The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, October 18, 1900, Image 13

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Dolly’ii Danger. °n„n h n^ rto1 5 ; ou luU'Poned? Doll Daisy nlinost died! It fright piled mo ho dreadfully. Of Conroe I cried and cried. I rocked her to sleep this morning, And laid her in a chair; I MM, 1the pussy, didn’t know I hat I had put her there. And so, when rIio got sleepy, What should she do but curl Her great gray body in n ring ltight on my little girl. About A Popular Foreigner. The (loorynrd flower gardens are dot ted with poppies of all kinds, from tlio little single red fellows to oues that look almost like the big white-headed double chrysanthemums. Although the poppy Is quite a favorite lu this coun try, none of the family Is native to the soil. All of our poppies came from the old world. In England, Scotland and Italy the graceful scarlet poppy blos soms In the wlieatflelds and grows wild in waste places. Among the ruins of ancient Home this brilliant flower blooms luxuriantly. It Is very hardy, and though an annual, scatters Its seed so well that they come up from year to year In gardens where they have ouce been plunted. A Dng’ii Loyalty. One of my brothers, when a young man, owned a handsome Newfound land answering to the name of “8kuk- kum,” the same being Chintook Indian lor “good,” and amply deserved. When my brother married, Skukkum was graciously pleased to approve of his choice, and extended a courteous but distinctly condescending friendship to the new member of his family, evident ly thinking that, perhaps, after all, three might be company In spite of the proverb. But lie drew the line at four; and, when the flrst baby came, his courtesy gave way. He not only absolutely refused to come and look at the little tot, and be Introduced to the new member of the family, but, if It was brought into the room would Instantly either leave It or mnrcli off to the farthest corner, and lie down, with an iUr of offended dlg- nlty. And yet the moment the baby was placed in IiIh perambulator and started out through the garden gate for a con stitutional down the street, Skukkum would promptly range up alongside of the carriage and escort It through the entire trip, keeping u most vigilant eye upon any stranger, canine or hu man, who ventured to approach his clmrgo without a cordial greeting from the nurse-maid. The minute, however, that the gate was safely reached again, lio considered Ills duty done, and re lapsed at once into Ills former attitude of Jealous contempt. He evidently felt that, no matter how much he might disapprove of the baby personally, and even feel free to express this feeling within the privacy of the family circle, yet the youngster was, nevertheless, do Jure, a member of the family, and entitled not merely to defence, but to | respectful attention before the eye of the outside world. As the b.iby grew older, he soon came to like him for his own sake; and they were the best of friends.—Contemporary Review. Dubinin men are brave. One day mamma told Kenneth, who Is seven, to go on an errnnd. He was having a beautiful time on .Tack Bonn’s gold \boat (made of dining-room chairs), mid he didn’t want to go. But Patty, who Is live, sajd, “Go on, Ken, ami don’t cry. Dubinin mans don’t cry. The Dubinins have more fun Ilian the DuriuliiR because tlioro‘ are more of them; but when Margaret Invites two other girls to bo Durmlns, and they have a Durmln war, then It Is exciting. They mnk« their cannon out of drain-pipe, and build forts out of boxes m biiuiuier aim snow In winter, and liavo us lilg a war as Spain uml America! But alas! mamma Is no longer Jack Bean’s wife‘and queen of the Buli mias. Two little boys were naughty mid had to be punished. As they sat In chairs on each side of the dining room till they could promise to be good, Patty exclaimed, with the ears running down Ills cheeks: “Mamma can’t be the queen, for she has do- graced the Dahmlnsl” But mamma loves the Dnhmlns and Durmlns, and spends irinny u linppy hour watching tlielr happy play, and when she kisses the little boys at night she hopes they mny grow up as good men as their heroes—real and make believe.