The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, June 21, 1900, Image 3

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ANDARD. VOLUME U. CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 21, 1900. NUMBER 22. LANHAM & SONS’ CLOSING OUT SALE, Bright, New, Stylish Summer Dry Ms AT PRICES NEVER HEARD OF. A store filled from basement to third floor with the most marvelous 'bargains ever shown in this city. Some goods reduced to just one-fourth the price they were one week ago, oth ers half, and some even down to one-fifth their real value, the price they sold for a few days ago. We have had the best spring business we have ever had, and now while sum mer is still with us and the goods are in demand, we are going to close out every piece of summer goods. COnE QUICK AND BRING THE CASH to get these bargains. Nothing charged nor sent out on trial. Mail orders must include express or postage. MILLINERY At Closing Out Prices. AH the mi miner before you in which to wear these hats, and wo are going to close them out while they will do yon the most good. Ladies* and Misses* Sailors and Tain O’Sliaiders, some sash trimmed, some straw trimmed, some straight brim, others dip brim; sold up to $1.50 each, closing price 50 cents. Ladies’ trimmed Walking Hats, were $1 and $1.25, now only 25 cents. Beautiful all-silk Tafleta Ribbon in white, black ami colors, 4 in.' wide, per yard only ...15c. Fine Novelty Ribbon, worth up to $1 yd, in this sale 25c. All-silk Satin Ribbon, cream, white and pink, No. 12 width, worth 15c, dos ing out at 5c. No. 1 all-silk Baby Ribbon poryd...le. Ladies’ Trimmed Mats, trimmed by the best milliner that ever came South and the prices arc. so very low every body can buy. Ladies’ nil trimmed shapes, including short back Sailors,lace straw ina variety of styles,worth up to 75c,closing at...15c. DRESS GOODS Closing Out. Beautiful French Organdy worth 25c, closing out at 10c. Fine dlk Madras worth 58c, closing out just halt 19<*. Fine Dimity, nil colors, beautiful de signs, soft and sheer, closing 5c. Fine Scotch Lawns, fast, colors, good neiv style, closing 3%e. Fine wool Albatross Silk, crochet dots • and* stripes, worth more than double, closing prices 15c Fine black Orepons for skirts, closing out price 69c and 9Sc. SILKS. Beauti fu 1 black Taffeta 59c. Fine Satin Brocades for Skirts, worth 75c and $1, to close y 49c. White Goods. Beautilul white Lawns and India Linen, closing price 5e White Organdy, 3G in. wide 10c. White Organdy, 2 yards wide,worth 50c, closing price 25c. White alFover Lace Yoking, Tucking and Embroidery, worth more than double, closing at 15, 19, 25, 35, 50c. 20c white P. K., closing at 10c. 10,000 yards Embroidery, closing at 5, 7 and 10c, worth really double. Full standard Percale 5)£e Best Gingham 5c Best heavy Sheeting.. .1 5c Best Drilling 5c Full standard Calico 3&c Good Mattress Ticking 5c Good yard wide Bleaching .5c 10 4 Bleach Sheeting : 15c Genuine linen buck Towels, 17 inches wide, 34 inches long, only 5c (not over four to customer.) Large Honey comb Towels 3c Extra largo Bath Towels, each .....Gc 5G Inch Bleached Damask..... ...19c NOTIONS, Closing Out Prices. One lot Featherstich Braid, bunch lc Safety Pins, per paper dozen lc Adamantine Pins per paper lc X A Quire Good Note Paper.. lc Best steel Thimble ,1c Best Aluminum Thimble V lc FANS. AH our tine Japanese Fans at closing out prices. 2 Folding Fans for lc Folding Fans, worth up to 8c for.........3c Fans worth 10c, 12J4 and 15c for 7c Fans worth 15, IS and 20c for....... 10c Finest Folding Fans, worth 25c ...13c Finest Imported Fans, decorated and enamelled stick, tVorl.h 35 and 40c for 25c #@S| CR1TIGAL PERIODS In Woman’s Life Are Made Danger ous by Pelvic Catarrh. Mrs. Matliilde Richter. Mrs. Matliilde Richter, Doniphan Neb., says: “I suffered from catarrh for manj years, but since I have been taking Pe* ru-na I feel strong and well. I would advise all people to try Pe-ru-na. As 1 used Pe-ru-na and Man-a-lin while I wai passing through the change of life, I am positively convinced yonr beneficial remedies have relieved me from all my ills.” Pe-ru-na has raised more women from beds of sickness and set them to work again than any other remedy. Pelvic catarrh is the bane of womankind. Pe* ru-na is the bane of catarrh in all forma and stages. Mrs. Col. Hamilton, Colum* bus,0., says: “ I recommend Pe-ru-na tc women, believing it to be especially beneficial to them.” Send for a ffee book written by Dr Hartman, entitled “ Health and Beauty.