The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, October 11, 1900, Image 8

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Blood Troubles: An the blood contnlns nil the elements necessary to sustain life, it is impor tant that it be kept free of nil impurities, or it becomes n source of disease, poisoning itistcnd of nourishing the body, nml loss of health is sure to follow. Some poisons enter the Wood from without, through the skill hy absorption, or inoculation ; others from within, as when waste products accumulate in the system and ferment, allowing disease germs to develop nml be tnken into the circulation. Willie nil blood troubles have one common origin, each has some peculiarity to distinguish it from tile other. Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, Cancer, Rheumatism, Begem* and other blood diseases can be distinguished by a certain sore, ulcer, eruption or inflammation appearing on the skin. livery blood disease shows sooner or later on the outside and on the weakest part of the body, or where it finds the least resistance. Many mistake the sore or outward sign for the real disease, and attempt a cure by the use of salves, liniments and other external applications. Valuable time is lost nml no permanent benefit derived from such treatment. BLOOD TROUBLES REQUIRE BLOOD REMEDIES; the poison must be completely and perma- nently eradicated—the blood reinforced, purified and cleansed, or the disease goes deeper and saps the very life. Mercury. . n potash and arsenic, the treatment usually prescriljed in this class of diseases, are violent poisons, even when taken in small ber Uo *» 01 Eubanks, Miss., met with a closes—never cure, but do much harm by adding another poison to the already overburdened, diseased blood. painful aooident a few days ago. In Cancer, Scrofula, Old Sores, Rheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison, ’SSS Chronic Ulcers, rpol ... . , I 8. S. S., Nature’s own remedy, made of roots and herbs, attacks the disease in the blood, antidotes and forces out all impurities, makes weak, thin blood rich, strong and healthy, and nt tile same time builds up the general health. S. 8. S. is tlic only purely vegetable blood purifier knowu, ami the only one that can reach deep-seated ldood troubles. A record of 50 yenrs of successful cures proves ft to be a reliable, unfailing specific for nil blood and skin troubles. FrOO MocJlonl Troatnzont* — Our Medical Department 1b in charge of skilled physicians, who linve made blood and skin diseases a life study, so if you have Contagious Blood Poison, Cancer, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Eczema, an (Did Sore or Ulcer, or any similar blood trouble, write them fully for advice about your case. All correspondence is conducted in strictest confi dence. We make no charge for this service. Book ou blood and skin diseases free. SY/IFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. APPLICATION FOE CHARTER FOR THE BOOKMART BANK. Goorgla, Polk County! To the lion. Philip Cook, Secretary of State: , .lames Ilaatnn, John A. Fainbro, II. 0. Allgood, Polk County Mercantile Compnny nnd W, W. Mundy, of the county of Polk, Buell Stark of the county of Pnlk, nnd Hoke Sm'th, of the county of Pulton, state of Geor gia, bring this their petition pursuant to tile provisions of an act of the Gen eral Assembly of Georgia, approved December 20, 1803, nnd reBpootfully shows: 1. That they desire for themselves, their associates nnd successors, to bo incorporated for the purpose or carry ing on the business of banking. 2. The name nnd style of tile pro posed corporation shall be THE BOCKMART BANK. 3. The looatlon nnd prinolpnl place of business thereof Bhnll be at Book- inart, said stale and county. 4. The amount of the oapitnl stook of said bank is Twenty-five Thousand '(23,000) Dollars, In Two Hundred and Fifty (250) Shares of One Hundred (100) Dollars enoh. B. The nature of the proposed corpo ration shall lie that of a bank, Its gen eral purposes being to discount bills, notes, or other evidences of debt; to reoelvc nnd pay out deposits with or without interest; to receive on speoinl deposit money, bullion, foreign ooin nnd staoka, bonds and other securities; to buy nnd sell foreign nnd domestic exchange, add other negotiable paper; to lend money upon personnl eeaurity nnd upon bonds, Btooks and other ne gotiable securities; to take nnd receive security by mortgage or otherwise on property of every sort both real