The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, October 11, 1900, Image 1

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CEDARTOWN STANDARD. VOLUME 14. CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 11, 1900. NUMBER 37. GENERAL JOE WHEELER PRAISES PE-RU-NA FOR CATARRH. r. /—^ lj JOE WHEELER’S CHARGE AT SAN JUAN HILL. United States Senator Snllivan. M I desire to say that I have been tak- Major General Joseph Wheeler, com* mantling the cavalry forces in front of Santiago and tho author of “The San tiago Campaign,” in speaking of tho great catarrh remody, Pe-ru-na, says: “I Join with Senators Sullivan, Roach and McEnery in their good opinion of Pe-ru-na. It is recommended to me by those who havo used it as an excellent tonic and particularly effective as a euro for catarrh.” United States Senator MoEnery. Hon. S. D. McEnery, United States Senator from Louisiana, says tho follow ing in regard to Pe-ru-na* “Pe-ru-na is an excellent tonic. I have used it sufficiently to say that I believe it to be all that you claim for it. —S. D. McEnery, Now Orioans, Loulsl- ing Pe-ru-na for somo time for catarrh, and have found it nn excellent medicine, giving mo moro relief than anything I havo evor taken.—W. V. Sullivan, Ox ford, Miss.” United States Senator Roaoli, “ Porsuaileil by a friend I liars used Po-ru-na as a tonlo, and am glad to tes tify that It lias greatly liolpod mo in strength, vigor and appotlto. I havo boon advtBod by friends that it is re markably efficacious as a care for tho almost universal complaint of catarrh. —W. N. Roach, Larlmore, North Da kota.” A froo book on catarrh sent to any address by Tho Po-ru-na Drug M'lb Co, Columbus, Ohio. Harriot—“When I said, ‘Speaking about husbands,’ what made yon stop me?” Carrie—"Beonuse I was afraid you would offend Mrs. Moniwed. Sbo has lost no less than threo husbands, and she is very sensitive on the snbjeot, therefore. She is afraid that people will think they were lost through her carelessness.” A Frightful Blunder Will often oauso a horriblo Barn, Soald, Cut or Bruise. Bueklen's Ar nica Salve, the beat in the world, will kill tho pain and promptly heal it. Cnres Old Sores, Fever Sores, Uloers, Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruption. Best Pile ouro on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by E.Brad- ford, Druggist. “What is an optimist?” askod the youth who would fain beoomo wise. “An optimist," answered the man who has beeome wise at a sacrifice of amia bility, “is a man who, having no ooal bills or other household expenses him self, takes it for granted that every body can he just as light-lioartod as hois.” The koy to health is in the kidnoyB and liver. Keep these organs aotive and you havo health, strength and oheerful spirits. Prickly Asli Bitters is a stimulant for the kidneys, regulates the liver, Btomaoh and bowels. A golden household remedy. T. F. Burbank, “This company,” said the impresario in despair, "reminds me of the concert of Europe.” “In what way?” “Every individual member of it wants to bo tho prinoipal soloist.” For all fresh outs or wounds, in either the human snbjeot or in animals, as a dressing, Ballard’s Snow Liniment is excellent; while for sores on working horses, especially if slow to heal,or sup purating, its healing qualities are un- equaled. Price, 25 cts. and 50 ots. T. F. Burbank. “They say the—or—late departed," said tho first oanuibai, indicating the dish before them, “was a very learned man.” “Indeed,” replied tho other, helping himself for the third time, “then this is truly what the white men call an ‘intellootual feast.’ ” Ragged Robert—“Wot yor doin’?" Mouldy Mike—“I’m lay in' wid my head in dor snn, so’s to got mesclf sun burnt." “ Wot’a tho game now? ” "There’s n tomperanco feedin’ placo aronn’ tb' corner, an’ th’ rodder man's noso is, th’ moro symporthy ho gits.” Strengthen tho tired kidneys nnd purify the liver and bowels with a few doses of Priekly Ash Bitters. It is an admirablo kidnoy tonio. T. F. Burbank. Stubb—"You say ho ia very sensi tive about being oalled awkward?” Penn — "Yos; when ho accidentally gashed himself with a razor ho tried to make people believe ho had attempted suicide.” Rich, warm, healthy blood is given by Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and thus it pro toots tho Bystem from oolds, fevers, pneumonia and other diseases that qniokly ovorcomo a weak and debili tated system. Tho favorite catbartio is Hood’s Pills. 25o. “I think that I’ll bo raarriod on my birthday," said Miss Tommey. “What!” oxelaimod Miss Frocks, holding up her hands in consternation, "and lose ono entire set of presents!” This Is the season when mothers are alarmed on aocount of aroup. ft is quinkly cured by One Minute Cough Cure, which children like to take. E Bradford. “Annie Nibbina is the moanest kind of gOBsip.” “What variety is that?” “She’s the kind that doesn’t toll any thing herself, but gets you to tell all yon know.” When yon cannot sleep for coughing, it iB hardly neoeseary that any one should tell you that you need a few doses of Chamberlain’s Congh Reined to allay the irritation of the throat, an make sleep possible. It is gqod. Try it. For sale by E. Bradford, druggiBt, IS MARVELOUSLY EFFECTIVE. It conveys a healing, strengthen ing Influence to the afflicted organs which is instantly /lpparent Quiets pain, stops wasting of the kidney tissue, removes that tired, despond ent feeling that all victims of kidney ailments have . A short course with this splendid remedy brings back strength, good digestioa energy and cheerful spirits. Price, $1.00—at Drug Stores. For saleibyJT. F. Hurbank. Turned the Joke to Account, Sonic friends once invited the late Tiny Waterman to their shooting club at Kings Lake, near St. Louis, and the first afternoon they stationed Tiny in a ducking tank, or sink box, where they well know ducks had never been seen He took the joke good naturedly, and that night at dinner he pulled a shell out of Ids pocket and tossed it on the table with the remark that he “thought he had put all of his shells away/ 1 Most naturally one of the diners cut the shell open with his pocketknlfe, disclosing the contents. Tiny seemed astouuded at the number of “bullets/ 1 as he called them, and asked how many were In a shell. Of course no one could enlighten 1dm, so ho said, “If you fellows who are hunters really don’t know, it seems to me that it is a good betting proposition/' “Good scheme,” exclaimed one of his hosts. “Let's make It a dollar ench as to who guesses nearest to the actual number In the shell/' “As there Is only one bet In this proposition,” Tiny suggested, 1 make it $3 a corner,” which was agreed to. Each one wrote on tile tablecloth his guess as to tlu* number contained In the shell, arid when the pellets w< counted It was found that Tiny had guessed the exact number. He ac cordingly gathered In the .$30, and When he had It safely bestowed ho casually inquired, “What do you fel lows think I was doing In that blamed tank all afternoonV”—San Francisco A DESPERATE NEGRO SHOOTS AT OFFICERS AND RE SISTS ARREST. Overpowered by Ofllcor J. E. Brooks, I ho Burly Ilruto Is Lockett In County Jail. A ripple of excitement swept over the city Monday, canned by the report of several pistol shots. Two negroes became engaged in an altercation—Monroe Bonner and Henry Sterling—and the lat ter made for the former with an ugly ax. Bonner shot at Sterling to save himself, and thus the row attracted attention. Messrs T. H. Adams nnd John Cantrell went to arrest the ne groes, and Sterling ran away while Bonner held his ground, tiring at the editors in their at tempt to arrest, him. The shots attracted a large crowd, and after emptying four barrels af the white men on College street, Bonner also