Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, March 22, 1888, Image 2

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ENTERPRISE and appeal. POILISHED EVERY THURSDAY. JAS. W. STANFORD. R. D. CROZIER, CUTURKRT.; <IA. Tlmi-mUr Valuing, kareb 22, 1888. Thin I'iiper may be found on die * Geo. P. Rowel] it (Vi Ncwii'tier A«l TMiume Korean (Hi ttpruee St.), w her. advertising contracts m *v be nn ' in Kewr York. ! made for it mMm *££3*25 1. oar utJwriacd apnti Mr. I. A. MARTIN ia oar Arent »t Bethel, and la falls anthorlzed to reeelre and receipt for all taonej paid him. 7 . Mr. W-I. Browi. Jr., is our Arent it Gearutowi. fully autkorized to recoin and receipt for all Money paid Ml "Etercal Ytgiiace l* tie Price cf Llitrty." EDITORIAL PARAGRAPHS. Tlic Tariff Hill which has hern carefully and thoroughly consid eretl by the full Committee of Ways anil Means, will be report ed to the House next week, and then will begin the great battle for the rights of the people. Stale treaaurer, James W. Tate, of Kentucky, has suddenly dis appeared, leaving a shortage in his accounts of nearly a half mil lion dollars. It is reported, how- erer. that the deficit la fully cov ered by bond. The protectionists, so far as we have seen, hare given no reason W hither are we Drift lug. Previous to I860, when the Southern Stales seceded from llie Union, a strict construction of the federal constitution, was the prin cipal article in the creed of the Democratic parly. No proposed measure that did not tall wiilnn the limits of this fundamental idea, could become n law withoui encountering .the determined le -dalaure of the great leaders ol his party of the people. Protrc tive tariffs, schemes of internal improvements, and other like propositions were vigorously as sailed, because there could not lie found in the compact of Union, •my express provision for such measures. It would have lieen well for our country, if the party which cherished this sacred re gard for the constitution, could always hare controlled ita desli nies. But such has not been the case. A party utterly without principles, and inspired by a fan atical sentimentality, was organ Immigration. It will be seen from the 0,0 n letter, by Col. W. .1. Northern which we publish to day on our penlcrs engaged this week in tear ing down and moving liis stoqt house around on main street. He has moved his stock of goods to Economy and Reform. Editor* Enterprise and Appeal: Our people appreciate jour stand tor reform in all econoinie .nc:.sures adopted by the federal 1 the warehouse, where he will ilo four!h page, that the Centra! Rail- j government, and they are i-onfi-! business until the work is com road, in connection with the State ' dentiy looking lor you to take the ! pleted. Agricultural Society, have organ- j *' a<1 ”» ".alters looking to pro j Mrs. J C. McLendon is putting lection of the people against un l up a millinery store on the-t ilth izea a "Bureau of Imiuigraliou, 6 1 - - anil hate placed at its head, Mr. W. L tilessner, of Americus, as Commissioner. The object of this movement is to advertise the rr- wonreesof the Stale, and, to use •very honest means lo attract and induce the immigration of thrifty and industrious settlers. This object is eminently commendable, and it is eminently important. The experienre of the last twenty- five years has cerlainlj' made it apparent to all thinking and rea sonable men that the old planla tion system, withjfrec labor, can uot be successfully maintained. What we need, and must have, ere we enjoy real prosperity, is the dividing up of these large estates mlr small farms, and the settling necessary and unjust laws. In lliis connection 1 Irel that it is •>nly necessary to eall attention to the proposed amendment lo onr Stale constitution, increasing the nuinhcr of our Supreme Court Justices to five, in order to enlist your sympathies and your best ef forts against it. aa lu-iog unnrees sary and therefore unjifst to the lax payers of the Slate. It will not l.e disputed that liti gation all over the Stale is grow mg less continually, an 1 every j year finds less for the courts toj ■to. Why, then, should we think: of pulling five men at a lug sal | ary, to do the woik that in all) hen road, about one mile Iruut Morris Station. Mr. John L Lewis and wife of North Troy. Vl_, is visiting Col. T. L Gnrrrv’a family this week. Vslirr la She PaMk. Geokuetowx, Ga.. March 13, *88 On and after 1st Tuesday in May. all Legal Advertising emanating from t he Sheriff's office of Quitman county will be published in the Entekpiiisk and Appeal. J M. IIAKRKI.L. Sheriff vs> swam brand Jury Presentments. the Grand Jurors, chosen and Mira at AppUcsUwu far Ubwd Charter. Notice is hereby given that it ia intended tn apply to the Governor and Secretary of State for a char ter for the “Savahxaii am> Co- i.ranus Railway Compart.” The object and purpose of said Com pany will be the constrni-lion, maintenance, and operation of a railroad from some point in Chat ham nr Effingham Counties, nn the main line of the Central Bail- road and .Hanking Company af Georgia, ns its eastern terminus, lo Columbus, in the County of Muscogee, as its western terminus, with a branch tn the Alabama line, in Quitman County, for the