* Address Dr. Hartman, Columbus, O. HEATH OF MR. SEXTON. Mr. Nathan M. Sexton died at his home near Antioch on Thursday, June 7th, and funeral services were held the. following day. Mr. Sexton was one of Polk’s clever est and most popular citizens. About eight years ago lie ran for Deputy Sheriff with Mr. W. W. Cone at the m; % ti.i . If §£§§g !$ liiti-ffel It MR. X. M. SEXTON. head of the tie.ket. They were elected, and made exceptionally good officers in that capacity. The many friends of Mr. Sexton throughout the county regret his de mise, although his sufferings from the dread disease of cancer made death a welcome release from pain. Red Hot From The Gun Was the hall that hit G. B. Steadman, of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It caused horrible Ulcers that no treat ment helped for 20 years. Then Bnck- len’s Arica Salve enred him. Cures Cnts, Bruises, Burns, Boils, Felons, Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. 25 eta. a box. Cure guaran teed. Sold by E. Bradford, druggist. FROM THE LONE STAR STATE. Waco, Tex., June 12, 1900. Eds. Standakd:—Here I am hack in Texas again, after a most pleasant visit to my native state of Georgia. I have been in Texas twenty-five years, and yet I nm not weaned from the grand old state of Georgia yet. I love her moun tains, her hills and beautiful valleys, and the pnre mountain air that gives renewed vigor to those who are so for tunate as to enjoy it. The cool, re freshing wafer that runs ont from every mountain and hill causes me many and many a time to wish I was there to get a sip now and then. The good old- time friends of mine whom I love, aDd whose friendship is so mnch appreciated by me, are.ever in my heart, and the dear relatives who are so near and dear to me occupy a warm place in my heart. It seems every time I go to Georgia I DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM ADOPTED BY THE STATE CON VENTION LAST THURSDAY. Good Democratic Doctrine Outlined by a Harmonious Convention. 1. The Democracy of Georgiain con vention assembled indorse our State ad ministration and commend onr Chief Executive, and each of onr state of ficials, for their wise, patriotic and eco nomical administration of the state’s affairs. Their unanimous nomination and their certain re-election will be but a justly deserved tribute to their fidelity and integrity. 2. We congratulate the people of Georgia on the present system of pub lic schools, inaugurated and brought to its presert state by the Democratic party, and we pledge the best efforts of love her better, and I leave more re- i the party to a continuance of the same. Inctantly. My recent visit was one that 1 never will forget. Meeting my rela tives who were so kind to me, and meet ing such good old time friends and chums of many years ago as Dr. L. S. Ledbettei, Thad Bnrbank, Jnd Crabh, Jce Dodds, Jim Dodds and various others too numerous to mention, brought the past to the present, and I seemed to live in a new Bphere. Our friendly intercourse together was full of pleasure to me, and made me feel twenty years yonnger. Time has dealt kindly with my old friends, but yet you can see the silvery hairs intermingling with the others on their heads, bnt the jovial nature of all was still lingering with them all. Thad Burbank’s modest laugh still remains; Jnd Crabb’s ex treme modesty unfortunately bangs to him, and “Dock” Ledbetter still en joys a joke at the expense of a friend, even if he is from Texas. Grand old Cedartown, the beautiful little city nestling among the moun tains, is the same lovely place. Pros perity has cast its bountiful hand oyer her, and planted cotton factories in her domains, whose spindles make melody and add so much to the prosperity of her people. Long may she enjoy this deserved prosperity, and may time con tinue to bring it to her until she will have to double her limits. HON. W. C. BUNN, Who was Unanimously Elected as a Delegate from the 7th District to the Democratic National Convention. 3.