Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, March 01, 1888, Image 2

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.1 enterprise and appeal. wmm PDSL1SEED EVERY THDRSDAY. JAS. W. STANFORD R. D. CROZIER, Editors. CUTH.BERT; a A. ~ Thiirsdi’T Monsinp-, Marc h. 1, 1SH8. This I’aper may lie f<u:ml nn file at ten. I’. Howell A I Vi's Newsoalicr \d- rertisin"Unreal! (In Spruce St. ) where •OTertisin^iaiiitraeta nuv he made for it in New York. TUIC RAPED '•'.'S n, S ,n t*hll*4el»hl* t niy y Aren Newspaper aVclver- C TTr l JrS:? ■ g «CTng Agpnry of M*-*«r*. * ^*?P, wr sutlitiitcitd ofcutai *r. 1. A. MXUHS is our Agent at Bethel, mid is fully authorized lo receive and receipt for all monrr paid him. £UITOI!IAL.| I’iKAVH tPHS. The Atlanta Constitution is very popular now with Northern republican journals. This is lie cause the Constitution joins hands with them, in their warfare upoi. the democratic party. The National Democratic com millec agreed upon the city ot St. Louis as the place, and the 5th clay of June as the time, for hold ing the Presidential nominating convention. The committee no doubt acted wisely. Some very eloquent speeches were made before the National Democratic Committee, at ita re cent meeting in Washington, in support of the claims of different cities lo have the lionor of accom inndating the presidential conic-n tion. Encouragement sf Agriculture. ] frequently happens that the tariff, Thomas Jefferson, the father of instead of raising a revenue for the democratic party, «nd the ' the government, secures a bounty greatest statesman this* country i for the manufacturer. Suppose, ever produced, said in his Hist inaugural address, that •‘encour agement of agriculture” is one til the "essential principles" of our government, which "ought to shape its administration.” It is. however, very well known to those who are familiar w ith our history, that this “essential principle" has never been |iertnilled to tie velup into an ncliie and control ing political loree. It lias been pushed into the back ground, and allowed to remain dormant, while oilier principles, not essential, and even hurtful to the best in tcrests of the country, have simp ed the policy of the government for the greater part of its rxis lence. Agriculture has not even State Agricultural i'eareatioa. Messrs Editors: I Having been requested to write von something concerning the for instance, that von hnv a pair,' S * atc Agricultural Convention . ,, . . . - " * which convened at \t aveross. of blanket* winch cost you five j t . oinll!Cncing Feb. Uth. 1 will cn dollars. The tariff on these good* \ deavor to do so. Alter leaving is 104 |ier edit. If they are of Iin ! Cuthberl in company with Messrs glislt make, our government gets j L K Awards, At. II. Phillips about $2.55 as revenue, and the Englishman gels $2 45 for blankets. Jl"l if they’ are made in America, the government gels | a PitorEs r Fitox qiitxan According to the protection idea, nil that farmers are good lor. is to lie taxed lor the purpose ol “developing the wonderful re sources of the country.” It is about time thullbe farmers should rise tip, and in the majesty ot their strength, demand ef this government equality of rights. Mr. W. XV. Coreoram, the dis tinguished philanthropist, ol Washington, died last week at his home in that city. He bad lived to lie ninety years old, and had devoted during his life mil lions of dollars lo works of eharf ty. He was an unwavering friend to llu- South, and Ins death will be universally lamented. The AtlalHa Constitution, in its issue of February 2lid, admits that it favors free whiskey as tin only means of preventing a reduc tion of the tax on the necessities of life. If this had been done two or three months ago, a vast amount of hypocritical cant about “Russian outrages,” under the internal revenue system, might have been kept out of its columns. Abraham Lincoln didn't know the difference between a courtU and a Stale: or, in other words, he thought that a county hears the same relation to a State that a State hears lo the lederal gov ernment. Ami yet, a man is sometimes found who is small enough -to declare that Lincoln was the greatest man America ever produced. Isn't it astonish ing that men wiil w allow lu the slush of falsehood iu order to pan tier to popular whims? The chief occupation of the special correspondent of the At lanta Constitution alllie Federal Capital, seems to be to discover “startling rumors” concerning the intentions of the President. He has several limes recently repot l ed that Mr. Cleveland was about to write a letter declining lo be a Presidential candidate. Tiiesabl correspondent is quite a success at discovering tilings that have no existence. The Woman's Christian Teiu peranee Union seems to think that the best way to promnte tile cause of temperance is to make whiskey cheap. They are, there fore, beseiging Congress with a' demand for the removal of the whiskey lax, so that the terrible evil wiil be brought within easy reach of every man anti boy in the country. These misguided women having gone into polities with their cranky notions, it is ev ident that their organization has outlived the day of its usefulness. The Atlanta Constitution says that “the sole and only hope of Democialic success is in the hearty, unanimous, and prompt nomination ot Grover Cleveland.” and jet it is doing everything in us powet to defeat his views upon the tariff question, which is tin doublcdly the paramount issue before the country. It may be safely said that tf the above named paper could control (lie action of the National Democratic Conven tion which will assemble in the city of St. Louis on the 5th daj of Juno, the name of Grover Cleve land would not lie mentioned. The Atlanta organ of the mo nnpolisls, also known as the “great flopper,” continues its vie ioas assaults upon llie Democratic parly. It now says that a -for eigner by the name of Moore lias entire control of the ways ami/ means committee. This is not only an attack on the party, but * a reflection-upon llie public and private character of Hon. II. G. Turner, and the other good men who compose the ways and means committee. IIow lung will the good people of Georgia tolerate this cruel war upon her truest and best men? M. C | and T. 15. liariy, w e were j ined i in Smithvtlie by Secretary Grier. 