The news-review. (Augusta, Ga.) 1971-1972, July 29, 1971, Page Page 2, Image 2

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News-Review July 29, 1971 THE NEWS-REVIEW PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY 930 Gwinnett Street - Augusta, Georgia Mallory K. Millender Editor and Publisher Mailing Address: Box 953 Augusta, Ga. Phone 722-4555 Application to mail at Second Class postage rates is pending at Augusta, Ga. 30901 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Payable in Advance One Year in Richmond County $2.50 tax incl. One Year elsewhere $3.00 tax incl. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Classified Advertising Deadline 12 noon On Tuesday Display Advertising Deadline 12 noon On Tuesday Office Hours -10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mon. thru. Fri. URBAN LEAGUE REPORT As a community service the News-Review will print the entire text of the report and recommendations of the National Urban League concerning the causes of the events of May 11,1970. It should be made perfectly clear that the text of this report has not been edited or otherwise altered in anyway. Since the report is too lengthy to be printed in one issue, we will print it in a weekly series. We urge you to read it and carefully consider the information found therein so that we may begin to work seriously toward meaningful progress in race relations and human dignity. RACE RELATIONS Summary While almost all of the agencies in the field of health and welfare and the various religious groups are supposed to be interested in better human relations, few have openly committed themselves to a program for improvement of race relations. The only agency devoting its major emphasis to human relations is the local branch of the N.A.A.C.P. Since all its staff workers are volunteers, and its local support is limited, the effectiveness of the organization is seriously affected. Expressions made by a broad cross-section of persons interviewed during the course of this audit indicate that police-black community relationships present dangers. Employment discrimination, the seriousness of the housing problem and limited recreational opportunities are all social factors which breed hopelessness and despair in the black community. Recommendations 1. the various public, voluntary, civic and social organizations develop neighborhood-based action action-oriented programs to deal with the problems enumerated in this audit and that each agency accept as its specific responsibility the carrying out of those recommendationswhich have implications for their program. 2. That the findings and recommendations of this audit be given as wide circulation as possible, thus enabling individuals and groups to have a basis for affirmative action in dealing with the problems which adversely affect good race relations. 3. That the local press, television, and radio stations be urged to use their resources to publicize more educational and cultural programs that provide a deeper understanding of black-white relations. 4. That the various service clubs, churches -- black and white - and other organized groups invite speakers to present subjects that will increase their knowledge of problems of racial inequities, and that they be encouraged to accept as their responsibility, greater involvement in programs designed to eradicate inequities which are based on race. 5. That the various organizations in the black community impress upon youth and adults that along with the opportunities they seek there are responsibilities they must assume. DEFINITIONS OF JOB CATEGORIES Official and Managers Administrative personnel who establish and/or administer broad policies and direct individual departments or special phases of a government’s operations. Includes: officials, middle managements, department managers, and kindred workers. 2. t Professional and Technical Specialized personnel with either advanced post-high school education or equivalent experience. Professional. Includes: accountants and auditors, social workers, editors, engineers, lawyers, librarians, statisticians natural and physical scientists, personnel and labor relations workers, physicians, social scientists, computer programmers, etc. Technical. Includes: draftmen, engineering aides, junior engineers, mathematical aides, nurses, photographers, radio operators, scientific assistants, surveyors, technicians (medical, electronic, physical sciences), and kindred workers. 