The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, September 13, 1900, Image 3

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ply Is your waVdrobe equipped for the Summer Season ? We can sup= you in NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, LIGHT HATS, COOL UNDERWEAR, FANCY SOX, SERGE COATS, DUCK TROUSERS, BELTS, NECKWEAR to be proud of; ors, loud enough to be heard a block away, or modest enough to suit the most sedate. all col= W. K. HOLMES Clothier and Furnisher. BUSINKSS CARDS. W. H. TBAWICK. W. O. BUNN. bUNN & TRAWIOK, afe Liaw, (Office, 1st Nat. Bank Bldg.) CEDARTOWN, GA. All business placed in our hands will be civen prompt and vigilant attention. f. H. SANDERS. J. K. DAVIS SANDERS & DAVIS, Attorneys at Law, Office in Chamberlain Building, CEDARTOWN, GA. W. R ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, CEDARTOWN GA. fTTlLL practice in all the Courts oi YV Polk, Paulding, Floyd' and Haral- iou Counties, and in all the courts of Georgia, State, Federal and Supreme. Also, in Alabama courts by special ar rangement. w. w. MUNDY. W. 1C. FIELDER FIELDER & MUNDY, ATTORNEYS • AT • LAW, Oedaktown, Georgia. n to all l Office up-stairs Prompt attention given to all business. Collections a specialty. in Stubbs Building. Wm. JANES, Attorney - at - Law. FirsfNational Bank Building. CEDARTOWN, - - GEORGIA J. C. WALKER, Attorney at Law. Over First National Bank Building, CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA. ^■^Collections a Specialty. H. M. NICHOLES, LAWYER. Commissioner to Take Testimonj. Office in Judge’s room at Court House. THE CEDARTOWN STANDARD THURSDAY, SEPTEHBiB 13, 1300. jAJNTISrOTTJSrCBIvEBTSr'rS- Cream cheese, nice and fresh, at J. A. Adams. Mr. John S. Col'ins is spending a few days at Acworth. Mr. B. B Bishop, the clever Bun combe bailiff, was here yesterday. Judge J. W, Harris, of Carters'- ville, was here on legal business last week. Be sure to attend the iee cream fes- -lival at the Big Spring park this evening. Dr. Sam Harris, one of Carroll ton’s efficient dentists, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Sam Trawiek, of Atlanta, is spending the week with Cedartown relatives. Mrs. F. E. Greer, of Marietta, is visiting her son, Dr. J. P. Greer, for a few weeks. air. W. F. Freeman has accepted a position with the Hightower gin lor the season. I want all your Beeswax and Dry or Green Hides, and will pay cash for them. J. A. Adams. Mrs. .M. W. Bailey and little daughter, of Cave Spring, are visit Mrs. Win. Bradford. Miss .Mattie Wallace, of ville, i£ the guest of airs. Sproull Colbert on Gibson street. Mr. and airs. John McEachern, of Allai ta, were the guests the first of the week of air. and'Mrs. A C.Cobb. Miss Fannie Ledbetter left Mon- day for Macon, where she entered Wesleyan Female College yesterday. air. Robert Campbell, one of the leading business men of Cave Spring, was a visitor in our city yesterday. Dr. J. D' Weaver, a leading phy sician of Eatonton, with his little son, is visiting Rev. C. K Hender- The firm oi solved, and di’| groceries. Mr. Ira Willi R. Davis have f<| under the firn Willingham.whl ness at the old at next door to Boh Mr. Cox has asl self Mr. Wil^ Tol the new firm of " do business at Main street cross| railroad. These geutleml young men, and I successful businesl f Altai 1 I will rent out i more years. Hi] well and cistern; I crop; farm only r town, and near B| Lu For Member Legislature. I hereby announce myself a candidate for member ol tbe Legislature, aud ask your support and votes. _ If-elected, I will serve the people faithfully. J. B. Ayers. Clerk'. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election as Clerk of Polk Superior Court, aud ask the votes ot tbe people of the county, thanking them mosi beartilv for their support in tbe past. W. C. Knight. Ordinary. By request oi many of my friends, I hereby announce myself a candidate for Ordinary of Polk county. J. B. Cbabb. Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff, aud ask your votes. In event of my election, Messrs. T. C. Hagan aud Ab Hackney will be my deputies, and ' ' ' -one fairly and we promise to treat everyone fairly am impartially. J. C. Knight. Thanking tbe people for their many past favors, I hereby announce mysell a candidate for Sheriff. If elected, J. F. Carmichael and Eli Dempsey will be my deputies, and we promise to do our duty as such officers to tbe best of our ability. John Hutchings. I hereby announce myselt a candidate for the office or Sheriff of Polk county. The following gentlemen will be asso ciated with me: J. B. Hogg and Dave Heslep as Deputies and J. E. Brooks as Jailer. We solicit the support of the voters of the county. Respectfully, W. S. Shiflett. I take this method of notifying the voters of Polk county that I am a candi date for the office of Sbeiiff. The ma jority of the people know as to my. past record as an officer. If elected, I prom ise to be as faithful in the future as in the past. It will be impossible ior nm to thoroughly canvass tbe county, but I ask and will appreciate your votes. Mr. W. M. Motes will be my Deputy. W. W.Cone County Commissioner. I stand ior re-election as County Com missioner. Will appreciate your vote, ' D. M. Russell, t am a candidate ior County Com missioner. HIGHTO gljThe gin forme] it.-*:-Jones in Lecrartown is in splendid running order; is tSur' ing out a fine sample with weights, and the farmers of 1 will receive the very best -treatn lent and attention. Bring your cotto High tower’s Gin, fl5pent~Sunday in a to TELEPHONE NOTICE. Telephone service is and was strictly cash. In the future, if bills are not paid promptly, service will be imnae- diately discontinued until paid. J. A. Doods. Mrs, Ed. Wood, of Birmingham, was here over Sunday visiting the family of her uncle, Mr.-J. W. Jud kins. Miss Lucy Warlick, who has been spending a week with Mrs. J. A. Adams, returned Tuesday to her home in Rome. Suits made to order for $13 and pants ior $4 50 and up, by E. Boyd, the Merchant Tailor, over store of H. J. Dempsey. Mr Judson Crabb closed a success ful term of the public school at Young’s last week, and is at home again with his parents. Mr. Paul D Baugh left yesterday afternoon on a ten days trip to Phila delphia on business for the new Josephine Cotton Mills. Mr. Marshall Hurt, who has been the guest of his cousin, Mr.- Luther Poole, returned Saturday to his home at Tuskeegee, Ala. Mr. Joe H- Dodds went down to Macon Tuesday with his daughter, Miss Myrta, who entered yesterday Wesleyan Female College. Hon. Daniel Baugh returned to Philadelphia-Friday*, after spending several days here inaugurating the Josephine Mills enterprise. Mrs. Ivy Thompson aud Mrs. W. S. Coleman were guests over Sunday of the lormer’s sister, Mrs. Mary Thompson, near Rockmart. Mr II. Goldstein arrived home Monday from New York, where lie purchased a big stock of goods for liis New York Bargain Store. Miss Della Harris returned Tues day to .Cave Spring to resj I have some fine hogs for sale, i Seaborn Jones. Mrs. Ah. Goodwin is visiting part n’s near Posco. Mr. J. W. Hunt returned Tuesday : ^er from a visit at Farrell, Ala. Messrs. Arthur and W. O. Mujnn arejn Chattanooga this week. Mr. J. V. Davitte, one of Aragojn’s best citizens, was here yesterday. \ Cottolene, the latest and most i/m proved manufacture,at J. A. Ads jus. Col. S. L. Craven, of TaUap"#*"-. - - ■ >—■ >-—=—— • —I eek. lung uar was ht re on legal business last Go to the Chapman Plum Company for first-class hose, g anteed. Mrs. J. F. Mayson is visiting her daughter, Mrs.. Will Rowland Carteisvilie. I have some lings to sell or to’ ex change for milch cows. j T. H. A da Jib Mr. Will Barron was at Sum mer v lie this week attending court witness in a railroad ease. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Drumin of Allatoona, have been spen several days with Cedartown friends Suits cleaned and pressed in 1 fine s’yle by E. Boyd, Merchant T: dlor, in rooms over store of H. J. Dif'mp- ond, ding sey. CeJero-Pepsin is a positive diges tive tonic and nervine; refreshing and invigorating. At all soda fo!tints* a cents a glass. 