119 i Col. J. M. Mobley and others, delegates lo same Convention, and ere we reached our destination out train was crowded. Being com pel led - to slop in Albany a few hours, we had the pleasure of see tug the city and partaking of her artesian water. We arrived ir. Wav cross Tuesday. Fell. 14th, at 4.40. A. M, and repairetl to the Satiilo House, which we found full I*lie morning dawned beautiful and blight, and nature seemed more titan anxious to greet its w ith her smiles. The court house was elaborately decorated with .. festoons of native evergrpens, wire been let alone—has nut even been | govcirmen!. According to tins | grnss an4 | ‘farm products, such as left to take care of itself; but j estimate over JfGCO.OGO 000 are an j jm it a toes, turnip**, corn, etc, while lias been compelled, through lli* ! finally extorted from the people* j over the sjieakoi’s stand, woven in clamor of interested parties, to I for the bent Hi of the nmnti factor- j etergteena and vines, was the . I , si _ , ! word “welcome, and a welcome pay tribute to ol.trr interests. | ers, and others who happen lo on- lllal brightened the spirit joy the lavors of the government j an( , maJe lllc heart of each true rite chief pari of this prodigious farmer glow with pleasure and burden falls upon the farmer, and gratitude, and gave us a fiehng the esteemed Constitution of At | that we wetcnot amongslrangeis nothing, and lltc manufacturer (wickets the J2 55. which the infa mous latiff enables him to exact from you as the purchaser and consumer. The consumer pays an average of 40 percent, taxers on what he buys on account of the tariff, and ft is • estimated that three fourths of the amount thus raised go to the monopolists, while only- one fourth goes lo the Against the Commutation of the Sen tence of Eliza Randall. The Cincinnati Commercial Gazette, the bitterest anil filesl Radical sheet published rn the United States, having seen that the Atlanta Constitution is stand ing squarely nn the republican platform, is anxious In know why it don't openly and boldly espouse lltc cause of the republican party. Tlic Constitution explains liv saying that such a course would result in restoring the negroes aud carpet baggers lo (tower. “Alio tber era of negro rule would ruin ns utterly.” The truth is. the Constitution can fight the demo crats with better effect in.lUaaout of the party.. While its products are indispen sable lo human existence, and are recognized as the basis of all prosperity; yet in the legislation of our country *vc find absolutely nothing that is calculated to de velop and encourage this great interest. All the kindly ay 111 pa lilies, and fostering cares of the government have been directed lo the building np of manufact ures, and the only recognition farmers have bad lias been mani Tested in a demand for high and burdensome taxation, to lhe end that the country's lesources may be developed. The result of this odious and abominable policy has been to depress and impoverish our agriculture, and to concen trate the wealth of the Union in liiat set-lion where the people an largely engaged in industrial en terprises. The nine Stales siltia ted in the north eastern portion of country, although they only have one fourth of the population vet they possess more wealth than all the other States combined. Nearly all the Insurance compa nies, Railroad companies, Tele graph companies, and Savings hanks arc located and controil-cl in lltc Eastern Slates, where tin "protected industries” have at tained to a wonderful degree of prosperity under the paternal care of the government. The lit tic Slate of Rhode Island, not much larger than an ordinary county, lias three limes as much money on deposit in the banks, as the three large agricultural Slates of Ohio. Indiana, and Min nesotn. Mortgages on the farms tn the Western and Southern Stales amounting to several bil lions of dollars are held mostly in tile little manufacturing States iu the northeast. The net profits in farming, us shown by the census of 1SS0. were about 3 per cent on the capital invested, while manu facturing made a net profit of 25 percent. There is no doubt that a comparison at this time would show a still gicater disparity, and it is evident that, unless the cause of this fearful State of af fairs is promptly met, anil effect ually remover! by the government, the great majority of the people who are tillers of the soil, will be come for all practical purpose the tenants of the rich and lordly cap italists of the industrial Stales. Under the operation Of the (ires ent infamous tariff, the farmer is compelled to sell his cotton, and wheat, and other products, at prices that are made and estab lished in the loiresl market in the world; and the ptiees of every thing which necessity compels him to buy, are made in the high est market in