The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, January 11, 1900, Image 3

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This question will be answered to your greatest satisfaction if you will come to our store THIS WEEK AND NEST. We have been taking stock, and we find in nearly every department some goods we would rather have the money for. Now these goods and all our WINTER GOODS will be offered at ASTONISHING LOW PRICES Suffered Twenty-five Years' itl suffered for twenty-five years from neart trouble* and tried endless reme dies without relief. I steadily grew worse and became unable to lie down; my heart would palpitate and flutter* and at times it seemed as though I could not get my breath* I used three bottles of Dr* Miles' Heart Cure* and thank God I am enjoying good health as a result* It curea *r»e T Mrs. Ella 8ch!ndhelm, Mt. Vernon, la:ff DR. MILES’ Heart Cure is sold by all druggists on guarantee first bottle benefits or money back. Book on heart and nerves sent free. Dr. Miles Medical Company, Elkhart. Ind. BUSINESS CARDS. W. c.. BUNN, - afe - Llaw, (Office, 1st Nat. Bank Bldg.) CEDARTOWN, * GEORGIA. J. tt. SANDERS. J. K. DAVIS SANDERS & DAVIS, Attorneys at Law, Office in Chamberlain Building, CEDARTOWN, GA. W. R JKJRfyER [ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, CEDARTOWN GA. I \XT1LL practice in all the Courts oi ' r Polk, Paulding, c’loyd and Haral son Counties, and in all the courts oi Georgia, State, Federal and Supreme. Also, in Alabama courts by special ar rangement. FIELDER & MDNDT, ATTORNEYS • AT . LAW, Cedartown, Georgia. Prompt attention given to all business. Collections a specialty. Office up-stain* 1 j Stubbs Building. Wm. JANES, Attorney - at - Law. First National Bank Building. CEDARTOWN, - - GEORGIA J.C. W.ALKER, Attorney at Law. Over First National Bank Building, Cedartown, - Georgia. 'Collections a Specialty. \ X. rl. M. NICHOLES, LAWYER. Commissioner to Take Testimony. Office in Judge’s room at Court House. CEDARTOWN, GA. J. A. WEIGHT, Attorney at Law Cedartown, Ga. Office with J. A. Blanco, in Chamber- lain Building. J. H. ANDERSON, Attorney at Law. Office with Ordinary at Court House, CEDARTOWN, GA. Will practice in State and Federal Courts. At- orney for Bradstreet Co. Will push collections vigorously. J. A. LIDDELL. Physician - and - Surgeon, Cedartown, Georgia. W. A. CHAPMAN, Physician 0. Surgeon, CEDARTOWN, GA. R. $1 ^Physician and Surgeon, CEDARTOWN, GA. Oalls answered promptly day or night. W. G. ENGLAND, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON GEDARTOJVN, GEORGIA. Gal Is attended day and night. CHAS. VANN WOOD, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Collins <fe Holmes, CEDARTOWN, GA. IF 1 . SIMS. DENTIST. B. Marshall, Jr., ITIST. gre College of THE CEDARTOWN STANDARD T1MSI1T, J1I0. n 11, HOI. Nice pork sausage at J. A. Adams Col. J. EL* Sanders was in Rome yesterday. Mr. Wm/Parker is in New York this week. A nice line of school lunch baskets at J, A. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cobb were in Buchanan last week. Mr. G. H. Wade was in Atlanta the first of (he week. Col. W. F. Turner went down to Atlanta this morning. Col. and Mrs. J. K. Davis spent Sunday at Cave Spring. The 50 cent Queen Olives at Pills & Bunn’s are extra fine.- Mrs. R. A. Adams visited Rock mart relatives last week Dainty and appetizing “cheese straws” at J. A. Adams’. The be-t grades of maple and New Orleans syrup at J. A. Adams’. Miss Floriede Jones returned Mon day from a visit in Birmingham. Second hand Iron Safe for sale cheap. Apply to L. S. Ledbetter Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Prior are spending the week at CarlersviHe. Miss Katie Young, of Walthall,-is visiting her aunt, Mrs. F. A. Irw in. Go to Pitts & Bunn for the best green cqffee, ten pounds for a dollar. New upright piano and household goods lor sale cheap. Inquire at thie office. Col. W. S. Leakin, of Savannah, has been hereon legal business this week.