- We favor an amendment to the constitution of Georgia limiting the power of the General Assembly to levy and assess taxes, for any purpose what soever,exceeding a specified percentum, When 3 returned to Texas, I was j except for the purpose of suppressing asked many times, “How are crops in | insurrection, repelling invasion and de- Never Again 10. Public taxation shonld not be imposed for private purpose; we there fore adhere to the doctrine of n tariff for rovenne only. 11. We are convinced that the pro tective tariff system is the hot-bed that has produced these vast numbers of trusts and combinations,and we demand that they be suppressed by the repeal of the protective tariff and other privilege- conferring legislation responsible for them. 12. The power of the national <!on- ress to regulate interstate and for eign commerce,!! honestly exercised by the enactment of laws for the suppres sion of trusts and the faithful and ef ficient execution of such laws, together with the active enforcement of such laws as the states may enact against such unlawful combinations and trusts in their own borders, will put an end to the danger from the growth of these great combinations and trusts 13. We hold that the constitution of the United Slates was wisely ordained and established for an intelligent, lib erty-loving and self-governing people, and cannot be successfully applied to a people of another hemisphere, who. Perhaps, will they have a better Irom racial ana geographical con- Sherald the people be as completely without home-canned traits, vegetables and preserves as they now are. Never Again, .,.-1 ’ Crockery, Glass and Tinware. 6 Tumblers, worth 30c, for 18c 6 Cups and Saucers, worth 50c 39c 6 Plates, worth 40o....v...; 29c Beautiful Decorated Dinner Sets, 50 pieces for only $4.9S Syrup Pitchers each........ 9c Fine 8 in. Cake Stands, \ 23c 7 in. Pie Plates.... : ■ 2c 9 in. Pie Plates 3c Large Glass Bern’ Bowl. 13c Jelly Glasses, best make, complete with top set -.. **14c One solid carload best Fruit Jars, cheap est in Rome. Fruit Jar Rubbers Cheap. CLOTHING. Men's Suits, worth §10, closing out §5 9S Men’s finest §1S Suits 8.05 Boys’ Clothing, §1 per suit : 19c Boys’ §1.50 Suits for... 9Sc Boys’ Pants 15c Men’s Pants, big lot to close, worth §2 for Corsets and Underwear. Warner’s $1 Corsets 50c Best Summer Corsets in Rome foiv...4Se See this one sure. Corsets, (R. A G) 45c Corsets as low as 15c R. & G. Corsets, worth $1 75c True Fit Corsets, made by makes of Thompson’s Glove Fitting, cost 4Sc Ladies’ Vests...: 3c Ladies’ Bleached Vest 5c Ladies* fine Bleached Vests, silk tape, 20c kind 10c Lidies* Silk Vests. .........25c Straw Hats worth 25c for 12« 40c for 20<: Scriven’s Drawers, 45c. The Best Elastic Seam Drawers in the world, made of best bleached Drill, fi Pearl buttons and every pair guaranteed. SO Cents. SHOES At Closing Out Prices. Ladies’ low cut Shoes sold for $l,now 49c Ladies* new style Ox fords,gen nine solid leather, fine soft kid, worth $1.50,...98c Ladies’ lino hand-turned Oxfords, the best quality and big bargain,now $1.29 Children’s low cut Shoes 10c Children’s 50c Slippers ...30c Children’s 75c Slippers 7.’.,..55c Children’s §1 Slippers 75c TRUNKS At Closing Out Prices. Mrs. Ruff, who has been attending the revival meeting at Cedartown, re turned a few days since from that place and reports a most glorious meeting.—Carrollton Times. Last fall I sprained my left hip while handling some heavy boxes. The doc tor I called on said at first it was a slight strain and would soon be well, bnt it grew worse and the doctor then said I had rheumatism. It continued to grow worse and I could hardly get around to work. I went to a drug store and the druggist recommended me to try Cham berlain’s Pain Balm. I tried it and one- half of a 50-cent bottle cured me- en tirely. I now recommend it to all my friends.—F. A. Babcock, Erie, Pa. It' is for sale by E. Bradford. Pepper and salt cldthes are season able. Zinc Trucks worth $1 25 98e Zinc Trutnks worth $1.50 $1.19 Zinc Trunks worth $2.......... $1.45 Fine oak enamel Trunk woith $6, 3G inches long, for onlj T ......$3.98 Fine Canvas Trunk, strap and brass bands, worth $5..~ $2.93 Fine Linen-Lined Canvas Trunk,leather trimmed, worth $10 lor..... .......