The Augusta news-review. (Augusta, Ga.) 1972-1985, June 10, 1976, Image 1

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® l!P Auimota Nma-tleww Vol. 6 Edwin Sherrod Striking Out At Segregated Jail, Black Deputy Runs For Sheriff z- '■ w Ok •\. v wO EDWIN SHERROD Photo by Frank Bowman Edwin Sherrod announced Tuesday that he will run for sheriff of Richmond County. Claiming that you have to be “within” to know what really goes on at the jail, Sherrod said the jail cells are still segregated. The white prisoners are still on the north side and the Blacks are on the south side. “No white prisoner has ever been in the south side cells,” he said. There are no Black secretaries in the sheriffs office and none in the investigator’s office. There are only about 20 Black deputies .iBJBnVw Bttk BENJAMIN A. WILLIAMS 'Bennie’ Williams Named Mortician Os The Year Benjamin A. (Bennie) Williams was chosen Mortician of the Year by tire Eighth District Georgia Funeral Service Practioners Association recently. He was honored with a banquet and a beautiful plague. William’s success as a mortician is credited to hard work and continously pressing forward. His interest has always been centered in the field of Mortuary Science. In 197 S he realized the need to upgrade his profession and enhance the community by constructing one of the most modern structures in the South. Williams Funeral Home, Inc. is soon to be dedicated to Augusta and the C.S.RA. A native of Allendale, S.C. he has lived in Augusta most of his life. He received his education in the public schools Woman To Seek Commission Seat Sarah Leiden in a news conference Wednesday announced her candidacy for a seat on the Richmond County Commbssion. Mrs. Leiden is the wife of local attorney Terry Leiden. She is vying for the seat vacated by Norman Simowitz. Mrs. Leiden is the first woman to run for a seat on the county commission. P. O. Box 953 on the work force of 182, Sherrod said. Sherrod was fired by Sheriff William Anderson after a female prisoner escaped from the jail earlier this year. Sherrod said that the firing was racially discriminatory since a number of prisoners had escaped while white deputies were on duty and another escaped since he was fired, but no one was fired but him. He charged that many Jackie Wilson Hospitalized And Forgotten? Over the years Jackie Wilson has become a legend in the world of music. In addition to countless fans, he has the love and respect of his entertainment peers. Or so it would seem. But, lately there has been some question raised as to the reality of that fact. A little less than a year ago, while performing at the Latin Casino, Jackie Wilson suffered a serious stroke which has subsequently hospitalized him. Although his condition is improving, the battle for recovery is a slow, tedious and here and attended Paine College. He served two years in the Armed Forces and received an honorable discharge. In 1947 he graduated from the Atlanta College of Mortuary Science and earned his mortuary degree. He also served in the Pacific Area the American Graves Registration, in a Repatriation Program. Upon returning to the states, he was employed by a local funeral home for 21 years. In 1969 he ventured out into a successful partnership - Williams & Dotson Funeral Home. 'The partnership was later dissolved. Williams is an active member of the Florence Street Church of Christ and is the church secretary. He participates in civic and social affairs. He is a member of the Georgia Funeral Service Practioner’s Association, member of the National Funeral Directors Association, past chairman of the Eighth District Funeral Directors Association and presently serves as secretary. He is a member of the C.S.RA. Business League and past member of the board of directors; he is also a member of the NAACP and Bannaker Lodge 3. He is married to the former Mildred Dawkins from Atlanta, Ga. They are thb parents of three daughters, Renata Charmaine, Mrs. Mignon Davis and Lisa Pauline. AN OPEN FORUM FOR PEOPLE WHO CARE deputies hide behind bars and in their cars while they drink on duty. He vowed this would stop if he is elected. The main problem in the department is the lack of personnel. “You can’t just grab a man up and put a gun on him. You have to know how to treat people.” “You’re not to judge, beat or manhandle a man just because he is a prisoner.” Asked if he believes often painful one. Os course, the initial concern was shown by friends but it warned quickly and the calls soon stopped. However, the hospital bills had just begun. The days became weeks and then months. The Spinners and Bobby Womack are amongst a handful friends who have kept in contact and are proceeding with plans to raise much needed funds for Wilson’s mounting debts. There’s flother side of this story which is almost equally as important It is now an accepted medical fact that Newsome Announces Candidacy J. Lester Newsome, clerk of the Board of Commissioners, has announced his candidacy for the office of Clerk of Superior Court of Richmond County in the August 10 Democratic Primary. Newsome says he intends to work closely with the judiciary Rev. Hamilton Celebrates Twentieth Anniversary ’ * '■ .J9HIVHHr DR. C.S. HAMILTON Photo by Mike (See related photos page 2) by Tracy Williams ID In June, 1956, Rev. Charles S. Hamilton left Thomasville, Ga., to accept the pastorship of Tabernacle Baptist Church here in Augusta. Twenty years later, Rev. Hamilton, still active as ever, feels that he has not yet led his church as far as he had envisioned. He is only in the midst of an uncompleted task. “I would like to see a Christian