The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, August 23, 1900, Image 4

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X eczema - SATANIC ITC Hm of this acid poison teaches the: skin and it becomes red and inflamed The itching and burning are almost unbearable, especially when overheated from anv cause. The skin seems on fire, sleep or rest is impossible, the desperate sufferer, regardless of consequences scratches until strength is exhausted. This burning, itching humor appears sometimes ill little pustules, discharging a sticky fluid, which forms crusts and scales. Again the skin is dry hard and fissured, itches intensely, bleeds and scabs over. This is a painful and stubborn form of the disease ' While Eczema, Tetter Erysipelas, Salt Rheum and many like troubles are spoken of as diseases of the skin, they are really blood diseases, because THERE CAN BE mo EXTERNAL IRRITATION WITHOUT AN INTERNAL CAUSE. > If the blood is in a pure, healthy condition, no poisonous elements can reach the skin. External applications of washes, lotions and salves sometimes mitigate the itching and soothe the inflammation, but cannot reach the disease. Only S. S. S., the real blood medicine, can do this. skin Stales, r fnd 'alTsig^s of the disease disappear. 3 afflicted with Scrofulous sores and Eczema ^mX’cuSdand-has never had a return of the disease. This was seventeen y2« ago Cheves s,™would have been in her grave years ago hut for S. S. S„ and adds, ■< what ft hi It will do for others.” q eil J for our book on Blood and Skin Diseases, and write our physicians fully about your _e'thev cheerfully give any information or advice wanted. We make no charge for this. Address, Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially cl igests the foodand aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is thelatestdiscovered digest- ant and tonic. No other Preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SickHeadache, Gastralgi a, Cramps, and all other results of i mperfect di gestion. Prepared by E. C. DftWltt A Co- Chicago. E. BRADFORD. The Time Censes to every elderly woman when an im portant functional change takes place. This is called '‘The Change of Life.** The entire system undergoes a change. Dreadful diseases such as cancer and consumption are often contracted at this time. McELREE’S Wm© ofGastfui strengthens and purifies the entire system, and brings the sufferer safely over these pitfalls. Its effects have been wonderful. It is good for all menstrual troubles, but i3 especially- recommended at this time. Ask your druggist for the famous Wine of CarSui. $1.00 a bottle. For advice in cases requiring special directions, address the “Ladies’ Ad visory Department,” The Chatta nooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. lot her, and also helped my mother through the SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Condensed Schedule in Effect May 6,1900, •No. 22 ♦No. 16 .STATION9. ♦No. 15 *>To. 21 7.00pm 1.00am 6.30am 9.45am 5 30am 5.45pm 9.45pm lv.. lv...Selma arBirm’ham lv ar Chat’n’ga lv 10.10pm 4.20pm 6.30am 7 30am 1.55am* 10.20pm 6.10pm 2.10pm 9.50am 3 00am 9 50pm 3.25pm 1,10pm 5.43pm 1 50am 6 42am 12.43pm ar Knoxville lv ar. ar Lynch b’rglv ar W’.sh’gt’n lv ar. Na 22 and 21 carry Pullman sleeping cars be tween Mobile and Chattanooga and Chatta nooga and New York. Dining car serves meals en route. No. *18 STATIONS. No. *17 8.55am 9.35am 10.28am 11.40am lv Akron . .Greensboro... Marion Selma. .. ...*.lv 7.10pm SSS 4.05pm No. *20 No. *16 STATIONS. No. *15 Na *19 :::::::: 7.30pm 8.00am lv.New ...Demopolis... ar..Uniont’ ...Marion Jet.. Selma . ..Monte vallo.. Calera ..Columbiana.. a 30am 7.50pm 6.03pm 5.23pm 4.55pm 4.80pm 4.