the world. He can not carry bis cotton or grain to Liverpool, anti biing back with him such things as lie ncids to clothe his fitmtly, to supply bis residence and kitchen, and lo furnish his farm with the neecs sary tools anti implements. O no, lie cant do that. The govern ment compels him to buy those tilings at home, at a cost tnereas ed from 25 to more than 100 per cent by the tariff, for the purpose of making the manufacturer rich, and it vines it. What, then, becomes of that ••encouragement of agriculture," , , i . .i • but friends. The Convention met lanta, foreseeing that, if theagn-1 ^ lw|oI|l Nor „ ien in t | u . i-ullurnl classes shall ful V realize this startling truth, lltc laiifl robbery system, which is so dent to its heart, will be in danger, is moving heaven anti earth to pro- Chair, atitl was opi-nvd with a very feeling prayer by Rev. Dr. Marshall, alter which Col. J L Sweat delivered a very appropri ale address of welcome, which was heartily responded to by Col Jas vent them from believing it. It j Barrett, of Augusta. The semi is evident from the amazing state- annual address of President North menls made in one of its edilo. rials of Saturday last, that it is utterly without arguments to sits •ain its position, and that it hopes to conquer by the audacity of its assertions. But these statements were calculated to stagger the most ardent and devoted follower of that paper. They will insist that the line be drawn at thr •‘spinning wheel and hand loom." upon which the farmers wifi makes*the clothing for himscll and family. It says: “They (the fanners) have the habit of marry ing women who take pleasure in spinning and weaving their hus band's clothes. The spinnirg a heel anil the hand loom are still at work in Georgia, and lltc re suit is that tlte tax on such neecs sarics of life as clothing doesn’t iffocl the average Georgia farmer. As it is in Georgia, so if is in every Southern Slate, and so it will continue to be.” After read ing the above, the reader will feel justified in expecting any kind of a statement from the Constitution, however silly, extravagant or ab surd it may be. It is well known to everybody that the spinning wheel and band ,-u was next in older, which wi> brim lull of good advice for the farmers of Georgia. “The North Georgia Cracker" was rendered by Maj. IV. H New man. of Canton, and was accom panied by volumes of wit and hu- HIOI* and heartily et joyed and ap platided by all. E lueation .was thoroughly aud ably discussed, and some very important speeches were made upon the subject, that of Maj Gl ogan lu in” Ion*most among them Other subjects wen also discussed, such as stock raining, Forage, economy in farm labor, and the future of our farm ers, all of which were eloquently • 1 well upon, and of much interest Lo the farmers. The number ot Georgetown. <».%.. February (I.—Gov. John Ur Uunliin. Atlanta, Ga.—Dear Sir: J lie un«U*rsigiic«i citizen* of Ijuitinun count v. leriing that justice has l»e«rntHit* raged ami o*u community forced uj*oi. the eve ol re.-*orting lo mob law by the commutation of the <k*nth sentence o. that nicariuiU* fiend, Lbzn Randail, feci constrained front a sense of justice to the good [Hindu of this county It* express our strong disapprobation of yottr action in the matter. 11 *s tne sentiment ot nine-tenths of our best citizens to-day that justice has been defeated, and that Kli&i Kandail and lx*\vis ao-*tc hoth ought to b:oe pai.i the penalty i»n|*osed by the court for the crime of which they were found guilty. Wc cannot believe that you would have interfered in bchall of Eliza Randall had you known all the facts and cite..instances as tin y appear ed to the jury that could find iiotning to justify a recommendation to mercy; to tlic judge, win* was so deeply impress ed wit.i the enormity *»f 1 er crime that he told her he would not change the awful sentence lie was about to pass up on her ii it w as in his power. for he be lieved it was the sentence of God him- self: and to the J ample who received | tol. in the city both verdict atm strongest approval sentence with and returned theit several homes with a higher *pect for our courts and a stronger faith iu their administration of justice. The following facts will show whether or not wo have just cause for complaint at •'ex ecutive clemency’" in this ease: At the tions now of file in this office earnestly entreating the Executive to commute the sentence of the said Eliza Randall to imprisonment for life, and upi*ointcd a committee of five leading citizens of the eunnty. e-ubracing its Senator and Ilef*- resentarive in the last Legislature, to present its action to the Executive and urge upon him a commutation of the sentence, and Whereas, the meeting is represented to have been large and resj»ectaoie, unan imous in its auiion, aim in that action expressing the views and wishes of the intelligent citizens of (Quitman county, ami Whereas, it is fitting that the Execu tive should respect the wishes of thr white citizens of the vicinage when they formally ami earnestly petition for clem ency for a colored woman, convicted «>l crime in their community, especially when they do not ask that she be par doned. hut that her sentence bee uuinu- ed to imprisonment at hard labor, in the j*enitentiary forh.e It is tne re fort or* Ir red that the sentence of the said Eliza Randall l-e. aud it i> herein* commuted to imprisonment at hard i.da>r in the Penitentiary for life, and that she be delivered to liim when ever called for by u guard from the pen itentiary. Given under my hand and the seal of the Executive