The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, January 11, 1900, Image 4

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AN UNFAILING SIGN THAT j-S^r^-gAiar wa - i, mn i it"??, - 1 , 3 , ne . eded • “She“does not ask for NATURE IS APPEALING |?™&piSigg«£p ” , 13 accumulating impurities wlfich rnn UCI D nl " st be ™ ’ T1 t J ey ? r , e t n ur S ent appeal lor assistance r fl n H L Lr I —a warning that can not safely be ignored run nuu To ne=:Ieo t to purify the blood at this" Hire means more than the annoyance of painful boils and tim ? “impies. Ii these impurities, are allowed to remmh the system succumbs to any ordinary illness, and is nimble to withstand the many ailments ' which are so iLt /hinn" spring and summer. pr f™s L Gentile, 2001 Second Avenue, Seattle. Wash l 'was afflicted for a long tune with pimples, which were’verv annoying, as they disfigured my face fearfully. After using many other remedies in vain S S. S. promptly and thoroughly cleansed my blood, and now I rejoice in “ „„„,1 complexion, which X never had before.” 1 g Capt. W. H. Dunlap, of the AGS E. K., Chattanooga. Tenn., writes • Several boils and carbuncles broke-out upon me, causing great pain and annoyance. My blood seemed to be in a riotous condition and nothing I took seemed to do 1 any good*; Six bottles of S. S.S. cured me completely I and my blood has been perfectly pure ever since/’ S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD ^ is the best bloody remedy, because it is purely vegetable and is the only one that is absolutely free from potash and mercury. It purifies the blood and. thoroughly cleanses the system, promptly purifies the biooa ana thoroughly cleanses the system, builds up an intolerable blackness. .Mr. Hardy the general health and strength Jt cures Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Rheuma- v i ewe d him awhile in silence, then tism. Tetter. Boils, Sores, ete., by going direct to the cause of the trouble and forcing out all impure blood. Books free to any address by the Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. Dyspepsia Digests what you eat. It artificially digests thefood and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest- ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SickHeadache, Gastralgia, Cramps, and all other results of imperfect digestion. Prepared by E. C. DeWItt A Co- Chicago. E. BRADFORD. The woman whose contour resembles the proverbial beanpole generally dis plays a mad fancy for a knitted jersey. ?ioo. Dr. E. Deletion's Anti Diuretic May be worth to yon more then $100 if yon have a child who soils bedding from incontinence of water during sleep. Cures old and young alike. It arrests the trouble at once. SI. Sold by E. Bradford, druggist, Cedartown, Ga. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Condens d Schedule in Effect Novsmb.ri9.J899. stations. . ~~ No? 20 6 30am 8.35am 10.22am 4.25 pm 1.00pm 2.15pm 3.45pm 4.45pm Lv Birmingham.-. Ar Birmingham Jet...... Selma............ Ar Mobile. Lv 7.15pm 5.02pm 3.00pm 8.30am No. *18 5.30am 6.15am 7.08am 7.40am 8.25am No. *16 7.30pm .00am 5.45am 6.40am 7.21am 7.53am 8.45am 10.33am 10.4Sam 11.11am 11.47am 12.50pm 1.27pm 5.45 C 05 7.10 7.25 ' 8.20 am l.40pm 2.03pm 2.23pm 3.10pm 3.45pm 10.25pm lv. .Akron.. .ar 7.!0pm| 12.30pm ..Greensboro... Marion.._ ...Marion Jet., ar... Selma... lv STATIONS. lv.NewOTs *38 lv..Meridian, a*" York. ...Demopolis... ar..Uniont’ ...Marion Jet. fv [ Selma J ...Montevallo.- .... .Calera...,. .Columbiana.. ..Childersburg. ...Talladega... ... .Oxford ....Anniston... ..Jacksonville.. ..Piedmont... Cave Springs.. Rome..... ■ No. * -7 No. +25 6.22pm 11.15am 5.v8pm 9.30am 4.36pm 8.0 am 4.10pm I 7.10am No. *15|No. *19 *36 &30am|........ 7.50pm .... 7.00pm I 6.03pm 'SiSOpiiarL 4.51pm|........ 4.25pm)...... 4.15pm 10.22am 2.25pm 8.32am 2.12pm ........ 1.48pm 12.57pm I 12 15pm 11.39am .... 11.25am|.... 11.04am}........_ 10.43am 10.00am _ 9.25am ...;.... 5:30am|.V.'.‘...y p m 4.40 STATIONS lv...Birm’ham. .ar Pell City..... Anniston..;.. Oxford..../, .......Heflin . ..EdwardsvUle... ....Fruithurst.... ....Tallapoosa.... .... ..Bremen...... ... Douglas ville... ..Litliia Springs. *35 *37 t25 Lv Birmingham Lv Anniston Lv Atlanta ’.*.**.******** Ar Macon.- ***** Ar Jesup !..*!*. ”**.*.*"’. Ar Jacksonville.... Lv Jesup Ar Brunswick.*...*.**.******* **.*.* 4.40pm 6.57pm 10.45pm 12.55am 5.20am 8.30am Na 38 6.00am 8.10am 12.05pm 2.25pm 6.50pm 10.00pm ele £ ant Pullman Drawing Room car Birmingham to Jackson- vi ii e * Atlanta to Brunswick inJrfci?* cai TJ? s Pullman Sleeping car Birm ingham to Atlanta and Atlanta to Jacksonville 8TATIQNS. Lv Rome. Lv Knoxville. IIIIIIII I Ar Morristown ’ A ",Hot Springs...... . , Asheville..„ ***** .Ar Salisbury... ./(Cent Time) * * .*.