Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, April 12, 1888, Image 2

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' . M ' m enterpriseand appeal POBLISBED EVERY THGBSEAY. JAS. W. STANFORD R. D. CR0Z1ER, <Wi iininn\ ft a. Compromise. The esteemed Constitution of Atlanta, having done everythin}: :n its power to brace up the tpt The Slate Democratic Committer, and the President’* Message. It will be remembered that dur ing the late meeting of the Demo the lime-honored piinciples ot! What Hon. I*ope Barrow Thinks The Work the Weekly Papers are their party. We do not believe Abonl the Tariff. i D«i»s. that they will do thia. There j A representative of the Atlanta i There was never a time in the tering IV.hric of protection, and u.jcratic Executive Committee, a res- ereate dissension in the* Democrat olntion, endorsing the adnutistra- wouhl be Do excuse for such eon duct. It would lie against P al1 ' | found liiiu in lii_ fealty, and against the deareat j at |,j s ,,. J?ela i,u ;s , ; Journal was in Athens Thursday, history of Georgia when the week and calling on Hon. Pope Harrow. 1 ly papers were doing the work that ie pariy, with a view of bringing I ii"n, anti the tariff reform views personal interests. Senator Brown j -Where do nan. but. bis abili- ' tariff issuer ' about its defeat, now undertakes ; ”1 the President, was introduced | in a most miserable and contempt \ by Mr. Hat,kin, and after some Thursday Morning, April 12, 1RSS J i,,1 ° wav belittle the weekly j discussion it was withdrawn, for ! press of Georgia which has indig j Lise alleged reason, that the com nantly repudiated the Omslilu j witlee had no i*owcr or nulhori- lion's Republican principles, and ; Lake such action. After ad lias stood manfully by the Trcsi Jjournincnt. however, and before dent in bis patriotic anil courage the Committeedispersed, an infor •ms determination li* maintain the ■ »»ul v “t»* was taken which result interests and ^he rights of the i «d unanimously in favor of the pfople. The aforesaid con tempo- • resolution. Col. Thos C. Cren- rary naturally lecls disappointed »haw, jr., immediately telegraph and deeply grieved on account of ed this action to the Commission Us utter failure to deceive the ; <t oflntemal Revenue at Wash people, and to arouseanong them *ogton, and requested that the in* j' Jr.. iS -Olir ASCllt Stl a sentiment of hostility to the tar formation he conveyed to Prcsi ESft recel76 anfl iff policy of the present Adminis j dent Cleveland. The fact, howcv- iralion. Hence it goes off in a j f ‘ r - that the resolution was not act- rage and sloops to the vocabulary i e d upon official!}*. was seized l»\ • »f billingsgate for words to c*x j the Republicans and assistant Re press its towering contempt foi j publicans, as au evidence of an the weekly press of the Stale. No i tagonisiu to the tariff policy ot body cares for the ugly names and j die Administration, and that the indecent epitbets with which j Georgia could be relied upon as the Constitution sees proper to f-I h V’?r r m';' v mi fill. :,i vortl-ing llureau'( at »ho N*tr*pupor Anver- 0 f X.ouraqgM.rL^-d tgcuu. ^ r * i* A. MARTIN Is our Agent at Bethel.and is fully authorized to rvpeive and rvci ipt for all moiier paid him. Mr. W- J. Brown, Jr., is eerjetnwii. .'oi!7 actlr ri.?eil., reetipl for all Mansy gain iiia "Etenal Ylsiiacce is t!ic Pries tfLisIriy 7 lilllTOIJIAL PARAliHABHS. A now cabinet lias been formed in France, but, like its jiredeces s«r», will probably have a brief ca rccr. Houston is the first county U choose ilelcgales to the State C-li veil lion, and they are outspoken tariff reform Cleveland Democrats. The Constitution still hopes that Sam Randall will have jnlln enee enough to defeat the Demo cralic larifl bill. I’ocent floods in portions ol Germany have caused immense loss or property, and great distress and suffering among the people. With the whisky tax repealed. Senator Biown could sleep with the perfect assurance that Ids bounties on coal and iron would not be disturbed. W e object to the appointment of Mr. Carlisle as Chief Justict ol the Supreme Court. Heslioiilii be reserved for the chief magis tracy of the Union in 1S92. We batonT heard of any de mand whatever among Democrats for Senator Brown’s speech as a campaign document. The demand comes from the other party. The health of Chairman Mills, ol the \\ ays and Means Commit tee seems to improve slowly, lie is now resting and recuperating at Fortress Monroe. The Rhode Island Democracy has selected its delegates to the St. Louis Convention, and lhe\ are instructed to vote for Grovei Cleveland. Queen Victoria of Great Britain is going to have