The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, October 18, 1900, Image 4

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IIU8INESH CARDS. V. H. TRAWIOK* bUNN & TRAWIOK, ptjfeQPi^eYS at Liaw, (Office, iHt Nat. Hank Bldg.) CEDARTOWN, (f A. All buslliOBa placed In our haiidH will bo given prompt and vigilant ailentlon. /, H. BANDERS, J. K. DAVIH SANDERS & DAVIS, Attorneys at Law, Oltlce In Chamberlain Building, CEDARTOWN, GA. THE CEDARTOWN STANDARD PiiIiIIhIibiI Every Tlmrmlay In the Year «■ *■ • HUnnKLl/. I __ w. e.oonBMAN, } ®niT0B«. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year $1,00 Six Monthfi lii/oe Month* 26 Advfrtmino Rate* will be furnished on application. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 18,19C0. W. B. JFURRBR ATTORNEY - AT - LAW OEDAHTOWN QA. W ILL practice in all the Courts ol Polk, Paulding,Floyd and Haral son Counties, and in all the courts of Georgia, Htato, Federal and Supreme. Also, in Alabama courts by special rangemont. w. K. FIELDER. W. W. MDNDY, FIELDER & MUNDY. ATTORNEYS . AT , LAW, Ordartown, Georgia, Prompt niton tion glvon to all business, Uollootlpni a specialty. Office up-stai In .Stubbs Building, Wm. JANES, Attorney - at - Law Hirst National Dank Building. OEDARTOYVN, - s GEORGIA J. C. WALKER, Attorney at Law. Over First Nation'll Bank Building, Cedartown, - Georgia. £WCoUectlons a Speolalty. H. M. NICHOLES, LAWYER, Commissioner to Take Testimony. Offico Jn Judge's room at Court House. CEDARTOWN, GA. J. A. WRIGHT, Attorney at Law Okdahtown, Ga. Offloo with J, A. Dlanoo, in Chamber- lain Building. J. A. LIDDELL, Physician - and - Surgeon, Cedartown, Georgia. W. A. CHAPMAN, Physician .0 Surgeon, CEDARTOWN, GA. R. FL SPICKS, ^Physician and Surgeon,^ CEDARTOWN, GA. Calls answorod promptly day or night. w. G. ENGLAND, PHYSICIAN & SURGEOt^ 'IKDAKTOW.N, GEORGIA. Unilnnttonilod day and night. CHAS. VANN WOOD, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ollloo ovor Collins * llolmoH, CEDARTOWN, GA. HENRY M. HALL, Physician - and - Surgeon, . CEDARTOWN,,GA. Ollloo with Dr. J. A. Ltddoll. B, F, Sims. Wm. H. Mahsii. SIMS & MARSH, DENTISTS. Otters their sorvloos to the public Office, over J. S. Stubbs’ store. Office hours 9 a. m, to 6 p. ni. vT. IF. GREER, DENTIST, Tenders his sorvloos to tho publlo. Of- llco ovor tho Ravkot Storo. ’Phono 118. HONEY to LOAN. Wo nro prepared to NEGOTIATE LOANS in any amount desired, on approved FARM LANDS as se curity. For further information ap ply at our offico in the Stubbs building, Cedartown, Ga. Fielder & Mundy. Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially dl gests the food and olds Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest- ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SlekHcadache.Gastralgla,Cramps,and all othor results of imperfect digestion. Prepared by E. C. DaWItt A Co- Chicago. E. BRADFORD. Cedartown mines and ships more Iron Ore than any other point in the whole South, out side of Birmingham. Democratic Ticket. For President, WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN. For Vloo President, ADLAI E. STEVENSON. For Representative in 57th Congress JOHN W. MADDOX. Oppor’s cartoons in tho Atlanta Journal aro among the finest and most efi’ectivo contributions to the Democratic campaign. Mayor-elect Mims, of Atlanta, wants a curfew law to keep the boys of that city off the street at night. You’ve a level head, Major I One of the nominees for Elector at Large in AVest Virginia has resigned hisplacoon tho ticket to take the stump for Bryan and Stevenson. Election returns from over tho state indicate that this was a bad year for candidates who opposed tho white primary Rockmart Slate. Tho daily Critic, of Marietta, has finally yiolded to the inevit able fate of daily papers in small towns, and has found a place in the big journalistic “bone-yard.” / It may be natural but it is rather unwise for the friends of any defeated candidate to threaten ’wholesale vengeance on a majority of the