The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, May 10, 1900, Image 2

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■ ■ v ' " ■> • ■" C HOICE Vegetables will always find a ready marke t—but only that farmer can raise them who has studied the great secret how to ob tain both quality and quantity by the judicious use of well- balanced fertilizers, bio fertil izer for Vegetables can produce a large yield unless it contains at least S% Potash. Send for our books, which furnish full information. We send them free of charge. german kali works, QT N’as^u St., New York. Ced irtown mines and ships more Iron Ore than any other point in the whole South, out side of Birmingham. DIRECTOR' CUTY OFFICERS. Mayor, L. S.'Led better. Mayor pro tem., T. H. Adams. Clerk, J. C. Knight. Treasurer, H. A. Fite. Councilman: .I.A. Liddell, B.A. File, D. J. Lowry, T.F. Burbank,T. II. Adams. Cl*. Board of Health—Dr. J.A. Liddell. (Mi. Street Com.—T. F. Burbank. (Cemetery Commissioner, D.J. Lowry. Marshal and Collector, J. H. Philpot. Supt. Water and Lights,J.M.Curtright. Cit3 r Attorney, J. K. Davis. C1T1T SCHOOL BOARD. J. S. Stubbs, Chairman; J. H. Dodds, Secy; E. B. Russell, Treas; W.S.Shillett, W. T. Gibson, R. A. Adams, W. K. Fielder, J. W. Judkins, W. G. England. Superintendent, Prof. II. L Sewell. Superintendent, POLK SUPERIOR COURT. Judge, C. G. Janes. Solicitor General, W. T. Roberts, 01 Donglassville. Clerk, W. C. Knight. Official Stenographer, FT. M. Nicholes. COUNTY OFFICERS. Commissioners, D. M. Russell, II. N. Sheffield, J. C. Hand. Ordinary, A. I>. Hogg. Clerk, W. C. K.light. SheriII, W. T. Crocker. Deputy Sherifls, T. C. Hagan and .I. . Hogg. fax Receiver, M. E. McCormick. Tax Collector, Voltz Schliestet. Treasurer, J. M. Hamrick. Corouer, J. O. Crabb. Surveyor, C. R. Pittman. Registrars, \V.R.Beck, S.K.Hogue and J. L. Branch. County School Commissioner, J. E. Heuseal. COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD. M. V. B. Ake, Ohm; A. D. Hogg, A. H. McBryde, J. K. Davis, J. S. King. CHURCHES. Methodist, Rev. T. R. McCarty. Baptist, Rev. C. K Henderscn. Presbyterian, Rev. O.O’N. Martin dale. Episcopal, Rev. G. E. Benedict, Services every Sunday morning and evening; Sunday school 9.30 a. ui. Prayermeeting every Wednesday even ing. BOARD OF TRADE. President, J. S. Stubbs. Vice Presidents, W. F. Hall and J. E. ood. Secretary, E. B. Russell. Treasurer, U. N. VanDevaiuler. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Chief, Chas. V. Wood; 1st Asst. Chief, Charles Beasley; 2d Asst., Fred Wood; Sec’v, Wiley West; Treas., Ross Thom ason. Fire Co. No. 1.—Capt., J. H. Philpot; Pros., J. Hi Sandeis; Sec’y, Fred Wood; Treas., J. E. Judkins. Fire Co. No. 2. Capt., Carden Bunn; Prest., Joe Langford; Secy, Hugh Rob erts; Treas., Chas. Sewell. SECRET FRATERNITIES. Caledonia Lodge, No. 121 y F. and A. M. , J.W.Judkins,, W.M., J.T, Phillips, S. W., J. P. Carter, J.W., Chas. Beasloy, See’>., T. F. Burbank, Treas. Meets 1st and 3d Friday evenings in each month. Adoniram Chapter, No. 41, R. A. M. W, G. England, H. P., W. R. Beck, K., J. W. Judkins, Sec’y., T. F. Burbank,• Treas. Meets 2d and 4tli Frida3 r even inp«. Cedar Valley Council, No. 138(>, Ro^^al Arcanum, W. (J. Bunn, Regent, R. H. March man V. R., E. B. l tnssell, C„ I S. Ledbetter, Sec’y, J. O. Crabb, Col. Cedartown Lodge, Woodmen c r the World; L. W. Branch, Consul Com man der; M. C. Bobo, Sec’y and Collector. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Cedartown. 1075th .district, William Janes, 3d Tuesday; J.A. Wilson, N. P. Young’s, 12*>3d district^ W. T. Lee, 4th Saturday, J. B. Jones, N. P. Rockmart, I072d district, O. R. Sim- men ille, 4th Monday; W. N. Strange: Fish, 1074th district, W. J. Lawson, 4th Friday; J. M. McKinney, N.. P.