* '* 11 * t, r g^, C , n I b0ro -( Easl -Ti“« Ar Raleigh...... Ar Goldsboro... Ar Washington..... Ar New York.. „,... No. 15 o. •-':>! >m 1 20am 2.25 am 4.00am 5.10am 9.30am 12.06pm 3.23pm 5.10pm 9.10pm 0.13am No 15 carries Pullman Sieepins ™ ^ noo 8 a . Chattanooga to Salisbury and r Rome to Salisbury to New York without chanue. "NoTs Ar ('ha: t:ino,,r':i Ar Cincinnati Ar Lou in ville. DO-S IT PaY TO BUY CHEAP? A. cheap remedy for congbs and colds is al r right, bnt yon want something that will relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall yon do? Go to a warmer and more regular cli mate? Tes, if possible; if not possible for you, then iu either case take the only remedy that has been introduced in all civilized countries with snccess in severe throat and lnng troubles, “Boschee’s German Syrup.” It not only heals and stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allays in flammation, causes easy ' expeotoration, gives a good night’s rest, and cures the patient. Try one bottle. Becommended many years by all druggists in the world. Sample bottles at Knight Drug Co’s. AUTHOR THE FR0ZEH FIRATg? THE WRECK Of THE GMSYIMORV E 7 * • E TC . COPYRIGHT, T896_. BY THE AUTHOR* Cn tearH little ship, as has been! grog, with smiles whicn deepened as the * ■ i . a i x_i_ _ linnnw in r!w> !lri c-ml- +471 lan liiviriT said, the watches headed by the mato end fbo boatswain, bnt Mr. Mat thews daring the day had begged the commander’s permission to si and watch and walch with Mr. Hardy that iis might feci ho was making some return for ilie hospitality and kindnesk shown h,’in and his men. The harnnne com- mainior had consented,'glad to secure the services of so valuable a person on his quarter deck, but bo insisted that Mr. Matthews should rest thrpugh this night. Therefore when Mr. Hardy had supped he came on deck, and Mr. Mat thews, at Boldoek’s request, went be low to turn in as soon as ever he chose. Boldock had jnst filted and lighted a second immense bowlful. Wlien Hardy rose through .the hatch, ho found his commander standing at the skylight gazing down at Miss MilnseL He puffed out great clouds, which Slackened the fog in . bis neighborhood. His posture was meditative. The light oi the cabin- lamp was upon his figure and reyealed him. He stood a confused shape amid stepped to tho wheel and took a look at the binnacle. His cough caused tba commauder to start and back away to the rail against which he leaned, suck ing his great curled meerschaum. Mr. Hardy approached and stood close. Now flint they were at the rail, the fires alongside rendered them visible to each other. “I never remember a placket uigbt than this,” said tbe commander. “NorI, sir.” “I believeit signifies nothing bnt fog, liquor in tbu hot! la sank, till he heard the brig’s bell tinkle foprv So it was 4 o’clock iu the south Pacific, much about where tho Wellesley was, an amazing {flask night, and the water qniok and spiajflj.q with tho lightnings of phos phor. Boldock drank three glasses. He wag, no more affected by the liquor than the brig’s figurehead would have been had the crofts been poured over it as it leaned in blue pogp and cooked hat un der the bowsprit of the yesseh He thought he would fill another pipe and watch tbs weather in .company with Mr, Hardy Joy figjt an hour or so and' was in tho pet pf mttipg tbe ram bottle away iu tbe Ipcger wfe 1 } .tire door of the cabin occupied by Miss Jf30* sel opened, and tbe yenng lady, babit-- ed tn jjft dressing gown, her feet loose in a pair ri Hiirdy’s slippers, step ped forth. The commander shoterect on turning and seeing her. He was startled. It was an apparition. She was new to the ship, if not perhaps to his recent reflections, and imhit ip blp) was~astonished. Her dark eyes werp peculiarly black .and brilliant. Her face was very pale. She would b/?ve looked ghnstly as ideatb itself to a third person’s eye in contrast with tho broad, red moon of countenance oi me roaa ot snips, me snoais bam cade it from the north. The uncertainty of tbeir situation will not permit ships to approach.” Mr. Hardy’s flowing trousers fluttered oil ibe steps. “Here’s the island the econndrels have carried the ship to, Hardy,” said the commauder. “Halloran island! Not ont of onr road either. Very curious indeed, sir,” said Hardy. . “It came to me in a dream just now, ” said Miss Mansel. “Likely as not tho scoundrels will cast the ship away on one of thesq reefs,” said the commander, putting a sqnare ended finger npou the phart, “when tijey’vo transported tho gold Into tho brigantine,” Then folding his arms and leaning against the table he looked earnestly at Mr. Hardy and said: “I propose tS hPcld straight for Halloran island. I shaii espeef to find the ghip there. There will be several phauees in this business., ,T “I am certain yon will find the ship there,'*’ said Miss Mansel. “We fire a very slow brig, ” exclaim ed Mr. Hardy, " ”If {ho fellows are ashore and sight us, and tbe Queen is in readiness, they will be off, carrying the g(}J4 Tytfh them. And if that hap pens oily further spMpft iypuld signify tho whole faco of tins waters," “Tbis'is a business that will demand foresight and strategy, said Boldock, tjirning his head, with stately gestures of impertOBPP, glowiy