a hand in the lioyal quarrel that is now going on at Berlin over the proposed nt image of Prince Alexander to Princess V letoi ia of Germany. defile its columns. Iit can stand it, the balance of the country will probably not be very much oxer vised about it. Freedom of opin ion, and freedom of speech are to day, as they ever have been, the proud boasts of the American people; and, therefore, if the Con stilulion lias become convinced that the Republican parly is more deserving of the support being in favor of repealing tin whiskey tax. The Constitution boldly and impudently 'Votes is a very able tits, fur the promotion of his own in terests, and not for the welfaie of the country. lie lias managed to become a beneficiary of the pro tective tobbery, and bis greed is so intense, and his selfishness so uncompromising, that lie will nev er yield a particle lor the common good of the |ieoplc. The Demo cratic party has always been op posed to the principle of protec- expense of the oilier. This, in lion, and it is still opposed to Hit > my opinion, is not only an .must abominable tiling, notwilhstand- an, l mg the cheap deceptions of the; . . . , * , , ,, crimination bv the government n» the shallow - arilcti looking ! they are doing now. Tlu*ir work j is showing ail over the Stale in yon stand on the j the interest the’people are inani asked the Journal j feeing in political questions that concern their welfare. The time was whm tlie weeklies devoted their attention almost ex clusivelv to local affairs. In thi> sphere they have done a great •lea! of good. They have worked for the advancement, of their sec lions anti the improvement of thei- people, and they have, as u rule succeeded better for others• than for themselves. Without neglecting iliis work, but rather in addition to it, tin weekly press of Georgia anti Aia bam a and of the whole country. i.- taking a live interest in national a perversion of the p«-wer to [ politics, and the result is i lie peo- tax. but it is an inexcusable dis | ,,lc are taking interest in unpor unfortunately, are exerte«l' rr P ,t * J ** nt-»ti'i. ••Right where 1 always did, re plied Mr. Harrow. “I am for tar iff for revenue only. The docirim ot protection is bribed on a wrong amt vicious principle. Ii is an exercise of the taxing power oi the government f*«r tlie benefit ol one citizen at the expense of am* tiler. Whenever an article is pro tec ted by a duly its cost to ih« consumer is increased. It inean> that the government by law wiii enrich one man or one class at tin Atlanta Constltuti sue snan.m „ f Ul( . ,, r . lU . cle ,| pretenses of Sam Randall, and 1 n « Tf) inst the masses.” the plausible sophistries of Sena- j -What do you say tn the argu | The time was when a man c ul l | lief that Mr. Rhine will again lu tor Rrown to make it appear olh-1 nient that a protected tariff wiii j !»e elected to the senate by a dem- I the nominee of his party is gain classes | pmed j Lliey evr lant qHesti**ns and are better pre to vote intelligently than | was more damaging rcr were before. | opposition. Kveryvv Mr. Blaine’s Fraspects. W r lien wepnblishe<l Mr. Bhine*.- Florenee letter we expressed the opinion that it did not remove him from the list of probable R<* publican- nominees lor the IVesi dency. This opinion has l>ecn strengthened by s*ibs*qutnt tie veb’pnients. The proceed 1 ngs ok the Vermont Republican conven • ion, which met a few *l:»\s ago. clearly indicates that Mr. Blaise must >!i;i he considered in the licld. Everything indicated tliaf uobody tliere construed his rl«*r •nee letter as a sincere dcclina ion. The convention passed n- rt-stiluiions ot regret af tus with Irawal, and whenever his namt was meptioned the tlelegaics veil t;.l themselves ht»arsc. Blaine was she predominant idea fr«»fh tin lime lite convention was callwl t« n't r until it a««j*»ut*netl. 'This, too, in the Stale of George F. K 1 munds, who came very near 'ooh ing Blaine’s nomination in 1SS4 and wht*se half hearted support than direct jpposttion. everywhere tiie be Purify Your Blood Good health depends iqnm pure blood; f Now is the time to purify the blood, therefore. t«» keep v. ell. purify the hlo«»<l j for at no other season is the l*ody so mi^ l,v taking ^ar.