The Augusta news-review. (Augusta, Ga.) 1972-1985, December 11, 1975, Page Page 7, Image 7

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walking With Dignity by ai irby "Alright Fellows It’s Your Turn” Hs high time that men share the responsibility of curbing the H’s high birth rate. For years women’s groups have accused Horld’s scientific communities of deliberately dragging their Hn development of some type of male contraceptive. Their ftrted effort is the first since an Italian anatomist invented Hondom in 1564 to control the complex male reproductive Hie contraception has been an idea relegated to the back Kr of scientific inquiry. But at the intense prodding of the Ken Liberation movement it is a red hot must on the research Idas all over the civilized world. The urgency has created a ■ medical specialty, given the name of andrology. Rationally, pregnancy heretofore has been totally a woman’s Kgss. Feminists contend that this attitude is shared by the Kfity of male doctors, and this explains why so little scientific on a male contraceptive had been done until the ladies went ■he warpath. Most of the nation’s practicing birth-control are y by women. Most men simply get a free ride enjoying Kselves. ■his new medical specialty, andrology is in its infancy, and is Earned with male fertility in much the same manner as Ecology has treated disorders of the female reproductive Jem. Gabriel Bialy, chief of the Population Research Center’s ■traceptive-development branch had this to say: “Historically, e. have been few people working on male reproduction, but *s changing. Os course its not 50-50 yet, but we are working it.” Now men appear to be rethinking their role in traceptions. Vasectomy the male sterilization operation is ling in popularity. This suggests that a great number of men ’(Stop being selfish in sex matters. Maybe the male population ‘jcoming a bit civilized. !ome sociologists are trying to present a bright side to isculine sexology. Dr. Donald Bogue, who directs the iiversity of Chicago’s Family Study Center made this subjective itement: “If there was a male contraceptive that was no more :onvenient than the female pill, and the threat to health were > greater, men would share the burden of contraceptive restraint ually with women.” The researchers’ optimism, however guarded-springs from a Black Empowerment By Dr. Nathaniel Wrigfa, Jr. Israel’s False Friends Black Americans recently were afforded a clear as crystal xample of some major white American duplicity or shenanigans i the official United States’ response to the United Nations’ zionism is racism” vote. '•’’Any honest thinking observer could recognize several obvious hings which that United Nations vote represented. Any political malyst could tell you that it was designed primarily as a slap igainst the United States. Many Third World nations feel strongly hat they have been bullied and misued - whether they actually rave been so treated or not -by the United States in the United Mations forum. One must ask: Why otherwise than concerted mice of anti-American resentment when so many nations which differ so widely would join in such a vote? Our answers may differ. But, the possibility of anti-American resentment, if not its probability remains. Perhaps most revealing about the whole somewhat tragicomic fiasco was the fact that most of those who posed as Israel’s truest or most trusted friends have doubtless been among its thorough foes. Why was the State of Israel founded? Most of the American Jewish community has gone on record through its national organizations as recognizing that the United States, Great Britian and France did not want a post World War II mass influx of Jewish refugees into their countries. Hence, they were willing to put up massive amounts of money for the establishment of a non-American and non-European “homeland for the Jewish ; people.” It was only at this point that America’s perceived interests and I those of Zionism converged. We have permitted almost unlimited numbers of Polish and other Eastern European peoples into this ;country. Why, then the fear of permitting a fresh mass of Jewish refugees after World War II? The answer lies plainly in the fact of a strong strain of anti-Semitism in our country. Black Americans should not be misled, then, by the cries of “Outrage!” by the members of the American Congress at the anti-Zionist United Nations vote. The ffludineM ~ Mfack Fl. ’ By Charles E. Belle I Realtors Run To Suburbia Gene Conatser, vice-president of Bank of America, told a luncheon meeting of realtors he doubted that we will return to a normal economic environment. Pointing out that housing starts for 1975 will not even be 1.2 million, he said this is less than half "thFaugusta news-review Mallory K. Mil lenderEditor-Publisher Frank Bowman Advertising Manager Robert Lee Moore Managing Editor Audrey Frazier Editor-At-Large Michael Carr Photographer Stan RainesCirculation Manager Mailing Address: Box 953, Augusta, Ga. Phone 722-4555 Second Class Postage Paid Augusta, Ga. 30901 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Payable in Advance One year in Richmond Countys7.oo tax incl. 6 tax incl. One year out of countysß.oo tax incl. