Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, September 08, 1887, Image 1

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Cuthbert Enterprise and Appeal. BT JAS. W. STANFORD. independent in All Things—Neutral in Nothing.’' TERMS $1.00 IN ADVANCE. OL. VII. CrTlir.EHT A ITEM.. K* CT’TIIBKKT Kntekphisf., tal»li>lic<l lsfifi. I 1*31. f CONSOLIDATED 1SSL CUTHBERT, GA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1887. NO. 34 Enterprise & Appeal. SVIiSCltllTlOS PKJCJv One cojiy one year .... *• Six months . . . ** Throe months . . .Mull M©a*«i;s»«*!■«*«!«il«*. PM I'ASSESOEU. «.nlX«; WI>T. Arrive 3:00 r. m. <*OlS*i K\.*T. Arrive 1- >*• Florida * western r.oiN«; u F~*T . Arrive 3:F> '• coin*; i:\st. Arrive Stopn at I'nion futhhort. Dawson, between Moni^um ery »n-l Siuitliville. Fort tJain-s train flection with tin* Montgomery I*a*S!«eii'*er at Cuthbert. I). PH Ki.P>. A^-nt. 11 :11 1’. M. jtrinj:*. Kufaula. DR WESTMORELAND, »K>TIKT, Offers hi* services li> ihcf public in nil tlie branches or Denlistrv.— Work warranted. Office over the Poslofticc. Km tins formerlv oceu pied liy Dr. Worsham. lie will •|ien<l the first week of each month in Fort Gaines, eommene ln»thc first Monday; Booms ai the I.istlitfoot House, nini-31 ct. W. R. THORNTON, D E N T I S T Humorist and Editor. Just before Mr. Charles A. Dana hied him to Euro|>c under a cross fire of infantry and artillery, I did him the honor to interview him in the Sun office. He is a pleasant man to meet. He be lungs to tlie. old kindergarten school of humor. His literary habits arc simple and bis methods it would be right in your line. 1 ‘I know; hut why should yon refer to the opium joint as though it was a part of the Chinaman? An opium joint is not a part of a man. It is a place. It is a local ity. It should not be confused with anatomy. 1 can't do any thing with it myself, but if you will write it out and sign your of work unostentatious. Mr. Dana ! name to it, I can comment on it rises previous to taking his break fast, and, inserting himself into a pair of licary set pantaloons of bis own design, be gradually adds other articles of clothing to these until lie is dressed for the dar. A Kamaare With a Serai. Staging Tra-la-la. At one of the summer resorts j ‘New Views in National History which abound in North Georgia j Leading up to the Perfectly An- a father and mother and their ] thentic History of an Interesting daughters handsome young la ! but Unfortunate Frog,’ is the dy not quite 20 years of age, spent two months a few years ago. They hoarded with a private family. queer title of a pamphlet recently published in a Frcneli country town by a good ahhe. It tells a Among other visitors at the re- simple and touching story of a sort was a young man who was j melodious frog, which is quite as quite prominent upon occasions. all soeial Absolutely Pure. rpllls Powder never varies. A mar- 1 velnf purity, strength and whole-1 snniem-s.s. More eeiiitondeul than the ordinarv kind* and ealllit-r he sold in enmpetiHiin with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate! powders. Sold only in cans. Itoyai Ihl-I Lino fundee Co., iufi W all street. New , York. ma v:k--1 v ' adversely and claim that you are opposed to |ieopie who fall down stairs, especially foreigners, and that you are trying to hold them up to ridienlc. That is what I call fun. My humor is different he had plausibl- His day’s work practically liegins from anything else in that line. | made himself agreeable. He was at the breakfast table, where lie : 1 deal in what may he called the i introduced to the young lady at a peruses the other morning papers, strabismus style of humor. I al-1 picnic. Their acquaintanceship, and in his mind marks out apian • ways thought that was a mighty I almost immediately became of distortion relative to the atli j good thing altout ‘When is a lit-j friendship, and the latter, upon tude taken by the press generally, j tie dog's tail like a door?' and the i the part of the t oung lady, at After breakfast he takes a ear j answer is,‘when it is ajar.’ j least, soon ripened into love, to the office, hilt, much to the Saw Ini See it and Saw Vos Won’t. In an Illinois city within fitly miles from Chicago there is a ho tel where the service at table is notoriously bad. It can be im proved by the use of tips to wait ers, and guests of the house know it. A drummer was telling the other night how lie got a satisfac tory dinner at the hotel. There is something familiar about the story, but it is good enough to o CITTIIBE15T, GA. FFR-K \Ve*t >i<lf Public square, Kfv's <t<iri*. ^Uusscll S:ij»e # has no chiMren. 