The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, January 04, 1900, Image 3

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. Suffered Twenty-five Years' Ml suffered for twenty-five years from fteart trouble* and tried endless reme dies without relief. I steadily grew worse and became unable to lie dnwn; my heart would palpitate and flutter, and at timre i& «y>mrA as though I could not get i though I could not get my breath* I used three bottles of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure* and thank God I am enjoying Mr*. E!la.8chindhelm ( Mt. Vernon, la;W DR. MILES* Heart Cure is sold by all.druggists on guarantee first bottle benefits or money back. Book on heart and nerves sent free. Dr. Miles Medical Company, Elkhart, !nd, BUSINESS CARDS. W. C- BUNN, ||§||f|eY - afe - Llaw, • (Office, 1st Nat. Bank Bldg.) CEDARTOWN, ~ GEORGIA. J. II. SANDERS. J. K. DAVIS SANDERS & DAVIS, Attorneys at Law, Office in Chamberlain Building, CEDARTOWN. GA. W. R spyRRBR f ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. CEDARTOWN QA. W ILL practice in all the Courts o! Polk, Paulding, i?loyd and Haral son Counties, and in all the courts ol (Georgia, State, Federal and Surname. Also, in Alabama courts by special THE CEDARTOWN STANDARD TIOBUT, J1ID.1T 4, 1110. W. K. FIELDER. W. W. MUNDY. FIELDER & MUNDY. ATTORNEYS • AT . LAW, Czdaetown, Georgia. Prompt attention given to all business. Collections a specialty. Office up-stairs In Stubbs Building. IZj ‘ Wrn. JANES, Attorney - at - Law’. First National.Bank .Building. CEDARTOWN,. - - GEORGIA r J. C. TALKER, Attorney at Law. Over First National Bank Building, CEDARTOWN, - GEORGIA. Cot. -Actions a Specialty. H. M. NICHOLES, LAWYER. Commissioner to Take Testimony. Office in Judge’s room at Conrt House.. CEDARTOWN, GA. J. A. WRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW Cedabtown, Ga. Office with J. A. Blance, in Chamber lain Building. J. H. ANDERSON, Attorney at I.civy Office with Ordinary at Court House, CED4RTOWN, GA. Will practice in State and Federal Courts. At- The city public schools re-open Monday. Col. J. A. Noyes, of Atlanta, was here Tuesday^ Mr. Wm. Parker spent the first of the week in Atlanta. The 50 cent Queen Olives at Pitts & Bunn’s are extra fine. Rev. T. R McCarty spent Friday and Saturday, in Atlanta. Mr. Will Barr has been spending th<; past week in Atlanta. Mr. J. M. Pitts spent a couple of days last week in Atlanta. Miss Portia Louise Bunn was in Rome the first of the week. Misses Gertie Knight and Mar garet Harris are in Rome today Second hand Iron Safe for sale ch.eap. Apply to L. S. Ledbetter. Mr. Paul Baugh returned yester day from a visit at Ashville, N. C. We would call special attention to that Baker’s Cocoa at Pitts & Bunn’s’ Miss Luekie Davis returned yester day from a visit to Atlanta rela’ives The first “white cream” cheese ever brought to Cedartown, at Pitt & Bunn’s. Every pupil should be on hand promptly at the opening of school next Monday. Lost—My personal ledger. Will pay reward for its recovery. W. J. Haris Mr. W. F. Frteman is preparing to open a new store near the,E. & W passenger station. Mr. Hugh Ford, of Cartersville, was the guest last week of his uncle, Mr. J. R. Barber. A union love feast will, be held at the Methodist church at 3 o’clock Sunday afternoon. Miss Kate Russell returned Mon day from a visit to her sister, Mrs. Cowan, at Ashburn. Mrs. Herman VanDevander ri turned Monday from a short visit t Cartersville relatives. Dr. John W. Good returned Sain - day to Nashville after a Christ m is visit with home folks. Mr. W. J. Richardson has moved into town, and is again the popular clerk at Hall & Barr’s. Go to Pitts & Bunn’s for those do licious “silver crown” peaches, pears, cherries