Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, March 29, 1888, Image 2

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ENTERPRISE and appeal P03IMED EYEBY THDBSDAY. JAS. W. STANFORD. R. D. CROZIER. CUTUBBMT, CA. " Th»r»4«T Mornlap, JUreli », 1S88. fc*«id o,, fil, „ * • i»owpI1 A; ^ o k NcwH*>iir)cr i,i. vortixinjr Bureau {to Spruce St. > where ia K«w lM Y?rk! ,,traC,S “ V * ,n " de UiT “ HUME pass** • aur "uUmrUed agoata. Jtr. I. A. lUKTljj is oar Aj;put »t Bethel, and I* fallj authorized to rwolTo and receipt Tor all aoner M*d him. Mr. W-1. Brawi. Ir.. is onr Aces! it Cesrcetewa.filjy inttMlzed to receiie nit receipt for ill Mosej paid m. “Etmil Tlcliaice Is tic Price of Llb:rtr' — . m - The Dupn Attending Iteaocratk- Iteteat. We think-lliat It ran be safely asserted that there never was a lime in the history of our coun try, when ha imony in tha Demo eratic party was more necessary ilian now; and it must be admit ted by those who are familiar with the temper of Northern Republi can leader*, that Democratic de feat portends great dUasicis to lire South. Upon the momentous question of tariff reform, the only real issue now before the country, <iu-re is absolutely no just or rea sonable cause for dirtsion; and, in fact, tbe presentation of such an issue, independent of all other considerations, should make the party practically solid, and so in spire it with the spirit of patriot ism and courage that defeat would had got an idea in its hfnd that it had for years been controlling the liolilics of the Stale, and it had become so inflated with vanity, Chief Justice Waite's Death. ' Tbe announcement of the death re Notice to the Pahlle. • Georgetown, Ga.. Starch 13. '8S. ■ On and after 1st Tuesday in May. all Legal Advertising eiu:.natin i icv, ,, . , ... i — - . from t'.ie Sheri tTsi-IBce ofQuitman conceit and self impoit.mce. t hat j known to the country that he was 1 ,.«,unty of Chief Justice Watte was ceivrd with surprise as well as with profound sorrow. It was not „ , , ,,, j known to the country that he was j „,, 10tr wdl Ih- published in the it really believed lhalitcould lead seriously ill. In the -dispatches KvrEurnisE and the Democrats of Georgia to aball- published <>n Tuesday morning it j j jj HARRELL. Sheriff don the time honored principles " r:,s slated that lie did not read msom^— bis decision in the Bell rdephonc j (jy,]' MAN UETIRTMEST. ‘ cases because ue wan noi well, but i - - — he Was preseut in court and look jyV. J BRQV*N, Jr. Editor! part iu the proceeding*. His ill- j - - . — neb* eras a yctj short one. Hr was attacked by a light chill ou •»f their pail}*. Kill it has seen h«*w utterlj* fill lie were its efforts, and in its great disappointment, it hopes to find some consolation by abnaing the Democratic lead era. last Saturday night, and wan dead ^ere f..r years. The rain Monday ami Tuesday I was the heaviest that has fallen in less than a week. The people ahould bear in mind Although 72 years old Chief tha*. therr is something mure dan-j Justice Waite did not appear t« **erous in Democratic defeat, i be more than 53 or 60. llis hair .... „ ... ! was rerv thick and there were but which the Republican allies are, ftn line , ln his face. seeking to accomplish, than the H« was an able man and a good perpetuation ol the tariff robbery. I one It is doubtful if he ever did The Chattahoochee river is high er than we ever saw it. and is still rising. Several boats arc lied up at Kuratlin, and won't be able to pans under the bridges d-r some lime \el. On account of the land slide near Dr. Mercer's mill Tuesday. Satire ef Am*kalian far Railroad Charter. Notice is hereby given that it t* intended to apply to the Gover nor and Secretary of Stale (nr a charter for the “SAVA**ah and Cci.imbcs Haii.wav Com pant. ’ Theaihjecl and pur|MHie of said Company will lie tneconstruction, maintenance, and operation of a But didn't w* have a ••sweet'' time at the candy milling? Ilev. It* F. Evans is assisting Rev. F. A. Branch in conducting a series of meetings in Dawson this week. r. t. c. Do You Feel Doll, Languid. low-> pirited. lifeless, and indescribably miserable, both physically and mentailv; cxiieri , . , . cnee a sense of fullness or bloat-! *•'"** l H | ,nl ,n Chal ins alter eating. „ r «r-goneness, ! or Kllmsham Counties, or emptiness of stomach in the morning, tongue coated, bitter or bad taste in uioulh. irregular ap- l»eiiie, dizziness, fn-quent head- nehrfl. binned pyowight, “floating 'lacks’ before the even, nervous prosiraiion or exhaustion, irrita bilityof tem|K*r. hot flushes, alter nuling with chilly sensations, sharp, biting. transient pains here and there, cold feet, drowsi ness after meals. wakefulne»», ol Purify Your Blood or Ellingham Counties, on the main line ol the Central Rail road and Banking Company of Sow is the lime to purify the Mood, fur at no oilier scasun i> the hod,-.