11 is only heir is a nephew well ail- vaneed in years. NO MORE^EYE GLASSES, Weak Eyes! surprise of every one, returns it to the owner as soon as he is through with it. When not actually engaged in the office or making up the forms. : is, the ‘ ‘Kilt a little dog's tail is never ! They became engaged. The ajar. You have got two jokes j young man explained to the rath- mi xed up Y'ott are thinking of jer and mother that his family ‘When is a little dog s tail not a was good; that he had ample little dog's tail?’ and the answer means and that his presence in When it is door joke is a waggin.' The entirely different. Mr. Dana loves to mingle in mad whirl and maelstrom of me social world. Hardly a day pass- There arc at least fifty years’ dif- es that he does not put on his I'crenec in the inauguration of the other coal and go out to dine with two. Wonderful] Cares. _W. n. lioyt & Co, Wholesale and l’etail Druggists of Koine, , - . . Ga.. st.v: We have been selling | ' uma8 ’ or P ‘ B ' Publ,ca “ r 01,1 j Ju * tU,en * Dr. King’s New Discovery, Klee- j Observer, who frequently write ] tell Mr. Dana for his paper. And More MITCHELL sftLvE A Certain. Safe siihI KlVre'.ive Betned e 1«»r SORE. WEAK. AND INFLAMED EYES. I*rmJi|fiii" I :iml Ke- storinjr the Siirht t*f the < >M. Cure* Tear l>ro|»>. Crannlation. Stye Tu mors. Re»I Kves. Matted Kvf !.a*he>. AND PROlltVINi; ijFH K RKI.IKF AND PLUM A MINT (IRK. Also equally etthariou* when u>ed in other maladies, such as Fleers. Fever f*4»res. Tumor*. Silt Rheum. Burn*. 1'ile* or wherever inflamntioii exists. MlTi’Il- KI.I.’S SAl.VK may he u>ed to advan tage. Sold hv all Dru^ists at Si cents. South-West-Georgia trie Kilters and Kueklen's Arnica Salve for two years. Have never | deeliKing t ears brightened handled remedies that sell as well, or give such universal satis taction. There have been some I wonderful cures eltected by these medicines in this city. Several eases of pronounced Consumption have been enliiely cured by use of a few bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery taken in connection with Electric Killers. We guar 1 antee them always. Sold by J W. Stan foui). man came in t<> that they were ready now to go to press with the inside of the paper and needed Mount Vei non, on the Fulomac is to have a deer park. , TI . AOB — thus are his up by I the adulation of our greatest 1 minds. i During the heated term he fre quently lakes a small bar of soap. j and leaving the hlisteting pave ments of. the great, struggling ( pers for the mail. He said that city behind him. lives away to the now lie only wrote the wrappers, ■sheltering arms ol the booming and if I could wait a few minutes 1 "I 1 billowy sea. where he meets inauy lie would bo light hack; hut 1 old subscribers who ask him to said 1 could not remain, and so. stop their paper. The report that shaking hands w ith the eminent Mr. Dana said he left his papet journalist and sanguinary and went down to the sea he (quitter, 1 came away. remarkable in its way. though by no means as amusing, as Mark lie was not a native sf Georgia, i Twain's story of the ‘Jumping j tell. The drummer sat down at lie said, hut was from a Western ; Frog.’ j the table and managed to get a Stale. He seemed to have plenty | The abbe relates how lie called waiter, of money, he was not ill looking, {one day upon a sick man, one of manners and lie i the poorest of his parishioners, who, in honor *»f the priest's visit, threw into the fireplace a few branches, which blazed up into a bright flame. Tresently there appeared from under an old worm eaten chest, which was the sole article of Turn iture in the room, an enormous frog which hop| ed along toward the hlazc. The frog seemed to he al home, and so lie was. He the sick ninn's only friend. The ahhe regarded the nnimal he had been nearly everywhere with interest. Thereupon the ami wanted to enjoy whatever [icasant, in order to repay the priest for his attention or his pet, 1 finished lie waS satisfied, gave an exhibition of the frog’s j ‘Fete,’iie said again, as lie mother made any inquiries about accomplishments, him, hut as many other parents | In a nasal voice the (icasant be have done in similar cases, ac . gan singing one of the old French repted his statement as true. With ballads that have come down in a few montlis'lhe