Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, February 16, 1888, Image 2

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ENTERPRISE and appeal. PD3LMED EVE2Y THURSDAY. i \ A Remarkable Iitlerriew. JAS. W. STANFORD, R. D. CROZiER, Editors cumni:);r, <iA. «Z!"p , ‘?. per bp onlilVTt •«o. P. I,owe!! A <'a s X<nv ,>apcr \.l- whsiMilnr..;", Mi) Spruce St. i. wli're U K.*'y«rk , '" rHCtS mV U ' " ,ade f, ' r jt TBS tf.W^vr^TS? MvKAgcnry of Mew*. Y - f- SOW, our authoriaa-u agents. I. A. MARTIN is onr Xgent at Rctirrl, and in Ml/ niitlinrizotl to n ’™ , ' r ? " nd r «wlp» fof all moiier paid him. EDITORIAL PARAGRAPHS. —The Ilawhinsville Ni-ws. in Its issue of the 8lh inst... ci>pi ( -s a |iarni;i':i|ili from our columns, anil credits it tn the Cullilicrl Liberal. Such mistakes are getting to !><• too frequent. We hope our hrclli ren will be more careful. The prediction rji.ide soon after the prohibition contest in Fulton county, that the result of that con lest would lie a general reversal of the verdict of the people wher ever prohibition prevailed, has proven to be entirely false. In only one or two counties have the people gone back to the liquor trallic. Dodge county has just decided by a good majority to re main dry. Rheumatism is caused by lactid ac id in the blood, which Hood’s Sarsa parilla neutralizes, and thus cures rheumatism. The Atlanta Constitution ad mits that it is ready to abandon the democratic party “which,’ it says, "is democratic only in name.” Nothing but fear of car pelhag domination in the South prevents a "healthy division” ol the party. There are only two great partiesjn this country. and it is evident from the Couslitu lion's own language, and from its persistent advocacy of repuhli can measures, that it is rapidly drifting out of the democratic, and nilo the opposing party. It lakes about a hundred ami twenty millions dollars yearly to pay pensions ami interest on the war debt. The internal taxes af ford about enough revenue to pay these heavy drafts upon the gov ernment. Georgia contributes only about twenty cents per capi ta of this revenue. It plainly ap pears therefore that, under the operation of the internal taxation system, we have a very small part of the above obligations to pay, ami yet the Randall organs say that Ibis taxation is burden Some and oppressive. A serious antagonism lias been aroused in some places, particu larly in Troup county, between the Farmers’ Alliance and the merchants. There is neither cause nor excuse for such a stale of af fairs. This is a very large conn try, and it was intended that every man should have the right to look after his own business. The mer chant has the right to sell to whom lie pleases, and the Tanner has the right to buy wlieie lie thinks he can best subserve his interests. Mr. A. K. Cuttinjr who, as our readers will remember, was ar rested and imprisoned some lime ago by Mexican authority for an alleged violation of some law of that country, ami about which there was a great deal of excite ! luentand some talk of war, but ; who was eventually released b> j the Mexican government.—is now n type setter in the oflicc of the! Montgomery Advertiser. He is j said to be a very pleasant gentle- i man. An important bill was recently introduced into Congress which proposes practically a special tax on cotton seed oil. or so much of it as enters into the manufacture of r* fined lard. The measure provides lard compounds shall be stamped, and that the manufac til lets thereof shall he licensed Its object is to protect genuine lard, just as the oleomargarine bill, which was enacted by the 49tli Congress, was intended to protect genuine butter. It is not • likely that the pending bill will j become a law. as t lie South is sol idly opposed to it. ♦"J ® Samuel J. Randall, the cham pion and defender of the trusts nud monopolies of Pennsylvania, not only seeks to abolish the tax on whiskey, an article that can bear taxation without hardship to anybody, but he favors the pas sage of the infamous and outrage ous Dependent Pension Hill, which would cost the government not less than $100,000,000 annually, in addition fn the $SO.C00,Q00 now being paid. The tax on whiskey is just about enough to pay the present pensions. If this tax shaurld lie abolished, and the De pendent Vension Hill passed, there would be nearly $200,000,000 an r.ually to raise by increasing the lax on the,necessaries of life. If the democratic party is op posed to the present internal tax es on tobacco and whisky, why is it that during the last quarter of a century in which the party lias met six times in national conven tion, not a line lias appeared in its platforms denouncing this source of revenue? Why is it that u nc of the great party leaders have made waruponna measure that is so destructive of the prin triples of the democratic party, and so violative of the rights and interests of l he people? Tile truth is, there was no objection to these taxes. O no, they wcie all right, until a g rowing surplus in the federal treasury necessitated a re dwetion of taxation which endan geied the robber tariff;- and tiien all at once, a great line and cry w as raised against the "infamous mul oppressi re internal revenue.” Suddenly it became “tin-democrat io and uu American.'’ scare it. Our wise and patriotic J streets. Be friendly to everybody. Major J. F. Hanson, of Macon, | President has presented to the] ^ made a trip to the North recently, i U< *' ,n ' r - V lbe ,ss " e <,IrOSU "' ** f 8,1; pair. ' Sell all you can and buy all and while there succeeded in Imv j ^ J' on «« •«*»«• l < J™ ar * j will sustain Inin, m spite ol ing himself interviewed by the j ,. ff „ rts „ r l!l(1 Georgia junto to Pl-.iUicl^iia Press. Why he drag him down. Always strong avoided conservative democratic * lie; rich, invest somethin**, employ ■ so'mehodv. He courteous? to strung ; ers that come among you, so that , - 1. / i , i ihev mav ip» awav with good im before the pe-ndc. his fearless and: , . ' . * _ j pressmns. Always cucer on tin- journals, and sought this violent vigorous manner of dealing ! men who go in (or i in j M ovements has greatly ad j—your i»or’lion of the cost will hr radical paper-* this genuine blood} j public questions shirt South hater—in which publish his views, we cannot ah solutely determine, but those who art* familiar with his record will have »*> difficulty whatever in as signing the cause. The subject of the interview was, of course, rhe protective taiiif. Maj »r Han son, as is well known, is the pro pnetor of an ‘-infant industry, 1 * and he lliiuks that the govern merit should not only secure for .'din a market for Iris fabrics, and guarantee him an enormous in lercst on his investment, but should also tax the people for the purpose of paying him a bounty. Me manufactures cotton goods, and the taiiff lax on such fabrics is 40 per cent. It is clearly seen therefore, that when Major %Iuii sun sells one hundred dollar’s worth of Kis goods, he receives forty dollars as a bounty on ac count of the tariff, while nut one cent of it goes to the government. It is r.o wonder that he, and others like him, should be loth to give up a system that enriches the few, ami robs the many. Selfishness and rapacity, intensified by long indulgence and gratification, might reasonably be expected by those who are familiar with the foibles of human nature. Hut | the methods and measures resort J ed to by these bounty takers h» to i ded to his popularity; and under his leadership the tariff reformers will move boldly forward to a gh* rious victory. Ja the meantime it may be interesting to observe the ridiculous antics of the fret whisky cabal in Georgia. Sustain Your I oil'll. Every c itizen should fed and exercise an active interest in the building up of his town, for in helping to promote the public prosperin', he necessarily ad vances his own. Otlen adv mtageously situated, and ca pable oi a rapid growth, finds progress impossible because ol no!bins but what is just. Don't -kick” at any proposed improve nient. because it is not just :»* your door, or for fear llqil 3*0111 taxes will be raised a lew cent*. IIow to Make Farming l’ay. Editors Enterprise «f’ Appeal: .Since reading the articles of Messrs. Deal! and Gunn cm the financial con dition of our-farmers, a few thoughts have occurred to my mind, which if The Iwoce of the l»ay. Editors Enterprise and Apjteal: Tiie time is approaching for the peo ple to elect their Jaw makers, and as the next Legislature w51! elect a U. 8. .Senators, it is iuqiortant that the peo- Reply to Fair PIuj. Editors Enterprise and Appeal: Allow me to lay bare the charge of -Fair Play*’ against the County Hoard of Education in your last issue. Me charges in substance pie should know the sentiment of ev- \ that the Hoard, by Mu*ir action, cry one njxm The tariff subject, that j deprives a number of poor chi! asks to represent them in the Legisla- : dr«-n of the In ncfil of* the public turc. Every- man that wears a bat, i school fund. A more groundless cap or pair of shoes, is interested in j charge was never made. Two the equitable adjustment of tariff.— j } ears ago the i» »an* entered into While we admit the right to levy n | arrangements v. i-h Andrew Col tariff for revenue, sufficient osuppoit 1 :in< ^ Agricultural College, the government economically ailmia- ^ ,erel, > * l,es r ‘ -“'.I g. t istored, it i, rertniiilv ihoniost unjust, 10 »onll, s sdin-.lin- In*..I charge unreasonable Idfanda.-inns swin- ! n ** e “‘ 1 xhn * ,n,,nllls ’ } n " ,, . . . , . , , a ! .11*1 here let me sav. upon author ■lie to tax <>m- imlnstry t«l>n,M up an- iv Ulal lhe ,| U11| .', J , |„. >e other, that was ever ,HT,K.trate.I n|,or ] are Ulri , wn „ j,|e .qa-n anil a people. A yovc nm.