeuof my song Is. try Samaritan Nervine. ’T’will cure the voting. Twill heal the Id. if stunned and bewildered by the heartless fluency of the old far mer’s speech, leaned up against the fence, pressing his hand on his forehead, “but * •Then clear out and be done with it!’ said Eliakim, resuming - his seat with dogged coinj>osme. j Miss Comfort looked appealing 1 ly at her brother. •If I could just get ’em a bowl | of milk, Eliakim, and r •Stuff* and nonsense,’ sonorotis- ! lv ejaculated the fanner; *1 ain’t a goin’to give in to this sort j thing. Once begin, and you’l 1 ! never leave off’, you softheaded womanfolk!’ Slowly and wearily the two poor i travelers turned and plodded i their way adown the broad, dusty , head of the establishment, and ; her declining years were surround ed by a peace and luxury she i never had dared to dream of in j her loftiest aspirations. ; Miss Comfort Fairhaven | invested the live dollar hill advnn Oh !* cried little EstherT as she tageously. She had cast her bread upon the waters, and after j Anion*' those that many days it had returned to ^ edge of the sciences, we find hut * ,cr * 1 few that are really thorough. It 1 products exceeds that of the corn happen to me before. Dis am a | crop by nearly $30,000,000, and mighty funny yeah, anyhow. Fust (exceeds tlic value of the wheat ! the ’Publicans didn’t Meet dar | crop by fifLy per cent. This enor- ! President, and now I’se been ! mous amount of nearly $700,000, j found not guilty oh tampering 000 is produced by the exhaustion ' "'hi deni pullets I stole.”—Texas of the supply ami the destruction Siftimjs. of its sources. So far no effort j lias been made to replace or re- ■ " . 1 I store it by any conservative or' I,a *' . abstruse ami difficult to master.; “ J . . . reproductive management, even in a moderate wav, as diem ! 1 . ■ , , * 4 , i enormous business in forest istrv, astronomy or mathematics. •ilfcct *i kn >« v j i ^ uc ‘l' s a warning that in a very i'vst of Driukiug. Some years ago, says Pomeroy*® Democrat, we had in our employ pro- ‘ mantled honest Jonh. *ITl buy a diamond necklace and a pink dress for that good lady.’ Juab chuckled. *1 don’t know as they’d become her,’ he said, with griin jocularity. ‘So gee up, old Doll!’ % * * * * *1 know I’m lookin’ alter Miss Con:fart can’t starve, nor I won’t beg, so i; : is even so in business affairs; > . | rived from procuring ! hence the very small percent, of ' . I success. Thonsamls of men en- jgage in* business enterjirises of : one kind or anotlier eve’y jear, | only to discover that an hie gulf lies betwixt anticipation An Enterprising, Reliable House. J. W. Stanford can always be relied upon, not only to carry in stock tiie best of everything, but to secure the Agency for such ar ticles as have well known merit. .... , . , ; oniv to discover tliat an impassa- and are popular with the people, * 1 4 % j thereby- sustaining the reputation ! ; of being always enterprising, and | and realization. Only such as pretty ol«l to be ever reliable. Having secured , have a g nius for their calling ac- ^ <MIH a situation,’ sai-11 the Agency for the cdebratcil Dr. | ( j llire a fomoelinoo. Every hu-. F-iirli»v>.n •lint I Kind’s New Discovery for Coil ; , , I ... , . * •' rairuaiin, out i = - i man faculty is susceptible of lie i A Washington sumption, will sell it on a positive ; - i . . | “ [guarantee. It will surely cure: 'elopment, but it is not within : has picked up a bit of interesting what s there left? M e had a good anv :lll ,i every alfeetion of Throat. I he power of man to create new [ information regarding cigarette farm onee, hut my brother couldn’t: Lungs, and Chest, and to show our confidence, we invite vou to call and get a Trial Bottle Free. j rest till he speckilated it all away, and now he’s gone and I’m all j alone. 