purpose ol reaching Eufaula, in Alabama; said road to Iravrrst- the Counties of Chatham, Bryan. K.lingham, Bulloch, Tattnall, Emanuel, Montgomery, Telfair. Do Too Feel DoU, Languid, low-spirited, lifeless,' and indescribably miserable, both physically and menially; experi ence's sense of fullness or bloat ing after eating, or of "goneness," or emptiness of stomach in The morning, longue coaled, bitter or bail taste in mouth, irregular sp I KM itc. dizziness, frequent head aches, liluried eyesight, "floating s|jeeka” Indore the eyes, nervous prostration or -exhaustion, irrila bilily of tem|ier, hot flushes, alter nating with chilly sensations. •harp, biting, transient pains here and there, cold fret, ilrowai ness after meals, wakefulness, or disturbed snd un refresh ing sleep, constant, indescribable feeling of dread, or of impending calamity? If you have all. or any consider able number of these symptoms, you are suffering from that most! Laurens, Dodge, Wilcox. Pulaski, common of American maladies—j Houston. Dooly, Slimier, Macon. to serve at the March Term of j Bilious Dyspepsia, or Torpid Liv j Schley, Marion, Stewart, Ran probability, will not long require Quitman Superior Court, beg leave t u L r> associated with Dyspepsia, or' d •Iph. Quitman. Webster, Cbat half the liine of llie three already j make llie following presentments: I- — J 1 1 1 ■ • • •- ■ *“ h why wlwskey and other nuisances | s|>ecial interests, to indulge parli- sboulil be free, while food and i san rancor, tn gratify selfish greed, clothing are made to bear a heavy ! >m , to make one section of the burden of taxation. Will thev ! .... . . give the tax pavers an explana-1 co,,n ">' W tribute to the other lj OR y * | In its administration of gov- Senator Brown says that Clcvs erDuunt ’ il disdained to ac tant) is the only Democratic Prcsi- knowledge the restraints and li>u dent that has been elected in italions of the constitution, and twenty five years, lias he forgot | has made its discretion absolute ten that Samuel J. Tilden was ; ... r i . j • i .i . Iy llie measure of its authority elected in 18ib. and that too upon J a platform denouncing protection, j :,m ' l >owcr - * n ** if it did not com and declaring for.a ‘-tariff for rev pletely destroy the bulwarks of enue only? ’ It was Napoleon Bonaparte, we hePfeve, wlie-said tliat'-Providenrc was on the side of the heavy ar tiilery.” Prinee Bismarck seems lo be of the same faith. He says that the great questions of the day are settled “by blood and iron.” £.It is dilTh-iitl to see how people of this country could be [ hope, benefited by free whiskey. »hil«-i the necessities that feed ami doth, . , the poor, arc burdened will, heavy ,mm, ns< “ l ,ower “• cn « ‘ “ 1 taxation. But such is the Atlan ta Constitution's idea of states manship. American liberty, il was because it did not effectually provide against that reactionary senti ment, which today, is struggling to" restore the federal goTormnrnl to the "sphere of its appropriate duties.” But will this heroic and patriotic struggle lie crowned with llie | success? There is ground for and at the same time there ] -ire grave reasons for fear. The is ar rayed against the people, and it will do Its utmost to perpetuate the methods which, for the last trious farmers, part, will do ized, with an avowed purpose to j upon them of energetic and iudus disregard and subvert the funda menial law, which its leaders de non need as “a covenant with death snd an agreement with hell.'* With these false views, and des perate purposes, the Republican party rose to power, and during the twenty five years of itscnnlrol of the government, if there is any provision of the constitution that it did not violate, it was because there was no occasion for il. It has used its power to promote provided for in the constitution.' I I need hardly repeat, w hat is <tu i everybody’s tongue, that we are I |ionr and hard run. but 1 do so in order to ask if iliat is a good and j sufficient reason why we should who, tar the most create new offices, j ist to supply . . it' fat plat es for a*ijiranl* aitfi worn their own labor.' , 1 , . « 1 i out lawyers? This would speedily firing about; j j |Jlve f„ UR d it exceedingly the adoption of the intensive sys-; hard to get my consent to sav «i e tern, which would «k« make eur ! word against this proposed change old fields blossom as the rose, and in " ur or ” :init lttW - demonstrate the truth of the slate meat recently made by "M. Quad," the distinguished correspondent of the Detroit Frce t Pres*, that a farmer ean make' ten dollars in the South while lie would make one north of the Ohio river. We have a friend wr two the places j ■ Z'X Tr ,W« Pemberton s Lemon •and We timl upon examination, , . , , • , , ( mai me rerwirt «f this Special Commiltev ; would fit so nicely and who would J iiyrefcrente to a case of felony Irietl at! Elixir. honor llie places. But when I j the September Term. UH5. ia true In ev-’ Iru.l,- Si l he .liuL.t* of llie several I *‘ r - v particular. I.utfr.mi palters prwlureff look at the dntkiis ol me several thj!1 1hh | v w |, irll rh^tlerk of Su- circuits and go to those of the Su ! (terior Court, front some cause, had fad. |ierior Courts of the different conn <sl to spread upon the Minutes, and Indigestion. The more compli cated your disease has become. I lie greater the number and di versity of sym pit ibis. No matter what stage it has reached, Pem berton's Lemon and Orange Elix- ir will cure thedisease and prevent those diradful results from such a condition of the system. This wonderful remedy is equal . , . , . . I ly efficacious in acting upon llie Iprtoinled bv the last • . , , 6 ■ , VI the public Record- I kidneys, ami those who hare with kid- relief in Orange We find the court hou*e in g<Mxl roudi- tion. but fecomiucnd that the Commis sioner* have ji bliml j»ut to one of the \\ inUon n on the west kide of the building;; al>o that panes of glass he put in where thev are needed. \Ve find tlie jail as se- i*u r e a^ that building can be made, but ! we recommend that the Sheriff keep the inside of the building in a better and neater condition. V\ e find the roads in travelling- ondition. but retamimemi the Koad t oimnisi»H*ners to notiiy the va- ri«Aii«y overseers to pay more attention to the roads. The « onnnittee tirund Jury to mspeci during vacati.m and to submit the re nJi j been autfering for venra of investigation to tin. IukIv. made i „ lrflll |,| C s, will' find Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is the l»est blond purifier l«forc the pub lic. It eradicates every impurity, and cures Scit*fiila. !*alt Khcum, Boils. Pim ple*. all Humors. I>ys|>ci>*ia. lUlious- Is a peculiar medicine. It is carefully preparcil frtmt Sarsaparilla. I)andeii«m f Mandrake. IVs-k. I'i(*sisscira. Juniper Kerries, ami other well known and vain ness. Sick Headache. Indigestion, lien- able vegetable remedies, by a jieeuliar combination pr<»|M>rtion and pr**eess, un known to any other medicine, ami giving to HammI’s Sarsaparilla curative jaiwer n«»t jsissesscd by other medicines. It ef fect." remarkable cures where others fail. end Debility, Catarrh, Hheumatism. Kidney and liver r«»nip!aints.oven*Hmes that tireii feclinj?. creates an ap|>etlte. t«uies the digestive organs, overcomes nervousness, and gives strength and health to the entire system. laboochee and Mtiacogce, all in the Slate of Georgia. The principal office and reai denceofaaid Company shall lie in lh« city of Savannah, Slate of Georgia. m — Rev. Dr. John ilall baa been in vited lo deliver a seriea of lecture* before the aludenU of ibe Yale Divinity School. The firat of the ! aeriea will be given in March. Hood’s Sarsaparilla HOOfl S Sarsaparilla i Has met Itoculiar anti unparalleled suc- I» peculiar in being the only medicine of i cess at home. Such has become its pop- whit h can truly be sAi<!. **1U0 Ihjses One Dollar.” which is an unanswerable argu ment as to its strength and economy. If you make up your mind to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla, do liol allow |Kiiite persua sion or argument to induce you to take anything else. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is peculiar in the wonderful cures it has accomplished, wholly unprecedented in the history of medicine, and giving to Hood’s Sarsaparilla a clear right to the title of “The greatest hbod purifwr ever divuvervil.’’ A bo«>k. containinfr state- u-ents of cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, will he sent to all who desire it. ularity in IjhvcII, Mass., where it is uiailc. Mint whole n.-igliborln««le nro taking it .it the .«amr time. Ijiaeil <lrug- gi-i.i sell more of Hood's Sarss|,arills Hum of all other sar«aparilhis or hlu,»i pilritiers. The same stieeess is exteiifl- ing nil over the country. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Has a reeor.i of etiri-i of seroftilit and other blood diseases never ri|iialled hv »».»' "tli,T fin-paruiitni. The most severe eases yield to this remedy when others have failed to have the slight, «t effect Hereditary scrofula, which clings to the Mot id with the greatest tenaeitv, i. cured by this [Hi-uliar metlieine. ■ Hood’s Sarsaparilla jsdd by druggists. $1; six foCM. r.e-1 Sol.l l,y druggists, |l: six for *> F'rc' pared by C. I. HOOD A CO., Lowell.; pared |l.y C. J. HOOD & CO.. Lowell j Mass. ■ Bases Oar ■>—lltar !>«•« Owe Dsllar noulil not have lo go far to find ! lli«? profession is conclusive proof of the correctness | oa *’ l'"siness- I , . . , .. . j asliameft of the of our position. I litre is infinite- J 1)roull , t ly more evidence of proKperiiy in ; , on<r „ ra Good people of Randolph, and ait over Georgia, ojrn your eye* lo what** going on around you . and do not good natnredly lei ibi* gent an.l industrious citizens.! , Ilatler „„ , 1V llrf:lu i t , jllal because This is an indisputable ffaet, an<i J y„ 0 wnu |,| like to see Colonel so lies and find them anything but crowded, and when I hear intelli gent well informed lawyers say • ell uigli with confess- I am feeling which me lo hold nn those sections of our ow n county where the farms arc small, and arc owned and worked by intelli As a cure for Chronic Constf potion it lias no cqiisl. Being purely vegetable, anti requiring no change in diet or liabita, il recommends itacif at once to the business snd working man. Call ■ >n J. \V. Stanford Druggiat, Cut Illicit. Ga , or write to I’embeb- to.