from Miss Man sel to his mato and 'back again. “TVe must certainly bag these ten desperate Villains and recover the gold. We must get all the honor, alts the prize money, which in tbe bread that 'honor makes very good butter for. Several notions are iu my head. I will smoke a pipe on deck and talk tbe matter over. ' “W? are not moving,” said Miss Mansel. '•‘Neither are they,” said Mr. Hardy. The commander put Jiis phart away, sparkling with perspiration which the an( T when he re-entered the cabin Miss shoulders of the commander supported. | Mausel had withdrawn. Thereupon he “I hope I haven’t woke yos up, ” said , thcughftully loaded his capacious pipe he. "I believed I moved quietly. The SSil jP? n . e d Mr. Hardy on deck, brig’s like a churchyard tonight,” A handkerchief is usually one of the chief symptoms of a cold in the head. Men can be cured privately and posi tively at home of all weakness and dis ease. Write for new free book. Dr. J. S. Hathaway, 22J South Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. Is age of horseless sense? c^LsToxiiuaL. Bears tbe /t Th01 A wise head and a still tongue always to together. RELIEF IN SIX HOURS. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Di s ease relieved in six honrs by “New Great South American Kidney Cure.” It is a great surprise on accoant of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and back, in male or female. BelieveB retention of water almost immediately. If yon want quick relief and enre this is the remedy. Sold by E. Bradford, druggist, Cedartown. Some men have to sit down and think in order to ascertain where they stand. The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist. . No. 33‘-Washiu-ion and SouthweslCxU Ltm- Ttea” Solid Pullman Vestibule train Atlanta to New York, carrying Pullman Sir*-‘pin:: ear Atlanta to New York. Dining car Atlanta to Greensboro and Washington to New Y'ork. Pullnmn Library Observation car Atlanta to Nmr Vo-,-. ^ ~- ■New Yc. k. W No.'36 carries Pullman Drawing room Sleep- Ping car Atlanta to New York, and Dining cm f Charlotte 10 Waehingjton. ♦Daily. tDaily ExcepTSundny. ^Sunday only. F. S. GANNON.3d v.P. & g.m. Washington.D.C "J. M. CULP. Traf Mgr. Washington. D. C. W. A. TURK, G. P. A., Washington, D. C. C.A.BENSCOTER. A.G.P.A..Chattanooga.Tenn. Tlie Discoverer of Swamp-Root’ at Wor£ in His Laboratory. 1 There is a disease prevailing in this countiy most’Hangerous because so decep tive. Many sudden deaths are caysed by it—-heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to ad vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves down_ and waste away cell by cell. rherTtne richness of the blood—the albumen —leaks out and the sufferer has Bright’s Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp*-Root the new dis covery is the true specific for kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases, after all other effo -ts have failed. At druggists in fifty-ccnt and'dollar siz^s. A «nmnli» Hotfix fra. S.2.75 BOXRAIiS'OOAT A KEGUuAll SSiOO WATJEB-: (K' 1C PROOF MACKINTOSH I»r p L. I J SEND NO MONEY. this utL out stale jour 1. tight snu wr1f& Inches nruunu lnnly at h/esnt, takci ssljf* mlnnilon. Ex- i .it yoor ncai Cr-t d ir found exaetty tprtstmi-d and the most wonderful Taluc )<ru tier rcxr or heard of. and wjua! 'to any fcuat ypu c-.n huy fa* if 5.1*0. pay the express apent OJ K SPECIAL om:u m, S2.75, anti THIS 3IACK1NTOSH Is latest 150C Style, easy fitting, made .from heavy waterproof* tan color, genuine Davis Covert Cloth; full length, double breasted, waterproof. Cloth; full Sager velvet collar, fancy plaid lining, wuterprool sew cd “earns. Suitable tor both- Rain or Oierc»»t, and guaranteed GREATEST VALCE ever oflere-l by US or any other bouse. For Free Cloth Samples of Men's Mackintoshes up to *5 CO, s and Made-to-Mensure Suits and Over- coats nt from ro t«> £10.00. wrifO for free S IMPLE hook BOOK AGENTS WANTED FOB uic grandest and fastest-selling* liook ever published. Pulpit Echoes ORLTTINC TRUTHS FOR IIEAO AND HEART. Containing Mr. MOODY'S best Sermons, with 500 Anruhng .stories, Incidents, Person*! Experiences,etc-, as told By D. L. Moo dy hjTUfH/. Withacomplete history of hislife by Rev, CHAS.F. <«OSSfFastor of Mr. Moody's Chicago Ciuirch for five years, m>d an Introduction by Rev. LYMAN ABBOTT. I>- «* S.rxnd new, 600pp.,bravtiY:<Ry illustrated. (£7*1.000 more AGENTS WANTED—Men and Women. C7*«*lV nimense -a harvest time for Agents. Send for terms to A. D. WORTULNUTON A CO., Hartford, Conn. »@L. Pay up your subscription i* The Standard. and dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling about Swamp- Roct and its wonderful cures. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y. and mei tion this paper. Polk County Wild Land Tax • Sales lor Apri 1 , 1900. Statnoi Ooorgia-Counly of Polk. Will be soiil before the court house door in the eitv of Codartowe, J’olk .