- so stls- cejdlMe to licitcfit frulu misinme. The peculi: r purit'ybla' and rcvivingunalltier of II,^1'- Sar.-aparilla ale jit*! what are nceilcil to expel dl-case and fortify the •‘V.-ti-tc sgaiiirt the debilitating dTcct> of mild weather. Every year ineft-tises the popnlarity of ILmhI's Sar.-aparilla. for it is jiist wlmt people netal 1112 till Good health de|ieiid» upon pure bl«*«d j therefore, to keep well, jHirify the 111,-si by tak'tlg Mmol’, .-arraparilla. This metlieine is peculiarly designed to act ll|o,n the blood, and through that upon all the organs and tissuesuf tltebody. It lias a specific action, also.' i j * Ml tbe >r- Crcliono mid cacrethms. and assists na ture to tape! from die systetn all l,a J mors, impure pnrtich-s, null effete mat ter ilirongli tins iuiigs. liver, bowels, ki»l- neys. and skin. It aid. weak anil debib tbe nertoliS season. It is the ideal spring medicine. / ol If you have never tried it. do an, and yen I itated organs, invigorates the Georgia, as its eastern tei minus. I V| jjp | )C c-mincet! of it- preuliar merit. systetn, loin s tlir digestion. A peculiar to Columbus, in llt« County ol Muscogee, as its western terminus, with a braneh to the Alabama line, in Quitman County, for lltr purpose of leaeiiing Eufaula. in Alabama, and a braneh to Dublin. Laurens County, Georgia; said load to traverse lire Counlies of {Chatham. Bryan. Kiniighaiu. Bui It ;s certain that the Radical* arc : an unjust or an uukind act delib n „ tr atins were allowed to pass un j disturbed and unrefrrahing sleep. J ltx I allnall. Emanuel. Mont acliral re ! crately, and if hy chance he did I n - n ln«,!„v l.- un .i.,nt. indes.-nl..l.U re-lin.- , lf |u«merv. Telfair. Lauren*. Dodge any one an injury lie was quick id make reparation. may be well and truly said that the American trial of aelfgovern- nient i* a farce and a fall me. It was not intended by the founders •f this Republic that special in dustries or interests should hr protected, fostered and promoted hy the general government, for this would have been destructive of the very principles of liberty, and ol the purpose* of the union. The Democratic party, the parly of the Constitution, and of tile people, has always opposed the principle of protection, and has fought it manfully and vigorously EDITORIAL PABAUItATHS. A tariff for protection means taxation for private purposes. I he proceedings of Congress develop an amazing amount of demagogism. The laboring man must be “on top” in everything. The State of Texas is more for- tnnule than many of her sisters. She has an immense surplus iD her treasury. Tha death of Citiet Justice Waite on Friday last creates an other vacancy upon the Federal (Supreme Court Bench which will be filled by n Democrat. Senator Vance of North Caroli na. la contributing some very able and interesting letters teethe Baltimore Sun upon the great question of tariff taxation. Tom Woolfolk continues hi* efforts to escape from Bibb coun ty jail. He secs and feds that bis only chance for life is in gel ting away. The report of the new tariff bill to the House has again been de Jayed by tbe illness of Hon. R. <J Mills, tire chairman ol? jthc Wat* and Means Committee, which has it in charge. The tariff act of 1828 was de nounced hy the Democratic parly as lhe‘*Biilof Abomination*,” and yet it was a mild measure as eoui pared with the preseut scheme of robbery. The allies of the Republican^ parly in Georgia are few in uum bers, but they are active and de termined, and the Democrats will have to keep au eye ou their move ments. It is said that the committee on “Revision of Laws” will report to Congress in favor of a constitu tional amendment providing for the election of United Stales Sen ators by direct vole of the” people. Mr. Randall's so called t-tliff bill contains no provision for the repeal of the internal revenue laws. This was no doubt a griev ous disappointment to the little squad of Georgia protectionists. It is said that the Republicans of the North are supplying War mouth, the liudicul nominee for governor of Louisiana, with plen ty nf funds lor the conduct ol his canvass. The chances for the Democrat ic Vice presidential nomination appear now to be about equally divided between Governor Giay, of Indiana, and General Black, of lllineis. The Macon Telegraph proposes editor Ellenwdbdl as color-hearer of the Feansylvacia Phalanx in Georgia. That is all right, but what position shall Judge Tom kins have? Saw Randall's Tariff bill pro poses to double the import duties on cotton ties. The Mills hill proposes to put them on the free list. Senator Brown says he de cidedly prefers the Randall bill The reader can readily come to a proper conclusion. Senator Brown claims to stand upon the Democratic platform of 1884, and yet lie is advocating the repeal of the internal revenues, which that platform expressly and positively