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Classified & Display Advertising Deadline 12 noon on Tuesday News Deadline Monday 5:30 (printed free) AMALGAMATED PUBLISHER*, INC. •tea ~ * IF • series of promising new discoveries about the complex male reproductive system. Scientists are exploring new ways to interfere with the production, maturation or transportation of the average of 80 million sperm contained in every ejaculation of semen. THE TIME IS HERE FOR THE MALE TO TAKE HIS PLACE ON POPULATION RESPONSIBILITY Dr. Philip Corfman, director of the federal Center for Population: says “There’s a tremendous amount of work blossoming in the area of male fertility control. We feel there’s a great need for a modem male method of contraception.” Most surely male contraception is an idea whose time has come. This subject of male participation will develop as time goes by, change is always a problem; but the hold back still rests with the scientific community. The Women’s Liberation Movement has most certainly heightened the interest in male contraception, and that appears to reflect the changing relationship between the sexes. GOODBYE VASECTOMIES In the future, men shall be able to practice family planning using nonchemical means. One such device will be the “reversible vasetomy”. The old type method of sterilization consists of an operation involving cutting and tying the two vas deferens, the tubes through which the sperm travels from the testicles to the urinary tract. In case the man and woman change their minds about having children; the new-breed of researchers would implant a half-inch-long valve in one of the sperm tubes, and when the couple decide they want a baby, the blocked tube is reopened. These “sperm switches” are being developed at about 12 American universities and private laboratories. Scientists at the Illinois Institute of Technology’s Research Center in Chicago have found that flexible silicone valves can successfully turn sperm flow on and off in 95% of the experimental dogs in their study. When the tubes are reopened the males can quickly impregnate the females again, even though the sperm-count in the affected tube is only one-fourth the pre-implant level. It will not be long before men will be sharing their part of holding down the population-explosion. “anti-zionism” of the United States vote was perhaps a cover to mask a growing anti-American resentment. But Israel’s true foes may be among those who have claimed to be its friends. We bring into evidence here the simple fact that America - which has provided the lion’s share of Israel’s budget - could have guaranteed Israel’s original (or pre-aggression) borders by entering into an official peace treaty with the State of Israel. We have not done so even today. The absence of such a guarantee of Israel’s borders did more than possibly anything else to force the State of Israel into an unfortunate posture of “Aggressive defense”. In this light, the much-heralded “shuttle diplomacy” of Henry Kissinger was just one more among his vast assortment of “farcial feats” with which he has saddled our State Department. A simple Israeli-U.S. peace treaty could stop almost all of the Middle East unrest overnight. What is said here is not new. It has long been precisley the position of the World Council of Churches and of the present leadership of the Vatican. The voices in the U.S. Congress raised to question our future support of the United Nations are the same voices which have opposed the United Nations all along. Let us make no mistake: There is a deep-seated and widespread anti-semitic sentiment abroad in America. Our Jewish brothers recognize this and perhaps a very small number may project “Blacks as a problem” in order to scapegoat their own realistic fears regarding themselves. This latter course would by deeply understandable, if it is true. Our first duty to ourselves as Black Americans is to be honest. Without honest and realistic assessments, we cannot bring about our own liberation and the needed cleansing of our country as a whole. The “anti-Zionist” United Nations vote on the surface was a farce. But simple reflection indicates that it serves as a fair warning that sly smiles and the hefty embrace may be the “Judas talk and gesture” which reveal far more animosity than friendship. of new housing units in 1972. The downturn of our economy, Conatser said, was produced by inflation not government policy. The small group of realtors at a syndication luncheon, comprised only a centime of the over 15,000 gathering of delegates to the National Association of Realtors (NAR) 68th convention in San Francisco. Almost too many of the nation’s largest trade and professional group of nearly 500,000 members rubbed elbows to be addressed by Carla Hills, Secretary of HUD. John D. Thompson, president of the National