and apricots. Mr. Frank M. Ledbetter,of Green ville, was the guest Tuesday of his brother, Dr. L. S. Ledbetter.. Mis, M. T. Borden left this morn ing for a visit of- several weeks among relatives at Oxford, Fla. Mr. John Terhune, a clever young man from Etowah, lias accepted a position with Mr. J. A. Adams. Miss Jennie Mae Gibson returned Monday with her visitor, Miss Tim berlabe, to Shorter College in Rome. Mr. T. M. Pace is putting up a new store in Easlview, which will be occupied by Mr. S F. Marshall. Mr. M. 0. Guiss, of the Alabama and Georgia Iron Company, has been here from New York this wo l. INSTRUMENTS PURCHASED. The Baugh-Zimmerman Band Bays Some Fine Ones. Bing In the New. 'We thank our customers for their lib eral patronage during the past year, and are ready for the new 1 with a first-class line' of goods for MEN’S and BOYS’ Wear. You run no risk in buying your Merchandise here. You can be sure Prices and Quality are right. Good stocks of OVERCOATS and UNDERWEAR for these cold . w K. HOLMES CLOTHIER AND FURNISHER. J. A. LIDDELL, Physician - and - Surgeon, Cedartown, Georgia. W. A. CHAPMAN, Physician 0 Surgeon, CEDARTOWN, GA. R. H. 3EIRKS, ^Physician and Surgeon,=; CEDARTOWN, GA. Calls answered promptly day or night. W. G. ENGLAND, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA. .tails attended day and night. CHAS. VANN WOOD, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Collins ife Holmes, CEDARTOWN, GA. IT. SUMS. DENTfST. Otters his services to the public Office over J. S. Stubbs’ store. Office hours 9 a, m. to 5 p. m. B. Marshall, Jr., ENTIST. the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, o Suit the Times. C^F“Work Guaranteed, er Willingham’s. Dr. J. H. Hines, a post graduate medical student in the New York University, was here over Sunday. Miss Lucile Hightower joined her classes Tuesday at Shorter College in Rome, alter a pleasant holiday at home. Dr. W. A. Chapman has moved his office .to the Richardson block first floor entrance on Herbert street. ; \ Mrs. J. U. Kitci. N i, ot Aeworth, who has bnen visitiny > her brother, Col. W. It. Fielder, returned home Friday. . Dr. B. F. Sims has moved his den tal office bee'- to-bio old quarters; and can now be found over J. S. Stubbs’ store. Prof, and Mrs. H. L. Sewell enter tained a large party of friends very pleasantly at an elegant dinner party Saturday. Col. Will J. Harris returned Mon day to Washington, D. C-, alter spending the holidays pleasantly with home folks. The largest and finest assortment of canned goods ever brought to Ce dartown can be found at Pitts & Bunn’s new store. Mr. Jas. F. Collins, of Aeworth, was the guest of his brothers, Messrs. Geo. D. and John S. Collins, the first' v of the week. Rev. Geo.E. Benedict left Monday on a trip to Philadelphia and Boston in the interest of the Samuel Bene dict Memorial School. y. / , - Mr. Lige Betterton, of Chatta nooga, returned home Monday, alter spending a few days very pleasantly with friends in the city. Misses Leah.iora Bradford and Lizzie Harris have returned to Mil- ledgeville to resume their studies at the G. N. and I. College. Messrs. Charley Henderson and Paul Turner returned Monday to Emory College' after enjoying the Christinas vacation at home. Mr. H. J. Dempsey, one ot our hustling merchants, took charge Monday of the City Bakery, which he has leased from Mrs. E A. Mann. Misses Estelle Calhoun and Lela Gilbert,, of Cartersville, will reach the city today on a visit to the for mer’s sister, Mrs. H. N. YanDevan- der. Miss Slevie Campbell; of Stone Mountain, was the guest over Sun day of Miss Bertha Adams, her room-mate at Wesleyan College in Macon. inffiMr *hctlit:rrvptuiet iiM ; Hid we will send either truss toyotu tending. If It w not* portal