your.g people from the time ol King Dagobert— Kitchen. Art hi the Decorative art appears nowa days in the kitchen and the pan try as well as in the parlor and lied room. The newest kilchi-D candlestick is uncommonly like its ancestral prototype. It has a luiseof a deep howl form extend ing upward al one side and turn ingoverina point with a hook to hold the large conical extin guisher, at the same time forming a convenient handle. A large cup like rim sets otf the candle and serves to catch the melted Fete,” said he, taking a silver j wa *- %g heaters with scroll handles and egg-boilers in an liqtie repousse brass have ap peared. and even the old fashion ed rolling pin has borrowed a new gnyety from its relation, the bangle hoard, and has the ends finished otT with ornamental turn. Crumb brushes are mounted with brass of a mcdiicval design, and Georgia was due tortile fact that pleasures lie could find in other new fields. Neither father nor dollar from his pocket, and put ling it under a,goblet turned up side down, “do you see that?” •Yes sah,' said Fete affably, ‘I see it.’ ‘Well, now, you hurry around and get me just as good a dinner J "f * ls handles as you know how and dont keep; solne sort of ine wailing.’ llelter service than the drum tner had could not he desired. wa9 i The meat was just what lie asked | for, the vegetables fresh ami (lain tily set before him, the courses followed each other in rapid suc cession, and when the guest had Wise Werds.- God helps his people from’ tronhle by saving them from sin.- Stirrow is the only one of the’ lower notes ifi the oratorio of our' blessedness. One of the greatest blessings' you can enjoy, is a tender, honest' and enlightened conscience. It is not only arrogant, bntit is" profligate for a man to disregard* the-world's opinion of himself. Live by the day; yon will have' daily trials, and strength accord- ingly; leave to-morrow to the’ Lord. In certain souls, more haughty than tender, pardon is a polite' form, a sort of euphemism of con‘ tempt. There is a Gallic proverb; “If^ the best man's faults were written* on his forehead, it wnnld make’ him pnll his hat over his eves." It is a great and noble thing to* cover the blemishes and to excuse crumbs are swept into a tray the failings of a friend; to dratr with a dragon handle. Curtains ! a curtain before his stains, and’to' for kitchen windows of bright! display his perfection's; to bury chintz and a cushion of Turkey-1 his weakness in silence, but to' red calico for the cook's easy j proclaim his virtues upon the-’ chair add greatly to the bright- housetop. id ness of the kitchen, that room which George Eliot liked “best Soutn- w est-tjeorgia j . Agricultural College, CUTIIKEKT, GA. I N© j"t^ JH 1SS 7. Kelt Session Op ns Wednesday, Sepi. 7tii! TUTION; i-s. iVr Month. Primary rlas>cs. liit«*rnu*<liat«‘ (in* !!ichr*t <ia**«**. I Roanl ami Tiiiti* 310(10; |*uynl»!r on lln- lir*t Tuition will In- clinrjr« nili. oji. I oo I Month, f each month I from time ot M r Month. ». )M-r S i ml ^ntrrin^ mcIiooI to tin- eml of term, •eolleeteil at the eml of eaeli month. Ne oe«|i;etion for alienee e\ee|»t Uy I .•<»|*eeiiil agreement, or for .*irkiu‘>* ot two week's ilnration. The |>nlilie >ehiM»l liiml will l»eeolle«‘t- . ^*.1 ami ikilneteil from tin- regular rates K*f tuition. A«hlress. tf A. .1. < 'I. \ RK. President. FA. PRICE It Located Now Better than Ever. HAVK mimu the il to the t’orner next to ^HOTEL,P With my stm k of 4ir***eiies. Hardware jim! tteheral Merehamli>e. ami am better |*re|»art‘«l than ever io sell <ohhI* r.t hot- t«im jiriees. My sto»‘k i> new. niee ami *omphtf. e« insist ini: of Fruits. V.irtta- l»les, ('afineil 4 iooil*. I .oat |lrea«l. ■ Iresh from lie-t bakeries. • t*he«*se. * raek**rs, ( amlies ami everything else in a (ieuer- «I Family tJnwery. My (umhIs :ire mark ed at j.riees to the JIAltn TIMES. I ean also lit you nj» with a DyotlTtirn- .ouf Siujrl .'or Double; or a Lood Sad- .die Horse, at short not lee. Am also |*re- i eases mail jiared to take the best ol eare *»f rran- hietit Stock. Respeetfully felv't-et P A. PRICK. ci j;es Cancer, Scrofula, Eczema, Jiloorf l*oisou Malaria^ l leers, and all Diseases Caused from Impure Wood Coiippr of Hie Toilette. My wile, some three or four years ii«o.'w.i> troubled with an tileer on the >ide of her toiijrue near the throat. The pain wa* ineessaut rausin^ ioss of sleep ami prodi.eini; jrreat m-rvous pro-tra- panyinj; this trouble was li hail missed from the I eenmred in the wri*t of e almost b**in.L r the use of the MitVeiinj: of the two wn hurdenstune. l*y the If dozen small-sized bottles of ijit-, she was entirely reliev ed to health. This was ro. and there lias been no lisea*e. II. h. Mim»t.Kiu:ooKs. >arta. Ha.. .Tune 1SSU. Treatise on Blood and skin Dis- 1 free. T1 i K S\V 1 l'"r S PKCIKI < M o.._ Drawer.t. Atlanta. («a. N. ^ ^ d St. Feebly tii m. Aft-on Hit um ati>:n. siiotiii! fi\* am os if !.: mil. >li it. Di tWffll li ft* II! nl srro : U*r of a hall Swift’* Sj.ffl! ; cil and If.