-aparilia. This j ce]>tible to henelit from medicine. The medicine is peculiarly designed to act j peculh r purifying and revivingqttnlfttai upon the h’otxl. ami through that upon ! of Hood's Sarsaparilla are just a lint «rd ull t!ie organs and tissues of the body, ii ! needed to expel disease and fo. tifv the has a spt eiiir action, also, upon the se-j systinr against the <lehil*tsiting r(Tecta eretions and excretions, and assists na I of mild weather. Kvory year iiwreases rare to expel from the system all liu- j the popularity of IbusPs Sarsaparilla, mors, impure partiehs. and effete mu'- j for it is just what people need atl this ’ ’ season.. It is the ideal spring medivin»r If you have never tried it. do so. r.nd y»*tl will he convinced of its peculiar merit. Spring Medicine “I take thnsl’sSftr-nparilla torn spring is that it strengthen* and builds up the , „. C( ik-i,u*. ami I find it just the thing. It -y>tem while it ennheafes <ii.' ! tones up my system and makes me feel "J must ».iyIlmj.|-» Saryaparillaw the j| ik( , a difTricnt man.” T. C. Ti ksek, :■<•>! moffirini- I ev. rn.-c?. List Spring | Krien.l Street. r.„st„n. 1 ha.t no aptictite. ami the least work J j , I;|J ,.,| t r] , rIim „„ mv )rft #rm tiitl latixtits! me ever so much. 1 In’-:'.!, i ,: iri . c y t ' : , r . _ sutrerina t.'rriliiy. it r.!iti,.-£ ter rhrougii the lungs, liver. Imiiu-N. kid. m*vs. and >ki:i. li aids weak and •icbil- it a l til tirgans. invigorates the nervom *.ysts-!n, to!>es the digestion. .\ peculiar ity of Hood's Sarsaparilla I began to take Hoods Sarsaparilla, and s«n>ii 1 as if I eoc.Jd «!<* as much in a day as I had formerly done in a week. My ap petite i- voracious." Mas. M. V. ikw \Ki», Atlantic City. N. .1. disahkd me f«o n work. 1 took three hollies of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and the salt rheum has entirely disappeared.'* II. M. Mills, 71 French Street, bowelb Hood’s Bars; tnanulacturcs m the ... i btlibl up crwisu. No; it would be lUirca- , ... 1 , , . ! south." snnnble, and absurd for tlie pet. j ..j believe it. My jud-- ple of Georgia to support Senator j mont is that it produt es tlie •>,>[... Brown as loug as lie stands tip in : 'He effect. I nin convinced lliat the United States Senate, and ; Die present taiii, telartls tiie tie f UI relopinenl of such Headed tlie proceedings of tbe j Republican principles and Repub j stantial reduction committee with the awful words ; liean measures. would result in •It was Loaded,” and then in an insolent ami swaggering tnannei undertook to show how promptly and completely the Rankin reso lotion was repudiated. The Washington correspondent of the same journal, in a most ridiculous of tlie i communication, such as lie usual people, than the Democratic party, it has a perfect right to its opiu ion, and nobody should r.vse any objection. But why should it claim to be a Democratic journal while it lights day after day. tvttk astonishing bitterness ami per sislcnev, the principles and poli cy of the Democratic party? 11 its difference of opinion related mere !y to minor details of policy 01 administration, it cotil-1 be toler ated. and, indeed, it might be jast and commendable; but. it reaches deep down into fundamental ideas and principles, and is intended to radically revolutionize the party, and force it to accept the Repub liean doctrine of protection. We submit that :f the Constitution really desired the success of the Democratic patty, it would will- ly writes to his paper, described how -Collector Crenshaw went ot! half cocked," and how the friends ,,f Mr. Cleveland had the ”dr> grins” and appealed as “though they had been g' red by a bull,” when the Constitution arrive,! containing the truth ot the whole matter. Col. Crenshaw lias replied to these misrepresent aliens and falsehoods, and never in tin wot hi was an answer more crush ing and annihilating in its effects tic has written not only to tin members of the committee who were present, lmt also to those who were absent, and every one ol them declares over his owb signa lure that lie not only favors the re nomination of President Cleve land, but that lie is in thorough and perfect accord with him upon ingly and cheerfully accept acorn- D |e great <itiestinn ot the tariff. promise measure upon the reve nue question, as the best means of attaining that desirable end. But it utterly and disdainfully re- The State Democratic Conven f, ' s « to even consider a measure lion of Oregon, which melon the ‘d' that sort, and with an air of su- 4tli instant, unanimously adopted perior wisdom, end superior pa resolutions endorsing President triotism, it Wldly declares that Cleveland's administration and . . i | : • its views are correct and inns! also Ins revenue policy. , , prevail. It not only refuses all „f U 1 .: ! A‘ ‘‘'t l l ,e I g, ; eal !r , : U ' 1 «t settlement, but has ahso or the “Anights of Labor,” lias , . . . . , , issued a manifesto to the order. 