-ountv, Ga„ within the legal hours or sale on tbe first Tuesday in April, 1800, to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described property (o win - Lot of wild land No. Tdi situate, Iving. and being in the I8tb district and 3d section of Polk county, Ga , levied on as unreturned wild land under and by virtue of a tax'ii fa issued by V/. C. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. C. vs tiie said wild land for ibe purposes of tbe State and county taxes, for tbe years 1888, 1897, 1898 and 1899. Also at the same time and place will be sold tbe following property, to-wit: Lots ot wild land Nos. 51 and 52, situate, lying and being in tbe 20th dist and 3d sec of Polk county. Ga., levied on as iinreturned wild land under and bv virtue of a tax Ii fa issued by W. V. V. Sliliestett, T. C. P. '.vs tbe "said wild land for tbe purposes of tbe Htata and countv taxes for the years 1800, 1897, 1898 and 1899. ' Also at tho same time and place will bo sold the following property-to-wit — Lot of wild land No. 1015, situate, ly ing and being in the 21st-dist ami 3d sec ol Polk county, Ga., levied on as unretmned wild land under and by virtue of a tax li fa issued by. W. G. V. Sehlibstetf, T. C. P. C. vs the said wild land lor the purposes of the State and county taxes for the years 1895, 1896, 1897, ISP' and 1899. This 1 ; be lltli dav of January, 1900. W. T.'CROCKER, Sheritl. J. F, HOGG, Dp’tySbfl, I think,” said Mr. Hardy, “if wind was at baud we should be able to smell it coming along over this grease calm.” “And tbe silenco is ns remarkable as tbe blackness,” said the commander. “Yon should be able to bear a baby hurrahing a mile off. ” In tbe panse that followed no sound was to be beard save the noise tho com mander made in smoking his pipe. The snetion of bis lips was like the drawing of corks and the gurgling of liquor. “Hardy,’’said be presently, "did yon ever allow yonr thoughts to rnn in the direction of matrimony?” Tbe mato of tbe brig answered with a langb. “Thatquestion,’’saidBoldock, in his deep, lamenting voice, “usually excites merriment, particularly among middle aged bachelors. But I don’t know why it should. Marriage is tbe most awful of - all events. It means population, and what does that signify but tho passions, tbe struggles, the griefs, hopes, reli gions, deaths and aspirations after death of poor humanity?” “Oue docs sometimes laugh in the wrong place, sir,” said Mr. Hardy, in a voice of respectful apology. “I have laughed iu church, sir, but theu, to be sure, I was a heedless young mnu. ” “It must be n nice thing to have a nico wife,” said Boldock. “A nice wife.” said Mr. Hardy. “A nice wife, certainly,” exclaimed the commander, “a lady that would make a comfortable home for a man. A man wants a comfortable home. I feel the need of it all the while I am ashore and yearn for it all the time I am at sea. I do not like lodgings. There is a coldness, an indifference, an insensibil ity to yonr feelings and wants*—to wants, I mean, which are not to bo supplied by anything iu the philosophy of latchkeys and shaviug water.” I have uo great opinion of mar riage, ” said the mate. “Tho hilling and cooing season is commonly reckon ed tho best part, bnt theu comes the family, and in a little while, sir, yon may calculate how long tho couple have been married by measuring the distance one walks behind t’other when out for astrolL” “Everyman wants a home,” said the commander after a succession of cork drawing suoks at the heavy amber mouthpiece of his pipe. “Seems to me, sir, a-' man wants a good deal that he can’t get. There’s nothing that I’d like better than a home myself. Bat it’s too expensive. ” Boldock hove ont a sigh that had the strength and volume of a groan. A sail flapped aloft; a sheave on some rusty pin squealed like a rat to some sadden drag. “Atnll events,” said the commander, “I am sick of the sea, Hardy, and shaii abandon it before long. ” “I wish I coaid see my way to tako that view, sir,” said the mato, looking at the lights in the water. ‘ ‘It is plcassn t> ’ ’ said the commander, “to think of settling down ashore when one is at sea. I picture g white faced cottago with a red roof. That fed roof shines amid tbe trees. J’ve a fancy of being able (o see my house when I’m a long way off from it. In imagination, 5 Hardy, I stand upon a lawn like velvet and snuff np tho most delioions smell of flowers and listen io tho silver tinkling of a little fountain of water. When X step into tho bouse, I enter rooms fur nished with objects which delight mo— pictures of. engagements at sea, antlers and bo ws and arrows from savago places, an immense leather armchair, with plen ty of .stern sheets, iu which I sit, in slip pers and .shirjt sleeves, with a pipe in my mouth and a hook on my knee, lis tening to the humming cf fheblueK% and tbe bees out pf doors, ’* “That sort of ho'ss takes a deal of keeping up, sir,” said iffr. Hardy, con- tinning to leer at the sheeting and cloud- fug lights alongside, is whose images and wild, fanciful drawings, as tho gleaming stuff met, dissolved and trem bled off in fibers, and darts from the brig’s