and personal, and generally, do nnd per form all suoli other matters nnd things not hereinbefore enumerated ub are or mny be inoident to the business of banking. Wherefore, petitioners pray to be incorporated under the laws of the state. Hoick Hiiitii, Jamks Hkaton, J. A. Pam into, Poi.k Go. Mkiicantilk Co., Per W. Fkiiquson, M’gr, II. O. Almiood, W. W. Mundy, Boki.l Staiik. Georgia, Polk County. Personally nppenred Moke Smith, James Henton, J. A. Fambro, W. Fer- S uson, Mgr., II. C. Allgood, W. W. 1 iiml y nnd Buell Stark, who, on oath, say that Fifteen Thousand (15,000) Dollars of the capital subscribed to The Boakmart Bank, for whioli bank deponents nro now seeking incorpora tion by tho Secretary of State, Iisb been nctually paid by the subscribers, nnd that tho same is In faot held, nnd is to be used solely for the business and purposes of the said corporation. IIokk Smith, Jamks Hkaton, J.. A. Famiiho, W. Fkuouson, Mob., H, O. Ani.aoon, W. W, Mundy, Buku. Staiik. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 20th day of September, 1000. A. D. Hooo, Ordinary Polk County, Ga. Filed iu olllce ot Seoretary of Btate September 22,1000. State of Georgia, Olllob of Seoretary of State. 1, Philip Cook, Seoretary of State of the state of Georgia, do hereby certify that the three (3) pages or type-writ ten matter hereto attached contains a true and correct copy of the applica tion for Charter of “The Rookmart Bauk," filed ill this olllce Sept. 22, WOO. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and nlllxed the seal of my ollloe, nt the Capitol, In the city of Atlanta, tills the 22nd day of Septem ber, in the year of our Lord One Thousand and Nine Hundred, and of the Independence of the United States of America the One Hundred and Twenty-fifth. Philip Cook, Seoretary of State. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE, Georgia—Polk County. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, will he sold at public outcry on the 1st Tues day in November, lDOU, nt the court house door in said county between the usubI hours of sale, the following real estate,situated in Polk county,Ga.,to- wit:—Lots of land Nos. 612, 513 and 507 and the east half of lot No. 608 in the 18th illst. and 3rd section of Polk county, Gn., and containing 110 acres more or jess. Sixty-five acres of good farming land, ill cultivation. Good lime mid slate (piarries on said laud, mid located in a good community. The terms of sale, cash. This the 1st day of October, lllOl). J. C. & C. 1,. Qulsky, Administrators of Mrs. Sarah A. Hulsey, deceased. NOTICES OF THE ORDINARY, aoorgia— folk County: Dr. c. W. t'opk, guardian or Miss Kitto M, ... it ... . notify nil liortonsooncornnd ,ir —— next, nlno he Polar Explorer—“What shall I call my now book? ‘A Dnsli for tho Polo?’ ” Publishor—“No. Call it ‘A Dash for the Leoturo Platform.’ ” l’eok, lint* uiqitlud to 100 for n dincharito froi liiSKiinrilinuHlu}) ol Allss Unto M. Peek Thl Is thuroforo to notify all pertoni any they )i fore tho first Monday in Novouiho. , _ . will ho diHcharged from IiIh KunrdlanHhl|> 1 upidied for. A. it. Ilona, Ordinary August (ith, 11100, H-D 31! Georgia—Polk County ui Ida ... wwuiiruin, it»,w 1,1 sam unnniy, ou* conned, having lllnd Ills petition fur discharge, fills is to cite nil persons concnrnod to show cause against tho granting of this discharge at file regular term cr the court of ordinary for said county to ho held on the first Monday in Novombor, 1000. A. D. lloao, Ordinary. August Oth, 1000. S-'J U [ii Georgia, Polk onmityWhereas, 8 K Hogue, ndminfstrater or J C Hitchcock, represents to tho court In his petition, duly Hied and ontored on record, that he haa fully ailmlnlstorod J o Hltehcock’eestate: This Is thorefuro to cite all persons aoncornad, kindred and creditors, to show causo, If any they can, wily said ad ministrator should not ho discharged from hie ndnilnletrntlon nnd rocoivo letters or sion on tho let Monday In January, 1001. 