- Blooming Grove, 1409tjf district, W 1 Ray, 2d Saturday; Ahijali Watson,N P. Esom Hill, 1079th district, Robert Caldwell, 1st Saturday; .1. N. Tor rence, N. F. Hampton’s, 1070th district, T.J.Pemp sey, 2d Saturday, L. Sutherlin, N. P Buncombe, 1073d district, O.N.Waits, 4th Saturda\ r . M. M. Jones, N. P. Browning’s, 1447th district^ F. IT. Mar but, 4th Saturday. N. B. Parrish, N. P. Antioch, 1518th district, G. W. Peek, 2d Saturday; W. IL Morgan, N. P. I^ake Creek, 1570th district,’ John A ticker, J. I\, 2dTuesda3 r ; W. J. Brown, I’M CEDARIOWS STANDARD Published Ex. sryThursilav in the Year B. RUSSELr, W ' s - 0OUEMAN, 0'>eYear. U .. B ! C .^ PT10N RATES *1.00 Six Months 50 luree Months IINQ Rates -will be furnished on application. nm ° fflcial Organ of Polk County. mclal Organ or the City of Cedartown THURSDAY, MAY 10,19C0. A a )°r H. J. Mills and his talented young son, Grady, have purchased the anton Advance, and the press of the state will be enlivened now with the flashes from the Major’s trenchant pen. Here’s to you, mon ami, and may 3 our sheckles keep pari passu with your atne. We confidently expect the Mills to maintain an Advance in weekly journalism worthy of their leadership and creditable to the craft i. will be remembered that the genial Major and his interestin', family resided last 3'ear at Prior’s in this 'county. ESOM HILL. Farmers are very badly behind with their work. A shower of rain would be appreciated now. There is no small pox here, as has been reported. There are seveial cases at Tecnmseh, but I understand they are in the pest house. Lueile, the brightjittle daughter oi Dr. and Airs. J. E. Pennington, is very sick at this writing. There will be an all day singing next Sunday at Shiloh church, conducted by Prof. Tom Hutcheson, of Bnchanan. Everybody invited to come and bring dinner with them. It will also be preaching day. Beta, Unless a woman eats sufficient nour ishing food she can neither gain nor keep a good complexion. Food, when digested, is the base of all health, all strength and all beauty. Herbine will help digest what you eat, and give yon the clear, bright, beautiful skin of health. Price 50 aDd 75 cts. T. F. Bur bank. Tax and 'Beg:station Notice for 1900. " hen it i3 remembered that TrFon cotton factory has grown from 52S to 53,000 spindles; from a few hands to a town of 2,500 of tlie most neatly dressed and healthiest looking opera tive to lie found in the South,and from a $25,000 to a million dollar invest ment, the success of cotton manufac turing in tins section may be better understood." I had stomach trouble twenty years and'gave up hope of beiug cured till I began to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It has done me so much good that I call it the savior of my life,’’writes W. R. Wil kinson, Albany, Tenn. It digests what yon eat. E. Bradford. Tbe publishers of the Youth’s Com panion of Boston. Afass., have author ized the Seaboard Air Line to offer prize banners to the one hundred schools making the most improvement in the snrronndings of their school- houses, ; n the way of painting their buildings, laying out their gronnds and planting trees and shrubs. These prize banners are lnig>, handsome United States flags. Tbe contest will close on next S. A. L. Arbor Day, Wednesday, March 20th, 1901. The banners will bo presented to tbe schools on .Inly 4tb, 1001, and each school receiving a ban ner will have a grand 4th of Jnly cele bration and flag raising. The day will be a notable one for tbe states through which the Seaboard Air Line rnns. CASTORIA. Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of N. P. ROAD COMMISSIONERS. Cedartown—Luther Poole, N. It. Hunt. John Orebaugli. Fish Creek—D. S. Copp, Jerry lijllil- ■ win, Jud Morgan. H | '' 'Joe Ham pton’s—Walter Sell 1 iestett, Hopper, Eli Dempsey. Lake Creek — Hob Lawson. Sam Dol lar, Sam Hogg. Browning’s—N. V. Parris, P. W. Mar- . but, I. M. Brantley. Antioch—Will Everett,-. Dave Maret, Woodson H. Morgan. Blooming Grove—Rosa McKihbeii John T. West, Will Isbell. Young’s—Tom Duke, Sterling Wliil- fioid, David West., Koekmart -Arthur McBryde. Aotiion, Tittle, John S. Davidson. liuiu-omhe -Sam Davilte, W. II. -L Kinney, Jas. Sproull. Esom llill —lien .Itmes, Jiilo lI:t<:knev, Hack Branch. HAVE YOU HEARD that there is a well-tried anti sei»*n tifie treatment T«»r iho vine of h! chronic diseases bv the Inhalation of Compand Oxyge ? Its \voiulerlul efi. Asthm •, Consnmpti n, R'leomatism, CatarJi, Hea ache, Kervons Pr stntion, Bronchitis, KeurJgia, General Debility is well known in iHoiisaiviS wlm have, been hent-ltied after ycais ot siiilei ing ami disappointment. To aP those who have tried differ ent remedies without success and have he nine dis-enraged, our (’mil pound Oxygen Treatment bringing hope and encouragement. It lias restored manv chronic siif ferers. Reduced Hales via Snnlhern Hail way. The Southern Railway announces re duced rates from points on its line for the following occasions:— General Assembly Cnmberland Pres byterian church, Chattanooga, Tenn., Alay 17tli-24tb, tickets will bo sold at one fare for tbe round trip, selling dates May 15th to 18th inclusive, with final limit to return May 20th, 1000. General Assembly Presbyterian church, Atlanta, Ga., Alay 17tli-26th. Tickets will be sold on May 15th, 10th and 17th, limited to return Alay 20th, 1900, at rate of one fare for the round trip. General Assembly Presbyterian church, St. Louis, AIo., Alay 17th-31st. Tickets will be sold Afay 15tb, lfith and 17tli, with final limit to return .Tune 3rd, 1000, at rate of one fare for the round trip, pins $2. For further information regarding these occasions, apply to nearest South ern Railway Ticket Agent. For Hie occasion of the Annual Reunion of the United Confederate Veterans at Louisville, Ky., Alay 30tli- June 3rd, 1000, the Southern Railway will sell tickets from points on its line to Louisville, Ky., at very low rates. These tickets will be Sold from points in Tennessee on Alay 2Sth, 29th and SO. h, and from other points Alay 27th, 28th, 20th; final limit, until June 10th. An additional extension of the linal limit until June 25th, 1000, may be secured provided tickets are deposited with joint ageiitfoT the terminal lines at Louisville on or before June 4th,and on payment of fee of 50 cents. The Southern Railway offers excellent ser vice en route to Louisville, and those contemplating the trip should com municate with nearest Ticket Agent of-the Southern Railway for sleeping car reservations and any information) they desire. SECOXD ROUXD. Berry’s Station Alay 11. Lake Creek " 14. Ray’s Mill.. Orcdell School Honse....... Hampton’s Court Honse... C. A. Wood’s Esom Hill Blooming Grove ... Young’s......7 Antioch Rockmart Browning’s Buncombe Posco Aragon . f Hamlet 15. Hi a. m. 10 p. m 10 night, 17 a 17 p. m. 18 a. m. 18 p. m 19 i 23 21. 24 a. m. 24 p. m. 25 a. m. 25 p. m. 2G a. m. 20 p. m, 28 a. m. Seney, Grady : Fish Creek Phillips’ School Honse Lindsey’s _ _ Cedartown May 20, 30 and 31. THIRD BOUND. Lake Creek Jnne 5. Hampton’s Etna Esom Hill Blooming Grove Wal thrall Young’s Antioch Browning’s Buncombe Rockmart June 14, 15 and 10. Fish Creek 18. Cedartown....Jnne 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23. All property owned on 1st day of Feb ruary must be retnrned for taxes. M. E. McCormick, R. T. R., Polk Connt.v, E. C. Kingbbebt, Associate. 0 a. m. Op. m. 7. 8 a. m. 8 p. m, 9. 11. 12. 