church where people are alive spiritually.” said Dr. Hamilton, after Tabernacle had recognized his 20th anniversary Sunday. “I would like to see people involved in church work as far as mission, education, outreach, and community participation are concerned.” The 49-year-old graduate of Morehouse College most recently prepared himself to captain the campaign for more Augusta, Georgia Richmond County is ready ror a Black sheriff, Sherrod said he doesn’t believe the voters want Black or white. “They want someone qualified who will be a sheriff and have efficient administrative abilities. Sherrod has been with the Richmond County Sheriff s Department for 13 years. He has served in the U.S. Army for 30 years and has received medals or commendations from Presidents Johnson, patients who have strong positive support on a continuous basis from family and friends, show a much speedier recovery. The Spinners recently visited with Jackie in New Jersey where he has been hospitalized since he was stricken at the Latin Casino. Afterward, Buddy Allen, the Spinner’s manager, stated, “Jackie has contributed so much to the advancement and well-being of all entertainers. It sure would be nice if his fans and friends would rally to his psychological aid by sending cards or letters to the Cherry in an effort to “espedite the business of the courts, especially in the area of cases on appeal. It is also my plan to create a spirit of harmony, not only within the office, but between this office and other offices of the courthouse and the public in general”, he added. active church involvement by earning his doctor of ministry degree last year at the Colgate Rochester Divinity School in Rochester, N.Y. He also holds a B.D. degree from Morehouse and a masters of sacred theology degree from Florida A&M. Dr. Hamilton lias previously held the post of dean of the Morehouse School of Religion from 1969 until this year, when he resigned the position to devote more time in Augusta. The first step in increasing church involvement, Dr. Hamilton points out, is to arouse church members, who are an extreme importance in the effectiveness of his leadership. “We need to get our members and our people to fullfill a more effective role, showing love and concern,” Dr. Kennedy, Eisenhower, Truman and Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill and the Queen of England. He earned the B.A. degree at West Virginia State College. He is a graduate of the law enforcement training program at Northwestern University, the University of Heidelburg, Heidelburg, Germany; Oxford University, England; and South Carolina State College. Hill Medical Center let him know that they are pulling for him. He needs to know that people still care about him and want to see him well again.” The Spinners who are presently touring the country with their new show are scheduled to host and perform an October 3 benefit show in conjunction with Charles Gerson at his Latin Casino in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, for Jackie. Other top entertainers will be joing the Spinners for the Jackie Wilson tribute. W - J A J. Lester Newsome Hamilton commented. “Church should be more than a one-day-a-week affair.” Over the past two decades in Augusta, Dr. Hamilton has participated extensively in civic affairs, and he claims that this is merely an extension of his religious duty, more so a “cry of people in need.” The religious responsibility of a minister today carries over naturally into the activities of the community. “The same people I preach to on Sunday are the same ones in need on Monday.” From 1966-1971, Dr. Hamilton served on the Augusta City Council and has been president of the Augusta Chapter of the NAACP. He also was president of the Georgia Human Relations Commission. Presently, he is president of the Advisory Committee to the Civil Service Commission on Civil Rights. Dr. Hamilton readily admits the vast influence that the Black Church has had on Black people, and he maintains that this influence is becoming even more important today. “Twenty years ago,” he reflected, “the Black Church was about all we had. Such groups like the NAACP were most effective with church support. Today there is a call for more intense involvement by the Black Church. It is the only real force in the community.” Therefore, the Black Church today serves its people best by taking part in the leadership over community affairs, Dr. Hamilton inferred. “We need to work closer with authorities;” Some specific examples of involvement would be crime fighting, strengthening of the family unit to avoid broken homes, and increasing emphasis on June 10, 1976 No. 10 15-Year-Old Charged With Murder A 51-year-old man was choked to death early Sunday morning by a 15-year-old youth. Sammie D. Cooper, 51, got into an argument with Mrs. Bandits Hit Bar For More Than $3,000 Cash Four bandits entered Hank’s Bar and Grill on Highway 88 and Church Street in Blythe, Ga., Friday night and left with over $3,000 in cash. Henry Etterle said a man pulled a .38 pistol on him and told the rest of the customers .t LfWf IE ■ I .PHr SSI I Dr. Christopher Edley Every Bit $ Helps UNCF By George Wright Dr. Christopher Edley, executive director of the United Negro College Fund (UNCF), was the keynote speaker at a luncheon that officially kicked-off the annual drive for funds in the Central Savannah River Area Monday. Speaking to a small gathering of businessmen, students, educators and UNCF volunteers, Dr. Edley set a local goal of $15,000 for this year. Pointing out that this amount may seem small. Dr. Edley explained that a school may become defunct