The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, July 05, 1900, Image 3

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a.-- A fine Bohemian Bronze Clock goes with eveiy $10 <tnd over worth , of goods purchased of us. Three excellent styles of clocks to select from. " < 'q, "*<§) at reduction I tv prices on all lines of goods. But no matter how low our prices, we keep up reliability. We squeeze down the prices and hold up the qua ities, To give you an idea of our offers we will sell you Organdies, usual price 12J^c tor - 5c, Madras, usual price 12/^cfor - 5c. Lawns, usual price 10c for - - 5c. Piques, usual price 10c for - 5c. Dimities, usual price 12^c for 5c. SEE OUR WINDOWS. uits! $5 to $7.50. -4r NOBBY AND NICE! THE MOST COMFORTA BLE WEAR ON EARTH FOR HOT WEATHER! Come and fine dis= goods. W. K. HOLMES Clothier and Furnisher. UUSINESS CARDS. THE CEDARTOWN STANDARD W. C, BUNN, ?lfels®PFi©Y *-afe - haw, (Office, 1st Nat. Bank Itldg.) CEDARTOWN, - GEORGIA. (. H. SANDERS. J. K. DAVIS SANDERS & DAVIS, Attorneys at Law, Office in Chamberlain Building, CEDARTOWN, GA. VI. R 5PURRBR ATTORNEY. - AT - LAW, CEDARTOWN GA. Y*T1LL practice in all the Courts o VV Polk, Panliling, Elayd and Haral ion Counties, and in all the courts of Georgia, State, Federal and Supreme. Also, in Alabama courts by special ar rangement. W. K. FIELDER. W. W. MUNDY. FIELDER & MUNDY, ATTORNEYS • AT • LAW, Oedartown, Georgia. attention given to ail business.' Collections a specialty. Offica. up-stairs FOR SHERIFF. To the Voters of Polk County:—I have, for some time, contemplated en tering the race for Sheri 11 of Polk :ounty. I have withheld a public an nouncement for a settlement, of the question as to whether or not a "White primary would be held for the selection of county officers, being unable to buy otes, and also opposed conscientiously to vote buying, even if I were able to buv them. That question being settled, since nearly all Un people of the county who have expressed their wishes and opinions on the subject have pro nounced in favor of a white primary, and the Committee the people elected to manage it have called lor a white pri mary to be held on August the loth for the selection of county officers, I feel that there is an open field and a fair race for all, whether rich or poor, upon tyieir merits and qualifications for office. I, therefore, announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject, to the white primary on the date aboye men tioned. If 1 am not the nominee of the white voters of the county for that of fice, I am for the man who is. If elected. ~ shall endeavor to show my apprecia tion of the. confidence my fellow-citi zens repose in me by making the best officer in my power. My Deputies will in Stubbs Building. be Messrs. T. C. Hagan and W. A. Hack ney. J. C. Knight. Wot. JANES, Attorney - at - Law. First National Bank Building. CEDARTOWN, - - GEORGIA J. C. WALKER, FOR CLERK. I lierebj r announce myself a candidate for re-election as Clerk of Polk Superior Court, and ask the votes of the people, of the county, thanking them most- Attorney at Law. Over First Nation si Bank Building, CEDARTOWN, - GEORGIA. ^jfiT’Collections a Specialty. IT. M. NICHOLES, LAWYER. Commissioner to Take Testimony. Office in Judge's rooiy at Court llonsp. CEDARTOWN. GA. J. A. WRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW CEDARTOWN, GA. Office with J. A. Blanee, in Chamber- J. H. ANDERSON, Attorney at Law. Office with Ordinary at Court House, CEDARTOWN, GA. Will practice in State and Federal Courts. At- orney for Bradslreet Co. Will push collections vigorously. J. A. LIDDELL, Physician - and - Surgeon, Cedartown, Georgia. W. A. CHAPMAN, hysician 0 Surgeon, CEDARTOWN, GA. R. Ii SEIRKS, ’Physician and Surgeon,^ OEDARTOWN, GA. Ils answered promptly day or night. W. G. ENGLAND, HYS1CIAH & SURGEON CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA. Jails attended day and night. CHAS. VANN WOOD, physician and surgeon Office over Collins & Holmes, CEDARTOWN, GA. THDBSD&Y,. JOLY 5, 1500. .A-3xnxr ottist ceiszteistts. FOR TAX RECEIVER. take this method of letting the voters of Polk county know that I am a candidate for the office of Tax Keceiver of Polk county. Should I be elected, I will do my utmost to make the people a faithful officer, and will very much ap preciate their help. Election, Wodnes- iav, Oct. 3d, 1D00. Respectfully, Em