-15pm 2.28pm 2.15pm 1.45pm 5.45pm 7.37pm iffjfffffffflllli 10.22am 8.32 am f8.15am 8 52am 9,30am 10.52am tll.50 m ...Talladega... ....Anniston... ..Jacksonville.. ...Piedmont... ..Cave Springs.. Rome ar.. Atlanta., lv 12 20pm 11.30am 11.04am 10.43am 9.56am 9.20am 5.30am 6.5.’pm aidpm 4 4upm t3.45pm STATIONS , Democratic Ticket. For President, WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN. .. lor Vice President, ADLAI E. STEVENSON. For Governor, ALLEN D. CANDLER. For Secretary of State, PHIL COOK. For Comptroller General, W.M. A. WRIGHT. For Treasurer, ROBERT E. PARK. For Attorney General, JOSEPH M. TERRELL. For Commissioner of Agriculture, O. B. STEVENS. For School Commissioner, « G. R. GLENN. For Prison Commissioners, [Full Term,] C. A. EVANS, [Unexpired Term,] THOS. EASON. For Associate Justices Supreme Court W. A. LI TTLE, | II. T. LEWIS. For United States Senator, A. O. BACON. For Representative in 67tli Congress, JOHN W. MADDOX. For State Senator, W. E. SPINKS; S PROCLAMATION. State of Georgia. Executive Office, Atlanta. Submitting constitutional amendment regarding pensions lor the widows ol Confederate soldiers to a voteoi the peo ple at the next general election. Whereas, The general assembly of 181*9 passed by a constitutional majority the following act, to-wit: “An act. to amend section 1. article 7, paragraph 1, of tile Constitution of Geor gia, so as to extend the provisions ol said section, article and paragraph, to the widows of Confederate soldiers, who, by reason of age and poverty, or ii.fir.u- ity and poverty, or blindness and pov erty, are unable to provide a livii g for themselves, and lor other purposes/' Section 1. Be it enacted by the gen eral assembly of Georgia, and it is here by enacted by authority of the same, that section 1, article 7, paragraph 1, of the Constitution of Georgia be, and the same is hereby amended by inserting after the word “service” in the 13th line, the following words: “or who, by reason of age and poverty, or infirmity and poverty, or blindness and poverty are unable to earn a living for themselves,” so that said section, when so amended, will read as follows, to wit: “To supply the soldiers wdio lostalimb, or limbs, in the military service of the Confeder ate States, with substantial artificial limbs, during life; and to make suitable place as o provisions tor such Confederate soldiers ; oiark-Cari as may have been otherwise disabled or ' permanently injured in such service; or who may, by reasou ol age and poverty, or infirmity and poverty, or blindness and poverty, are unable to provide a living for . themselves, and lor the widows of such Conlederate soldiers as mav have died in the service ot the Con • federate States, or since, from wounds received therein, or disease contracted in the service, or who, by reasou ot age and poverty, or infirmity and poverty, or blindness and poverty, are Unable to | provide a living for themselves; pro-| LAKE CREEK I.El 1ER. REGISTRATION NOTICE. To the Voters of Polk Connty : Take notice that I will be at Tax Office in Cedartown 30 days, com mencing Monday,-Aug. 13th, and clos ing Wednesday, September 12th, 1900, to register the voters for the general elections in October and Novemiit r. Be sure to note the dates. W. C. V. ScHLIESTETT, T.C.P.C. Registering Officer. Mothers endorse it, children like- it, old folks use it. We refer to One Minute Cough Cure. It will quickly enre all throat aDd lung troubles. E. Bradford. _ The minority is qnite as important in the manufacture of history as is the nether millstone in the mannfactnre of flour. _ Your druggist knows a good thing when he sees it. He always keeps Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic for sale because it is n good thing. He likes to sell it because it always gives perfect satis faction. “These Boxers must be terrible peo ple.” “Yes. They couldn’t act mnch woise if they were trying to civilize another country.” Where the digestion is good,and the ! general powers of- the system in a ! healthy stale, worms can find no habi tation in the human body. White’s Cream Vermifuge not only destroys every worm, bur. corrects all derange ments of the digestive organs. Price, 25c. T. F. Burbank. Eva: “You can’t rnako a bit of an impression on that young Marsh.” May: “1 know it. It’s strange, too, for lie’s so soft.” Any druggist will sell you a bottle of Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic for 50c, and tell you what it is good for free of charge, and “don’t you forget it.” The Pastor: “Dou’t yon think I tonched them rather deeply this morn ing?” The Deacon: “I dou’t know. I haven’t counted up yet.” It is very hot here. Mr. Editor, how is it in yourtown? Anolherquestioii, ir you please, Mr. Editor: Do the candidates worry you at. your work? We can hardly work for them here. I have had to give some of them my left hand for the last week. Candidates and yellow jackets together