The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, July 12, 1900, Image 2

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THE CEDARTOIN STANDARD Published Every Thursday in the Tear B. BUSSEW>| } W. S. OOIiEMAN, J editors. subscription rates m One Tear - ' Six Months - ' Tu/ee Months .60 .26 Advektbino Bates Bull be furnished on application. official Organ of Polk County. Official Organ of the City of Cedartown THURSDAY. JDLY 12,1900. For Governor, ALLEN D. CANDLER. For Secretary of State, PHIL COOK. For Comptroller General, W3f. A. WRIGHT. For Treasurer, ROBERT E. PARK. For Attorney General, JOSEPH 31. TERRELL. For Commissioner of Agriculture, O. B. STEVENS. For School Commissioner, G. R. GLENN. For Prison Commissioners, ‘ [Full Term,] C. A. EVANS, [Unexpired Term,] THOS. EASON. For Associate Justices Supreme Court W. A. LITTLE, n. T. LEWIS. For United States Senator, A. O. BACON. For Representative in 57th Congress JOHN W. 3IADDOX. BACK FROM KANSAS CITY. Hon. W. C. Bunn arrived home Tues day evening from the Democratic National Convention at Kansas City, where he served as a delegate from the Seventh District. He was a prominent and popular member of the Georgia delegation. Col. Bonn was an enthusiastic sup porter of Hill for Vice-President, but when that distinguished gentleman declined the honor, helped to putGeor- gia in the Stevenson column. He has our thanks for one of the con vention flags, bearing the Democratic watchwords, “The Constitution and the Flag, one and inseparable, now and forever; the Flag of the Republic forever—of an Empire never 1” Col. Bunn says that the greatest harmony and enthusiasm prevailed in the great convention, and all the dele gates went home as hearty workers for Bryan and Stevenson. THE ONE THING NEBDFTO.. The whole woild stands astounded At China’s latest fling, And a “rough box” for the "Boxers” Would be the very tiling. — THE RUS'.LER, Hon. T. C. Crenshaw has been elected by the State Railroad Commis sion to succeed the late Hon. L. NT- Trammell as chairman of that import ant organization. How many people have you heard of wb i were opposed to the white pri mary before their minds were poison ed by the persistent misrepresentation of a few interested parties? Polk Superior Court will convene for the coming term on the first Monday in September instead of the fourth Monday in August, as will be seen from Court Calendar published this week. Under the many advertisements in a recent newspaper column headed “Boys Wanted,” seven closed with the words, “No cigarette-smokers need ap ply.” There is a whole sermon in that sentence.—Youth’s Companion. ■ The hoard of Jury Commissioners— Messrs Wm. Bradford, H. N. VanDe - Wider of Cedartown, C. A. Wood of Prior’s, W. K. Russell of Antioch, and C. W. Harris of Buncombe,—will meet next month to revise the jury list3 for the next two years. If the editors of The Standabd had been hypocritical enough to profess to favor the white primary in our col umns and then privately canvass the county against it, we would not be foolish enough to think we could fool anyone by playing the ostrich act. Reports from China continue to be conflicting and unreliable, but the sit uation is one of world wide gravity." Prince Tuan has placed himself at the head of the “Boxers” and has declared himself emperor. The duty of restor ing order in China will be given to Japan, who will have the aid of the other powers. In view of the present tendency of Supreme Courts of the land to pay too much attention to legal technicalities, the Illinois Law Practice Commission recommends that “the reviewing court shall not reverse where it can say that justice has been administered.” From the standpoint of a layman, this sounds like mighty good sense. The threshing of wheat continues throughout Polk county, and notwith standing the rains the result is most gratifying. Among those who have raised large crops are Mr. John C. Hand, 1300 bushels; Mr. John H. Phil lips, 1800; Judge C. G. Janes, 