- If you always want the ties! quality of groceries, go to J. A. Adams. Mrs. Leanora Corley, of Carte:s- ville, is the guest of Miss Minnie Young. Mr. J. C. Chapman, of Atlanta spent Sunday in the oily visiting friends. . Bing Out the -<•'We thank our customers eral patronage duting the past ready for the new with a first-class line of good: for MEN’S mi cl BOYS’ Wear. You run no risk in buying your Merchandise here. You can be sure Prices and Quality are right. Good stocks of OVERCOATS and UNDERWEAR for these cold days W. K. HOLMES CLOTHIER AND FURNISHER. Messrs Cltas. Adamson ami Pali' Baugh spent Friday in Atlanta on business. The first “while cream” cheese e/er brought to Cedartown, at Pitts & Bunn’s. White French flannel, the latest thing for ladies’ waits, just arrived at Scheuer’s. We would again call your atten tion to our cream cheese. We have the best. J. A. Adams. Go to Pitts & Bunn’s lor those do licious “silver crown” peache 1 -, pears, cherries and apricots. Dr. B F. Sims now has his c’e ital rooms nicely fitted up in his old office over J. S. Stubbs’ store. Our city public schools re-opened Monday after the holiday vacation, With an increased attendance. Novv is the season for buckwheat cakes, and you will find the purest grade of flour at J. A. Adams’. Dr. T. R. Garlington, one oi Rome’s leading physicians; was here on professional business Friday. Mr. E. F. Huddleston, a popiil .r young gentleman of Mobile, Ala., spent the first of the week here. The Tuesday Night Whist Club was elegantly enlerlained this week by Mr and Mrs. Geo. H. Wade. To get the best and freshest rockers, always go to J. A. Adams. He gets them direct from the bakery Mr. M. Hunter Harris came up from Atlanta .ye.~t< rday lo act as best man at the Ilouseal-Wood nuptials last night. FouSaj.e—Two second hand zinc bath tubs and steam fixtures at a bargain. Call on K. F. Beni ley at Bttrber Shop. All kinds ot feed stuff,—oats, corn, hay, bran, cottonseed meal, shorts and corn meal—at wholesale and re retail at J. A. Adams. Mrs. M. A. Booz returned last week lrom spending the holidays with her daughter, Mrs A. Willis Evans, in Sandersville. Mr. J. T. West, who is now con- alescitig from an attack of fever ishes to announce that.his gin will close for the season Saturday. Mr. W. L. Hines, son of Mrs. W . Hines, left today for Senoia, where he will enter the Telegraph and Railroad Business School. Mrs, M. S. Mounleastle, of Coch ran, has purchased through Mr. C. Philpot’s real estate agency the valu able Merrell place on College street. Mr. W. G. Reed, of Savannah, has been in the city since Sunday on im- irtant business. He is accompanied by his son in-law, Mr. J. H. Kinzie. Messrs. Walter E. Good, Holmes Smith, Frank Lowther and Jas. Speer have resumed their studies at the State Ti School in Atlanta. Miss Julia Dean, of Rome* who the guest of Miss Gussie Houseal, was an attendant last evening at the marriage of Miss Corrie Houseal to Dr. Wood. Mr. K. F. Bentley has moved his barber shop to the Phillips & Hand building, next door to < xpress office, Mr. E. W. Faille moving liis store across the street. COMING SATURDAY EVENING Und»r the Auspices of the Cedar- town Fire Department. Dr. E H. Richardson, of . : Tuesday evening, aa tl >1 C- X»_ Ball In his priv he part in and enjoy the ■ en jov tt Hill ill (intit.H .... in” at lhe Cherokee furnace. Miss Jessie Crocker, the popular young daughter of Sheriff W. T. Crocker, has opened school in Bun combe district near the home of Deputy Sheriff T. C. Hagan. Mr G. A. Lane arrived home Sun day from Chape] Hill, N. C., where he has a good position w ith a min ing company. He was called home y the serious illness of his wife. Ifcliss Lucile Hightower- eaine p yesterday, from Sl>ffiJ(ifc. Col Rome to be pij last evening o Houseal, to* anteea Alb.i Hey wood, the Prince of Comedians and the ever popular re tailer of fun.^wili be with us Satur day evening with a complete change of program, new songs, stories and impersonations designfd for laugh ing purposes only and bearing the 20'h century iinprfnt. He is supported this season by the following well known artists: Miss Gertrude Monroe, a brilliant violinists, has distinguished herself with the leading it us'eal organiza lions in the United States (including the Boston Symphony Orchestra ) Her playing is brilliant, fascinat ing and highly pleasing. She has a genuine old Cremona violin, of which site is very proud. Mr. Gustave Ullrich, a ’Cellist of remarkable ability and a pupil of Bruno Steindei.of Theodore Thomas’ Orchestra. The ’cello, though the the grandest of string instruments, is seldom heard in the provincial cities, and will be-a source of great pleasure to all and a surprise to maiy. Those who particularly enjoy vocal music will be pleased to learn that Mr. Heywood has secured the set vices of Miss Beatrice Carpenter, the beauliful and talented contralto who for two years was understudy to Jessie Bartlett Davis of the Bosto nian Opera Co. Miss Carpenter’s voice is exquisitely sweet, and her Ballade singing is most delightful. Everybody should attend Saturday fvening. You will