The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, September 27, 1900, Image 8

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9 sores and Dicers mm Thai old sore or ulcer, which ha. been n source of pain, worry and anxiety to you for ENDANGER five or ten year# — maybe longer— doesn’t heal because you arc not using the proper treat- ment, hut arc trying tb cure It with salves and washes. While these arc soothing and relieve f MFF pain to some extent, no real, permanent good can come from their use, because the disease *=■ * Is in the blood and fnr beyond the reach of external applications. A sore heals promptly when the blood is in good condition, but novor Ilf it is diseased. The tendency of these old sores ami ulcers is to grow worse, spreading and eating deeper into the flesh. They lire n constant drain upon the system, gradually but surely ruin the health and sap the very life. A person's capacity for work or pleasure is toon lost in the great desire and search for something to cure. BBS iiinko* a rapid and permanent cure of old sores and ulcers, and is the only medicine that docs, iiccause MO other can ranch (Iccp-seatcd blood troubles. Ordinary Sarsaparilla and potash mixtures are too weak and watery to ovefeoftie a deadly poison that has taken possession of the blood. Do not waste valuable time experimenting with them. — ", ■ * “dome year* ago *1 wns shot in the left lea, receiving what I considered only a .light wound. It I Gunshot developed into a running sore and gave me a crest dcnl of twin. I»» treated l.v many doctors, and HTnond took a number of blood remedies, but none did me auv pood. 1 had heard B. 8. B. highly recommended Wound. co ,, c , u dc d ,0 given ..trial The res,lit w.Mn.1^ b. S. Hjrllt .tth. trouble, and foreetftbc pollan out of my Wood : soon ofierwnrds ihe sore healed uiianti1 waa coredsoundan'd ------ have i>erfcct une of the leg, which wan swollen and very »HIT for o lonjf lliuc. J. if. McUhaykb, I,awrcnceburg, Ky, 5. 8, 8. is tlic only purely vegetable blood mirllWr known \ is made of n»(s and herbs of wonderful tatrifylim prvtpefUM, - which no poison can resist. S. S. 8. quickly alltl effectually Sears the blood of all morbid, unhealthy humors, and the old, troublesome sore heals. At the same time the general health is invigorated and built up. When a little scratch or hurt fails to heal readily, you may be sure your blood is bad. S. S. 8. will soon put It In order and keep it so, ii in oruer miu kulii u .... , . , Our Medical Department is in charge of experienced physicians, who have made blood diseases a life study. If you will write them about your case, they will gladly furnish all information or Advice wanted, without any charge whatever, sss Address SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, GA. PROCLAMATION. Slate of Ooorgla. Executive Olllco, Atlanta. Submitting constitutional nmoiidinont regarding pen.ions lor the widows of Confederate soldlors to a vote ol the poo* plo at the noxt genornl nlention, Wlioroas, Tito general assembly of lBlil) ptiBHod by a constitutional majority tlio following aet, to-will ‘•Ait act to amend Hootlon I, article 7, paragraph 1, of the Constitution olltoor- gla, sons to oxtoud tho .provisionsol said section, article and paragraph, to tlio widows of Confodoratosoldlors, who, bv reason of ago and poverty, or Infirm ity uml povorty, orbllndnoss and pov erty, are unabfu to provldo a living for themselves, and lor other purposes," Section 1. Ho it onaotod by tlio gen eral assembly of (loorgia, and It Is lioro- by onaotod by authority of the same, that section 1, artlolo 7, paragraph 1, of the Constitution of Georgia bo, mid tlio same Is hereby amandod by inserting uftor tlio word “sorvlco” in the pull line, tlio following words: “or who, by reason of ago mid povorty, orlnllrmrty and povorty, or blindness and poverty aro unable to earn u living for tlioinsolvos," so that said sootlou, when so amended, will road as follows, to-wit: “To supply tlio soldiers who lost n limb, or limbs, in tlio military sorvlco of tlio Confeder ate States, with substantia! artltloinl limbs, during lire: mid to inako suitable provisions tor such Confederate soldiers as may have boon otherwise disabled'or permanently Injured In buoIi servlco; or who mny, by reason ot ngo mid poverty, or inllrmlty and povorty, or blindness mid povorty, are unable to provide a living for tliomsolves, and