13. Registration books will be with Tax Receiver - on his second and third rounds. W. C. V. SOHDTESTETT, T. C. P. C. NOTICE. The annual meeting of the Tolk County Union Singing Convention will he held at Antioch on the fourth Sunday in this month. It, will be pre sided over by Pres. W. R. Garner. A. D. WAit, Ass’t. Supt. No, Maud, dear, the baseball fan doesn’t rise tbe wind. Dear mother, don’t let your baby suf fer and cry with Colie when a few drops of Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic, diluted and sweetened, will give almost instant relief. Non-poisonous and therefore harmless. Tasteslike peppermint candy and baby will take it without a “kick.” A silver half dollar will get a bottle from yonr druggist. The bald-headed man dreads the ap proach of fly time. The sea of matrimony swamps many a courtship. The .greatest triumph of modern Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic. As a dressing for Wounds, Burns, etc., it simply has no equal. Prevents in flammation, preserves the flesh and heals like magic. Fragrant as the “last rose of summer,” and cooling as t breeze from oil' the deep, blue sen. Sold by’ all np-to-date druggists. A girl loses her self-possession when she puts on a wedding ring. The maker of alarm clocks certaiuly does a rousing business. Ajwoman talks until things get serious, then she gives the man a chance. Ballarn’s Snow Liniment cures Rheu matism, Neuralgia, Headache,Sick-head ache,Sore Throat, Cnts, Sprains,Bruises Old Sores, Corns and nil pain and in flammation. The most penetrating lin iment in the world. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. T. F. Burbank. Usnally the more money a innn has the more selfish his children are. In Constipation Herbine affords a natural, healthful remedy, acting promptly. A few small doses will lisn- ally be found to so regulate the excre tory functions that they are able to operate withontany aid whatever. Price 50 cts. T. F. Burbank. IIA it LET ITEMS. According totlie old adge about ex tremes—that one follows another—we may expect a few weeks of dry weather now. Air. and Airs. David Randall, of Lake Creek, visited the former’s pa rents at Aragon Saturday and Sun day. Air. and Mrs. C. R. Wingard were shopping in Cedartown Saturday. The second Quarterly Aleeting of the Rockmart Circuit convenes at Bethlehem Saturday and Sunday next. Quite a number of ne.r ei partici pated in a May-day picnic here last Saturday. They selected for the scene of their festivities the site where the old school building formerly stood. The house has been torn away, but part of the floor remains. This they used as a platform npon which to “trip the light fantastic toes” Late in the evenifigan altercation arose between two young negroes, Felt Barnes and Henry Dobbs, when the former, who had been brandishing a pistol rather recklessly all the afternoon, fired ill Dobbs, the shot taking effect in the left shoulder. Barn"s“skipped by tile light of the moon.” His victim is not I bought to be fatally wounded. Misses Adele and Ella Waddell, who have been visiting their sister, Mrs. Hill of Aragon, for Hie past few weeks, returned to Atlanla Alonday. Many a fair young child, whose pal lor has pnzzled the mother until she has srspected rightly her darling was troubled with worms, has regained the rosy hne of health with a few doses of White’s Cream Vermifuge. - Price 25c. T. F. Bnrbank. LAKE CREEK LE1IER. Mr. J. A. Sewell has been in very bad health for several days, but is bet ter now. nealih is generally good in this por tion of the county. The fanners are about done plant ing; some or them will commence hoe ing cotton this week. Cotton and corn look very well, and all seem to have a good stand. Wheat and oats look promising, though there is not a great deal planted in this community. Vegetable crops and gardens look w’ell, especially those that were planted when the moon was right. Air. J. W. Crabb says that his Trisli potatoes are blooming. lie thinks he will have potatoes soon. Air. Sparks, who is raising ore near Reeseburg, was here Tuesday pros pecting for ore. He says if he can get property to justify him he will open a mine near here. I notice in reading the Tribune- Gazette, of Alabama, a correspondent writing from Laretto, boasting on himself and others of that paper be ing superior to those of Georgia. 