help the Fire Department, and hiar the best enter tainment of the season. Maj. T. H. Booz was in Rome Fri day. Mr. Henry T. Bunn was in Rome yesterday. Very fine evaporated, apricots at Fitts & Bunn’s. Miss Minnie Young spent Monday night in Rome. v Mrs W. A Webb is visiting rein tives in Atlanta and Alpharetta. We would call special attention to that Baker’s Cocoa at Pitts & Bunn’s. Mr. B B Bishop, the clever Bun c nub • h dliff,was in the city Friday. New store, new goods! Every thing fresh and nice at Pitts & Bunn’s We have some ot the most beauli ful decorations in crockery that can be found. J. A. Adams. Dr. and Mrs. R. N. Spinks spent the latter part of Inst week with relatives near Roekmart. Our line of roasted coffee in the different blends can’t be excelled in the town. J. A. Adams. The Samuel Benedict Memorial School re-opened last Thursday after the holiday vacation with a good at tendance. Mr. Sam Green, of Rhome, Tex., son of Rev. “Dutch” Green, is visit ing relatives in Polk county and Palestine, Ala. The largest and finest assortment of canned goods ever brought to Ce dartown can be fouud at Pitts & Bunn’s new store. Miss Ruby Camp, of Atlanta, is the guest of Miss Gussie Houseal. Miss Camp was one of the brides maids last evening at the Houseai- Wood nuptials. Ex-Mayor J.H.Sanders, of Cedar town, was in the city yesterday. He was a progressive chief executive and is a courteous, polished gentle man —Rome Tribune, 10th. Mrs. C. E. Drew,-an up-to date milliner, will be glad to take a- few orders for dress making, and can be found at her rooms at Mrs. W. S. Wallace’s residence on Herbert street. Miss Nora Morton, of Macon, is spending the week with Miss Gussie Houseal, having been one of the at tendants last evening at the marriage of her college-mate, Miss Corrie Houseal. WORK COMMENCED ON THE NEW STANDARD COTTON MILLS. ^ Grading in Progress and Contracts Made for Building Materials. Dirt was broken Monday morning for the new Standard • Cotton Mills, and that sile will be the scene of great activity for the next few weeks. Mr. H. N. VanDevander has the contract for grading and excavating, and has Mr. L. M. Johnson in charge of the work with a good force ot hands and equipment. Mr. Van Devander is a hustler, and hopes to have his part of the work compietrd this week if the weather permits. The contract for briek-laying has been let to Mr. P. M. Agan, who will put a large force at work as soon as the excavations are completed. The brick has been contracted for irom the Rome Brick Company, and the lumber from the Enterprise Lumber Company of Atlanta. The nails and iron work are bought through Messrs. Hall & Barr. The East <Sr West road is building a side-track to the factory site, and it is hoped to finish it this week. The material will begin to arrive as soon as the side-track is completed. Messrs. Berry, Parker and Birk- beck, the projectors of this big enter prise, hope to have the building completed by April 1st, at which time the machinery is contracted for delivery. Cedartown hopes - that they will not be disappointed in their expectations, as its early operation will lie mutually advantageous to its stockholders and the city. cof- Chase & Sanford’s celebrated fees and teas at Pitts* Bunn’s. Moore’s Best” is the best flour in the market. Pitts & Bunn have it. Anything and everything you want in the grocery line at Pitts & Bunn’s. A complete line of canned fruits and meats of the best quality at J. A. Adams. Dr Joe Liddell and Dr.W.A.Chap- inan, of Cedartown, w ere in the city yesterday. Dr. Chapman is post master at Cedartown.—Rome Trib une, 101 h. Mrs. Lucy Henderson, formerly of Young's, has come to Cedartown to live, and is keeping house with her niece, Mrs. C. Vann Wood, on Col lege street. Her numerous friends in the cily gladly welcome her to Cedartown. Miss Ola Bid well, an accomplished elocutionist and baritone vocalist, gave an excellent entertainment Friday evening at the Opera House, under the auspices of the Baptist Ladies’ Aid Society. Messrs. Campbell, Kuhns, Perry, Robinson and Smith, five clever members of the Carrollton Band, came up to play with the Baugh- Zimmennan Band at the furnace festivities yesterday. Prof. H. V. Jackson and Misses Lenora Meison and Annie Carleton, three of our efficient teachers, re turned Saturday from Hayston, "Jonesboro and Senoia respectively, where they spent their holiday vaca tion. Prof. Chas. Lane, of Atlanta, de iivered entertaining lectures at the Methodist church Monday and Tups day evenings, the first