10-4 llm A 11 Mono, Ordinary. Georgia, Polk county:—AireK Weaver, hav ing Hindu application tor twelve months sup port cut or the ostnto of llufus Weaver, nnd ap praises duly appointed tu sot apart tho came having Hied their roturn, afiporsmieeaneorned are hereby required to show cause before tho court of ordinary of said county on tho flrnt Monday In November next, why said applica tion should not he grnntod. This Get 1st, WOO MM 4 wks A 1) lloao, Ordinary. Goorgla, l'olk county:—Airs At H Alarshall, having applied for twelve months' support out ot tho ostato of K II Marshall, nnd upprnisorn duly appointed to sot apnrt tho same having lllutl their rotur.i, all persons concurhud are hereby required lo show causo before the court of ortfinnry of said county on tho first Ainmlny in Nnvomhsr next, why said application slioul ' not ho granted. This Got 1st, 1000 104 4wk„ A D lloao, Ordtnaiy. Goorgla, Pnlk countyxntlco Is hereby given that Airs W It oeuhrau, administratrix ot J It Whitehead, doeensed, has applloil to mo for lenvo to sell tho Innds holonglng to the estate of said doeensed, for tho puninsu ot paying the del,to of said ostato and for distribution among tho hoirs or suhl doceusod. Hold application will ho hoard nt tho roguler term of tlio court nt ordinary of snttl county tu liu hold on tho first .Monday in xuvombur next. Thin Got 1 1000. 10-4 4w a U Ilona, Ordinary. A bnakolor says that women laugh whon they can ami weep wlion they will. “For threo days and nights I suffered agony untold from an attnok of okolora morbus brought on by eating 011011m- bors," says M. E. Lowther, olerk of tho distriot oonrt, Oontorvillo, Iowa. “I thought I should stiroly die, ned tried a dozen different modioines bat all to no purpose. I aont for a bottlo of Oliam- borlain’s Oolio, Obolern and Diarrhoea Remedy and threo doses rolioved mo ontiroly.” This remedy is for sale by E, Bradford, druggist. Ono man may teaoh another to epoak, bat no man oan toaoh another to think. Dr. W. II. Lewis, Lawreiioeville,Va., writes, “I am using Kodol Dyspepsia Oure In my prnotiee among severe cases of indigestion nnd find it nil ad mirable remedy." Mnny hundreds of physioians depend upon the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Oure in stomach troubles. It digests what you eat, and allows you to eat all the good food you need, providing you do not overload your stomnoh. Gives Instnnt relief and a permanent cure. E. Bradford. Why is it that when peoplo nek for an “honest oritioism," they so often get mad when they reooivo it? Nerve Food Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil will feed the nerve that is cry ing for food—it is hungry— and set your whole body going again, in a way to satisfy nerve and brain from your usual food. That is cure. If you are nervous and irri table, you may only need more fat to cushion your nerves— you are probably thin—and Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil will give you the fat, to be gin with. Cure, so far as it goes. Full cure is getting the fat, you need from usual food, and Scott’s Emulsion will help you to that. ou ha SCOTT & HOWNE, " Chemist 409*415 I’carl Street, 50c. aud <1.00; all druggists. iSENEY &IQH1S. Mr. H. N. Sheffield was in Borne on business Saturday, The family of Mr. J. W. Fallen have returned home after a several weeks stay in Rookwood, Tenn. Their many friends here weloome them home. Mr. B. M. Swisher, the genial agent and operator for the Southern Railway at this place, is spending the week with relatives and friends in Apison, Tenn. Rev. W. A, Harris, of Rookmart, preached a very interesting and in structive sermon here Sunday evening. Mr. B. T. Sheffield, formerly of this plaoe but now with the Eubanks Lam- Polk County Sheriff Sales for November, 1900, State of Georgia—County of Polk. Will bo Hold before the court boiiHo door In tho city of Codartown, Polk count}', Ga., within the logal hours of sale on tho first Tuesday in Nov., 1900, 10 the highest bidder for cash tho follow ing described property to-wlt:— Certain property, of which the follow ing is a full and complete descrip tionLots of land Nos. (110, 04.3,0*14 and 080 in the 21st District and 3rd Section of Polk County, Georgia. Said property levied on as the prop erty of Mrs. Emma Devier to satisfy an execution issued from the Superior Court of said County In favor or P.M. Randall against Mrs. Emma Devier. Said fl fa having been transferred to John P.lDavls. Said property being in possession of Mrs.Ernma Devier. Said 11 fa being for nurphaso money. Said F. M. Randall has executed a deed to the Defendant and the same filed in the Clerk’s Office of Polk County and recorded. Written notice given Defendant as required by law. Also, at tho same time and place will he sold tho following property, to-wlt:— One farm lying in a body consisting of thirty (80) uoros lying on tho north sido of lot of land No. one hundred and eighty-nino (180), twenty (20) aores on tiro north side of lot of land No. two