The Augusta news-review. (Augusta, Ga.) 1972-1985, February 11, 1984, Page Page 5, Image 5

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The Augusta News-Review February 11,1984 Transsexuality, abortion, women’s liberation by Bro. Richard Williams Then Adam had inter course with his wife, and she became pregnant. She bore a son and said, By the Lord’s help I have gotten a son (Genesis 4:1). From the beginning God Almighty chose to make the human race in the form of individuals of two different kin ds —male and female— ds —male and female—in order that they might meet, love, marry, and complete each other. When God viewed the creation of his hands, he said that it was good (Genesis 1:31). God has given regulations concerning sex gender: distinctive clothing for men and women (Deuteronomy 22:5);the subordination of the woman (I Corin thians 11:3-16); different functions of sexes (I Timothy 2:8-15); and love between male and female (Ephisians 5:22, 23). God talks about sexual perversion in the Biblw: adultery (Deuteronomy 22:22-29) and Matthew 19:9); prostitution (Deuteron omy 23:17); incest (Leviticus 18:6-18); homosexuality (Romans 1:26-27); and mankind with beasts Given, Greene to head UNCF campaign J.B. Given, vice president and general manager of the Insulating Products Division of the Babcock & Wilcox Com pany of Augusta, and Joseph D. Greene, senior vice president and chief agency office of the Pilgrim Health & Life In surance company, have accepted the positions of co-chairmen of the 1984 Paine College—United Negro' College Fund Campaign. As co-chairmen, Given and Greene will oversee the various aspects of the fundraising campaign, including the solicitation committees, special even ts and campaign publicity. The campaign coor dinator at Paine College is Dr. Lewis Greenstein, the College’s director of development. Paine College is one of 42 historically Black in stitutions nationwide supported by the United Negro College Fund. Paine receives nearly $200,000 each year in unrestricted funds from UNCF. Local con tributions during the an nual campaign are divided between Paine (three-fourths) and the UNCF national campaign one-fourth). UNCF funds are used for student scholarships, faculty salaries and other operating expenses. The 1984 Paine College—UNCF Cam paign will officially “kick-off in mid- March. This year’s goal is SIOO,OOO. League schedules meeting The Citizens Voter’s League will meet at 930 Parks Avenue in Augusta Feb. 9, at 6 p.m. The League will hold regular every second Thursday of .each month. The most aspirin you can buy for your arthritis pain. Most effective buffers for your stomach. — © 1983 Dorsey Laboratories. Division of Sandoz, Inc. (Deuteronomy 27:21). Why is transsexualism wrong? It involves despising the way that God made you. Some say that a woman is trapped in a man’s body. This is not a biological problem but it is a psychological problem. Dr. James H. Filfoil, a psychiatrist at a Pennsylvania hospital in Philadelphia which has performed twenty-seven sex-change operations, was asked the question, “Does the transsexual, while a man, engage in homosexual relationships with other men?” His an swer was, “These tran ssexuals are homosexual as we would define it legally, but they don’t think so. To them their interest in a man is heterosexual because they consider themselves women.” Homosexuality is condemned again and again in the Bible. Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with woman kind, it is abomination (Leviticus 18:22). For this cause God gave them up to vile af fections; for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And like also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men working that which is un- fOR *U OCCASIONS Blossom House International 1816 Wrightsboro Road 738-1439 “SA Y IT WITH FLOWERS’’ BONDED MEMBER OF THE FLORIST TELEGRAPH ASSOCIATION Bush’s Flower Shops 111 W. Pine Ave. 211 Tenth Street North Augusta, S.C. Augusta, Georgia Phone 279-7110 Phone 722-4826 Ml Augusta’s only all-day gospel radio station x Sonshine 16 WKZK Love You Can Listen To A BROADCAST SERVICE OF GOSPEL RADIO INC. Page 5 seemly, and receiving in themselves that recom pense of their error which was meet (Romans 1:26- 27). A homosexual psychic is necessary in order to become a transsexual. It i is wrong because of cross dressing. The transsexual will be advised before surgery for at least six months to two years, to dress like the opposite