3. Office and Clerical All clerical type employees regardless of level of difficulty in which the activities are predominantly nonmanual. Includes: bookkeepers, cashiers, collectors (bills and accounts), messengers and office boys, office machine operators, shipping and receiving clerks, stenographers, typists and secretaries, key punch operators, computer operators, telephone operators, salesmen and kindred workers. 4. Craftsmen and Operatives Craftsmen. Manual workers of relatively high skill level having a comprehensive knowledge of the processes involved in their work and who exercise considerable independent judgment and usually receive an extensive period of training. Includes: foremen who are not members of management, mechanics and repairmen, skilled machining occupations, electricians, stationary engineers, and kindred workers. Operatives. Workers who operate machine or processing equipment of perform other mechanical type duties of intermediate skill level which can be mastered in a few weeks and require only limited training. Inlcudes: apprentices, operatives, deliverymen, furnacemen, motormen, drivers, and kindred workers. 5.. Laborers Workers in manual occupations which generally require no special training. Includes: garbage laborers, car washers and greasers, garbage and trash collectors, groundskeepers, construction laborers, street and highway maintenance laborers, and kindred workers. Page 2 Walking | WITH iSiF DIGNITY Al IRBY | (MOST MEN ARE FORCED TO WORK FOR THEIR DAILY BREAD, BUT MAN DOES NOT LIVE BY BREAD ALONE) Was Saint Paul morally wrong when he gave that momentous edict to a first century Church that those that would not work would be denied the right to eat. There is a sociological controversy raging about regimentation of industrial workers. There is much concern among top businesses in Europe and America relative to modern-day work and its effect upon workers. Congress is pondering hearings on this vital subject. This interest is beamed not to the instability of welfare recipients but to bona fide union workers, including white collar type. Adam Smith a noted labor expert made the following observation regarding the depression of workers long ago: “The division of labor leaves the workers with no occasion to exert his understanding or to exercise his invention, so he loses the habit of exertion and generally becomes stupid and more ignorant as it is possible for a human being to become.” Today a growing number of Americans on the production lines despise their work, as Mr. Smith contended. Absenteeism, job turnover, shoddy workmanship, alcholism, and even sabotage are proof of the discontentment of a large segment of America’s work force. Some employers are still clinging to the use of the Germanic tactics of slave driving. A few progressive companies are making a genuine attempt to make their workers a part of the human race. Here are some of the efforts that some employers are making; They are sending employees to school - often with unselfish motives of making its employee a better person. A few are letting employees change jobs within the Company and are giving days off just to get their minds on new interest, to return afreshed. Black workers particularly are complaining because their jobs are mostly dead-ends, without much chance for advancement. Frank Wallich, an official of the United Auto Workers said that Ford Foundation, and the W.E. Upjohn Institute Os Employment Research sponsored a conference recently that concluded that the principal cause of employee discontent is what workers consider the inhumaness of their jobs. In the Wall Street Journal survey scores of workers gave this condemnation in general of what were wrong with their job: “If you give all your working hours to a company, they own you.” Dr. Frederick Herzberg, a professor of Industrial Psychology at Western Reserve University,is the father of the new Industrial Job Enrichment. His new book-“ Work and the Nature Os Man”, is generating much in industrial circles especially amongenlightened companies. Dr. Herzberg’s book reminds us that man works not for bread alone. Man’s hunger is mental, and spiritual too. But both union and management have utterly failed to recognize adequately man’s true nature. The good Doctor implies that the animal side of man’s nature can never be fully satisfied; high pay and shorter hours only whet the workers appetite. No matter how much a man is paid, he will be unhappy; if he is not allowed to bring his talents and intiative to bear upon his job, to