—Youth's Companion. Tho Dubinin* and the Durmlns. Margaret, Joe, Kenneth mid Petty live in the country. They haven’t many playthings, but lots and lots of plays. “Making believe” Is grent fun for them, and they “make believe" so much and so hard, they really do be lieve I11 most of their plays. One of their finest pln.vs Is the Dub inin and Durmln play. This can he played all day, or only part of the time, hut Kenneth and Patty and Joe arc Dubinins all the time. They shy the hoys are Dalimlns nnd the girl a Durmln. Margaret says mamma Is queen of the Durmlns, hut Patty says, ' "No, she’s Juck Beau's wife, nnd Jnek Bean Is king of the Dubinins." Mam ma Is very proud of tills honor, for she knows well wliat a fine man Jnek Bean Is. He Is the hoys' hero, and Kenneth says he owns a gold boat nnd a gold engine, and Is the strong est mnn In tho world. It Is hen-sen that makes him so .strong. Ben-sen Is somewhat wonder ful. Von can take an iron rope as big around as the wnter-tower and It Isn’t ns strong ns a thread of lien-sen. Jack Bean eats a grain of hen-sen every morning, and that's what mn.kes him so strong, Kenneth sn.vs. All the hoys say he Is the best mnn In the world “’eept papa.” Sometimes papa says there Is no such mnn ns Jnek Bean, nnd oh, how the children punish him! They climb all over him, take off Ids glnsses, rumple Ills hair, nnd say he can never, never he n Bahrain any more. Papa is glad enough to give In before such determined foes, and promises to be lieve In Jnek Bean as long as he lives. Patty nnd Kenneth have what they call "Dnhinlii dinner" and that means to save your cake nnd fruit from des- iert, and nil the licorice nnd candy linlls yon can get with the pennies you >aru going errands nnd carrying coni tor grandma’s flic. Then you take these good things (brown sugar snnd- vlches are fine for Dnlimin dinners) md set a idee little table and eat your llnner, and talk with a big voice like l workingman. An Kmpcror'. Advontnro, The first Dmpcror Napoleon passed his youth as a student In the military school at Brlcnue. Like most luds, he was fond of fruit, mid a certain re spectable, hnrd-worklng widow, a fruit seller, took a deni of money from him; hut sometimes he liml no ensh, and then the poor woman trust ed him with Us much fruit ns he want ed, nnd ns booh ns ho hud money ngiiln he paid her. But It so happened that at tho time of Ills leaving the school his pockets were empty, nnd he was a dollar In debt to the woninn. As she smilingly brought him the Inst plate of Juicy penches, he snld to her: “I niu going away, good mother, and I have not money enough to pay you; hut I will not forgot your kind ness If you will trust mu now. "Don’t let that disturb you, young sir! God keep you In health, and make a happy man of you! Take these peaches and welcome!" Wo nil know how In n short time the student of Brlemie became n gon- rnl and conquered Italy, how he went to Egypt, and returned to France through a seu full of hostile ships, and was made llrst consul, how he restored order and peace in France, and be came Its most fninouB emperor. There came a time when the emper or returned to Brlennc. He was not unmoved at the thoughts of his boy hood which the plnce called up, and often wandered about unattended. Willie walking In the street one day, he—suddenly remembering the friend ly old fruit woman—made enquiries about her dwelling, which was in a very low part of the town. He went directly to It, accompanied only by one nttendnnt. A narrow door led them Info a small, poor, but very clean room, which served ns a Hliop, where an old wom an with two children knelt by the stove, preparing tlielr scanty evening meal. “Can I buy any fruit here?” nsked the emperor, looking round at the empty baskets. "O, yes, sir,” snld the woman; "tho melons nro ripe.” And she fetched one. While the two strange gentlemen nto tlielr melon, and the woman laid one or two fnggots on the lire, one of the strangers snld to her: "Have you lienrd that the emperor Is expected here today? Yon ltnoV him, don’t you? lie used to be at the col lege.” “Of