hundred and forty-four (244), and fif teen (15) aores on the south side of lot of land No. two hundred and forty- three (248), all iu the 17th distriot and 4th section of Polk county, Ga., Raid farm containing sixtv-throo and eighths (08|) norcB, levied on as tho property of Richard B. Brewster by chaff, virtue of and to satisfy a fl. fa. issued from Polk Superior Oonrt in favor of Georgia Loan & Trust Co. vs. tho said R. B. Browstor. Deed of re-oonvey- anoo filed and recorded in the Clerk’s ofiloo as tho law requires, nnd tenant in possession notified as required by tho law. Also at tho same timo and place will bo sold tho following proporty, to-wlt— Lots of land Nos. 1184 aud 1185 in the 21st District and 3d Soctlon of Polk county, Georgia, each lot containing 40 acres, lovled on as the property of Alleu McDonald, undor and hy vfrtuo of a mortgage ii. ta. issued from Polk Supe rior Court In favor of G. L. Drummond against Alton McDonald and against said land. Also nt tho 8amotiirie and placo will he sold the following property, to-wit: Land lot No. 452 in the 20th distrlctand 3d section ol Polk county, Ga., as tho property of C. II. and N. P. Kioe; levied on undor a fi. fa. Issued from Justice Court of tho 1223d District G. M. of said county in favor of T. W. M. Brown, Administrator, against C. H. nnd N. P. Rico for tho purchase money of said land. Tenants In possession no tified ot lovy. Also at tho same time and placo will he sold tho following property, to-wlt:— Lots of land Nos. 8, 0, 10, 11, 72, 73, 01, 02 aud 150, each containing 40 acres, moro or less, and those parts of lots of land Nos. 12 and 13 lying on the north side of the Vau Wert road, containing respectively nine and twenty aores, all in the 1st District and 4th Section of Polk county, Ga. Also lots of land Nos. 100, 110, 111, 178, 170. 180, 181, 182, 183, 251, 252, 253 and 254, oach containing 40 acres, aud all boing in the 2d District and 4th Soctlon of Polk county, Ga., known as the Ann L. Camp farm, and containing nine hundred and nine acres more or less, and all leviod on as the proporty of Mrs. Ann L. Camp by vir- tuo of and to satiety a fi. fa. issued from Polk Superior Court in favor of Travel ers Insurance Co. vs. the said Mrs. Ann L. Camp. The deed of reconveyance filed and reoorded in the office of tho clerk of the Superior Court as required by law. and the tenant in possession, being the defendant in fi. fa., notified as the law provides. Levy made by W. T, Crocker, Sheritt. Also at the same time and place will some way ho got caught on the bntting saw. Ho was out in tho small of the back, it requiring twenty-three stitches to sew up the cut. His left arm wns also badly cut. His many friends here hope for him a speedy recovery. , Messrs. George P. and Robert F. Pullen were in Rome one day last week, Mr. W. O. Pough, a prominent gro- ceryman of this place, is visiting rela tives in Haralson county. Mrs. J. R. Honnicutt, who has been spending tho summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Sheffield, has re turned to her home in Cleburne, Tex, Will Brewer, of Aragon, was iu Senoy Sunday. Mr. J. B. Laeey and family, of your city, spent Sunday with relatives near hero. Success to The Standard. One op the Nine, A BOON TO MANKINDI D" TABLER’S BUCKEYE PILE jZB > * in m ly JP. CURE A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES. WITHOUT PAIN. CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. Tubes, by Mail, 75 Cents; Bottles, 60 Cents. JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. FOR SALE BY T. F. BURBANK. Mule, mums & $t ms fiy. Cleanse the liver nml bowels, and rogulato tbo system by using Priokly Ash Bitters. It creates nml sustains energy. T. F. Burbank. Edith (to Ethel, who has jnst re turned from Enrope)—“O, Ethel, wore you sonsiok?’’ Ethel—"Seasick! Why, Edith, I wont into tho stateroom and Bat down on my best hat—and I didn’t care." ' . It is well to know that DeWItt’s VVItoh Hazel Halve will heal a burn nnd stop the pain at once. It will cure oczetnn and skin disease nnd ugly wounds and sores. It is a certain cure for piles. Onunterfeiis may be offered you. See that you get the original DeWItt’s Witch Hazel Salve, E.Brad- ford. Adversity is the sieve of friendship used to separate tho wheat from tho • ui Ittllll DUO. ll«U, UmI, UUU, i)UI 41 tut 567, amt also all of lots of land Nos. 518 and 519, which lie on the south If vnu hnvo npiirnlcrii ^rrdt-’c side of tho Public road which runs II )OU nave