Department, at the Gapt- i r.a .1 ot - Atlanta, this the 1st the ! davof Fchruarv, 1^*3. to ‘ ' J. It. (Jordon. by the Governor. Governor. James T. Nisbkt. See. Ex. Dep t. Now there arc less than three hundred white voters in (Juitmuit county and over half of them have expressed over their own signatures the opinion that the "sentiment of nine-tenths of the'best From the Atlanta Constitution: j •‘As a matter of fact, however, the} average Georgia farmer has a hub it ol marrying women who have not lost the art of being genuine helpmeets. They have the habit of mai n ing women ii ho lake pleasure in spinning and weaving their husbands* clothes. Tlic spinning wheel and the hand loom tie still at work in Georgia, and •lie result is that the lx son stud; necessaries of life as clothing doe? not affect the average Georgia farmer. As it is in Georgia, so i! is in every Southern Slate, and so it will continue to lie.” The above s a fair sample of the Constitu ion s arguments in favor »if a lug! : a riff It will be se«*n that on; con*i mjmrary has displayed an amount of ignorance that is truly astonishing. iaet term «*f Quitman Suprri-.r Court | citizen.- in the county wasopposed tothc Eliza Kandail and Ix*wis Moore, after j commutation of Eliza ItandallV mmi- a fair and impartial trial, were Uith cwn- j fence. And as the "public meeting” re- victed of inunter u|h»u direct testimony ; ferred to in Governor Gordon’.* vaper ot and sentenced to be hung February- 2, j commutation represents them an ex- l.SM. The evidence in the case of Eliza ; pressing themselves it* the contrary at Kandail was siinstantially this: Latcouc a different time, a word of explanation evening about the fir-t of November ! from them seem* ncccssarv to account last, her father. Jo** Raudrdl. was sitting j for the seeming inconsistency in their ui**n his humble porch iu social corner- j actions, and we hone the following wiil sation with Ren Kandail. a nephew. { suffice: The Court had just passed son- somc twenty-five years of age. ami was j tence upon Eliza Ka idnii- Judge ( larko bending over, making out by way of ex- | was requested to Mi>|»end court a few pla nation, a plan for building a gin dam. j moments, as the citizens desired to hold While thus engaged, his daughter. Eliza ^ a mass meeting, which he, of course, .* a tula II. stealthily crept up behind , courteously granted. A proposition in them, ami with such gat-like tread that | favor of commuting Eliza’s sentence was before either w ere aware of her presence j offered, the affirmative received scarcely she had dealt her aged father a deadly j a dozen votes, w hile the itc/fttire >ra.< nrrrr blow upon the head with a club axe. be- j put. A jK*t it ion to the same effect was cause hr had t««ld her a few days before | started, and met w ith such )>oorcmmir- that he u as going to w hip her for hav- ’* * ing disobeyed him. 'I he evidence was direct, ami proved Itevond a shadow of doubt that she had ’committed wilful, deliberate, cold-bhiod murder. She was ugement it w as abandoned, almost n'body refusing to sign jj. I hold nn af fidavit from a reliable citizen of this county. who was present at that meeting, in support of tlie above facts, ami many more can he obtained if neces sary. Respectfully, \V. A. Ill Lb. Georgetown.Ga*. Feb. 2$. lss.s. U.tndall lived believed one word of it. and instead of its helping her cause it had the opposite effect. Her [*oor old mother, whom she tried to induce to sustain her in her charge against her , father, refused, because she said it was delegate*! present, was about two j false. Noble mother 1 though her crush- liunilrul ami liftV. said to l„. «i and Merdiiis lu-ari yearm-d *ith all * ' a mother s clinging love and forgiving nature for a wavward child, yet she well reprcsentcrt, the court having np- |*ointcd the only two lawyers in the county to defend her. She was uinetct n years of age according to her hwii state ment. and of more titan average intelli gence for one of her race, as a letter to a colored preacher shows. Hence, neith er lark of proper counsel, nor minority, nor ignorance of the enormity of her crime could lie pleaded in her behalf.. •So in the hope ot prejudicing the minds of tiie jury and the people in her favor a charge ot criminal intimacy with her | q father was resorted to. hut in this she signally failed, for uot a single person j .. . , could be found who had even ever heard j ( ‘>inhnm»g the mediunal properties of of such a thing until after she had been the two fruits and the ••Celebrated Kgvp- arrested for the nitmh r. Not a man 1 who lived in the neighborhood where Jt*e PEMBERTONS LEIQN and ORANGE EUX33, TEE LIYES MEDICINE OF THE WOHLD. loom have long since been thrown nc-sL a way. A few. perhaps, may* still exist, not to be used, however, but as interesting mementoes of » past age. They have in truth larger than at anv previous meet ing. 'Lite Convention adjourned Wednesday at 5 o’clock, p. m.. after selecting New nan as Iht* place lor August meeting and passing resolutions of thanks i<> ihe good people of aycross lot their kindness and lo spilaliu shown us while among them. Tin Convention wa- tendered an invi la tion bv Mr. II. W. R-ed. in be half of the S. F. & W. Railroad to visit .Jacksonville, Fla., which we accepted. Also to visit the Cherokee farm and nursery, ol which Mr. Reed is proprietor. This was a rare treat, and vert much etij«ytjjd hy us > as 11 was the we had ever seen. A pio fusion of ft nil trees of different ages an<l sizes, anti of many varie ties met the eye. The farm and nursery embraced about GO acres, and everything seemed lo lie in perfect order, while tbtifl, in this try and prosperity were every where visible. We were shown through the stockade, which was very conveniently arranged. While dared to do right rather than save her * laughter by j*erjuring her own soul and blasting forever the honor of her dead husband. And may the God of the, righteous whostt-tainrd her in that try ing ordeal uphold Iua to the end. To nutrder an aged father in cold bliw*d : is terrible to contemplate, and the heart | hit lders at thought «*f the awful crime. * lit tenfold more shocking did the deed ar»; ear when she sought to heap infinity and disgrace upon that dead father’.