«* Mehicire Comfaxt. Atlanta. Ga. Mr. T. D. Jackson lias become I quarter of a century, have tended associated with Mr. A. J. Harp as i impoverish the many for the •ditor aml proprietor or the Abbe- , K . Bcfil of llie tew . Even the Dem ville limes. Ills ntinounceinent has the "right ring.” and we are glad la welcome him into the t anks of true Democratic journal ists. The Atlsnts Constitution wnnts everything Isxed except whiskey But as long as |iensioitH, and wat debts are to be paid, we guess that whiskey will have to bear its share and so. or Judge so and so snugly housed in the public crib. 1 think public servants should he well paid and well worked, and that their iiuuibcr should be mul lipiied, only upon the requirement of dire necessity. Especially should we go slow iu multiplying • hose servants w ho, at once, be conic our in asters and most costly ornaments to our simplecstablUh tnenl. There are already—in anlicipa i tion of the amendment lieipg adapted—many candidates for i these places (and the ones now Northern people have traveled j held by the aspirants for higher and so join ned in the South until honors.) thus showing the real they clearly see, and fully realize ! res " ,, * n ,or * l,e proposed increase tlinl the siorivs. about “Southern lm'bat i»ni** ami “Southern out rage*/* illicit find immensecireu- we should think about it, and cn dcavor to profit by it. We want good people to come amongst us, to build homes in our midst, to help develop our resource*.* and to aid us in improving and beau- tilying our heaven favored coun- try. The lime is surely auspicious for the inauguration of this move ment. Sectional prejudice* have gradually worn a way until they do not alford a serious obstacle. whirl* were neces>arr toidiow the proper dlsj»o>ition of said Vas*e. together with oilier light ahed upon it before this* hour, we feel justified in not pre*enliMg that i *oftion of said rejxiri in our Ueucral Veseiitmeut*. The lolloWing rejiorts made by the Name Special t’onnnittee to this 'body, after an examination, find true and adopt: We find the books of the * h rk of the Superior Coarr, the )took* of the Ordinary, and the book* of the Trea.-tir- i er neatly and rorreetlv kept. We in- i.iM teil the books of the County «’oin inissioner* from tu the present year, and note some irregularities. No word of the tax assessment for the county purposes appears on their U*oks for IW1. nor of any settlement w ith the Tax Collector for that year. We find since 1Xo2. Dr. K. M. llh*ust>e. one of the mem- l»ers, lias been acting a«« clerk for their Court, and receiving pay. both a* a member ami clerk. Their books show that ihr members received their regular per diem pay when absent from the meetings, and tuat they have also, at various times, let oi.t to one another. , , . . . . - . . jobs upon bridge*, repaint,* ini! and I* rendered nudent. • i.J "n.r l-. I in fteltmpKOod po.itnm., Suct-mn *a«r- anteed. Don t go to short-hand nrhool* Rufii* Bull<H-k newurca hi* par ty leader* ml llie North, that if they wiil only let «rcli'>na! i*»uea alone, the protectionists in thc S'-uth will join the Republican party. Rufus rerlainly has good reasons for thinking so. short-handT Fhort-Han«l thoroughly taught hy our improved method on Munson s System from four to five month* hy corre* lation at the North, arc utterly without foundation in f*d. Three oct al!!- party, the only hope of the year* of an honest, wise, and con country, has not passed, wiifi per fect safely, through the recent po litical storms that have rnvept over the land with such fearful con*equence*. It ha* retreated somewhat from the battlefield* upon which, in firmer d»r*, il in our Supreme Court Justices. Let us suppose tf; Court is ovnrun with business ami that the Justice* need 'rest and help, as well. Would it m*t | he a*better plan to pul to work some of our o’er rested Superior Court Judges? Lei a provision of I law he enacted, empowering the I Governor to designate two of the servativc administration of the federal government by the Demo cratic party, ha* gf-ne far to re i ^ ,, . . , . 4ll . 1 _ j ^ . . ! Miperior Comt Judges t#f sit with *tore confidence, amt to prove thej.,.J .» fi leiity of the South to her renew ed obligations. The marvellous growth and development of South ern mining and manufacturing in- court house, and ether public work* ami ordered theniselve* jiaid for the same out of the county treasury. I'i'on examiu.itiou \vc coufirui the ic- pori of the las! Grand Jury to the effect that the hooks of the County School Commissioner are verv improperly kept. He produced no cash book, and inform ed ns rh«t he had never kept any; that liis Minutes as « lerk of the Hoard of Ed ucation was the only book he kept. This "e find very imperfect and unsatisfae- torv, ami hence we were unable to as certain correctly the true condition of the school fund, but from receipts in the hands of the Tax t’ollector for 1S.S5 aird 1SSG, we find the Tax Collector paid to the C. Feb. 1st. ’*7,fTt».!l9 which the Supreme i fatter never reported to the Hoard of LM- ' neat ion. His report to the iirand Jury presenis a haiance of i.’i7.09 from 1*>S5. which, added to $1,370 99. the amount paid hy the Tax Collector as per receipts, make $l,4ll.0rS, amount of sc!un>I