course I know him! Many a plate and basket of fruit did bo buy of me while he was a student here. In the old days!” "But did he nlwnys pay yon proper ly for wlint he had?" asked her visitor, carelessly. “Why, to he sure he did, sir," she answered, going on with lior cooking. "Blit, my good woman, you do not keep quite to tho truth,” snld tho other you hav Moro Cause For Hatred, The Mild Anarchist—But you must bear in mind that kings work ns hard as anybody nowadnys. Tho Iiadionl Mombor—That’s ouo reason why I hato ’om so. What bus iness have they to sot such au oxamplo? Now Oconn Greyhound. Tho famous Deutsohland cost t8.asa.000i dtsnlauomont 38,300 toast aooommoiiatiou 1.0J7 passengers; crow 835. It has cstab- ilBUoa a now record for oconn Btonmuro. Among tho great romodios of tho world Hostottor’H Stomach Bittors holds tho rocord with it* fifty years of ouroa of constipation, indigestion nnd biliousness. It gets at tho root of tho disenso nnd offoots n oure. Tho gonulno has our Private lloveuuo Stamp ovor tho nook of tho bottle. F HI* Umiiil Trip. "Wjmt Is mount by a Subbuth.dny’B Journey?” asked the Sunday Bchool •*“ ’'her. “From our bouso to grandpa's and i ok,' roplled Froddlo Jjfiwty aJndayT wtloru ~ J family look din- Tlio Dent Prescription Tor Chill* Favor Is a bottle of Oiiovk’h Tartki.kbs enux i ONic. It Is simply iron and nuinino la a tamelOBB form. No euro—no pay. t'rlooOOo. Always to Ito Trusted. railhl troll?' , “ rJ1 “ ol£ ,U “ B0 “ 01 !an °" 0110 Jok—Won, if yon trust him one. you'll i lilm torovor—Miilmlolphlu mould, Salesmen Wanted. 1,0.01! 0 !!”*’ jna"! anfnMWk not nhno. i!!f f y; Mlnry ami oxiirnaita paid. 1 oorlcfia 1 obnooo \\ ork. Co., Uodtord city, Vu, lto Win It. Mr. Wood by “Mrs. do Swell cut quite a go. nauro on tho promonado yesterday,’.’ heard of tho incident) ur.ttwfrkKrri. ,0U b "' 1 “ 800,1 Wo rofund iOo for ovory rmokngo of Put- am Fadki.khb Dyk that falls to give satis* faction. Monroo Drug Co., Unionvlllo, Mo. Mold by all druggists. Promptly Answered. Tommy—Pop, whnt innn optimist?” '"'""7 8 Pop—An > optimist, my son. Is a *vlio lends mouoy.-PhUadolphla Uocord. Ink has tho omlorsomont of tho Atos govorninent and of all too Iroadb. \\ ant auy moro ovidonco V Tim Way-ltaek drudge, •‘I have always hated tho Chlnoso.” “What for?” 1 " ron f t achool I was kept in a whole weok becauHo I couldn't pronouuco •Yanc-i hlaug.’ — Indianapolis Journal. Happiness onnnot bo bought, but c..w tin} groat hindrances to its attainment cau bo removed by Adams’ Pepsin Tutti Frutti. A Dnslilng Creature. “Is sho n girl of tho period?” Oh* no; sbo novor punctuales with anything but daslios.' —Philadelphia Uullotln. If you would have rich, dark, thick hair, your hair must be well nourished. Gray hair, stunted hair, fall ing hair, is starved hair. Ayer’s Hair Vigor is the food for starved hair. It feeds and nourishes. J. C. Ayer Company, Practical Chemist*, Lowell, Maw. Ayer’i Sarsaparilla Ayer’a Pills Ayer’i Ague Cure I Ayer’s Hair Vigor Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral l Aycr’o Comatone Seen wheat ULLU am mis FOR SALE! lied Maysooit wliont from a erop that y — . — spoolalBoeilwhontcloaner.innowtwobusfloi gentleman; laughing, “or else bags,price ®1.35 por bushel. Sood Oats grown you nave a bad memory; for. in the first place, I am the emperor, and In tile bushels pernoro, price 50n por bushol. Prions second, I did not pay for those peucli cs, besides which, I am to this day one or two dollars In your debt, which now I am come to pay.’’ In the meantime the second gentle- mnn counted out and laid on the tnble $240, capital and Interest. The emperor gave orders that tho miserable house was to be pulled down nnd nnother to bo built for the poor, hardworking woman In Its piano. In this house,” he said, "will I lodge whenever I come to Brlemie, and It shall he called by my name.” He extended his kindness to the children, for he provided well for tho girl, nnd the boy lie placed In tbe same military school nt which he him self had been educated. on cars at Olmrlotto, N. C., freight to bo n.hlng nn Art in China, Nowhere In the world Is the art of fishing so highly developed as In China. Rivers,' creeks, stagnant pools, the great ocean nnd the little tnnlt, lakes and garden ponds, all furnish their quota to the sustennnee of mnn. Even rice grounds nrc turned into fish ponds In winter. The Inhabitants of the water are killed with the spenr, caught with the hook, scraped up by the dredge and captured by nets. They are even dived for by birds trained for the purpose. Eels are fed In tubs and jars until customers carry them off. Now is the best time to Paint. THE TRIPOD PAINTS are the best to use, as THEY OUTLAST ALL OTHERS. THE TRIPOD PAINT CO., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. In the Nature of on Axiom. Philosopher—And now, after having roviowed all philosophy with you, there is only one low that I cau lay down for your guidance. Student—What is that? ‘‘When yon are sure you are right you should suspect that you aro wrong.” TUB QRBAT LAKES. Ualqoe Theory of Chief Moore Concerning Their Leveli. Willis Moore, chief of tho United States weather bureau, Is of the opin ion tlmt the opening of the Chicago drainage ennui hns had no effect upon the level of the lakes, That view was expressed by him nftor he had coin- pletod the circuit of tho grcAt lakes with the eaugresslomil committee on rivers and harbors. He had been In Chlcugo two days und was with Pro fessor Cox, of tho Auditorium tower much of tho time. Congressman Burton, chnlrnmu of the house committee on rivers nnd harbors, mnde tho statement when ho landed In Chicago that tho level of tDo lakes hud fallen from throe Inches to n foot mid n-lmlf. He did not neces sarily attribute this shrinkage to tho effect of tho Chicago drainage eunsl Chief Moore snld: “I am not prepared to state olilclnlly wlint the effect of tho Chicago drnln- ttgo ounnl upon tho lakes 1ms been. Nevertheless, It Ib iny belief that the canal hns had no effect upon tho level of the lakes above Niagara. If there Is nn effect. It wll be found in n dlmln- Isbnient of the amount of water going over Niagara Falls. No harbor will have to he deepened on account of tho eaunl. An apparent alteration of level will be due to other causes. I nra con vinced, thnn the drain of tho cnnnl. I will go further mid sny tlmt even If the Niagara river were damned, so that the four upper lakes had no outflow, I do not believe their lovol would bo rp- nlly affected, “The lakes, I believe, aro self-regu lating. The body of water which the lakes contain could not be supplied by the watersheds draining Into them, Wlint river or great system of supply drains Into the lakes? Think how con tracted tlielr area of watershed Isl No; the Inkcs are fed through tho geolog ical strata. Water from very far off re gions conics to tile lakes. Water that falls on opposite slopes, percolating through the surface enrtb, 1b carried hack by tlio strata mid enters tho lakes. When the pressure Is removed, more water bubbles up from these strata, and when the pressure Is in creased the Inflow Is proportionately checked; consequently I believe tho water supply of the lakes Is automatic and tlmt tlielr level Is not determined either by the Incrcnsed or diminished outflow from tlielr surface.’’—Chicago Tlmes-Hornld. The Duel, In Italy Tho duel lu Italy Iigh been very very deadly of late, four men being killed Inst Saturday In these contests In different Italian towns. It Is estl mated that during the past year 2, 400 duels worn fought In the kingdom, which yielded a crop of 480 deaths, The Chinese way of “getting even" Is more.clvllized on the whole. The en raged Inhabitant of the celestial em pire Is as likely as not to commit sui cide on his enemy’s doorstep, In or der to do him ns great nil Injury as posHlhlc. And a sulcldo under tlioso circumstances In Chinn really does throw the foe Into a terrible flunk, owing to tlio supposed Imd hick such an Incident brings to the household.