The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, August 02, 1900, Image 3

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WILL BUY This Week mmszmmmssssm K. Is your wardrobe equipped for the Summer Season ? We can sup= ply you in J NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, LIGHT HATS, COOL UNDERWEAR, FANCY SOX, SERGE COATS, DUCK TROUSERS, BELTS, NECKWEAR to be proud of; all coI= ors, loud enough to be heard a block away, or modest enough to suit the most sedate. W. K. HOLMES Clothier and Furnisher. BUSINESS CARDS. tUNN & TEA WICK, Hfete©i?F£eY£ ati Lsaw, (Office, 1st Nat. Bank Bldg.) CEDARTOWN, GA. All business placed in our bands will be given prompt and vigilant attention. f. H. SANDERS. J. K. DAVIS SANDERS & DAVIS, Attorneys at Law, Ollicfe in Chamberlain Building, CEDARTOWN, GA. W. R IPURRBR ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, CEDARTOWN GA. \TT1LL practice in all the Courts ol YV Polk, Paulding, i?loyd and Haral son Counties, and in all the courts of Georgia, State, Federal and Supreme. Also, in Alabama courts by special ar rangement. FIELDER & MUNDY. ATTORNEYS • AT . LAW, CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA. Prompt attention given to all business. Collections a specialty. Office up-stairs in Stubbs Building. Wm. JANES, Attorney - at - Law. Sheriff. To the Voters op Polk County:—! have, for some time, contemplated en tering the race for Sheriff of Polk county. I have withheld a public an nouncement for a settlement' of the question as to whether or not a white primary would be held for the selection of county officers, being unable to buy votes, and also opposed conscientiously o vote buying, even if I were able to >uv them. That question being settled, since nearly all the people of the county who have expressed their wishes and opinions on the subject have pro nounced in favor of a white primary, and the.Committee tli6 people elected to manage it have called for a white pri mary to be held on .August the 15th for the selection of co%nty officers, I feel that there is an open field and a fair race for all, whether rich or poor, upon their merits and qualifications for office. I, therefore, announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the white primary on the date aboye men tioned. If 1 am not the nominee of the white voters of the county for that of fice, I am for the man who is. if elected, I shall endeavor to show my apprecia tion of the confidence my fellow-citi zens repose in me by making the best officer in my power. My Deputies will be Messrs. T. C. Hagan and W. A. Hack ney. J. C. Knight. First National Bank Building. CEDARTOWN, - ^ GEORGIA J. C. WALKER, Attorney at Law. Over First National Bank Building, CEDARTOWN, - GEORGIA. , ^^Collections a Specialty. Clerk. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election as Clerk of Polk Superior Court, and ask the votes of the people of the county, thanking them most heartily for their support in the past. W. 0. Knight. IT. M. NICHOLES, LAWYER. Oommissioner to Take Testimony. Office in Judge’s room at Court House. CEDARTOWN, GA. J. A. WRIGHT, Attorney at Law Cedaktown, Ga. Office with J. A. Blance, in Chamber lain Building. J. H. ANDERSON, Attorney at Law. Office with Ordinarj* at Court House, CEDARTOWN, GA. Will practice in State and Federal Courts. At- orney for Bradstreet Co. Will push collections vigorously. J. A. LIDDELL, Physician - and - Surgeon, Cedartown, Georgia. W. A. CHAPMAN, Physician 0 Susgeon, CEDARTOWN, GA. R. Fi. —Physician and Surgeon,— cedaktown; ga. Calls answered promptly day or night. W. G. ENGLAND. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA. • .’alls attended day and niglit. CHAS. VANN WOOD, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office over Collins <fc Holmes, CEDARTOWN, GA. HENRY M. HALL, Physician - and - Surgeon, CEDARTOWN, GA. Office with Dr. J. A. Liddell. B. F.