-nt aver ICO l|leir hc ., rls g(1 <llIl alll , New Advertisements. Attention Buyers i A NY lmver ha . I •j;ig Prices <pi»*«rd 1-e- ]t»*v cut by oiiier mcndiauts. c:;i* save money by seeing me before makii.t. their ?»nreha>ts. Itespec!fully. i . N. SSMI^-ON*. .In. 1014 Dozen D. it IT. N COVIL T JT - O 1.4”>c; No. 2. . r s)c. at In lots f«>r less, SIMPSON'S. EO POUNDS Family Flour. Si 25, SIMPSON'S free ol j * * 33 lbs Sri'3 for SLOO, sim rsoN’s. more close!}* observed would, I think, | with the first nations of the earth, lie- Xav more, they are doing this! Cl 000 lOUAl^CO* better our condition t«» some extent, j sides the excuse of miles of. very thing, and have b«*en doing *i m r . ^ Being a farmer myself, what I shall ! transportation, our inanufa^<irersar<k j all the while Tlie Iwiard has open* 1 ^OC pvi rvUiH^ years old, tin t boasts ol its progress, lo lbis C | ;KH ^ au d i!i« v are anxious j of its wonderful attainments iu the* and willing to leach all arts and sciences, of standing abreast, charge wiio are utiabie to pay.! more, they are doing this T? rrr-sd^s: 1 sa :s. ^c\ { r-.-3 open 3* will be more from the teachings ! a bounty—a subsidy, to enable them j ed the doors of our colleges aud town. ! °fexperience than from observation. } to com*»ete with foreign rations—this, I * iicsc poor chibiien !:n\e naught It dots not require a second thought too, taken from the pockets of the ; 1,1 l b» but walk in and help them to convince us tliat intensive farming j j»oorer and less prospenjus part of our Sr l'cs to a much be* ter fare than is our only recourse; that it takes no j population, and put into the plothoiic ,s usualiy served up in public , more to cultivate one acre of rich land ! pockets of the rich, for the necessaries ; c * propose to protect petty prejudices, and a lack of lo- ! thdn OIieof p0 o r , all will admit; am! | of life. Salt is SO per cent, diamonds j colleges They need protce cal pride. Enterprises that would j without further argument, as we are only 10; cotton tics ffq jewel r\- ll'i. | lnIi ' oug »t i«» u.»\ v . Ll.e\ redound to the general welfare all apt to agree on this line, we must and so it runs tlimngh the whole list, j ami tile common benefit, are ilia I enrirli onr IIov, shall v.c be-! Artirles hand’.eil exi-liisivchr by the i SIM 1’sON'S. Plow laines, 2 Pair FOS 25 CENTS, At SIMPSON'S couraged an<l abandoned because there is not sufficient local pride and public spirit to sustain them. Men will not be in a hurry to in vest their money in industrial un deitakings or in business of any character, in a place w hose peo pie arc noted for their indifference to tiie success of such enterprises. A place of this kind course, be left far behind iu the great struggle for progress and | development. BuP on the other | hand, a town with unpromising I surrounding*, but favored w ith ! the uniletf and vigorous support gin? First, by keeping our soil we!! supplied with I minus or vegetable matter, by rotating crops, resting, and planting of peas iu all crops that will admit of it. The soil being kept ‘as well supplied with liumii’i as jHi^sible, manure and raise all you can at home, ietting nothing go to waste that will do for manure. wealthv pay a nominal tariff; the rev- ver.-e should be, luxuries should bear the heaviest part of lhe burden. What benefit to the country is any enter prise or avocation that is not self-sus taining? Away with ii—no advantage in it if it must l»e supported by taxation. If Kuropecan manufacture and transport goods 2,000 ! support of every citizen of Cuth tiert and the surrounding country, both rich and poor. They arc! doing a wonderful amount ot good, j and besides they are fixtures. 1 suggest to “Fair Pi ay’* that lie put his sympathy into practice if really wants to beu* fit these Feed Outs at 55c, Large Lots for lc« c , at SIMEON'S. Keep your stock of all kind well j undersell our home manufacturers, housed, and save not only the dry lm! j w hy ileprive t!.e thousands of our will, ol the liquid excrement. 1 do this by i jkmh- of the l>encfit, and force them to keeping my slaiistwo or three feet pay a bounty into the already over flow ing treasury of A m *riean iron and factory kings? It’s a deceptive howl • I’.ilsircn—let him make a personal effort to induce them to attend these schools as -4hey do in other miles and I places, and i will guarantee that every on** unable to pay will he t*ducatcd free of charge In this way he can spend hi- lime to some purpoM*. O A. Hakky. tr«»s. Bon id of Education Solomon never advised people to take Cftipman’s Tonic Mixture, but deep in a goo*l absorbent of some kind, rotten straw and leaves being the best. Two or three feet of rotten ] that is raised to deceive and mislead •straw and leaves I am satisfied will j the people, that American miners and j had it l*een known in his time, that retain all of the manurial properties j operatives, miprotei te«b must compete j wise limn would in»t have overl«*okc<l |.er|>ctuate tills infamous ri.hl.iMt j 7 ' “ ’"'T'' j ,ro, “ ,l,e cs ' :re,,,e,lt w,,i!e | E:,ro / ,a; ' !a ' 0,,r! . r }‘* ° |K " K^IckAvi' " W . . ... .. 