1 am well acquainted with the writer; he is a Georgian, and moved from near Cedartown to that county, lie thinks The Standard is one of the best pa pers in the South, or he would not take it. I have been thinking for some time that The Standard was the best county paper I ever read, and to compare it with the Tribune-Gazette,I know it is. Wherefore The Stand ard is having such a wide circulation in Alabama as well as in Georgia. There was a number of us went fish ing Friday night and had a very nice time. They bit well, (the mosquitoes did.) The’ fish seemed to be asleep. WA expect to try it again soon, if we can purchase a mosquito bar. Air. .1.1!. Woods has recently pur chased a concert roller organ. His arms have been sore every since. He says the least, child he has can play him to sleep. He is guilty of taking a nap every day any way. Air. S. G: N. Gates took a sifler and went to Mr. .1. W. Crabb’s Sunday and hived a swarm of-bees. When he re turned he found that his bees were in the same notion so he had to hive a swarm for himself. Sifters can be used for other purposes Ilian in the kitchen. There is quite a number of people from this place expect, to go to the singing convention next Sunday, know we will have a nice time. Come and go with us. Miss Patience Faires visited relatives in your town this week. Sauer. 4- ju. JL W JL ■MR 25,000 FEET OF SPM Covered with the Latest Sty CHEAPEST LINE - AND FURNITURE >K We make the goods, consequently are the people for you to see when in need of Bedroom, Parlor and Dining-room Suits, Iron and Brass Bedsteads, Side boards, Chiffoniers, China Cases, Hall Racks, Tables, Chairs, Rockers, Mattresses, New Home Sewing Machines, Stoves, Ranges, Window Shades, Carpets, Rugs, Matting, Couches, Lounges, Desks,Wardrobes, Etc. Solid Oak Suits, $15 and up; Stoves, $5 and up ; Bedsteads, $1.75 and upwards, and other things in proportion. Liberal Discounts to Merchants and Close Prices to Everybody. * McDonald Furniture Co., ROME, QA. Peculiarities of the Japanese Bath. To tlieir credit, he it said. Japs are regular whales at bathing, and usually when not drinking tea are liatbin Their only trouble in life seems to be tlieir Inability to enjoy both these de lights at the same time. If some American trick swimmer could teach the Jilps how to swallow tea out of a bottle while under-water, they would build a tin temple round him, burn-in cense made.of old rngs and bones uu der bis nose and worship hint. Public baths are numerous In which "mixed bathing" was practiced until lately, lint now a bamboo fence sepa rates the sexes, though it does not screen them from view, the fence be ing only two fee:cli in .bat It houses In It preserves the flesh when lacerated or wounded in any way. Stops tbe bleeding, stops tbe pain and heals quicker than anything. ’I hat is what Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic does. Try it when you get hnrt. Ask druggists for it. Every man knows how mean his ac quaintances are, but he is never abso- I lutely sure about himself. BE CURpD BY CATARRH CAN Johnston’s Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLES. “DANGER IN TOES EARTH AND AIR; DANGER EVERYWHERE.*’ not you? Write lor book at on«*<\ frf DRS. STARKEY A PALEN, 1112 Girard St., Philadelphia, Pal. £A A TYIso and Venerable Doctor Talks abont Advanced Science. In a leading" hotel, in great city, a famous and aged physician was convers ing. ^ Listening to his wise and sententious discourse, were a group of well dressed inen, evidently lawyers, business men and commercial travelers. My firm belief, is ** that medical science is certain yet to show that all dis eases without exception are caused by invisible germs which are living organ isms. Here is the germ of that terrible disease diphtheria. Here is the bacillus of typhoid fever; and here