sex and act like the opposite sex. Effeminate persons are condemned in I Corinthians 6:9. If a per son is married, he has to divorce for an unscrip tural reason (Matthew 19:9). If a transsexual enters into a marriage, children cannot be born, thus destroying God’s concept of joining male and female together in marriage. There are various practical problems related to the subject under scrutiny that time will not allow me to explore, but the thrust of this message is the Biblical thrust. Abortion, Right or Wrong Abortion is a nasty problem, a source of social discord, moral un certainty, medical and psychiatric confusion, and personal anguish. About 10,000 therapeutic abortions are performed every year in the United States. It is estimated on top of that, about 200,000 to 1.2-million illegal abortions are per formed. Some have reduced the whole problem to the philosophical and theological question, “When does life begin?,” while many proponents of abortion demand to see the question only in terms of feminine and civil rights, giving women the full right to decide for themselves whether to terminate or complete a pregnancy. On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Vourt of the Uniyrf States ruled that the states could not forbid a woman to have an abor tion durng the first three months of pregnancy if her doctor approves the operation. What is abortion? It is the ending of a pregnancy Program planned The 125th anniversary of the Board of Trustees of Springfield Baptist Church will be observed Feb. 12, at 2:30p.m. The Rev. J.S. Wright, pastor of Macedonia Baptist Church, will deliver the anniversary EARN Finally, anyone can make beautiful PERSONALIZED AUTO TAGS Our “MR. TAG MAKER” kit includes tools and more supplies than you’ll need foryour first thirty tags -a $99.00 investment starts you in an exciting and profitable business of your own. • No skill needed -an ideal fund raiser • Sales are quick and easy at $12.00 per tag • Charge your kit on Visa or Mastercard CHROMA GRAPHICS • P. 0. BOX 9272 • KNOXVILLE, TN 37920 For more'details and a color brochure, fill in below, detach, and mail: enclose SI.OO for postage and handling. Name Street City - State Zip before the embryo or fetus can live outside the female body. An abor tion results in the death of the fetus and may be either spontaneous or in duced. In a spontaneous abortion it is called a miscarriage, resulting 30th anniversary to be celebrated The United House of Prayer For All People will celebrate the 30th Anniversary of their present edifice at 12 noon, Feb. 12. On Feb. 14, 1954, the late Bishop C.M. (Dad dy) Grace dedicated the 305th House of Prayer in Augusta which replaced the old barn-like struc ture that once was the church. On Jan. 12, 1960, message. He will be ac companied by his congregation. Special music will be presented by the M.M. Ashley Chorus. Oscar Harper Sr. is chairman. The Rev. E.T. Martin Jr. is pastor. from natural causes. In an induced abortion, the fetus ii removed from the uterus by ar tificial—-usually medical—means. I shall be dealing with induced abortion. continued next week I J ’’U- Sweet pdddy Grace died. The leadership- of the House :o| PraJyer was put into the' hands of the present ! leaden, the Honorable Bishop W. McColJopgh. The public is cordially to participate. An old-fa ihioned anniver sary dinner will be served and a tour of the church will be conducted. Top Ladies to meet The} Augusta Chapter of ToA Ladies of Distin ction, line. will host the annual meeting for the Area IV Feb. 17-18 at the Augusta Hilton. The area includes chap ters from Georgia, Florida, North Carolina and 1 mnessee. A lun cheon haf'E open to the public wili J t)e held at the Augus a Hilton Feb. 18, at 1 p.m. Dr. Judy L. Carter, associate professor /teacher training director, Univer sity of South Carolina- Aiken Campus, will be the speaker. Tickets may be ob tained by calling 724- 1046. Lady Ann Thornton is president of the Augusta Chapter and Lady Lurene Johnson is chairperson of the planning committee for the area meeting. Attend the church tfyour choice. BEULAH GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH 1428 Poplar Street Chyrch Phone 724-1086 Sunday 9:3oa;in. Sunday School 11 a.mi Morning Worship 6 p.m. B.T.U. 7:30p.m. Evening Service Each 3rd Sunday Holy Communion Monday 5 p.m. Jr. Missionary Socty. Tuesday 5 p.m. Jr. Missionary Socty. Wednesday 7:30p.m. Prayer Service iff tun Saturday ll».p>. “An