side,' the poor fellow might have witnessed illusions not less hallow and hopeless than the dreams which had sometimes haunted his lonely quarter deck lookouts. The commander, finding his pipe out, went h.e.low. The cabin was empty. Boldock seated himself at the table, and presently .a sailor arrived with a kettle Ol hot-water, which he placed before the commander on 3 threp legged rest. Tho same sailor produced'from 3 locker a bottle of rum, a lemon and some loaf sugar, and then, with a flourish of his thumb at a Jock of hair and a thirsty lingering look at the bottle, he went np the ladder and vanished. Boldock mixed himself a glass of hot “Qb, Captain Boldock,” Miss Mansel cried, “it is 3 dream.. The name of tbe island has come to me In a.dream. I woke np pronouncing it, ” “Qaick,” exclaimed tho commander, “or you may forgot it again. ” QHAPTER XXII. THE AMERICAN CAPTAIN. Dawn found the brig enveloped in thick fog, but when tho sun roso the whiteness grew brilliant, aud Mr. Har dy guessed that neither the top nor sides Ha: him by a step as she repeated the name. “Don’t teil me yon don’t know S*. ” she 1 added, stretching out her hands, "for I it’s there you'll find the ship and all | they’ve taken from me." The commander's countenance woro | an expression of stupor. He clinked his the rigging iu streams and lines of pteanj. Tho rippling water was like steel, fp feathered in winks of foam and vanished elosa ip, pg though 4 Washed under the foot of a wail. Not long had tho fog grown bright exclaimed: "To think that I should never have mentioned it, rpnning over them fill, as I believe I did. Halloran The door of the cnbln occupied by Miss Mansel opened. island! Upon my word! Why, Miss Mansel, do you know that that island js charted PS within an easy day’s sail Of the reefs I am -going to sarvey?” "That’s extraordinary. Is it far off?’ "About 700 miles. Yon shall see it on paper, ” said Boldock. Ho entered his cabin pud returned with tho chart and overhung jt. “Here we are today,” said he, point ing to his last pricking off. “And here,’' said he. “looking quite close too, d’yeu tee, is Halloran island. Probably if it hadn’t peel) pnder my no:e, as it were, I should have oatpet] it.” "It is certainly the island the men pnmed, ” Miss Mansel exclaimed, gaging with earnestness pt the indication on tho chart, "It’s n very convenient island for tbeir business,” said Boldock. looking np, and as he spoke beckoning io Hardy, who stood peering down through the skylight. “It is. uninhabited. It is out ASH Y0UH DOCTOR! Ask your physician this ques tion, “ What is the one great remedy for consumption?” He will answer, "Cod-liver oil.” Nine out of ten will ^ answer the same way. Yet when persons have consumption they loathe all fatty foods, yet fat is neces sary for their recovery and they cannot take plain cod- iiver pij, The plain oil dis turbs the stomach and takes ivay the appetite. The dis agreeable fishy odor and taste make it almost^ unen durable. What is to be done ? This question was ans wered when we first made SCOTT'S EMULSION yum and W?te? and regretted that Mr. Matthews fed retired, as he loved com- PSHy, A great pi any tbqnghts sported in this stpuFsea dog’s brain, but'it js .cer tain they did not pouffern the business of tbe brig. Probably bis fnind never once glanced at the reef he was bound to. He sat smiling and smiling, Tbe little sea parlor was speedily nromatio with tho scent of hot rum and lemon, i To mauy nostrils, especially to those of fbe ocean going among them, nothing j is comparable for delicionsness to this noble smeJb^^oldoek sat .sinning his of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo* phosphites. Although that was nearly twenty-five years ago, yet it stands alone to day the one great remedy for all affections of the throat and lungs. The bad taste and odor have been taken away, the oil itself has been partly di jested, and the most sen sitive stomach objects to it rarely. Not one in ten can take and digest the plain oiL Nine out of ten can . take SCOITS EMULSION aiyl di gest it. That’s why it'cures so many cases of early consumption. Even in advanced cases it brings comfort and greatly prolongs life. anco on deck “A little wind,” said he, sniffing at it, “and fair,” he added, glancing aloft gt the yards which came and went in tha rolling clouds of vapor like the sail of a boat in the run pf the surge. He stepped to the binnacle and looked pf cha brig’s course, then hung his jolly red face oyer thp aide to judge of the slow manner and casting’ s little “red npon hris yellow face, “and the Mex ican has five and two large swtivels on her quarters, and she seems to be full of men. ’ ’ “Those two vessels," said the com- —Cuuer, “must have been hammering at each other when the log thickened down and bid them. It has only jnst lifted, and it can’t be supposed that both vessels could have been instantly prepared for action. The brig is well handled. Look! Ha, ha!” As ho spoke and laughed, crash 1 down came the mizzeu