450; Capt. J. A. Peek, 475; Mr. W. O. Cor nelius, 225. A number of our farmers are not through threshing yet, but will be able to report next week. Mr. C. A.Wood, of Prior’s, has possibly the largest yield in the county, estimating his crop at not less than 2500 bushels. itics. A little ring, however, made up their minds to defeat it, and did suc ceed in discrediting the movement by whispering “trick” and industriously misrepresenting the motives of those who favored it. They cannot shift the burden of responsibility to the shoul ders of “the people,” for the people know who they are and what their motives were, and will place the bur den right where it belongs. COURT CALENDAR. Schedule of Cases Set for Trial at the August Term, 1900, of Polk Superior Court. No ; 41 Aug. Term 4 “ „ 24 Feb. 75 “ 11 to 17 Aug. “ 49 Feb. “ 40 Aug. “ 73 “ u 48 Feb. 63 “ 73 “ 76 “ 75 " 8 Aug. 15 23 “ 28 36 Feb. 38 “ 46 61 “ 2 Aug. 4 “ 15 “ 12 “ 17 Feb. 40 - 41 59 60 1 Aug. 3 “ 27 Feb. 5 Ang. 8 16 19 3 Feb. 16 Aug. 21 67 Feb. 16 “ 38 18 Ang. 24 10 Feb. 25 “ 49 FIRST WEEK. Monday, September 3rd. 1899 Drummond vs McDaniel. 96 Judkins vs Judkins. 97 Heath vs Heath. 97 Hardwick vs Hickman and Hickman, clint. 97 Tedcastle & Co. vs Kimball, Wright et al. 97 Tedcastle & Co. vs Browning. 97 Hubbard vs Joel Brewer. 97 Hubbard vs Joel Brewer. 98 Lawson vs Pittman & Pittman. 98 Watts vs Watts. Tuesday, September 4U1. 98 Wood vs Tecumseh Iron Co. and Collins. 98 Davis Bros vs Hanie. 98 Martin & Co. vs Hanie and Davis Bros. 98 Browning et al vs Cherokee Iron Co. and Tuck, clmt. 98 Don woody vs Dun woody. 98 1st Natl. Bank of Rome vs West & West. 98 Phillips et al vs Lowther. 98 Morgan vs Morgan. 99 John James vs Cedartown Cotton 3L’f’g. Co. et al. 99 Phillips, Admr. vs Sanders, Admr. 99 Hackney vs Hackney. 99 Asbery vs Asbery. 99 VanDyke vs Martin & Co. Wednesday, September 5th.' 99 VanDyke vs Cochran et al. 99 Barber vs E. & W. R.R. 99 Etna Furnace Co. vs Coker and Etna Furnace Co. elmt. 99 Lockridge et al vs West et al. 99 Kelly & 3IcWiIliams vs Lindsey & Smith. 99 Kelly & McWilliams vs P. I. Sewell & Son. 99 Freyer & Bradley Music Co. vs Camp. 99 Wilcoxon vs Wilcoxon. 99 Isbell vs Isbell. 99 Thos Flynn vs Southern Railway Co. 99 Speer vs Speer. 99 Hollett vs Hollett 99 Chasteen vs Clmsteen. 99 Bunn, admr. vs Postell et al. Thursday, September 6th. 99 Funkhouser vs West & Male et al clmt. 98 Shiflett vs City of Cedartown, Ga. 99 Coweta Fertilizer Co. vs Morgan & Morgan. 1900 Zion Hill Baptist church et al vs Roper. 1900 Humpheys vs Southern Railway Co. 1900 Carpenter, atty. vs Peacock and Hogue, clmt. 1900 Carpenter,atty. vs Peacock and Rockmart Dev Co ,clmt. 1900 VanDyke vs Drummond & Drummond. 1900 Bass & Simpson vs Randall and Colbert, clmt. 1900 Rowe vs Cantrell. 1900 Hamilton & Co. vs Crocker and Hogg. 1900 Bulloch vs Williams. 1900 Casey et al vs Camp — 1900 Wilson vs Wilson. Friday, September 7th. 1899 Bass Bros. & Co. vs McGintynnd Tolbert, clmt. 1900 Jones vs Bruinbelow. 1899 Williams vs R. D. Davis. 1900 Hines, ex rx, vs Jolly. 1000 Rowland vs Rowland. 1900 Hall, Transferee vs Biggers. 1900 Anderson vs Dempsey. 1900 Wright vs Brewer, exr. 1900 Ga. Loan and Trust Co. vs Brewster. 1900 Rome Mutual Loan Ass’n vs Mrs. Mary Mee. 1896 Willis vs Willis. 1900 Adams vs Adams. 1900 Griflin vs Griflin. 1900 Guinn & Co. vs Samuel Benedict Memorial School. 1900 W. V. Coe vs G. C. Green. SECOND WEEK. Monday, September 10th. 1900 Cummings vs night and Hjght,and Adarine, clmt. 1900 Mayor and Council of Cedartown,Ga. vs Commissioners of Roads and Revenue. 1900 Stedman vs Stedman. 1900 Anna Powell vs W. L. B. Powell. 1900 Snow vs John Hanson et al. 1900 Davis, successor, vs Drummond. 1900 Crocker vs Polk County, „ 1900 American B & I, As.s^n vs Carter and E. W. R. R. 1900 Waidrup vs E. & W. R. R. Co. 1900 Hill vs J. T. West. 1900 Thompson Hiles Co vs West & West. Tuesday, September nth. 1900 Robinson & Co. vs Jones & Whitehead and Bnllook,olmt 1900 J. W. Casey vs Mrs. Lncy ChamblessT 1900 Equitable B. & L. Ass’n. vs Camp et al. 1900 Pittman vs Fite & Fite. 1900 Estelle Reed, by next friend, vs Barber A Heath. 