have been very rough on my right hand lately. That is my excuse for not writing last week. It is about well now. A few,jyords about our pleasure trip. A few days ago the writer "and J. B. Woods went to Lindale, and there J. B. Woods, W. E. Brock,Elijah Abrams ami J. L. Thomas were ready with a hack.' We got in and started over our old playground where we all played together when we were boys. We took dinner in the woods near an old pond that J. W. Woods and tnyself fell into when we were quite small, by two logs rolling out from under a plank that we were on. We had a good time, you bet. The keg did not bold but eight gallons, but we made out on that. The best of alljhough, was the hack break ing down and all tumbling out just as we were about to stop for dinner, and then had to walk back to Lindale in the evening. We enjoyed the day just the same, but will prepare better next time. We are having scale dry weather now. The farmers would be glad to have a good rain. Crops are looking ell. We are sorry tc learn that Mrs. W. A. Shoes has the typhoid fever. Mrs. O. O. Drummond is very ill at this writing. Mr. J: IV.Sewell is on the sick list this week. Mr. B. S. Groce and daughter, of your town, were visiting Mr. J. A. Sewell here Sunday. J. B. Woods has about completed the addition to his store. Mr. Arthur Faires and wife were pleasant, visitors Sunday at the home of J. B. Woods. Mr. Allen Ivey and wife were visit- ng friends here Sunday. Messrs. J. F. Cone, D. T. Colquitt and Samuel Dollar were looking ont thewayTor the new public road last Friday, and got into the writer’s watermelon patch. It seems like they want the road through the middle of We hope that there will be no trouble in gelling the road,as the peo ple need it. Roy, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Colquitt, died Sunday evening with throat, trouble. We sympathise with the bereaved. Little Roy was about six years old. lie was a jewel n his home and loved by all who knew him. Father and mother, don’t weep for your precious son, but com fort yoiir hearts with the thought that some day you will meet Roy in a bet ter world than this, where there will be no more aching of hearts and shed ding of tears. Dear little Roy, fare well! We hope to see you again when to ns conies the end. Your sweet little ife lias passed away to a Heavenly rest for an endless day. Sxgei:. ETHNOLOGY BUILDING, PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION. A BOON TO MANKIND/ DTABLER’S BUCKEYE PILE loZb-j > * cn m y JO. tn h f -fi n i i So mo C *71- 0 - c .«±r- - z a - r- n 11710 - s°2 lv...BIrm , ham.. ar Pell City Anniston Heflin ...Edwardsville... .... Fruithurst.... ....Tallapoosa.... • Bremen. ... Douglas ville... ..Lithia Springs., ar.... 11.35 10.18 7.51 STATIONS. No. 36 No. 38 Lv Birmingham Lv Anniston Lv Atlanta Ar Macon Ar Jesup........ Ar Jacksonville mill Iff in d «5 e5 e4 id od 6.00am 8.10am 12.05pm 2.25pm 6.50pm 10.00pm Ar Brunswick - 7.10am 8.35 pm No. 36 carries Pullman Drawing Room Buffet Buffet Sleeping car Birmingham to Atlanta and Atlanta to Jacksonville and Brnnswick. No. 38 carries Pullman Sleeping car Birm- lngham to Atlanta and Atlanta to Jacksonville ArHot Springs. Ar Asheville...; No. 15 6.25pm 8.40pm 1 l()am 4.00am 5.15am No. 15 carries Pullman Sleeping car Rome to ? Chattanooga, Chattanooga to Salisbury and Salisbury to New York without change. No. 2 No. 4 10 00am 9.00pm 7.45am 7.5oain 7.30pm 7.40pm N< ?‘ _ 4 x,? ullman Sleeping car Chattanooga to Louisville and CIncinnatL , N °-2 Pullman Sleeper Chattanooge to CIn cinnatL stations. Lv Birmingham Ar Danville. _Ar By nchburg Ar Charlottesville. ~ Ar Washington Ar Baltimore Ar Philadelphia Ar New York No. 36 6 00 m 4.10pm 12.Inin n 11.50pm 8.13pm 9.35am 11.53pm 1.38pm 1.55am 3.43pm 3.37am 5.3 pm 0.42am 8.51pm 8.00am 11.35pm 10.15am 2.56am 12.43pm 6.13am . 38 "Washington ana Southwestern Lim ited Solid Vestibule train Atlanta to New Vork, carrying Pullman Sleeping car Atlanta to New York. Dining car senes Pullmsn Library Observation car Atlanta to Isew York. No. 36 carries Pullman Drawing room Sleep- lng car Birmingham to Charlotte and Atlanta Washington?