says shall be sacredly devoted to the pay ment of pan ■ions. The Atlanta Constitution thinks that it is much better to tax the necessaries of life, than it is to tax whisky. Why? Simply be cause the revenue arising from \ principles of the Democratic par- Ibe whisky tax all goes into the uot satisfied with the pr suits of negro suffrage. Ail po | he iuqmssible. A tariff lor any j Ijud power resulting therefrom | Dui ing the fourteen years other purpose than that of revs-! i, >s accrued to the Democratic he was Chief Justice many lm uue for the support of the govern ! party, enabling it to elect a Preai j pnrtant decisions were tendered, ment. is manifestly unconstitu-: dent, and to control the lower | Some of them have bad, and will lional; and when the organic law branch of Congress. It will lie c 'auntie to have, gieal influence ... I “ ; Upon legislation, and upon the ceases to be the guide ot remembered that shortly after Mr. ] jnm ut u tiona and interests •>.' the lic*e d Wilcox, Pulaski, Houston. Dooly. Macon, Schley, M made a speech upon this subject, in which lie indicated very clearly that he tbonght the negra should be disfranchised, or that his suf frage should ha so controlled ns to benefit only the Republican parly. Senator (. handler has in irodured into the Senate during the present session of Congress, a bill which provides for putting national elections in the Southern States under military control, ami Senator Ir galls has made very signiticant and dangerous threat* against the Southern people. In addition to these alarming indiea on every occasion when it has been : tinns, the Nor h in Republican brought forward as an economic [ pres* is busy agitating the ncees or a political qorsli n. It hasjsiiy for a little more “reeonstrue fought it not only because it i* i lion.” We repeat, therefore, that not warranted by the terms of the union, but also because it is wrong ami vicious, and oppressive in its effects upon the people. It has fought it because it is a monstrous outrage to levy taxes for the pur pose of promoting private enter prises, and of making one class ol citizens rich at the expense of an other. This principle of protec tion is so opposed to the Demo cratic doctrine of equality ol rights, and so violative of the spirit and the letter of our insti tutions, tiial do real Democrat can or will support it. It is true that there are a few so oallcd Demo crals, with whom constitutional considerations, ami party fealty, ami regard for the rights of then fellow-men, are very small matters ns compared wi'.h private and sell- ish interests; and these of course, will be found aiding and abetting the Republicans. They would rather see the defeat of the Demo cralic party than to release their greedy gtasp upon the bounties of the government. There is a small rquad of just such men in Geor gia, and the only reason why they don't go body and soul over to the enemy, is the fact that', as to call ed Democrats, they can do infin itely mole to promote their schemes lor plundering the |ieo pie, than they could hope to do as avowed Republicans. Georgians will hardly accuse Rufus Bullock of being a Democrat, and yet he! occupies precisely the same ground with Senator Brown, and the At lanta Constitution. Their views arc exactly identical, but Bullock assumes his appropriate parly name, while the cunning Senator and hit compliant organ masquer ade as Democrats. A tree is known by its fruits. A man may claim to be a Protestant, but if we con stanlly hear him leaching the doc trines ol the-l’ope, we will certain ly nut be far fr*m rigid, if we des ignate him as an adheront of the Roman Catholic faith. The same standard or criterion must apply also to Democratic harmony and Drinq- cralic success were never more im portant than now, ami the man or journal that seeks directly or in directly to defeat these, is an cnc my to his country. -9- a m J hr Stute t'eiivenUows. By action of the Democratic Executive Committee at its meet ing iu Atlanta on the 21*1 instant, there will he two Georgia Slate Conventions this year. The first will be held on the 'Jill of May for the purpose of selecting delegate* to the St. Louts Convention, and the other ou tile 8th of August for llie purpose of nominating eaudi dates for governor, State house o!lirials,,*tnd presidential electors. The counties will, as recommend ed by the Executive Committee, choose their delegates to the first convention on the first Tuesday in May, and to the second on the first Tuesday in August. Atlanta was agreed upon as the place for holding both. Representation night A M. Allen, of Montgomery, was in town Saturday and Sun day, looking after his plantation in this county. Willie Brannon has accepted a position in the drug store of per Spring Medicine "I lake llood *Sarsaparilla lorn spring medicine, and I find it junt the thing. It tone* up my system ami makes me feel like :i different man." F. C. TrRXER. Friend Street. Boston. “I had salt' rheun* on my left ami three year*, suffering Terribly, it almost tisid-led me from work. 1 t-*<k three itv of Hood's Sar:aparilla 111 Wednesday. I constant, indrscnlialdt* of Mr. T. B. Raine*. of whose ill j <1 read, or of impending calamity? nestt we made mention Iasi week.! If you have all. or any consider * Sumlr| \ Macon, ^cble\, Mai ion. ^ a * died at lu* home Tue^dnv nil*lit ! aide minil»er of these symptoms, j Randolph, nimnii. you me suffering from that rno.1 | »ebsler CliatlaU.