1900 Natl.Bank of Ill. vs Rockmart Sienna Co.and Heard,elmt. 1900 Ragan vs Rodgers and Tanner olmt. 1900 MoCallnm & Moseley vs J. R. Roberts. 1900 Williamson vs Ware and Ware, elmt. 19001 J. P. Ponnds vs Sonthern Railway Co. 1900 Long vs Wiggins. 1900 Simpson Grocery Co. vs S. J. Winkles. DISQUALIFIED BUISNESS. (Time to be fixed later by the Court.) 1887 Long vs Dnke and E. T. V. & Ga. By .gar. 95 Bailey for use, vs J. J. Lampton. 97 1st Natl. Bank of Rome, Ga. vs Bnnn & Bro. 97 Ronnsaville & Bro. et al vs Bnnn & Bro. 98 J. H. Reynolds vs F. S. Bunn. 99 J. A. Adams vs Mrsf F. S. Bunn. 99 Chattanooga Natl. Bank ys Bunn. 98 New Eng. Mort Secnrity Co. vs Sanders, al clmt- 98 New Eng. Mort Security Co. vs Sanders, al elmt. 98 New Eng. Mort Secnrity Co. vs Sadders, al clmt. 98 New Eng. Mort Secnrity Co. vs Sanders, al clmt. 98 New Eng. Moit Secnrity Co. vs Sanders, Admr.etal clmt. 96 Dnnham Buckley & Co. vs P. C. Harris, Sur. partner. 98 Aohey vs Self. ■ 99 Equitable Life Ins. Co. vs Barton & West. 99 Phillips, Adinr. vs Sanders, Admr. 99 Beasley vs Bnnn & Bnnn. 99 Peek vs Waters. 99 Amsby vs Waddell. 92 Carmichael vs Darden et al. 99 Frasier vs Paragon Mills et aL 1900 Ronnsaville & Bro. vs Peek and Ledbetter et al. THIRD AND FOURTH WEEKS. Criminal Business. ARE MAKING YARNS. NEW STANDARD HAVE STARTED And are Turning Ont a Fine Qiiality of Yarns. ~ _ The new Standard Mills have been rushed to completion, and as fast as a piece of machinery lias been set up, it has been put in operation. The final shipment of machinery has just been received, and in a few days the plant- will be put to running day and night. Messrs.Parker, Birkbeck and Berry, the enterprising projectors of the en terprise, have every reason to feel proud of their mill, as it is one of the finest of its size in the South. Mr. Chas. Goodroe is to be the night superintendent of the mill, and is a clever and competent mill man. The product-of the mill shows up well from the very start, and the com pany is receiving many compliments on its samples sent to the North and East. Better than compliments lias been the number of telegraphic orders received, the output of the mill being now engaged for some time to come. The mill is securing a good force of employees, and Messrs. Birkbeck and Parker are using every energy to get their model plant running at its full est capacity in the very near future. His Life Was Saved. Mr. J. E. Lilly,a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverance from a frightful death. .In telling of it he says: “I was taken with Typhoid Fever, that ran into Pneumonia. My lungs became hard ened. I was so weak I couldn’t even eit up in Led. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of Consumption, when I heard of Dr. King’s New Dis covery. One bottle gave great relief. I continued to use it, and now nm well and strong. I can’t say too mnch in its praise.” This marvelons medicine is the surest and quickest care in the world for all Throat and Lung Tronble. Begnlar size 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottles free at E. Bradford’s Drug Store; every bottle guaranteed. TIUILET ITEMS. Farmers are busy threshing wheat and trying to gel their crops clean of the enormous quantity of grass and weeds produced by tne recent rains.- We are glad to learn that- Mr. T. N. Vincent, who has been quite sick for the past few days, is improving. Dr. and 31rs. R. N. Spinks, of Cedar town, spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives here. Miss Dora Wingard, who spent last week with relatives at. Aragon, re turned borne Monday. 