-’ “““ DinlnB Car CllarluUe •Daily. tDaiiy Except Sunday. W^TURi^P^tJSggg.. g- g Wlmt lo Do Witli Them. “Just before Montana became a state,” sajl a citizen of Helena, “the Clark-Carter contest occurred, and most bitterly was it fought out. Any thing that could be turned or twisted into a campaign argument was sought out and brought to the front. Commis sioner Sparks, at that time head of tlie general land office, had made a ruling that thereafter no trees less than eight Inches in diameter should be cut down for agricultural or mining purposes in territoiy belonging to the United States. “This ruling had aroused a storm of indignant protest in Montana and had straightway assumed a prominent one of the main issues in the campaign. I was speak lug one night at Bozeman, and. as was natural, I attacked this ruling of the land commissioner and showed, at least to my own satisfaction, what in : Jury and injustice it did to both farmer and miuor. and so l worked up to what had always previously proved an ef fective peroration by asking the ques tion, ‘What, my fellow citizens, can the farmer do with eight inch tieesV* “The answer to this had previously Invariably been silence, but this time a shrill voice iu the rear of the hall blurted out. ‘Why. split ’em. of course, ye coufuuuded fool!’ and I sat down amid the ribald and derisive jeers of that vast audience.”—New York Trib- vided that the act shall only apply such widows as were married at the time of such service, and have remained unmarried since the death of such sol dier husband.” Section 2. Be it further enacted, that, if this amendment shall be agreed to by tvvo-thi.'d i ot the members of the gen- I une eral assembly, of each house, the same j ’ shall be entered on their journals with • oof g TO BUY CHEAP? the yeas and nays taken thereon, and the governor shall cause the amendment J ^ cheap remedy for coughs and colds to be published in one or more ot the isall - ht . bnt'you want something newspapers in each d«- , that wjH r( ,i ie ve‘and cure the more fiufnHxt ‘-euerai eleclioif and Severe ami dangerous results of throat the same shall be submitted to the peo- and lung troubles. What shall you do? pie at the next general election, ami the Go to a warmer and mole regular ell- voters thereat shall have written or mate? Yes, if possible; if Dot possible printed on their tickets, “For ratiiica- for yon, then in either case take the tiou of section 1, article 7, paragraph 1, 1 only remedy that has been introduced or the constitution of this State,” or in all civilized countries with success “Against ratification of section 1, article . in severe throat and lung troubles, 7, paragraph 1, of the constitution ot “Boschee’s German Syrnp.” It not this State,” as they may choose; and if a only heals and stimulates the tissues to majority of the electors qualified to voto destroy the germ disease, but allays in fer members ot the next <5® fl ,imiua tion, causes easy expectoration, n t.oT° Sfe’n^id amendment >h*!l he- gives a good night’s rest, and cures the come a part of said artic e 7. section 1, patient, try one bottle. Recommended paragraph 1, of the constitution of this ; many years by all druggists in the ?tate, and the governor shall make pro- ; world. Sample bottles at Knight Drng clamaiion thereof. ! Co’s. Section 3 repeals conflicting laws. : ^ Approved December 21, 1S99. j “Confidentially,” said the statesman Kqw, therofoie, 1, AllenI>. ( andler, wro te that plank in the platform.” governor of saia State, do issue this, my j t - . „ ., , . . . * proclamation, hereby declaring that the j * congratulate yon, said his friend, foregoing proposed * amendment of the , heartily. “I read it over three times, constitution is hereby subinUted^for I an(1 rin bIegt - { u commits the party to ratification or rejection, to the voters ot j this State; at tho genehg ^lectiou to be anything. Ter 3, 1900, this State; at tho generic held on Wednesday, Oci provided in said act. ALLEN D. CANDLER, Governor. By the Governor, J. \V. WARREN, Secretary Executive Depar.ment. Some men have wheels and some are simply cranks. Better have a good medicine and not need it than to need it and not have it. See? Then just before you get hurt, buy a bottle of Dr. Tichenor’s . Anti- ^ teacher. “From onr house to grand septic. It is a record- breaker for | pap, t ’ s a nd back,” replied Freddie Fos- wounds, burns, bruises, scaids, 'd’'-, dirk, ’.iho knew wIuti: Inn family took for man and beast. Fifl v.cents a hot- ! ,, , tie at all druggists^ - i dinner every Sunday. Bicyclists, base ball and football teams will find Dr. Tichenor’s Anti septic the very thing they “need in their business” when the race is ended and the game is finished. For sore muscles, bruises,- sprains, etc., it is O. K., and “don’t you forget it.” Clean and pleasant as perfume and costs only 50c. AII druggists. “What is meant by a Sabbatli-day’i journey?’