* To 1 tliret* \ far* a ; return of the cause lie liked to be near some ^5=^=5. I thing that was booming proves to have been a canard, whatever that is. for he indiou&utiy told me that he never made use of the i expression. Mr. Dana’s hearing is a little | impaired, but his mind is just as ! subtle and buoyant as ever it was. tits memory is inordinately ac live, as is sometimes the case with m4*n well advanced in years, enabling him not only to recall readily what has actually occur red during his lifetime but a great many things that have not. A call on Mr. Dana is rather mote satisfactory than one made al the 4>flii*e ot other morning pa I pers, because one is not disturbed by people who have business w ith : tiie paper. *Yoft are still connected with a newspaper, are y4>u L4>t, Mr. Da na?* I inquired. ‘Eh !* ‘You are still connected with a newspaper, are you not?’ I asked raising my voice. ‘Oh. yes, I have always been connected with ncwspaj»ers. For years I wrote over the nom his napkin beside his plate, ‘do *jf any in the house.” you see that dollar?* There is a deal of cheerfulness ‘Yes, sah,’said Pete, with ex ; and homeliness in a pleasant pectation in his eyes. j kitchen. Even I\>mona in Kud- ‘Well, Pete,’ remarked the ‘ter Grange found it a nice place him in the press room. Mr. Dana were married. ! one of the simplest c;f songs, drummer as he removed the gob-1read about “Earls and Earless- excuscd himself by saying that There is a sequal to this little both in worils and music. j | c ^ ‘take a goi>il look at it, for es ” > n when it was “tidied up;” since they had been a little short romance, and it is one that is not ‘What was my astonishment,’ , y U ,rn never see it again.* an< ^ ^ a room well worthy a lit- of hands he had been helping to uncommon. The young man was writes the abbe, ‘to hear the frog. Then the drummer put the coin L * c niorc attention from those who run off the papers anil write wrap- an imposter. He was of good after the man had sung one coup- 1 j„ his pocket and slrolletl out of devote much time to beautify ing pers for the mail. h vr, mother and wife decided to aud to utter Ins la, drop to fa. go , t(M »k a reqnistion on the Governor kiU-lien more lIran as a place in I can raise them at a cost of 2 cents make the beat of affairs, and, il up to la again, and then down to 0 f tlie adjoining slate to gel it which to try their hand at cook ! ar , ( i a t a year old they possible, to conceal their bitter: mi, with a precision worthy of a' back. (' r y. A cheerful, comfortable' ’ disappointment. The father has i choirmaster. Aud these notes, la, — tar a wmlhless son-in-law to s,ip|H>rt. * fa, la, mi, the frog related regu the mother grieves over the blast- larly and correctly, in a lone gut- 1 life of her daughter, and the 1 u-ral that the man sang, like a an imposter. lie was of good after the man had sung one coup- j„ fij s |iockcl and strolled out of devote much time to beaut family, lml he had no money and ' let of his song, take up the note | t |, e room . w |,il c Fete ^kicked his | ,,lller parts of the house. his habits were very bad. Falh- upon which the man had ended, chair so far under the table j t ' lau o' ,lL ' rs 1,1 a *"" ue nia i , , , .... r mail so lar under me lauic 11 . | uan , lo take an interest n The well in llic New Enterprise. Tims. Armstrong, of Kalkuni;- has just finished fencing his go pher farm, which consists of ten' acres. The fence is a ditch 12 in ches deep around the place with' posts and plank nailed to them' on the opposite side from the’ patch. Inside of this enclosure' lie had, at his last count, 65 go' pliers, all thriving and doing well, licsidrs his children call them up' as you do lings, and water and feed them. He claims that lie' Those who have been in the haliil of criticising Mi. Dana's policy and objecting to what lie says about bis superiors, should remember that be lias to write about somebody. A paper that frequently does not deal with people at all i* about the dull and uninteresting, and so Mr. Dana is almost forced, as it were, to write about hissuperiars! Ktix Nve. The Eire Olil Sick Built. Intemperance.