- character hy n charge she never made until alter she had sealed his lips forev er and there was left to him no earthly * hanee to deny it. T.ien there remains only one shallow pica that could be urged as an excuse .«*r executive clemency, and that is * she was a*woinan and it is contrary to the policy of the State to bang a woman.” God in His righteous judgments sen tenced women as lie sentenced men. and declared that ‘ whoso sheddeth man’s blood by man shall his bloody be .shed.” God makes nn such discrimina tion: the laws of Georgia make none: tlicit whv should Governors make anv? To shield this female demon under the | sacred name of woman is a mockery and an insuit to the noble women of our countrv upon whom she lias forfeited every claim of woman hy the atrocity ol her most unnatural crime. The testimony of three unimpeachcd witnesses in the case of I^vvis Mn«ire showed that Lewis, after having cut Ransom Wright across the throat, pur sued his Hoeing victim over 100 yards whei) be overtook him. and while K:m- yjiu was begging for mercy and making no effort to di fend himself, brutally shot him to death. It was a plain rase of wilful, malicious mri-dcrand the seti- becotno so scurce that they art* exhibited al • ur State Fairs as wonderful curiosities, and yet it is boldly asserted by the reckless and daring editor of the Constitu- j there w e noticed Jersey rows teed | lion that the farmers of Georgia ,U S en.iUgc. *nd by request i i were shown the silo, and I have and the South have their dollies j clint .i„,| ei | n o farmer should all spun and woven at home. Did j i, c wiihoul one. As the Conven i tence of the court voiced the scntiim-i such an assertion result (roin ig-1 lion left the court house a photo j of nearly every man in the county, norance, or is our contemporary I g ra l'h " l llle eutire Convention | 7,otf? 'kIizu 0 KanflaU r and llewTs using the maxim, “the end justi * as lake "’ 1' a"‘ ! y showing the , M«,re arrived and the aood citizens ' “ j lealuies of each member. Dunns: lies Ihe means, fi»r all it is worth? our slay jn \y av ,. rf>SH wc weri . At any rate, it must be admitted j feasted upon the "fat of the land" that it is hard pressed for some ! free of charge, homes having lieen defense of the i issigned us. We fell into the i • . • , ' liantU ami cozy little home of Dr. protective tariff, which is (lady; Clirs ,, el | > an< | „Hi| e there were : most agreeably entertained by ] himself and lady. We had the pleasure of meeting editors Sweat, of the Reporter, and Freeman, f the Headlight, bo’ll of whom we tinn Flower.” Fositiyc Cure for <’on*f i |»si f i*»n, niliniDtncivM, Headache, flalariul IV- rrr, lb*|Kp'ia, ami all <li>ca>c> iri.*tng from Torpid Liver. /£7**Rc sure to get PEMBERTONS. Remove fttiiL NtaiHs from whit* j*o(iils by pouring boiling watet • liivctly from Ibe ketlle over lli* stains. - m • — f)0 cases La<litsan*l Misses SIjocs (lirecl from man u fact liters. Kvery pair guaranteed—was open etl ibis week. At ct IIakkis’ Dky Goods House. — m • ^ Don’t throw away tlic nice \\o >1 | en stockings when the feet are | worn out, but cut them down for | the children. "W ■■■! ■ •c-ma? te-» | i.i.. i urrHHi j New Advertisements. A Great i&aiilc Is continually going on in the human system. The demon of impure blood strives to gain victory over the e->11- stitution, to ruin health, to drag vic tim** to tlic grave. A good reliable medicine like Hood’s Sarsaparilla is die weapon with which !•* detend uie’s seif, drive the desperate enetin from the field, aud restori* |H*aee am! bodily health lor tnar.y years. Tr\ this ]H.*euliarme*lieine. — a — In the no: l!i w e-tern Slates, .here exists among the republr cans, a strong sentiin. nt in favoi of a reduction of tiie tariff upon the necessaries of life. PEMBERTON S WINE COOi INVIGORATES TIIE MIND. RESTORES T1IK INVALID. SI*STAINS TIIE overworked. ul’RES HEADACHE and NEIRALGIA STRENGTHENS II I'M AN LIFE. HIE LADIES FRIEND. INSURES PERFECT and SWEET REsi AT NIGHT. HEALTH RESTORER. A*k your druggist for trial bottle. Attention Buyers ! A NY buyer bavin? Prices quoted l*e J.1. low cut by other merchants, chi., *«ve money hy seeing me I - fore makinu their purehases. Respect ful I v. U. N. SIMPSON*. Ju.• . Oootl iiealth depends upon pure blood; therefore, to keepwell, purify thcblo«wl by inking jloorUs Snrsaiw;riint.ftfl his medicine is ]ieeiilhtrly dcsigntil to act upon tiie l»5ood. ai:<! through that ii|N*n all the organs sis .<1 ti.-Mies of tla-bmly. It has a specific action, also, upon the se cretions and excretions, and assists i:a lure to expel from the system all hu mors, impure particles, and effete mat ter through the lungs, liver, bowels, kid neys, and skin, it aid* weak and debil dated organs, invigorates the nervous *y*tem. t.*ues the digestion. A |M*ettliar- ity of Hood s Sar.aparilla is that it strengthens and huihls tip the *ystein while it eradicates disease. "1 must say HiknI’s Sarsaparilla is the best medicine I ever used. I^tst J^prfng I had no aj.