fit 1M " .,-eUUMtfcreellR.e«ourprlce,youe4NDS W 8e» *■*111 return your money. , IvfitTE FOR FREE TRUSS CATAl3P» orma »QP “P* TALO” lo.oeV ^ r SEARs7R0kB a UCK*«- Mun< Miss Belle Lockhart,win the attractive guest for sev0 of her grandmother, Mrs. Lock hart,returned home to l)j last Friday. Mr J. O. Crab . is in Rockmart today. Mr. J U. Kitchen, of Aeworth, was in the city Tuesday. Mr. David Hunt returned Tues day to school at Winder. Mr. and Mrs. C.’F. Harris visited Rockmart relatives last week. Chase & Sanford’s celebrated cof ees and teas at Pitts & Bunn’s. Col. W. It. Fielder went over to Dallas on legal business'Friday. “Moore’s Best” is the best flour in the market. Pitts & Bunn have it Mrs, E. B. Barber, of Rockmart visited Cedartown relatives last ueek. • Mi. W. I. Taylor, a prominent citizen of Briscoe, was iu'town yes terday. New store, new % goods! • Every thing freslt and nice at Pitts & Bunn’s. Mr. Tom Moore, one of our promi nent merchants, was in Rome Tues day on business. ’Squire W. T- Lee,, one of the best citizens of Young’s district, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Byrd Trawick is home fora few days from, the Institute for the Deaf in Cave Spring. Anyone having a borrowed copy of “Flora McFlitnsy” will please leavesame for owner at this office at once. For Sale—Two second hand zinc- bath tubs and steam fixtures at bargain. Call on K. F. Bentley at Birber Shop. Misses Mary Jones, of Young’s, a id Rusha Moore, ot Blooming Grove, are the guests this week of Mrs. J. W. Casey. Miss Prairie Harris left Friday to spend several weeks with her brother. Dr. A. Seale Harris, at Union Springs, Ala. Prof. Cassell, the balloon man, will give performance tonight at the Baugh Opera House for the benefit of the fire department. Miss Bertha AdaiQf .and her gu&st ; left Tuesday teir studies in Wesleyan Female College. - - Reserved seats for the Alba Hay wood Co., to be here Jan. 13th, are now on sale at Turner’s. It will be the best entertainment of the season. Mrs. Jesse Hunnicutt, of Cleburne, Tex., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Sheffield, near Seuey, and her sister, Mrs. John B. Lacy, of this city. Miss.Kate Booz took charge Mon day of thePhilpot House. She is an excellent hostess, and will maintain the splendid reputation of this pop ular boarding-house. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bright have gone to house-keeping in the latter’s residence on Herbert street, Mr. L. C.'Butler moving across the street to the J. YV. Dodds place. Joe Camarata has moved his store to the Richardson block, and his old stand will be torn down to make room for the new four-story building of the Cedartown Company. Misses Bessie and Ethel Maitland and Miss Hattie Lou Gibson have returned to their home in Rome, after spending the holidays delight^ fully with Miss Allie Griffin. Dr. and Mrs. T. R. Garlington and their bright little son, Julius Alger non Peek, who spent last week with Mrs Garlington’s father, Capt. J. A. Peek, returned Monday to Rome. Mr. Paul Baugh has talren posses sion of the residence recently pur chased from Dr. B. F. Sims, and is having this handsome place thoroughly re- fitted preparatory to occupancy. Mr. Felton B. Knight left Thurs day to attend a house party at Mon roe, going from-there to Washing ton to resume his duties as a House Messenger at the' re-eonvening of Congress yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. VanDevander arrived home Saturday4rom their bridal trip to Florida, and are re ceiving the congratulations of their many friends. They have taken rooms at the Phil pot House. Bijt D*jzen,” twelve <»f the A NRW MANAGER Miss/ ~~«ie CampbJ for M a co ^^w'res u 111 e At the Cedartown Cotton Company’s Mills—Two