3Irs. Oiin King, cf Rockmart, is spending this week witli her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Wingard. - Messrs. Charlie Whitehead and 11. II. Carpenter, of Rockmart, were visitors in Hamlet Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Rhodes, of Tay lorsville, were guests of relatives here Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Jno. Bryant,accompanied by his charming cousin, 31iss Kate Bryant, visited relatives at Aragon last week. 3Ir. E. 31. Randall, of Aragon, is at Lake Creek this week, looking after the crop of his deceased brother, David C. Randall. Rev. W. A. Harris, of Rockmart, is conducting a series of meetings at, Aragon tills week. He is ably assisted in liis work by L. J. Allgood and Tom Branson, two young divines of Rock- marl, whose future promises to he one of usefulness in behalf of their fellow men, and earnest-consecration to the cause of Christ. Census Enumerator I,. J. Spinks, of Rockmart-, was finishing his work this community Slonday. Dr. W. J. Adair, of Rockmart, was making professional calls in this coin-, munity the first of the week. Rev. G. W. Groce will fill his regular appointments on next Sunday at 11 o’clock at Antioch church, and at Yonng’s school lionse at 3:30 o’clock in the afternoon. The public is cordially invited to attend these services. Mr. W. C. Parker, ot Atlanta, has been spending a few days with his aunt, Mrs. C. H. Wood, and other relatives here. The two cottages of Mr. A. II VanDevander and Mrs.' J. E. Roberts side by side on Main street have been undergoing repairs and receiving the touche,'- of tlie painter’s brush. These improvements add much to the appearance of the resi dences. • . STUNTD Does HAIR All Claims, Appeals, Dispossessory Warrants, Distress Warrants, and all other cases that are triable at first term, not now on docket, will be for trial after the call of the oases above set. WIIiL RESUME SATURDAY. The people of Polk were ready and the time was ripe for the adoption of the white primary-—the greatest prac- in Ge0rgia p01 ' Swayn'e, ‘the 'eeniai'Tice-Prwident The Cherokee Furnace Will Go Into Blast at Noon. The East & West is building the sidetrack at the Grady mines'of the Alabama and Georgia Iron Company, and has also built some additional charcoal cars,and this means that the Cherokee furnace will go into blast again at once, making this action of the East & West appreciated by the community as well as the Iron Corns pany. The furnace went ont of blast for repairs a few weeks ago, and that work is now fully completed. The furnace will go into blast again Sat urday at noon, so says Mr. N. II. and General Manager of the Ala bama and Georgia Iron Company, and The Standard takes especial pleasure in conveying Ibis welcome news lo its ri juicing readers. Editor E. B Russell attended l| meeting of the Georgia Press As eiation in Atlanta Tuft-day, whe he was complimented by re electi^ as a member of the Executive niittee. At Presbyterian Church:—Teacher’s meeting and Sabbath aehool at 9:30 a. m. on Sabbath, and at 10 a. m. pastor’s Bible class for busy people, snbject “The Prophets”. At 11 a. m. Rev. O. O’N. 3Iartindale will preach upon “Divine Predestination and Homan Freedom”, and at 8 p. m. upon “Things Worth Living For.” Junior Society at 4 p. m., subject “How can we be wit nesses for Christ?”(Missionary meeting) Prayer meeting on Wednesday night at 8 o’clock conducted by the pastor, top ics, “Bible reading adapted to settle such-as are trying to be Christians, feel they are going to heaven, or feel they are saved.” Regular monthly business meeting of the Ladies’ Aid Society for Work at Home an1 Abroad at the chnrch at 4 p. m. on 3Ionday, and pa pers on missions by Mrs. J. A. Liddell and Mrs. R. H. Marchman. A welcome to everybody. 