“ Sims. Wm. H. Maksh. SIMS & MARSH, DENTISTS. Oilers their services to the public Office over J. S. Stubbs’ store. Office hours- 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. CT. IP. G-IERjIEjIEIR/, DENTIST, Tenders his services to the public. Of fice over the Racket Store. MONEY to LOAN. We are prepared to NEGOTIATE LOANS in any amount desired, on approved FARM LANDS as .se curity. For further information ap ply at our office in the Stubbs building, Cedartown, Ga. Fielder & Mundy. THE CEDARTOWN STANDARD THD1SDAY, AUGUST Z, 1500. ^TsrdsroTnsrcBNtcEisrTS. For Member Legislature. I hereby announce myself a candidate for member ot the Legislature, and ask your support and votes. If elected, I will serve the people faithfully. J. B. Ayer Tax Receiver. I take this method of letting the voters ol Polk county know that 1 am a candidate for the office of Tax Keceiver of Polk county. Should I be elected. I will do my utmost to make the people a faithful officer, and will very much ap preciate their help. Election, Wednes day, Oct. 3d, 1900. Bespectfully, Em era C. Kinosrerv. I hereby announce mysell a candidate for re-eleclion to the position of Tax Receiver of Polk county. SI. E. McCormick. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate lor the office of Tax Receiver for Polk 'ounty, and will very much appreciate tile support of the general public. T. B. MoCurry. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. Thanking the people ot Polk for past favors, I hereby aunounce mysell a can didate for re-election as Tax Collector, and solicit your support. Voi.rZ SCHLIKSTETT. At tile solicitation ol a goodly num ber ol voters, 1 hereby announce*myself a candidate for the office of Tax Collec tor ot Polk county. Those' who are ac quainted with my physical as well as my financial condition know that I need the office, and it the voters of the county will trust me by electing me, I will do my best to make them a faithful officer. Election, Wednesday, Oct. 3d, 1900. Resp’y, W. A. Calhoun. FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election as County Treasurer. Thanking the people for their past sup port, I respectfully ask a continuance of the same,promising to continue to serve them, if re-elected, to the very best of my ability. John M. Hamrick. FOR SURVEYOR. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election as Connty Surveyor, and ask your support. CnARi-iE R. Pittman. Jelly Glasses at Bobo & Simmons. Fresh shipment Life flour at Wood Co’s. Mr. Geo. H: Wade was in Atlanta yesterday. I want to trade for some good Jer sey cows. * T.' H. Adams. Miss Lucy Chambless spent last week at Wheeler’s Spring. Have you tried Ceiero-Pepsin? At all soda founts, Scents a glass. Mr. J. S. Collins has been attend ing court in Marietta this week. Mr.C.R.Wingard, one of Hamlet’s best citziens, was here yesterday. Run to your ’phone quick and or.- der some of that Life flour at Wood Co’s. Miss Martha Adams returned Monday from a visit in Summer ville. Col. J. C. Walker returned Tues- doya from sojourn at Ingraham’s Well, Ala. You will find the best lines ol prepared soups in the market at J. A. Adams. Mr. .Louis Waddey, of Atlanta, is spending the week here as the guest of Mr. Albert Lane. Men’s .$:! calf-skin shoos for our Cut Price Sale $2.25; $1.15 plow shoes, S5c. O. W illingua m ; Mrs. James Akers, of Atlanta, has been spending tire past few days here as (he guest of Mrs. W. K. Holmes Housekeeper Wanted —Com petent lady without children can se cure a good position as housekeeper at the Philpot House. The best 2 for a’nickel soapHs at J. A. Adams. Mr. Louis D. Wade spent Monday night in Atlanta. Hoosier Irish Potatoes for seed at Bobo & Simmons. Dr. W. A. Chapman was in Rome the first of the week. Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Walter Babb last Thursday, a girl. Dressed lumber for sale, at Chero kee furnace yards. J. V. Oppert, Miss Irma Hardage, of Rockmart, is the guest of Miss Nita Whitfield. Ceiero-Pepsin at all soda founts, 5 cents a glass. Miss Alice Birkbeck left yesterday for an extended visit in Brooklyn, N. Y. Relief has come at Jast. Wood Co. has just received a shipment of Life flour. Miss Lizzie Kennedy went to Chattanooga Monday to visit rela tives. Mr. M. C. Bobo has been in Nash; ville, Tenn., on a business trip this week. Dr. and Mrs. William Bradford are spending the week at Wheeler’s Spring. Go to the Chapman Plumbing Company for first-class hose, guar anteed. If you want jelly glasses,-fruit jars and rubbers cheap, go to J. A. Adams. Mrs. R. P. Morgan.of Cartersville, is visiting her sister,Mrs.H.N. Van- Devander. Miss Rosebud Wood.of Ft. Valley, spent last week with her eousin,Miss Irene Wood. Mrs. J. R. Tomlinson, of Sea Breezp, Fla.,is visiting relatives in Polk county. Mrs. M. A. Rogers left Monday for a month’s visit among relatives in Northern Ohio. The White Cloud Steam Laundry does the very best of work. John Knight is agent. Misses Blanche Turner and Rosa Vance left Monday for a month’s visit in Carrollton. Call and see our $4 Rugs. We sell them now lor $2.98. O. Willingham. Miss Alleene Stone, of Decatur, was the guest last week of her sister, Mrs. C. O. Pittman. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Agee left last week to spend a month with rela tives in South Carolina. M iss Mary Harris has been enjo; - ing a summer outing at Ingraham’s Well,Ala.,the past week. Rev. C. O’N. Martindale left this morning to conduct a scries of revi val meetings at Forsyth. Col. Ed. Maddox, a prominent and popular Rome attorney, was here Monday on legal business. Wanted—$700 for client; Main street property as security. Address, Box “E,” Cedartown, Ga. Miss Bettie Reagin left yesterday for a visit of several weeks among relatives in South Carolina. We can furnish you something nice in butter at any time, as we have a good refrigerator. J. A. Adams. Mrs. W. G. M. Simmons returned yesterday from an extended visit among relatives in Van’s Valley. If you always want the freshest crackers and cakes, go to J. A. Adams. He buys direct from the bakery. Mrs. J. M. Rudolph, of Dalton, ar rived Monday to spend a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Morris. Rev. C. K. Henderson left Monday for Madison to conduct a series of re vival meetings at the Baptist church in that city. Miss Stevie Campbell, who has been the charming guest of Miss Bertha Adams, left Monday for her home in Atlanta. The finest blends of coffee on the market are to he found at J. A. Adams. They are sure to please. That leclure course will be a good thing for Cedartown. Subscribe fur as many season tickets as you can. Dr. William Bradford, a promi nent druggist of Cedartown, was in the city yesterday.—Rome Tribune, 26th. Mrs. John K. Nightingale, of Brunswick, is the guest of Mother Benedict at the Samuel Benedict Memorial School. Our big refrigerator has arrived, and we will store perishable goods for you at reasonable prices. Hugiies Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. J. Nolt Parker, of Albany, who have been the guests of Mr. and. Mrs. J. Wright Adamson, left for home Friday. Mr. C. P. Marchman, a prominent farmer of Troup eounty, and his family, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Marchman. Prof. Wilber Colvin, a member of the faculty of the North Georgia Agricultural College at Dahlonega, was in the city Tuesday. Notice in the advertisement of Mr. Harry Gilmore’s sale of lands the change of terms from one-half to one- third as first cash payment. Mr. John M. Hamrick, our popu lar county treasurer, is receiving con gratulations on the arrival of a fine girl in his household Sunday night. Colonel and Mrs. Ed. Ryals, of Macon, returned Tuesday to Macon after spending a lew days hereas the guests of Professor and Mrs. H. L. Sewell. Mr. M. Hunter Harris, one of onr most popular young men, hasac<. cepted a responsible position in the office of the Alabama and Georgia Iron Company. Hon. and Mrs. Daniel Baugh left Monday for Philadelphia, after spending some lime here sis the guests of their son, Mr. Paul'Baugh, at his beautiful home, “Uwchlan.” Miss Margaret Harris, who lias been spending several weeks in Rome, left Monday with Mrs. T. R. Garijngton, of that city, to spend a couple of months at Collinsville, Va. Editor and Mrs. W. S. Coleman have been spending a few days with the forme) mother at Canton, siifce their ret ing of th i last week lrom the out