1,,tcl - v l;rll i‘ ised and denounced in which he admits that-strikes” the Ways and Means Committee urc failures, and appeals to the for preparing a measure in the in members to abandon them. j uu estol conciliation anil harmony, promoting their diabolical schemes General Boulanger appears li i It may be said, therefore, without ! Il,r further robbing and plunder be t lie coming man in France, but I Tear of successful controversy ! ing of the people. Yes, indeed. tVtSsjnsrrcK | i -* ~ “-••• -- of the qualifiealious of a great | VHul11 lo,itllte D'P refur to scfi the: lon ; "t' 1 l| te great beauty leader. Democratic party defeated, than I fl fl Cleveland’s position intact and to yield one particle of its demand ; wllile tlle vlearl ami wound- for the repeal of the tax on wliis i'd were all on the side of the en ky. It will have free liquor, or femics of the Democratic party.— it wiii use whatever influence and I The good work goes bravely on, power it mar possess to restore :in, f every day good news comes to the Republicans to office. Itsays i ‘' !,< ' rr - aml g liui,len - •' vnii eBC,,ur - Tlie Executive Committee, a*- every Roily knows, is composed oi representative fnen from all sec lions of the Stale, and they un questionably red* ct the views and sentiments of the people upon itn poitant public and party mens ures. The Constitution and cith er Republican journals are cer tainly hard pressed when they re sort t«» misconstruction, and mis representation of facts, in ordei to mislead and deceive the couu try, with the obvious purpose of industries. I: ; there could be a general and sub iu the t:nit!', i- a general and a” m f healthy increase of manufactur i'olrmua j in the south, especially in cotlon. I crop seems to he very larp-1 1 his wmilil be the immediate, di- Tlie e; fr*»in tl.e amount the xnerehaiits have in stoek. i'rol. Monk’s school closeil the free term on Friday'last. The regular firm will continue on as before. rect and certain effect of a general and substantial reduction in tlie duties. A cotton mill that now costs $1,000,000 could then be We learn that .Messrs. F. A. M'*ore ! built for about $000,000. A friend andA.C. Martin spent last .Sunday ! of mine, who is part owner of :« in Bluffion. What attraction liavt- cotton mill near tliis place, toht theyfrnind down there/ ! me not long ago lh;ri> he feared J»r. K./. Oilin spent last Sunday t , ; „ , , , w ill. US. or at least in the ckv. ' D>at tile In* ne" wonbl be over Rev. Chas., Bay is will begin a pro-1 |,,ne by the large increase in tae raeted meeting at this plaee on Thurs- | number «*1 new mills if there was day night before the 2d Sunday in j a reduction in the duties on mate May, that will continue several day*. What’s the matter? Cncle iiilly llammtxk and 1‘hile Jaeksou art wearing large smiles these days. They don’t believe in leap year. The Indio feel 9 delicacy in going ahead, and riiev are taking advantage of leap year. Rev. Thus. Muse -preached at Re- hobeth church, near shvllman, last Saturday and Sunday. Master Mercer Hosier, son of Mr t*. W. Rosier, has been quite .sick foi the past week. The mumps have been very plenti ful, but we think those afflic ted havt about r»coveted from them. i protective tariff. And yet tlirt did not take enough interest iri the subject to be watchful of then »ighis. They were negligent, and they have paid fur their negli genre. T here is scarcely a county in Georgia now, that lias not in its weekly paper, a'igilant sentinel •>n guard over tlie rights of tin people. From all puls of tin State, the cry is going forth foi i he people to assert themscUe* ind i he people are assert ing them ial and machinery. He is a sa j selves. We have no fear of the gacious man of large experieno (result. Unjust, taxation is «loom and extensive information, and a- ed, and the time for it to pass I saitl before, is deeply interested j away is near at hand. — Enquirer in thu question.” ! Sun. “You think, then, that the pres oeratic legislai ure, who would j ing ground, and for good reasons ; vote to tax the people uselessly ! No other Republican leader has j and exlnu-bilantly. Tlie time was | developed anything like general | •.vlien men could represent the ] enihusiasfn iu* the party. Slier j people, uml vote to rob them iu i man will have to depend «*n 0!»i« •Tie infciests of the few. That j ami what votes lie can buvin tin time in Georgia and. Alabama and ! South. Aliisou is not talked of the south, is past and past for outside of his own State. Indi-j ever. ana Republicans are divided be j Why was thia? Tlie people ot! tween Harrison ami Gresham. It ; this section were never iu favored is doubtful if Cliaunecy Depew is! $1; six f or ?"». I’re-; I. HUOI) & CO.. Lowell, SoM t»y dre.; pared by C. Maas. IOO B>3>h<-h On4* E»o*1si Sold by pa re* I !