fund for 1 MSG. Now. I1.414.US. les« fl.ZfO. llie amount ordered out by llie Hoard of Ed- ucptic.ii as per his Minutes. left a balance of $141.08. He reported to the Grand Jury a balance of $4y.I4. The She!ill’* books presented a very un>» isfactory account «.f his official acts. His execution (locket due* not show the . . I | . CAITIIII'H! Ill" M. UIJCS IIOIHIOW 111 the three •Justice* aIreHU> com- j d^te of delivery of executions placed i iusti.ics during the last few year*. . , , | fi lilt II.OV IV" of I lie public burdens. There is f.mghl and won so manj-glmious have demonstrated to the world no justice, no reason, and no sense in clamoring for free whiskey, while clothing and other neees series of life are taxed 46 percent. R. B. Bullock has come to the front again as a probable candi date for Governor against Genera! Gordon. Bullock's tariff views are in perfect accord with those of the Atlanta Constitution. Gor don. on llie contrary, aligns him self with President Cleveland and Senator Colquitt. In case they should become the candidates fur Governor, which will theConsUtu tion support? Decidedly the most pitiful wail that we have so far Been from the monopolistic organs, was in nn ed itorial in the Sundaj- Times of the 18th instant. victories fur the constitution and lor the people. There is now a disposition to give a broader con struction to the terms of the fed eral compact; and measures which, forty years ago, met with the uni ted op|«isilion of the Democratic party on constitutional grounds, are now largely ami earnestly supported by members of the same organization. Now why is this? The only answer is, that they art actuated more by motives of self ish interests, lliau by considera tions of the public welfare. They would rather violate their ohliga lions, and disregard the plain in 1 he writer pictures : l( . nls „ ni | purposes of the consti colors the terrible 1 in frightful ^ ...v .. • i . . tulion, ta.ia lo miss an opporluni ruin that tariff retorm will bring ’ 11 upon lliccounliv; but. instead of l . v 1° promote private prosperity abusing the reformers as is usual 1 It is fortunate for the county that. the fact that no eountrj- excels the South in the variety, magnitude, and value of her resources. And lastly, the admirable climate ol the South, in contrast with the trnible rigor of Northern win ters. if properly presented, cannot fail to exercise a powerful influ ence in favor of immigration. We think that this effort of the t en tral Railroad am) the Stale Agri cultural Society should have the hearty endorsement, and the ac live support of the people. m • ^ Elrthel Dels. A few of our farmers are replat ting 1 ' corn ibis week. Some had a very fair stand up before the void spell of last j week, and not being hurt they are re- j planting it this week. Miss Ada Martin returned a few | [wising that august tribunal, and directing that the Governor, in so designating the Superior (,'onit Judges, shall so arrange ns to equally divide this new duty be tween ail. that is, alternating in such way as that no two Judges will be called upon twice till all the Judges of nil the Circuits have appeared with the Supreme Court This would save the "hard work ed” Justices, keep the Judges from growing idle and get!ing rusty, and save the people being taxed lo pay additional salaries. Now, M t*»*rs. E lil<it**, ventilate this matter, go that the people may hi* hands, nor from what court tney were He informed ns. however that all the execution* entered upon hi* docket* were from the Superior < ourt. Miiti that he made no entry of those is sued from other court*. He did not pro duce any sale l*K>k. and sav* lie ha* nev er kept any. Hi* jail book we find cor rect a* far a* we could ascertain. will state here that we find, since this special Committee examined the Sher iff’* hooks, that he lias made change* which justify ns i:i making the following report: We have examined the jail liook ami execution docket a* well :is the lim ited time allowed, and find them neatly and correctly kept. We elect the following as t’ounhr <'ommissdoncr* for the ensuing year: it'. !». McLendon. J. Hill, W.J. Jordan and J. A. Hillman, and that the above Cominisfcioners shall receive $2 per day for their service* a* such, and recoin LUMBER! LUMBER! For Cash -o- T1IE USDKRRIftRCn DESIRES TO SAY TO THE rt'Bl.lC THAT IIIS YAIU), IS REAR or I. EARLEY S STORE. WILL BE KEPT SUPPLIED WITH LUMBER OF KVKRY HR A PR AND QUALITY. WHICH WILL UK moi.D AT PRICKS THAT WILL at great expense when we ran teach you as well hy mail at a nominal cost. Our instruction* is just as satisfactory, as all exercises and mistake* are corrected and returned, and new instruction given, thereby making it just as thorotig dy as personal instruction. V»e will guarantee to carry a student to 75 words in four month* if instructions are carefully fol lowed. All of our students arc placed in positions immediately upon gradualism. Tuition, time unlimited $10.00: $5 paya ble in advance and $5 upon completion of course. Texl-Book* and complete outfit, post-paid $*J. Write us if you wish further information. 