|»etite, and the least work I ini fatigued me ever so much. I l*cgan >o take Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and soon 1 ••It as if 1 could do as much in a tfav as 1 hail formcily done in a week. Mv ap petite is voracious.” Mks. M V 1J y- akd. Atlantic Uitv, N. J. 101J Dozen D. vt 11. SCOVIL HOES ■VT 0 b 4 "- Al at ; Nn. 2, .Vic. Id Ints fur Ir- SIMI’SOX'S. ^50 POUNDS Family Flour. SI £5, Purify Your Blood Now i.« the time to purify the miM for at no other season is tl>e body’fro sus ceptible to benefit from medicine. The jxvuli: r purifying and reviving<|UnIitir* • »f ILmhI's Sarsaparilla are jus^what are needed to expel disease and fortify the system against the debilitating rlfeets **t‘ mild weather. Every year* the p* , pHij:rity of lie* *:’s Harsaparil'a. for it ir jiirtnhat (<->•(.[.■ ml at IliO season. It is the ideal spring medicine. If you have never tried it. «U» so. aaeiryuu will U* convinced of its peculiar merit. Spring Medicine •‘I take Hood’s Sarsaparilla tors spring medicine, and I find it just tlic thing. It toms up my system and makes me feci like a different man.” F. C. Trximc. lurtend Street. Boston. S”I had salt rheun**»n hiv left arrrl t .rcc years, suffering terribly, it alnu+t isablcd me from work. I t-*ok three .1 Kittles of Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and the salt rheum has entirely disappeared.’* H. .M. Mills, 71 Ffcnch Street, low*II; 3 < >ld hy druggists. $1 : six for £». 1V- •ared by C. I. IIOOI) A (TO., Low**!’ Mass. — iOO Do*i*m One Kloliar “ ’old hy *areT druggist*. ^ 1; six for Prc- Uwclt by 0. I. HOOD A CO. Mass. IOO Dcscm One ttallnr Tiie ive lise, consisting of undersigned are pleased to announce to the public that tlicr ■lave rei-civerl in Ilie Gi xx lilii.ding a very large stne k of Merckan- Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware & Plantation Supplies *f every kin-1, me based in These Goods are all new and fresh, and having l.ttn superior induce- SIM rs( >N”S 30 lbs Grits lor 81.00, at .si Mr son’s’ GOOD TO BA (TO, 25 to 28c per Pound, at SI MESON’S. Plow Lines, 2 Pair FOH 25 CENTS, At SIMPSON’S Randolph Sheriff’s Sale. W II. I, be sold before the Court House j thing to say in which is daily: robbing the farmer of bis hard j earnings. The very assertion that the homes of our farmers are enlivened by the hum of the spin ning wheel, and the measured noise of the Land loom, is equiva lent to an admission that they must raise and produce the neces saries of life at home, in order to avoid the robberies of the tariff system. The Constitution will nothin*! by itb efforts (Quitman county hcatd tb^t the former’* sentence had been commuted, so indig nant were they ::t your action in the matter, it was evident that if Lewi* Moore was executed, whose crime, though deserving of death, seemed so much less atrocious than that of Eliza Randall who was to be spared, that she would he\\itched. At this junct ure a dispatch was wired your Ex cellency asking for a respite for Louis Moore which came just in time to save the doomed man from tfle gallows, and doubtless, Eliza Kan dail from being mobbed. A petitition to minute Louis Moore’s sentence was ct gain nothing by its cflm ts lo j Exposition. There we found ex make people believe what i» j hibils of native fruits of every tie conspicuously untrue. scription. We at once realized lb a t W e had been transferred from Dr. Henley’s Celery, Beef and Iron, j ;l f casl „f reawm iu the little ‘Gate This great nerve tonic will cure J City’’of the S*»nth to a feast of fruits in the ‘ Land ol and our appetites hav fi.ima lo fie exvcwlingly clever j ^1™“ ! ”"” and pleasant gentlemen. 1 liurs- day morning we left Wnycross en route for Jacksonville, and arrived there before noon. We al prepared to view the Sufi Tropical A 111.7 jg I V .11 (III IV l 1 oik will mu: I VUJ »■» sleeplessness, nervousness, neuralgia, 1 Tropical i rheumatism, and builds up broken- I Flowi rs down constitutions, nutritious. fc*ol«l by dealers. Delicious and ! druggists and • in « bc V n sharpened by our morn j ing’s ride, wc werepreparetl to d< ■ [justice to the same when "an invi Al the late annual meeting of j lalion was extended us by theotli ctaU There we saw a skeleton ol a huge mastodon, and one of a whale. There were deer, water fowls, alligators, v l»irds. shells, and ! native jewelry, and many other I like it. \ our noble sons ol that {things bearing equal rank, too sunny land must be a pretty solid i numerous lo mention, all of which set of fellows, tor I notice you were interspersed with playing thrive hero where only the fittest j fountains, and studded with ferns survive, aud 1 fancy if you all be-1 ;4n rf flowers, while irailin the “Southern Society” of New York, Mayor llcwitt made’ the following beautiful speech: **I have at lavt met the solid south. ; vines which Thomas Jefferson declared to be one of the “essential princi i took yourselves back home Near | :im | abundant folia"e furnished a Alas.' | ^ 0, 'k would suffer decidedly from a j background ami a band discours and ! se&se S ouent -* ss « an ‘i would sweet music to its listeners. . . . , ,, , ‘ . I have to apply to the ‘Wise men of i After traversing the Exoosilion patriotism has been silenveil amul [ Ult . KasC to U.-11 us how lo till the j lcn of our number ilcciifi-.l to take real | ;in excursion up the St. Johns who are puill to do " ' ' ' ' ' pies” of our government? the small voice of justice the ceaseless clamor of gogues, who arc paid to do the dirty work of the monopolists, whose inordinate selfishness and greed could not be satisfied short of the possession of the world. All that l!ie farmer asks is just \ to lie let alone. He is willing to pay his share of the public cx- dema-j vacuum. 