Well-Earned Promotions. Mr. J. H. Hines, of Atlanta, has been elected as General Manager of the Cedartown Cotton Company to succeed Mr. Win. Parker, who has been elected to a similar position with the new Standard Cotton Mills. Mr. Hines arrived Saturday to as sume his new duties. He is a Massa chusetts cotton manufacturer of ex perience and ability, and has been connected for some time with the Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills in At lanta. Mr. and Mrs. Hines are boarding at the Philpot House. The many friends of Messrs. Chas. Goodroe and Louis Carter will be pleased to learn of their promotion from the positions of foremen to those ot superintendents respectively of Mills Nos. 1 and 2. Their promo tion is a recognition ot faithful and efficient service. The mills of the Cedartown Cotton Company are crowded with orders, and are runnirfg day and night, turning out the very finest quality of hosiery yarns. Very fine evaporated apricots at Pitts & Bunn’s. Mrs. J D. Smith visited Rockmart relatives last week. Go to Pitts & Bunn for the best green coffee, ten pounds for a dollar. Anything and everything you want in the grocery line at Pitts & Bunn’s. ’ Mr. R. B. Hitchcock, a good citi zen of Taylorsville, was in town Monday. Mr. Richard Barber, of Rockmart, was the guest last week of his brother, Mr. J. R. Barber. The young daughter of Rev. W.P. Whitlow died Sunday evening. The remains were taken to New Har mony for interrn-nt Tuesday. The furnace at the Baptist church got out of repair last Sunday, and Rev. C. K. Henderson took his con gregation ’ over to the Methodist church in the morning and preached from that pulpit in the evening. The Methodist Parsonage Ladies’ Aid Society will meet Friday (tomorrow) afternoon at 3 o’clock at the residence of Mrs. L. S: Led better. A full attendance is desired by the President,Mrs. R. A. Adams, Maj. J. A. Blance, chairman • of the Polk County Bar, has called a meeting of the bar at the Court House tomorrow at 9 a. tn. for t ie purpose of setting cases for the February term of Polk Superior Court. Messrs. Stephen A. and Ben F. Hunt have opened up a grocery store in the Tate building, vacated by Mr. H. J. Dempsey. The Messrs. Hunt are excellent young gentlemen, and their friends wish them much busi ness prosperity. Mr. and Mrs. Earle P. Goodwin returned Monday to their home at Bethel, O. During their stay in the city, they were pleasantly enter tained with a number of invited guests at an elegant dining by Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Goodwin. The commutator on the exciter at the electric plant wore out last week, and Cedartown was withont lights for Thursday night. Superintendent Curtrighi wept to Carrollton and rented a commutator trom the plant there till a new one could be secured. The Baugh-Zimmerman Band has been testing different makes musicial instruments during the past few weeks, "and have finally selected, and purchased several pieces of-the.qelebrated Carl Fischer make, recognized as among the best in the world. The instruments purchased are an E flat Tuba, B-flat Baritone, B flat Trombone, two E-flat French Horns or Mellophones, two B flat Cornets and a Snare Drum. They are beauti ful in finish, and unexcelled in tone. Other instruments are needed, and will be purchased as the necessary funds are secured. The Baugh Zimmerman Band composed of an especially clever lot of young men, and they have the following excellent corps ot officers:— President—Louis H. Carter. Director—M. T. Borden. Manager—L. D. Wade. Secretary—Chas. Beasley. Treasurer—W. L. Knight. Thejparts are assigned at present as follows:—P. J. Callahan, bass drum Arthur Gross, snare drum; W. L Knight, tuba; L. H. Carter, baritone: J. M. Skinner, trombone; C. A