Association of Real Estate Brokers, Inc. (Black realtists) enjoy an audience of considerably less than the cabinet members. This was unfortunate for Mr. Thompson had an equally important message for the membership. “Don’t go to the suburbs with government money.” Brother Thompson placed the blame where it belongs in his opening remark, “ears that tune out the undesirable and tune in that which satisfies.” The realtors wanted to hear from Secretary Hills high hopes for the white housing industry. She pleased her audience by announcing $264.1 million impounded by Nixon was released for housing. It is expected to subsidize more than 250,000 units of low-cost housing, generate $6.5 billion in construction activity and create 500,000 new construction jobs. In addition, HUD’s tandem program, mortgages that bear interest rates below the going market rate, 7*/z percent vs nine percent, on single-family mortgages is expected to aid 500,000 home buyers. A $35,000 mortgage holder, who is likely to be white suburban saves about S2O a month under the program. Thompson told his crowd to face up to issues and not forsake the inner city cares for the alleged greener pastures of suburbia. Unfortunately, Art Leitch, president of the NAR, was more representative of the realtors. He suggested that some $5 billion under the 1975 Emergency Housing Act be channeled into the single-family home market which is predominately white, away from the predominately Black used multi-family units of the inner cities. ■ If «* ■■■■■■■MMHMMBM PRENTISS IVORY DAVIS AT- . RNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW ANNOUNCES THE RELOCATION OF HIS OFFICES FOR THE GENERAL PRACTICE OF LAW AT 1143 DRUID PARK AVENUE, AUGUSTA GEORGIA - TELEPHONE (404) 7364)739 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. *3l I* * % A SUPREME COURT > without william a -v POUGLASWLL A NEVER EE THE SAME. . > A-Y TIMES HE CARED TO BE EQUAL By Vernon Jordan Black Colleges Have Vital Role One hundred presidents of predominately Black colleges recently issued a call for a 25-year program of federal assistance to bring those colleges the aid they need to close the education gap between whites and Blacks. While much attention has been paid to the constantly rising numbers of Black youth entering college, the numbers of whites have also risen, and the gap between the races is not closing. Black professionals -- dentists, doctors, lawyers and others - are still between one and two percent of their professions, and the growing demand for Black graduates is nowhere near being met. The majority of Black college students attend the predominately white colleges, but most graduates are from predominately Black colleges. The reason is the high attrition rate among Blacks in white schools, testifying to the traditional Black college’s skill and experience in teaching young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. It is clear that the traditional Black college has an important role to play in the future and the case for a federal program designed to help these schools fulfill their historic mission is overwhelming. But doubts have arisen about the future status of a particular group of historic Black colleges, the state-supported public institutions founded as part of state segregated dual higher education systems. Because these schools are public, not private, they are now under pressures that threaten their existence. The courts have ruled, rightly, that dual educational systems have to be dismantled and state-supported colleges integrated. What then should become of the historic Black public college? To integrate it to the point that it loses its character and those unique qualities that made it so crucial an institution for the Black community would be a tragic mistake. It would amount to a death sentence that forces upon the victims of segregation the burdens of integration. gnBAYARD RUSTIN The Campaign Against Dr. King It is no surprise that J. Edgar Hoover hated Martin Luther King, Jr. But even in this cynical age accustomed to dirty tricks and deciet, it is shocking to learn the desperate and despicable lengths Hoover and the FBI went to in order to destroy King. During the time when I worked with Dr. King, we knew that the FBI had sent spies into the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and we suspected that we had been bugged as well. In receht weeks it has been revealed that the FBI went much further - that they organized and carried out a campaign designed to destroy Dr. King. The FBI tried to prevent the college from giving King an honorary degree, they hatched a plan to keep the Pope from granting him an audience, and tried to undermine the financial support for the S.C.L.C. The FBI did not stop at trying to destroy King as a civil rights leader. Nor did they stop at a slanderous whispering campaign planned to destroy Dr. King’s personal reputation. They went so far as to send a note and tape recording to King in late 1964 in an effort to drive him to suicide. Paradoxically, the