era C. Kinosbkry. I hereby announce myself a candid . e for re-election - to the position of lax Receiver of Polk county. M. E. McCormick. I hereby announce myself a candidate lor the office of Tax Receiver for Polk county, and will very much appreciate the support of the general public. T. B. McCurry. Mason’s Fruit Jars at Wood Co’s. Go lo Bobo & Simmons for .Fruit Jars. Mr. W.L. Knight spent Saturday in Rome. Hon. W. H. Ennis, of Rome, was in the city Tuesday. Majestic flour is the tine3t made; sold only at Pitts & Bunn’s. Young Jersey cow and calf for sale cheap. Danie Roberts., Miss Ruby Johnston,of Rockmart, is visiting Miss Hattie Wise. Miss Jennie Mae Gibson is the guest of friends at Social Circle. High-grade bicycle, nearly new, for sale cheap. Hamil Griffin. Pratt’s Stock Powders, a fine tonic for horses and cattle, at Wood Co’s. Pitts & Bunn have just received a shipment of Sliced Ham; it is fine. Mr. Frank Hightower, of Ragan, Ala., is the guest ot Cedartown rela tives. Mr. T. C. Hagan, our popular Dep uty Sheriff, was over Tuesday from Rockmart. Three-room hnu-e fur rent on Noith Philpot street. O. F. Harris. Barge up stairs room for rent; centrally located. Apply to J. L. Turner, Jeweler. Mrs. G. S. Borders and Miss Lucy Freeman returned Tuesday from a visit to Ragan, Ala. Mr. Joe L. Davi--, of Taylorsville, has been the guest of his brother,Col J. K. Davis, this week. For first-class work patronize the White Cloud Steam Laundry. John Knight, Agent. Miss Jessie Crawford, of Montana, arrived Saturday to be the guest of Mrs. G. W. Featherston. Judge C. G. Janes spent Saturday night in Dallas, having been called there on official business. Wanted—$700 for client; Main street properly as security. Address, Box “E,” Cedartown, Ga. - Miss Agnes Harris is here from Rome on a visit to her grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. C. H Harris. Miss Corrie Morgan,of Rockmart, is the guest of Mrs. R. R. Thompson and Mrs. D N. Hightower. Mrs. Jud Crabb and Mrs. J. P. Ramsaur were guests of friends in Rockmart the first of the week. Mr A.F.Gross,the popular painter, had his right hand very badly burned last night by a sky-rocket. Miss Ladye Roberts is home from Atlanta for u few weeks, much to the gratification of her many friends Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Madden, of Chattanooga, are visiting the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Barber Judge S. W. Harris, of Carrollton, the distinguished Judge of the Cow eta Circuit, was in the eity yester day. Prof, and Mrs. Pierce Hunt are happy over the arrival of .a fine boy in their household on the Fourth ol July. Mr. Judsori N. Crabb is the guest this week of Mr. Jim Brumby Marietta, and is attending the Chau tauqua. Miss Annie England, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. L. H. Poole, returned home to Augusta this FOR TAX COLLECTOR. Thanking the people ot Polk for past favors, I hereby announce myselt a can didate for re-election as Tax Collector, and solicit your support. VoLrZ SCULIKSTETT. FOR TREASURER. 1 iiereby announce myself a candidate for re-election as County Treasurer. Thanking Lite people for their past sup port, I respectfully ask a continuance of lie same,promising to continue to serve them, if re-elected, to the very best of my ability. John M. Hamrick. FOR SURVEYOR. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election as County .Surveyor, and ask yonr support; Charlie R. Pittman. DISTRICT CONFERENCE. The Rome District Conference of the Methodist church will-lie held in Cedartown, beginning Tuesday, July 31st, and ending Friday, August 3d, a change from the original date. The Methodist church is making preparations to entertain the dele gates and ministers who will attend the conference, and a good meeting is confidently expected hy all. Ce- dartown’s visitors will find our hos pitality as well as our enterprise largely in evidence, and a general good time awaits all who may attend. For Jelly Glasses go to Bobo <£ Simmons. Mr. Fred Collins is visiting friends at Acworth. Hoosier Irish Potatoes for seed at Bobo & Simmons. Miss Jessie Scott is visiting friends at Powder Springs. -Any one wanting good dry stove- wood, call on Dempsey & Vann. Can your fruit and berries in some of those Mason Jars at Wood Co’s. Pratt’s Poultry Food makes little chicks grow fast. For sale at Wood Co’s. Mr. Ralph