«whee and Mils common of Ameiican maladies- | » ll . ,n . lh « ^ l *’ e of Bilious Dyspepsia, or Toroid Liv ' I be principal olbce and re.-i er. associated with Dyspepsia, or °f Company shall be Indigestion. The more compli j in the city or Savannah, b'.ate or rated your disease has become, j Georgia. _ _ the greater llie number r.nd di ! ™ * *' versily of symptoms. No mailer | Must C»rt Kid of Him. what stairc it lias reached, Pem j The democratic party has l»een i Id friends ba ton's Lemon and Orange Klix- j very gentle and concilialoiy with |/>* will cure the*disease and prevent Mr. Sauiuel J. Kandall, in the (hose dleadful results from such ( hope of reforming him. a condition of the system. j now plainly impossible. ?•* Ihttl it Ntrenjrthen* and builds up the sysdelw while it eruriitatrs disease. ••I inujr! stfr HoamP.i Sarsaparilla is the bc.-t medicine 1 ever used. Iatst Spring I had no appetite, and the least work I did fa'i<med me over so inttcb. 1 b**£an to t ike HimmPm Sarsaparilla, ftlid ko4*i I I*titles of HinnI'k Sarsaparilla, nod tbe \ f*I* as if I could do ns much in n as alt rheum has entirely disap|«eared." i I had formerly clone in a week. My »p- Mills, 71 Frencu Street, l-*»ueil, | petite is voracious.” Mrs. M. V. Bat- 11. M. Mass. Aim. Atlantic t'itv, X. J. Hood’s Sarsaparilla j c oI(i by ffrncsist*. $1; six 5.'». Prc-' Sohi by ilnijjists. $1; six for $5. | pared by C. I. HOOD & CO.. Cowell.' pared |by C. I. HOOD A CO., '•as*. | Mass. I#* Bases Oar Ikollar Pre- Cowell. IS* DoseoilOar B.llar country. In shaping itrcis- j M„ sr8 Dean & Cheatham, ..I ions he had no inconsiderable • Daw»on. part, and many of them were writ | \ V . E. R mid an. of Dawson. with and many of them were ten by him. Tbe decision in the ! *| R . u t few days B.-II Teleplione cases was nrepar ' | lKre Jj.t ed by him. It was a decision that j Miss “Dink” Oglelree. who i* required a vast amount of work, j attending school in Cuthliert. vis and it may be llial the strain to ; ired home luiksSaiurdav and 8un- wliu-h he subjected himself in con- j ,) av _ ncclion with it haslcnrtl hi* death ; a. R Fo ster, of M.icon. is s^cml- 11 is wt»rk at the bar an»l on thf 1 tj le week in (.^uiiiuan county. Dare KaigU-r killed a wild lur bench shows that he was not a brilliant man. He did not grasp the points of an intricate casr easily ami dispose of them quick It. lie arrived at his conclusions by siowr processes, but when they were reached they wc*r*\ as a gen eral thing, conect. was excellent, and the Judicial temperament in an eminent degree. There are plent \ of men, of course, who can fill tin- place which his death has made vacant, hut it will not he an east matter to choose a successor tr. him who will in every respect conic as near as lie did to reach ing the high standard which the people have fixed for their Chief Justice.— Savannah Xcics. Chief Justice Waite'* Successor. A number of* prominent men have been mentioned in connec tion with the vacant chief justice ship. Among these the lhre« whose chances of appointment ate considered best are Speaker Car lisle, Ex Governor I fondly, ot Ohio, now a citizen of New York. key a few miles above town last week that weighed 27A pounds gross, and 24 pounds ntt. It* heard was 11 iucjice long, and its *purs over an inch. D. M. Davidson. Jr., lost hi* 11 is judgment horse Friday night. **Mun’ he possessed prized him very highly, und it was a pr« l y heavy loss, as he refused •|200 for him a short while ago. Mr. Peabody, of Columbus. Ga.. wa-i in town Monday an 1 Tuesday m the interest of the Enquirer-Sun : From ail accounts the fruit crop in this section will be rather poor. Mr John L Lewis and wife left Mobd iy for tkeir home iu North Troy. Vt. There is nothing at present that Georgetown needs worse than a hardware and a furniture store, snd we can’t call to mind nn\ business that would be more Iticra live if the two were combined and jnanage I by some live and cuei gelic man. Just iliiuk for a mu ment: Whenever a set of ftirni lure, a coffin, even of any descrip lion, a decent s**t of knives and This wonderful remedy is equal !v efficacious in acting upon th«- Kidneys, and those who have been suffering for j car* with kid ney troubles, will find relief in Pemberton s Lemon and Orange Elixir. Asa cure for Chronic Consti jtation it has no equal. Rcing purely vegetable, and requiring no change in diet or habits, it recommends itself at once to the business and working mnn. Call on J. W. Stanford I)rng«*i*i. Ciit hbert. Gn . or write to Pfmbkk ton Medicine Com pant. Atlanta. Ga. That i~ It must get rid of him.