topmast of the bark, and with it her colors, rushing like a stream of light with the fall of tho gaff. “Well aimed!” roared the command er, clapping his hands. “Go it, little uni I hate those Spaniards. When'an army of Spaniards ran away, they left the field ofjbattle covered with guitars. That was two centuries ago. See how cleverly the brig luffs upon tbe bows of the’ bark {q rulio her with her popguns." “Tbo den’s seizing bis flag in the mizzen rigging,” said Mr. Hardy, with his eye at tho glas3. With the link'd sight it was easy Jq see a little fi gure ascend a short height pf rigging and make fssf g gpg. || blew out more like a distress signal than the arrogant earnest of triumph jt was intended to be. The vessels were about tiiree-quartprs of a mile off, and Bol dock bolted his brig with her topsails to tho must to view that little picture of passionate warfare. Little it was and beautiful, and memorable dsamidocean seo figbh because of the toj](ke foofcg the distanco and the mighty breast oij which they were contending gayp fhg cpj’-h'o.k-.nts fro p,. eoNTiHuan.] Tlien There Wa, Trouble. A well dressed. ladylike looking wo man entered a ear the other day with her little boy of about 6 years of age. On the conductor coming tq pol|eo( fhp fares tip* lady bunded her little sou'a quarter, he being nearer flip door- The little fellow examined the coin careful ly "and then gave It to the conductor. Scarcely had tlie man returned tat change than the youngster clapped his hands and, looking at his mother, ex claimed triumphantly: "Mamma, tp'flmmal be bS? taken tbe huf* quarterl" ■' For Infants and Children- The Kind You Have Always Bought Promotes Digestion.diceiful- ncss andRest-Contains neither Opmrn.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Naec otic. J*a?*ofGl41Y&t3EAttKB£ll Sod' ,ch,Diarrhoea, . ions .Feverish ness andLoss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of MEW" YORK. The Kind Have Always Bought. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that contain heronry, as merpiity wjll aurply destroy the sense ol smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through tfle mucqus surface. Such articles shoulfl never be used except pn presetip lions from reputable physiejans, as {ho (burnt* they will do is ten fold tp the SPfli ypu ca sibly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh ^ m8«HfRP lu red fly p, J. H W> P - Toledo, contains no mercury, and is taken intern: .1 PPs io?£: „ — . internally, acting directly upon the blood and raucous sur faces of the system. 1.1 buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally,jmd made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. timonials free. !«t* pi-fee 7*p per bofile Miss Readum—‘‘Do you like ‘The Man with the Hoe’?” Miss Yellow- leaf—“Oh, I like any man.” L. T. Travis, Agent Southern R R., Selina, Ga., writes, “Jean not say too much in praise of One Minute Cough Cure. Iu my case it worked like a charm.’’ The only harmless rsmedy that gives immediate result. Cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, and all throat and l|tng troubles. J|. Bradford, No pne pyer gajncfi anything by writ ing a long letter wbcp asbortepp wpnifi do just as well. Mirny an iuni cent little darling is suf fering untold agony and cannot explain its troubles. Mark your child’s symp toms, yon may find it troubled with worms; give it Wbjte’s Cream Yermi- { uge and rpstorp ij tp nnietneas and Tlt.a T* 1? TliirVtoyil/ lealth. Price 85 oeuts. T* P. Burbank. Blobbs—“That Bjones girl is awfully lond.” Slobbs—“Yes; she even w:ars her hair in bangs.” Jn pulmonary trouble, the direct ac tion of Ballard’s Horehouud Syrup upon tbe throat.ohest and lungs, imipe- liately arrests tlie malady, by relieving the distress, entting the phlegm and freeing the vocal and breathing organs. Price 25 and 50 cents. T. F. Burbank, At that instant the sound of a gnu was heard- Tbe commander started and swept the snrronnding blankness with his gaze; then, stepping pvep fP Mr, Hardy, he said, “Did yog hear it?” The mate’s pnswer was faken out of his month by the stmpfi Pf aUQthOF gun, distant indeed, tut clear tuni tnmjistiibrt- ble. “Good gracious!” exclaimed the com mander. “Who can bo firing in this fog? What ip be firing for? Another gnu, by thunder, Hardy| Why,” he cried, with his head thrown back and his nostrils large iu tha mist, "it post, tively sounds like an engagement dan it be a ship ashore? What shore is there down here for a ship to strnnd npon?” "D’you think something’s got scent of tbe Queen and”— “Why,” interrupted the commander, “yon can’t sco a ship her own length off. Who’d plow up that vapor there with useful rouud shot on the chance of the enemy being hidden in it?” “The snu, sir,” cried Mr. Hardy. “Anothor gnn!” exclaimed the com mander. As the mate spoke a glorious beam of light phot through a break in the flying silvery stuff and flashed pp tho brig, dazzling out her skylight and bright work into squares and stars pf stream, iug splendor. Then, gs