The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, April 05, 1900, Image 5

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HARVEST OF EPWORTH LEAGUE. We That’s what you will find at this store have searched the markets thoroughly for\them, and selected the best that could be found. They made with all the care that custom workmanship can give. '1 hey look well feel well and wear well. We are well up with the advancing season, and are ready for all ages and sizes of men and boys, can fit you up from head to foot with ] Suits, Hats, Shoes and Furnishings. Isn’t it about time you what we can do (or you ? were coming around to see 1. SC. HOLMES. Clothier and Furnisher. BUSINESS CARDS. W. C- BUNN, -afe - Iiaw, (Office, 1st Nut. Bank Bldg.) • JEDARTO VVN, - GEORGIA. J. IL SANDERS. J. K. DAVIS SANDERS & DAVIS, Attorneys at Law, Olliee in Chamberlain Building, CEDARTOWN. GA. W. R 3FURF2ER ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, CEDARTOWN GA. VtTll.L practice in all the Courts ol VV Polk, Paulding,Eloyd and Haral son Counties, and in all the courts ol Georgia, State, Federal and Supreme. Also, in Alabama courts by special ar rangement. W. K. FIELDER. W. W. MUNDY. FIELDER & MUNDY, ATTORNEYS . AT - LAW, Cedaetown, Geobgia. Promftattention given toa’l business. Collections a specialty. Olliee up-stairs in Stubbs Building. Wm. JANES, Attorney - at - Law. First National Bank Building. CEDARTOWN, - - GEORGIA J. C. WALKER, Attorney at Law. Over First National Bank Building, Cedartown', - Georgia. £@“Collections a Specialty. IT. M. NICHOLES, LAWYER. Commissioner to Take Testimony. Olliee in Judge’s room at Court Molise. CEDARTOWN, GA. J. A. WRIGHT, Attorney at Law Cedaetown, Ga. Olfico with J. A. Blance, in Chamber- lain Building. J. H. ANDERSON, Attorney at Law. Office with Ordinal-- at Court House, CEDARTOWN, GA. Will practice in State and Federal Courts. At- orney for Bradstreet Co. Will push collections vigorously. J. A. LIDDELL, Physician - and - Surgeon, Cedartown, Georgia. W. A. CHAPMAN, Physician 0 Surgeon, CEDARTOWN, GA'. R. Ff. SPr^KS, —Physician and Surgeon CEDARTOWN, GA. Calls answered promptly day or night. w. G. ENGLAND, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON \ CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA. * -alls attended day and night. CHAS. VANN WOOD, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Collins & Holmes, CEDARTOWN, GA. B. F. Sims. Wm. H. Marsh. SIMS & MARSH, DENTISTS. Offers the r services to the public Office over .T. S. Stubbs’ store. Office hours 9 a. in. to 5 p. m. J". IP. GKR/ZEIEIR,, DENTIST, Tenders bis services to the public. Of fice over the Racket Store. MONEY to LOAN. We are prepared to NEGOTIATE LOANS in any amount desired, on approved FARM LANDS as se curity. For further information ap ply at our office in the Stubbs building, Cedartown, Ga. Fielder & Mundy. We can furnish The Standard and the American Agriculturist, with the Agriculturist’s Year Book and Alma nac, for only $1.85 a year, cash iiuad- vance. This is an opportunity of which our farmer friends should generally avail themselves. THE CEDARTOWN'STANDARD THMiasr, 1,an. Col. I. E. Shumate, of Dalton,was here Friday. Majestic flour, the finest on earth, at Pitts A- Bunn’s. Col. J. M. Rudolph, of Dalton,was in the city Friday. We still handle these delicious “Split Peas.” J. A. Adams. Mrs. W. C. Bunn visited Atlanta the first of the week. Sure Kill kills Bed Hues sure. For sale at Wood Co’s. ’Squire W. N. Strange was over Tuesday from Rock mart. Go to Pitts & Bunn’s’for that famous “Cairo” Can Syrup. Blanke Bros’, celebrated candies always fresh at Pitts & Bunn’s. Judge C. G. Janes and Mr.