—St. Louis Hegtib /icon. See here! my friend, what is the use of voirr suffering from Ilyspepsia • >r Indigestum when you enn get Chipuiaii’s Tonic Mixfilie, a perfect cure. For sale by J. W. Stanford. Harsh purgative remedies are fast giving wav to the gentle action and mild elfeets of ('hipinan's Liver Tills. If you will try them they will certain ly please you. Sold by murl-lm J. \V. Stanford. Gash. LUKI3ER! ?lew Advertisements. and Hon. Edward J. Phelps, Uni j lorks, or almost any of the thous ted States minister to England. land and one aitides handled !»\ The President’s confidence in j either line, one is compelled to go Mr. Carlisle and his appreciation j to E.ifanla aud carry his mone\ of Mr. Carlisle's distinguished j out of the State, when such good* ability are well known. It is could be sold just as cheap, if not ‘ probable that the President would ! cheaper, right here, and the mono | appoint Mr. Carlisle if he follow j lelt with houiel'olks. Such goods i ed liis personal preSrrenze, hut Lire always in demand, and if so d here are wther things to be con { as cheap hero as in Eufaula, peo : i 1 »«.. i- a i pie will buy here. We hope that here. We h< some one with money will give it sidered. Mr. Carlisle lives tn Stale which already has a justice! of the Supreme Court. Another ' a test this fall, anil weightier consideration is j Dr. Mercer's mill dam broke found in the fact of Mr. Carlisle'* Tuesday. There are doubtless eminent usefulness in bis present j others in the county, but not heard «phere. He is the leader of the j from vet. ... . . . i Democratic party iu Congrees. I There bat been but little cotton «.U be upon the same basis H„ eUUie chi ' eI eX|M)nenl the plmnte.1 in thi* canty. Tbe re great issue on which the next na {cent rain will throw some of tire in i lional cani|>ai-a will be wagrti farmers rather late ahnnt putting I auii the most effective champion ; their secil in the ground, i of tariff reform. He holds a po-j The cotton market has advanced ! iitical office next in im|iorlance to j a little this arei-k. the Presidency. The Speaker ofj All parlies wishing to subscribe for, pay «r renew their subset ip tion to the anu Ar I’KAL. will please leave their ordeis heretofore. That is, twice as many votes as representatives the Lower fiotlkeof the Legisla ture. The first is by far the more important convention, because its declarations will be accepted a* L be House, by the prerogatives ol llie authoritative views ol the peo ; In* office, can do more to influence FIOWEIS l Flowers, Flowers! PLANTS% Plants, Plant.s! Now is the time to plant your yard. We keep everything usual iy supplied by tirst-clas* Florists, and will sell as cheap as the cheap cat, quality considered. Give me a Inal. D. 15 WOODRUFF. YinfevilUe Greenhouses, mai 2!) lm Macon. Ga. W Randolph Sheriff 's Sale. It.I. bp sold bef«>ro the Court Hour* LIMBER! o- riiE fndkrsk.ned desike* td SAY TO THE PUBLIC THAT 14IS YARD, IN REA I! OK I. EASLEY'S -STuKE. WILL BE KEPT sEPPLlEI) \\ ITIi pie of Georgia upon the great tar- j legisDlion tl>an any other officer iff question that is now agitating of the government. Mr. Carlisle, j with C. M. Thompson iu ease w< about a year ago, declined to give. are away from town, and we will the country. A* a repiesentatit e n p (,|.i a ollice to become Secretary ; give them prompt attention, hotly, it will decide whether or not! of the Treasury. He may prefer- Everybody'who Icels an interest j the people of this State prefer i the Speakership even to the lofty i in the Sabbath school here, and; cheap whisky rather than cheaper I clothing. It will decide whether or not tbe Empire State of tbe ^ South, endorses the adminislra- ly acquainted with the great ques tion and the “message” of I’resi j lions of the day and has been so dent Cleveland. Lastly, it will prouiinent , . , . . i that he mu»L nuiurauv icci u Keen , decide as to whether we favor j. - position of Chief Justice of the; intends to takes part in it, Uuiled States. politician in the common accepla tion of the term, he is *m» thorough- ; ers elected firr the year. The les ! son for the entire school Sunday i i«M»r in (‘uthbert. irantiolph County. <Ja.. on ttie t*t Ttif.-ilay in .May between the legi! hours ot snle.^^r following property. it»-Hit: Lots of Iuiml Nos. 214 and 277. in the 5th Di-trii-t of Knndolph eoiiiity. Ga.. n> the properly of E. G. Ally, lor his .