is the still more dreadful bacillus of tubercle which causes that most destructive of all diseases, consumption.. This of that very common and supposed incurable disease, catarrh.” “I wish. Doctor,” said the traveling man, “that yon wonld tell ns abont catarrh. X have had it for years, and X am thoroughly discouraged. ’* The Doctor answered. “Catarrh, like diphtheria,-consumption, typhoid fever, and a host of other drseases, is the result of a microbe invading the blood and attacking speoially the mucous membrane. This foul-and-most disgusting disease is especially prevalent in the United States and it' is rare to meet one who is pot, or has not been troubled more or less with it. How often is he or she obliged to remain at home from pleasant entertainments, deprive themselves of many intellectual treats, from fear of the disagreeable odor arising from ca tarrhal affections.^ .In its worst phase, the patient becomes loathsome both to himself and his friends. “ I believe,” continued this great physician, “ that the true way to heal ca tarrh is to medicate the blood. This can be done only by powerful alteratives which act as blood purifiers.” Betsy A. Marett, of Manistee, Manistee Co., Mich., writes: Dear Sirs:—For ten years I was a sufferer from general debility and chronic catarrh. My face was pale as death. I was weak and short of breath. I could hardly walk, I was,so dizzy and Had a ringing in my head all the time. My hands and feet were always cold.. My appetite was very poor. On getting up in the morning, my head swam so I was often obliged to lie down again. I had awful pains in the small of my back. 1 had a continual feeling of tiredness. My muscular power was almost entirely gone, and I couldn’t go half a dozen i«teps without stopping to rest, and often that much exercise caused me to have a pain in side. It seemed as though the blood had left my veins. The doc tors said iny blood had all turned to water. I had given up all hope of ever get- .ting well. I tried the best physicians in the state, but failed to get any relief. My husband got- me a bottle of Johnston’s Sarsaparilla. I took it ; and then I bought another. When these had been us$d, I was somewhat improved in health. 1 continued its use. and felt I was growing stronger; my sleep was re freshing, and it seemed as if I could feel new blood moving through my veins. I kept on taking it, and now consider myself a well and rugged woman. I work all the time, and am happy. I am positive that the Sarsaparijla saved my life. The sick headaches I have had since childhood, have disappeared, and my ca tarrh has almost entirely left me. I cannot be too thankful for what Johnston’9 1 Sarsaparilla has done for me. I recommend all women who have sick head aches to use your Sarsaparilla. MICHIGAXST £>H.UGr COM^AWY, DETROIT, MICH. A HERO OF THE MINE. Re Risked His Life to Save That of a Fellow Workman. Heber Franklin, a young man em ployed at the Clear Creek mine, is as much a hero as any man who ever braved death on the battlefield. Frank lin sought Hot glory, but to save a hu man life. There was a fire in the mine. The men were called out. Then they were about to shuUoff the air in order to stop tlie flames, when it was learned that a lone miner was working deep in the mine be3 T ond the point where the fire started and was then ragiug with growing strength. Here Is the story of the subsequent events: Foreman Thomas Immediate^* called for volunteers to go with him into the mine to rescue the man. Several at-, tempts were made by different oues, but they were driven back by the flames, and the cry of “Powder!” caused a hast3* retrc»at. Finally Heber Frauklin. a young man whose work keeps him oh the outside, said. “I will goJ* And accompau3'ing Foreman Thomas lie pressed on through the fire and found the man working away tamping a hole, entire ly unconscious of the danger