33EP3K©. Both Single and Double Kntrv. forms of Mercantile. Manufacturing. Insu rance. Banking. etc., together with all forms of Commercial Paper Calculation*, etc., taught practically by our method of correspondence. Set* are worked and sent for correction. W> will guarantee to teach practical book-keeping in from three to five months if instructions are followed or w ill refund tuition. Tuition, time unlimited $10 00: $5.00 payable in advance aud £5.00 upon completion of course. Ifieiks. Blanks, etc , complete Uv mail $4.00. Address, sol' niKBN riilGKf-HAND BVREAU. Chattanooga, Tenn. mar.S-ly The Sumter Republican, coat- mem-ini' on April l*t, will be pub lished aa a daily. We wish for it i abundant sucres* and prosperity. Defy Competition. -0- Mr. Easley is fully authorised to sell, receive moner, and receipt for the same. A large share of patronage ia aoli'-ited, ami perfectaatisfaftion guaranteed. Respectfully, J. A. FOSTER. taclift et Attention Buyers ! A NY buyer having Pricca quoted be low rut hy other merchants, can save uiwney by seeing me Uforv making their purchases. Hespectfullr. C. N. SIMPSON’. Ja. 1011 Dozen D. & H. SCOVIL HOES, N O 1.45c; No.5. at In lot* for less. MMPSON*. 50 ZPOTJJSriDS Family Flour. SI 25, I Til. nmlrrsignrd ar» |.lp.i«rd to annnum-e t« th. public that they have rerrived in the Giss Huii.uixg a very large stock of Men ban- ■liar, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware & Plantation Supplies These Goods are all new and flesh, and liavirp l rcn of evrry^kind. purchased in LARGE QUANTITIES W'u f. el justified in saving that wc arc able to offer ■Dents lo the people, cither for superior indtice- Call aud sec us. fel>2-ct kx. OX* OZX *175.233.^ f Respectfully. AVTJHB& BAWLS. Good Cheaper Offered than ever Tefore in Cntlibert New Advertisements. A All Whom It Vay Ceacera. gTATE OF OEOKr.U, MMI-SOVR. 30 lbs tints for *1.00, e will keep at our Lumber Yard on Depot Street, a larger st<x-k of Lumfx*r than we ever kept liefore, which we will sell at prices lower than have ever been sold here before. SIM Pst IN'8. vote intelligently on the subject, mend lb a-, tjics.inr amsuntbc paid ihv ^ , - ...I J , : < lerk of said Board, provided h« is not a adniinist.ati ; It can be **!«-!>* left with them t« « member. ! VV. Oliver late . .... at C. A. Willi* i and I will pass ii|«on said application on 119rJ District. G. M. ; first Monday in May.. IAsS. Given do right if they but have time to w> recommend that think. Farmer. ! Notary Public of tl.r I Randolph Cocntt. W. J. Oliver has in due form applied I to the undersigned for permanent letters J non the estate of Geo. | »*l sai.i county deceased. GOOD TOBACCO, 25 to 28c per Pound, HIMP30V8. Wc fix the bay of Juror* at $2 i*er day j fifid QUITMAN CODNTY DEPARTMENT, W. J EROvVN. Jr . Editor for their service*. W c make the following hanges in the - : paniter list: That Winnie Tennille he | ■” { uaiu $‘J per month; that Martha Huggs; j he paid $lf j»er month instead of $4 |*er j ■ j month: that Sam Kobertwon be paid! .. i . , • $1.50 per month instead of $2 5o. W> j hi taker naa accepted , recommend that John McDaniel l»e put; nev for the Slate Bureau ofjon the pauper list, and be paid $2 per! organized by the ■ ,UOI,t b. W>rect»mmend that Dica Me:’ my haml and official signature, this 12th dav of March. IftSS. M. WORM LEY. nicl»224>t Ordinary. Feed Oats at 55c, Large Ut, for le»«, St will^hcac organs, he in substance 'cries out from Ins troubled heart in first class |uirilanu-n! style. •-Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” How sad! The Atlanta Constitution is badly disgruntled because the Democrats in Congress propose tn pul lumber on the free list. It ■ays that limber men in the North ••have grown rich on the protec tion afforded” hy the government; ami il is evidently anxious that this “protection” should be. con tinned' pti that a few steam mill men in the South shall lie made licit at the expense ol the people. It is about lime to pul a stop to these outrages. llnelcleirs Arnlea Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises. Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands.Chilblains. Corns and ail Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Files, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. IV. Stanford. jn25 ly. ^ The people of Georgia need more law repealers than thry do law makers in the next general assembly. We want better legis lation; we want good, wholesome laws that will protect '.lie mer chant, manufacturer, farmer and laborer alike. Our people should lie on the alert, take an acliviv part in all nominating t-onven tions, place in nomination good men whom they know are in sym pathy with all classes, and not lei the scheming, wire-working politicians rob them of placing their man in a position to seenre thein their best interests. If the people do not take more interest m electing representative men ourstnle will be in a deplorable condition in a few years.