The Augusta news-review. (Augusta, Ga.) 1972-1985, November 21, 1974, Image 1

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Girl’s Throat Slashed In Lenox Theatre Murder THE PEOPLE’S PAPER r Vol. 4 Community Urged To Contribute Christmas Comes In November For Loretta Evans The Christmas season is a time of great joy. But this year, Christmas will come a bit early for 18-year-old Loretta Evans. Her special day will be Nov. 25. Loretta has leukemia. County Commissioner Edward Mclntyre and the Sister Austin WRDW Young People’s Choir are sponsoring a big gospel extravaganza in her honor. Loretta sings alto in the choir. She has been singing since she was six, and a member of the Sister Austin Choir since she was 12. A program in her honor, she < £ , j r ' TeBIISM' ■&■’&» ■<£&& «L aWMfcww 'i *v*- ffigr 2 Iggjj- -- 'W ■*-•---. —' EMI - ' Gary Swint (left) serves as tour guide for legislators, county commissioners and library board directors. A tour and luncheon were held Monday to better aquaint law makers with the library's problems. Pictured (L-R) Harold Tiller, Jack Connell, William Dent, Al Irby, Walter Schlapp and Madison Woo. Girl Murdered In Lenox Theatre Louise Harris of 1012 Carrie St. was found murdered Sunday in the Lenox Theatre, 1120 9th St. A minor stated he was walking along 9th Street and looked in the Lenox Theatre through an open door. He saw an unknown woman lying in a pool of blood and ran to call the police. Give An NAACP Membership Editorial Once again, it is NAACP Membership Drive time. Gloster Current, director of branches and field administration, is appealing for 100,000 new members in 1974. This •> ou.d bring the total enrollment up to 500,000. Why not give your friends NAACP memberships for Christmas? If you would, the total membership could reach a million or more. And even this number is less than five per cent of our Black population of 25 million. Through the years, about 400,000 Black and white NAACP members have carried the responsibility for enfranchisment, school integration, and desegregation of places of public accommodation, and the expansion of job opportunities as part of the long NAACP legal battle for freedom and equality of opportunity for all. But the NAACP freeloaders have talked civil rights and shamelessly shared in all the benefits, while keeping the $4 membership fee in their pocket. Each of us is deeply indebted to the NAACP for the gains we have made. However, once again, those gains which were so painfully won are under seige. Bigotry rears its ugly head in Boston. The barbarians who stone the buses and beat Black men, while shouting racial epithets are the descendants of refugees who fled tyranny and famine to seek freedom in a new land. There is a hidden issue of racism in the campaign to bar certain textbooks and library books from West Virginia schools. Despite the laws already enacted, both the government and the private sector persist in finding ways to circumvent them in the areas of housing and employment. The administration of equal justice under law continues to be thwarted. Blacks and other minorities are still being snort changed and frustrated in the blessings of democracy. Too many of us have been lulled into a false sense of security. Sleepers awake! The time is now to join the NAACP. Freedom is more than a word. Your membership is an investment in the .future. Let’s make that goal a million members in 74. Don t be a freeloader. Join yourself and give a membership for Christmas. Can you think of a better gift to give? said, would have to be in the church and include lots of singing. The programs will be held at Tabernacle Baptist Church on Nov. 25. The mayor has proclaimed Nov. 25 Loretta Evans Day. “I love to sing. I love to travel, and I love the church. That’s the main thing,” she said, explaining her unusual devotion to the choir. Funds raised at the concert will be used to help finance a two-day trip to Disney World for her, her grandmother, Mrs. Ethel Davis, and Mrs. Alice Dunn, her choir directress. Police found the woman had been injuried at the east end of the stage of the theatre and that the body had been dragged to the edge of the stage and pushed over the edge to the floor. Medical examinations revealed that the throat of Louise Harris had been cut P.O. Box 953 Loretta is looking forward to Disney World, but not to the jet that will take them there. She makes it clear she wants no part of that airplane. But she says she’ll go “if you go with me, grandmama.” Loretta will leave for Disney World Nov. 26 and return on Thanksgiving Day. Mclntyre said he wanted to involve himself in helping Loretta because of her illness and because he learned that she lives with a fatherless family of six in a poverty environment. “It is my hope that this servant of God will have the privilege three or more times with a sharp instrument. She was taken to University Hospital where she was pronounced dead on arrival. The victim was later identified by her brother, Robert Kelly Jr., of 1012 Carrie St. Kelly stated his sister had been missing since Thursday. Millender Named To Georgia Hall Os Fame Commission Mallory K. Millender, editor-publisher of The New-Review and an instructor at Paine College, has been appointed to the Georgia Hall of Fame selection board. The appointment was made last week by the county commission. Others appointed by the Four Blacks Elected To Planned Parenthood Board Four Blacks were elected to the board of directors of Planned Parenthood last week. They are Mr. and Mrs. William Dent, Mrs. Mattie Lawson and Herman Harris. The new directors are Mrs. Donald Abele and Dr. Thomas Mills. The work of Mrs. Ocie Johnson and the Community Outreach workers was highly praised Os the original group Augusta. Georgia r W a a w w jS v LORETTA EVANS of enjoying just a few of the many material things that the Lord has provided in this great land of ours,” he said. Persons wishing to contribute may contact Mclntyre at the Pilgrim Health & Life Insurance Co. or bring their donations to the concert. Richard Oliver Kills Wife And Another Man An Augusta man