- Mass. $1: six for $5. Pr<»* I. HOOD tk CO.. I^well, IOO B«sos One Hollar oppi css Mrs. Barbra Hammock is spending . * he week in Bduffiou with friends. j • brh •ivi* upon the south?” “I know it. Take cotton tie- for example. My impression i> that there are less than a dozen men, or companies, in the United States who manufacture them.— Every farmer of the south pays iirccUv int«* the pockets of tiiese Mr. I). W . Hammock, while otiJ ] manufactureus of Lies a heavy du riil:n K l.vtSni, .li.valtcriw.on. his horn- j lv . ] thtllk U js ah<lll , 35 c( . nl became Irightened anu ran avvav tear- * 1 ing up his l Uggy rigfu badly. No one was seriously hurt. Hold your hurse, Ban. Mr. C. O. Walton is having sonu new improvements made around Ids new home. W«»nder if the “gold pen’* can’t t«*Il Ilow longT»«ky will stay in Mississip pi? Our little Frankie is still in hopes if he dies iu despair. Corn an*! meal are senna 1 , ami worth iron* 75 tn SO cents a bushel. Some talk of a wed* ling in Coleman soon. How Iomk first ? Rev. H. W. Key, will preach at the Methodist church, Sunday. No services at the M. E. Church last Sunday night on account of Mr. Davis having to meet some other en gagement. There will soon bea public well in Coleman f«»r the benefit of the public. Brof. W. C. Monk will soon begin ad valorem. in the crops of cotton that •mule since the war, twenty,millions of *1 been taken out of the twenty tw« have been more than dlars have pocket Sew Advertisements. the favorite of his own State. It is probable that six or seven can didaten will be put in nomination at the National Republican con vention. Not one of them can have any reasonable hope of seem ing a majority of the delegates Everybody will be thinking* of Biainc just as everybody was i Linking of Air. Ttlden at the Democratic convention of 1SS0 If Mr. TiMen's name had been proposed then nothing could have prevented his nomination. If Mr. Blaine's name sli ill be proposed m the Chicago convention it will -*weep all the other candidates off i he field in tiie jiffy. Look out foi Biainc! — Mneon Telet/niph LUMBER The ur have rr» disc, consislin tw 7 V ndeisigned are pleased lo announce lo the public that they cived in i lie Gtxx Btu.bix*; a very large stock of Mcrchan- isisting *>f m Goods, Groceries, Hardware & „«s, »f every "kind. I purchased in These Goods arc all new and fresh, and having been ■<** fiifl the cotton growers by this htth- t .x alone. You see we have pre- * 1 (iced in the south since tiie wai considerably over a hundred mil lion hales of cotton, every bale ol ^ which was wrapped with these " .. « lies, and every tie had this duty ! A POSITIVE CURE TCRSCUOrUtA in ii. Tiiis in"nrv hasgune intn | ^HEUMAT|SH,’'jC/' 1 L3J\UV~’0P.TlTTE.R llio jiorliiMS iff a ilnzen inanu farm : iOltS PIT' 1 .FFtS GLDoRCKROKIC SORES ii-is. Is it,:iny woniler that tin- |-'f ALl lOI^Dj A.j Au. DISEASES ARISING sutiiliurn tai inur slows poorer ano j ,\0M, AN IMPURE5T/UE. ot ff-.EBLOOD Ihese inaiuilac-mrers grow richer? $'^? £ F!CoTTLE _ SfoR$5 li is not surprising, wlrn you a <hink (»f this. u» see these monop olisis riding through the soutli «m IN KFAR <-r l. KASI.F.YS MORK. Wild. B.K FKBTsl'BBI.IKD WITH I We feel justified in saving that we are ; rients to the people. cDher for <£3s.-2. tts ^ 2 Call and see us. Respectfully. fi.*i)2-ct Y\ r IJI "> I f K^YAVLS. OF EVERY SIIABK AND ^r.U.ITY i WHICH Wild. P.E SOLD AT TRICKS THAT \\ ILL Dr. C. W. Smith, professor of mathematics in W**sleyan College, died last Thursday of henit dis ease. lie had been connected with the college about thirty-six years. JSJTHE GE5T CK EApj{^ D f w-urkos liis m-w lirmiu-. ! Ihcir wav l» tbcir annual winter K. A. Jones hiiem last week with Inn I .. , ... , . brother lioli near Blakelv, and Uie! 1,1 Fl,,r,,la - r ; ,ll,n ff "» ’ r * a,l| i 1 Benevolence itcmnnunleliiui feel bad. ■ an, | looking out m the windows of ^ Cotton chopping is all the p) with j their palace ears upon .the jmpov us n**w. We have bought us a new j criahe 1 fieMs of the men the gov- j 3^ r * J'•vT' hoe, and are ginng at it in earnest. eminent is heiping them to pluu _/5r * A &**£*£% i ! he w; , tc r, m.'o , ! s are looking fine, i. Snct B is an ia 1 ^EYERfAU.5 TO CVR^ Revs. Thus. Muse ami W. i>. Ham- ani * for "»V l^rt.I will vote tor no j FTp* g . (tz. . mock will leave next We* lues day to man who defends it.” at ten* 1 the convention at Brunswick.! “What do you think ot Piesi L ,a * • Saint John. *lenl Cleveland’s message?’’ 