^G.75 Big stock line Trunks, and wo are mak ing prices that will close them out quick. Dress Suit Cases, brass trimmed, new and up-to-date, $3 kind.. 1 $l 35 Valises and Telescopes at closing out prices. Ladies’ Bleached Vests, Closing Out at 4c. Each. I75 Cents flouseline deSoie, Silk and Chiffon, 29c per yd. Window Shades, on Spring Rollers, 9c Ladies’ V\ ash Suit, complete, Skirt 0 Waist, 34c 245 BROAD ST. I Corner Third Avenue. J-JuLA IHAI | I i 1! k I ^ < i NS. Ladies’ Crash Skirts, 18c Each. All who suffer from piles will be glad to learn that DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve will give them instant and perma nent relief. It will cure eoiema and all skin diseases. Beware of counterfeits. E. Bradford. It is easier to take things as they come than it is to part with them as they go. chance to lay up a bountiful store of such things than they have this year. Gardens and Orchards will soon be la den with wasteful abundance of fruits and vegetables. Can them while you can. I have over 1000 Mason Jars—pints,quarts and K -gallons—to help on the good work. E. BRADFORD. Georgia?” I wonld answer, “Crops I fending the state in time of war. look well, people have plenty to eat, 4. We believe in ballot reform and and they have the finest crop of cotton favor the enactment of snch measures factories I ever saw.” I thought most as will secure honest elections, and be- all the Georgians had moved to Texas, lieve that snch safeguards shonld be " You Cant Catch the Wind in a Net/* Neither can you cure ner vous diseases by using drugs or compounds that only stim ulate or deaden the nerves. The delicaie nervous system most be fed and sustained by pure, rich blood, and the one medicine lo purify and vitalize ihe blood is HoodI"s Sarsaparilla. That is the prune object for which it is made and it has won success unequalled in the his tory of medicine. You should know by actual experience what it will do for you. Nervous — "/ was weak, always tired and nervous. After taking five bot tles of Hood's Sarsaparilla I could sleep well, felt cheerful arid could do my work.” Mrs. Emma Smith, 68 E. Mitchell Street, Oswego, N. Y. Pay np yonr sutwcriplior, t, The Standard. - but I find such is not the case. I do not see any less people there now than when I left, bnt in fact more, and they look slick,fat and jolly. The only objection I had to my trip was its brevity. The Cedabtowx Standard shonld be patronized liberally in the way of sub scriptions and advertisement. The peo ple of Cedartown and Polk Co. have one of the best weekly papers that I know of. There is none in Texas that excels it. Its editorial and mechancial make-up is superior, and the general and local news it gives is like a sweet letter from home. I have been subscribing for it since' it started, and expect to keep it np until I rass over the river. May it ever enjoy and get all the prosperity it so justly deserves. Texas is harvesting one of the biggest gTain crops in its history. Never was snch a crop made. Wheat is averaging twenty and twenty-three bushels to the acre; oats and corn fine; fruit crop abundant; cotton has had so mnch rain that it is not doing so well, yet if the weather will keep dry for a while so that farmers can get rid of grass and weeds, there will be plenty of it made. The farmers are prospering this year and have plenty of money. If we only Itad a big mountain here and there to relieve the monotony of the endless prairies, the country wonld look more picturesque, bnt it looks beautiful now. May is the best time in the year to see Texas. Texas is full of Georgians, hut they are not all ont here,as Iaseertained on my last visit to Georgia. Tell the Georgia delegates' to the Democratic National Convention that meets in Kan sas City that they had better carry plenty of money, or have an under standing with their bankers at home to get money,for the hotels in Kansas City have made their rates §4 per day; wa ter will be 50 cents a drink, shoe shines 25 cents, shaves 50 cents, 50 cents to ad dress hotel clerk, and $1 to speak to proprietors. The only thing free is bed-bugs and mosquitoes. More anon. W. N. Gbxffith. thrown around the exercise of the elective franchise as will seenre the'free and intelligent expression of the will of the voter. 