threaten ing him. They succeeded in getting out of the mine safely, when the„fan was shut off and tlie dip closed up. The rescue was an act of great bravery on the part of Franklin, as fits work kept him on .the outside and. be was unacquainted with the exact lay of the land inside, and the danger of suffoca tion from black damp was great. He was the only man of tlie iuany stand ing by whose nerve did not desert him. It is stated Upon good authority that ten minutes more of lust time would have resulted in the death of the miner who was at work ami possibly a great loss to the company, us the supply of air could not be cut off while there was any hope of rescue, and this would have tended to feed the flames.—Salt Lake Herald. the Interior of ^.pau. Some homes have a wooden bathtub, circular shape, with a stove built in one end. which heats the water. The whole family, beginning with the father, bathe in the same water. Sometimes women “tub” themselves and their children outside their doors in the streets, where sidewalks should be. The first time a foreigner Tails over one of these hath ing parties and into the arms of the bather he feels the situation is unique, but by the time he has tumbled over half a dozen he tires of the fun. rubs his shins and makes some very uncom plimentary comment, while tbe polite little woman underneath squeaks out, “Sayonara” (Sir. please call again), etc.—Baltimore Sun. QUESTION ANSWERED. Yes, Augnsfc Flower still has the larg esc sale of any medicine in the civilized world. Your mothers and grandmoth ers neyer thought of using anything else for Indigestion or Biliousness. Doctors were scarce, and they seldom heard of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostra tion or Heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic ac tion of the system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green’s August Flouer, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with yon. Sample bottles at Knight Ding Company’s. The world contains f*n oyersupply of average men. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought FOR SALE BY E. BRADFORD. ubscription to The Standard The golddiandled by a dentist is_al ways at a premium. Try Allen's Font-Ease, A powder to be shaken into the shoes You feet feel swollen, nervous and hot. and get tired easily If you hav«s niarting f«-etor t : ghtshoe.=,Ty Allen’s Foot-Ease. lt: walking eas •. Cures ■is the feet aid makes swo len, sweating fett ingrowing Kii!.-, !<li>u r-and call >n> spots. K<- lieves corns and bunions of all pain and give> rest and comfort. Try it to day. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Trial pack age KKEIv Address. Allen S. Olmsttd, I.eKov, N. Y. The nmu who is learning to play the cornet is his own tutor. beading ns Illustrated. Trimmed n.l urnnnd wi.h fine Black Thlliet Fur. heai'ily Interlined with wai and fiber chamois Wrlie 5>»r free rio-*k t'atalueu^. BUYS A S3.50 SHIT SKAT A.NlHMkKK. HKU LAK S3.SO HOIS' TWO- PIKTC KSEK PAMS SLITS AT 51.98. A H£W SLIT fBcE FOR AMY OF THESE SUITS WHICH tCH T GIVE SATISFACTORY WEAR. SEND NO MONEY, ratihwmd. send to os. Hate age of boy and say wliei lar?e or small forage and we w ill send the'suit by express. V. O. D. subject to atnination. You cun examine it at your express office and if found perfectly satis factory and eqnml to sails sold la jonrlown for S3. SO, pay your express agent our Special Offer Price, #1.9rt, and express charge THESE KNEE PANT SUITS are for boys 4 « 15 reals Of age and are mailed errr?«Lere st ^ fS.5u. >!nde with DOLBLK HEAT and KNEES, laid 11100 style as ilioKtrated. made from a special lira*? weight, HrarrwWiitr, afl-wool Stanlnn ta»vlmere. neat, handsome pattern, fine Ita. an nlng. genuine Craydon InlrHInlag, padding, •Ujlag sad reinforcin', •Jib snu Unra sewing, line tailor an thrauzhuuL.n suit any boy or parent would be proud c FOK FKEK CLOTH SAMPLES of Boys’ Clothing for ho 4 10 TEAKS, write Tor Sample Book No. 95B. contains fashion lates. tape measure a nd full Instructions b< Men’s Nit* made to order from $5.0< Jes sent free on application. Address. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), Chicago, ill. iSearv. lioehuckA to. are thoroughly reliable.—Editor. TRUSSES, S5c. Si.25-AND pi 65c selling tbe rcry finest Trasses made. JUT PRICES, less than one-third v 0 rt Reversible Elastic Trus*. illustrated above, cut thi. id. out and Sfend to us wi hOCK SPEt UL PRICE namHt state your Height, Weight, Axe. how long you have beet ruptured, whether rupture is large o» jdso stat* number inches around the oody on a hne with th* rupture,say adiethcr rrptuic I on right or lertsid^ and we will t-Wd either tn:t> to you with the nndei standing. If It U oot« perfect at aad egor i * retail "at three times our can return it and will return your money. wWell Bho WRITE FOR FREE TRUS* CATALOGUE our rnli re ua imMMi£ajr™.. $2.7! ! V^EARs/HOESOck & Co.° CHICAG £9.75 BOX RAffi COAT ’ AUEGi UK S5.00 W.Yi f : - ❖ ) 7C /*> PiiOor MACKINTOSH -- V '< I 3 PEOOf, ilALK IX T€**_ SEND ?i0 KiOfjEY. *»t Leighl a*4 tielg’.’. 3 ' irdj ou thi.:font by t:;. it onut your neat .fl’Ce, *fi if for:mi es.n l»rht»«: k «<1 and U># nn-A special «m;u 'riuuk S2.7b Mackintoshes i UfU am ^ FBK2> EARS.. ROEBUCK < Co. *lr.c.) SEND mo IVie^EY aa YOU!! aj?3£B,cuttb!» 3ADEJ ROP CABIHET 8 J3D1CK SEWIIIQ MACHINE by fraight,c.«.u *7, on canjexamineit at yo«ir nearest freight d "* ST Y ou can examine it at your nearest freight depot ei K.-& f ro Special Offer Pnce^S15.W and freight charges. Machine weighs 120 ?<ouncrajidthafre : 'ht will average 75 cents for each aCO tnilcs. GIVE IT THREE MONTHS Ti’.te in your own home, and we will return your *15.50 any day you art! not satisfied. We sell dlffereo t makes sad Rrmks of Sewing Each ises a t f-L jO. Free Sewfag 810.00, 811.00, 812.00 and ap» all fuiiy de cribej in r Hachine Catalogue, but$15.5(l for this itlttlP DESK CABINET fitULICK i the greatest value ever offered by any house. BEWASE OP IMITATIONSg untitr vaiioLS names, with »ariou,in- amf lean who are rciiahie and who are i«f THEBURD9QK ^ hc»* makers la America.' ■ial money SOLID CHARTER SAffED OAK WCFKskCtUWiET^=.p«w*t ClOrCii (Lead tiruppingjtx„i - JT*'*" * <*r desL, tbe othero-s£n i ;-h ^ a '-^otcr tab>. aia«d sew,ur. 4 filter ans * head in bofcbinwf‘cn's'djmtahU- bearirr^ T ibr ?* in P' shuttle,automatic iing vibrating shuttle.'automatic istablebrc^nre „i?. on uben»tor.lmprovcd Iwoee s d ™if^ C iL CarTier - bar, tiiwir., B.i'W Bjj* lt;rf isax “ ’ - - ctructmn Bock tells jc-t howa 8CU.OO, and then if convinced that you a c siving B5 to iioJoTIJ?? ITK TO ikTCRX TOL'R £15.50 if stanv ti,.o withir. three nontha tTat«r^ 5 r UGH': CET.AT. (Sear.,KBetmW; to.•» = ..V , V.™*’ unrsni-an.x nearest ar;d ° :ir Free I-- 1 kind of work.“'A20-Tra^»ElJ^|S2^U, aCd d ®f i “ ier P ,ain ^ 1 f COSTS I OU NOTHING acd examine Ibis aadhf, com juireit with ~ - sells at £40.00 to rnreut the SI5.50. _ _ jito., sattafied. OROXR TtLUAT. Add,oss, SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO, (!r=c.) Chicago, III. ; t fih Kentudcv 0 tn:^. W USSRQy SG3f8iiiE8iii3j!sTgr,Frrrnn-»f. :r i % Afl ' V J ■ WATCH THE FELLOWS fj - < ~ w ’"‘ : ■!; 4 Bottles&Lg' AHdLttN j b «ye or Dcurbon .-tiuiip. xO'sTAjirl Six-Yoar-OU “ !>„, Govcrnnit-nt xniufcc of A«:p t> PROOF. Tiled {^*2? ** tunall—4lifferriu’e j FI Dr. J. Newton Hathaway has per- \ fectetl an electric belt which he is pre- ; pared to furnish to all patients who j need it, at a merely nominal charge. YVrite to J. Newton Hathaway, M. D. I 224 South Broad St., Atlanta, Ga. juy O'BrvanBfVr ' Cure Cold in Head. Kermott’s Chocolates Laxative Quinine,« to take and quick to cure cold in head and throat. MKi For Fine Job Printing come to Tbe Standard Gffi ■ ^ 1 -