31 r. Oscar F. Casey, a sterling citi zen of Walthall, died last Thursday, leaving a wife and live children to mourn his loss. Funeral services were conducted Friday by Rev. T. W. Grif fith, of Buchanan, in the presence of a large concourse pf relatives and friends. i your hair split at the end? Can you E ull out a andful by run- B| ning your fingers through it? Does it seem dry and lifeless ? Give your hair a chance. Feed it. The roots are not dead; they are weak because they are starved—that’s all. Never Again Should, the people be as completely without home-canned traits, vegetables and preserves as they now are. Never Again 9 Perhaps, will they have a better chance to lay np a bountiful store of such things than they have this year. Gardens and Orchards will soon be la den with wasteful abundance of fruits and vegetables. . Can them while y ou can. I have over 1000 Mason Jars—pints,quarts and %-gallons—to help on the good work. E. BRADFORD. Sir. Harry Gilmore was up to Cal houn I he first of the week. No Right To Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always have friends, but one who would be attrac tive mnst keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and run down, she will he nervous and irritable. If she has con stipation or kidney tronble, her impnre blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complex ion. Electric Bitters is the best medi cine in the world to -regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to pnrifv the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich com- lexion. It will make a good-Iookin; C. PHILPOT, Real Estate Agent CEDARTOWN, OA. SPECIALTIES. charming woman of a run-down invalid. Only 50 cents at E. Bradford’s Dmg Store. The best ha I r f 0 o d i s is — AY€D HdJP V!8@r If you don’t want your hair, to die use Ayer’s Hair Vigor once a day. It makes the hair grow, stops falling, and cures dan druff. It always restores color to gray or faded hair; it never fails. $1.00 a bottle. All druggists. One bottle of Ayer’s Hair Vigor The Sunday School at Potash chnrch enjoyed a pleasant day last Saturday, picnicking on the gronnils near the chnrch. Dr. D. M. Russell and others made interesting talks and the neigh borhood derived mnch pleasure from the picnic. Every woman in the country ought to know about Moliser’s Friend Those Who do' know about it wonder.-how they ever got along without it:-' It has robbed child birth of its terrors for many a young wife. , It has preserved her girlish figure and saved her much suffering. It is an external'lihi- ment and carries withri t therefore^ danger of. upsetting the system as drugs taken intern ally are apt to do. It is to he rubbed into the abdomen to soften and strengthen the muscles which are to bear the strain. This means much less pain. It also prevents morning sickness and the other discomforts of pregnancy. A druggist of Macon, Ga., Says: “I have sold a large quantity of Mother’s Friend and have never known an instance ^\here it has failed lo produce the good results claimed for it.” A prominent lady of Lam- berton, Ark., writes: “With my first six children 1 was in labor from ^4 to 30 hours. After using Mother’s Friend, my seventh was born in 4 hours.” Get JIo'Ik r’sTYIrml at tin* drag Mine, $1.00 bottle. THE BRADFSH D REGULATOR CO. AI UN f A, GA. WrSt.* fur our fr<tc JUu'trnted hook, “BEFORE BABY Polk County Sheriff Sales for August, 1900. March 28,1899. Canova, S. Dak. “Avcr’9 Hair Vigor completely urea me from dandruff, with which s greatly affl icted. The growth of my hair since its use has been some thing wonderful." Lena G. CYreene, April 13,1899. New York, N.Y. If you do not obtain all the benefits you expected from the use of the Hair Vigor, write the Doctor about it. Da J. C. AYER, Lowell, Mass. State of Georgia—County of Polk. Will be sold befeye the court house door in the, city of Cedartown, Polk County, Ga., within the legal hours ol sale on the first Tuesday in Aug., 1900, to the highest bidder forcash the follow ing described property to-wit:— Two right-hand 80-saw Standard Gul let Gins with feeders and condensers complete; also, one left-hand 70-saw Standard Gullett Gin with feeder and condenser complete, all levied on and will be sold under and by virtue of a li fa issued from Polk Superior Court in favor of W. T. Gibson, transferee, vs. J. T. West, Abram Jones and G. M. Battey,andall levied on as the property of the defendants. Said property was found mi the possession of J. T. West, one of the defendants in fi