Georgia Weekly Press As- sociaiioraLt Charleston, S. C. Go to Bobo & Simmons for Fruit Jars. Mr. I-adore Scheuer is in Atlanta today. Nice and fresh confectioneries at J; A. Adams. Mr. E. W. Collins spem last week at Wheeler’s Spring. Cut prices for cash on all summer goods. O. Willingham. Mrs. J. M. Neil returned last week from a visit at Fort Valley. Miss Mary Jones, of Young’s, is the guest of Mrs. Burgdorff. Col. W. F. Turner is at Monteagle, Tenn., lor a couple of weeks. Mr. Le-a Cochran, a good citizen of Posco, was in town Tuesday. ■ I have a few old baggies that I would like to trade. T. H. Adams. Ceiero-Pepsin at all soda founts, 5 cents a glass. Those who have been suffering for Life flour, can now get it at Wood Co’s. Mr. S. N. Clary is home from a stay of several weeks in Birming ham. Col. J. H.Anderson was in Chatta nooga last week,and is now in Ring gold. Mr. J. M. McGuire, of Waco, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. J. M. Crow. Mr. John;Maynor,of Birmingham, is visiting his uncle, Mr. R. A. Adams. Mrs. W. H. Turner and Miss Mai- lie Shiflett returned Sunday from a visit at Hamlet. Mr. W. B. Nunnally, of Atlanta, was shaking hands with Cedartown friends Tuesday. Ladies’ 121 cents vests will be sold at 8j cents as long as they last. O. Willingham. Wanted to Rent—3 or 4 room house, close in, or 2 rooms with fam ily. Dr. R. E. Cason. Little Miss Malline Bradford went to White Cliff Springs, Tenn., last week for a month’s visit. Miss Martha Adams, one of Cellar, town’s belles, is visiting Miss Minnie Cleghorn.—Summerville News. Rev. J- T. Eakes, of Sargent’s, is visiting Cedartown friends and at tending the District Conference. Mr. and Mrs. O S. Chester re turned Saturday to Columbus, after a visit of several days with relatives here. Mrs. J. W. Carroll, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Turner, returned Tuesday to At lanta. Mr. J. M. Prewett, one of our clever farmers, is happy over the ar rival of a fine boy in his home last week. ’Squire N. V. Parris and Mr. H. H. Tibbits, two sterling citizens of Browning's .district, were in the city Tuesday.. - Miss Alice Ntiyes returned yes terday from a visit at the home of her brother, Prof. W. J. Noyes, in Americus. Ceiero-Pepsin is a positive diges tive tonic and nervine; refreshing and invigorating. At all soda founts, 5 cents a glass. Your gardens and lawns need wa tering these days. Go to the Chap man Plumbing Company for good, guaranteed hose. Messrs. William Gaston and Jack Bullock, two of Polk’s best citizens, were over lrom the east end of the county yesterday. Mr. F. B. Knight arrived home Friday evening from Washington, Ga , where he was a guest at an en joyable house party. Mr. John M. Hamrick, one of Polk’s cleverest farmers, has our thanks for a splendid forty-pound watermelon, which “filled a long fiflt want.” Mrs. J. I. Fuliwood and daughter, Miss Nina, left Monday to make their home in Washington, where Mr. Fuliwood has a position in the census department. Dr. B. F. Sims arrived home last night from an extended vacation pleasantly spent among relatives in South Carolina. Mrs. Sims and the children remain for a longer visit. Mr. Juie Wynn and his .interest ing family will make Cedartown their home after September 1. Their many friends in Rome will regret to have them leave.—Rome Tribune. For Sale:—I will sell 20 lots in Eastview, near C. R. & S. depot, on reasonable terms on the installment plan.- This is your opportunity to buy and build and stop paying rent. Also two desirable building lots on .Main street. C. Philpot. Dr. E. H. Richardson, of Atlanta, is about to improve his fine property here on Rockmart street. Besides making extensive repairs on his former residence, he will build two nice 6 room houses on the place. Mr. J. W. Carroll will have charge of the work. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Van Winkle will be missed in-Atlanta during the coming winter. They leave in Sep tember for Cedartown, where they will spend six months, Mr. Van Winkle having business there which will demand his attention.