people of a county—for that’s what it takes to defeat a man for county office. And there are mighty few folks silly enough to talk that way. The Crown Cotton Mills in Dal ton have declared a cash di vidend of ten per cent, and will* spend $20,000 for new machinery and improvements. All other cotton mills in the South that'are well managed are doing finely and making big money, and will con tinue to do so, no matter who is elected president. Ex-Attorney General Monnett, of Ohio, who furnished a solitary instance during his term of office of a republican official actively lighting trusts, and was punished therefor by the corporations and party bosses by a refusal of re- nomination, has forsaken the re publican trust organization, and will vote and work for Bryan and Stevenson on the anti-trust issue. The report of Comptroller General W. A. Wright shows a net increase of taxable values in Georgia during The past year of $17,476,640. This is certainly a wonderful and gratifying in crease, and more than ever pro claims Georgia the Empire State of the South. Old Polk—one of the smallest counties in area in the state—contributed $666,078 to this increase, which marks her as one of Georgia’s banner counties. The Atlanta Evening News made its initial appearance last week, and is a splendid example of modern,up-to-date journalism. With Howard, Garter and Cooper at the helm, with a fine crops of assistants, it is certain to lie all that trained intelligence and pushing enterprise can make it. The Nows is patterned very much in style after the great New York Journal, with which Mr. Howard was successfully con nected for some time. The new publication is gladly welcomed to our exchange table, and we wish it unbounded success. KIND WORDS FOKt FOLK. Fuller Stanley, of Dublin, Throw Hnmiuets Our Way. Editor H. M. Stanley, of the bright and newsy Dublin Courier- Dispatch, was a recent visitor in Cedartown and Rockmart," and was very favorably impressed with this section. This genial gentleman is editor of one of Middle Georgia’s most influential newspapers; hence,, the follow ing from his pen will be highly appreciated in this county The people of this scotlon hear too little about North Georgia. There are many good towns arid pretty farms there, but I don’t believe that they are as productive as our Laurens county plantations. Rockmart is a pretty little town aituated in a lovely valley surrounded by mountain?. The mountains are filled with Iron, slate and lime. Slate mining', however, Is the principal. In dustry. There are several large quar rica there. Tile Methodist church and the Central hotel In Dublin are both covered with Rockmart elate. There aro also several large lime kilns there, but no Iron furnace. At Rooki/art Is Piedmont institute, a high sohool established by the oitl- zens of the community and the North Georgia Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. This sohool is well conducted. The Rockmart Slate Is an excellent paper, and Editor Fain is doing muoh for Hookmnrt This town Is soon to have a bank. Hoke Smith of Atlanta ia president, nnd Buell Stark, who last June was an applicant for tho prlnclpalshlp of the Duljlin Public Schools, is to he cashier. Rookinart has a full comple ment of business nnd professional men. Five miles from Rockmart are the Aragon mills, a brnnoh of the Now York cotton mills. Here are run daily 14,000 spindles and 480 looms. About 400 hands are employed during the day and 40 at night. This mill represents an investment of, perhaps, $800,000. Around Rockmnrt are some beauti ful farms. Particularly so is that of Mr. J. N. Hardnge, which ia a mile from Rockmart nnd extends to tho foot of Signal mountain. Mr. Hardnge values Ills farm at $25 per aore. Cedartown, the capital of Polk county, Is not ns large ns Dublin, but is n hustling town. Here are located the shops of the East & West road, a large iron furnace, three cotton mills, two knitting mills and other enter prises, Inoludlng two of the best