1 of an energelii: ami a puhlic »|>ii-1 ia^ through it; blit i[ tin- rains are not ral:w 1:0 waRi's; asiant Inins w 1 Illowiil to U-at in tin* stalls of liorsi-s, j :i11 ,h, '>'S l ' ! - 1, ”' v S ”' ,I " 1,M;S <lt ‘ s,i,r - liu " .• • . -n . i> .. . i and sutrerbnr follow lhe silence of the asloiiishing decree of piosj erity. j moisture will natunibv e\aj»ora.e A quantity of | raised while fat- 11 le floor of the Georgia Syrup, At 45c Per Gallon, at SIMPSON': 5 lbs Coffee, S 1.00, SIMPSON'S. Water Ground Meal **t SOc I’er Bushel, at SIMPSON'S Corn at draper Bus »*•» • >f llit! peiqilf, aiu far outsiile tin Iiinits of repsonahiu I'xpeilation. ; Major Hanson’s interview eon-; tains assertions wlneli arc abso- j Inlelr startling to a Georgia reail- ; i-r. He lias no more regard foi | facts than fanatieism lias for rea son, or despolism for liberty His vision is ”so Jilistorlerl ami j dwarfed by selfish considerations, that he cannot see anything but bis “infant industry,” and bis coffers rapidly filling with the government’s bounty. As a spec imen of his amazing ignorance, or wilful misrepresentation, be It will be admitted those towns will ment am iteil population, will attain to un s’ei itv !ftie moisture v.ill r. ^ —, , .... . . sjeiitj. , , .. . factory wheel.' Jlie (.ovcrmneiit [ion I as true tliatj’ 15 as ,la ’'-posue*. qu.m.nv oi j necl it; it now I.on n siii-[*I;:s of nearly inevitably ,-n.w 1 ,,,:lm,re can M ‘ ra,sc<1 " h,!e »«»- ?IS0 ., W , W . there i» uo valid reason for , , . 7 I telling lings: Have tiie floor of till' j•(.■otei'ti'. L- Ir.ri'I ;;t tills tl.iy, if nd proper where the citizens, j ( , ell a i -lllt two feet from the ground, J ter being protected uml favored b.v the i moved by local pride, give their j filling undtrncHTh with a good absorb-1 government for over LDyeara they can’i I liearly and m zeal-ms encourage j ent, nud as soon as the hogs arc taken j compete w ith the: work!, they had better t to Lome enter * out, remove the pen and put the mu-1 at *wn»ct!:ssig tn<o. and Ivt those man- insP'l tiiinnc Oi.rl nure nn,lvT Then with ail ! '‘h^turcrs tliat can do it so much clieai*- liisUlullons. vjui er. do the work. . the manure that we can possible raise , . ._ , . btate furnishes many conspicuous , , , . , * The present svstem tann tends t»» J 1 at home, the next thing is lo bnv all ... * , illustrations of the truth of ibis ; V , L . ond exercise of goo.! jmlg- 1 make I ‘'° r a “ ,C remark. Whenever the hopes. | nient is greatly needed in tliis trans* and desires, aud energies of lhe J action. Funnan’s idea of getting the people are focalized upon the one ; analysis oi theewpsas near tliat. of great object—the upbuilding M fj the soil as possible was, I think, a I their town, will any one question ] prises and home at SIMPSON'S. \xfoi:i>. "Brevity is tiie soul «>t wit.” j _ _ r * \V(it jliieh* l.ri-vi: v v.y have the j 1 g U)S lilCC lOl’ .00 s(«iui)u;e patent i<*r ( iupiiiaii s Liver PilEare brief, hut they got t here just | SIMBSoNkS. lit* same. Sold by J. Vt*. Stasfi5i:i>. A company of capitalists has been organized with a view o! purchasing the old Libby prison •it Richmond, Virginia, and re moving it to Chicago. It will be taken down and moved with the | greatest care, and rebuilt exact 1} | as it was. In order to protect and j pie-ei ve it, another building will ! be erected around aud above it. It is said that those who are on success of lheir efforts? It j won id, of course, be preposterous says that Mr. Randall is “idoliz ■ ed” by the denwcr0s of Georgia,! and that “he lifts a larger person , ! to say that every town can become ' n populous anti bustling city, but we feel sure that it is within the bounds of truth to sav, tliat innnv al following in the South than any other Northern democrat.” It; th it statement were true, Mr.! Cleveland would nave very 1 ill It* more chance for the democratic nomination for the Presidency than Beast Butler. Again. Mr Manson says that in a contest be tween Mr. Randall and Mr. Car lisle upon an issue of protection in the State of Georgia, Randall would win by a majority of 50. 000. If assertion could possibly have the effect of argument, no body could stand before Major Manson. Me would be more than a match for tiie world. But fortu nately the very absurdity of his of them arc c.-.pable of a much larger growth, and a much great er prosperity. Prominently among correct one; therefore suit ‘.h; eompo sition of your fertilizer to tlu* demands j of your soil and the crops grown there on. The way we arc accustomed to buy guanos, certainly will «pot do, lor if any judgment i.