fa. Property located in Cedartown, Polk county, Ga., and is also pointed out in fi fa. Also at the same time and place will be sold the following property to-wit— One house and lot situated in the city of Cedartown, Polk county, Ga., fronting west on Main street 36 feet and running back 70 feet to the line of the vacant Jot owned by Miss Portia Bunn, said house and lot kown as the J. H. Price prop erty, and levied on as the property ol the defendant, J. H. Price, by virtue of and to satisfy a Justice Court fi fa issued from the 1075tb District G. M. of said county, in favor/of E. Bradford vs. the said J. H. Price. Tenant in possession notified in writing as the law requires. Also at the same time and place will be sold the following propetty to-wit:— One- fi-horse power Mounted Peerless Engine No. 57J3, levied on as the prop erty of S. J. Winkles, the same being in bis possession, by virtue ol and to satis fy a fi. fa. issued from Polk Superior Court in favor of li. I>. VanDyke vs. S J. Winkles & Son, and Ik A. Winkles security on appeal bond. Same is now in Polk county. Ga.,and will bo deliver ed to the purchaser on the grounds at the courtJiouse in Cedartown on day of sale. Also at the same time And place will be sold the following property to wit:— The following real estate situated in said county, to-wit: The north Jialf of lot No. 185, said portion containing twenty (20) acres more or less, being in the21st dist and 3d see of Polk county,Ga. Said property-being inthe possession j>f"J.T. Pullen, tenant in possession, and being levied on :i> the property of \V. < >. Timi- Iin, defendant in fi fa, by virtue of and to satisfy a Polk Superior Court fi fa is sued In favor ol W.IT. Coker, transferee, vs the said W. O. Tiimlin. Property pointed out in fi fa. Written notice as required by Jaw given to J. T. Pullen, tenant in possession. Place of residence ol the defendant not known. BQTFOn SALE—City Lots, Resi dences, Timber Lands, Business Property. 1,000 acres Fine ORE Property near E. & \V. road for sale. fiSSrFarm Lands. Some of the Finest Farm Lands in Georgia, in Either Small or Large Tracts—Also in Mid dle and Smith Georgia. ®ST*Taxes Paid, Rents Collected. T„ B. LKDRKTTRR. WM.J. HARRIS LARGEST Fire, Life and Accident Companies in the World. Special Attention given to the Prompt Payment o( Losses Large or Small- , -Etna Fire Insurance Company. Hartford Fire Insurance Company Phrenix Fire Insurance Company. Greenwich Fire Insurance Company. Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Comp’y St. Paul Fire Insurance Company. Equitable Life Assurance Society ol United States. Travelers’Life and Accident Ins. Oo Standard Life and Accident Ins. Co. All Old and Reliable Companies. L.S. Ledbetter & Co., Agts. BURBANK'S try tiBiBijr A CURE GUARANTEED jg *£ OR MONEY REFUNDED. MANUFACTURED AND SOLD BY T. IF 1 . ZBTTIR/IBJLILTIK:, rjlR-TTO-a-IST- Foundry Castings OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, MADE ONLY FROJI CHARCOAL IRON. Machine Work and Repairs OF ALL KINDS. . LUMBER SURFACING, RIPPING, ETC. . ALL WORK PROMPTLY EXECUTED AT REASONABLE RATES. ALABAMA & GEORGIA IRON CO., CedartoM ii, Ga. -STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE- 4COMMERCIAL BANK,! Located at Cedartown, Ga., at the close ol business June 30th, 1900. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts § 4‘ Demand l^oans Secured ... (It “ “ Unsecured Overdrafts Unsecured ..... Banking House, Fur. and Fixt, Other Real Estate, Due from Banks in this state.. Due from Banks not in this State (M Cash on hand, Rev, Stamp acc’t ,954 14 ,352.07 705-40 .190.73 ,500 00 500.00 809.71 ,970.61 200.00 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock, paid up $ 38,500.00 Surplus.... 17,500.00 Surplus. Undivided profits 9.598.90 Due Banks and Bankers......... 415.15 Due Unpaid Dividends, 1,979.00 Due Depositors, viz: 129,627.98 Subject to Check.. §115,405.93 Demand CertiTs... 