grow psychologically to prove his manly potency. Modern companies of the near future will have their industrial-relation divided into two sections; one to deal with the workers material needs, and one specializing in aid to the human and spiritual needs. It’s asking too much from an employee when a company wants him to give up his personal objectives to job satisfaction and accept the corporate total purpose and technique. The Protestant Ethic about work is antiquated and should be discarded. The, intrinsic value of work is a concept of recent vintage. Socrates viewed work as an expedient; Aristotle considered it a means to the end of leisure; and the Bible’s authors saw it as a curse or penance. Not until the Sixth Century did the 9-to-sism over-power our psyche. Because of America’s slave-labor, and semi-slave labor since so-called emancipation, this country has industrialized by trying to stop the organizing of labor by brute force, thus the over-emphasis upon work. When and where will this work ethic cease, and we will come up with new systems and institutions in which leisure not work will be the desirable and socially acceptable goal of mankind. The exploding population and technology will result in some other ethic than the so-called sanctity of work. Jesus, and not Saint Paul, will have the last word - “Man does not live by bread alone.” ' ' !* 6. Service Workers Workers in both protective and nonprotective service occupations. Includes: attendants (hospital and other institutions, recreation, and personal service), janitors, charwomen and ’cleaners, cooks, elevator operators, porters, guards, watchmen, and kindred workers. 7. Uniformed Police Personnel 8. Uniformed Fire Personnel INTERVIEWS AND CONFERENCES Abrams, Grady, Committee of Ten; Adams, John, Economic Equal Opportunity Commission Officer, Ft. Gordon, Georgia; Agee, Sam 8., Area Coordinator, Renewal Assistance Office, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Atlanta, Georgia; Anderson, John C., Jr., Planning Commission and Council; Andrews, Charles, General Manager, WTUG; Armstrong, Mrs. Margaret C., Chairman. Tenant Council, Augusta Housing Authority; Ashmore, Jr., W.T., Fine Products Company, Inc.; Barreas, Charles, Director, CAP, Richmond County Economic Opportunity, Central River Area; Beckum, Millard, Mayor, Augusta, Georgia; Bellman, Charles H., Executive Director, No. Augusta United Fund; Berry, Mrs., Executive Director, United Cerebral Day Care Center; Bowden, Jack, Assistant Director, Georgia-Carolina Council, Boy Scouts of America; Bowles, Richard M., Hospital Administration; Blanchard, C. Gordon, Director, Youth Development Center; Brown, Allen N., College Physician, Paine College; Burton, Elias, Director, Economic Development No. 1; Busch, AAron, Director, Economic Development No. 2; Busch, George, President, Political Club for Better Government; Bush, Mr. Lula, Community Organizer, Community Action; Cannon, Frederick, Community Developer, Augusta C. & S. Bank; URBAN LEAGUE FINAL PART NEXT WEEK ajf;kljskflsf Letter to the Editor News Review Augusta, Georgia. Dear Sir: It was quite evident that Miss Ceclia Butler has a strong “hang-up” con- cerning the “color-bag”. Apparently sire was motivated by her emotions which conveyed a great deal of confusion and bias rather than a rational approach based on facts and the praticality of the situation at hand. Perhaps, as she stated, it (her views) was due to her “youth” and to her very “innocent mind”, because she expressed her feelings or what she felt rather than what she knew to be factual information. As a result of Miss Butler’s lack of knowledge concerning certain data, I have outlined the following data to enlightened her: 1 There are @ 13,000 black voters in Richmond County who are registered voters as opposed to @ 47,000 whites, there; anyone with the most minute intelligence could see that the black did not have a chance to win or even become victorious in a run-off even if the white vote had been split 4 ways as opposed to the 2-way split of the black vote. 2 Voting for a man based on “choice of colors” and not on that man’s intent, character and platform contributes only to racism which, when defined by Webster’s seventh New Collegiate Dictionary means, “A belief that race is the primary determinant of human trails and capacities”. Black racism is just as evil as white racism. Do you still wonder if we, as black people, are not retrogressing instead of progressing when a man takes a stand, speaks out, and