Hour With God” .ntT , , CRAWFORD BAPTIST CHURCH 955 Florence Street Rev. Charles Moore Sr., Pastor Church Phone 724-2009 Sunday 9:45 a.m. Sunday School Dea. Cordy Hobbs In Charge 11:20a.m. Morning Worship Monday 7 p.m. iiiW Club No. 1 7:30 p.m. u• y ; -Club No. 2 Wednesday 4 p.m. '' Senior Mission 7jp.rfc. Prayer Meeting Thursday 5 pjn. art; Youth Choir y 6 y <, p ; Senior Choir MJ Benefield, In Charge >i n 0 Friday '/? Ors) bl0Of,? io *> ■GOOD SHEPHERD . jn BAPTIST CHURCH , Rey. Essie Mclntyre, Pastor ' Dpt.AFrazier, Hon. Supt. * Church Phone 733-0341 1905 Sunset Avenue Sunday 9:4Ja,m. Sunday School 1 L Morning W orship B.T.U. 6 p.m Evening Worship ™ Wednesday 7 p.w/' Bible Study <bu<. Wit-LIAMS MEMORIAL CHRISTIAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1630 15th Street Rev. Gene R. Dean, Pastor Church Phone 733-9430 Home Phone 724-3682 Floor Covering By (Armstrong 1 BEST QUALITY- Carpets, tilt, vinyl I -BEST SERVICE- asphalt linole«>«n 1 Floor Covering Contractor* I R. Av DENT «4-2JM2 1120 Pine St. —Your church — Mrt. Geneva Y. Gibeon, Church Coordinator Cbarrb Reporters: Mies Theodosia Edwards, Mr. Joseph E. Johnson, Mr. George Turner, Mrs. Bennie Mae WlHians. XJUUiXJIJI Hint lIHI-lIM-ll lIIJB IJUIJUIILIIJIirrirWITTTgJ 1454 Florence Street I SUNDAY SCHEDULE |W Sunday School. .9:45 a.m. Morning Worship... 11 " Ajg Training Uni0n...5:15 p.m xS* TUESDAY Prayer Service.. .7:30 a.m. ■ and defat/ u> m • Church 724-2809 " 1 Resident 738-1365 Rev. R.E. Donaldson n r Church of Christ 1002 D’Antignae Street K| > SUNDAY SCHEDULE S Bible Study 9:45 am. } S Worship 11:00 a.m. Fvening Worship 6:30 p.m. J&aß Is.t-T g MONDAY Weihren L’ship Class FRIDAY grayer Service 7 p.m. Song Practice 7 p.m. \ 722-0059 Office Bro. Richard William! Minister MACEDONIA BAPTIST CHURCH 72 Laney-Walker Blvd. Rev. J.S. Wright, Pastor Church Phone 722-1389 Sunday 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship 6 p.m. Baptist Training Union Evening Worship I Tuesday , 7 p.m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday 5 p.m. Junior Mission MT. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 1252 Wrightsboro Road : Rev. Clyde Hill Sr., Pastor Church Phone 722-0925 Home Phone 722-8242 Sunday 8 a.m. Morning Worship 8 a.m. Early Morning Worship 9:45 a.m. Church School 11 a.m. Morning Worship 5:30 p.m. Church in Training Tuesday 7 p.m. Bible Class Thursday 7 p.m. Prayer Service Friday 7 p.m. Church School Teachers Meeting OLD STORM BRANCH BAPTIST CHURCH Old Storm Branch Road Rev. Nathaniel Irvin Sr., Pastor Church Phone 593-2885 Home Phone 279-4128 Child Development Center 593-3274 Sunday 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship Nursery Provided Tuesday Bible Study for Men | Wednesday > 5:30 p.m. Prayer Service Thursday > Bible Study for Women Saturday f 12 noon Bible Study for all Sunday 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Evening Worship Mon. Thru Fri. 6:45 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Day Care Center service for chfldren age 1-5 SECOND MT. MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH 1404 Brown Street Rev. F.D. Shaw, Pastor Church Phone 724-5297 Home Phone 724-6117 Ms. Mary Mathis Church Clerk Home Phone 724-4058 Dea. Russell Beard Chairman of Dea. Board Home Phone 722-9932 Sunday 10 a.m. Sunday School 11:15 a.m. Morning Worship Tuesday 7 p.m. Sr. Choir Rehearsal Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Gospel Choir Reh’sl Senior Choir in charge of song service 2nd and 4th Sundays. Gospel Choir in charge of song service Ist and 3rd Sundays. Senior Mission meeting Ist and 3rd Tuesdays at 5 p.m. Senior Usher Board meeting Ist Wednesday of each month. Junior Usher Board Meeting Ist and 3rd Sundays. ST. MARK UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1111 Florence Street Augusta, Georgia Dr. Roland Haynes, Pastor Sunday 10 a.m. Sunday School 11a.m. Worship Service Saturday 2 p.m. Choir Rehearsal Family Night - Ist Friday each Month Administrative Bldg. Mtg. - Ist Monday THANKFUL BAPTIST CHURCH 304 Walker Street Rev. N.T. Young, Pastor Church Phone 724-2187 Home Phone 722-8955 Sunday 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Sunday Worship Tuesday 7 p.m. Prayer Meeting Tharsday 7:30 p.m. Senior Choir Saturday 6 p.m. Gospel Choir Reh’sl Wednesday 5:30 p.m. Mid-week Worsmp 7:30 p.m. Gospel Ch. Reh’sl Thursday 7:30 p.m. Senior Ch. Reh’sl Saturday t 2 p.m. Leola Key Ch. Reh’sl 3 p.m. Voices Ch. Reh’sl