lied. Me was over taken by Oilicer .). E. Brooks south of the city, and emptied the last, barrel of liis gun at the officer when only a few feet- away. Officer Brooks snapped his weapon in the negro’s face, lmt tho pistol refused to lire. Seeing that his ife was endangered, Brooks fell upon the burly brute with his pistol as a club, and soon brought the belligerent, negro to his feet. Bonner was brought, to town, a large crowd following the posse with the prisoner. He was lodged in jail to await the charge of as sault and attempt to nnmjer be fore the superior court. Chief J. M. Jolly tracked down Sterling Monday night, arresting him north of the city concealed near a branch under cover. The two negroes are bad characters, and will he dealt with as they deserve. A Monster Devil Fish destroying its viotim is n typo ot con stipation. Tho power of this murder ous malady is felt, on organs nnd nerves nnd musoloB nnd brain. Thoro’s no health till it’s overcome. But Dr. lting’B Now Life Fills are a snfo and eertain onro. Bost in tho world lor stomach, liver, kidneys and bowols. Only 25o, at E. Bradford’s drug Btoro. “I think," said littlo FrnnooB, who had boon studying hor history lesson, "that it would bo very kind of Queen Viotoria if sbo would die this year." “That iB a singular romark,” said Francos’ mother, “whstdo you moan?" ‘It would be suoh an easy date for fu ture hiatory oIosbos to remombor.” It Happeuod 111 a Drug Storo. “One day last winter a lady came to my drng store and aBked for a brand of eangh medicine that I did not have in stock,” says Mr. O. R. Grandin, tho popular druggist of Ontario, N. Y. "She was disappointed nnd wanted to know what oongh preparation I oould reoommend. I said to her that I oould freely reoommend Chamberlain’s Oongh Remedy and that she oould take a bot tle of the remedy and after giving it a fair trial if she did not find it worth tho money to bring back the bottle and I would refund tho price paid. In tho course of a day or two tho lady oamo baok in oompany with a frieni in need of a oough modicine and advised her to bay a bottle of Chamberlain's Oongh Remedy. I oonsider that a very good recommendation for tho remody." It is for sale by E. Bradford. NEW GOOD Blanket White or Gray for 25C * FALL * GOODS * AT LANHAM & SONS. BOYS’ JEANS SUITS ONLY 45 Cents. At once we b9gin a sale of all New, Clean, Stylish Dry Goods, Millinery, Shoes, Clothing, Jackets, Suits, Capes, Crockery, House Furnishing Goods and Many Other Things. W. AT PRICES UNHEARD OF IN THIS C0UNTHY. We have the largest stock ALL NEW goods in Rome, and we sell at whole sale and retail. We buy direct from manufacturers, and can and will sell for less than you, can possibly buy anywhere else in the land. Read these items and prices and come to see the goods. It will pay you to come hundreds of mi es to this sale. Be as quick as you can* for these goods cannpt last long at the prices we are selling them. MisB Passay—“Yes, and when he proposed I tried to pretend that I didn’t oare for him at all. I tried hard not to let him road encouragement in my face, but ho did." Miss Pepprov— “Ah, I suppose ho ooald read between the linen." State of Ohio, City of Toledo, I I.UCAH COUNTY. j Frank J. Cheney makes onth that he is the senior pnrtner of the firm of F. I. Cheney & co., doing business in the city of Toledo, county nnd state aforesaid, and that said/nrm will pny the sum of ONK HUNDRED DOLLAR for ench nnd everv case of catarrh that cannot b_* cured by the use of Hall’s ca nrrh cure. FRANK J. CIIENHY. worn to before me nnd subscribed in niv pres ence. This 6th day of December. A. D., 1886. Lonsdale Bleached Cotton, Yard Wide, Extra Value, for only - 6' Brunswick AAA Sheeting, Best Quality, Yard Wide, for only - DRESS GOODS. Tho special offerings in this stock are of worthy anil dependable goods nnd priced so very low every one who buys dress goods