Akers, of Nickajack, is the guest of his sister, Mrs. W. K^ Holmes. We have Fleisehmann’s Com pressed Yeast fresh, twice per week. Pitts & Bunn. Mr. John P. Davis, one ol Polk’s cleverest citizens, was over Saturday from Taylorsville. Mr. J. 1 Fuflwooil left Friday to accept a job in the census depart ment in Washington.. Ladies’ Oxfords and Slippers at reduction prices next Saturday and Monday at Scheuer’s. Miss Alleene Stone, ol Decatur, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. C. O. Pittman, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bunn re turned yesterday from a several days stay at Chattanooga. Mr. Darden Borders arrived Tues day from Ragan, Ala., on a visit to his father, Mr. Glenn Borders. Messrs. Dempsey & Vann have opened their new wood yard on Park street, and are doing a rushing busi ness. Mr. D A. Hunt, of Birmingham, has been visiting relatives the past week, and remained over yesterday to celebrate the 4th with the boys. Miss Della Harris, who has been attending the national convention of instructors of the deaf at Talla dega, Ala., since the close of school at Cave Spring, arrived Tuesday to spend henry m. hall, Physician - and - Surgeon, CEDARTOWN, GA. Office with Dr. J. A. Liddell. Wm. H. Marsii. B. F- Sims. SIMS- & MARSH, dentists. offers the'r services to the public Office over J. S. Stubbs’ store. Office hours 9 a-.-Jt. lo 5 P- m. I IP. OKE^JUJUlR/, DENTIST, Tenders Ins sfervTces to the public. Of fice over the Racket Store. MONEYto LOAN We are prepared to NEGOTIATE LOANS in any amount desired, on approved FARM LANDS as se curity. For Mother information ap ply at our office in the Stubbs building, Cedartown, Gtff Fielder & Mundy. u p your subscription. Fruit Jars at Bobo & Simmons. Jelly Glasses at Bobo & Simmons Col.W. J. Harris spent Tuesday in Rome. Judge C. G. Janes was in Buchanan Monday. Veal loaf and Vienna sausage at Wood Co’s. Song Recital at the Opera House tliis evening. Fresh lot Langdqn’s crackers and cakes at Wood Co’s. Dr. L S. Ledbetter spent Monday at Wheeler’s Spring. Mr. John Hutchings went down to Rockmart this morning. Capt.'and Mrs J. A. Peek have been in Atlanta this week. .“Cream of Wheat.” the finest of all breakfast foods,at Pitts dc Bunn’s Col. H. M. Nicholes and family are visiting relatives in South Caro lina. Mr Louis Wade returned last week from an extended stay at Lithia Springs. For Fall Potatoes buy the genuine Hoosier Potatoes; for side at Bobo & Simmons. Col. J. II. Sanders and Mr. E Hinkley were in Buchanan on legal business Tuesday. Be sure and see the beautiful clocks at our store. You get one with a $10 purchase at Scheuer’s. Miss Mae Simmons, of Oxford, and Miss Alice Fletcher, of Chatta nooga, are the charming guests of Miss Mary Barton. Mrs. W.-A. Chapman and tier sweet little daughter, Josephine, left Tuesday tor an extended visit among relatives in Virginia. Miss Gu.ssie ITouseal u i" Monday for Atlanta, where she will be the charming guest for some time of her triend, Miss Ruby Camp. Miss Mae Conrad, of-New York, reached tlie city Tuesdav o-j a visit to her aunt. Mother Benedict, at the Samuel Benedict Memorial School. morning. Mrs. Sprouli Colbert and Miss Mallie Freeman are spending the week with relatives and friends in Cartersville. Misses Nellie and Mary Adamson of Rome, who have been the guests of Mrs. Miller A. Wright, returned home Tuesday. _ Our big refrigerator has arrived, and we wi t store perishable goods ir you at reasonable prices. Hughes Roberts. At a recent meeting of the Fort nightly Club, Mrs. J. A. Peek was elected pre.-i lent of that popu lar social organization. Now is the time to buy your Po tato seed to plant for a fall crop. Get the genuine Hoosier Potatoes; for sale at Bobo & Simmons. Street Commissioner T. F. Bur bank is iiaving some needed work done on our streets, and a general cleaning up is being had in the town. Miss Ethel Lawson, who has held a position with the dry goods house of Isadore Scheuer, left Saturday for her home at Aragon for the summer. The largest single shipment of shoes ever received in Cedartown came to Mr. A. C. Cobb the other day—and it was only a fracli'-n of his order, too ! Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Holmes ar rived home Monday from ^pleasant trip to New York, where Mr. Holmes purchased an unusually large and fine stock of clothing. Messrs. Frank Jones and T. J. Morris,of Rockmart,weie in the city Monday. They filed their returns with the Ordinary on the will of the late Ellis Whitehead, of Rockmart. Mr. C. K. Henderson, Jr., leaves today for Eagle Cliff in Walker county, wh.ere he will open a nine- months school next Monday. His numerous friends wish him much success. Mr. Felton B. Knight'is at Kan sas City this week attending the Democratic National Convenlion. He was the lucky winner of a mes senger’s place, which pays hand somely. Mr.Alien Jones’ residence was dis covered to be on fire Saturday morn ing. The. Fire Department made one of its phenomenally quick runs, but the fire had been easily extin guished before their arrival. The Cherokee Club at its meeting Monday ivening unanimously de cided to lease foe.ten years the upper story of the new building ..which Col W. J. Harris is about to erect, and in which tie will tit up elegant quar ters for theiii.. Mi . M E. McCormick, our popu lar Ta.. Receiver, announces his can didacy for re-election. He has made an efficient officer, and there is not it man i" the county with more friends than “Bud” McCormick, and they confidently predict his re-elcctioD. TO LAWYERS: We want, a reliablo Attorney to send us applications for farm loans from tills county. We prefer a young lawyer who lias never been engaged in the loan business. Onr rates are low, plans lib eral and resources unlimited. Barker Holleman, Gonld Building., Atlanta, Ga. AN S. A. ON JARS. YOU CAN BUY -ROM US ON Sa-t-u.rd.a-3r Itz£orxd.a-3T Jars of some kinds are not desir able, but the kind I have are worth gold, yea, much fine gold. But it requires only a very small piece of gold to get a big pile of my jars. I’ve got stacks and piles of them, and my family being small don’t need them all. If this don’t jar you too hard, drop in and hear some ot my jargon on jars — Fruit Jars—Mason’s ‘ pints, quarts and half gallons. E. Bradford. Canned sliced ham and breakfast bacon at Wood Co’s. Mr. John Stoffregen, of Rome,was in the eity Tuesday. ’Squire M.M. Jones, of Buncombe; was in the city Monday. Mr. W. D. Crawford has been here from Rome the past week. Gasoline, 25 cents a gallon, at Chapman Plumbing Company’s. Editor A. R. Dodson, of the Buell anan Tribune, was in the city Sat nr day. Pure South Georgia ribbon cane syrup direct from the boiler at Pitts A- Bunn’s. Miss Minnie Young and little niece, Adeene Parks, left Monday to visit relatives in Atlanta. Mr. B. B. Bishop, the staunch Democratic bailiff of Buncombe dis trict, was in the city Monday. Mr. W. H. West has bought from Mr. J. B Hogg the vacant lot adjoin ing his home on Martiele avenue. Mr. Charley Wildman, who has been the guest of his sister, Mrs. H. J. Dempsey, left Saturday morning for Miami, Fla. Money to Loan—On in proved farms for ten years at 8 per cent- Principal can he reduced in the meantime if desired. Apply to Wm. Janes. At 5c Lappet Muslins worth i oc 314c Cotton Challies worth 7j4 c - “ 2%c Summer Suitings worth 6c. “ ioc Fine Organdies worth 20c. “ fic Beautiful Lawns worth I2j4c. At 50c Sandals & Oxfords worth $1. “ 75c Sandals & Oxfords w’th $i-5° “ 25c Imperial Ginghams worth 50c. “ 5c Ladies’ Undervests worth ioc. “ ioc Boy’s Straw Hats worth 20c. In every department on all lines the Standard ol reliability. guaranteeing satisfaction in everything you purchase of us or your money back for the asking. You take no chance in buying merchandise here. Isadore Scheuer. the summer vacation with home folks. Mr. Ernest Koellar, a clever gen tleman who has been connected with the Cedartown Cotton Co. the past few months, left Monday for Knox ville, Tenn., to accept the position of supeiintendent of the big new cot ton mills there. Hon. J. E. Ilousetil, our popular County School Commissioner, is in Barnesville this week attending the annual convention of. the School Commissioners of the state. He is a member of the executive committee of that organization. I have moved to the old Phillips Foundry in Eastview; am casting iron and brass every day, and am prepared to accommodate my cus tomers promptly. Call or’phone me. W. W. Prior, Foundry and Machine Works Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Green, of Knoxville, Tenn., were the guests last week of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Barber. Mr. Green was called llo Georgia on account of the death of his brother, who was killed in the