-> used at ail, it is very bid. Sometimes (the way we are accustomed to using them,) under favorable circumstances, and good seasons, the brain 1 used pays, and tliesi city. is our own beautiful little cr. Its advocates resort to all manner of sophistry t.» sustain ami justify this legalized system of robbery.' The falla cy of most of their arguments, betrays pitiable ignorance or inexcusable false hood. The remedy is in the !»**!!« *t box. j gage \ in this enterprise intend to the people have the power if they wi.l C.E,Bulk,81-2o, S! market changes —up o (A N. SIMi'SON S. PICNIC PP-AIMIS, AT 10 CENTS, at SIMPSON'S. The undersigned are pleased lo announce to the public that they 'lave received iu the Ginn Bun.r.ixo a very large stock of Men Ii5n- lisc, consisting of Diy Goods, Grocsries, Hardware & Plantation Supplies of every Uml. These Gooils are all new anil fresh, and having l.irn purchased in \\\- fn I jiiR'.ilii-il ip s:n ing that we are aide to offer siqiermr in'luce- nienls in tin* |»pii|i!i!, either fur OF C33E2. S Call and see us. Kesju'elfully. fe!)2-ct W bn l U Sr IbVWLS. qwa■axawxg’i: snr use it, and now Is the time. By all means know the sentiment on Ibis sub ject of those you send to make your laws. Vt'. „ Letter from Florida. .St. Andi.ews Bay, Fla., Jan. 20. Elliots EiiIf,-prise if* Appeal: limits of its development, or the zenith of its prosperity. It is .situated in one of the best and most fertile counties in the Slate, is unexcelled iu point of health fulness, and is the educational center of South \\ est Georgia. I. e again offer a few dots from this j place, and will commence bv saying versed, our condemnation. We are ! that we are having lovely weather at usual!v approached bv the numberless i Bus time; hut we have had our share ! of blizz mis this wiirer. The Bay is ! calm ami iovelv this morning, and is ml there with the white sails of l»oats moving about in various directions, which lends beauty to,and make it a sort of museum for the 50 lb Grauona Flour $1.10 -Best on Market, I at SIMPSON’S. ! STEEL PLOWS, reception and preservation of »*el-; C! M \ L!. L»»s at .v p * * . 1 . .. . dJ Lot* for less, at ■ ~ of the war. Ills not a little j EE E. S. PABK.- Seed At Bottom 1 les significant that this work should \ be commenced right on the eve' of a Presidential election. Perhaps i it will take part ir» the con teat. j r pound. Iar« SIMP.-ON’S. EASIBBN' potatoes, No one who will consiue; | agents, each claiming for his goods a Cuthbert’s superior advantages | * n P* ?r ' or ‘L v i* 1 quality and adaptation dotted here • 11 i i i,i • to our soil: ami manv times, because will tulmil that it lias reached the of his fine argument, or less price, or . _ , , i • j • , gives to the water a i»i<*re sightly ap- inav be because lie is a good, clover =* . ... , . j... *« T r ° 1 pearauce. A few days <:ays ago Mas- fellow, we buy of him. i ter Leslie Gsty ami another young man Now, I think the majerity of far- \ while bringing a yotitig iady across By the *leath **I Pr*»f. Asa Gray. * of Harvard University, the wothlj j of science lias lost an original j investigator whose long aud useful , life illustrated the truth tliat men ! of will, e\cn with the poorest and i the Bav in a small pull boat, when a At SlMf’SOVS. Plow r i races, 45e, at SI M !*s. »N*S. Plow 11 ames, 40c, at SI M PSON S. mA y vV Cheaper Pifered in ever Before fl- U'e larger wc w i 1 itere lieiorc*. ru on n apot Street, a w ill keep at our Lumber Y:t stock of I.ninber tlian \ve*ever kept before, which 1 sell at prices lower titan have ever Lcen sold I* n ■ t , . , has the brains an*l capital sullic assertions ien*lcrs them ontirclyl. t , , „ I lent i*» start up and operate sue- harmless. Nobody who knows , , .. , , 4 . cessltfllv a number ol industries anything about the sentiments ot L , * ” , . ... whenever they can be turned the people of l his Mate will be;. . * _ , . , . . ; into such enterprises. Its tuer- l in posed upon bv such ridiculous i . * , ‘ rfM . # . , , c.iants are intelligent an.l clever, nonsense. 