without seeing this stock does their pocket book n positive injury. The stock Is largo —larger than nny in Rome, and em braces all the nowest in both Foreign nnd Domestic goods. Beautiful Satin Venetian of the finest twilled face,elegant for tailored suits, in all leading colors, worth 78 cents, for 59c. Fine French Broad Cloth In all the new colors, lino goods and worth $1.25 to $1.60 per yard 98c Fine French Flannel all pure wool worth at any storo 75 to $1, for 60c. Tho styles are beautiful and this offering very special. Heavy Plaid backs for Walking skirts 37c, Double Faced French Flannels, all cotton, exact copies fine goods, ele gant for waists 12jc, Hall’s Catarrii Curt is taken internally nnd acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. C1IKNF.Y & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Fills are the best. Isn't it funny that in so many pnrlor windows tho best marble bust turns its face to tho strangers without and its back on tho family within? No other pills can equal DeWItt’s Little Early Risers for promptness, certainty and efficiency. E. Bradford. for a few items. The slock is one ol the finest in Rome and contain* Zibulan, Camel’s hair Serge, Knick erbocker Homespuns, Henriettas, Cheviot, Serge, Whip cords, heavy cheviot for walking and rainy day skirts, Plaid back serges 1 coloring and everything that is new and stylish In dress goods with trim tilings to match. SHOES. VVe buy-all our Shoes direct from manufacturers in tho East and in large quanlities for our wholesale department, and are thus enabled to sell for less than any of the retnil stores. Children’s shoos per pair 9c. These, of course, are cheap shoes but they would cost you at least 25c at other stores. Men’s heavy high cut English ties per pnir 89c. Men’s Extra Satin Calf creased vamp Sunday Shoes 98c. Men’s line Viei Kid Shoes,royal $2 kind at $1.25 Ladles’ Climax Shoes, .solid $1.25 kind 98c. It will pay you to call here for Shoes. We have them from the cheapest to the finest at $5 per pair. Wo sell the best for less than other stores. Heavy red twilled Flannel ..10c. Best standard cnlioo ■4.14 c, Good Outing, new style .. ,5c. lOo. outing or Flnnnelett -7Xo. Mattress tlok, for only ...5c, Heavy ticking for only ..10c. Ginghams 27 In. wide ..3Xo Yd. wide Percales new fall styles, ,0c. 1000 medium size fine Combs, while they last Fins, per paper ... lo. 3 papem needles for Ladies’ tucking oombs Toilet Soap, per cake .;.lc. White Tape, per bunoh Thimbles, 2 for Narrow silk ribbon ...lo. 4 Lamp Wicks Tin Pie Plates Ladles’ Plush Capes,full size lor.. 98c. MILLINERY. This millinery store is ono 01 the largest and finest in the land. The showing of hats cannot be excelled in nny cily of tho south. The hats this season are particularly attractive and ns usual priced must remarkably low. One lot of ladles, fur felt hats trimmed with silk ribbon ostrich feathers, velvet, etc., a large lot to select from, choice 98c. Other Hats at from 25c. to $25. CLOTHING. We have just bought an immense stock of clothing from Newborg,Rosen borg & Co., one of the largest manu- faoturerB of New York who dosed out. We bought the goods at half price and will sell them for less than you could buy the material. Boys’$2 suits 08c Men’s $4 suits $1.98 Boys’ 3 suits 1.50 Men’s 8 suits 3.08 Boys’ 4 suits 2.25 Men’s 8 suits 4.25 Boys’ 5 suits 3.00 Men's 10 suits 5.08 Boys’ 8 suits 3.08 Men’s 12 suits 0.25 Boys’ 8 suits 4.25 Men’s 15 suits 8.75 Double Front Overalls with straps at buttons, per pair 48c. Children’s gray union suits for only 25e. Ladies’ white ribbed vests only..l3c Crystal glass tumblers per set...19c. White granite plates per sot 29c. 4000 YARDS REMNANTS CALICO FOR LESS THAN Cents per Yard. Ladies’ Tailored Suits, fine Venetian Serges, etc., worth up to $12, for $5.98. Others at $3 to $35. LANHAM & SONS, ROME, GA. 245 Broad Street. Corner 3rd Ave.