if it can not find funds for just 20 per cent of its budget. Last year’s goal in Augusta was SIO,OOO. The national goal for this year is sls million. UNCF funds go to 41 Black private colleges. “I still get frustrated explaining what Black schools are all about,” Dr. Edley said. A Black college is one that is historically and predominantly Black, he explained. The difference between a public and private school is the spiritualistic awareness of tire students. “Last June 65 per cent of the Blacks graduating from college came from Black schools,” Dr. Edley said, even though the majority of Black students attended predominantly white colleges. Dr. Julius S. Scott Jr., president of Paine College, pointed out that the majority of the distinguished guests attending the banquet graduated from UNCF schools. “Education is that great education. Presently, he and Tabernacle are engaged with a massive renovation program to preserve the 50-year-old building. The Tabernacle sanctuary has been widely familiar as a cradle for civil rights movements, and Dr. Hamilton hopes to keep it so. He is married to the former Miss Lillie Mitchell and is the father of Ronald, 21, Gale, 16, and Rachel, 4. Twenty years of service in the Augusta area to Dr. Hamilton simply means that there are 20 more to go. Mary Lou Griffin in her home at 1035 Brayton St. Cooper allegedly got a butcher knife and started after the woman when her 15-year-old son intervened. The youth choked at the bar to get down on the floor. The man struck Etterle and shot him across the back when the bartender tried to get his own gun. Three other bandits came in and ordered everybody to get EDITORIAL Officials Disrespect Law? We are appalled that Police Chief James G. Beck is being allowed to run for sheriff in light of a city ordinance specifically forbidding such a candidacy. The Augusta Police Department Policies and Procedures Manual states: A. No employe of the Augusta Police Department shall seek nomination, election, or appointment to any elective office or as an officer of a political party, club or organization. No such employe may take an active part in, or solicit contributions or donations for, or distribute badges, pamphlets, or handbills of any kind favoring or opposing any candidate for nomination or election to elective office; nor use any departmental supplies or equipment for such purposes. However, nothing in this provision shall be construed to prevent any employe from becoming or continuing to be a member of a political party, or from attendance at any public political meeting not interfering with job performance, or from enjoying entire freedom from interference in expressing his or her opinion as a private citizen or casting his or her vote. B. No employe of the Augusta Police Department shall command or solicit direct or indirect participation of another departmental employe in any political activity or enforce contributions for any political party, organization, or candidate. C. Any employe who engages in such activity is subject to disciplinary action including dismissal subject to application of Provision IX. Employe Relations Rules for Conduct and Provision XL Grievance Procedure. The regulation is very clear. And we feel that violation of the law by those entrusted with interpreting and enforcing, only serves to further erode respect for the law. How can we expect citizens to obey and respect the law when officials throw the law away whenever they get ready? We would hope that our position on this matter will in no way be interpreted as support or as opposition to any candidate. Our concern here is that we do not allow ourselves to encourage lawlessness by allowing our government officials to lead in breaking the law. equalizer,” Dr. Edley said, “it is important because it is the one thing we have that is accessible. If a Black can obtain a college education that is his passport to the middle class,” he added. Dr. Edley referred to the Bicentennial noting that Blacks celebrated the second 100 years not only because of emancipation but also because it was when Black schools were founded. “We have educated a race of people”, Dr. Edley said. But at Dr. Bond A.C. Commencement Speaker Dr. James George Bond, president of California State University at Sacramento, has been named Commencement speaker for Augusta College’s June graduation 3 p.m. Sunday, June 13. More than 360 candidates have filed for graduation and will receive their degrees during ceremonies scheduled for Bell Auditorium. Associate, z ft! vt i o, 1776 Cooper until he passed out. The youth and his mother then called the police who found Cooper lying face-down with the butcher knife in liis hand. The youth was charged with murder. face-down on the floor or be killed. They went through the customer's pockets and took a total of $3,372 in cash. They also took watches, wallets and credit cards. One of the four men had a pistol-grip double-barrel sawed off shotgun. the same time, he stressed the distance Blacks still had to go. “Only 8 per cent of Blacks above the age of 25 are college educated,” he said, “compared to 23 per cent for whites. Last year we turned away 18,000 students because of lack of money.” Ending the luncheon on a high note,’ Mayor Lewis A. Newman officially proclaimed June UNCF month. The UNCF drive will last from June 7 to July 15. baccalaureate, and master’s degrees are to be conferred. Dr. Bond received the B.A. degree in Psychology from Baldwin Wallace College, the M.A. degree in Psychology from Bowling Green State University and the Ph.D. degree in Psychology in Psychology from New York University. 25C