was charged in a double murder Sunday after he allegedly shot his wife and another man. Officers were called to 110 Reiser Court where they found Ronnie Bogan of East View Apts, or 601 Wallace St. lying face down on the floor of a bedroom with his feet W SI MALLORY K. MILLENDER commissioners were Dr. Richard R. Clifford, former chairman of the Richmond County Board of Commissioners; Dr. R.E. Parrish, an Augusta dentist; James E. Woo, an Augusta pharmacist; and Dr. Edward Cashin, chairman of the Augusta College history of eight women who received the training as counselors in 1969 and 1970, five are still working for Planned Parenthood. Twenty-two thousand two hundred twenty-two home visits have been made in the past year. Many women have been assisted in getting to the County Health Department Family Planning Clinic by the Counsellors transporting them Woman Shotgunned To Death After Argument About Her Cooking Verlyn Bell’s Daughter Target Os Kidnap Attempt? Verlyn Bell, still a hopeful in the 7th Ward board of education runoff, told The News-Review that his daughter was the victim of an apparent kidnap attempt on election day. According to Bell, a Black male went to the A. Brian Merry school, entered his daughter’s classroom and told the teacher he came to pick up Sheri Bell. He said that her parents had authorized him to underneath the bed. A black leather coat was lying over the bottom part of his body and he was fully dressed. Bogan had been shot one time in 'the "forehead and was still breathing. Mrs. Mary Lou Smith Oliver of 1106 Mercier St. was found in a sitting position in the department. The county’s five appointees will join five appointees by the city of Augusta and five by Gov. Jimmy Carter on the selection board. The Hail of Fame will be located in Augusta. The appointees will be sworn in at the state capitol at a later date. in their own cars. Mrs. Emily Young, director of the Community Education Project, showed a locally developed film to the officers and directors and guests at the Annual meeting. Use of these films for showing at civic and church groups is free, and Mrs. Young may be contacted at the Planned Parenthood Officer for appointments for showings. pick her up. But the seven-year-old balked and began to cry. She told the teacher she didn’t know the man. Although the man did stop at the school office, he left without anyone finding out who he was or what his intent was, Bell said. The man was described as having grey hair and he wore glasses. Bell called the principal and bedroom closet. She also had been shot one time in the forehead and was still breathing. She was fully dressed. Both were taken to University Hospital and later were pronouced dead. Witnesses stated they saw Richard Oliver, 19, of 105 rtf. w JHT '< • / ; t: Ji W«r ■■ Gordon Ross, president of BSU, presents S2OO check to Verlyn C. Bell, director of Bethlehem Center, while John Beal, treasurer of BSU, looks on. BSU Donates To Bethlehem Community Center By Audrey Frazier The Black Student Union of Augusta College presented the Bethlehem Community Center a S2OO donation Friday during a Black Student Union meeting. The check was presented to Verlyn C. Bell executive director of the center by Gordon Ross president of the Black Student Union. The donation is to be used in repairing the roof on the main building. Bethlehem Community Center, which was established in 1912, provides many services to the people in the neighborhood and community at large. The center has projects for the toddlers through the senior citizens. Various programs are sponsored by the center such as Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, sewing classes, consumer education, job counseling and referral, arts and crafts, neighborhood association and tutoring and outreach services. The center has 21 members of the board of directors in which Roscoe Williams is chairman. November 21, 1974 No. 35 20C superintendent of schools. Haney M. Duncan. An investigation was made but revealed no information. Bell said he had been urged not to discuss the incident, but he said he feels the community ought to know. He said he nor his wife authorized anyone to pick up the child. This, he said, is just one of the harrassmeats he and his family have been subjected to over the past few weeks. West Hancock Drive, Mrs. Oliver’s husband, come in the back door of the house with a gun. Shots were heard and Oliver was later seen running out the house the gun sti'l in his possession. Oliver later came to Police headquarters and gave himself up. He was arrested and charged with two counts of murder. There are also 26 employees at help the community and will the center. continue to do so through your The center is designed to help. Georgia Jaycees Honor Tracy Williams 111 Jr 1 t w T 'gx 1 TRACY WILLIAMS 111 Tracy Williams 11l received the Outstanding Citizenship Award from the Georgia Jaycees Saturday night. Thirty young men were There have been annoying phone calls and threats. A person, who he said reportedly has “underworld connections”, told him he is “treading on dangerous ground." The person was just “translating” a message. Bell stated. Bell said he didn't know whether there was a connection between his candidacy and the incident at the school or whether it was just a “deviant” looking for recognition. I? SPECIAL : DEADLINE ; IN ORDER TO HAVE; YOUR NEWS IN OURI TISSUE, WE MUST HAVE JALL NEWS ITEMS BY 5, cP.M. FRIDAY NOV. 22. V.VWAVAW.WAWJ chosen from among over 2000 who entered the competition. Three were chosen from each of Georgia’s 10 districts. The awards were given based on scholarship and leadership. A senior at Glenn Hills High School, Williams has maintained a 97.3 average over the past three years. He is also president of the student council. The 17-yeard-old will be awarded a four-day trip to Washington, D.C., in March, along with the other award winners. The trip will be sponsored by the state Jaycees. Williams was the only Black from this district in the competition. Tracy is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Williams Jr. of 3110 Fir Court.