— Providence Journal. Didn’t Quite Reach It, When It was the fashion for young Englishmen to go iqi In balloons with Green, the well-known aeronaut, A1 bert Smith, a friend of Dlokens nnd esteemed a wit, ascended one day be fore nn admiring crowd of on-look- ers, Waving Ids hand to n young Indy, an acquaintance of IiIb, us he was starting, he said, "If I come down again, l will bring you a Skye terrier." He came down again, without the ter rier. "We didn’t quite make the dog star,” ho snld In explanation. Statu of Ohio. City os Tolbuo. t„ Lucas County. (**■ 1- HANK .1. Cu KNHY mnkos oath that bo la tho soiiiui; partner nr tlio fli-m of F. .1. Chunky & Co.. iliilnir bunlm-mt lu tlio City of Toledo. County nnd Stato aforesaid, and that said Arm will nay tho sum of one iiundukd nou.Ansfov each and every onaoof cATAIlllll that onnnot Ho cured by tlio use of 1IA l.l.’s Oataiuiu ClinB. „ ... Fiiank J. Ciibney. sworn to ooforn mo nnd Mibscriiaal fn my 1 presoiirp, this (ith day of ilooombor, sea !,[• A. b. 1830. A. tv. Gleason. ,, . notary /bib,,,.. Ball » Catarrh enrols taken Internally, and nets dI rootly nn tho blood and mucnussurrncus of the system. Send for testimonials, free. ,, ,,, V- J. Ciienky & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Drokiflata, 75c. Ball’s Family Pills aro tho best. II. II. Green's Sons, of Atlnnln, On., nro tho only successful Dropsy Specialists In tho world. See their UHeral odor In ndvolllsoincnt 111 ether column of this pnpor. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children icptlilny. softens the Bums, reduces lnanmmn. Hon. allays pain, cures wind colic. 35c. a Hottlo. Pise's Cure for Consumption is an Infalll- DR. HAMPTON too, without modi cl no or surgery. He nl*o success fully trouts nil tho Ills that flosh Is holr to. Do not do- Bpalr If you hoyo triod all other remedies and fallod. Tho Doctor h*»B mado his reputation on such cases. Ilo will treat you at your home, and It Ib Just os of- foctlvo and pormauont, though not so Hp«»ody In of Ordinary,Mayor. Insuranconnd nankofikoiD. "nFessors of tho University, aud londlng bual- ub men of tho stato. bolides a long list of tos- noiilalsfroin those who have boon successfully treated for worst forms of dls**aso. Address Du ’ IlAJirrov, Athens, Ga. Mention this papor. Mention this Paper"*^ RHEUMATISM, CATARRH ARE BLOOD PISEASES-CURE FREE. B. B. B. cures deep-seated coses after all else falls. If you havo aches In bones. Joints of back, swollen glands, loose control of muscles, tainted breath, ringing In ears, mattery, slimy dis charge, sores on lining of tho nose or throat, or thin blood, tlion take B. lb b., which cures to stay cured by mak ing tho blood pure and rich. Over 3000 positive oures to perfect health. Try 13. B. B. Druggists, Jl. Trial treat- mont free by writing B. B. B. Co., 1 Mltcholl street, Atlanta, Go. Describe trouble, and medical advice free. Holding hi to Let Out* "Theophrastus .Tones doean't Doom lo tako any lntoi-ost lu polities, does ho?" wav ?>w! 10 i W P, ltB 10 bojlxod so tlmt whtchovor S, t . hOBlu “ UimKOI ' sll " ,,l '"“i>yho felt euro It would come out that way.-ludlauapolla Jour. . . Wanted. “'"""an 1,1 each Southern Stato; «50 to Sin per month nnd traveling oxnonsoo experience not ahHolutply noeossary. Address 1 KN1CKB 3 OOACCO WoilKS Co., l’onlcke. Vs. HELP FOR WOMEN WHO ARE ALWAYS TIRED. "I do not feel vary well, I am so tired all the time. I ao not know whut Is the matter with me.’’ You heijr these words ovory day; as often as you meet your friends just so ofton aro tlicso words repeated. More than likely you speak the same signifi cant words yourself, nnd no doubt you do feel far from well most of the time. Mrs. Ella Rico, of Chelsea, Win., whose portrait we publish, writes that she suffered for two years with bear ing-down pains, headache, backache, nnd had all kinds of miserable feelings, all of which was caused by falling and inflammation of the womb, and after doctoring with physicians and numer ous medicines she was entirely cured by 11,0 rao “°j’ A Partnorehlfl Concern. corner?’