—This is the fire that Old Nick built. Moderate Drinking.—This is the fuel that feeds the fire that Old Nick built. Kum Selling.—This is the ax that cuts (he wood that feeds the tire that Old Nick built. Love of Money.—This is the i stone that grinds the ax that cuts ; the wooil that feeds the lire that I Old Nick built. Fublic Opinion—This is the sledge with its face of steel that unhappy wife lives in seclusion and nurses her woes. Of course, this little romance has a moral. Young ladies are not careful enough acquaintance tbej make. They easily allow them selves to lie un|>oscd u|K>n by al most any good looking young , man who seems to have money 1 and whose manners are pleasant. ; Farents are often not sufficiently cautious about countenancing l their (laughters' associates. Cer tainly when marriage is in tlu- question the most careful inqui ries should lie made about the men who wish to become the husbands of their daughters. It sort of chorus. ‘The notes were plaintive and a little veiled, with a little touch of melancholy and regret, and sounded much like an old-fash ioned harmonica.’ The abbe described also the excessive pantomime that frog went through as lie sang his notes. lie looked tenderly to ward his noisier, with an expres sion as if he really desired to please, and felt also a wish to have his [>erturmances apprcciat- man A lest Case. Smith—Say, Jones, can a man get drunk onbcei? Jones—I don't know. Let’s try. Waiter, two luers. Smith—Yum, Yum! I could all night. Waiter. - rY cheerlu kitchen is an index ol the char acter of the feminine head of the house in the average home where il comes under her daily personal inspection. A strip ol bright carnet or a fear yards of linoleum , , .... on a kitchen ‘floor makes it a lake ll,c P lace of chickens, eggs, are worth 35 cents each. He claims' that there is more money in this' project than in the raising of cot-' Ion. that there is nothing on earth* which is more palatable, they' much more habitable place for the fcllow-ciealincs who must etc., and that it would be just too' impossible for him to get along- without them. .Messrs. Walker and Adams, of Columbia, recent ly dined with him and eat heartily*' I t w „ beers j tidy beings who must sometimes J of this favorite dish of his, pr<i ; Smith—-Why, I am just begin- ■ ! ,c endured who would rather not flouncing it afterwards, the finest 1 I'e imiliereil with a lnL of bright ra cal that they had faced in a long* «lrink that «»» uiguie •> wiivi. . i*ii . r ° i spcmi nearly twelve hours out ol two beers. 1 t | |C . lwl .„ty f uur j n j; s i ( ,o often Jones—Of course; so could I. barren and bleak inclosure. There and be clear as a bell. Waiter, i are, of course, ignorant and un ed. This was, unfortunately, the lie bothered with a hit ‘■T ness of beauty of any sort, but two nine out of ten of the young wu men who serve in American al stuff. Makes a ... , and more cleanly il a little extra Lesh have a couple ^ werc lakcn to 81irrouni | lhe m ! with cheerful conditions. Aunt Ella. ning to get thirsty. We’ll two more. Hi there, waiter beers. Jones—G JiL more. Smith—All right. Joncsy. only performance by the frog that j' 1s you shay. Now have some j Xot Very T'romisiug. the abbe witnessed. The poor'™ ^ e ' . , We reproduce, in another col man died a few days afterward, «!» r , »hmy turn. ... a ; ^ ^ ^ , (y a w is always well, where the suitors [ aud the singing frog disappeared, gentle (hie) man, 1 ain, and pa} arc strangers, to lind out all there Xo one knows what became of my share. is to know about them. Advice him. ; Smith—I shay ’smy turn. You like this is often given. Unfur * • • ~ ! must he drunk. is often given, tunalcly it is seldom heeded.— i Strcfinnah Heir*. Perfectly ret lie (hie) u I tin me of ‘Cad,’ my initials run ioi' PIANOS AND ORGANS! :o: — 1 Can Sell Yon. an ORGAN OR PIANO Olieapei* THAN Any House within 500 Miles of this point. :o: When vou want anv IiistrumiMit. confer with nit* in Togani t.i price hofort* lmvinji, and T will save ton jnon-i vy. I also sell Piano and Organ Stools sojmrate. 1 together in lower case.’ ‘Aud you still do write, do yon i ; not?' | ‘Sir?’ ‘Yon still do write, I say.’ ‘Well, I try In, but a man who is going to do right ought to be gin early in life, and then it =» -* not be so difficult as it is to ex periment with it al my age.’ ‘No, you do not understand me ; I inquired if you still write pieces for the paper.’ •Yes. yes, of course, I still write for my own pa tier.’ ...... • . 1 . : Will to ; ‘And does the paper print what Shaming Ikbler* int* Payment. j nnes _Any may says I'm “Installment collector ol un-j drunk ’ 8 ij ar . Only drank paid bills.” This inscription was ; liul ,. lwcr , Can - t g( . t flll |' n i, cpr . batters the stone that grinds the A Simple Cure forjliisumnia—A Itoeii painted in liold white letters on' Smith—Thasli so. Jones. Not ax that cuts the wood that feeds t» the Weary. ! both side* of a carriage that slop-1 possible the fire that Old Nick built. I 11:1,1 frequently noticed Aliped in front of an uptown house j, on9 A Ten,prance :-hen engaged in deep thought, | ve8>r(lay . U was a novel device, | Jone8 _ Ncs ‘ f,.„ er 8 , ia y, man tlt , is one of the blows that we quiet particularly at night, there sceui originating with a collector whose! can't get drunk on beci jus’ shend ly deal to fashion the sledge with Cl1 lo be something like atom jdcawastoshamedelinqnentsin- ! its edge of steel that batters the) pression ofllie eyelids, the upper | l(> | )av j n „ their bills. He rang stone that grinds the ax that cuts onc especially, and the eyes them- t | le of l)ie | lonsei aDt j w | lcn a the wood that feeds the lire that. selves were apparently turned up- WOIUan a)l | >carc< I fie asked a queR Old Nick built. j war,1 ‘ as if in ‘iirec tioD> witU an cx|)res «ion of deter minalion on bis face. She shook her head, indicating that she was that we ; re<1 > an >l the moment, that, by an effort, I arrested the couise of time. lie speaks of giving a din ner when the present campaign 1 kitchens'would he more contented I commences lo grow warm and his’ gophers get larger. A Valuable Watch for au Absent-' Minded Man lo Carry. It is curious wlial a revolution in the watch trade self winding? lias made, and I have often won dered that no such plan had been adapted to clocks. This lias now been done, and I fancy the' clock which winds itself up every hour will produce a complete change in the clock trade. The invention is very ingenious. The' mechanism eliminates the heavy*' and costly part of the clock work, gives the movement one-fiftieth porter of the Columbus Enquirer Sun with Mr. G. Gnnby Jordan, j President of the Columbus South ern railroad, in reference loan in qniry made by the Albany News, as to what was being done.toward building the road. Mr. Jordan’s replies are very cautious and not very promising. From them we Temperance Pledge.—This is lio “< sa J 8 a writer <n Chambers j the smith that works with a will Journal. This invariably occur to give force to the blow ’in (hu ) to me. m ♦ m -New York’s Girdled Girls. increased efficiency and accuracy the lightness of its action. learn that no arrangements have j - , . . i r ,i part of the work to do originally , vet been made for the monev nec 1 o j . i r . i entailed on it, and secures greatly cssary to build the mail, further j. ® J ! than the subscriptions and right, I of way aU»ng the line; nor is there ^ ... Fvpp cineo Eve first nut on cm-' * > . ■ i i-)Id fa\oiiics need not be discard^ j*.\cr since ursi put, on cm ; any promise as to when the ar- sets there have been flippant al- * * . n i i i ; cd, as, in most cases, while retain- , . , . 1 , r , rangements will lie made. In 1 * ’ lusions made to a supposed fond-. f ... ing entirely their old appearance. tlfit vnnn.r 1‘iilifs cherish of fact, Mr. Jordan seems to throw; ® / . . ness young lames, tnenRii oi ■ ; they can be converted to the new having their waists squeezed. Off the responsibility of construct 1 ... j quietly cleal to fashion the sledge “ i with its edge of steel that batters thought and freed the mind from not prepared to settle her bill, j * xo ^""vproo 1 oi inat weakness j , n g the road upon the people : P“" L1 l ,lc > JD ‘ 1 110 l»ngc r need the “Well " said he “1 11 have to drive!!'“? ever •*«*". " ffered *° Ul ' along iu line. He says the road '‘ la,l > or » tckI > visits for wtndiog. ’ ’ • lie s gaze until recently. But it s i . ... , . jl went the other day to Queen* I - ,11-, -,i around again.” Woman like she, hpre al)(1 the * gi| .| 8 can't wl11 1,0 b,1,lt ,f llic 1,e,,1>le alor -= : Victoria street to see theseclocks the stone that grinds the ax that; ^ with which it was wn- , ooke( , a|ler him a8 , (e wa8 t | c . ■ .Jmlge it. The silver girdle busi the hue wish it built. The I»-’° ' m u ,1.!