- Geo. Harris were at Aragon Monday. Go to J. A. Adams and get a pack age of Ralston’s Breakfast Food. Capt. and Mrs. J. A. Peek spent the first of the week in Atlanta. When you want “Hr-No” Tetley’s Teas, go to J A. Adams. New styles in Laces and Embroid eries just arrrived at Scheufr’s. Dr. and Mrs. B F. Sims spent th first of the week in the Gate City. Chase * Sanborn’s coflees and teas The public is cordially invited attend the literary exercises of the Epworth League at the Methodist church tomorrow evening. Thomas Nelson Page, the South’s great novelist, will furnish the theme the evening, and the following is the program:— Music—Quartette. . Re.station—Mr. A. T. Garrard. Solo, “Anchored”—Mr. L. G. Smith. Review of “The Old South”— Dr L Ledbetter. Solo —Mr. Hester. Paper, “In Ole Virginny”—Mr. Wa’ter Butler. Review of “Red Rock”—Mrs. A. Hogg. Clean up for spring! Mr. J. A. McDonald spent Sunday Pulverized and cut-loaf sugar Pitls & Bunn’s Mrs. Ivy F. Thompson visited A nice lot of seed Irish potatoes of fferent varieties, at J. A. Adam-'. Mrs. J. A. Peek and Mrs. W C Bunn spent Friday and Saturday in Rome. The latest thing of beauty—those ‘lightful preserves at Pitts & Miss Katie Peek returned Salur If you haven’t tried that blended For fresli garden seeds, early corn nd onion sets, go to Burbank’s [rug store. If you are hard to suit with syrups, ve can please you and everybody I fi e. J. A Adams. Cel. W. It. Hutcheson, a promi- You can find rice ’ills * Bunn’s. It Veal Loaf at will “make Misses Rena May Ledbetter and The first half of your Street Tax nee. J. II. Piiilpot, Marshal. Miss Nancy Lou Pitts returned A liberal sprinkling with lime Mr. Louis Wade has been at Ars on this week, placing seme new aaehines at the big eottoh factory We have just received a large ship- Mrs. J. L. Turner left Saturday We have just received the fintst Pitts A Bunn. Mr. E A. Heard, of Rome, in the city Tuesday. Fresli assortment of Langdon cakes just in at Pitts & Bunn’s Mr. H. E. F. Jones, of Carters- vil e, was here yesterday. Just received a fresh lot of Cali fornia prunes at'Pitts & Bunn’s. Those fresh Saratoga chips at J Adams are delicious. Try them. Mr. Holmes Smith is home from the Technological School in Atlanta If you want a ham that will please you. get the “Star” at J. A. Adams Onion sets and fresh garden seeds of all kinds at Burbank’s drug store, For a first class job of painting or paper-hanging, call on A. F. Gross, Mr E A. Tate, a sterling citizen of Esom Hill, was in town yester- ay. Mr. L. M. Pronty, of Atlanta, was the guest of Mr. F. Frederick over Sunday. If you want a flour that will please you, get that “Highest Patent” at J A. Adams. South Georgia’syrup in half gallon cans, the best thing you can get, id Pitts * Bunn’s. California violet roo s and palm roots for sale, 25 cents per hundred. M rs. J. O. CRAP.!! Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mundy, of Cedartown, were in the city yestpr day shopping.—Rome Tribune,3d. Our California fruits, both canned and dried, cannot be excelled in either price or quality. J.A.Adams Mrs. W. S. Coleman, who has been visiting re’atives in Atlanta the past week, returned home last eveningr Mrs. Fannie Newcombe has gone to Rome for the summer, much to the regret of her numerous Cedar- town fiiends. We have just received a lot of sweet cakes and crackers, ail kinds and fancy varieties. Pitts A Bunn. Money to Loan—On city prop erty, improved or unimproved, at low rates and on easy terms. Jas A. Dodds. Mrs J. M. Rudolph, of Dalton, :ir .vi d yesterday to spend a couple •<f weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Morris. Mr. W. T. Gibson is having the Hines property on South Main street improved, and it will be occupied by by Mrs. L II. Jones. Messrs. Ross Pitts, Ross Thomason and John Pace, three clever young men who have been seriously ill, are up and about once more. Go to J. R. Davis to get your dry goods. He has just received a hand some and new line of both drygoods and groceries Call and get his prices. Oaeof the pleasing featuresol last week’s millinery openings was the artistic w indow decorating of Mr. Albert M. Line at Cobb’s. The design was unique and beautifully carried out. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Hines have moved into the residence on Her bert street just vacated by Mrs. W.S. Wallace. Mr. Hines is the efficient General Manager of the Cedartown Cotton Company. Col. J. K. Barton, who negotiated the sale of the Prior properties to the Alabama Consolidated Coal and Iron Co , is now working on some other big mineral deals which will prove of value to Polk. Lost—Policy blank ol the Green wich Insurance Company of New York,number 74S,791,lost or mislaid, o - abstracted from our office. The public is warned accordingly. Ledbetter & Co , Agents. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Swayne left Saturday for a trip to New York. On their return they will occupy the house on West avenue belonging to' Mr. J. R. Barber, which will be en larged and re-modeled for them. Mr. G. A. Lane left Monday to accept a lucrative position as super intendent of some extensive mining operations at Chapel Hill, N. C. His many Cedartown friends con gratulate him on his good fortune. NEW SWITCH-BOARD. Mr. Dodds Makes Big Improvement ai Telephone Exchange. The Cedartown Telephone Ex change is oue of c ur most uselul institutions—in fact, we just couldn’t get along without it. Mr. Jas. A. Dodds, the accommo dating General Manager, keeps the Exchange up to date, and has couple ni excellent assistants in Mis-es May Langford and Mamie Smith. Mr. Dodds has just' received a large and elegynt new Eureka switch hoard, which he will have installed in a few days. The new-bourd is of the latest and most improved design, and will enable Mr. Dodds to give even more prompt and efficient service than heretofore. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. -PROMINENT REPRESENTATIVES OP GREAT SYSTEM Visit Cedartown Last Friday—Road to be Extended Here. NOTICE. All accounts due me before Jan 1st, 1900, must be settled or arranged by April io, or they will be put i judgment. H. J. Dempsey. dartown for the Rome Steam Laundry, rome 9 ga. Laundry Work leaves Cedartown on Tuesdays and returns on Fridays. st Equipped Laundry in State «®”We make Lace Curtains look as good as New. SSS“We guarantee to not break yi.ur collars in laundrying. Bh$“NO SAW EDGES on your collars. Give us a trial. ROME STEAM LAUNDRY CO. MissMary Harris was in Rome Saturday. Go to J. A. Adams and get 13 bars of soap for 25 cents. Dr. E. H. Richardson was up from Atlanta last Friday. You will find the Ray seed sweet potatoes at J. A. Adams. Mr. R B Hitchcock, of Taylors ville, was here Tuesday. Go to Pitts & Bunn’s and try some of that fresh Corn Starch. Editor W. S. Coleman was in At lanta the first of the week. Sure Kill cleans out all the bed bugs. For sale at Wood Co’s. Go to J. A. Adams and get a box of that frpsh, delicious candy. The finest, freshest California fruits to be had only at Pitts & Bunn’s. Col. W. F. Turner was in Atlanta the first of the week on business. Garden seeds of the best varieties in bnik or papers at J. A. Adams. Mr. Walter Harper, of the Rome Argus, was in the city yesterday. Large shipment of Magic Slock Powder just received at J.A.Adams Mr. I. Coplan is having another house built on his Cedar Hill prop erty. Mrs. W. ML Hines has returned from an extended visit at Barnes ville. Tlie “Star Brand” and Magic Yeast are perfectly fresh at Pitts & Bunn’s. Good work guaranteed. Call on F. Gross, the painter and paper- hanger. Pillsbury Flour—the finest and best on the market—can be found at Pitts & Bunn’s. Those Pitted Preserved Cherries and Spanish Queen Olives are very fine at Pitts & Bunn’s. Drop a card to A. F. Gross, and he ill call on you with a fine -line ot samples of wall papers. Bailin' J. F. Carmichael, of Rock- mart, brought in another boarder Tuesday for Hotel de Crocker. The biggest and best line ol piekles, preserves and fruit butters ean be found at J. A. Adams, to suit the taste of all. Mr. G. M. Roberts, of Buchanan, was here Tuesday. He purchased the old Phillips place on Main street Sheriff’s sale. have several old vehicles to sell cheap Will trade for anything that can use in any way. Come to see if you want one. T. H. Adams. Give your_house a spring cleaning, . and go to Wood Co’s, and get a can Sure Kill. It destroys all Roaches, Bed - Bugs, Carpet-Bugs, Fleas, Wa ter Bugs and Ants. Mrs. J. K. Barton arrived home Monday from a visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clias. McGhee Niles, at McGhee, Tenn. She was the guest of friends in Chattanooga for a few days on her way home. I would be delighted to have everybody pay what they owe me, and not cause me