^tnte and County Tux for 1847. Also, at "the Mime time and place. Lot of Lund So. 54. in the 5th District of Knndolph county. Ga.. as the property of Elisha Coleman, for iiis Jstatc auii Count\ Tax for JS.S7. Also, at the same time and place. Lots of Land Nov H4 and 85. in the7th District of Randolph county. Ga.. as the proper ty of James J. Bryant, for his State aud t Vanity Tax f*r 1887. ANo. vjiuie time ntiil place, forty-six acres of I-ot of Land No. 2SM) in the 4th Districted Uamhdph county, Ga.. as the property of Harah J. Johnson, for her state and < otinty Tax for 1SS‘ J al-o. same time and place. Lots of i l.and Nos. 19 and 12*5 in the tith District : of Knndolph coi.nty. as the proja-i : ty of David Duke for his State unit Coun- j ty Ta x f«r Ins’ Also same time and place. Lots of ! Laud Nov 25o and 21S. iu the 8th Dis- j trict of Knndolph county. Ga.. a« the j property of James Ethridge for his State and Countv Tax tor 1**7. OF EVERY SH A f’E AND tjFALlTY. WHICH Wil l. P.E SOLD AT CRICKS THAT WILL ; Defy Competition. The undersigned .ire pleased to announce la the public llist they have received in il.c Ginn Bitlwno a very large stuck of Mc-rriiaa- dise. consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware & Plantation Supplies These Goods are all new and fresh, and having Tee* of every'kind, purchased in We feel justified in saving that wc are incuts to the people, either for able to offer superior induce- Call and see ns. or Respect fully, W K H1 5 A: RAWLS.- -O- Mr. Easley is fully nuthorized to *-«*!!. receivemonev. snd receipt forth** same. A lar^e share of patronage is solicited, and perfect satisfaction jcun ran teed. Respectfully, J. A. FOSTER. mcl>8 ct ill ! Also, .stitne time and place. I^»ts of While be i* not a please attend next Sunday, as lire j M school will be classified and teach :s the first fouitcen verges of dltcuatiotis ! XXII chapter <»f Matthew. Mrs. M. L. the property of W. Vlil*-s M*.*r" nlcnt, i for his State and Countv Tax for 1*87. Also, same time and place. I.ot* of Land Nos. 27<» an*I 2<*-» in tiie 5th District in their that he must naturally feel u keen interest in politics. He is not yet' Sunday afternoon from a vifrit t« tariff reform nr protection robbery, j fjity ifiiee years old, and there are her father's family at Morris Sta Of cotirtte the <ielrgaies .who go to ‘ no |M>liiical honors which he may ' tion. . . . . i iv ni >. r. turner. Albritton rcturnetl and Countv Tax for 1.8*7. No 243 in the 5th District «*f Randolph cutinty. Ga.. as the property of John M. • ox. Trustee, for his rotate ' and County • • ‘ \ Tax f«r 1H87. Mhclliaan Nhsrt Nlops. Also, same time and place. Lot of latnd A little wind r.-wr and then. | N" d2 in the lOfh District of Randolph Soniw of our farmers are planting cot- j county. Ga . as the property **f R**l*t. A. ton, while others sav it is too winter-1 Reed J non resident, » tor his ..State and porlance that the .la s« t. .1 hope bis |.olitic»l career will n»l ‘"itis* Lucv M a«nd. of Dawson, visits tliat llrey ara nut misrepresented \ tie interrupted. - j Miss Alma'Ilrlm last «wk. I at Atlanta wbpn iho pnavsniis* Judge lioadly is famous as a Onr friviul. Mr. B. It. Kaij-ler. is liav- !at Auania w non tuc cunveulit.n-i. n ,, , , „ r in- .iiiin-a serious time with tiw riwuma- Ue was at llie Head <>! , ,^ ln ‘ A certain young lady joins us in ; m ishine him a speedy recovery. ■ M r. J M. C«»l»b is in the city on a visit. St. Louis will riqiiescnl the views ! no1 - reasonably hope to attain. I or the body that select, them, and I ™ al I . h , e "““‘‘I ‘i 11 ?' ! i Chief Justice is not doubled by therefore It is of the utmost im \ OBe wllo Uuwws l llnl| | jut Wc I County T«x for 1*80 and ISS7 inar29-td?» I.. A. SMITH. Sheriff. convention- politics; and, therefore, j “® cl ® " r ^ ® leat j the Cincinnati bar when he vraa the man who teaches or advocates 'f" 1 ’ C “ a ' lc b >' :5 ' nal " r | elected Governor, and is.noweu.i .... , ,. . . , Brown and the Atlanta Constitu- j nenl in the profession in New apolitical policy distinctively and ... I., . ,, , , ' J " lion to commit the Democracy of; l u ' k. But New lork has a jus lice of the Supreme Court, and peculiarly Republican, is not a Democrat. One of the cardinal the argument of locality is again Judge lioadly. people*' treasury, while that from the tax on the necessaries of life goes mostly into the pockets of manufacturers. The powerful speech of Senator Colquitt in favor of a reduction of; lat-ion looking to taxation on the line of President Cleveland's recommendation made the Republicans very unensy, and they decided to get Senator-Brown to reply with his same old speech in defence ol llie protection out rage. The Allan-t-T Constitution insists that harmony i» the first thing to he secured hy the Democratic par ty. But the trouble will; the Constitution is, it wants nineteen- twentieths of the party to abandon their views, and accept the opin ions nf the remaining one-twenti eth, in order to secure that hai mo ny. That is a specimen of