revelations about Hoover’s six-year campaign to destroy Dr. King make it clear that it was not King’s reputation that was damaged by this effort but the reputation of Hoover and the FBI. Hoover’s suspicions about King, if they could be called that, tell us more about him than about King. Certainly in his latter years Hoover was a petty man, jealous of his reputation, and deeply resentful of any criticism. It is unclear what aroused Hoover’s suspicion of King, but perhaps it was the very largness and charity of King’s character. If it could be said that King and Hoover were foes the way in which they conceived of their contest and the manner in which they reacted to each other show the stark contrasts between the quality of man that each was. While Hoover used a federal agency to carry on a personal vendetta against King. Martin was engaged in a great battle for social justice through non-violence and Christian love. One incident during my ten-year association with Dr. King illustrates this difference. Apparently angered by Dr. King's criticism of the FBI for appointing conservative agents to The Augusta News-Review - December 11. 1975 - It would be far wiser for desegregation to be managed in such a way that the public traditional Black college, while integrating its faculty and student bodies, retains strong Black leadership and much of its historic orientation. Most such schools are already more integrated than white public colleges. Typically, an historic Black college now has over 10 percent of its student body and double that of its faculty who are white. But the state universities that barred Blacks until forced to admit them, that are now called “integrated” only because their doors supposedly open to Blacks, have perhaps five percent Blacks in their student body and a bare handful of Black faculty. Desegregation was a deceptive cover to dismiss Black school principals and faculty so that white teachers could get their jobs all over the South a decade ago. That can’t be allowed to happen to the historic Black college. When we see Blacks appointed presidents of major southern state colleges that had been white strongholds, then it will be time enough to talk about white leadership in the traditional Black public college. But there’s an affinnative side too. Black colleges have educated generations of poor kids other schools fail with. They have developed an expertise and a successful tradition of quality education that can enable them to educate future generations of both whites and Blacks who are poor. Many predominately white colleges have failed to educate both Blacks and whites who are poor. So the traditional Black public college is a national resource that holds the promise of serving an integrated body neglected by other institutions. Our country’s future educational needs are many and varied, and strengthening the traditionally Black colleges can help to fulfill those important needs. And within those traditionally Black colleges, the public institutions that were bom in segregation and are now being reborn into an integrated society should be strengthened, expanded, and encouraged to retain their historic identity. investigate civil rights violations in the South, Hoover publicly attacked Dr. King as the “biggest liar” in the country. Many of King’s advisors myself included, urged Martin to make a counterblast at Hoover, demanding that Hoover produce evidence to back his charge. But public denunciation was completely alien to Martin’s character. When ever someone was in error and especially when they wrongly attacked him, Martin always sought a personal conference to attempt to reconcile the differences. Thus he met with Hoover and asked the FBI chief to explain just what he had done that Hoover considered decietful. Hoover, of course, was unable to supply any basis for his attack. I don’t imagine that Martin would have been too alarmed at the knowledge that the FBI was out to destroy him. What would have disturbed him and what should disturb us today is that all the time and effort devoted to tearing down King could have saved the lives of many people who were killed during the great crusade to gain civil rights. The good that men do does live long after they have died. Dr. King did much good in his life. It is our responsibility to make sure that that good continues and that it be expanded. For what King did will be regarded one hundred years from now as one of the greatest contributions to mankind. Martin took the strategy of non-violence a step even beyonf Gandhi. He showed that is is possible for a minority using the principles and tactics of non-violence to win concessions from the majority, an effort Gandhi attempted but failed to achieve in South Africa. . . He showed that it is possible to secure justice and that it is realistic to dream of a better world. SOUTHSIDE HOME IMPROVEMENTS All kinds of Masonary work. Patio. Room Addition, Porches, Driveways, etc. 2831 Milledgeville Road Augusta, Georgia Phone 722-5926 Page 7 ,> IB** WJ > WBHi