3iy Competition. IIS ov-i t m fij I h p, v d I v>4 Vii Ife Cheaper -o- ever in Ciithbert "I endorse eveiy word of it. '5 T1[£0KLY iKFAUIBLt CURL • • -ToR KtUFA’ &tV ■• AVe will keep qt «?nr Lunihev A fin! on Depot Street, a Mr. Jimirri' fiifiy .mthr>nrf«i»tn sell. ^ ;lr S cr ^tock of Iff’.nilier tluiii we ever kept lie tore, wllicll ro-Hvciiium-r. ami rrrci|.t forllu-same, i Wt* W.!! :-e)i lit Jil i< ( S lower tllllll liJiVe CVfr lieill t-old A larvt* sliare *;f pr l ir**iin^e < ‘is s*»li**jted. | and perfect--atisfacti**!! jr« in ran teed. I»es|»cctfully, The Allanta ConsMtulinn s<s ,, , „ .. sens that Senator Blown slam!d lhal , lt 0!in f,,r squarely on the Democratic (ilat-1 elovclaml, and nt the same time if that lie true, then John j seek the destruction of the plat-1 form. j age the people. A Slight Mistake. It appears that. Hon. John M form or piinciples upon whieh lie 1 Berrien, who once . represented will ask tlie support of the people, i Geor ? ,; ' in lh *’ - t‘ieral Senate, re c . , . .... ... i s’.gnetl his position in that liodt Sueli stufi as that, thoiiuh. will , . - ‘ , , , - = ’ because it was shown by resolu not deceive the intelligent voters j ii„ ns 0 f the,Xi gislaluie that he of the country. It is utterly ini , did not repiWeut the views of the possible, as everybody knows, to! People of his Slate upon certain the important measures then engag be for and against a tiling at same lime. But admitting such a feat is practicable, how . respect for the opinions and inter w ill the Constitution reconcile ests of the people of Georgia to- with considerations or honesty, its i ’ la . v sI,0,ll<1 compel another Sena proposed support *of Mr. Cleve Sherman must be accepted as good Democrat; for Joe and John have precisely the same views. Let the Democratic party stand tnanluHy and courageously bv its time honored piinciples, anil hv its just demand for a reduction nfiuxaUon, and it will achieve in November a most complete and glorious victory. It appears that that unscrupu' Ions despot, Prince Bismarck, must be consulted about every thing pertaining to German af fairs. Not even a royal marriage can he consummated* without liis consent. ^ ^ Spring Vale Urns. Col. J. \t. Lee, of Georgetown, paid our place a short visit Mon day evening. Die agents of tiie so cailed "wliis- A pleasant rain fell last Salnr-: k .V ring.” Should a man charged day ailernoon, tt e were begin- with these grave offenses he sup ""iRsv'h *i' f'rnml I - f-u • ported for the Presidency, or the Utdversity,'preaelie'Pa“splcmdld j llisl ' est <,lik ' e ia U,e S ift t' 1 *-; 1,!,ve S iven Die KxTEia-n.sE sermon at the Baptist church last j American people? If the Consti j A!’I'K.u„ and not the “Georgia Sunday. j totion is sincere, that is exactly ; E3t< - ,r i* rise ,’' credit for the above Messrs. J. R. Ellis and Joseph ! what it proposes to do. But the i P ara g r aph- We know that it was Hillman were in the Vale on busi !, ness the first of the week. pulhis. s.nee the Constitution A dangerous looking cloud, [ ' lec:llH<! D*e organ of the rnonopo moving rapidly, from west to east, i ,islB an '^ ' m,lnl V takers, i^has de Assi.-lunce for the >iaitc I r.u.iiy. ; j j )a( j L j u , | >llWel . { would adopP it Before the laic Chief Justice j as Wane was buried the suggestion ; the was made that he had k It a very ! small estate and that Congress j of the ought to make Some provision for j and Ills widow. The Chairman of the j “There will lie plenty of time to j Civil Service Commission, Mr. cross that branch when we emne E lgerton, a life long friend of tiie [ to it Let us first cheapen "Die n § J2 • Chief Justice, published a staji*- : necessaries, such as clothing and ' u*-’ s*l incut that nobody outside of the ; food, and attend lo the stimulants Chief Justice’s family knew anv- aud narcotics alterwsrd. When >ouike;j Cslor. •’ - i --^UnrfoaiaJpctf ^*st*nad aagaiu. , f 5 ; *c. *»t Pr-igytat-. thing of his financial affairs, andliouliave iclieved the people at that the suggestion about provid ; large, men, women and children. ;3<ia;5K2J®’i3S2!»5CaEr?Y0S5 ing for the widow was a hasty one. by reducing the cast of cotton and •"-ralaaUsrorCsa.-ris.c. It seems that Mr. KJgerUm’s in ; woolen goods, blaukels, shoes, rice. : a I ,rl --ly terfercnce in the matter was not ; sugar and other necessaries, ;l ing the attention of Congress and I altogether appreciated, and lie j wiii then he tia^e enough to inili | thfir t*urch.i>t-s. Rt swe* ?fullv, mc C. N‘. SIMPLON, Jil I ! 101A I)lJZ(.-Il 1). A II. SCOVIL HOES, N so PoiT^ r Family Flour. SS kh ■ ?2 11 lioasiiiiil Feet. EltLBK & QUATTLEBACH, ill nt F*»rt Griirios. Gn. 1.4.V; at I si L ?! - f« »r lc>- rijl ivO.VH. ., ianArvlPai^*, I?xfcast**. i ^ ^ T-f 55 T- \ OKJOl i ^ gs ot the (Irani Lmicli Bilik Biscuit li uoss r-11 VS. lor to follow tlie example iff Mr. | suggestion is made that tlie gov- . . ; Berrien.