—Fort Valley Enterprise. at this critical moment, when a great coutest ia to be waged be tween the people and the monopo lists, a man with the wise and hroad views of a statesman, and the honesty and courage of a pa- iriot, is to be the leader of the Democratic hosts. A victory by the people will mean not only the application ol pure and honest I vin b«* i»ut on the pauper list an<l be paid j * nioiith. G A i *lays ai;o from a lengthy visit to rela- j * j tive* and friend* at Cedar Spring*, j 1 R 8* | Ga. From the pleasant way in whieii • Iiuintgiali*»n organized by ^ *l»e speaks of her stay ami the glow ! State Agrieullurai Socie ty and j£g per Aiontli. Wc recommend that 'lam that light* up her countenance when Central Railroad Company, for Sheppard be put on the pauper list and :* :• vnnl.l n.,i lm enr. ^J|i* count V j be paid $1.50 per mouth. There ia quite a change in .the weather since the rain. Perhaps the blizzard is coining tin* way. D M. Davidson, Jr., has the tincbt lye patch in the comity. Ii Aiil average about five feet high. GROCERIES! janftect SIMPSON’*. it is mentioned, we would not be stir- prised to note that wnie *»ne is visit ing in Bethel Ijefcre long from Cedar •Springs. Our csteeii)e«l eonteni|*oniry of the Spring Yale Dots shows himself more familiar with the drinking habit than your humble correspondent, as we must confess that we know so liitle oi the government, but a return to constitutional legislation, which will recognize no special interest*. Such a victorv will show that the that part of the world that wc* hail! ^ ho Van beat this? never heard of the drink he thinks we J M. Harrell i« out again,.after were Iwguiled into taking too much of j several day*’ attack of bilious fc while in Savannah. vt . r j )Ul j s looking rather tliin. Mrs. Amanda l urrv has received ; r\ r* i> • e a 1 Dr. C. B. Raines, of Americus, g hi* brother, Mr. T. B- Raines, of tlii* county. stroke of ..... , . • , r j her millinerv atock for the spring and ! ^ r * methods in the administration of | sumnier . sV.e buvsdirert from head-; Georgia, is nttendm, quarters, thereby keeping up with all of the very latest styles and novelties. J * Jio prostrated by a Call an.I we for■.vourreivw la.livH. | , )ar!l |,. sis a r<>w ,| a vs ay... Miss Nannie Colev lias added great- 1 t . . r , lv to the .....Hie in both Sunday SeWI |' S - A Crumbley*. little babe and church worship at New Bethel, I >>as bevn very sick with fever for people have become alarmed at the since she has been among us; al! of! several •lays. which our people greatly appreciate, j Col. J. W. Lee left for Ft. Gaines lrom the frequency oi a certain j Wednesday morning lo be in at- voung man s visits to our community • , - ... _ from Arlington, we Im means I ** BI * DC ® u i’" D Ua > i,u ! jerl,,r , The* following rejviri of the Treasurer « presents a true exhibit of the finances of I rhe county as we have found from books • and papers oil file iu hi* office: February. I'll. To Cash Superior Court Fund. $ 7t#> 06 i *• From sheriff li fas. IS 75 - (General County Fund, 101* 86 “ From sheriff fi fa* 143 45 j “ . Contingent Fi ml 254 71 I Jail Fund 413 i»l *• Pauper Fund 700 Ki ! $3,346 20 Cll. ! By Ain’t Paid S. Court Fund. $ 126 05 Gen’I Court Fund 42S 22 Contingent Fund 2*JU f»t JaiJ Fund 19C» V) Pauper Fund H 00 Paupers . 118 00 • $1,074 31 Georgia Syrup, At 45e Per Gallon, at SIMPSON’*. Coffee, $1.00,| AT MW PRO VS. | Lots. C’jtll or scud your orders to our Yard, where you can got any quantity you want, at prices to suit you. Will Sell You Lumber from -$(» 50 to §10 00 Per Thonsand Feet. KILLEN & QDATTLEBAUM, sept22 tf Mill at F«»rt Gaines. Ga. Important AnnonncemenL 15 lbs C. A. GEORGE. danger attfmlin^ the slightest de viation from the principles ef the founders of the Republic-, and that they fully realize the significant fact as plainly stated by Genera! Jackson in his farewell address, that the only safety for the Colin try is in confining the general government strictly within the sphere of its appropriate duties. » See here! my friend, what is the suffering from Dyspepsia or Indigestion when you can .get Chipman’s Tonic Mixture, a js-rleet cure. For sale by J. \V. Stanford. liars), purgative remedies are fast giving way to the gentle action and mild effects of Cl.ipman’a Liver I’ills If yon will try them they will certain ly please you. Sold by ’ marl-lut J. W. Stanford. ^ There isn't a section of the Un ion in which the farmers are pros |H-rous. This is because they arc compelled to sell their productions Tn open markets and to make their purchases in protection markets The Atlanta Constitution favors this state of affairs because it, is 'the friend ol mon.qedy and not of the people.—lshmaelite. i^a-a m The |iopnlar hlood purifier, Hood’s Sarsaparilla, is having a tremendous sale this season. Nearly everybody iahrsit. Trvit yourself. GROCERIES! Quality guaranteed, and Prices at a liv- business. If so, we hope the near fu ture will bring the happy event to pass Dr. Clement* visited the liumcioiks at Kiehlaml the past week. Young K. T. C rozierami Al Martin, two of Coleman’* dudes, attended church at New Bethel last Sunday. Rev. Larkin Crumbley tilled hi* regular pastoral appointment last Sat urday and Sunday The weather liv ing pleasant the congregations were good lioth days. Subject for Satur day’s discourse was the resurrection, on Sunday the new birth. He sei forth these vital doctrines in a way that was consoling to the believer, but a fearful warning to those who are neglecting the overtures of mercy.