for tlio widows of suoli Confederate soldlors hi may have died in tlio sorvlco ol tlio Con federnto States, or since, from wounds received therein, or disonso eontructod III tlio sorvlco, or who, by reason ol ago and povorty, orinilrmlty mid povorty, or blindness mid povorty, are unable Jo provide a living for themselvesi pro vided that the not shall only apply to suoli widows ns wore married at tlio time of such sorvlco, mid linvo remained iiniimrriod slnco tlio death ol' suoli sol dier busbmid." Sootlou 2, He it furthor enacted, that, if tills nmomlmont shall bo agreed to by two-thirds of tlio moinboiH of tlio gon- oral assembly, ofoneli Iiouho, the sniiio shall bo entered on tholr journals with tlio yeas and nays taken thereon, qml tlio governor Hliall eauso tlio amendment to bo published in one or morn of tlio newspapers In each congressional dis trict tor two months Immediately pre ceding the next general olootlon, and tlio smno shall be submitted to the poo pie at the next general election, and tlio votors thereat shall have written or prliitoil on their tickets, “For ratifica tion of section I, artlolo 7, paragraph 1 ot the constitution ol tills Stato," oi “Against ratlflontion of suction 1, artlolo 7, paragraph 1, of the eonslitulioii of tills Stale,” us tboy may oliooso; mid if u majority of tlio oloetorsqiiniltlod to voto lor mombors of the noxt general assem bly, voting, shall voto in favor ol rattfl- cation, then said amendment shall bo come a purl of said artlo.e 7, section 1. paragraph 1, of the constitution of this Stato, mid the governor shall make pro clamation tbereot. Section 3 repeals conflicting laws. Approvod December 21,1801). Now, therefore, 1, Allon D. Candler, governor ol' said Stato, do issue tills, my proclamation, hereby declaring that tlio foregoing proposed amendment of the constitution Im hereby submitted, for ratitloiitlon or rejeotlon, to the votors of tills State, at the general oieotion to be held on Wednesday, Ootober It, 11100, us provided In said not, ALLEN D. CANDLER, (lovernor. By the Oovei nor, .1. W. WARREN, Socrotnry Executive Department, liovv Rates via Missouri l*aotllu By. to Kansas City, Mo. Acoount the National Convention ol the Christina Church, Kansas City, Mo„ Oot. 13-11), tiokots will be sold from points in tho South-East to Kan sas City via St. Louis and the Missouri Paoiflo By. at one firBt-olnss {arc for tho round trip, pins $2. Tiokots to be sold Oet. 8-2-10, with final limit Oot, 23, inclusive. First Class Tassonger Trains daily St. Louis to KanBaB City via tho Missouri Pnoifio Ry. For any infor mation desired, write 1. E., T. P. A . Chattanooga, Tonn “Aro you old enough to voto?" asked the tourist in North Carolina. “I dunno erzaokly what my ago is, boss,” replied tho colored man. “But I kin tell you dis. I alius was old onongh to know hotter dan to try to vote.” Don’t throw away that sample bottle of Dr. Tlclienor’s Antiseptic, because it cost you nothing. It is too good to be wasted. Nothing like it for cuts, burns, nail punctures, inflamed eyes, sore throat, etc. Internally it cures colic, diarrhcoa and tlux. First Traveler—“Can wo have beds boro tonight?" Obliging Hostess— “Oil,'yes, sir." First Traveler—“Hnvo you—cr—any insects in this bouse?" Obliging Hostess—“No, sir. But we can get you some!” He Doesn't Mean It. When you lienr n young man say, I don’t believe lu a woman having anything to dij but gU and rend or niunlcurQ her linger nails nil day, 1 don’t want my wife to be busy nbout anything.” why, of course, you know that the yoifng man 18 simply talking against time. He doesn't menn a word be says, and It Ib safe to warrant that lie is tho first mini who would be bored to death by sucli n girl. Tills young man mny like to fnney that be Is a be liever 111 such false sentiments, and porlinps be does believe In them for the moment of Btiylug. But this may more titan likely bo only Ida way of protesting ngnliiHt the wave of energy which tlio girlhood of today Is respond ing, to, out of which porlinps mny come salvation even to innn. Or else, possibly, there Is nothing more than sly method In Ills old school assertion.— Philadelphia Inquirer. Ills Obstnclcs, Harry—Did you, ever undertake to write poetry? Dick—1 did once, and I got along fnlrly well too. Tlio only trouble was tbnt I couldn't rhyme very well, nnd I couldn't think of anything to write nbout. But 1 wns nil right with tho capital letters at the beginning of tho lines.