the embarrassment of asking them in person. I need the money, and if I didn’t,it is mine and not yimr’s Let me h< ar from you at once. Very respectfully, T. II. Adams. Mr and Mrs. R. A. Adams at tended the funeral of Mrs. T. W. Morgan Tuesday afternoon in Rock- mart. Mrs. Morgan was a sister of Mrs. Adams, and was an excellent lady. A large number ot friends here sympathize with the bereaved family at her death. We have a beautiful line of White Goods, Striped and Figured Lawns, Dimities, etc,, Ladies’ and Misses’ Sailors, Trimmed Hats, Ladies’ ’..Slippers, Men’s Shoes, Shirts, Hats and Pants, bought with Spot Cash before the advance, that we are selling at a bargain. J. T. Bright. Leave your order for Shingles at the New York Racket Store. In addition to a general line of Mer chandise and Novelties, we have ac cepted the agency for the best Shingle we have seen in this market. Cali and get our prices before plac ing your order. L. C. Butler, Prop. Dr. R. R. Thompson met with a painful accident Saturday. He was riding horseback, and reining the horse up sharply -the animal fell. He escaped with a broken shoulder- blade, whieh is a serious enough accident to a man of his “youth”-- the Doctor being one of those men who count themselves “so many years young” instead of old. The building of the . Standard Cotton Mills in Eastview lias caused a great deal of building activity in that excellent portion of our city. Col. W. F. Turner has just finished building a tenant house there, Dr.R R Thompson is building two, and Mr T. M Pace has closed a contract for four. These will all prove good investments, and others are urgently needed. A party of Southern Railway of ficials were welcome visitors in Ce dartown last Friday, coming in an elegant private ear. The party consisted of Messrs J. S. B. Tla lupsuu. Assistant General Superintendent; Win A Vaughn, Division Superintenden ; Lueiat McCleskey, Division Freight Agem; S. H Hardwick, Assistant General Passenger Agent; J J. Seay.'Solicit- ing Freight Agent, and I. E Shu mate, Division Attorney. These gentlemen are all capable and pop ular officials of one of the largest and best railway systems in the world They came for the purpose of com pletirg the purchase of the franchise of the Ore Belt Railway, and effect ing an organization under the liberal provisions of that charter. They made something of an investigation of our resources, and were well pleased with Cedartown’s present in dustrial condition and her brighten ing prospects. It can now be stated with certainty that the branch being built from Cave Spring to the DeBardeleben mines will be extended to Cedar town, thus giving our shippers ad ditional railroad facilities. A number of Cedartown gentle men were pleasantly entertained at Col. Thompson’s special car. It is hoped that these prominent railway men will be frequent visitors in Cedartown hereafter, where they can be sure of a hearty welcome. Fixings! -FOB- EASTER! FINE MINERAL WATER. Mrs. Booz Has a Well Which Rivals Tate Springs. Mrs. M. A. Booz lias a well at her h it el which is likely to add largely 11 the widespread popularity of that excellent hostelry. It has long been known that it possessed mineral properties, but Mrs. Booz had the water analyz-d rfcently, tlie chem ist pronouncing it nearly identical with the celebrated Tate Springs of Tennessee. The analysis is as fol lows:— Magnesium Sulphate, 1IU grs. per gal Sodium Sulphate, IS “ “ Lime Sulphate, 21 “ “ Bicarbonate of Iron, 7:1 “ “ Such a combination of chemical ingredients in drinking water is very beneficial for many of the ail ments “that flesh is heir to,” and this well bids fair to win high repu tation as a health restorer. Street Commissioner T. F. Bnr- bank continues to do excellent work on our streets that will prove effec tive and permanent. The books of the late Dr. E. B. Marshall, Jr., have been placed in my hands for collection. All per sons indebted to him will please come forward and make immediate settlement and thereby avoid pay ment of cost. J. C. Walker. The two big boilers at the new Standard Mills arrived last week, and are being put in place. Every thing is on a big