under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid Society and the second for the Young Ladies’ Missionary Society. Dr. and Mrs. E H. Richardson, of Atlanta, are thinking of building themselves a lovely, old style colo nial residencewith fluted columns.on a portion of their beautifully eleva ted builditfg sites on Roekmart street, which command a sweeping view of the Blue Ridge mountains, lor a summer home upon the heights. The members of the Baugh Zim- HO USE AL-WOOD TWO POPULAR YOUNG PEOPLE JOIN HANDS AND HEARTS. Dr. C. Vann Wood and Miss Corrie Houseal Happily United Last Evening at a Beautiful Home Wedding. The beautiful home wedding last evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Houseal, at which th,eir eldest daughter was lhe lovely bride, was one of the most delightful social functions Cedartown has witnessed in many a year. The home was tastefully decorated in yellow and green, to which soft lights gave added charms, and the brilliant throng of guests made the entrancing scene one ot rare beauty, The marriage occurred in the hall way, Miss Ruby Camp, of Atlanta rendering beautifully Mendelsohn’s famous wedding march. The minis ter, Rev. T. R. McCarty, took his place at the ribboi, and the brides maids marched to their places in the following order: Miss Gertie Knight, Miss Margaret Harris, Miss Nora Morton and Miss Julia Dean. Fol lowing came the groom, Dr. Chas. Vann Wood, leaning on the arm of his best man, Mr. M. Hunter Harris, and the circle was completed by the coming of the bride, Miss Corrie Houseal, who leaned on the arm of her sister, Miss Gussie Houseal, maid of honor. The minister pro nounced the impressive ceremony, using the wedding ring, and two happy souls were made oi e Con gratulations followed, and the large company of guests enjoyed the deli cious and bountiful refreshments. The appropriate and well selected presents were very beautiful, and the unusually large number of kind remembrances from their friends amply attested the popularity of the couple. Seldom has a more brilliant collection of wedding presents .been seen in Cedartown. The bride is one of the Cedar City’s mo3t charming and accoin plished young ladias, and no bride ever assumed the duties of a home with more or kindlier a-surances of good will than this popular' young lady. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wood, and is a talented and promising young physician, with bright and expanding prospects for a successful and brilliant profes sional career. He has a host of warm friends who are showering their hearty congratulations and good wishes on this popular young gentle man. The happy couple are at home to their friends at their residence on College street, next door to Mrs N. M. Wright. WHAT* RGAIN? Our line of California dried fruits— peaches, apricots etc.,—can’t be ex celled. J. A. Adams. Mr. Lnnham Is and Sunday. 1111(1 KBIIIUIIJ i •» - Rome’s leading merchants, and is a most genial and popular gentleman. Mr. Emory Bowman came up from Newrian yeslerday to attend the Houseal Wood wedding;:. He will be accompanied home today by Mrs. Bowman, who lias been visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs W. E. Wood. Hon. J. O. Waddell, of, Aragon, paid us a pleasant ami appreciated call Saturday. He reports every thing moving along nicely at Aragon and the mill people there are cer- tainly to be congratulated on seeur ng his services.. from Carrollton. ' I Oysters and quail I "til! rpd, while in abundance were served, while the visitors and Cedartown’s prtpu tar musical organization were ap propriately toasted. The occasion was thoroughly enjoyable,—just such an affair as our jolly band boys know how to arrange. Miss Alleene West was united in marriage yesterday at 1:30 o’clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C; Bunn on Collpge street, to Mr. J. M. Culpppper, of Griffin. The interest ing event was witnessed only by a few near relatives of the bride. Rev. C. K. Henderson performing the ceremony. The happy coiple left on the 2:30 E. & W. train via At lanta for Griffin, where they will re side. Their many friends wish them much h^>^^g|and prosperity. A land-slide at the Hightower mine, which is operated at Young’s by Mr. L. M. Johnson, resulted in the death Tuesday of two negroes— Al Fite, of this county, and John Pittman, of Newnan. Colonel Charles P. Bali, the genial gentleman whose kindly interest in Cedartown’s welfare has made the E. & W. road our good friend, was one of our most highly pleased on lookers at the furnace demonstration yesterday. The Standard enjoyed a pleas ant call Friday from Mr. and Mrs.R H. Prior, ot Alvord, Tex., who are visiting relatives in this section. Mr. Prior has been engaged in the newspaper business in Texas, in which lie was ably assisted by his wife. Mr. Henry Bunn, who has been connected with mercantile houses here for the past two yea is, has formed a partnership with Mr. J. M. Pitts, ot Cedartown, under the firm name of Pitts & Bunn. His friends here rpgret to see him leave Rome.