—Boston Transcript THElJJRAlJf IiN SLEEP. INTERNAL ItND EXTERNAL CAUSES THAT PRODUCE DREAMS. Iloarillnfr IIoiimc Pleasantry. 'Will some one plense clinso the cow 'down this way?" Bald the funny board er, who wanted some milk for bis out- monl. “Here, Jane,” said the landlady in n ine Hint wns meant to be crushing, "take tlio cow down there where tlio calf Is bnwling.”—Chicago Nows. Pnrsnlt of Knowledge, The Wearisome Caller—Is tbnt clock going? The Girl—Yes. Ate you?-SyracuBO Herald. Cured of Oliroulo Diarrhoea Afler Thirty Years of Suffering. I Buffered for thirty years with diar rhoea and thought I was past being cured," Bays John 8.Hallowny,of Fronoli Camp, Miss. "I bad spent so much time nnd money and suffered so much that I lmd givou up all hopes of ro- oovory. I wns so feeblo from tho offoots of tho diarrhoea - that I could do no kind of labor, oould not ovon travel, but by aooidont I wns pormittod to find a bottlo of Chamberlain’s Oolio, Oholora and Diarrhoea Remedy, and after tak ing sevoral bottles I am entirely aurAd of that trouble. I am so plonsod with tho result that I am anxious tbnt it bo in reaob of all who suffer as I have.” For sale by E. Bradford. The dog’s bark doesn’t always indieate that bo’s on tho seize. The most dainty and effeotive pills mado aro DeWitt’s Little Early Risers. They are unequaled for all liver and bowel troubles. Never gripo. E, Brad ford. Exouso mo, but didn’t I meot you in Ohioago some time ago?” "Not un less I wns there at the time." Don’t Get Thin Get fat; get nice and plump-; there is siifety in plumpness. Summer has tried your food-works; winter is coming to try your breath-mill. Fall is the time to brace yourself. But weather is tricky; look out 1 Look out for colds espec ially. Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the' subtlest of helps. It is food, the easiest food in the world; it is more than food , it helps you digest your food, and get more nutri ment from it. Don’t get thin, there is safety in plumpness. Man woman and child. If you have not tried it, send for free sample its agreeable taste will surprise you. SCOT T & BO W N K, Chemists, t-V I’earl Street, New York. 50c. amt p.oo; all druggist. The Influence on the Nerves liy tho Btomneh nnd the Food That It Con- tlllns— invents That Oocnr In n l-'rno- tlon of it Sieoml, • Dreams are generally a repetition of thoughts uugttldcd by renson. Those caused by Internal action or brought nbout by action within tbo body are due entirely to the action nnd state of tbo stomneb, which In turn Is affected by the quantity and quality of food consumed. The first ends or foolers of tbo nerves are loented In tbo walls of the stom ach, and ns the food Is digested they (lrqw up the nourishment and distrib ute It throughout the uorvous system to replace tlie wnstc that lias taken plnce during the day. If tbo stomach bo surcharged with an abundance of licntlug food, too much nourishment Is forced upon tlie bfnlu, enustug nu ab normal tilling of tho channels, thereby expanding them, bringing them in touch with others and causing tlio mat ter from one to overflow into or to mix with tbo fluid ot neighboring channels. Whenever tlie fluid traverses n chan- nel more or less forcibly tbo thought which originated that passage Is re produced more or less vividly; bunco Insures tlio general mixing up of thoughts which originally had no con nection with each other. An overloaded stomach also causes n flow of blood to tbo brain, sent there by nature to nsslst In assimilating tbo extra nourishment, nnd tho overcharg ed blood vessels, pressing upon tlio nerve channels nenr the brain, cause oven more turbulent disturbances. Tills accounts for tlie advice of so ninny medical men thnt no considerable quantity, especially of animal food, should be taken Immediately before bedtime. The crossing, recrosslng nnd touclilug ot these thought channels brought nbout in tills way produce tlio absurd mixtures of fancies tbnt often come to us when we sleep. Tlio stomach, too, is a mill which keeps on forever grinding, the walls acting ns the grludstonos. When, therefore, there is nothing between them, or, in other words, when tlio stomneb Is empty, one wall grinds up on tbo other, causing nu Irritation of tlio nerves which produces that pecul iar sensation of falling from some great bciglit. To understand how external action