-’ asked tire Sunday - school Mrs. Agues HowiriSjton died at her home at the Aragon mills, iu 1’olk connty, last Sunday, after an iiluess .of three weeks. The remains were brought here Monday for interment. Mrs. Huw-j ington is a niece.of-onr townsman, Mr. ! T. J. Loveless, and is well known here. | She was a member of the Baptist,' hiircfl and an earnest Christian. Sh(5. lejl'es a husband and four little children ! mrn their loss.- BuchananTribr m this summer? Then add a} little p SCOTT'S EMUISIOM to his milk three times a -Jay. It is astonishing hoy/ fast H he will improve. ! i he r.arses, j j; t . A 11. . Jt 5? I ipile mi CURE A New Discovery for the Certain .Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES, WITHOUT PAIN, CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE RAILED. Tubes, by Mail, 75 cents; Bottles, 50 Cents. JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - - 3i0 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS. MO, FOR SALE BY T. F. BURBANK. Copyright, WOO, by the Pan-American Exposition Co. One of the handsome structures at the great Pan-American Exposition, which Is to be held in Buffalo from May 1 to Nov. 1, 1901, will be the Ethnol ogy building. It will contain an exhibit of unusual interest to aU Americans. Ethnology is the science which treats of the division of mankind into races, their origin, distribution and relations and the peculiarities which character ize them. At Buffalo the Ethnology building will be a veritable mine of infor mation concerning the countries of North and South America. This will be peculiarly appropriate for the reason that the Exposition is a Fan-American, or All-American, event, and everything of interest concerning tho various na tions Inhabiting the new world discovered by Columbus will be represented by an interesting exhibit in Buffalo when the Exposition’s gates open on May 1, 1901. Strange to relate, the most interesting exhibits concerning several countries in South America are already in this country. Pern, for example, will send many interesting exhibits to the Pan-American Exposition and will use her influence to have exhibited in her section the remarkable collection of Peruvian antiquities now owned by various American museums. VANDIVER WHISKEY CO., JOHN M. VANDIVER, Mgr IS Broad St, BAMETf’S OL- STABLE) HOME, GA. -5*5- Fill. WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, ETC. .yUG ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. TELEPIIONI': NO. “ t Herbine is well adapted to Ibe cure of fevers of all kinds, because it thor oughly cleanses the stomach and bow els of all bilious humors, and expels all impure secretions of the body. Price, o0c. T. F. Burbank. “I hear your son is achieving great success in his stage career.” “Yes,” replied the architect. “I should think he would have entered yonr profession.” Well, it amounts to the same thing. We both make money by drawing houses.” • If you, your baby, or your horse has colic, Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic will cure it and “don’t you forget it.” Only 50c a bottle, at all druggists. The Lady - “How is it J never see any of Mr. Brushslreak’a pictures hang in any of the galleries?” The Artiat- ‘Haoging is too good for them.” Ballard’s Snow Liniment gives iu stant relief in cases of bleeding,burns, bruises, scalds, cuts, etc. Price, 25 and 50.:. T. F. Burbank. Adjourned by Reporters. “Well, that bumps me!” said the colo nel. “I know that the cheek of those newspaper reporters is always in full flower, but I didn’t know that they as sumed to legislate for the state.” “All I know is,” asserted the judge again, "that two newspaper reporters once adjourned a session of the Illinois senate.” h How’d they do it—choke the speak er with copy paper?” “No; they were very civilized about it It was one day when everybody ex pected a dull session, and only two of us senators pnt in an appearance, counting Dave Littler, who was in the chair. “ ‘I want to get an Interview with Littler when this thing’s over,’ said one newspaper man. “ ‘So do I,’ said the other. ‘I move that we adjourn!’ he shouted at Littler. I second the motion,’ said the first reporter. 'It Is moved and seconded that we now adjourn.’ said Littler solemnly. ‘Those In favor will signify it in the usual manner.’ ‘Aye!’ shouted both of the report ers. Carried!’ said Littler.”—Chicago In ter Ocean. Speaker Reed’s Retort. Growing tired of his chair oDe after- noon, Speaker Reed surrendered it to another member and sat dotvu beside a western Democrat. My, what a large hand you have!” remarked Mr. Reed, looking Intently at the enormous paw of his Democratic friend, who was writing a letter. Yes, sir,” said the member, “and I am proud of it. I worked on a farm for so many years that my hands grew large, as you see them.” The speaker held up his small and shapely right hand, smooth and white as a woman's, and said: ‘Well, I thank the Lord I never worked on a farm.” The member replied, “You are prob ably goiug to run for the presidency some time, Mr. Reed, and if you do I’ll placard that statement all over the country. And what could you do about it?” The big fellow mused awhile and said: Nothing—except to brand you as an Infernal liar!”—Success. Women may never get their rights, bnt their lefts will always he in evidence in the Bliapc of old bachelors. Blotches ami excresences, which so often annoy people, are simply efforts of nature to throw off impediments to the proper performance of her duties. Herbine will aid and assist nature in her work, and ensure a skin clear and beautiful, entirely free from all im perfections. l’rice, 50n. T. F. Bur bank. “Some men,” remarked Uncle Eben, has jea’ enongh activity in ’em to keep 'em f’nm bein’ any good foil hiteliin’- posts.” Great Actor—“I propose makin farewell tour of the provinces. What play wonld yon advise?” Critic— Much Adieu Abont Nothing.” A free and easy expectoration is produced by a few doses of Ballard’s Horehound Syrup, in all cases of hoarseness, sore throat, or difficulty of breathing. Price, 25 and 50c. T. F. Burbank. ' LAND OF THE SKY.” Iu Western North Carolina, between -Blue Ridge on the east and the Alle- hauies on the west, in the beantifnl valley of the French Broad, 2000- feet above the sea, lies Asheville, beautiful, picturesqne and world-famed as oneef bright skies andjncomparable climate, whose praises have been sung by poets, and whose bean ties of stream, valley and mountain height have furnished sub ject and inspiration for the painter’s brnsh. This is trnly the “Land of the Sky,!’ and there is perhaps no more beantifnl region on the continent to at tract pleasnre tourists or health seekers. Convenient schedules and very low rates to Asheville via Sonthern Rail way. Crabs In Ousters. “The demand for that little southern delicacy, the oyster- crab, is always larger than the supply, and I have all I can do to obtain the 50 or 60 gallons which,are daily required for flavoring stews and making omelets in the lead ing hotels, restaurants and clubs of this city,” said a wholesale fish dealer In New York to a Washington Star writer. “Our northern oysters do not contain the little dainties, so I am obliged to bay them from the oyster shuekers along the York, Rappahan nock and other southern rivers. The Chesapeake bay shore oystermen send us some also. “The little crab found in the oyster is not, as commonly supposed by two- thirds of the oyster eating community, the young of the blue crab, hut is a distinct species. It is a messmate of and caterer to the wants of the oyster, being therefore a benefit instead of a detriment to'the latter. In return for the oyster’s kindness In protecting It against its enemies the little crab catches and crushes food which in its entire slate could nut he •taken by the oyster. A singular thing in eoiiueetiou .with t't in is that all'found inside'of the ovsiVrlare feuiaies.. The-male of the Milne variety has a hard shell. A Pale Face Is a prominent symptont of vitiated blood. If covered with pimples, the evidence Is, complete, it’s natures wayofwarnlngyouofyourcondition. ilofiiisfon’s ‘Sarsaparilla ! to rectify all'disorders of , slight or severe, of long * —*?ln. Ita never falls the blood, standing or recent origin. Its thirty years fecord guarantees Its efficacy. Sold everywhere. Price 81.00 per full quart bottle. Prepared only by MICHIGAN DJCUG COMPANY, Detroit, Mich. For sale by E. Bradford. A Frank Confession. An old Ulster woman who had made money by selling whisky iu a village on fair and market days was visited when she lay dying by a minister, to whom she spoke about her temporal as well as her spiritual affairs. “And so, Molly,” said the minister, “you tell me you are worth all that money?” “Indeed, minister, I am,” replied Mol- ly * “And you tell me,” continued the minister seriously, “that you made it by filling the noggin?” “Na, na, minister,” exclaimed tbe dy ing woman; “I made maist of It by not fillin the noggin!” Coal, wood and gas are prominent among the words that burn. FREE BLOOD AND SKIN CURF. A n Offer Proving Faith. Ulcers. Eating Sores, Cancer, Scrofula, Itching SI in, i-cab;; and Scales of Eczema. Aches anrt Pains in bones, back or joints, Syphilitic Bloof’ Poison, Rotten Gums and Chronic Kheumatif—' and all obstinate deep seated Blood troubles uuicklv cured l>y taking a lew large bottles Botanic Blood Halm. We challenye the wr for a case of Blood Disease that Botanic Blood Bain ■vill i re p erit patching All Run Down? As Tired in t en you went to bed? Pimple? '.l.fitids or Joints* Catarrh? ptions? S'wes in Tdouth Blood Thill? in the mori Boil: Force *on tbe Plano. It has been calculated that a mini mum pressure of the finger of one- quarter of a pound is needed to sound a note on the piano and that at times a force of five pounds is thrown on a single key to produce a single effect Chopin’s last study in C minor has a passage taking two minutes five sec onds to play that requires a total pres sure estimated at three full tons. In a Bad Fix. Gadzooks (in a restaurant)—Don’t let us sit at that table. I gave the waiter a tip yesterday, and be will expect an other today. Zonnds—Well, how about this table? Gadzooks—Won’t do. 1 have never feed the waiter, and he would doubt less expect me to begin today.—New York Tribune. High Life. When a man who lives In a boarding house has gout, the landlady assumes an air of great importance.—Philadel phia Record. You can’t make a girl with a new en gagement ring believe all men are alike, and after she has been married ten years you can’t make her believe they are not.—Chicago News. If so, your Blood is Bad. Blood Bal the Blood Pure and Rich, Heals eve the Aches and invigorates the eak. Botailic Blood Balm, the only perlect Blood Puri fier made Sold at Drug stores. S« per large bottle, including complete direction* faith in Blood Balm a trial bottle l to suffe ers. For fr*e trial bottle, addrrss Blood Balm Co , Atlanta Ga. Don’t hesitate, at once describinc trouble, and free personal medical advice given. Blood B .1 " ” ' * - - - B B Cures when al! else fails. Thoroughly tested for 30 years. Over 3.<x>» voluntary cures by using B B B. testimonials of A coat that yon owe for is a bad habit to get jnto. Do You Need an Fledric Belt? Dr. «T. Newton Hathaway has per fected an electric belt which he is pre pared to furnish to‘ ail patients who need it, at a merely nominal change. Write to J. Newton Hathaway, M. ^ 22k South Broad St., Atlanta, Ga. When a man reaches that point in his career where lie is satisfied witli him self his usefulness on earth is at an end A CLEAR HEAD good digestion; sound sleep; a fin e appetite and a ripe old age are some ofthe results of the use of Tutt’s Liver Pills. A single dose will convince you of their wonderful effects and virtue. A Known Fact. An absolute cure for sick head ache, dyspepsia, malaria, sour stomach, dizziness, constipation bilious fever, piles, torpid liver and all kindred diseases. Tutt’s Liver Pills VIRGINIA COLLEGE Worms! WHITE’S CREAM VERMIFUGE^ Kostin Quantity. — BcstinQualdy. Fsr 2S Years Has Led all Worm EemsSies* SOXjS -a.X*X. D33.TrcSrOUSTS. [Prepared t>y —JAMES F. BALLARD, St. Louis. 