The Augusta news-review. (Augusta, Ga.) 1972-1985, August 26, 1976, Image 1

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ON THE INSIDE 70-Year-Old Woman Charged With Attempted Murder Brown Derby Bar Patron Beaten,Robbed Vol. 6 ■ ■ WTW v ►l Wl wHHp w T , r ~ • 'W • *■ - s ! % * 1 ' I 1 - ' ’ : BHHBHHHHMNHHHHBHHHHMNMi 11 11 Ml *■ &< &/ - S.C.,Georgia Democrats Hold Bicentennial Rally The Democrats of South Carolina and Georgia held a Bicentennial Rally on Thursday, August 19. Seated are (L to R): T. Allen Childs Jr., chairman of the Richmond County Democratic Committee; Zell Miller, Lieutenant Governor of Georgia; Edward Mclntyre, Chairman of the Richmond County Commission; and Bryan Dorn, former S.C. Congressman. Though Democratic Presidential Nominee Jimmy Carter was not able to attend he sent a telegram recalling his May visit and sending his best wishes. Mclntyre, who introduced Sen. Herman E. Talmadee, praised the Democratic Party as being the greatest party and gives everyone a chance to participate/(Related photos on page 3.) Mays Mortuary Sued For $25,000 Councilwoman Carrie J. Mays and Willie Mays HI. owners of W.H. Mays Mortuary, 1221 9th St., were 3 Richmond County May Be Connected Richmond County Sheriff William A. Anderson said the deaths of three people 'last week may have been committed by the same people. The decease were: Willina Hail, 36, 2016 3rd Ave., also known as Willina Holden; Leroy Linwood, 1471 Roulette Lane and Jaes C. Gray, 54, Route 3, North Augusta. Willina Hall’s body was found Saturday, August 21 in the Savannah River. Her body was nude and an autopsy showed she died from a shotgun wound to the left shoulder. Gray’s body was found Monday, August 23 at the south end of the south runway of Bush Field Airport. According to police officials, his body was near a pickup truck registered in his name. Nunnery Seeks Re-election On The Board Os Education dp V $ Dr. Murry E. Nunnery Dr. Murry E. Nunnery announced Monday his intentions to run again for re-election to his seat on the Richmond County Board of Education. Dr. Nunnery is currently completing a 4-year term on See “NUNNERY” Page 6 P.O. Box 953 named defendants in a $25,000 damaged suit filed last Wednesday by Joseph Bryant who claims the funeral home gay was killed by a shotgun blast to the head. According to the state crime lab, the same size buckshot was found in Gray’s and Hall’s bodies. Aiken Native Assigned To Army Denistry Post An Aiken resident recently was assigned as a dentist to the Dwight David Eisenhower Army Medical Center. Captain Sherman R. Hickson, 674 Camellia Street, arrived from Fort Riley, Kan., Aug. 11, to work in Eisenhower’s Department of Dentistry. A 1967 graduate of Schofield High School, Capt Hickson rec ived his Bachelor of Science d gree from South Carolina State College in 1971, and his Doctor of Dental Science in 1975 from Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry in Nashville. Capt. Hickson entered the Army in July, 1975. Bom in Ridgeland, S.C., Capt Hickson, his wife, Eavon, and children, Sherman R. Jr., age 4, and three-month-old Latonya, presently reside with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.M. Hickson Jr., also of Aiken. Roger T. Bates Announces Candidacy For City Council Roger T. Bates has announced his candidacy for the Second Ward City Council seat which is currently being held by Mrs. Carrie Mays. He resides at 908 Perry Avenue Augusta, and is the father of two children, Olga and Bruce. A graduate of Allen University with a B.A. in the Social Science, Bates also attended the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Georgia Southern and Paine College. His experiences include teaching in the elementary and secondary school level, executive director of the 9th Street Y.M.C.A., director of the Augusta Agency of the Atlanta Daily World. At owes him mony. Also named in the suit was Traverlers Insurance Co. of Atlanta. Slayings Linwood’s body was found Friday, August 20 in the Savannah River. According to reports he was last seen Thursday night in an area nightclub with Ms. Hall. CAPTAIN SHERMAN R. HICKSON present, he is a member and trustee of Zion A.M.E. Church where he also serves as director of Christian Education for the Georgia Conference. He is also a member of the Georgia-Carolina Boy Scouts Council, Y.M.C.A. and the N.A.A.C.P. He