if that spoke pf glory had been the magician’s wand that commanded tho evanisbment of tins' blind, soft, unsubstantial show, the vapor opened—it seemed to be torn, it fell brokenly into lanes and highways and avenues, with lumps of shimmering const between, In a few minutes and to tbe noiso of artillery fhe skirts of that yast field of fog majesticaljy float; P4 past the brig, over wbosp bpagi and bow the blue sea opened, brilliant yv4!l the newly risen sun, “Why, that’s what it is, sir—« fight!” cried Mr. Hardy iu a voice that yelled with excitement. ~ t The commander was thunderstruck. | He stood motionless. He never could | have believed that with his own sight ’ he should witness jn that year and in 1 those waters the spectacle 'he behefd. | Not above 1J4 miles on the bow lay 1 Dr. Fenner’s Kidney and Backache Cure. Superior to all others. For all Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases. Compounded from the most efficient known remedial agents, selected with great care from thejnarkets of the World", and long and successfully used in private practice, Especially adapted to the relief of Lame Back, fre quent, difficult and painful urination, (clearing it when red, cloudy or turbid sediment,) dropsy, rheu. matism, heart disease, diabetes, bed-wetting, female weaknesses, (a veritable mother’s cordial.) Dr. Fenner’s Kidney and Backache Cure is offorod as an unfailing Remedy in fhese diseases. He Jias devoted a lifetime to tbo troatmont of inveterate ebronie ( apd has acquired a world-wide reputation for bis success, extend ing bis practice into every State in the Union, indeed it is confidently believ ed his practice In ttiesp diseases exceeds in a single year that ef the ordi nary practitioner in a lifetime. His writrfigs qq medical questions have obtained unlversn! approval: These facts are 3 guaranty to the afflicted in the selection of this Remedy Which makes sp directly aqd speedily for cure. * G c t P.f ypur dealer a circular with full description and certificates of soma 8f thp most remarbalile cures ever achieved by medicine. FOR SALE BY J. C. KNIGHT, 8END>US OWE DOLLAR a you this NEW 11 takes an old bachelor with a won- deiful amount of confidence to attempt Jo amuse a baby. Persons whp lead a life of exposqfp are subject to rbenmotjsm, neuralgia aDd lumbago, will find a valuable rem edy in Ballard’s Saow Liniment; it will banish pain and snbdne inflammation. Price 25 and 50 cents. T. F. Burbank. Young Physician—“When you have a case which baffles yon, whom do you call in?” Old Docfop (gruffly)—(‘fhe on Icrtakpr.?’ Begin U)C fjew y.Mir right, h,;y a bot tle of Dr Tjphenor’s Antiseptic, fli use In case of nn accident. Most wonder ful healing Componnd known to Medi cal Science. Only 50cts nt all drug stores. imjpYtn J |‘*ai.o°tiaS?uitux, b, hajt* c. o. b., J“» Voucanexamlpeltatyour nearest frclcht depot, and If you find It exactly os represented, the greatest value jou ever saw * n<1 better than organs advertised by others aj more money, par Uie freight W ftrrmido FrqnVTfcp illustration ffl9 n*ch is vl|rr-c»i t ru m ftpnotopraph you can form some iqpft Pf WP«fflUJCB. Wade from aolld quarter pawed oak oe walnut os desired, perforated key slip, full panel bodr, beautiful marquetry design panels and many other handsome decoration*, aud ornameuis, making I» the VERY IATKST STYLE. TIIE PARLOR GEM is 6 feet high, 4 2 Inches long, 23 Inches wide aud weighs 350 pounds. Contains & octaves, 11 stops, as follows: Diapason, Principal, Dnlelana, Melodis, Celeste, Cremona, Bass Coupler, Treble Coupler, .Diapason Forte and Vox Humana; 2 Octavo Couplers, 1 Tone Swell, 1 Grand Organ Swell, 4 Sets of Orchestral Toned Uesonalory Pipe Quality Herds, 1 Set cf 37 Pure Sweet Helodla Re*ds. lSeto Charmingly Brilliant Celeste Reeds. 1 Set or 21 Rich Xeilow Smi Diapason Reeds, T Set of P/easIng'Soft Eelodious Principal needs. THE PARLOR GEM nctlpn consistsof tho Celebrated XeweH ReeJc which are Only used In the high* est grade tasti'pinentkfltfed Ifammond Couplers and w— -iPj/jieUpws Suer with ft 10*1 pedal frames, anq every modern improvement. tTe famish free a handsome organ stool c_d tbe best organ Instruc tion book publUbod. ' ' GUARANTEED 25 YEARS, pedal frames, and every modern Improvement. — issue a written binding 35-ycar guarantee, by t terms and conditions of which if any part gief ... repair It free of charge. Try it one month and we will refund your money if you are not perfectly satls*;sd- 300 of there organs will be sold at 535.50. AT ONCE. IlOXrr DELAY. OUR RELIABILITY IS ESTABLISHED dealt with us uf>l Kind Lady—“Yon say you used lo be a poet?” Tramp—“Yes’m; that’s bow I got my shirt.” heavy black tops and large topsails. She bT^iS xiaa a color at laer mizzen gaff, was cnn*H the most obstinate oases. I J rice painted black, with a line of reddish 59 cents in bottles. Tabes, 75 cents. T. metal that flamed wet as she lightly F Bn. bank rolled Jike something sun touched, clear- j ly a Thp .other was a smart The difference between