papers in the Btnte—The Standard nnd the Advanoe-Oourier. Tiie Stand ard 1ms r plant about like that of the Courier-Dispatch, and ia published in two-story brick building owned by the editors of the paper. The editors are Messrs, Russell nnd Coleman. Ed itor Coleman will be remembered by the people of Dublin ns the president of tile Georgiu Weekly Press Associa tion. He and his partner are doing much for Cedartown, which is on n steady growth. In Cedartown lives Will Harris, Steve Clny’s secretary and one of the cleverest fellows that lives. Mrs. Ella Roberts, formerly Miss Ella Lowther of Dubli'n, is also n resident of Cedartown. She nnd her sister, Mrs. Unrdage of Rockmart, who will be remembered ns Miss Mary Low ther by the older inhabitants of Dub lin, have each a family of boys and girls that are much thought of in the communities in which they live. Mr. Wm. Knight, who has been Clerk of the Superior Oourt of Polk oounty for the past 27 years, is also a native of Laurens, oounty. He is an unole of Mr. Horace Knight of Wyily, this oounty, and is very popular ns a oitlzen and official. I am going hack to the mountains some of these days, but in the mean time I am going to keep my eye on Cedartown, also Rookinart. H. M. S. It Happened In a Drug Store. "One day last winter a lady came to my drug store and asked for a brand of ooo gh medioine that I did not have in stook,” says Mr. O. R. Grandin, the popular druggist of Ontario, N. Y. “She was disappointed and wanted to know what oongh preparation I conld recommend. I said to her that I eould freely reeommend Chamberlain’s Cough Bomedy and that she conld take a bot tle oi the remedy and after giving it a fair trial if she did not find it worth the money to bring baek the bottle and I would refund the priee paid. In tho course of a day or two tho lady oame baok in company with a frieni in need of a cough medioine and advised her to buy a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, I consider thnt a very good recommendation for the remedy.” It is for sale by E. Bradford. “You took your Bon into your es tablishment some months ago to teach him the business, I understand. How did it turn ont?” Business Man (wea rily)—“Great suceess. He’s teaching me now." For all fresh outs or wounds, in either the human subjeot or in animals, as a dressing, Ballard’s Snow Liniment is excellent; while for sores on working horses, especially if slow to heal,or sup purating, its healing qualities are un- equaled. Price, 25 ets. and 00 ots. T. ] F. Burbank. . ltoart Notice. Georgia—Polk County: All persons are hereby notified that there Is n petition before I he Board (Commissioners Ronds and Kovenues discontinue the public road leading from tho Cedartown and Esom Hill road at G. Yt. Isbell’s, to the state lino, and reviewers having reported upon the same It will bo tried nt the next meeting of this Board on the 3d, Monday in Not ember m xt, nnd unless a good cause Is showt to the control y that part of said road from C. M. Isbell's, to the Esom Hill and Gave Spring road trill he made a pri vate way; from the Esom Hill and Csvo Spring road to the Esom Bill and Pnors Station road will continue a nub ile road; from tbo Esom Hill and Pnor’s Station road to the Alabama line, will be mado a private tvav and the rood lending from J. R. Hackney’s residence, to the Eiom Hill and Cedartown road, between the residence of Ben Jones and- Shiloh church, will bo established as publlo road. Done by order of the Board. This Oct. loth, 1000. D. M. Russell, Cbm. Board Crus, 1U-18 4t Notice Public Road. Georgia—Polk County. All parties aro hereby notified that there is a petition for a new publlo rokd In tho 1447 Diet. G. M.. from county line, to the Cedartown and Villa Rica Road, before the Board Commissioners of Road and Revenues thnt will he acted upon at the Novombot meeting of the said Board. Done by order of the Board. This Oot. 15th. 1000. 