neuralgia, acotts from cedartown to Prior’s Station, being about one-half of each ot said land lots Nos. 518 and 519, said farm lying in the 2d district aud 4th section of Polk county. Ga., and containing 239 acres, more or less, except the tract ot one acre being the property ol New Harmony church, taken partly from each of said lots Nos. 518 and 519, all levied on as the property of George C. Green hy virtue ot and to satisfy a fi. fa. Issued from Polk Superior Court in favor of Watson V. Coe vs. tho said Geoige C. Green. Deed of re-convey- ance filed aud recorded in the office of tho Clerk of Superioi Court as required by the law. Tenant in possession noti fied in writing as the law requires. This tho 4th day ot Oct., 1900. T. C. HAGAN, Sheritf. J. B. HOGG, Dep’tv Sh’tV. “Tho weather man’s numerous prom ises of rain have failed,” remarked Mrs. Snaggs. “Well, he can make plenty of other promises just as good,” added Mr. Snaggs. “When a ihan talks all by himself what is that called?” Mamma—“WhyJ that’s called a ‘monologue.’ ” Ethel— “Oh, I see. When the cats get to talk ing on the back fence, that’s a ‘cata logue,’ isn’t it?” For sprains, swellings and lameness there is nothing so good as Chamber lain’s Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by E. Bradford, druggist. Johnny—“Paw, what do they mean wheD they say a man ‘takes things easy?’” Paw—“That ho is either a philosopher, a kodak fiend, or a klep tomaniac.” Do not get scared if your heart troubles you. Most likely you suffer from indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what yod eat and gives the worn out stomach perfect rest. It is tho only preparation known that completely digests all classes of foods; that is why it cures the worst cases of indigestion and stomach trouble after everything else has failed. It may be taken in all conditions and cannot help but do you good. E. Bradford. i^For Fine Job Printing come to The Standard Office.,!^ Experience is a sort of compass that a mau seldom thinks of consulting until after he has lost his way. Torturing skin eruptions, burns and sores are soothed at once and promptly healed by applying DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, the best known cure for piles. Beware of worthless counter feits. E. Bradford. “Here, waiter, you have ohaiged for three soups instead of two.” “Yes, sir; there is the one I spilled on mad- ame’s dress.” Feelings of safety pervade the household that uses One Minute Cough Cure, the only harmless remedy, that produces immediate results. It is in fallible for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. It will pre vent consumption. E. Bradford. The knowledge how to rake the kitchen fire is frequently of more value to a woman than the ability to recite poetry. GOOD HEALTH by the Quart. Every bottle you take or Johnston’s Sarsaparilla means better health, and every bottlo contains a full quart. It makes better blood—purer blood. For thirty years this famous remedy has been creating and main taining good health. Johnston’s Sarsaparilla builds up the system, tones the nerves, and strengthens the muscles moro promptly and effectually than any other remedy known. Tho pallor of the cheek disappears, energy takes tho placo of languor, and the rich color of health Hows to tho cheeks. Unequalled for all disorders of tho stomach and liver, und for all weakening com plaints of men, women und children. Sold everywhere. Prlee, SI.00 per rail <a»rt bottle. MICHIGAN DRUG CO.. - Detroit, nich. • For sale by E. Bradford. OWN RAILS, WITH THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE TO ROME, CHATTANOOGA, NASHVILLE AND MEMPHIS. PULLMAN SLEEPERS AND FIRST- CLASS DAY COACH TO St. Louis and AH Points West. QUICKEST SCHEDULES TO CHICAGO % NORTHWEST. Excellent Service to LouisviUc, Cincinnati and Ohio„ Indiana and Michigan Points. ALL RAIL AND STEAMSHIP LINES TO NEW YORK md the EAST. TOURIST RATES TO ALL RESORTS. Cheap Emigrant Rates lo Arhansas and Texas. .'or schedules, naps, or any railroad Infornalion, call upon or write lo J. W. THOMAS, JR., H. F. SMITH, CHARLES E. HARMAN, General Manager. Traffic manager, Gen. pass. Agent NA8HVILLE. TENN. NA8HVILLE. TENN. ATLANTA, QA, I0RPH*& I disoaso cured by TACK-A-POU-SHA j 346942 cases In I 7 years The disease is tho national curne of Japan n:ul Chinn. A remedy was imperative and the medical profusion there accepted this ns tho only permanent, tmlnleim. private, quick cure known to science. A weeks' treatment FREE OF CHARGE. Phy. slclnns nnd all confidentially treated by moll. Cure guaranteed. HOME TREATMENT CO., 1*3 WeBt 4*d St., New York City. Foreclosure by Advertisement, Under Power of Sale: Qporgis—Folk County. Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained In a mortgage executed by H. F. DeUardeleben to B. W. Hunt, dated the dth day of September, 1891), and recorded in the cilice of tbe Clerk ot the Superior Court o( Polk county, Ga., In Book D ot Mortgages, Folio 12(1, the undersigned will sell at public out-cry, at the Court nouse door in said county, during the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, on the 1st Tuesday in Nov., 1000, the following property, to-wit:—Lot of land No. 430; the west half of No. 434 and the west half of No. 435, sit uated, lying and being in the 2nd Dis triot and 4th Seotion of Polk county, Georgia, except about one aore deeded to Mount Hope Church. For the pur pose of paying a certain promissory note for the sum of Five Hundred ($500) Dollars, executed nnd delivered by H. F. DeBardeleben to B. W. Hunt on the flth day of Sept., 1800, and due on tbe dth day of Sept., 1000, stipulat ing for interest at 7% from date and all cost of collection,including 10% at torney’s fees, together with the cost of this proceeding, as provided in said mortgage. A deed to the purchaser will be made by the undersigned. This the 3rd day of Oct., 1900. B. W. Hunt. Sanders & Davis, Attorneys. ADMINISTBATOB’S SALE. Georgia, Polk County. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Polk County, will be sold on the 1st Tuesday in November, 1000, at the Court House door In said County, between the legal sale hours, a tract of land in said County where on Mrs. M.E. West resided at the time of her death, described as follows;— undivided interest in lots Nos. 803, 000 and 007 and the south half of No. 00S, all iu the 2nd District and 4th Section of Polk county, Georgia. The entire tract containing 139 acres, more or less. The other half of said land owned by J. W. West. Said farm is well improved. Terms of sale, cash. This October the 3rd, 1900. Williasi .Tanks, Administrator of Mrs. M. E. West. Notice to Creilitors. eased, to reader to the undersigned, . .... minlstrator of said deceased, on account of their demands. All parties indebted to said es- ........ -- located to settle same promptly. Ho who is in debt must endure in- sult’lest he incur the displeasure of his creditor. WOMEN CURED AT HOME. THE GREATEST OF SPECIALISTS OFFERS TO THE SUFFERING HIS SERVICES AND REMEDIES. For more than twenty-five years Dr. J. New ton Hathaway has made a specialty of Female Diseases. During that time he has had among his pationts over ten thous and women, suffering from all those many different com plaints peculiar ta tho sex, and has completely and perma nently cured more than 80 per cent, of the cases ho has treated. By ills exclusive method, which ho has perfected during the twenty-live years of his most extensive practice, he is enabled to cure all of these different diseases, including painful, profuse or suppressed menstruation, prolapsus, all ovarian troublo, tumors and ulceration—In fact, overv form of those diseases which make a burden of life to the great majority of women. He lias so perfected this system of ills that he can treat theso cases hy mall, without any per sonal examination (to which every sensitive woman naturnlly'objeets*) and without any oper ation, with its consequent pain and necessary diingcr. Ills system of treatment is taken in the pri vacy of the home; tho cure is painless and it Is positive. ONE LOW FEE. * Write him a letter stating briefly your condi tlon and he will sond you a blank to lie filled out. Ho will give your case his personnl attention and care and make his fee so moderate (including all medicines necessary) that you will not feel'the burden of tho payment, and he will guarantee you a positive cure. Address, J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. Dr. llathawnjr & Co., South Broud Street, Atlanta, Ga, MENTION THIS PAPER WHEN WRITING. »uu, kvum am, uuaru m lamuy, aiinut eJV. SQORTHAID, TIPE-WRITI5B & TFLEGRJH1Y, SPEC LI CSPThe Kentucky University Diploma, under •wardedyradnatea. Literary Conroe free, if de; No vacation. flnternow. Graduatesencce In order to hunt your tetter, reach um, att irei WILBUR R. SMITH, Lexington, hole.— Kentucky Univeriity reiourccr, AVO.OX iad nearly 1UJU itudentt in attendance lael year. v ay up your subscription.