™ 1 . i • I cuts the wood that feeds the fire ? a .2 e<1 the eyes resume.1 their j parting, and her eyes fell on the ! ness l |as become fashionable, anil 1 pie along the line have stipposcil a ^ ai | that Old Nick built. • natural position and the compres ; carria *’ wil |, ils „ ive awav in- J»“ng men who are addicted to! tfiat they bad done their part—' l ° a , * , 1 Ucari1 "**' i, 3* ii„ te *“ -**«!S^Srr JLti ts* spirit RO gentle and still that) >t o'carretl to me onf! indignation, and she could hardly an impression through corset arm ; tbcni—and have been looking toj|f ee buildings in Manchester.— ' script loo. ; indignation, and she could Hardly a I night I would not allow the eyes to 8U |,p re88 |, er wrath as she beck- j or, but when a silver log chain give force to the blows turn upward but kept tiicm dc- „ nc<) lo „ |e to t( , mo nerves the smith to work with is 51 r. Jordan to do his part, that: London Trul/t. Some days the 11 hat baiters the stone that grinds : mg done so for a short lime, it, but all those the ax that cuts the wood that j found that the mind did lecds the tire that Old Nick built. J. \V. STANFORD. PARSONS Ties* Dills we« a wonderful discovery. No others like them in the world. Will positively onre or relieve all manner of disease. The information around each boa is worth ten time* tht cost of a boa of pills. Find ont about them, and yon will always be thankful. One pill mb' 1 ' H ■ RS chrcmcffi'heakh K h V n MB tlian$5wcrthof I conjee. One boa wiU do wore Hj |B Nfl 5^| realise the mar- ▼elott^Dower oftkese pills they would walk 100 miles to get a box if they couldaot »e had Make New Rich Blood! you write.' •Yes, mostly, cal gets hold of humorous editorials about proim- ! nent people who are dead or gone to Eunqte are mine.’ ‘Then you are fond of humor, are you Mr. Dana?’ ‘Yes, I like humor very much when it is-explained to me, hut 1 { believe that I enjoy taking iny j cal with me and prancing over a 1 great mans grave better than j anything else. It is very funny ,, llU) ,* g , who ran the tramp half a , an<1 19 perfectly safe. Owning mUe >nd , |ecil|( . ( , lbal , lockoul 1 a paper, in a measure, as I do. I j ! can gel things printed- as hunior- j that we quietly .leal to fashion term!ncdly in the opposite posi the sledge with ils face of steel j lion as if looking down, and, hav- ucllj ly ! oils which other papers- might ob ject to.’ ‘I just heard of an aecident np on Mott street that you might make a funnv paragraph of. A Chinaman fell down two flights of stairs and fractured himself just about the opium joint.’ ■I beg pardon.’ ‘I say that a Chinaman fell down two flights of stairs to-day on Mott street and shattered himself just above the opium joint. The man is dead, and so , not re ; book he held in __ _ vert to the thoughts with which il An old tramp who had agreed - had been occupied, and I soon fell to saw wood for half an hour for j asleep. I tried the plan again his breakfast from a Baltimore ! with the same result, and after an woman quit llic seventh stick and , experience of two years I can tru- said: “Madam, I have struck for ly say that unless when something more breakfast and less wood; : really annoying or worrying oc arc you willing to arbitrate?” i curred, I have alwat's been able "Certainly,” she replied, and she. to go to sleep very shortly after left the case in the hands of her | retiring to rest. There may occasionally be some difficulty in keeping the eyes in the position I have dc- „ „ , scribed, but a 'dclei mined effort lo Now Orleans is considered tht, . , , , 9‘do so is all that is required, and I am certain that if kept in the down looking position, it will be found that composure and sleep will be the result. hack. He returned, nnd she evi- ,akes lo lam l» l* ,st9 ' dcnlly settled her nccmint, for : he erased something from a small i his hand, and an expression of contentment played added humanity gives up and Naturally, it is worn around the waist, be cause it’s too big for the neck, and a girl couldn’t grid, her skirts was inevitable.