— Rome Tribune. Mr. Henry Roberts, the clever night foreman at Mill No. 1, has re signed his position to accept the superintendency of the Atlantic and Gulf Mills at Quitman, for which place he will leave in a few days. His many Cedartown friends regret to see him leave. -We had the pleasure yesterday of seeing the plans for the elegant new four-story building to be erected by the Cedartown Company on the A. Richardson corner as soon as the grade question can he satisfactorily airangpd. This will be the largest and finest building on Main street, and would be a credit to any city. iHr. and Mrs. W. R. Young re turned to their home at Dallas, Tex., last Monday, after spending the Christinas holidays most pleasantly with relatives and friends in the city. Mr. Young received many congratu lations on his recent marriage, his bride being a lovely lady who made many triends during her visit here. Mr. Ben. F. Borden, of Oxford, Fla., arrived in the city yesterday, and will locate in Cedartown peima.- nently. It will be a piece ol inter esting news to the public to learn that Mr. Borden was recently mar ried very happily to Miss ^ Irene Smith in the Land of Flowers. His Cedartown friends are offering con gratulations. Messrs. M. H. Bowman and J. G Milligan are at Hematite, where they have a contract for building thirty four houses for the Alabama Consolidated Coal and Iron Co., which recently bought this valuable Polk county property. The South ern has its sidetracks nearly com pleted, and the company is mining ore at a lively rate. Mrs. R. B. Parks and the Misses Young entertained a' number • of friends Thursday evening at pro gressive crokinole in honor of their brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. R Young. In the inleresting con- test, Mr. J. H. Anderson and Miss iBSem-ST IMI i»jSu’fitgflnbjCigjBr — — — ""—'a Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Crocker & Company, heretofore en- :ed in the business of sawing lumber . shingles, and coaling, in Polk connty, near Fish, Ga., is this day dis solved by mutual consent,W.T.Crocker retiring. The business will be continued at the same place by T. G. McJunkin, who will collect all debts dne said firm and settle all liabilities dne by said firm. This 20th day of December, T899. W. T. Cbocker, T. G. McJunkin. Mr. W. J. Herndon, one of Polk’s best citizens, has moved from Berry’s to Walthall. xn ®cfe a® Headache-for Forty Years. For forty years I suffered from sick head* ache. A year ago I began using Celery King. The result was gratifying and surprising, my headaches leaving at once. The head aches used to return every seventh day, bat thanks to Celery King, I have had but one headache in the last eleven months. I know that what cored me will help others.—Mrs^ John D. Van Kenren, Sangerties, N. Y. " leryKingcures Constipation and all dis* s of the Nerves, Stomach, Liver and Kid neys. Sold by druggists. 25c. and 60c. 2 NOTICE. Coal must be paid for hereafter before delivery is made. J. E. Good. Crawford & Wright. TO THE PUBLIC:— Thanking you for your liberal patronage in the past, I respectfully ask a continuance of your favor, which Lwill ever strive to merit. J. L. TURNER. TnTrHrrrrrrrmiTnrnTnmTrrrrirnTnrniTnTr.n)rrifnTnmrri TI nil, DU IIA TEAR. WE ALSO SELL ZEIGLER’S qhfop^ on FOR MEN and BOYS We Have the Sole wed. the first We Have Re=ordered ID plttloui t enjoyable evening. A party of prominent citizen? came over from Talladega, Ala., Tuesday as the guests of Mr. E Zimmerman to witness the blowing in of the Cherokee furnace. They were Mr. \V. L. Miller, a leading wholesale merchant, Dr. B. F Laird, chief surgeon of the North Alabama Coal, Iron & Railway Co.-, Mr. Chas. Biinn, auditor of the B. & A. railroad, and Rev. J. Coleman Horton, Rector of the Episcopal church. These distinguished visitors were greatly impressed with Ce dartown’s wonderful resources, and spoke very favorably of the cordial demonstration of our people towards Mr. Zimmerman and his enterprises. .* OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE. PRICES RIGHT. EsssnBsrmmsm 0»ES *