1 Mr. Barker Meadows, of Marietta, is in the city, prospecting wijth a view to locating near the city ip the dairy business. Messrs. Joe L Davis and Mr. E. Rose, of Barnesville, was rre over Sunday. ;e-No Tea,especially nice for iced at J. A. Adams. iss Lula*Barron is visiting rela- ti at Roanoke, Ala. iy one wanting good dry stove- wood, call on Dempsey & Yann. Mrs. Sam Crook, of Jacksonville, Ala., is visiting Mrs. W. T. Gibson. Col. F. A. Irwin is the guest of Col. '-C. P. Ball today in Cartersville. The Samuel Benedict Memorial School opens for the fall terra next Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sam Davitte. of Davitle’s, are in the city today with relatives. Mr. Andrew Scott, of Rome, lias been spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. H.V. Pickard. The Cedartown boom has struck the country. Mr. J. A. Darrell is erecting a tenant house on his place. Messrs. Campbell, Young, Vedder and Harris, of Aragon, were the gu-.’sts Thursday night of Judge C. e. Janes. „ You>^jrardens and lawns need watering tiSew> days. Go to the Chap man Plumbing Co. for good, guar anteed hose. A large number of the younger society set enjoyed a delightful moonlight, picnic at Huntington’s spring Monday evening. Mrs W. C. Knight, Mrs. J. A. LiddSIi and Mrs. L. S. Ledbetter are spending the day with Mrs. A. J. Tomlinson in Cartersville. Miss Marie Johnson, who has been the attractive guest of Mrs. T. R. McGaTty and Mrs. M. L. Thornton, returned Monday to Midway, Ala. Lost—One white setter Hog with brown ears, answering to the name of “Guy.” Reward will be paid for return of same to L. S. Ledbetter E. Boyd, the Merchent Tailor, has rooms over the store of H. J. Dempsey, and will be pleased to have all gentlemen call on him for work. Miss Gerlha West, who has been visiting Miss Alma Jones the past week, returned to her home in Ce dartown this morning.—Rome Com mercial, 10th. Miss Addie Perry, a highly cul- and tl that they retain tl the best of it is that they dorV any more than the flimsy kinds. For the last three weeks we have beei receiving over 100 cases of ne 1 Shoes. “THE AMERICAN GIR1 SHOE” is our latest arrival. Ti come in all the latest shapes# lasts 15 different styles to select froi Every pair warranted!—# Isadore Scheue L. S. LEDBETTER. LARGEST WM. J. HARRIS Fire, Life and Accident Companies in the World. Special Attention given to the Prompt Payment of Losses. Large or Small. Afitna Fire Insurance Company. Hartford F,ire Insurance Company. Phoenix Fire Insurance Company. Greenwich Fire Insurance Company. Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Comp’y St. Paul Fire Insurance Company. Equitable Life Assurance Society of United States. Travelers’ Life and Accident Ins. Co. Standard Life and Accident Ins. Co. All Oldjand Reliable Companies, L.S. I^DBETTER & Co., AgtS. DR. R. E. CASON, Resident Dentist, -J. A. WRIGHT, Attorney at Law Cedartown, Ga. Office with J. A. Blanee, in Chamber- lain Building. J. H. ANDERSON, Attorney at Law. Office with Ordinary at Court House, CEDARTOWN, GA. J. A. LIDDELL, Physician - and - Surgeon, Cedartown, Georgia. W. A. CHAPMAN, Physician g Surgeon, CEDARTOWN, GA. ^Physician and Surgeon,^ CEDARTOWN, GA. Oalls answered promptly day or night. W. G. ENGLAND, h PHYSICIAN & SURGEON rapport. I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Commissioner. Jas, S. Kino. I announce myself a candidate lor Commissioner of Hoads and Revenues. I wish I could see everybody, but I can not; so remember me kindly and vote for me if you can on Oct. 3d. T. H. Adams. Tax Receiver. take this method of letting tbe voters ot Polk county know that I am a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver of Polk county. Should I be elected," I will do toy utmost to make the people a faithful officer, and will, very much ap preciate their help. Election, Wednes day’, Oct. 3d, 1900. Bespectfully, Emeka C. Kingsbery. I hereby announce myselt a candidate for re-election to the position of Tax Receiver of Polk county. M. E. McCormick. I hereby announce myself a candidate lor the office of Tax Receiver for Polk county, and will"very much appreciate the support of the general public. T. B. McCorry. CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA. Calls attended day and night. Y, Tax Collector. Thanking the people ot Polk fer past favors, I hereby announce myself a can didate for re-election as Tax Collector, and solicit your support. Yor.rz Schliestett. At the solicitation of a goodlv num ber ol voters, 1 herebv announce'myself r candidate for the office of Tax Collec tor ot Polk county.' Those who are ac quainted with my physical as well as my financial condition know that I need the office, and if the voters of the county will trust me by electing me, I will do my best to make them a faithful officer. Election, Wednesday, Oct. 3d, 1900. Resp’y, W. A. Calhoun. u CHAS. VANN WOOD, [IAN AND SURGEON. pr Collins A Holmes, plRTOWN, GA. For Treasurer. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election as County Treasurer. Thanking the people for their past sup port, I respectfully ask a continuance of the same,promising to continue to serve them, if re-elected, to the very best of my ability. John-M. Hamrick. r M. HALL, and - Surgeon, Uartown, ga. I Dr. J. A. Liddell. I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Treasurer. If elected, Mr. Jas. Morris, ol Buncombe district, will be my assistant, and we ask your-snp- port. G. W. Peek. Wm. H. Marsh. MARSH, DENTISTS. For Surveyor. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election as County Surveyor, and ask your support. Charlie R. Pittman. I hereby announce myself a candi date tor County Snryeyor, and ask your votes. S. A. Hunt. heirservices to the public Office S. Stubbs’ store. Office hours 9 >5p. m. , t- GKE&ZEUE®, Pay up your subscription to The Standard while attending court. Col. W. J. Harris spent Sunday in Rome with hisbrother, Prof. Jt C. Harris. Miss Tennie Butler, visit to ret: e of the efficient teachers at the State School for the Deaf. Miss Jessie Butter returned to Gainesville Tuesday, where she has resumed hersludies fora full course in literature ar.d elocution at Brenau College. Miss Berlha Adams left Saturday morning for Stone Mountain on a visit to friends before her entry in Wesleyan Female College in Macon yesterday. Mr. Paul R Turner left Monday on a week’s visit to his sister, Mrs. J. L Gross, in Griffin, before his res turn to Emory College in Oxford next week. Farmers, even if we had four cot tonseed oil mills in Cedartown, I would still buy your cottonseed and pay as much for it as anybody else. J. A. Adams Mr. John D. Hightower, of Ragan, Ala., Is in the city this weekr It is among the probabilities that he will return to Cedartown in the near future to reside. Mr. J. H. Hines, general manager of the Cedartown Colton Company, went to Atlanta Tuesday to attend the labeling of the Southern Cotton Spinners’ Association. Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Butt, who have been visiting their daughters, Mrs. T. R McCarty and Mrs. M. L. Thornton, returned Monday to (heir home at Midway, Ala. Mrs._J. S. Adams, who has been the guest of Mrs. J. E. Roberts, went over to Rockmart last Friday to spend a few days before returning to her home in Dublin. Miss Leila Collins -represented the Young Ladies Missionary Society of the Methodist church at the District Meeting of the Home Mission Society in Rome last week. -Misses Eva and Beneita Reitzel arrived home Saturday from a visit among relatives in Birmingham, and the former is again in her accus tomed place at the postoffice. Messrs. A. C. Cobb and A. M. Lane returned last week from pleasant trip to New York, where they purchased a large, and elegant line of seasonable goods for Mr. Cobb’s popular store. Misses Alice Trippe and Frances Johnson of Atlanta, and Miss Dsisy Camp of Rome, three popular and attractive young ladies who have |heen (he guests, of Miss Della .Harris several days, returned home lasf mifhTTwo popular young gentle men of Taylorsville, were here| Mon day on Mr. B. A. Fite went down to La* Grange Monday with his daughter, Miss Nellie, who has entered .school for the year at the Southern Fiemale College. Misses Willie and Charlotte Bar ton returned Saturday from McGhee, Tenn., where they have been spend ing the summer with their [sister, Mrs. Libbie Niles. t—My. Mr. W. S. Coleman went dojwn to Atlanta Sunday to carry home his interesting little niece, Annie Lois Coleman, who has been with the former’s family several days. 1 Mr. Wm. Parker, vice president and general manager of the StdndlSd Cotton Mills, attended the meeting of the Southern Cotton Spinners’ Association in Atlanta yesterday. -Mr. Sam J. Brewster, one of Tal lapoosa’s wide-awake business men, was here the first ol the week, look ing over the situation with a yiew to locating in Cedartown in business. Miss Joaie Hughes, of Piedmont, Ala., has been visiting her aunt,Mrs. A. C. Prior, the past week] Miss Hughes is a charming lady, a nd be longs to one of-the prominent-famis lies of our neighbor city. Mr. J. W. Matthews arrived in the city Monday from Green yood, S. C. This clever gentlenuun will open up a new shoe store 1 in the north room of the Harris building as soon as it is completed. - Mrs. D. B. Freeman was th^guest last