deep- seated cheek. It appears that Hon. John M. Berrien, who once represented Georgia in the Federal Senate, re signed his position in that body because it was shown by resolu lions of the legislature that he did not represent the views of the peo pie ol Ins State upon certain itn perlnnl measures then engaging tbe attention of Congress aud the country. Honesty and projier re spect for the opinions and inter ests of tbe people of Georgia to day should compel another Sena ty is opposition to a tariff for pro tection, and hence those few men who. still claiming to he Demo crats, are moving heaven and earth to defeat Democratic legis relief of llie Georgia against Mr. Cleveland. and against the policy of the Dem , j U(1 g e U „adlr. There appears to ocratic party. They don’t like|i )eai) difficulty whatever in the the President because of his well- j way of the appointment of Mr. known ay in patbies fur tbe people, I Pbelp*. He stands in the very and while they haven't seen their! rroDt rank of hi * »»«• , , „ , . i is a man of splendid character, way clear to openly fight him, yet! Ui . .p^immeul would give as they are endeavoring to gel him g.ntrul satisfaction a* any that , , .out of the way hy defeating his: could be made.—Macon Tele country from the robberies of the! • . .. ... . , .. . I purposes and hi* policy. DweiiM,;^"^"' tariff, are the allies of the Repub- . ,* , . — — . ..... i indeed, ue a disgrace to the great' ,, . ... bean wartv. with which they aret . ’ _ ”... ! Bless The Good Borne*. working in perfect harmony fur , 1 ** * 111 * To the good women of Hlack- llie accomplishment of a common j TV "" ‘ h * > ,art ! shear who walked two miles to the cause. The Georgia organ of this I ° 1 “ railroad wreck U, minister to the .. . , x.r> . «- ! °f the protective tariff should 9e (lead and strangers l.ttle squad of Republican allies,as . cme conlr<>1 of lhe convention ! had fallen near their doors a is well known to the general read- . . . . . manilv owes a debt ** land pass resolutions condemning I . J . .* * • : errt 1 it nrU \\ Rev. B. Jl. Lester ret timed from a trip to the \Ye>t Ia>t Thursday. Mrs. K. F. Crittenden i.-* trying the vir tues of the electric .-haft at Hillman thi» vse*k. A scarcity of fertilizers is delaying our farming interests consideiahiv. Such was never known in our market before. Mrs: J. F.Crittenden is at the bedside of a sick >ister in Kleinington. Ala. Mi-s Willie, daughter of 1*. Frank Barge, of Welmtor county, entered .Shell- man Institute last Monday. Mrs. Cobh’s live and ten cent store is the mos* popular place in town. Success to her. Mr. J. B. Payne is preparing to make some nobby improvements on his resi dence. From our express agent we learn that an average of nine hundred dozen eggs arc (dripped weekly from thi* place. The aggregate net returns would amount to over eight thousand dollars yearly. Verily. Sheliman is an i^g town. Mrs. Anthony took the trouble to show us through her line of millinery goods ho } Monday morning, and we are tlmrough- ... iv com ineed that a lovelier stock was GROCERIES! C. A. KEORGE. GROCERIES! ilocentxlcclsralion uf its ] for Republican doctrines and prin ciples, hut has deemed it proper to signalize iu desertion of the Democratic party, by heaping per- j u'nff reformers are allowed to rep sonal abuse and villificatinn upon ; resent them, its trusted leaders. In this way for such a result to be pre vented is for the people to take right bold of the matter, and de termine that none but reliable n this way it lias perhaps excelled the efforts of the lowest anil mesnest of Radi cal publications. It has called Mr. Mills by a name Ibnt wc will not repeat. Mr. Morrrison. Mr. Waltersnn. Mr. Carlisle, and the Democratic members of the Wavs J-osT.—“1 don’t know where, I can’t tell when, I don’t see libw— sumethine of great value to me, and for llie return of which 1 shall be tru ly thankful, viz.: a good appetite.” Found.—“Health ar.d strength, pure blood, an apqietite like that of a wolf, regular digestion, all by taking that popular and |>ectiliar medicine, Ilood's Sarsaparilla. I want every- , " i body to try it this season." It i* sold and MeaDS Committee, it has de- l,y all druggist*. One Uandrcd dose* Dotinced as enemies of the coun try, and as the obsequiwes toefs ol the “Whishey rrng," whatever to follow the example of Mr. • that! may Be. The truth is, this ‘ B- 'org-tr of the Republican allies, uue dollar. m The people ol determined to hare* cotton mill. They are moving in the right Ui reclion. could be made on our streets, which are much needed. Sunday we had the pleasure of attend ing an all-clay, sing at the West school house. al>unt '1% miles from thi?* place. The in uric was ably led by Mr.