1 have heard | deal about the lost cause ot theji-jvor. Accordingly we l**fl fur j south. 1 tell you, my fellow-cit | Sanford at 3 r. si., Thursday, a izens, you lost no cause. ^ °u rlistance of 200 miles, where was walked through the valley of the also being held an Exposition, shadow ot death, but 3 011 came j While at Sanford we visited or out in the resurrection morn. Glorified by trial ami enobled hy suffering, you awake to a con sciousness of the vast resources with which God enriched your ! among tlmm many this letter. That petition signed under 1 the impulse of the moment and under ! the firm instances just stated was the once reside of indignation at the commuta tion of Eliza Randall’s sentence, am! was not signed because it was believe*l Louis ditl not deserve death or from any desire to save him from the gallows. This is tiie true state of affairs, aud if it is not too late we ask your Excellence to help «*.s rescue our county from tins blot of shame. Justice demands ir; the interest of society demands it: the |*eace and welfare of good people of our county re quire it. Respectfully submitted. Win. A. Hill. f. M. Thompson. L. A. (.’lunbly.W. J . Brown, J. M. Harrell. J. i M. Oliver. I> M Davidson. B N Edwards, ! R II Graddy, Haywood Gra dy, R G j Morris. John T Ginson. I’ll Gnutov. T P ; Graddy, J E Dozier, IIJ Gross, \Villiam | Wheeler*. J E Green, Wm Graft. J .Stanford.'Tom Wallace, J M Olive*", Alex Balkcom, 1 L Balkeom. Ben Hart, W F ami Robert Moore. J K Lanier, W J Jor dan, R. G. Roberts. A Craft, A U Gallo way, G. ii. Gay, J M ami J \V Lanier. J and J \Y Graft, W J G Harrell. \V 1* t as- tellovv. A D Banier.S Tve. J i’ Bland. J M Guilionl, J N a .*1 R L Hill. \V m ]{ M c . Lcution, W F Rutherford. J L Gumbie, m Oliver, colored, II \V Kaigler. Wm Gra*l*ly, J A Avara. M L Graddy. J TNo ble, Hardy Floyti. J A Noble, A*H Wood. J 1 l ye, J s Vin ing, Samuel Smith. J H Hathcock, W li Key. J F Hogan, Daniel Sims, \'m Meiiloek. colored. Frank Lua- ton, colored, A J Majors. J S McDaniel. Bill Jones, colored. Geo MarHn. colored. Geo 'V Griffin, H J Causey. John Jailer, Ben Lee, colored, Wm McLendon. John Johnson, colored. J G McI«endon. Willi? Ilaisten, K (« Thomas. <MJ Thomas. Win JHley. Geo W Bowen. W A Gumbie. Asa • urner. colored, Allen Milton, coloreti. Mason Rair.c?. J E MetLvin. John Sot eolureti, 6 ii Ugletrec, i’etcr Kimble, ;md others. diHir in Cuthbcrt. Randolph County, tiji.. on the 1st Tucstlay in i April. IX8S. between the legal hours «>f . *. sale, the following property, to-wit: janzf*-ct Lots of Land X«»s. 20:5.204,205, LSI. IS.’*, 170, and fractional Lots Nos. 171 and ISO, containing 1,40b acres, more I or less, in tlieOtii District of Randolph • county, as the projierty of \Y. II. Goi**- tuan, Agent for Win. (.'oleimm’s Ks- * t tate, for iiis State and countv tax for 18S7. ' \x Also, same time ami place. Lot of [ Iaurtl No. ltd, also 152.' 3 acres ol* Lot ol J Land No. !U2. all in the 10th District »»f Randolph county. Ga.. as tin* proper ty of P A. Price, to satisfy a Ii fa from l Randolph Sii|K*rior Court, in favor ol Ewing A Gaines, vs. I*. A. Price. Also to satisfy other ti fas in my hands. Also, same tune and place, Lots of Land, Nun. 4t>, 75 and 70 in the 7lh ct District of Randolph county, Ha., as the property of J. H. Oliver to satisfy j an alias li fa from Randolph Superior (Vmrt in favor of Benjamin Davis vs. j J. II. Oliver Principal, and N. T. Gro- I :, t zier security. marl-td* L. A. SMITH. Sheriff, hurt while. ~ TTI _ of those signed to : 1 ° AiS whom It may Concern Feed Oats at 55c, Large Lot for less, at SIM r.-ON’S. IVi- fi'i l jiistifii’il in savit g that we are ali!e to offer nenta to tiie peojtle. eitlier for Ocassls. e $? ! fL2Ea.<3 2 Call ami see us. Res|ieelftilly. ffi)2-c*t AVPJIL14 A UAAVf.S. Cheaper than ever Before Offered in Cuthbert W v will keep at our Lumber ^'ar<! on Depot Street, a Georgia ^ynip, At 45c Per Gallon, at SIM ICON'S. larger stock of Lumber tlmn we will sell at prices lower here before. we ever titan have icpt before, which ever teen lbs Collet*, §1.00, j AT SIMPSON’S. Water Ground Meal At 80c Per Bushei, at ct SIMPSON’S. Corn at 8Qc Per Bas., SIMPSON’S. I Lots. Cali ! can yet anv mnnn Piirr.ii nn I'm liUUlJ or send your orders to. our Yard, where you quantity yon want, at prices to suit you. Will Soil You Lumber from -SO 50 to 810 00 Per Thousand Feet. KILLEN & QUATTLEBAUM, sr;»l22 tf Mill at Fort Gaines, Ga. C.E.Bulk, 81-2c, (iL-Dsvs. anil lu make Him (my mure j ( :in ,|, anti you are now heroicaiiy than that, is robbery and oppres- j building up the waste places, and sion. The existing tariff, which enriching yourselves. Good! I was laid especially for protection, j l) ‘‘* * v ° u 8 l ,t ’ 1 *^ ^ he da} \ou ... , ’. .. . , were rc admitted to the union New results IU hundreds ot cases,nab | Kag , anl , ,„ sl , ler I)est c!l3nct . for snlulel.v (irohibiling llic iulrochic- j monopolizing the manflracturing lii>nnf foreign commodities, and j interests of this land, and Penn sylvania coal ami iron mines were doomed to overwhelming competition. Ere this century closes, 1 verily believe the south will be the richest section of our common country.” in all such cases tiie farmer, and other classes of consumers, are iorccd to purchase I lie domestic product, with tiie amount of tiie dutv added to its cost. Thus it ange groves and had the pleasure of gathering the delicious fiuit from the trees, though we eneoun tered marsh and moccasin on our journey. We were now ready to return home, so we cheerfully re versed our course. Capt. Ed wards bade a last, adieu to tiler islied fish holes. Messrs. Phillips and Barry having evinced a desire to see tiie homefoiks and “ehillun.” we started homeward, arriving in Cuthbcrt al 4 o’clock Sunday morning.’ II. B. Mattox. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is peculiar to it!#lf aud superior to all other prepa rations in strength, economy, and medicinal merit. S TATE OF OEOIifilA. Ram>ot>h Covstt. J. IS. McWilliams administrator <lc ismis non of James ISm-hamui. dreca-ed. has in due form applied n> Hie under signed for leave to sell the real estate of James lltjehanan. deceased, consisting of llwelling House, Store Houses in tiie eiry of I ’utlilierf. and said :!]i]dieation will Le beard on tile tirs^ Moiidav in April next. Tliis JDtii day of l-'eliniarv. IaSS. M. GIUtMI.EV. Ordinary. “BO YOU WAFTZ! All EXSUISITEI.Y BEATOOUL i GREEN to market change*—tij» down, at G. N. SIMI’SON’j I gnuE< ZPIC2STIG HAMS, AT 10 ( ENTS. at SIMPSON’S. Editor* Enterprise anti Appeal: The abovf* letter vra* sent G* Governor I Gordon February the lOth^itnl the fol- ! lowing papers of cr*:nmtitan**t» were re- eeivecl Fehruary 18th by sheriff J. M. Harrell fr*»m tlic penitentiary guard, who came after Eliza Randall that day: Atlanta. Ga.. Feb. 1st, 188S. To the Sheriff of (Juitman county: Whereas. Eliza Randall wa*. at the December Term, 1S87, <»f the Superior court of ip’.itman county, convirtcd of murder, aud sentenced t*> be hung on the 2nd of February inst., and respited on tiie 51st of January, l.'SS, until further orders from this office, and Whereas, a petition has been present ed for the commutation of the sentence of said convict to imprisonmont in the penitentiary for life, which is endorsed by t!ie brothers and the wife of the mur dered man. and was initiated hy a public meeting of the citizens of Quitman coun ty, held at Georgetown on tiie day she was convicted and sentenced, ami Wliereas, that meeting pasicd resolu- •*Aii EI*g22t ITovelty in Calendars.” “A Top.chiag Stcr7 Tcld in Cdcrs.” “Highly Criginal, and a Work of Art.”! TO PROCURE THIS CALENDAR HUT A BOX OF TH3 r-r.C.ysLANE’S CelebTd LIVER PILLS For 25 Cents from your Druggist, and mail tha outside wrapper, with your addreas and four oeutain Postage Stamps to ; FLEMINK BROS., ROAmrt.Ps. '-STLook out for Couxitcrfcits made ia St. Lot 50 lb Grunona Flour $1.40—Best on Market, at SIMPSON'S. SEE K. S. I’AFiKs. ON KASTKKX Seed Potatoes, At Bottom Figure*. At SIMPSON’S. Plow Truces, 45c, at SIMPSON’S. | Plow Humes, 40c, j at . SIMTSONS. With The Teniparary AdiuiuislralorN Kale. . CfTHBERT. Ga., Feb. 22*1, 1SSS. B EFORE the Gourt House door, on Saturday, the 5d day «f March. I wiil sell t«* the highest blihler, l’.»r cash, all the perishable pnqierty. and such as cannot Ik* safely and a«ivantagc<»u.*ly pre served for permanent administration, consisting of Cows with young C alves, Stock t attic. Sows with Pigs. .M«>ck Hogs, Seed Gane, («n*eu Hams, etc., etc.. i>c- longing to the Estate of the late JoIik Matt**x. Sold .under Order of the Gourt of Ordinary, and to prevent loss or de cay. II. O. BEALL, Tern. Adtu'r. Ieh23-2t Est. Jm». Mattox, dec’d. C-EOCEEIES! CROCKERY, Tea Sets, Glassware, etc., in licaiilifni designs received this week. Will sell nt liargains, at ct KIRKSUY'S. Quality guaranteed, aud Prices at a liv ing profit. C. A. GEORGE. janlO-ct FARM BELLS, Very cheap, at SIMPSON’: New Y«*i k, IL'st*»n, Baltimore. IMiilmlflphin, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Lonistille, (.’liicfloo, Nashville, (’h:itt:»nooo a , and t: any *»t!i«;r Cities, East. West, North and South, have been culled upon to contribute to the filling ef the CUTEBEB.T PUEiTIT UEE STORE urnsnse aim waned Stock Whieh it is car rv ing. nt prices that will insure a traile if yon will i,n 1 v make me a call. I have (irovirieil a suliicienl quan tity to sii|.p!v this am! adjoining counties with ail they will ncc l in tliis i:uc,.an<l tiie public are invited .to inspect tins stuck. . AND GET A BARGAIN, While it is going so cheap. Summer ami winter, dull ami lively limes, wiil find me witli a full stock, and it you vanta Carl Load, a Wagon Load, or s Car Load, don't lie afraiil you can't be supplied, hut come along and sec if what I lei) vou is not true. i am very thankful for the favors I have received in the past, and will do ray best lo please in the future. Mr. KkeNe Marti* ia with me. and will bo glad to serve his mnnv friends. Verv respect- r«ny. * 33, f. JElAlS, seiilS et Manager. — — sswtASEsseASL jno. D. Gunn. UNDERTAKER, Cuthbcrt, Georgia. Your attention i.* called to the fact ! that I am prepared to lurninh, day or night, anv stvh* or size AWlfiTtr RTORT! FTXTFBFA, ««WT ’•* CUMRillEC. SumWaata. AakfcrPamphlet./> *ERRY SHOW CASE CO.. Na&UviUc. *»• fehltr-Iy MALL Lots nt 5c Ixits for less, at per pound. Tairge SIMPSON'S. STEEL PLOWS, Coffin, Ettrlal Case or Casket S SPOETSMEIT GiM Nets (ready made) Net Mountings. Top am' Bounin Lines, Corks, aud link ers for same, at SIMPSON’S, desires!. I keep always in ytock full assort ment* In Styles aud Sixes, And can furnish Coffins as tastily trim- iihiI. and at Prices as low as ran bo Uiught ill the -State. Will send Hearse to any part of tbs comity by contract. When you need me % come to see me.. Can l>c found, nt nigiit, at resi lience. opi*osite MetUodbt Church, on i Lumpkin -trccL icbiT-ct