votes his conviction without being color blind or being caught up in the “color-bag”. (3) If you observed the outlined returns by wards of the results of the Sheriffs Race, you certainly would have noticed how the people (especially Blacks) refused to go to the polls to exercise their right to vote - that’s “Black Power”, “White Power” and ■ WMIF AUGUSTA’S PIONEER | I Ww ALL BIACK programmed! I™ "* RADIO STATION I SSOiBEW THERE’S LOTS OE TAI ,K GUI NG AROUND ABOUT COOKIES SiW||||K WITH BLACK 01 TSIDES \XD WHITE INSIDES...AND RADIO STATIONS DOING GREAT THINGS EOR YOU... Ml LET US GIVE YOU A LEW FACTS...WTHB RADIO HAS |Sh TAKEN MONEY OCT OE THE WHITE BUSINESSES AND f-' THROUGH ITS BLACK PERSONEL RETURNED OVER §250,000.00 INTO THE BLACK COMMUNITY. WIITB THROUGH IT’S HAPPY CLUB AND BUCK BUCKET (;ONTESTS HAS DISTRIBUTED MORE THAN $4,000.00 THROUGHOUT THE BLACK COMMUNITY. WTHB HAS JUST CARRIED A BUS LOAD OF YOUR CHILDREN TO ATLANTA - - ■ FOR a "BRAVES” BASEBALL GAME. WTHB RADIO HAS ;U| Ma ACT! ALIA DONE THESE THINGS. WE DON’T TRY TO FOOL KB KRJ VOU. WHAT HAS ANY OTHER RADIO STATION DONE FOR VOL EXCEPT TALK? NOW II YOl ADD IT ALL UP...YOU \MLL SEE THAT IT COMES TO LOTS OF DOLLARS AND NO ■ NON-SENSE. listen to Bi bishop s. mcdowell shelton... Monday thru Friday 9 - 9:30 am T' IH™ REV - LEE WALLACE ■■■ MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9:30 AM - 12 NOON GOSPAL ALL DAY SATURDAY WITH CARL BURROUGHS FROM SIGN ON to 12 NOON RESTORATION TRUTH REVIVAL PROGRAM SATURDAY 9:30 - 9:45 HOWARD WADE 12 NOON- 4 PM ffllfflfll WAYMAN WHITE... 4PM - SIGN OFF BKraMrfiMy GOSPEL ALL DAY SUNDAY WITH.... WAYMAN WHITE ... BATTLE OF QUARTETTES 7:15 AM -9 AM RESTORATION TRUTH REVIVAL PROGRAM 7- 7:15 AM bishop s Mcdowell shelton program 9 - 10 am gVgfIgXISESP TABERNACLE BAPTIST CHURCH SERVICES 11 AM -12 NOON WAYMAN WHITE ...12 NOON - 2:30 PM ... HOWARD WADE ... 2:30 - SIGN OFF I MONDAY THRU FRIDAY - LISTEN TO ALL THESE FAVORITES PLAYING ALL THE HITS .... ■ >’l ALLYN LEE - SUNNY SOUL - MISS SOUL - HOWARD WADE | THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE-2-3 PM MONDAY-FRIDAY [ “People Power” - there was such a’strong air of apathy. I truly hope that the old saying “We’ve been down so long, ain’t thinking about getting up” does not find a dwelling place in our “souls”. (4) It was stated in your article that it has been rumored (not proven) that Rev. Sims is being given “under the table” money. I am wondering if you really know what a rumor really is since you stated that, not all rumors are true. Have you tried to obtain any substantial facts as to: (1) - (Who put up the money and paid the qualifying fees for the black candidates) (2) Why - (The real reason why they entered the race) (3) How - (How the money was paid and how much was spent is campaigning fees.) For a person of your HI wish to thank all the voters of Richmond County for their support and trust in me. BILL ANDERSON intelligence you are quite limited in terms of obtaining data through research. (5) You stated that if the blacks were to overcome, they had to overcome by themselves. “No man is an island, no man stands alone ” How in the hell can black people overcome by themselves? Sticking together for the sake of sticking together is futile and without substance. Should a black teacher, who works in a predominately white school (and vice versa) exert her energies, or exercise her intellect, or challenge her students any less because her students are white? If you think so, you are out of step with the times, because color as well as love and hate have no foundries. It is not enough to be “black” or “white” in this day and time especially if you are economically deprived. It is not the color that makes the man. A man is measured by his character, purpose convictions, intent, beliefs ideas and ideals and most o all, how he puts them to work (6) If you still believe tha: you or all the blacks are beinj laughed at because Rev. Sims and some other blacks, spor.e out and voted their convictions based on the facts, then you need to be laughed at, Perhaps maybe through this experience, you can be shamed, shocked or guided back to reality. (7.) You stated that we-were in desperate need of leaders like Malcolm X, Stokley Carmichael, or Kwame Nkrumah. Where are they now? Why are they where they are? Who supported them financially and why? Did their beliefs benefit all the people, especially poor people? Why is Mr. Carmichael residing in Africa? What liappened to the true See Letters To The Editor Page 3