wreck at McDonough. Mr. “Ben” McCurry has his an nouncement in this issue as a candi date for the office of Tax Receiver, and he talks very confidently of his election. It will be remembered that he ran for this office two years ago, and his friends will make a strong effort for him this time. On our first page we publish in full the excellent program for the Song Recital at the Opera House this evening by Miss Julia Goodall, a talented mezzo soprano, assisted by Mr. A. B. Slade as.violinist and Miss Leyla Collins pianist. All lovers ot good music should be sure to attend. The Epworth League held its reg ular election ol officers Friday even ing, and elected the following excel lent corps: President—C. M. Duna way; vice presidents—1st, Allen T. Garrard, 2d,Miss Fannie Lou Moore, 3d, Miss Martha Adams; treasurer— E. A. Lowry; secretary—Ben W. Hunt. The announcement of Judge W.C. Knight for ra-election as Clerk of Polk Superior Court appears in this issue, and will be gladly received by his host of friends throughout the county. There is not a better Clerk in Georgia than this popular apd vet eran official, and his re election is confidently predicted by his legion of warm supporters. Mr; Will Trawick—excuse us, Coi. W. H. Trawick—has made arrange ments lo enter the law office ol Hon. W. C. Bunn, and his many friends rejoice at his location in Cedartown after completing a course iu the law department of the famous Harvard Univer.-ity. He is a bright and tals ented young man of fine character, and has a fine prospect awaiting him in his chosen profession. Mr. W. M. Gibson has made the best record so far reported on the wheat yield for 1900 in Polk. He raised Sibushels pier acre, on right acres, and on his entire crop of over thirty acres he averaged over 27 bushels an acre. The land was well prepared, the wheat fertilized and drilled - and mowed with a reaper. Mr. Gibson is one of our best and mast successful farmers, and this re cord entitles him to the blue ribbon. We take pleasure in calling atten tion to the new advertisement of the Alabama and Georgia Iron Company in this issue, anil it will be good news to many that the company has opened its foundry to public patron »geH^B^TANDARD man had the FRUIT JARS ! * FRUIT JARS! JELLY GLASSES! JELLY GLASSES! J.L. TURNER, ZP^-A-CTICLk-Id - Watchmaker and Jeweler. I GARRY A SPLENDID LINE OF s, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware, lljiUN" PRICES THAT WILL TAKE , YOUR BREATH. Bobo & Simmons. Spectacles, Etc. The very best selections from leading manufacturers, bought "with the greatest pos sible care, and will be sold at prices that can not be duplicated when quality is considered- REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. ^ "All work entrusted to me will have prompt and careful attention. Charges al ways reasonable. Come to see me. J.L. TUR1TBR, Jeweler. Corner Main and Herbert Streets. TE STAHi OH A1EAA, All who are interested in the forma tion of the Young Men’s'Debaling Club arc urged to meet at the public school building at 8 o’clock next Tuesday evening tor the purpose of organizing. Our young men should certainly take an interest in tliis projpet. At the regular annual meeting of Fire Company No. i last Thursday evening the following excellent corps of officers was chosen for the ensuing year hy the members of that popular organization:—J. K. Davis, president; J. C. Walker, secretary; John R Judkins, treasurer; J. II. Sanders, representative; Fred W. Wo.od, eaptair.;' L. H. Smith, 1st director; \V. A. Webb, 2d; Thomas Roberts, 3d; Sam Hackney,4th. Capt. D. L. McEachern died Thursday night at his home in Chat tanooga alter an illness of several weeks. He was one of the most pop ular conductors on the O. R. * S. road, anil was for some time a resi dent of Cedartown, where lie was generally liked and respectul. He was the father of Mrs A. C. Cobb, who was with him ai his death, Mr. Cobh going up to accompany*the re mains to their last resting place at Powder Springs. The bereaved fam ily have the sincere sympathy of many Cedartown friends in their great loss. privilege the other day of speing some of the perfect castings turnefl- out by this department, which is in charge of Mr. M. J. Lynn. The wood-working departments are also complete and in aumpetent hands.. >-*- 1 Y “NAME ON EVERY PIECE.” LOWNEY’S Chocolate Bonbons. mama * fOR BALE BY d*. 0. 0RABB.