hustle at this splendid new plant, and if the weather continues favorable the building will soon be ready for the reception of machinery. Messrs. Birkbeck and Parker are crowding the work as rapidly a3 possible. Rev. T. R. McCarty is at Rock mart this week assisting Rev. W. A. Harris in a series of revival meet ings at the Methodist church theie. His fame as a successful revivalist has become widespread, and several churches desire his aid in special meetings. He will soon go to Macon and Carrollton to assist in revival servicis. Themeetingal Rock mart is proving very successful, and Mr. McCarty is preaching three times daily. He will return home Satur day and fid his pulpit on Sunday as usual. Mr. Paul Baugh gave a delightful informal reception last Friday even ing at his elegant new home “I’w- ehlan,” in honor of his fiancee, Miss Josephine Glaser, and her mother, Mrs. N. V. Glaser, of Ashville.N.C., who are his guest for a time while en route to their former home at Jacksonville, Ala. Mr. Baugh is an affable and popular host, and Miss Glaser is a lovely and accomplished Southern belle. The guests of the evening were most enjoyably enter tained, and the Biuigh-Zimmerman Band discoursed some excellent music. Mrs. Wallace has shipped her household goods to her future home at South Rygate, Vt, where her husband, Rev. W. S. Wallace, has been for some time. The many friends of the family will be glad to know that she and her children will remain .here for a month before go ing to "their New England home, Mrs. Wallace has conducted a pop ular boarding-house, and her re moval causes quite a “seatterment.” Dr. and Mrs. B.F. Sims have secured rooms at Mrs. N. M. Wright’s, Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Chapman at Mr. W. W. Prior’s and Col. and Mrs. H. M. Nicholes at the Philpot House. It is time you were selecting, but before you decide, remember that it PAYS TO LOOK HERE. There is always a SAVING if you find here what you want, and as our stocks are full, the chances are ail in favor of your finding JUST WHAT YOU WANT at c. PHILPOT, ^eal Estate Agent CEDARTOWN, GA. SPECIALTIES. S©*FOR SALE—City Lots, Resi dences, Timber Lands, Business Property. 8ST4,000 acres Fine ORE Property near E. & W. road for sale. serFarm Lands. Some of the Finest Farm Lands in Georgia, in Either Small or Large Tracts—Also in Mid die and South Georgia. SSTTaxes Paid, Rents Collected. J.L. TURNER, FBACTIOAL Watchmaker and Jeweler. I GARRY A SPLENDID LINE OF W. F. FREEMAN’S CASH STORE At Main St. R. R. Crossing. -ALL KINDS OF— FAMILY GROCERIES! FANCY AND STAPLE, Will he sold at LOWEST PRICES For SPOT CASH Only. Keeps no Books and Credits No One. 5, HOCKS, Spectacles, Etc. The very best selections from leading manufacturers, bought with the greatest pos sible care, and will be sold at prices that can not be duplicated when quality is considered. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. ^ 'All work entrusted to me will have prompt and careful attention. Charges al ways reasonable. Come to see me. J. L. TURNER, Jeweler. Corner Main and Herbert Streets. Pav your subscription to The Standard. THE SHI! H II1 YEAR. A. C. COBB. Just a glimpsejnto our DRESS GOODS Department WE CARRY HENRIETTAS. SERGES, CREPONS, BRILLIANTINES SATIN SOLI EL, SILK STRIPE CHALLIES WHIPCORDS, LAWNS, ORGANDIES,. DIMITIES, MADRAS. NAME ON EVERY PIECE.” LOWNEY’S Chocolate Bonbons. FOR SALE BY J. O- CRABB. SICKS! See those Styles we are show ing for 50 Cts. Usual price, 75 cts. The largest assortment of • FANCY SILKS in the city. Come before the Choice Styles are gone. Have filled his store with the Season’s Newest and Choic est STYLES. EMBROIDERIES! We will sell you the io and 20 cent quality this week for 5-and 10 cents. Beautiful line of ALLOVER LACES, ALLOVER EMBROIDERIES, SPANGLED NET, APPLIQUE LACES, TORCHONS, VALENCIENNES. NOTICE The Remnant Basket. iliMil! SLIPPERS! We have them to fit you in the LATEST STYLES Rugs, Mattings, Art Squares. We offer you GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS At LOW PRICES. Complete Line. CURTAINS! BOBONETTE for’Curtains. FIGURED SWISSES for Curtain: LACE CURTAINS ALL FRICE5 COBB’S