— Geonjia Enterprise. eminent or the public, shall take land .-’ It has ooldly declared that Brother Hankins, old Joe j s j care ot his family, if he left only a the President is a traitor to his i there to slay. When bis term ot j small estate. Of course if the that he has abandoned the | office expires he will be relumed i dead man’s friends want to assist | lo the public, his first statement, j drinkers and tobacco smokers. I About ns soon as a promioenL know of n<> two things which can: j public man dies nowadays the ! lie more appiopriately taxed than i N'e-.v partv. principles of form of 1SS4. the Chicago plat-! by the Solomons who lmm^r and that he is, for ! U,e Legislative Hall and .... % * ■ va.l theaiselvfs Rfpresvntaii ves. jail practical purposes, the tool of Your Uncle Joe can wrap them around hi?» linger with a cauihric thread, nnd pioclaim himstll Sen at**r.—tfe.'iuj) EcuUucl. Ilia fuuiily tiurre is no reason why they shouldn't, hut there are very good reasons wh}* tlie gorrrnsnrnt f liiskey an*I tobacco. I use both and can afford to advocate this doctrine. This tax is paid volun isrily l»j tlie consumer and not by tii* producer. Oi'course there are many obnoxious features in the laws rcgulatiug tiie coiiection. an l no douht there couM be im ct Cron French Prun<*«. S:jr«lii!c.< •. I'ickles, aud French Mu.-tarti, at J r SS.M BSt )N*S nn*l KiRIvSEY’S. 30 lbs Grits lor 81.0 « GOBI) TOBACCO, FLOUlt POTS, K; KK.SKY S. Act. 25 to 28c perpour.u, ; .it siMrsoxv. New York. B*»st*>n.Baltimore. iM»i!a*h-lj hia. Cincinnati. St.. Louis, Louisville, (dneji^sj, Nas'jvilh*, ('hat* an*»o<jn. and n;an\ other ('ilics. East. UVsi.Norlh an*i South, have iiecn called upon to contribute l«> the liliiug eftlie CUTHBEET^ HEIflTURE STOHE PSOMFT MBASDEES. should nut be called upon tu gi»u • proveincnt in this respect, which « big pensiun to tl.e widow nnd children of every distinguished public servant whs leaves no os- Brother Stone, of the Sentinel,! lute. Aliesilj mani pen- ’ l sions iff this kind have been given. : and every one is quoted as a pre- j cedent tor others. The pension I harden is now quite as large as 1 the people cafe lo carry. Chief Justice Waite served the country well and faithfully, and could have retired on a pension two jear%hefore his death. lie I would lie glad lo see made. IIow do you think a majority j 1 M’hon children pick their nose, jrrind j Ihcir teeth, arc restless, unnatural in j . their appetite, they arc quite likelv ; jJUi2G-ct trutihlcd with \V*»nn.s. ]>ro**»pt measures : _ . , ■ . , .hold*! l*e c ken and £1. A. l ahne- ol tut* pcopiSbbUtul oi* these quca- siioc’i,*!** V^rniifnffe In* driven them ! :*.cc*r*i'm;' dirit*ti;ins it lias saved! many a child from death an*I may pre- j serve y*>ur swee t child from an early j grave. * Food Oats at 55c, Large Lots for les . at SI MTS* (IN' With The an overeight, and that such mis takes are liable to occur. Wc are sorry to ree that the Sentinel lions." “I am notin politics and have not sought to find *»ut how any body stood, but I think there can he no doubt that a large majority of the people in this -pa gia greatly prefer a the taxcs°on the necessaries *»! . life t** a rc, r >pal of t!»c internal rex -' enne **n whiskey and toliacco.— ! m & ei -art.ff Gc.,1-; U ill* V f. reduction o! ‘ I I ; ! I | ? 3 Sfls Ooorgia Syrup, At 15c rcr Gallon, at SIMPSON*: fUlfci ¥ai iod Stack Wliicli it is c:i: Coffee, 81.00, AT SIMPSON’S, j ! was paid for Ins services, liowev- i I’liev arc lor Cleveland, an*l passe*! two or three? miles nortli of Hberately sought to ohsenre an*i t thinks **Oi*l J*»e is there to stay. here Tuesday afternoon. We hare! ,B y s Hfy' the tariff question, and I Upon the gieat question of tariff ! «°d he knew what salary he! in my oprnion, in favor ot his re-j not hoard what damage, if anyj f° ^ ee P l ^ lc people in ignorance. | reform lhal is n*»w # aoitalin*’ thei recc ‘ vc ^ ,t ‘f*» rc l ,e accepted | nomination upon a platform cm was done. j if possibl**. ns the best way to per ; c n- °- \ i ^ iC office which he fi!le*l so accept bodying the principles ol his mes- 3 ® Mr. (?«>!c began work on Capt. • P°Hiare tlie present Republican V ^* na Ar ll,;vn a ian j ably. The country, therefore, j sage.”—Atlanta Journal. 