—Exchange. Iiesl melon market iu the United Stales. Ex Mayor Joyce, of St. Louis, in cutting a melon, slipped and nearly slit his son's nose off. with one hand aud her back hair with the other if she wore it , . , , . , . around her arms. A smelling over Ins face as he jumped into , ... , _ ., , ., J 1 | bottle, a box of carauiais, a pow- liis carriage and drove off. As, |, u fl; (>ri j n f al -t, almost any tbc sound of the wheels died \ thing can be hitched lo the front of negotiating with capitalists for the necessary funds. This, it would seem, he lias not done, nor does lie set any definite lime when lie will do it. Under the circumstances looks to us that il would be llie away the door closed with a bang, ! end of the girdle as an excuse for fer their subscriptions from this Our Snbterrauesa Wraith. The subterranean wealth of the' United Stales is becoming abso lutely fabulous. When our coun try was first settled there was' il very little thought of the imroeuse' wealth beneath the surface. .. , . , , , , , Farmers were content with their part of wisdom for the people of grasS) Ule|r cr , tp , aml lheir fof . Colninhtis and Ciisscla to trans- jests, it is gradually becoming the w °aring I place lo carry it. It is a convenient surplus hairpins. and an echo floated out on stillness lhat ( sounded like “The Wjl||jD l)ic , ast wet . k „ r lw<) Fitlll mean thing.” , avenue and Madison avenue girls i have bloomed out with girdles. They are an expensive shackle. A line of steamers is about to There are forty Jew millionaires j be established on the Suwanre in New York. The richest is * Max Weil, who is rated al#8,G00, 000: __ Disinfectants are put in the wa lering carts in Boston by order of the Fublic Safely Department. river, the Florida stream so famed in song. » * — An eleven years old girl of Missaukee county. Mich., is six leet tall already, and growing like a weed. A few days since a case was be ing tried before a Justice of tiir Fence in one of the backwoods districts of Gwinnett county. The plaintiff presented liis evi dence and “rested” the ease. The Attorney for the defendant made a motion to nonsuit the case on the usual ground. The Justice was completely nonplussed. He consulted several of his friends and finally said to the defend ant’s attorney he could not enter tain the motion as it had no sec ond. The attorney declares that the next ease he tries before llial Justice lie will carry him s man along lo second the motion. • ♦— Paris will soon behold the Wild West show and our immortal Buf falo Kill. But with all their drawbacks they have many advantages. When a girl is drowning, a girdle is a i iunibus. much surer lliiug to lift her out with than hair. Hair is liable lo come off. In walking through a crowd the escort could lake a bitch of the chain around liis wrist and lie dead sure of liis prey. Then they are convenient things to attach dogs to. and, in case of defense, can he used as sliing shols. When traveling and living in strange hotels a girl will find the girdle an infinite protec tion by using it to attach the door knob to the bed post. The girls have got the girdle very bad ly. It is liable to injure the mat rimonial market some. But after all, the girdled girl is the delicacy of the season.—etcelry y curs. indefinite railroad to one which promises, with a reasonable amount of subscription, to give them a line as valuable in ils con nections within the next four months. We allude to the Buena ■ Vista road from Amcricus to Co A mericus Recorder. Of the 4,000 Englishmen resid ing in New Haven, less than 500 arc registered voters. Strawberries are sold in the San Krancisco market every month in the year except January. A gold piece of Tiberius Ciesnr has been found at Canterbury, England. -^w* m Distributing baud bills is here after a jail offense in Washington. The property of Cincinnati is assessed al $174,000,000. as common Lo dig far below as on' the surface for the treasure which' nature yields to man for big labor and tiie sweat of his brow. It- was twenty years after the con stitution of the United States sar formed before the anthracite coat' on our hundreds of millions of' acres was used for general fuel* purposes, and it was seventy years before the discovery of |ie- iroleum, which is making our' country the veritable illuminator' of llic world. Now we have gold and silver add iron and copper,- and salt and marble and granite' without measure; and, finally,- we have discoveries of gas wells- which are so fabulous in their' value that the minds stands- aghast at the future wealth of the' United Stales. And the grand' development and great legibili ties of our iron region has already astonished the Union.—Mining: World. The yellow fever still holds its*, fatal sway al Key West.