10-18 4t D. M. Russell, C'lim’n. Carpenters are liko when thoy alter oases. ciroumatanccs Torturing skin eruptions, burns and sores aro soothed at once and promptly healed by applying DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, the best known cure for tiles. Beware of worthless counter feits, E. Bradford. C. PHILPOT, Real Estate Agent CEDARTOWN, OA. SPECIALTIES. J@f*FOR SALE—City Lots, lies! donees, Timber Lands, Business Property. JST1.000 acres Fine ORE Property near E. & W. road for sale. JfifFnrm Lands. Some of the Finest Farm Lands in Georgia, in Either Smnll or Large Tracts—Also in Mid dle and South Georgia. $®"Taxes Paid, Rents Collected, East and West R’y of Alabama. Leave— BAST BOUND TRAINS. No. 4. No. 2. No. 34. (Dally) ex-Sun. Sun. only Pell City Piedmont Esom Hill Codartown Grady i. Fish Creek Rockmart Aragon........... Taylorsville.... Cartersvllle 7.00 7.18 7.23 7.30 7.47 0.40 am 2.02 pm 2.46 3.25 3,42 3.47 4.04 4.10 4.23 6.00 7,10 a m 10.12 10.51 11.20 11.33 11.38 11.63 11.60 12.18 p m 12.45 Leave- WFAT BOUND TRAINS. No. 1. No. 3. No. 36. (Dally)ex-Sun. Sun.only Cartersvllle ... Taylorsville... Aragon..... Rockmart Fish Creek Grady Cedartown Ssom Hill...... Piedmont, Pell City.... 10.00 a m 10.84 10.40 10.67 11.11 11.15 11.30 12.45 pm 1.42 5.60 8.40 pm 7.12 7.24 7.81 7.46 7.51 8.10 1.16 pm 1.47 2.01 2.07 2.22 2.27 2.40 3.09 3.48 0.60 ^SET'Closo connections as follows:- Cedartown with Central of Georgia, at Rockmart with Southern Railway at Cartersvllle with W. dt A., at Piedmont with E.T. V. $fc G. RAILROAD CO. Passenger Schedule in eflect April 18.1900 SOUTH BOUND. Lv Chattan’ga Battlefield Ch'kam'ga La Fayette. Trion Sum’rville Lyerly...... 540 625 NORTHBOUND. STATIONS Lv Carrollton. Bremen Buchanan • _ „ Cedartown 3 3 Rome .4c Lyerly...... 4 « Sum’rville-;5 16 Trion >5 26 LaFayette- 5 54 Ch’kam’ga 6 aa Battlefield 1630 Ar Chattan’ga!7 c Nos. 1 and 2 daily. . Nos. 3-and 4 Sunday only. Nos. 9,10,11 and 12 daily except Sun* day. Trains Nos. 9 and 10 arrive and depart frem C. R.tfc S. shops near Montgomery avenue. Connections made at Chattanooga, Tmu., with all roads lor points North ai d West. For nuy information apply to C. B. Wilburn, President aud.Traffic Manager. B. A. Fite, Agent, Cedartown, Ga. Notioe'to Debtors and Creditors. Georgia, Polk County. All persons indebted to the estate of the late J. A. Orebangh are hereby noti fied to make immediate settlement, and any having olaims against said estate will please present them at once. This Aug. 25th, 1900. E. W. Orebaugh, Administrator. September And other Autumn months are best for painting houses, wagons, buggies, fences and the like. October is perhaps the best month of all. Everything is dry, and the weather is usually fine for such work. But, if not done sooner, begin in November Sure, and get it done before rainy weather sets in. And don’t forget, please, that I have the largest and most varied stocks of Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Brushes ever carried in Cedartown—and they are for, sale the fastest kind! E. BRADFORD. GoodGinning I invite all my farmer friends to to. bring me their cotton for ginning, and will be glad to see new friends as well as old. # I have leased the West & Jones Gin, and am prepared to give Prompt, Satisfactory Work. I will furnish Bagging and Ties Free! i guarantee Fair and Square Treatment to all. T. M. HIGHTOWER. New York Bargain Store. NEW STORE! NEW GOODS and OLD PRICES! We have just returned from New York, where we bought full line of fancy and up-to-date Dry Goods and Clothing. We bought them cheap. We sell them cheap. We want to close out our stock + BELOW COST, -t- Our prices are the same as they were when cotton was only 4 cents a pound. Don’t miss this great opportunity to get a bargain in any thing in our line. COME ONE, COME ALL! ^Goldstein & Berkowitz. YV ORMSI VERMIFUGE! ^ — BeEtjnQuallty. For 20 Years Has Led all Worm Remediesa — SC> ?* X> 23 ’ r -a-X-X. X>H.XTO.<3rI E ,^ r , S . ,Prepared by JAMES F. BALLARD. S t. LOUlS. FOR SALE BY T. F. BURBANK, (■