is presently employed by the Atlanta Life Insurance Company and is on 1 eave for a special assignment with Opportunity Industrialization Center as an Income Tax I nstructor. Among the various awards he has received are: Teachers of the Year from Charles T. Walker Elementary School, Lincolin County Teacher of the Year and a Community Award for public services. MIC • o'- Paine College Library AN OPEN FORUM FOR PEOPLE WHO C»\l®:" Augusta, Georgia August >6,1976 No. 21 Bryant said that Mays Mortuary owed him an undetermined balance of 56,000 on a life insurance policy placed on his father. His father died in September 1973. The suit said the amount of the policy exceeded the cost of the funeral. Bryant said that the defendant has ignored his “letters, pleas and entreaties” to settle the matter out of court. The suit accused Travellers Insurance Co. of releasing funds belonging to the plantiff without making sure the funds would not be withheld from Bryant’s family. ~ ROGER T. BATES Bates said he intends to help make government work for all its people to, encourage the City Council of Augusta to make mroe jobs available for people who want and need work, and to do whatever is possible to make Augusta a better place to live in for all its citizens. Al Gfeen Is Ordained As A Minister * OAKLAND, Tenn. - The “Lone Ranger of Love,” soul singer Al Green, is a newly ordained minister who is mixing evangelism with his performances. “1 try to help others,” the owner of 24 gold and platinum record says. “If the Lord blesses you, you must try to help someone else. That’s why $ 1.2 Million Ruling Against NAACP Forces Rights Organization On Brink Os Disaster JACKSON, Miss - Lawyers for the NAACP said Tuesday a $1.2 million Mississippi court judgment against the organization was a “conscious strategy to pierce the jugular vein of Black independence and render us powerless”. General consel Nathaniel R. Jones of New York said the ruling by Hinds County Chancellor George Haynes was “laced with errors” and will be appealed to another court. Jones, noting the association currently lacked the money to challenge the ruling, announced a nationwide appeal for $2 million to fight the decision. He said it would take $1.5 million to file an appeal and tiie other $500,000 for legal fees and other expenses. He noted the NAACP Ministers Says Churchless Cuba Doing More For People Than Most Religious Countries By Rev. Charles E. Cobb, Executive Director Commission for Racial Justice United Church of Christ Editor’s Note: This is the Bth and final article in the series on the recent visit to Cuba by 18 leaders of the Black Press and other fields. HAVANA, Cuba - The greatest travesty of modem times has been the irrelevancy of the church in meeting human suffering and need. This was brought to mind during our recnt visit to Cuba where we observed the great concern for people in an irreligious country. Too often in religious countries, the church is aligned with political systems and powers that have oppressed people rather than aided them in living decent and fulfilling lives as God intended. Throughout the world this startling fact is evident and it was never more true than in the Republic of Cuba prior to the revolution. Poverty abounded in Cuba, the chasm between the “haves” and “have nots” was staggering and standing astride this chasm was the organized Church, receiving token resources from the powers that were and rendering token services to those in need. Ghostly and cadaverous cathedrals and churches still stand in Cuba, but are not yet caught up in the new religion of the State that proclaims by deed that the greatest manifestation of God in the lives of men is seen in what they do for and with each other for all. In this sense of the word, what the Cuban people are doing for and with each other for the benefit of all is far more religious than the organized Church has been able to do across many centuries. It is true, at lease in my judgment, that the Cuban government has erred in believing that by decree it can wipe out man’s innate capacity 1 got a license to practice the ministry.” Green, interviewed at his cattle ranch, said he was recently ordained and plans a nondenominational ministry. “I am going to be an evangelist,” he said. “Everybody can realize they are blessed.” The Memphis based singer already has had to borrow $262,000 from a New York bank to post an appeal bond in a libel and slander suit it lost against Mississippi Highway patrolman Robert Moody in Hinds County Circuit Court. When that appeal bond was posted April 7, Jones said the organization had been forced to “teeter on the brink of disaster • to appeal the case. The latest decision against the NAACP, issued Aug. 12 by Haynes, said the NAACP and others “illegally created a monopoly” for Black businesses in Port Gibson, Miss., by boycotting white businesses in 1966 and 1967. Haynes ordered the NAACP to pay $1,250,599 in compensation and punitive damages. i JL , I 4 1 wb ■ . ' / iii. W I ■ I * z y -fwh- m-- ® a i k tit < IM| oßffl L Z'.-W./We IBH ‘ a i 'I- 1 9 I MUSEUM OF CUBAN REVOLUTION, which brought a better day for the people and reduced the power of the church, is visited by part of the 18-member delegation tlrat spent two weeks in Cuba recently Left to right: Ms. Ida Strickland, executive director, Third World Fund; Frank Vales Cuban interpreter; Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett, president of the National Newspaper Publishers Associatioii and editor-pubhsher of the San Francisco Sun-Reporter; and NNPA Columnist Charles E. BeUe. and tendency to be religious and manifest that tendency through worship. The Party has erred in making ineligible for political participation those who give substance to this tendency and in this same sense the Christian community has erred in its exclusion of those of socialist-communist philosphy. I, for one, believe that what socialist-communist countries said his career “is religious oriented. I do not just perform, it’s away of life for me. 1 sing about the life 1 live.” Green said his agreement with God is responsible for his success. Among his “blessings” are a dozen cars, several homes, expensive jewelry and a thriving business. But Green saysi his material Jones told a news conference he “is confident” all loyal supporters of civil rights and civil liberties from across the country will join the campaign by making contributions to the NAACP in the “moment of deep peril”. “Our lawyers are now in the process of mapping plans to subject the decision to scrutiny of another court,” Jones said. “We are confident that an impartial court will share our view of the case and ultimately set it aside.” The Rev. Emmett Bums, Mississippi field secretary, announced an “emergency meeting” of all state branches See “NAACP” Page 5 do for people stands nearer to the heart of Christianity than does that which so-called Christian countries do. I remember from the Holy Scriptures these words: “Not everyone that sayeth unto me, Lord! Lord!, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he that doeth the will of my Father who is in Heaven.” In this sense, that little island in the Caribbean is a successes are meaningless. “Being a millionaire doesn’t mean anything. All of this money, jewelry, cars, housing - is nothing. You have got to be able to feel free to enjoy life. None of this stuff means anything unless you are happy." Carrying a Bible at all times, Green wears a cross and bracelet inscribed “Jesus Christ - 33 A.D.” In his Memphis office is a sculpture of Jesus on the cross, draped in green velvet “1 have had a mystical, magical, electrifying experience with God,” Green said. “You can get good things from the Heavenly Father. He’ll give you all that you want if you give Him what He wants.” Green, soft-spoken and slender at the age of 29. said his life combines rehearsals and performances, managing his business, spending time on his Memphis estates and contributing to charities. A non-drinker who infrequently smokes, he performs in benefits and recently donated SIO,OOO to the Jackie Wilson Rehabilitation Fund. Gospel sounds have been blended with his soul love songs in the 10 years since he made his first recording, “Back Up Train”. He said he has plans to release a new gospel album. Religion will figure heavily in his work he said, “because everything is tied to religion... unless you gave yourself life.” much more likely candidate for entrance than is its colossus neighbor of the North. Any country that has been exposed for any period of time to the United States of America is soon infected with the virus of racism. The hallmark of American slavery was its cruel, dehumanizing See “CUBA” Page 5 25<t