Knight.tenor; Chas. Beasley, French "hejn; Otis Burdette, French horn M, T. Borden, cornet; L. D. Wade, clarionet. The members are patting in good time practicing, and are getting into excellent shape for famishing first- class music. The band will prove credit to Cedartown, and everything possible should be done by our peo ple to insure success for this excel lent organization. the hospitable home of Mr. and Mm. C. W. Smith. A number of young- people were invited gusts, and the opcaa-‘i<“’ * y mart pleasing affair y- . Mr. Will W. Crawford, one of our hustling and popular young business men, was united in marriage Thurs day evening at the Methodist par sonage with Miss Annie Horan, Rev. T. R. McCarty officiating. Their many friends wish them much joy. An entertainment, consisting of music and elocution, will be given tomorrow evening at the Opera House by Ola Bid well, one of the world’s four lady baritones, and her brother, a talented young violinist, under the auspices of the Baptist Ladies’ Aid Society. Mr. W. P. West, chief of the commissary department ot the Geor- Eii & Alabama IVIininf? Company, leben is bulletin)^ on the Chv6 spring rofi< ia * fine business man and a hustler, and his numerous friends in Polk ire glad to st e biro piping nearer home. A very pleasant informal reception was given Monday evening at tl home of Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Lowther in honor of Miss Stevie Campbell, of Stone Motmtain, the charming guest of Miss Bertha Adams. Mr. T. H. Adams, the popnl; r liveryman, wishes it distinctly un derstood that he will Temain in the livery business at bis oltf stand dur ing ,1900. He will add new equip ment to his present outfit, and his many patrons will find him at the “same old place.’ 1 Mr. George Hunt received notice by wire Monday that he was elected Assistant Principal of the Winder School, and left Tuesday to assume ^iis duties as such. This is the ex cellent institution over which Prof. Henry R. Hunt presides with such eminent satisfaction. Messrs. J. T. Pitts and Henry T. Bunn, two ol our best, most popular and cleverest young business men,are opening up a new store |n the Cham berlain building. They will handle staple and fancy groceries, and have large patronage assured from the start. They will have a popular clerk in the person ot Mr. Hamil Griffin Dr. B. F. Sims and Col. J. K. Davis have purchased all ol the old Chisolm place, except that on which Mr. R. O Pitts recently built his elegant home. This purchase em braces seven acres, and is onp of the most desirable pieces of residence property in the city, and these gentlemen are to be congratulated on their purchase. Rev. Chas. A. Lane, the humorist of the North Georgia Conference, will deliver a lecture at the Metho dist church next Monday evening under the auspices of the Metho dist Ladies’ Aid Society. He has lectured in Cedartown before, and his lectures are always witty, pithy and entertaining. He should have a large hearing Monday evening. How to obtain $4.00 worth of Dry Goods and-Shoes for25cents. Return this Coupon to our store with $1.00, for which we will issue you a book of four (4) of-these Coupons. Sell these four Coupons for 25c each thereby getting your $1.00 back. Each of those to whom you'sell a Coupon sends it to us, purchas ing a book of four Coupons for themselves. When your four Cou pons have been sent in to us in this way you can readily see we will have received $4 00 and you will be entitled to $4.00 worth of Shoes, and they cost you but 25 cents. This Coupon is void after July J, 1900. O. Willingham. , Cedartown, Ga, LETTER FROM YOUNG'S. Miss Ola Wright, of your city, was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Wright, near here last