5. We favor an amendment to the Federal constitution providing for the election of United States Senators by the direct vote of the people. C. We are in favor of the immediate constrnction and control of the Nicara guan canal by the United States. 7. We re-affirm and renew onr belief in and allegiance to the principles "of Democracy as contained and enumer ated in the national Democratic plat form of 1890. and we denounco the republican legislation in Congress whereby the single gold standard has been fastened upon the people—for the time being, we hope, and the control of the currency has been turned over to the national banks, whereby the great est and most oppressive of all trusts— the money trust—has been created to feed-npon the labor and industries of the people, and to add to the wealth and power of a favored class, whose greed is insatiable. 8. The collection of war taxes _ in time of peace should be discontinued, and we demand the repeal of the war revenue tax act.. 9. We view with alarm tho multipli cation of those combinations of capi tal, commonly known as trusts, that arc concentrating and monopolizing the industries of the country, crushing ort the independent producers of limited means, destroying, restraining the op portunities for labor,artificially limiting production and raising prices, and we emphatically declare onr opposition to all snch unlawful combinations, and de mand the enactment of snch laws, both state and national, as will aid in the destruction of these great combinations and trusts. The difference of cost between a good and a poor baking powder would not amount for a family’s supply to one* dollar a year. The poor powder would cost many times this in doctors’ bills. Royal Baking Powder may cost a little more per can, but it insures perfect, wholesome food. In fact, it is more economical in the end, because it goes further in leavening and never spoils the food. Royal Baking Powder used always in making the biscuit and cake saves both health and money. You cannot, if you value good health, afford to use cheap, low-grade, alum baking pow ders. They are apt to spoil the food; they do endanger the health. All physicians will tell you that alum in food is poisonous. 'ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. by proper authority,however much we may deploy the policy of the admin istration now directing their move ments; we pledge to them our hearty support and sympathy under all cir cumstances wherever engaged. 17. We demand that the 10 per cent tax on state bank issues be repealed, so as to permit a system of local state banks, under such restrictions and by the deposits of such securities as will absolutely protect persons dealing with them. 18. The Democracy of Georgia fa vors the nomination of William Jen nings Bryan,of Nebraska,for President of the United States, and the delegates of tliis state are herebj’ instructed to unite with the Democracy of the other states of the Union in making uch nomination. 19. Confident is the correctness of these principles and policies, we cor dially invite all voters, irrespective of past party affiliations, to join with us in our effort to give relief to the peo ple. ditions, can never be assimilated with ourselves or educated up to our stand ard of citizenship; and who can never be safely incorporated into an equal participation with ourselves in our free system of government. We,there fore, hold that the imperialistic policy of the.present republican administra tion, which contemplates schemes of conquest in accordance with British theories and practices, is contrary to the theory of our government, and subversive to those great principles of civil liberty which we. have been taught to cherish and which are neces sary to the preservation of our free institutions. We oppose the inaip- tenance of large standing armies, necessary for the subjugation and con tinued domination of distant peoples, and a standing menace to the personal liberties of our own people, impoverishes the people with vast pub lic expenditure, creates hordes of of ficials to rule over people who should be permitted to rule themselves, dis regards the declaration of indepen dence, and materially changes the nature of our republican form of gov ernment. 