1 he Major Imdsevery , , , T an<l can sell, and do sell, goods thing lo condemn and despise in , , , w . *7 , as cheaply at retail as they can tiie democratic, and nothing that!. , ,* , , , , . , r < he bought anywhere in the blat<». is not commendable and adunrti 1 . ‘ . , , , . . , , ! Its warehousemen and cotton hie in lhe republican part\ ; and , . . fc , . i buyers are active an*l enlerpris- gives expression to protouud la-;. . . . . _ . ° . ‘ . .. ! ing, an*l pant fi»r*colion during mentation because insuperable . „ .... ..... , ... the past season within ^ cent o! difiiculties lie in the wav ol the; , . r ... - _ , * . Savannah prices. I hese are some* disintegration and destruction of; the Solid South. Willi the race problem confronting us on one side, and the question of free trade pressing us on the other, lie j. says, "wc arc literally between the ! lievil anil tiie deep sea.” The progress of twenls during the last few months seems to leave very little doubt, that Jhe Brown, Rufn Kullock, Hi Kimball. J. F. Han son. and the Atlanta Constitution as their organ, will make a lies of Cullibert's advantages, and it has others which we have not I ment ioned. Now let us all go to ; work in earnest to build up and improve our town. ; aiT.iss the Hay, and made ' overtaking them, caui-ht j heads and with pork-1 ! find stepping stones to higher! things. Every farmer's liny eannot | •oat. \\iien a j j ln pe to gain foothold in the front il t wo oeer | 1 H IT IS mers will agree that I am drawing a j very correct picture of how we buy our s . v j. irilIn . fertilizers. Tht*. if I ai$, it is certain- l f,, r> j iv a blind transaction, and very jkmt ! tliem by the judgment, if any, is exercised". The i kniveslut their throats and (railing | l«*ti , , -i«i -i i 1 them into the boat brought them ! some ilomin*:tit idea will heln crtcli State has very wisely taken m lumil ■ as , s0 ,,, ljn ... murh .IelTghteel at j , , , ' ^ the analyzing of all guanos offered for j ij JC capture. .We spent several dsivs 1 earnest worker to add to the sum sale in JuV borders, tiie expense of * the past week i:i tiie thriving little > «,f huitian br.owlrtlge. TKU U! -o rank of such a great branch science as botany; but irnlnstry nt research aud devotitin lo UjjUUilL J.ois. f ’i» 11 or son, I vour orders to our Y;>nl. where you can get tiny quantity you want, at prices to suit you. Will Sell You Lumber from SO 50 to 810 00 Per Thousand Feet, KILLEN & pAmEBIH, sept22 tf Mdl at Fort Gaines. Ga. For liyspf|»M;i. Indigestion. General i Nervous Pt'o"lration, all i«i«*ii- ■ lal di-e.tses, Hea«ia*'lie and S’lninal j Weakness, there is nothmg equal lo remnertras Freasli Wir-a Cs:a, iMH which we have to pav, and upon I Mariana, Florida, situated in i , . , . . , , , . ‘ Jackson countv, on the P. A A. Kail- winch I Hunk wc can safely rely, or Thu tl ,; in is | ot ..„ e(J 0I1 a The Great Health Bcstorer. endorse*! by j the eiilire niedit-al fraternity, recqin- uieixietl and u^ed I»y H*>;i. i- J. ? ‘i**»* j in-ns of the Mipreme * oiirl. State »>l , i Georgia; l>rs. A. stvlcs an*i J. B. up between scalia--! Atlanta. Ga; J. *’. Lellardy. j Savannah. *!:*: .1. 0. V\’«»rsh«ini. Macon. J Ga: K. Palmer. LouUville. Ky; Wm. They are evidently Mavin. <.’olumi.»u*i. *»a.. ami tiiou-uiids *••( j ‘ others. PKM BKRTON'S ORIGINAL and GEN FINE timl the Allan! a ! the element* of plant food except Mannonr, co- I , . . . , I phosphoric, potash and ammonia, and i operation, liberality, ami energy Recently a remarkable intima it is at least the most reliable way wc , ridge, overlooking the Chipola River i sprung have of finding their contents. Agents j and its fertile bottoms. Mariana h» I wa^ Bullock are good in their place-in fact a nc- | ' I ” i . n >- r fine a bu.i.tess as any town ” . . , , j . . i , ., ! of its size within our knowledge <*x- j Lonsuiuiu*n. tc * ssl - , 11 ‘ ° 11 \ . , u . ni ! vtu c , cept St. Andrews. Wc stopped at the 1 \cry much in love with each other, matters tnat we slionut decide lorour- .MUton I huise, which is under the j r ... , .. svivoa. ! management <»f Mrs. Mil!,,:, and l.or | U,lf,ls wr,lcs lrtlcrs ll,e I J,USS - Everv farmer should have an expo- ' 'hanuin^ ihincliier—Mrs. Milton lie-land the Constitution copies them rimental pateh totest his manures "l j " 1 '7iorida. 1U '\V« , ‘ I'nivtd 'lale", 'iiVii .Tie | e ‘ ill,,rial toIn !’ ,iracn! S- 0> ir their various formulas. Not a ricli | going to the register we noticed that ' contemporary alludes lo lhe form- spot of land about tiie house, but an i the last name on the Ixiok was Hurt of j er ,,| oUer aga i n .t the liberties of j \ f., r r„W,, Couchs. Asilmia. | _ even plot, ami rather below an aver- : , l * , ° invi-rossible and enu-rpiming C ol. f • f p - • (froup. Brunchitis, Whooping Cough and i . . • ... i !I. IL Jones, who is now on the rdi-! the people ol Georgia e%i-|„ * ° ; ace m richness, so that Hie crop will E • i . of ti c., v ..nn .1. v.,„« . ... .. . . Bjjr u,c N t >r. 1 ■'tan ol the Sa\annali Nt . s ;ient adtniralton. Rufus and the - . , _ u&c. be as dependent as possible upon ■ \\ ^ occupied a room next t»> lhe Colo- j . ..... i Pemberton s Lemon and 1 the manure. As our lands are | nel, but diiln’t see h«n until morning. : Gonstilution aie sailing id tnei Eiixir, said toeontain an aimndanee of all i V” mt ? ° ' Ii0x! ">'>inin<r a 1-anil • same boat now, ami no doubt they ' ’ j of music struck up under our window, i ,, . .THE GREATEST LIVER MEDKTaE *ri... i a....a sf *” ‘ • New York. Boston. Fnllimore, riiiladdpliia, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Louisville, (’!i!