14,222 05 Total $197,621.03 Total 8197,621.03 STATE OF GEORGIA, POLK COUNTY: Before me came R. O. Pitts, cashier of The Commercial Bank, who being duly sworn, says the above statement is a trne condition of said Bank, as*showa by the books of file in said Bank. R. O. Pitts, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 5th day of July, 1900. E. B. Rit.4skt.Iz, N P. Polk County, Ga. The Georgia Loan and Trust Co. will negotiate loans,'Well se cured by improved, real estate, at SIX PER CEXT INTEREST on reasonable comm ission - in sums of $250 or more. Good, applications wanted. IF. C. BUNN, ' Correspondent for Pollc Co. Next Door to Express Cffice. BIG BARGAINS -IN- FURNITURE I buy my stock for Cash in Car-Load Lots, thus getting advantage of all discounts Besides this I have just bought the Shellman stock at a big sacrifice in values. My Customers Get the Benefit of fly Bargain = Buying in fly Bargain=SeIIing. Come and see me for Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Window Shades, Baby Carriages, Etc. J. S. COLLINS NEW YORK. BARGAIN STORE! Cor. jyiain St. and West A|fg., ■ In the old A. Richardson Bldg. ■^DON’T EORGET THE PLACE." First-Class Workmanship. Prompt and Conrteons Service Call on us for a good Shave, Shampoo and Hair-Cut. K. F. BENTLEY. Prop. C. H. KEMPER, Foreman. OMS Eomiann quite si Tlfis the 12th d:iv <>! Julv, 1900. W. T.'CRI H’K UK, Siler] 11. J. 13 HOGG, Dep’tv. Sb’fi'. T. C. HAG AN; Dep’tv SU’fl. Dr. Robert E. Cason, one ol North Georgia’s most prom inent Dentists, his wife and two small j;irls are now permanently located in Cedartown AT M. H. Yr PICKABIi'S. where he will also have his office. Anyone in the city, county or state sending him a card by mail or oilier wise will have his prumpi attention, and llieir dental work done al their homes in the most satisfactory up~to- date and easy way. Teeth extracted without pain. Gold fillings and I•<-:)iiii 1 uI well lilting plates a spe cialty. Satisfaction giiaranleoti^’fr- EVERY INSTANCE, an( l all Work guaranteed Address, It. E CASON, DENTIST, Cedartown, Ga. TWENTY YEARS EXPERI ENCE, and his prices you live. “Hello, Charley!” “Hello. Sam!” “Say, Charley, cai you tell me where I can buy Good Bargains iu Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats! “If you ask me. I will tell you. Go to the NEW YORK BAR GAIN STORE to BUY THESE GOODS CHEAT!” WE HAVE BOUGHT A LARGE" A- BANKRUPT STOCK -4- At ONE-HALF PRICE, and we w GAINS. Open Your Eves Before THROW AWAY YOUR MONEY STORE, and GET YOUR MONEY Come one, come alt; we’ll treat you Calico ,.4c Scotch Lawn ,4c Bleaching 4c Checks 4c White Lawn 4c Ladies’ Ilnse 4c Men’s Buckskin Shirts 25e Men’s Undershirts...,.,. tile Men’s Worsted Suits .$2 9S Boys’ Suits 7Sc •”t to give the people BIO’BAR- Y' U Buy Your Goods, and DON’T . G . lo the NEW YORK BARGAIN S WORTH Don’t forget the place, right. Men’s Sunday Shoes Ladies’ Shoes Children's Shoes Bed Ticking Cecilinn Fruit or the Loom Anchor Bleaching Percale Ducking 98c on up 75c on up 25c on up 05c 05c 08e 08c * 71c 7jc New York Bargain Store, REGISTRATION NOTICE. To the Voters of Polk County: Take notice that I will be with the Tax Assessor on bis second and third rounds to register the voters Tor the general, elections in October and No vember. Will be at Tax Ofilce in Ce- uartoVn 80 days,commencing Monday, August 13th, and closing Wednesday, September 12Mi, 1900. Be sure to note the dates, and register when 1 make the rounds, as it will he the only time the books can be carried over I he county. W. C. V’. Schliestett,T. C. P. C. Registering Officer. Notice to Debtors ai:u Creditors suite of (iH.r“i;i-r„ m ny of polk. I Notice is hereby given to all cred j of the estate of Armstead Richaic late of said comity, deceased, to re I account of their demands t within the time prescribed by properly made out. Also, all who the said estate are notified to mak< mediate payment to me. This the day of May, 1900. T , E. II. Richards* Lxecntor of A. Richardson, d The Standard’s Clubbing List will save you nnney on any pap^r or magazine you want- ap«rc