80, ifyou know of a good ! place as housekeeper, or matron in an asylum, or general overseer,; worse Ul;ul evil ilselr . I don’t much care where—’ If nature has designed faculties. us for a -liewer of wood and a drawer of water,” it would be ah Wise Words. \ surd for us to think of following Apprehension of evil is often ; civil engineering. All men, soon cr or later, will find their level a man niio several times a day an out of the office to buy a drink of whiskey. Every time he went ; out the cashier was instructed to drop ten cents into a drawer to our credit. At the end of seven teen months the man who had so often drank himself out of a good situation, and the drawer, when opened, was found to contain i ifTJO, which we loaned to a young man at seven per cent, interest. He used it to purchase a set of tinner’s tools. On the 1C of February, 1876, be correspondent returned it to us with interest, saying in his letter that lie had a wife, two children and property It appears that a great worth $500. The other fellow is a bummer hunting for food. short time the sources of tliis wealth nill lie cut off, and also an indication of the profits to be de a new sup- ! ply b\- planting or economizing tlic present stock by a wise and ! careful management of it. Farm ers who own timber land will do well to preserve it from wanton j destruction, and to preserve the growth while they make use of that which is mature.” ■ .'looking. | many boys are applying to lie ap | prenticed to the navy, and, ac cording to Major Histon, the. commander of the marine bar racks at Washington, the first cures, no matter Low long the case may have been standing 1 llave ' II J-n t iv( . v ,„ 1 a.lvive far better than testimonials from persons who have been afflicted for twenty years. r heino confined to bed two or three days at a time every two weeks. that^have been iKtrmanenlly cured by two bottles of Dr. Leslie's I Tin- bc-t \,.ur nevh The intelligence office kec|«.-r, with a slight shrug of his sboul | invalid scarce keeping j, ^ ke .„ „„ l|l(J lm . reIlt of the tripping pace of the child. MUs FairUilven - s explanatory elo 'Oil. papa, papa, sobbed the Mean fortunes and proud spir- They cannot stay long above it,! question asked when they conn fivill make the whole world belter; .... , . 1 At St. Jo'vmIi. Missouri, tin* medicine is j road, tlic languid loots tops ot tiR . sold; Dr. lliulimond :• letter; ' PRIdSCKIPTIONT so that they have not had an attack for over five years, troubled with Sick Headache and wish to be If vou are CURED l»e sure ad give this remedy a trial. Price $1.00. S. B. ARCHER. Saratoga Springs. A V. FOR SALE BY J. W. STANFORD. *^W^Ty. little girl, turning her blue, wist- upon quence. its act like fuel and fire. A false grounded hope is but ! a waking man’s dream. Virtue and a trade are the best ! portions for children. and will not stav beneath it. he said The Smilhville Enterprise re felling to the beneficial effects of prohibition in that place says: Wliat wages did you ask?’ ! ' It js better to buy yonr rye by ; “ l o '"' ycors ltux e passed since the I ain’t particular about that so j Uje |„ af Ulan bv t i,e pint. ' j l ‘’* i n C ' ,,lnt ''- tl,ls la ' v ,n force ’ her! —” — — - o — Our acts make or mar us; we •Here s a place that might per are t |, e children of our own deeds, j haps suit 3*on housekeeper want The most manifest sign of wis ed at Mr. Du ponceau s. No. j dom is continued cheerfulness. i avenue. You might try it, i q-| le great men of the ancients j although I hardly think a person j „ nii ,how to reconcile man- < t ° 1 Wn l,as been re!,,,jlt ’ an '' P p °l ,,c who resided here four tears ago u|»- for cx.-iniination is whether they smoke. They usually an swer in the negative. The thumb ,-tnd forefinger of the right hand are then examined, and in a ma jorily of eases are stained yellow from cigarettes. As soon as thi mark is discovered the I have just opened at the Owen & Sealy old stand a NEW FURNITURE STORE, and will, as soon as it ean be shipped from Hie Factories, have on band a full line of everything usually kept in a -aFIRST-SLASS E-STABLISHMENT*- Si. Joseph. Missouri. I’rire$l 3<>. Felly illustrated and elegantly bound, eontam- ; injt over 25.5 parses. , , . Tliis wonderful book reveals the inner-; most secrets of nature, and is, in fai-t. a ■ kev wliii’li tlu* of kno\vk*ljrt*. ami j»lm*ks leaves of Dealing from the i tree of life. It treats of subjeets winch, are of immense value to every man, wo- ; man and child iojhe land, and will, m | all lirolialiility. save years of sickness ; ! and fortunes in doctor ilK Agents ! j wanted everywhere, both male and fe-; j male. Send at once and get agents' cir-: 1 eular. For sale iu t'uthbert, by .1. \\. 1 St \Nloan, septd ly. i j you—.’ He stopped husky with emotion. They had walked wiiat seemed ! to little Esther Rell a weary way. like you would suit.’ •I ain't young, I person. understood lion I ual labor with affairs of state. and time enough has elapsed to , , r . ,, , , tell tale mark is discovered utei tell the eifeets. On trade, we ean ! boy is examined by a surgeon for ; evidence of heart disease, and the ; result is that one-fifth of all the j son ' boys who apply are rejected on i account of cigarette smoking. | safely say it has improved over | one hundred per cent. Or. sub improvements, KI13- the \ilth. He’ll jMiint »»ut tlu* way t<* preserve In : '.e-t condition your newly found J jj health. i . i; v the use of Sam \ r:t\n Nervine. j lul eye to the white, worn lace.; rliow cruel itcople aref !. ... , , . A WONDERf UL BOOK : „ c la J, u ‘ s llan( , • - ‘"“2 a3Ilsa h-!riM:“lk , '\e;de«!'!.r nn,y 1< lH-'l'.:!d"direct j curly uncovered bead, from tl»e author. ‘Ncv«r mind, E>sit',’ MANHOOD! WOitANHOOD . , w Bh :l nmurnful, tender pathos ir i ^ An exhaustive treatise on Sexual Ex- „.:n co/in nn ,i eesses. the diseases arising from tiiem. ! l lis 'olct, it will soon en I. It and their treatment and ettre : also a j « anno $ he for long, as far as I am brief lecture 011 Epilepsy and other > or- ® , vou** Diseases, showing thr rclatiouship ! concerned, poor chiiil. But lor . . T . en . , | existing between the Stxuulami Ner- , i.;. Iaint \oun£, I know, said People who are extravagant on , . . v.utsSystem, .By Ijr. S.A. Rndinu.iid, ; J"" - He stop,x.d his vo,ce | Miss Comfort, with a sigh, ‘bnt | Uienl ^i ves are often ^^ wonderfully j 9,,br,eL Y can safely say that j neighborly call on Mrs. there s a deal ot tough work left. * ingenious in devising plans of j in me yet. Give me tiie address economy for others. —I shan t give up and starve There is no real growth of char acter except by a conquest over 1 opposing difficulties—the doin'. to lphy, Miss Comfort’s lieart, like I right ^rhen it is against our iu j that of the queen of Shelia of old, elination and prijudices. •It s me,’ said Fairhaven, reckless of her gram 1 - , Eliakim that's my brother | ol llie Fifth avenue mansion, sur us infinitely more good to love it. rounded by silken chairs, gilded 'i'lic I’ulor of (he Teeth. There are no such things as white teeth, as ean be proved by contrasting those called white, with snow, raw cotton, or marble. Roughly, teeth ean be divided, as regards color, into blup, gray and yellow, with hundreds of different shakes. The apparent whiteness is due to the complexion, and hue of the lips; and the “glistening ivories" of the negro are. as a rule, so exceedingly yellow that they would disfigure a white per- It is the black skin, hair and eyes that make them look white. when there was a rustle among the wild rose bushes that overhung 1 the stone wall at their side, and a voice called hurriedly to them hardly recognize the place. On j Mrs. Reterhy was making a neighborly call While they were ehattin Simson. togelli- A Quaker married a woman of the Church of England. After the ceremony the vicar asked Ibr without tryin’ for it.’ Yet in spite of all her not one hundredth part of the g i fiery fluid is used here as under er little Mamie Simson was ^ | f*-e which he said waa acrawa. the old system. The calaboose coming towards the house with •> *! ,e Q".tkei astonished at the de- philoso heart, like 1 ria ‘stop. , . Miss Comfort' S rc ' v faint within her as she sat: It does us good to admitc what in the luxurious reception room is good and beautiful; bnt it does Konroe Female College, FORSYTH, GEA.. T HIS Institution that went down in flames in 1ST?, has rc-appeared, and raer. —he’s jrone over to the class meet like the’wonderful star. Mira.' is fast re irninine; its former position in the literary galaxy. Over One Hundred Matricu lates enrolled last session, and the pr»»s- i»ects for a steady increase are favora- in’ at Squire Dun.las,’ and I ctIl j tables, flashing mirrors and pic- down through lots to overtake j t - ures i whose radiant skies might have been painted in liquidized gold, so rare and costly were they.’ •I’m a’mos sorry I comer B. W Oil have full charge of the business, and will be found at bis post at .'tries, ready to serve all in bis usual fair and square manner. T- REMEMBER the place, Owen & Sealy old stand, East side XSqtiare, Cuthbert, Ga. Respectfully,. truly, J. W. STANFORD. aug2 52 ' V ' ilepartmentsof Literature. Science, Music. Dran iugaud fainting are in sue ecssful operation, ami friends are deter- , mined that even* effort shall be made to 1 cause - tlic glory of tlic latter house to surpass die splendor of tiie first. I*at- rons and friends that went to other pla CCS during the temporary suspension are respectful!v invited to return. Tiie next si-ssioit will open die tirsi , ,, , Monday in SetdemlH-r. Thus.- io seareli bewvell, blit It would lie in of a -.rood school, with healthful location, finesoeialand moral surroundings, are invited to trv Monroe. to you. 1 tell you I can't somehow get your father’s face out o’ my mind. ‘You’re sick, ain’t you, mister?’ ‘I shall soon be quite well,’ he ;! answered calmly, and Comfort Fairhaven's more experienced eye delected the hidden meaning liicli the little girl never once suspected. Yi-s, he would soon that inhabitants . ’ For particulars, apply *■ _ jyXS-om H. T. AMU R) . Pvest. The Royal St. Joliu Sewing Machine for Sale at U F. PULASKI & CO.’S country where the never say ‘I am sick.’- ‘WUcre are you going?" asked kind Miss Comfort, her voice growing husky in spile of liersel*’. We are going to my grand papa,’ thought Miss Comfort. T don’t fairly believe 1 can give satisfac tion here.’ While the thought was passing through her mind, the door swung open, and a tall young lady in a blue silk morning robe entered—a young lady with golden brown hair looped after the fashionable style over ber brow, and deep blue eyes. Miss Comfort lose and dropped a stiff little countesr. We grow like what we admire; but we become one with what we love. The foundation of good labor in any sphere is a good man. anil ail that is done to give breadth, depth and fullness to Inin will re system, to rot do has little or nothing to do. On morality and religion our minis ters will tell you that tve ean safe “Mamie is such a smart child for her age. I often send her to j the grocery on the corner with a ly challenge any community in ; twenty dollar bill, and she always the .State. Men Think thev know all about Mustang Lin as i mand, said if lie would show any text in the Scripture which prov ed Ins fee was a crown he would j give it to him. Upon which the vicar turned to the twelfth chap iter of Proverbs and fourth verse, where it said: “A virtuous wo man is a crown to her husband.” act in ultimate improvement upon ' intent bis work. Never delay til! to-morrow .wliat reason and conscience tell you ought to be performed to-day. To-morrow is not yours; and though you should live to enjoy it, you must nol overload it with burden not its own. What we really are, somehow or other will ooze out, in tone, in look, in act, and this tells upon those who come in daily contact with ns.—F, IF. JioierUon, not to haye. auprJ-tiUO I i biings back the right change.” Enters Mamie who runs lo her j mother and says: _ _ . “I got the coffee from the gro j About three months ago, during cery„ but the clerk says if you ; a storm, Harry Griggs, of Macon, don't pay last month's bill you j caught a summer duck, and has can’t g.-t anything more on a j kept it ever since as a curiosity, cred.t"—Tern* Siftinys. j The other day Harry, secured s . — — „— I crow and placed him in the A Company of Ltali jrortnori.s j . , . , . , r , . .. * • Few do. Not to know » liavc ^ ROOO.OOO acres of|^ ‘*° b,rt> land in Northern Mexico, and preparations are being earnestly ; ^ C(1IlcIu(|e<110 „ wat made lor the location of a colony j wilh C3cIj otI)er T , m of Mormons there. It is under - j # , 1|(vi lVo |U>ve ^ stood that this colony will consist of polygamous Mormons, and the hope is entertained that the ques tion of Mormon polygamy in the United Slates will be thus peace ably solved. There is nothing in this movement to which American people can object. for several 1 j hours in a dazed sort of way, Tiie Second Adventists have set Tuesday. October 13, as the day for the fimtl crash. In this connection we desire to sav that tiie Second Adventists of Brooks county do not take any slock in such prophesies. a happy family that is interesting to see. “Pa, what are the ‘puts* and ‘calls’on Wall Street?” “Well, ^ mart puis his money in a broker’s hands and when he calls tor it it is not there.”