will Affect tbo dream of n sleeper it must be borne In mind thnt those dreams which seem to tnke hours, and even days, in passing really occupy but minute fraction of a Boeond. If, therefore, wo arc awakened by some loud, strident noise, sny by tho crack ing ot a whip, then between the time that tbo sound strikes tbo car while wo nro yet asleep nnd tho time that wo nro fully awake to realize what lias caused tlio sound a few moments only linvo elapsed, but those few moments were sufficient’ to allow of a dream of apparently several hours’ duration.' As an example: A milkman, driving up beneath nn open bedroom window, cracks Ills whip smnrtly. Immediate ly the thought produced by the sound causos a dream. The sleeper imagines himself a soldier who has fallen Into the bands of the enemy. He Is led out to be shot He stands blindfolded, with bands tied, before tlio platoon of sol diers. He bears the click, click, click ns the rifles are cocked. He bears tbb word given, nnd the noise of the volley rings out on his ears. Tbon be awakes with a start, to bear the rumble of the milkman's wagon as lie cracked bis whip nnd drove off over some rough cobblestones. A blow, a cut or a sensation of pain will -operato lu the same way nnd q waken certain channels of thought connected with pain just ns the noise awoke those connected with sound. For Instance, a sleeper dreams that bo Is closed up In some close traveling carriage nnd Is being driven rapidly off In an unknown direction by n man who lias designs upon Ills purse, and life. He tries to shout. In vain lie struggles to get free and in the tussle drives nn arm through tlio glass window of the carriage. The hand Is cut mid bleed ing. It smarts fearfully, nnd be awakes to find thnt iu Ids sleep tie bad carelessly thrown out nu arm. nnd Ills baud has smashed some fine medicine glass on a stand by tlie bedsido. The whole dream passed between the time that tlie band first struck the glass, creating the sensation of pain, and the moment that the sleeper awoke to real ize tbo fact.—Chicago Record. LAKE CHEEK LEI 1 Eli. There was preaching here Saturday and Sunday by Rev, G. B. Boinau, and Sunday night by Rev. Edgar Smith. Mr. Boman was elected to serve the church another year. B. Woods and wife and T. E. Brock and wife attended the Kuharlee Primitive Baptist Association at Sil ver Creek recently. They report a good meeting. J. M. Holder and wife, of Van’s Val ley, were pleasant visitors at the home of T. E. Brook Saturday and Sunday. Misses Elia and Marietta Brock, of I.indnle, are visiting in our burg this week. Mr. J. it. Orabb and wife, of your town, were visiting Mr. J. W. Crabb Sunday. Hurrah for Mr. Van Jones! He was married Sunday morning, the bride being only about nineteen years old, Mr. Samuel Cox and Miss Mary Davis were married at the home of the bride Sunday morning. Mr. Barney Moseley and wife are the happiest two in Lake Creek, for it .is a girl. Lake Creek is a thriving little town situated on the creek, where we have plenty of water, and on the C. R. & S. B. H. We have two merchandising establishments, two blacksmith shops, one wood shop, two steam ginneries, a chair factory, a corn mill, a depot and postolilce, one cliuroh, a good school- house, where we hope to have a good school another year, and plenty of natural gas to run the whole town. There are two things that we need, and that is a doctor and a preacher. The checker playing has about stopped. They liavo decided that they had rather cut stuvewood than tp make so many eheoker boards. Mrs. T. E. Brock is away this week visiting relatives and friends. Sap mi. Irregular bowel movements breed dis ease in tho body. Yon should purify nnd regulate the bowels by using Priokly Ash Bitters. It is mildly ca- thartiennd strengthgens the stomach, livor and kidneys. T. F. Burbank. WORKING UP A SICKNESS. Tlie Story of n Mnn Who Thoasht He Hnd Aniiendlcltla. "A nervous man recently called on me,” said a Now Orleans physician, “nncl asked, ‘In wlmt part of tlio abdo men nro tlio premonitory pains of np pcndlcltls felt?' 'On the left side, ex actly here,’ I replied. Indicating a spot q little above the point of the hip bone. "He went out, and next afternoon 1 wns summoned In hot baste to the St Charles hotel. I found tlie planter writhing on bis bud, Ills forehead bend ed with sweat and bis whole appear ance Indicating Intense suffering, have nn nttnek of appendicitis,' groaned, ‘and I'm u dead man! never survive nn operation!’ “‘Where do you feel the pnln?’ 1 naked. " ‘Oh-right here,’ lie replied, putting bis Anger on tbo spot I had located nt the office. T feel ns If somebody bad a knife In mo tiiere mid wns turning it nround.’ “ ‘Well, then. It Isn’t appendicitis nt any rate.' I snltl cheerfully, ‘because tbnt Is the wrong side.' “ ’The wrong side!’ lie exclaimed, glaring at me Indignantly. ‘Why, you told me yourself It was on the left.’ " 'Then I must have been abstracted,’ 1 replied cnlmly. ‘1 Bbould have said the right.’ I prescribed something that wouldn't hurt him nnd learned after ward thnt lie ate Ills dinner in the din ing room tlie same evening, Oh, yes: lie wns no iloubt In real pain when 1 cnlled," snld the doctor in reply to a question, "but you can make your fin ger neke merely by concentrating your attention on It for a few moments.”— New Orleans Tlnics-Donioerat. FOUR IN ONE PRICKLY ASH BITTERS For sa e by T. F. Burbank. No. 1007—Height, -1 ft. 1 In. Die 2 8x1 0x0.4 Base 1.0x0.7x0 5 B. Base 2.2x1 Oxl.O Price, $21.00. No. 2001-Height, 2 ft. 4 In. Die .1.2x1.0x0.4 Base 1.2x1.0x0,4 B. Base (....-. I 0x0.10x1.0 Price, $16.00. When you want Monumental or Cemetery work ol any kind or an Iron Fence just write me for my catalogue.and prices and discounts and I will surprise you with low prices. DALTON MARBLE WORKS, H. P. COLVARD, Prop., DALTON, Gr-A.. A BOON TO MANKIND! D" TABLER’S BUCKEYE PILE m oc ui mui 33 ~ OJ - C H m z 5|Z£SS •nS o ± — i no 8° z SO?™ mzZ C > ilHSnJSjb §“3 <n „fMb CURE A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES, WITHOUT PAIN. CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. TUBES, BY MAIL, 7S CENTS; BOTTLES, 60 CENTS. JAMES F. BALURD. Sole Proprietor, • - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, HO. FOR SALE BY T. F. BURBANK. VANDIVER WHISKEY CO., JOHN M. VANDIVER, Mgr No. 18 Broad St. (BAHEY’S OLu STABLE) HOME, GA. FINE WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, ETC. JUG ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. TELEPHONE NO. t!4 The emorgenoy bags sent by aehuroh sooiety to ICanBaB soldiers in the Philin- E ines contained among the necessities a ox of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve,the well known onre for piles, injuries and skin diseases. The ladies took care to obtain tho original DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve knowing that ail the count erfeits are worthless. E. Bradford. No, Maude, dear, a vaudeville per farmer never goes to a frnit dealer for open datee. No girl is as pretty as a picture if the piotnre happens to be one of herself. Pay your subscription to The Standard. atmunmimnniinig NERVOUSNESS, in American Disease. Dr. S. Weir Mitchell is au. thority for the statement that nerv ousness is the characteristic mal ady of the American nation, and statistics show that nerve deaths number one-fourth of all deaths recorded, the mortality being main- ly among young people. Johnston’s Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLE. is the grand specific for this great American disease, because it goes straight to the source of the weak- ness, building up health and strength by supplying rich, abund ant food and pure blood to the worn-out tissues, rousing the liver to activity and regulating all the organs of the body. ‘ ‘ The Michigan Drag Co M ” Detroit, Mich. _LIv*rettes the famous little liver pill*. 350.^ For sale by K. Briultorcl. Nashville, Clsaianoap « St. Louis eg. OWN RAILS, WITH THROUQH TRAIN SERVICE TO ROME, CHATTANOOGA, NASHVILLE AND MEMPHIS. PULLMAN SLEEPERS AND FIRST- CLASS DAY COACH TO Louis and All Points West. SL QUICKEST SCHEDULES TO iHICAGO % NORTHWEST. Excellent Service to Louisville, Cincinnati and Ohio, Indiana and Michigan Points. NEW ALL RAIL AND STEAMSHIP LINES TO YORK KND THE EAST. TOURIST RATES TO ALL RESORTS. Cheap Emigrant Rases to Arkansas and Texas. lor schedules, maps, nr any railroad iDlarmation. call aptjor write (0 J.W. THOMAS, JR., H. F. SMITH, CHARLES E. HARMAN, General Manager, Traffic Manager, cen. Pass. Agent NA8HVILLE, TENN. NASHVI'XE, TENN. ATLANTA, OA- Y tv I WHITE’S CREAM YYORMS! VERMIFUGE!! — Best in Quality. For 20 Years Has Led all Worm Remedies. 4 _ SOLD BY ALL DH.ITGrGrlS'Ta, {Prepared by an* JAMES F. BALLARD, St. Louis. HALE BV T. I. DURBANK. 4 ^4For Fine Job Printing come to The Standard Office,K \