—Atlanta Journal. TO LAWYERS: We want a reliable Attorney to send ns applications for farm loans from this county. We prefer a young lawyer who has never been engaged in the loan business. Our rates are low, plans lib eral and resources unlimited. Barker & Holleiian, Gould Building., Atlanta, Ga. STREET TAX DUE. The second halt ($1.50) of your street tax for 1900 is now due, and must be settled at once. J. H. Philpot, Marshal. Fruit Jars at Bobo & Simmons. Mr. Eugene Sparks was in Rome Friday. Mr. J V A. McDonald, of Marietta, is in the city; Full cream cheese, a fresh supply, at J. A. Adams. Mr. Walter E. Good returned last week from a trip to Nashville. Mr. “Bob” Wood returned Friday from a trip to Monteagle, Tenn. Any one wanting good dry stovi wood, call on Dempsey & Vann. Celero Pepsin at all soda founts, 5 cents a glass. Mr. T. C. Barnes returned Sunday from an extended visit at Leeds, Ala. ’Squire M. M. Jones,a good citizen of Buncombo district,was here Tues day. All family fusses can now be ad justed. Wood Co. lias plenty of Life flour. . Mrs. LaGrange Cothran returned Saturday to Rome, after a month’s stay here. Master Howell Cobb, of Talla poosa, is visiting his grandfather, Mr. N. F. Cobb. Bring your cash aud come to see us. We are cutting prices. O. Willingham. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Sanders, of Newnan, are the guests of Col. and Mrs. J. H. Sarders. Hon. J. S. Davitte, of Davitte’s, one of Polk’s leading citizens, was in the city yesterday. Mrs. A. Stokes returned Monday to Lake Creek; after spending a few days with relatives here. Misses Gerlha Henderson and Rosebud Wood are spending the week at Wheeler's Spring. ' A full and splendid line of sar dines, potted and canned meals for summer use, at J. A. Adams. v Miss Julia Hawkins, of Rome, an excellent nurse, is here in attendance on her nephew, Mr. Weldon Haw kins, whose legs were amputated last week. Money to Loan—On improved farms for ten years at 8 per cent Principal can be reduced in the meantime if desired. Apply to Wm. Janes. On August the 11th we will sell G-cent calico lor 3j cents; Fruit of the Loom Bleaching only 6 cents; good linen towels, 74 cents. O. Willingham. Mr. Oscar E. Marshall, one of the cleverest traveling men on the road, was here Saturday. He is placing Ceiero-Pepsin, a popular new drink, in all the soda fountains of the State. Mr. F. J. Copfer, of Florida, has been in the city this week prospects ing for a location. He says that Cedartown’s fame as a live and pro gressive town has spread far and wide. Mr. T. J. Griffin, the hustling con tractor, lias the contract for five new houses for the Cedartown Cotton Co., to be built west of the creek and south of the E. & W. tracks, and for the new Canal Street Methodist church. A party of friends from Cedartown, Ga , are spending the summer in an attractive cottage: Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Turner, Mr. Paul Turner, Mrs. V. L. Wharton and Mrs. J. M. Whitely compose this group.—Mont eagle, Tenn., letter to Atlanta Journal. Miss Julia Stovall is expected to return this week from Cedartown, where she has been spending several weeks with her sister, Mis. J. Wright Adamson, Miss Stovall is quite a charming young lady and has been the recipient of many flattering so cial attentions during her stay in Ce dartown.—Madison Madisonian. Polk County Sheriff Sales for August, 1900. State of Georgia—County of Polk Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Cedartown, Polk county, Ga., within the legal hours oi sale on the first Tuesday in Aug., 1900, to the highest bidder for cash thefoliow- ing described property to-wit:— Two right-hand 80-saw Standard Gul let Gins with feeders and condensers complete; also, one left-hand 70-saw Standard Gnllett Gin with feeder and condenser complete, all levied on and will be sold under and by virtue of a fi fa issued lrom Polk Superior Court in favor of W. T. Gibson, transferee, vs. J. T. West, Abram Jones and G. M. Battey,andall levied on as the property of the defendants. Said properly -was found ! n the possession of J. T. West, one of the defendants in fi fa. Property located in