week. Messrs. Fhanton and Edgar Jones, two popular young men of Rockmart, visited their brother, Mr. F. P. Jones, last week. Mr. Isaac C.Chance,a sterling young man of Carrollton, was shaking bands with his old friends here last Sunday. Misses Maragette and Annie Laurie Jones gave a delightful dining last Monday in hoDor of their sister, Mrs. S. O. Addison, of Buchanan. Thirty guests present, and it was high en joyed by all. Mr. Luther Whitfield, a hustling young man of Cave.Spring, was visit- ing in our town Sunday. Mr. Hugh Moore, of your city, was among friends here last week. Misses Della and Agues Hudson gave a swell reception last Tuesday evening, which was greatly enjoyed They are two charming and most popular young ladies. • Mr. Will Hutchings, of Cedartown, was here one day last week. Mrs. Lucy Henderson is expected to move into your city next Sunday: Miss Ida Wilson was the attractive guest of Miss Annie L. Jones several days last week. Mrs. J. E. Houseal, of Cedartown, was the guest of her father, Mr. James Young, last Thursday. Mrs. A. E. Young was in your' city one day this week. , •Ur9.8.0. Addison has returned to her home in Buchanan after several days visit with her father, Mr. F. P. Jones. Master Marsie Wright, of your city, spent the holidays with his uncle, Mr. R. A. Wright. Miss Maragette Jones is spending several days with Miss Rusha Moore, * iming Grove, this week. FOR YEARS WE HAVE BEEN * JT Winning The Trade Of observing, intelligent, thrifty and economical people of Cedartown, those who believe in getting the BEST VALUE FOR THEIR money. There is no question about it—this stdre sets the pace, names the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES, carries COMPLETE AS SORTMENTS in every department, and does the leading business, does it steadily, successfully and to the people’s liking. For your consideration TO-MORROW we submit the following Bargains:— Heavy Outing Flannel. Yd. wide Percales. 5 C 5 C Good Standard Calico School boy Jeans 4 C Red ali-wool Twilled Flannel. Nice Black Capes - Double Black Capes ;. Beautiful Plush Capes.,... .I2J4 -3# ; - $ I -5° Solid Dongola Button and Lace Shoes gg c Childien’s Wool Suits Children’s All-wool Suits ___$1.50 Men’s Wool Suits — Men’s All-wool Suits Children’s Heavy Hose Ladies’ Heavy Ribbed Hose.. Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Crocker & Company, heretofore en gaged in the business of sawing Inmber and shingles, and coaling, in Polk connty, near Fish, Ga., is this day dis solved by mutual consent,W.T.Crooker retiring. The business will be continued at the same place by T. G. McJnnkin, who will collect all debts dne said firm and ttle all liabilities due by said firm. This 20th day of December, 1899. W. T. Ckockeb, T. G. MoJonein. Land Posted — The entire “Bob” Jones plantation is posted, andallhnnt- ing and trespassing is forbidden. S. O. Jones and J. L. Moose, Agents. ; The Cure that Cures Coughs, Colds, Grippe, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis and Incipient Consumption, Is The German remedy* Vvnvu Axstases.' ,&ti\4\ajd\ ArtttjysXs. 25 S^50rts/ NOTICE. Coal must be paid for hereafter before delivery is made. J. E. Good. Crawford & Wright. irnrnTrrrrrrmTJfrrri J JEWELER. irmjTumrtimnrmTrrrrrnTriiTriniiiTiTiiTriTrfm THE STANDABD, ONLY \\ 1 IB, asgaasssstg zsmesitmxmsems® A C COBB C C 0 B B BUY“ W.L. DOUGLAS SHOES FOR MEN and BOYS. None Better. We Have the Sole Agency. We Have Re-ordered -•-•LVrf:' <. r* i i-**- Whitfield, Hugh Moore, Loanie Casey, Wesley Crocker, PhUpot sad Mathews and Misses Kasha Moore, Ida Wilson, Maragette sad Annie L. Jones sod Agnes Hudson.- Topchmxhot. - - - — - ----A ; - • -.<w -i-'.t AND OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE. PRICES RIGHT, saw