3 Edwards’ store Wednesday morn j scheme ol robbery, known as pro j interests of the people, j owes liiro nothing. He left a very ing. It will be situated~od tlie | lccl *° n * j and the principles of the Demo- i small estate, but his sons are rich. South siffc of Broad street, next to | | i-ratie party, anil to day lie stands ! an,i w '!ling, doubtless, to take earcof their mother and sister. If the family were in need of at sistanee Congress might he called Water Ground Meai At IVr Rushel. at M Sill PEON’S. ri L S-SOHSE. Cora£i 80s Per Mils., the postoffice. | A Great Baffle Mr. K M. Garner has the con Is continually going on in the fcrjwrt for building the Huisten j system. The demon of impure blood I bridge. He has begun work. *\Vc j st H vt '. 8 to L'ahi victory over tiie con- ( ° r an >' other leader of the Repub as squarely upon the Republican human platform as does J*»hn Sherman r*» hiftrid • understand that Mr. Alex Lewi'u- Ilt " l , if "il (onl ' M bvalih. to dmg vie- j liean party. Therefore, we do is at work on the , I tmis to the grave. A good reliable . ., . . . ‘ j tinis to the grave. A good reliable,. . , ... ... 1 arhrough j medicine like Hood’s Sarsaparilla is ,1,,t b *’ hcr % bridge, anil will soon have K in the weapon with whieh to defend ~ place again. j one’s self, drive thedes Some days ago we heard several young men of Spring Vale declare that they hail never read a chap ter in tlie Bible. Union, in Quitman county, has secured a piwtoflioe, with Mr. J. K. Ellis as postmaster. Messrs. E. H. Lee and E. A. Keese wifi’ attend the State Baptist Convention at Brunswick K. at the people of Georgia will longer allow an ene- from the field, and ' r,^tore [Taoeaml | m - v l " tl,eir <! *’ ar ‘- sl ‘'gilts and in- hotlily healiii for manv vears. Xrv l leresls tu misrepresent them in this peculiar medicine. ' ’ ,h e United Slates Senate. The The only thing that Joe Brown wants lo make cheap is whisky. He says that clothing and shoes, bagging and lies, tools and im plements, are all cheap enough. issue between the people and the monopolists has been so eiearly and so distinctly drawn, and Sen alor Brown has so nnroistakably wiih the and that the one thing needful I * jlace,nrimseIf in liue he country r ous is cheap I *»n for help, but they are not. It is doubtful if the movement in favor of government aid and ’a popular subscription has the sanc tion of the family.—Savannah yews E. P.0. 0 Don’t waste time and money ami undergo needless torture with the knife when Ethiopian Pile Ointment will afford instant relief and certain When . in the course of human j events it becomes necessary for a per son to rid themselves oi Malaria, Sick bea* lac lie or any disorder arising iroin a torpid action of the liver, Ci.ipinan’s Liver Pills are the things needful. Sold by J. \V. Stanford. The Bible says: “Take it for thy. stomach sake,” we supjw>*c of course It refers to Chqimaii’s Tonic Mixture, liecanso ii you are troubled with Gen-! oral Debility, Dyspepsia, or indiges tion tliere is nothing better. Sold by J. W. Stanford. a pro-1111 :-IMi*S:>N’S. GROCERIES! ; C.R.3ulk, 8 Gts., ryinff, nt prices that will insure a trade if you will nnlv ui.ik** rue a call. I have pro\i»!ed a sufficient quan tity i*i supp’v this nnd adjoining counties xviih all they will need in this line,'and the public, are invited to inspect this slock. AND GET A BARGAIN, While it is Kirin*: so cheap. Summer and winter, dull and lively limes, wii! fin*i me with a frill stock, nnd it you want a Gail L»*«*sd. a Wagon Load, or a Gar Load, don't be afraid you can’t be supplied, hut come a!*»ng and sec if what I tell yon not. true. a hi very thankful for the favors I have received in the past, :;n*l will do my be>t t«> please in the future. Mr. Kekse Maktik in with me. and will be glad to serve his manv friends. Very respect- fully. IB, W, ISillS, sppiSvt Manager. !■ >i. 11 iTm-Kwt^Jumx^-faaaammaamm'smrmrsi^^mgf m . <h>\vn. at N. SIMPSON S. i ficjstio i-a:A.3yxs, AT 10 CKNTS, ! at SIMPSON’S. The Atlanta Constitution ailvo- i ^'Quality guaranteed,j50 lb Granona Flour land Prices at a liv-j $i.40-nc»t on Market, cates and defends Republican j Ulg Oilt i at SIMPSON’S. measures and Republican princi pies, and still claims tn be a Dem- j C. A. GEOPiGE.; Plow Traces, 45e, cure in every ease of blind, bleeding,i ocratic ionrnal. Perhaps it thinks I janlfl-ct ■ tnl.lnl. inbienn IlM.l r»t,,.n«T I. I — ... *’ now to make the country prosper i monopolists, *Jiat Democrat? ean- jJnc| l J?r r8, r boltlc* ^"Sd 1 iquor. . 'no*, snpiiort him without violating !"AfouL itching, internal and ncterna! piles, chat it can do this with impnnitv. i-«mneh ns .fasse,ted some time factnrers, Nashville, Ten 11. 50 cents. 1 . • * * • * * by j # \y ! ago that there is no •‘Democratic sl2-Im • parly except in name. STEEL PLOWS, S -*i i at SIM PSON’S. MALI. Lots at per pound. F.argi c?i:i r>c>N\-r. Plow Haines, 40c, j t tiUIPsUX >. | fci-’b-Iy c= I-ii.siiH I SZ * • c ■- = i; 2 iji|| eg S E?= HJSgrje-g i ssmmn** I = C - f — H —