Friday of Mrs. J. A. Peet, and made an interesting talk before the Ladies Parsonage Aid Society on the subject of Home Mission work. She returned home to Cartersville Satur day morning. The ladies of the Park Association will give an ice cream festival at the park this evening. The band) pavil ion will be built very soon, which will be a great ornament to the city’s property, and everybody should help the good work along. Mr. Wade W. Peacock, of Worth, is visiting the family of hisfather- inslaw, ’Squire J. A. Wilson. Mr. Peacock is secretary and treasurer of a large lumber company, and the re sponsible position he holds ! ~~ with it a comfortably salary. ir. E H. Richardsbfl-aaa £ r> from tlanta Sunday. The .that,’ Cedai urea young latiyoi Warn Ala., and Miss Sadie May-Rollins, o! Kings! *i, are visiting Miss Mary Motrann tho fnrmpr’j pniKin J.L. TURNER, Watchmaker and Jewel* I CARRY A SPLENDID LINE OF Id j Mayson, the lormer’s cousin, Mr. Henry T. Bunn has gone to Little Rock, Ark., to accept a posi tion in the office of the street rail* way company there, ot which Mr. Jule Trawiek is the manager. Mr. O. Willingham, one of our popular merchants, arrived home Tuesday evening from New York, where he made a successful bargain hunting trip for his establishment. EXEOUTOB’S SALE. Georgia, Polk County. By virtue of an order from the court of Ordinary of Polk county, Georgia, will be sold on the first Tues day in October next, before the Court House door in Cedartown, in said county, between the legal hours of sale, the following lots of land, to wit: Nos. 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1071, 1072, 1073,1074,1075,1146,1147, lying and be ing in the 21st district'd the 3rd.sec tion in the county and state aforesaid, and containing in the aggregate four hundred and forty (440) acres and sit uated one mile south of the town of Bockmart, and known as the planta tion on which lived W. C. Barber, late of said county, deceased. There is embraced in said planta tion about three hundred (300) acres of tillable land, about ninety (90)acres of which is excellent creek bottom land, besides twelve (12) acres in an apple orchard, tbe remainder being good iip-Iand, besides about one hun dred and forty (140) acres in timber lands, embracing oaks, pine and hick ory. On said premises are two creeks of never failing water, one of which traverses tbe plantation for the dis tance of one mile, making it the basis of an ideal stock farm. There is also a small water power. There are also .workable quantities of marble and limestone on the premises; also some undeveloped slate. The improvements consist of one two-story, ten-room dwelling, covered with slate and in good repair; one cis tern, one well and house, one-smoke house, one wheat granary, one three room cottage, one poultry house, etc., enclosed and occupying about two acres of land, and at a convenient dis tance from which there are. two two- story bams, stables and sheds com bined, one small barn and twelve (12) covered cattle stalls. There are also on said premises, for tenants, two four room cottages, four three-room cot tages and one two-room cottage; also five wells and two springs in conven ient distance from the next above; also sundry barns, stables, etc. Sold for the purpose of distribution to the heirs of said deceased payment of debts. Titles u able. Terms of sale: one-thT promissory note for one thin Oct. 2,1901, and promissory note the remaining one-third due Ocl 1902. Interest on the two defi payments, at the rate ot eigf ' per annum from the " and providing in, the' jnaM] "* Spectacles, Etc. The very best selections from leading manufacturers, bought with the greatest pos sible care, and will be sold at prices that can not be duplicated when quality is considered. KEPAIRINGr A SPECIALTY. ^ "All work entrusted to me will -have prompt and careful .gjfeentio] Charges a| ee me. Office and Residence on Main St., at home of Mrs. A. C. Prior. ways reasonable. Cs J.L.TURNE: * Jewels] Corner Main and Herbert Streets. TWENTY YEARS EXPERI ENCE. ALL WORK GUARAN TEED. Terms Most Moderate. CUR LINE Fall Shoes COMPLETE. FIRST! As Usual, -WITH— Miss Lon A. Morgan j Will again have charge of our Millinery Department See our new Sailors. FALL AND WINTER DryGoods,FancyGoods NOVELTIES, ETC. OUR BUYERS selected the Most Complete Stock we have offered the public.