— We are gratified to sec that he is rap- ikly working into the esteem and af- leetionsof our |H**ple, and we really believe lie is an instrument in the hand* of the Almighty that will do much lasting good among n*. 1. A. M.. That Tired Feeling Afflicts nearly every one hi t!»e spring. The system buying become accustom- 1 'j u j" e ex|<nse lo ed to the bracing air of winter, is 1 weakened by the warm days of the changing season, aud readily yields to attack* of disease, flood’* Sarsa parilla is just the medicine needed. It tones and buihls tip every part of the body, and also expels ail itnpuri- . • mn ... ties ;r.»m tketdood. Try it this se - enjoyed \ery much. i Dr. Mercer n:*s a number of car- Bal. on hand ... March 12. I83S. We lhank his Honor. Judge John T. j Clarke for kindness and courtesy; also* .to Solicitor General Gucrrv for service* ( . , : rcnderr,l. * ! Robt. L. Morris spent a few day* | w« recommend that these Presen * with home folks this week, return j n, » n » h * published in the tutl.bert p« ' J pers, and that they be paid $3 each. W. II. Key. foreman. Water Ground Meal At llOe Per Bushel, at ex MMfSON’S. (kirn at 80c Per Bns., at SIMPSON’JI. C.R.Bulk.8 Cts., gr iUECT to market _ changes—np or ‘ down, at C. N. HIMPSON’8. I=»XC3SrX(T H-AJMIS, AT 10 tESTS. at SIMPSON'S. 1 271 89 ing profit. C. A: GEORGE.'50 lbGninonaFlour jan19-ri ing to his farm Tuesday afternoon. Bob is “pulling the bell iiue'* again this year, and it seems to agree with him capitally. The bottom seems to be kn:K*k e<l out of the cotton market, and who held for big price* have fallen far short of their ex pedal ion. But, *‘sich is life.’* The slock law will go into effect in the town district nn the 25ili ol May next. It is time every bod\ were preparing to meet it. Sciuiug has commenced at the sand bar two mile* above town, and succors are getting to be very plentiful. The road between Georgetown and'Kufaiila is almost impassable. This will he the case alter every big rain, until the county goes to fill those low places with gravel or plank them The Bridges Bros, gave ua a temperance lecture at the clmrch last Monday night. They also made some elegant music, which W. A. Hill. E. E. Varner, J. G. Belcher, •w. K. Gay, Sr., J. A. Hillman, i. J. Mi-ihvin, A. A. Lewi*, s. Hubert*. Jeff I*. Lewi*. J. J. <’a*t«*llo\r. J. K. Dozier. A. II. Galloway, J. K. Methvin. J. M. Guilford. G. W. Johnson. J.T. Mcloendon, !?. T. Rice. J. L. (’nmhie. E. B. Pearce J. D. Hojran. D. .\l. Davidson. Jr., II. L 1‘aikcoiu. Dowlaw & Gamt, ( Foate* t Improved ) Cotton Planters $1.40— Beat on Market, 1st SIMPSONS. <-t At Bottom Fisurc'. nt SIMPSONS an.l KIRKSKY S. Slarcli Term Quitman S..|Sfrior Court, j Plow Traces, 45c, SIMPSON**/ Plow' llames, 4tfc, it SIMPSON 8. ISSS.—Ordered tnat these Presentments ! be publisli**d as re«(iiest;-d. and spread on j minute*. March 14th, 18S8. ! JOB N T. i LA RKE. J. s. C. P. C. A true copy of Grand Jury Present ments at March Term. 1 *88. of i^uitnittii ^UlteriorCourt. G. A. WHITAKER. t. S. C. • — Tltc Augusta Clironicie Bays “ilit*rc is -iiiitli speculation as tn •rlipllit-r Prt-siilcnt Clcvelanrl will lie a ramlitlate fur re i-ii-i-tion.” Yc-.s. Mr. Clevelan.i will lie a can didate fur re-election and will lie re elccte.l in spile of the spec ulalurs.— Jlarti-ell Sun. mom ITaalrd < 100 ilnzen Kggs weekly at high est market price. et C*. X. SIMPSON, Jr., Agt. Jno. D. Gunn, UNDERTAKER, Cuthbert, Georgia. Your attention i.» calletl to tlie fnet that I am prepared to furubh, day or night, any style or size Coffin, Burial Case or Casket desired. 1 keep always in stock full assortments In Styles and Sixes, w \nd can furnish Coffins as tastily trim- ! ine«l. and at Prices a* low a* can be bought in/he State. i Will send Hearse to any j»«rt of tlie county by contract. When you need me, ‘ come to see me. j 0P*('iinbcfonml. at ni^ht. at rc*i ! dence. opposite Metho;li«tfburch. on! l/impkin street. i>L2-«*i * STEEL PLOWS, S MALL l«ot»at Sc per pound. Large hits for less, at HIMPSOX’?*. J»cw York. Boston. Baltimore. Philadelphia. ('incinnati, St. laoui*. Louisville. Chicago, Nashville, Chattanooga, and many other (’itie*. East. We*!. North and South, have hern called upon t»» contribute to the filling e! the CUTHBERTFURlirnmESTORE With The Immense and Varied Stock Which it is carrying, at prices that will insure a traiie if yon will onlr make me a call. I have pruviilnl a sufficient quan tity In supply this an-l adjoining o.nn'ics with all they will nrcJ id this iine.^aml the public are invited ,t» insj»ect this •tuck. , AND GET A BARGAIN, Willie it is going so cheap. Summer an*l Winter, dull and lively limes, will find me with, a full stoek. and if you wants Carl I.nad. a Wagon I»ail, or a ( ar Load, don't l«( afraid you can't be supplied, hut come along and see if what I tell yon is not true. Wpi am very thankful for the favors I have reecived in the past, anti will do rov best to please in the future. Mr. Kefjsk Martis is with me. and will be glad lo serve his manv friends. Very respect fully. I], W. SHIS, septS et Manager. rutt'sPills FOR TORPID LIVER. A taqM Hear iWMiasi^a Sick Headache, tisa, Sallaw Skin ui Piles. ItwshastHIn nwito too Itwi ■awa TslPs Uvm mar2l-t.v fptpfl I . % 3S« 0.2 g ■ — Hblfai! * - 5 is«£=4li *2 - 2,* SiS.tZsi.S2 feK’-!y'