a wit and a brig, showing no polprs, hJacJt, fpp, witl; humorist is that a wit says things and raking piasis and very sharp bows, ! a 1'ijmorist writes Uipm. They wbF. 0 • manepyering ;vith spirit' —tl.. =rr when thp pld Wpljesley swarmed put pf Pri pare for Accidents and Diseases the fog, ' ' " ' "" " ” ig, tho brig trying to gef to wind? 1 °f the New Year Buy a bottle of Dr. ward of the bark, and tho bark slowly ' Ticl.j;aorVAntjcp|.tie. Heals Cnts and inffhersailalnfnUfrhtBorlkihndn®'-Btrua-quickeraiul »jlb less snfferini! swinging her sails into light and shadow .'n ru ®-q nic ker apd »jtj) less snflerin: ,..h. i,o. w "hsn anything. Cures Coljc too, in man as she. braced her yards, to defeather opponent's efforts. “My glass, Hardyl” cried the com mander, and leveling those substantial tubes of brass at tho two vessels he gazed thirstily. The flag floating languidly at the bark’s peak w^us Mexican. The brig had the appearance ,of a Yankee. Jjfhp heart of Boldock beat jvith a pnlsa of ‘fever when the flrpat felescppefjronght one or the othef pf fbo'yesseig close to him! Red fire gushed from ffipir sides,'satin white plonds of whitp powdep sinoke drifted betwixt fheip masts'and shonp nppn Dig seq gko fragments pf the fog that stately in bulk pnd pace was pass! jng pway into the blue heaypu pf tho northern horizon. A1J the Jacks .of tho brig had got scent pf thp show, and the forecastle) was filled. In fapt, what with her own complement, and Matthews' people. tho little brig forward wns load ed with 18 men. Thus crowded and aU bands_ showing she was doubtless eyed with 'auxiety by the contending vessels as something dangerous coming to the assistance of ono or tho other of thorn. Boldock stood on till bo could see tbo flash of tho water as the black balls skimmed the surface. Mr. Matthews came ou deck aud was presently follow ed by Miss Mansel! “What is it?” cried tho young lady. “A fight between a Mexican man-of- war and a Emuggler, no doubt a Yan kee, bnt I can’t- swear,” answered Bol dock. “Undoubtedly a Yankee, sir,” said Matthews, looking through the glass. -“Four guns of a side,” he went on with snirif animatimi bis usuallv or beast 50 ct« by all druggists. flic- “I’m title of her oldest friends.’ lb—“Ymi look It." CASTOR IA for Infants and Children. Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Pjgnatnrepf £* „ , ,. pomp and gone, bnt Dr. Tjphenor's Antjsepfic pas come to piny. It is tl;e jieoplels favorite Medi- plnp. A pleat), jilpasaut Liqnid, that heals Wounds and Hnrne like pagie. Tastes differ. Soup ppoplp can see beauty ip a lot king glass while others can't. ■frr mjkm R Vlu.eeFP, if AT 822.00 And np“ bundingi " , j., ipppH ... _ mm , , 8EABS, ROEBUCK <fc CO, (Inc.), Fulton, Waypan SU., CHiGACO. ILL. FOR FINE= Job Printin; ^§=COME TO THE^ Standard Office. SEND NO IWIONEY *10,00, f 11,00, f 13,00 ao4 up, all fully dc bribed In our Free *MklB4 iaUlogae, but *15,50 for this DROP DESK the greatest value evor offered by any Iiomrs, BEWARE OF IRfllTATIOMS tisements,offering unknown naculaes unu«r, with variousin- JaermenU. Write some friend Lu Chicago and learn who are re.I*Ue and who are not. THEBURD1GK DYETtSoifpiiSTDFETOtfflM UIUDK HUH INK JUDE, W!71I THE DEFECTS OF NONE. Made by the. beat muI.era In America. 4 -sr n-oni the best material mosey d* con bay. SOUP QUARTER SAV/ED OAK RHOP DESK CABiKET I Pi»no P nn.hei ■V'jv - ■ ■ ■ ■ .One illustrujjon shows maehiTro -ifosea-iheaddroppins lr».m siffht) to oe used as a center table, aUntl '* otheropeh with full length table and head Iri place ibt •2“*® sewing.'-4“fancy drawer*. Jatost IbOO-akeletonframr. carved, bos; ed and decorated cabinet linish, finest nickel drawer pulji.1 caster^atj justafrletrcadlef. genuine Smyth iron stand- c -I'lacst larre TIich : Ana MqgMiy!* tonr niotior, feedj self threading Yibratinpr'shnttle’. aixtcmAtitr ^adfcr.atljusUbto hearings, patent tension U proved IottS oSjastible pressure fOot; iinprrrvedshnttl • carri-r, patent neeTltob.tT; dU-bantlMmely decorated and ora a merited and beautifully 'Free' la- 11, Ut :-tIia hnn.ismnelr demratetl and oraai _„ r .. . _ U ARAN TEED IhelisblestrunnbrtT. m. nolr.ele^tnarhlne made. Every known attachment is forriMie; strpctfgo Bdok-telto just ho win y on e can rnn it aoffdQ either plain hr E«ndi«c Cuaraniee is sent with every m.nihip J. IT G08T8 Y0P N0THiPy6' *?^?«4«»«ine-.hi8m a cl,iae.frompareitwith ■ ,.rn those your storekeeper sells at *40.00 to >ay your freight atrent the $15.50. you arc cot satisfied. ORDER TO-DAY. Save Your Money. One box of Tutl’s Pills will save many dollars in doctors' bills I hey will surely cure all diseases of the stomach, liver or bowels. No Reckless Assertion For sick headache, dyspepsia, malaria, constipation and bilio usness, a million people endorse TUTT’S Livef PILLS *6b.f!0, and then WK TO «KTURX Y< DOM’J OELAY. , r ... _ w _ . . . Addte§§, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chjcago, Iff. VANDIVER WHIS JOHN M. VANDIV. Ho, 18 Broad St, (BAHTS FINE WHISKI .DERS