«*tig'», Nashville, Chattanooga, and n any other Cities, lv»st. West. North and South, have been called upon l*» contribute to t!:e filling tl the Globe Flour Cough Syrup 1 Never fails to cure any affection «»f Lms, Ttel zal Cisst- ! CGTHB1ET PUEInTaUEE STORE «cp t With Fi vr* Eli are very agreeable comp*ani*>Rs. will accomplish wonders. Fat ionize our schools, and encourage your neighbor and friend l«> <!*• the same. There is no better | jilaee anywhere to educate your ; boys and girls. se Colonel and ourself both being i listinguished genllfincn, wc natural-j , *"* * having them in separate forms we can j I}’ suppose*I that oho or l«olh *-f u> F rom present indications, it ap })plv them in different c*unpositions, I*' vas ^reinutetl bv the brass hand p <;: ,is that the people of Georgia 1 * * I —um! ii< itiiin t Mtiiuw'.r un I will overdo the tiling in the way expositions this year. There Fair at .Macon. I that oho or I»olh cf was being s* rei:a«le*l by tin* brass hand ! . . ,, . , •—and as he didn't appear \v«* hastily uutmjt carefully the ,,reparation, cnl- .i r ^ sc ., t and iq.pvnrc.i at our window tivation, and lastly tiie result. The j to acknowledge the honor—hut on : of different plans of ^preparation and j raising the window we discovert**!, t*>. ... ,* , cultivation sometimes affect as much ! ollr oistnay, that it was a trio of 'lorn change in the result of *loes the iliffercnt mar KNOWN TO Til E PitoFKBSlox- a sure | ! *-ure for all diseases ari.-ing from Torpid Liver, counties wish all tiny will ue invited t lo inspect this Sinn a ('lironi*. Indigestion.’ sii-k ' oust i pal it hi and Main FcTer. Fsraly Tcgstalle jum..i j Giat had assembled on the w*ki*J lhe Ficdmonl Fair al Allqnla, lhe ! by al* K>s*u^s,‘2s>Ss>.^: 7rrc.s r u7l “ r'Y tA™' ‘“H | Salinn.l Expusiliim at Au S .,8ta,! .«lv «t .ulines use*l.— i easily l»e imagined. (. *»!. Jones is wed 1 ~ similar cn Boa n i and tui riorntn nffort in i bo nmtrnm.ltino i lion arC cheap, our schools arc j Hence that feature should not be over- > known in Cuth!»erf, is very genial in | an*l ColuiubHsJius pet ate tffoi t n the approaching | UBder lhe guIt|nRce an(l control ' looked. | his manners and do,Ft fail f» talk n» ; L ,* se unilt . r ( . ori ,fderalion; and ueslrny _ . ... .. ■ Ins pa tier. lie swept the town, and; • , , , .. ... , ‘ ! of teachers of long experience and No ihouglitiul tanner can very well. eV(>rv c-itixt ii had subscribed he union unalely, ail will occupy very __ ^ We wish anti to turn the State over to _ enrolled. Vve will say , d«»uhtlhe wis«lom and g«**»d sense *»f holding so many at the same pt’lncij 1**S .jjor ! •* *' v * * *“*'***•’ * *■ *' ** ** * v ” “ I ilor Onr Miri. ■{(•m<iii(!>: nil tliA in fr»r- I fli-it o-.imG.Iiac f.«i* n living .»r».l «-!...«> : *•! U1C. mem her Junto.doesn the Presi press gross itor anti guano, and other merchandise ! ^ A as low, if not lower, tiian neigh elections lo defeat and destroy! _ , ^" ’ ! ‘ 7*' . * , , . . J his patier. Me swept the town, and p \ ” r teac-licrs of lono rxix-ncucu anil ! >.o ihonM.tml lannt-r ran very "ell, a fte r every eirizen liail sclwribcU iie * ' ^ ^ * j eminent qualifications, aud our nfiord to do without a good agricultu- j took to the high , , , -'town is l.iesseil with a pure ami j ral l«per-one that commands the j .,x e-.rO republicans with whom they now , , r writings and experiences of the ablest I. , 1 .7 i .V' 7 , I ‘ ,, 1 healthy un>ral atmosphere, bpentl . ... to the C opiuel that gophers are allow-< so coriiially agree upon all essen-i ‘ ... ‘ | .1 most experienced n.rmers ol onr | v „ te (!uwn „ r anything«-Im- Munson. * 1 ‘ * j day. Our age demands all the infor- j that scratches for a living, and when , - . .. . '! chants, of going or semi ! m-itnn «>• «•■ iHi-siklv ••,■! the most active member of tiie = ■ nuunn irc ca.i po.sio-j -er. Pemberton Medicine Company, • j7. X’ryor •'*!., Atlanta. Ga. fcbRi-ly Wliidi it is carrying, at prices that will insure a trade i; 3on will only make ii:e a call, i have prr.virlcil u suliieienl quan- tity In siip;.!y this an*l aiijoinin, ne.*l hi this iine,;:i!nl the [mblie “"and (SET A BARGAIN, (Virile it is erring so cheap. Summer ami wittier, tiuil anil lively limes, will Gml me with a frill stock, ami il you want a ( .li t Liiari. a Waenn Load, or a Car Loari. rlon'l be .-.frabi ve.i! can't ire su.ipiicri, lint come arrrng anil see il what 1 teil vmi is not true. j very tiiankfirl for tire favors I have received in tire past, and wii! rio mv !••--;, lo please in the lulnre. Mr. Kkese M.urnx is 1 nitir me. ami will be gl id to serve his mum- friends. Very respect fully. . 3E, (>•?