* Joe Wil lis, who says he is uot a “Professor.” but we think he did exceedingly well. Dinner was on the grounds iu abun dance. aud all went home delighted with their trip, and loving the good people of that community for their hospitality. They sny Jakie Dantzier kept up his “rep” at the table. Mrs Whatley.of I^tGrange. is visiting her daughter. Mrs. J. M. Anthony. Mr. C. \V. Marriu and Dr. G. L. Clark an? on the sick list this week. Messrs. W. T. Jay and J. B. Payne are on a pleasure trip* to various joints in rida f . . j never selected. She informed us that of love hllil she had received two orders fmniCuth- .r ...a n « •. , ww , ! »•- faltered i>ert. Mrs. A. has elegant taste, and . reference j ^' e 1 ^ es “ Ien i l 8 c,,,,r8e - rhe onl J | ,ml sickened at the horrible spec-! h ' r customers with the latest , tacle lhe»e good Samaritan W*» i .Mr O. Z Dean had his hand troubled ; men, blinded pei baps by their somewhat bv the rings of un unruly j own tears of sympathy, rushed Mattie,'’daughter of our councilman, j into the creek mud and were among Dr. G. L. riurk. is convalescent after an i the first to exlebd a helping hand ] >Nnessof several days. . ! . I-ast Wetlnesduv our city marshal col- to those struggling in the III ins . L-iti-iI stu-et taxes furls.**. Thetaxwa* and the throe* of ilcalh. The I three dollar*, aud wc think with this heads of dying strangers rested i amount some valuable improvement* in their lap* in the absence uf couch or pillow, wife, mother and friend, and their prayers, like a sweet incense, ascended to a purer realm, giving comfort and hope to the stricken about them. Good women in Waycross also, where must of the wounded were carried, made the sufferings and death of numbers of lhe victims higher and easier by their minis LaG range have tries of lave. It is gratifying to know that such women will have their re ward.— Vuldosla Times. Quality guaranteed, and Prices at a liv ing profit. C. A. GEORGE. janlfl-ct Florida thi* week. Jno. D. Gann, UNDERTAKER. Cuthbert, Georgia, j Your attention i* called to the ia*t that I am prepared to furnish, day or night, any style or size Coffin, Burial Case or Casket desired. I keep always in stock full assortments In Style* -and Size*, And can furnish Coffin* as tastily trim med. and at Prices a* -low as can be bought in the *tatc. \\ ill send Hearse to any part of the county hy contract. When you need me. mine to see me. Can h* found, at night, at resi dence^opposite Methodist Church, on Luini&itt street* fet*2-et Attention Buyers ! A NY buyer having Frier** quoted be- JTm. low cut by othrr lurn-liant.**. can nave inwnry by soring mo brf«»re making their j*uroliases. Respectfully. f. N. .SIMPLON, Jr. 101 i Dozen D. it IT. SCOVIL HOES, VTO I. 45c; No. 2,50c. In lot** for less. ji3l at MMFSOVS. 50 POUNDS Family Flour. SI 25, at 5*1 M P.SON’S. 30 lbs Grits for 11.00, at S! Mr.SON’S. GOOD TOBACCO, 25 to 28c per Pound, nt SIMPSON’H. Feed Oats at 55e, Isarge Ia»U for less, at * jai»26-ct SIMPSON’S. Georgia Syrup, At 45c Per Gallon, at ct SIMI’SOX’S. 5 lbs Coffee, §1.00, ct AT SIMPSON’S. Water Ground Meal At KOc Per Bushel, at n #IMPSON’S. Com at 8Qc Per Bos., at siMrsiiys. C.R.Bulk,8 Cts., OriUW.T to market change**- np or u down, <’. N. SlMKSON’S. PICNIC HAMS, AT 10 CENTS. at SIMPSON'S. 50 lb Granona Flour $1.40—Best on Market, at SI Ml’SON'S. Plow Traces, 45c, at SIM !*SOVS.!l Plow Hames, 40c, at SIMPSONS. uuiker Cheaper than ever Before Offered in Cuthbert ! W o will keep at our Lumber Yard on Depot Street, a larger slock of Lumber than wc ever kept before, which wc will sell at prices lower titan have ever been sold here before. or send your orders to our Yard, where you quantity you want, at prices to suit you. Will Soil You Lumber from §6 50 to $10 00 Per Thousand Feet. KILLEN & QUATTLEBAUM, sept 22 tf Mill at Fort Gaines, Go. Important Announcement. New Yol k. Boston. Baltimore, l'hilndrlphia, Cincinnati, St.. Louis. Louisville. Chicago, Nashville, Chattanooga* and many other Cities. East. West. North and South, have been called upon to contribute to tbe filling ef llie CUTHBERTFGZUTCTURE STORE • With The Immense and Varied Stock Which il is carrying, at price* that will insure a trade if you will only make ii>e a call. I bale provided a sufficient qnan- lity to supply this and adjoiningcoiimir* with all they will need in this iine.’and lhe public are invited ,t« inspect tin a slock. AND GET A BARGAIN, While it is going so cheap. Summer and winter, dull and lively times, will find me with a full slock, anil il you wanta Cart Load, a Wagon Load, or a Car Load, don’t be afraid you can't lie supplied, but come along and see if what 1 tell you is not true. •JP* | am very thankful for the favor* I have received in tbe past, and will do mv best to please in tbe future. Mr. Keene MahtW in with me. and will be glad to serve hi* many friends.■ Very respect fully. B, W. EUIS, septS ct Manager. STEEL PLOWS, S MAI.I. Lot*at 5c per pound. l-argc l.ot^ for less, at rdMPsOVS. sfs;E-!S:* fcb'J-ly