Cedartown, Polk county, Ga., and is also pointed out in fi fa. Also at the same time and place will he sold the following property to-wit:— One 8-horse power Mounted Peerless Engine No. 5713, levied on as the prop erty of S. J. Winkles, the same being in his possession, by virtue oi and to satis fy a fi. fa. issued from Polk Superior Court in favor of R. D. VanDyke vs. S. J; Winkles .t Soil, and B. A. Winkles security on appeal bond. Same is now in Polk county. Ga.,and will ho deliver ed to tho purchaser on the grounds at the court house in Cedartown on day of sale. Also at the same time and place will he sold the following property to-wit:— The following real estate situated in said .. n .. 1.1 .. t*-* ■ tPLrt „ f \ —I I, Im I f A f Inf Mrs*. M. A. Walker, mother of Messrs. Wiley R. and Emmett Walker, died Sunday night at the age of 08, alter a useful life of Christ- im womanhood. Funeral services were conducted Monday afternoon at the Brooks cemetery by Rev. T. R. McCarty. county, to-wit: The north half of lot No. 135, .said portion containing twenty (20) acres snore or less, being in the 21st dist and 3d sec of Polk county,Oa. Said property being in the possession of J.T. Pullen, tenant in possession, and being leyied on as the property of W. O. Tuui- lin, defendant in fi fa, by virtue of and to satisfy a Polk Superior Court ii fa sued in favor of Coker, transferee, vs the said W. O. Tumlin. Property pointed out in fi fa. Written notice as required by law given to J. T. Pullen, tenant in possession. Place of residence ol the defendant not known. This the 12th day of July, 1900. W. T. CROCKER, Sheriff. J. B. HOGG, Dep’tv Sh’ff. T. C. HAGAN, Dep’ty Sh’ff. -- ' YOU CAN BUY FROM US ON Saturday 3-n.cL 3^v£on.cdst37" GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES In every department on all lines of goods. But no matter how low our prices, we keep up the Standard of reliability. We squeeze down the prices and hold up the qua ities, guaranteeing satisfaction in everything you purchase of us or your money back for the asking. You take no chance in buying merchandise here. Isadore Scheuer. -At 5c Lappet Muslins worth TOC “ 3^2 c Cotton Challies worth 7%c- “ 2^c Summer Suitings worth 6c. “ ioc Fine Organdies worth 20c. “ 6c Beautiful Lawns worth 12 j4c. of clocks to Miss Maggie Watts,of Cave Spring, is the guest of her cousin, Miss Leah- nora Bradford. Attend our cut price shoe sale, and save your money. " O. Willingham. Mr. Chas. Smith, of Cartersville, has beon in the city this week. He is a clever gentleman and a fine cor- netist, whose visit was especially appreciated by the Baugh-Zimmer- man Band. Now is the reason for pickling and spicing. We have just received a shipment of spices especially mixed for this purpose, and also have the best of pickling vinegars. J. A. Adams. Mr. Joe Warburton, of Pawtucket, R. I., the clever machinist who has had charge of the work of putting up the machinery for the Paragon and Standard mills, left this morn, ing for Dallas. Truth Will Prevail. Many people doubt the state ments made in behalf of L. & M. Paint, but when they see how it covers and wears, they are prevailed upon to buy it, and about ten years after come back for more. The old paint is still in good condition, but they want to change the colors on the house. T. F. Burbank, Sole Agent. J.L. TURNER, PRACTICAL Watchmaker and Jeweler. I CARRY A SPLENDID LINE OF Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware, Sj)ectacles, Etc. The very best selections from leading manufacturers, bought with the greatest pos sible care, and will be sold at prices that can not be duplicated when quality is considered. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. ^ 'All work entrusted to me will have prompt and careful attention. Charges al ways reasonable. Come to see me. J. L. TURNER, J eweler. Corner Main and Herbert Streets. At 50c Sandals & Oxfords worth $1. “ 75c Sandals & Oxfords w’th $1.5° '* 25c Imperial Ginghams worth 50c “ 5c Ladies’ Undervests worth ioc. 20c. A hne nohemian of goods purchased of us. select from. ~^q) T hree excellent IE OTP, OH *11IEIL