<, seplSet Manager. Cuthi o;ci i 9 Georgia. is failed to tire lari ; that ! ant pre! in .I :•» luriiislr, day or nij'lrt. tray style or size % nei_ boring towns, and a pmle in the • pMspei i'.y of home affairs should induce you 10 trade with tliem. Hi ing your cotton to our ware- ; houses where you will receive I for yourself the greatest polite- aes ,r . and (or your cotton the highest prices If everybody' will allow so bold, but more dangerous, pre fend lo be in favor of Mr. Cleve land, while they seek by means, fair or foul, to defeat iris print ! pies. They all declare that the pending issue is: shall the gov ernment’s revenues be derived from direct taxation, or from ens tom lionse duties? Of course they know tliat there is no sncli ques tion before the American people, aud perhaps never will lie. Their object is to deceive them, and to accomplish, if possible, by hypoc risy anti misrepresentation, what they know cannot be secured by fair and legitimate means. The real issue is: shall whiskey he taxed, or shall the necessaries of life he made to bear the burden? i suggestions ami all the sickly wails, and false , Banner: pretenses of demagogues and in-1 no tv To improve teresled parties, will never ou 1 Talk about it. I This great nerve tonic has gained \ : Its reputation through the marvelous j I results it Iras given. It is known to j I have cured where other remedies rail- i led. It counteracts the ruinous effect caused by the excessive use of tobac co, cigars ami liquors. It builds up j the debilitate-! aud restores them to new life and vigor, liavingamong its j | ingredients the greatest nervine of tire • age, il cures ail nervous disorders, ■ a little public spirit to find a I as neuralgia, nervousness, sierp- j , . ... , .,. , jltvsnass ana nervous headatiies.—! place in his heart, ant. wi.l work J Celery, combine*! with the blootl-jfiv- j for.lire best interests of our town.: iagproperties,. Beef andiron, serve to ; . . I euro ttvsoepsia, in<ii|:esticn t loss of there is uo reason wb}- we may ... Hf> now. It will pive you strength and i . . a;»pctiU*. puriry and vitalize your blood. j 5a passing that c mcullon *'I have been iu pot>r health for several , **<1 ^Icctucil contemporary years, suffering with indigestion, restless- | epposc*! t*» the aincmiincnt. ness hi the night, and in the inoruiug I j would get up with a very Tired Feeling. After taking only a part of the first bottle • of Hood's Sarsaparilla I could rest wcli ail night and feel refreshed when I woke up. I must say that Hood's Sarsaparilla is all it is recommended to be.* Mas. IT. D. Wixans, 210 E. Mason St, Jackson. Mich. “ I have used Hood's Sarsaparilla as a not greatly increase our popula lion. an*l enlarge the volume of our business. We cannot better eonelu'le these observations than | by copying the* following sensible from the Greenville rOL’R Ti AVN. Beautify th: ... . f, •' Kz.i.,*a blood purifier and am well pleased with it, girls turning into wuirrAhood. It; « ^ in "T u1 ™ 1 ^ gives tliem blood »nd strength. Thou- 1 tor X. sands oi women have been benefited; , In „„5 ( . r receiv^l n.aeh benefit hy tbouee of tins tome. - k {rom ^ ood . 8 ^ rsa|cr01a ;ls a tout.- alter a A number of teachers have Upon! xfw H.^“’ “ EV ' expeiled from Spurgeon. Sunday, Hood , s Sarsaparilla school because the} ri.lise to be j Soldbydruggig ts. FI; six for &>. Prepared by Here in lire doctrine of eternal j c.i. Hboi>& co., Ar^thecari*^,Loweii, Mass, torture. 1 100 Doses One Dol!ar mm\ Quality gi uaranteccl, lehl'i-ly - '-iSfr'. I Irregularities ! PHCima-TO iier szx. i APsTiFscarHEODiAnia and Powerful Tome. . & 1F-TAKE.N-DUR1NG-THE I CHANGE-OF-XJUFE ! — GREAT SUPFERIHG AHD | ! DANGER WILL BE AVOIDED. I BR/J3F !ELD REGULffTOFlCP Ati.akta.Ga. j. ! ■- 'ij l y Druggist- 1 amt Dealers. jing profit. ten »i«»n i Coffin, Burial Case or Casket v;;y- in stock full assortment* In Sft’fr.i find Sixes, Aim! enn furnish Coffins ns tastily trim- liirti. and :;f > ri**c.s as low as can be hoiiglit in the "Tate. Will sin*! Hearse t*> any part of the county Ly contract. When y«»u need me, : roi:t*’ to see me. Can he fonml. nt night, at resi- ! (U dcc. opposite Methotlbt Clinn-h. on j iuunpkiu strc**t. felij-Ct ! V/arscr's Safe Yeast, O AT M'r'.AL. Gelatine, Condensed Aii!k. Okra and il«:n, etc., at ct Tomatoes. Deviled SIM PSON’S ml KIKK.SEY’S. and Prices at a liv- C. A. GEOUGeJ j ir.10 ct | I "COMPETITIOIT | The Lila ol Trade!; , P LENTY of Bc.smioss for nli live hut- j *“ ^ * ehants. Th.e"longest peUtlw■ yX One-Fourth, One-Half and ; Per>m:m*»s». a*»u "Lcvd catch the h.m.-1 p oUn( ] p JK kages. s.t most man. , ,, jet .'•IMI'SON'S A KIRKPKY*? Cuthoerf v- the best market to sell vonr | OgteUtrudiWuee, rant KIKKSEY llimhcare. Groe.crie* "ml 1’lmdu , ljl4 . kk „„ Karaily lion Stsnpliex |. <;r... I’mck'-r;. nml (tlamwarr. j. i M t’.'-.’N’i ■ ,iiI aiiu -':e hint urn! 1 *'- - lit- NS. ct One