14 The action of the republican Congress in denying to the Porto Ricans the status of citizens of the United States, in passing a law impos ing tariff taxes upon the products of Porto Rico different from those im posed in the United States, and in the establishment of a government in that island, whereby its people are denied the right to govern their own local affairs and to select their own local representatives,demands the con demnation of all people who love self- government, and the demonstration of a purpose of the republican party, if given an additional lease of power, to convert this republic into an empire. 10 We favor all legitimate and prac tical means for the expansion of our trade and the developement of foreign markets for our products, manufactur ing and agricultural, but we deny that the acquisition and domination of lands in a distant hemisphere are necessary or conducive to this end. On the contrary, the present marvelous and rapid development and growth of our commerce both in Europe and Asia, where we own no territory, de monstrate t hat, our trade with foreign peoples will steadily and surely ex- pantl, develop and increase in propor tion as our products exceed in excel lence and cheapness similar products of other countries. And our trade upon t his secure basis can be best pro moted by the arts of peace and the happy influences of friendly relations, rather than through the harsh and hostile agencies of war. 10. We commend the signal loyalty and valor of our soldiers and sailors in the performance of every military duty to which they have been assigned Working Night and Day The bnsiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated -lobule of health, that changes weak ness into strength, listlessness into energy, brain*fag into mental power. They’re wonderful in building up the health. Only 2oc per box. Sold by E. Bradford. “Don’ be too suspicions an’ ready to ’case people o’ bad intentions,” said Uncle Eben. “Sometimes it sounds like yon wns figgerin’ ont what you wonld do if you wus in deir place.” State of Ohio, City of Toledo, » LUCAS COUNTY. ’} S Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he : the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & c _. doing business in the city of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of catarrh that cannot cured by the use of Hall’s ca arrh cure. FRANK j. CHENEY. Sworn to befort me and subscribed in in v pres ence. This f>th day of December. A. D„ 1SS6. ,,—'—. x A. W. GLEASON, ' seal. I Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & GO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Mr. S. O. Addison, agent for the C. 11. & S. Ilai!way at this place, will leave this (Friday) evening on a ten days’ pleasure trip to Charleston and other points of interest. Mr. Addison nas been with the above mentioned railroad for about eleven years, and during that long period of time has lost but five days, and he richly deserves tho vaca tion which has been so generonsly accorded him. Mr. H. P. Embry, of Cedartown, will “sub” for Mr. Ad dison during his absence.—Bnchanan Tribune. Bad blood is a bad thing. It is re sponsible for scrofula, salt rheum, humors and many other diseases, in cluding rheumatism and that tired feel ing. Bad blood is made good blood by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Sick headache is cured by Hood’s Pills. 25c. “Can you give evideuce in regard to the character of the deceased?” said the Judge. “Yes, my Lord,” replied the witness. “He was a man without blame, beloved and respected by all men, pure in all his thoughts, and ” “Where did you learn that?” “I copied it from his tombstone, my Lord.” Unless food is digested quickly it will ferment and irritate the stomach. After each meal take a teaspoonful ol Kodol Dyspepsia Cnre. It digests what yon eat and will allow yon to eat all you need of what you like. It never fails to cure the worst cases of dyspepsia. It is pleasant to take. E. Bradford. Wiilie—“Tommy James went aud hit me an awful crack with an apple.” Papa—“On purpose?” Willie—“No.on the nose.” The Chinese ask“how is yonr liver?” instead of “how do yon do?” for when the liver is active the health is good. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are famous little pills for the liver and bowels. E. Biadford.