^ 01 * ,Ilt0r08tl » 1 *“ vow wUo’o Indlnn aha spend.,’’—chioTgo'lipooiah , Tn c "re a Cold In Ono liny. 1 nkn J.AXATIVK DnOMO Q.UININR TAni.KTfl All tho mo,l °y It fulls to euro, 1 Iv. W. Uuovii s signaturo Is on oach box. Mo. Knsorvoil. llo-ylrt noll!l ‘ 1) " 1 ' B »"> dreadfully roaorvad. Rost For tho Rowels, No matter what alls you, hondnoho to a oaucor, you will nnvor got well until your bowols are put right. OAnoAnETs help nature, ouro you without a grlpo or pnlu Pf. 0 , d “°» sasy natural movmuouts, cost you Just 10 couts to start getting your h.alth bnolt. OAROAnETS Oundy Onthnrtlo, tho gouulna, put up in metal boxes, ovory tab- Imitations^' 0 ’ * tttmp " d °“ “’ °t A Jiatlml KfTsat. . Nnn--Km y , what «loos tho now bookkoepor look Mko? 1 Kitty—Well, ho looks llko a man who always to on his nocktio whilo running to FITS porinnnontly eurod. No fltsornorvous. ness aftoi* llrst day’s iiso of Dr. Kline’s Great iNorvo ltoatoror. trial bottlnand tri-atiBo froo. Dr. It. 11. Iilink, Ltd.. 031 Arch Bt.. I’hlla., Pa. Tlio Bulonoo of Mod Iolnn. Dr. Catnip—After all, thoro aro only two kinds of dlBoaso. * Tlio Htudont—Suroly, doctor— Wnulyh-Ono of which you dlo, nnd tho other of which you don’t. Dr. Bull’s Cough Cures n cough or cold at once. a% ° Conquers croup, bronchitis, NVMID grippe and consumption. 35c. w J 1 w {p* Lydia E. Pinlcham’s yegotablo Com pound. If you arc troubled with pains, fainting spells, depression of spirits, reluctance to go anywhere, headache, backache, and alwayB tired, please re member that there is an absolute remedy which will relievo you of your suffering ns it did Mrs. ftico. Proof in monumental that Lydia E. Pink- liam’s Vegetable Compound is the greatest medicine for suffering women. No other medicine has mado tho cures that it has, nnd no other woman hna helped so many women by direct advice as has Mrs. Pinkham; her experience is greater than that of any living per son. If you are sick, write and get hor advice; her address is Lynn, Mass. CATALOtt OF FREE! SPORTING GOODS. RAWLINGS SPORTING GOODS COMPANY, C20 Locum Sl„ ST, LOUIS, 810. W‘ 'INCH ES TER “NEW RIVAL” FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS WINOHESTER REPEATIHQ ARMS CO. - - .. . K e « H», Conn. 9 There is no end of S Old Virginia Cheroots ■ to waste, as there is no finished end to ■ cut off and throw away. When you 2 kuy three Old Virginia Cheroots for 2 five cents, you have more to smoke, • and of better quality, than you have • when you pay fifteen cents for three • Five Cent cigars. ^ Three hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smolced this ■I • y« r - Ask your own dealer. Price, 3 for 5 cents. t Maisby & Company, 30 S. ltrond St., A Hunt 11, G11. Engines and Boilers Manufacturers anil Doalors in S A W MILLS, Corn Mills, Feed Mills, Cotton Gin Miiohln- cry and Grnln Separators. SOLID anil INSERTED Saws, Haw Tooth and l ooks, Knight's Patent Dogs, liirdsall Haw Mill and Engine Repairs, Governors, Grate liars nnd a full lino of Mill Supplies. Trice nnd qunllty of goods guaranteed. Catalogue froo by mentioning this papor. DR O PS Y q N „fcKL s i™yS’S;; ruMu?. JJoolt of tostiniouinl* mid 10 dnvN* truatmunt roe. Dr. n. n. obeeh’bsonb. Boj That Little Book For Ladies, ALICE MASON, UoonxsTKii, N. if. If yon liavo hcen pay ing; W1 to 63 for uhous, n trial of W. L. Doug las 83 or 83.30 shoes will convlnco you that they aro just ns good in every way nml cost Wo aro tho largest makers of w and 83.30 shoes in the world. Wo make and sell moro 83 anil 83.30 shoes than any othor two manufacturers In tlio U. S. BEST ■|yl_*ennfo’rtj ■nd.wenrfe known j I BEST $3.50 SHOE. $3.00 tho standard hen always been placed so high that tho t expect inoro for their SHOE. tnnA Best Coogh Syrup.*' TaBioa Good.* In time. Sold hr drutmlBts. other makes became r.i has al'.o; high that tho oro for their f can get elaewhi THE lllhVSO.V inoru \V. L. Oouglaa and $3. maUo u because THU A.1C33 1111, BEST# Your dealer ah them i wo giro one dealer exclusive salo In « 1 nko no Niilifttitiite! Insist on havli Douglas shoes with nemo and prico stamped t.. _... If your dealer will not get them for you, send dlret. ... factory, enclosing prick and 25c. extra for carriage. State kind oflcather, ilxe. anil width, plain or cap toe. shocs will reach you anywhere. Catnloaur Fret. :luaShe-*'” ■” *■-— t KMT. Your dealer should keep dealer exclusive salo In each town, ■libstitutel. Insist on having W. L. W. JL. JDuuglus . 2Srocktois, Un