1 FOR SALE BY T. F. BURBANK. OiaffiSUOOP I SI. Ms Kg. i, % If OWIJ RAILS, WITH THROUCH TRAIN SERVICE TO mty tmmmm, mashvuie anb mphis, PULLMAN SLEEPERS AND FIRST- CLASS DAY COACH TO Mi* \ Lmjlm and AU Points West QUICKEST SCHEDULES TO :HSCAGO m NORTHWEST. ExceSient Service to Louisville, Gmeinnati and Ohm, Indiana and Michigan Paints, ALL RAIL AND STEAMSHIP LINES TO NEW' YORK 2SNd the EAST. y&lffissr RATES TO ALL RESORTS. Ciieap [migrant Kales to Arkansas an<3 Texas. Tor schedules, maps, ei* sag railroad information, call upon or write to CHARLES E. HARMAN, Gm AGENT J. W. THOMAS, JR., - general Manager, F. SMITH, Traffic Manager. NASHVILLE, TENN. NASHVILLE. TENN. ATLANTA, OA. Summer Excursions The Queen & Crescent Route forms close connection at Cincinnati with the great trunk lines—Pennsylvania Lines, G. R. & I., Big 4 Route, C. H. & D., C. & O. and Erie railways, handling through traffic expeditiously to all summer resorts of the North. Special Low Excursion Rates Are now in effect daily from all points South over the Queen & Crescent via Cincinnati, to Chautauqua, Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands, Put-In-Bay, Petoskey, Mackinac and all other summer resting places on Mountain? Lake and Seashore A New Ticket to Mackinac. You can buy a ticket to Mackinac now, at excursion rates, that will take you to Chicago, thence by the palatial steamer Manitou to Mackinac, re turning via D. & .C. steamer to Toledo or Detroit and C. II. & D. Ry. to Cincinnati (or the reverse.) A finer summer trip was never offered. The famous resorts of the South are also open now. The sea son at Rock Castle Springs, Ky., Cumberland Falls, iiy. and Rhea Springs, Tenn., promises to be the most successful ever known. Onecn* Crescent trains are palaces ol travel. Thronsh Pullman sleepers dally Irom all southern cities. Burl or, observation and chair cars from Chattanooga, Rome and Attalla on day trains. • Free reclining chairs from Chattanooga on night trains. Fait schedules, perfect track. “No smoke, no dust, no cinders.” . _ ‘-'end /or free information as to summer resorts and Queen & Crescent service to O. L. Mitchell, D. P. A., Chattanooga, Tenn., or call upon your ticket ager. t. W. J. MURPHY, General Manager. ^ W. C. R!NEARSON, Cea’l Passenger Agent. aa—ea— 1 seseeson*' KAY & BRO.Jl WANT DEALERS IN' Pain in Head.SideandBack: For years I suflTered with pain in the head, pain In the side, and in the small of the back. I was nervous and constipated and could not sleep. The pills and other medicines I tried only made a bad matter worse. Then I tried Celery King. One package cored me and made a new woman of me.—Mrs. Th. Klee- hammer, Croton-on-Hudson, N. Y. Celery King cures Constipation and Nerve* Stomach, Liver and Kidney Diseases. 2 For YOUNG'LAD ES*. Roanoke, Va. Opens Sept. iSih, loco. One of the Tcadin schools for Young bodies in the South. Mn iceot buildings, nil modern improvement: Campus ten acres. Grand mountain scenery ' Vnll(*i-nf Va.. famed for health. Knropean a •ourse Superior^ Hlocu Foil. irom iiimy sunes. eui. ti.i.sloiiges adcJr« ssgg « Mattir 1*. Hark is. President, Koaunkc. V •» We ran furnish Tint Standard ant? the American Agriculturist, witli tin* j| Agriculturist’s Year B«»ok ami Alma- iiacvfor only $1 S3 a year, cash in ad-. Tanee. This is an opportunity of. which our farmer friem’s sliotVH generally avail themselves. Tho One Day Cold Cure. "?>r ui nil’s Cln - • ; ],;< mi! ive fmiuin.- fY>r cold an tin.- head and ;ore thro: Children take ibciR like caudv. Fine Whiskies, ■Beer and Wines, Cash Orders Promptly Filled. Kosuo. Of*. is’ bailee Specific, ami every case has ' - -veil by it. It has proved a blcs- ALLEN-CLACK DRUG CO. feutWNY \5s\NtH5iTV. ILMnctoh. Ky. itefer<»nc<»—Awards i»t 2 greatest World’s Expo sitions and thousands of graduates in positions. Coft&orFuii Baahscvt Course, including Tui- tiOD, Books and Board in family, nbuiit $'j0. CTOKCBilP; TfFJMYPJTHG ATELECRiFilT, srSfliLllES. tSiSTke Kentucky University Diploma, under seal, av/urded gradualcn. Literary C'utirRa free, if desired, vneatluu, Kuicroiks.'tiraduHtoaeuccoMful. r-rc srdrr U K.tPC y.'-c.r inters reach tii, ad-lreu o.’ity vVILSUR R. SfvliTH, Lexington, Ky. to make, for you, a dozen FINB PHOTOGRAPHS. AND i WANT Yoiir orders for excellent Craj - on Portraits,size, 16x29 inches JO. (Thi'.voare the kind tlieiagenls sell at $1.0S.) I Make Frames, All. Sizes and Price. Barber, Photographer, PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM Cleansed acd beautifies tho> it air. ' growth. ore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. ST. VITUS 1 DANCE ■. M. IX. FENNER, 1