The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, October 18, 1900, Image 8

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HEALTHY OLD AGE Hu cl their blood becomes wenic nnd thin, and diseases that were easily controlled in earlier life begin to allcct the constitution. Those predisposed to Scrofula, Cancer, Khcumatlsm, Gout and other hereditary troubles may escape till then, but bb they age the blood, so long tainted nnd weakened by accumulated waste matters, Is no longer able to properly nourish the body, and it becomes an easy mnrk for disease. At this critical period of life the blood must he re-enforced before it can perform its legitimate functions and rid the system of these poisons, nnd nothing so surely and effectually does this as S. S. S. S. S. S. strengthens nnd enriches the blood, improves the appetite, and builds up the general constitu tion.' It is not only the best blood purifier, but the best tonic for old people. It warms the blood, tones up the nerves, removes nil taint from the blood, nnd prevents the development of disease. S. S. S. iB the only purely vegetable blood medicine known. Not one particle of mercury, potash or other mineral poison can lie found in it, nnd it mny be taken for any length of time without harm. S. S. 8. is the only remedy that reaches deep-seated blood troubles like Scrofula, Cancer, Rheuma tism, Eczema, Tetter, etc. It purifies and restores the blood to n healthy, normal condition, and makes it impossible for any poisonous waste materials to accumulate.- If you have an old running sorc,or an obstinate ulcer that refuses to heal, or arc troubled with boils and carbuncles, try 8. 8. S. It never fnils to make a quick nnd permnnent cure of these pests. If your system is run down and you feel ' the need of a tonic, S. 8. 8. will strengthen and help you ns it has many others to a happy, healthy old age. Mrs. D. R. Johnson, of Rlacktliettr, Gn..wns for years nffllctrd wllh a severe type of rheumatism, and had used every remedy known and recommended a* n cure without receiving any benefit. B. B. B. promptly reached the scat of the disease and made n complete and permanent 8. B. 8. cured Mr. H. Borden of Baumsville, Va„ of a case of ftesemn of thirty-five years' standing, after the best physicians ding country had failer* “ " “ r ‘— ^ urrotu „ ago, and there has lieeii no return lied. This of the disci was seven years If you arc In doubt about your disease, and Will send us a statement of your case, our physician will ou any information or advice wanted, for which we make no charge, k on Mood and Skin Diseases sent to any desiring it. Address Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, On. S, S. S. IS THE IDEAL TONIC * AND DLOOD PURIFIER FOR OLD PEOPLE. APPLICATION POE OHAETEE FOE THE ROOKMART BANK. Georgia, I’olk County: To thu lion. Philip Cook, Seorotnry of State: James Heaton, John A. Fnmbro, II. 0. Allgood, Polk County Mercantile Company and W. W. Munily, of the county of Polk, Iluell Stark of thf county of Polk, nnd Hoke Sm'th, of the county of Kulton, state of Geor gia, bring this their petition pursuant to the provisions of an act of the Gen eral Assembly of Georgia, npproved December 20, 1803, nnd respectfully shows: 1. That they desire for themselves, their aBsooiates and successors, to be their aBsooiates nud successors, to be incorporated for the purpose of carry ing on the business of banking. 2. The nnuie nnd Btyle of the posed corporation shall be THE ROCKMART. BANK. 3. Tile location and prinoipal place ill be at Rock- of business thereof alia! mart, Baid state and county, 4. The amount of the capital stook of snld bnnk is Twenty-live Thousand (2.-5,000) Dollars, in Two Hundred nnd Fifty (200) Shares of One Hundred (100) Dollars enoh. B. The nature of the proposed corpo ration shall bo that of a bank, its gen eral purposes being to discount bills, notes, or other evidenoes of debt; to receive and pny out deposits with or without interest; to reoelve on speoinl deposit money, bullion, foreign ooin and Btooks, bonds and other securities; to buy and sell foreign nnd domestio exchange, nnd other negotiable paper; to lend money upon personal security and upon bonds, stocks and other ne gotiable securities; to take und receive seourlty by mortgage or otherwise on property of every sort both renl and personal, and generally, do and per form nil such other matters and things not hereinbefore enumerated ns are or mny be inoldent to the business of banking. Wherefore, petitioners pray to be Incorporated under the laws of the state. Hoick Smith, Jam kb Hkaton, .1. A, Famiiro, Poi.k Oo. Mkrcantii.k Co., Per W, Fkiihuson, M’gr, 11. C. A i.l.(iool), W. W. Mundy, Huki.i. Stark. Georgia, I’olk County. Personally nppenred Hoke Smith, James Heaton, J. A. Fnmbro, W. Fer guson, Mgr., H. C. Allgood, W. W. Mundy and Iluell Stark, who,on oath, say that Fifteen Thousand (18,000) Dollnrs of the oapitnl subscribed to The Rookmart Rank, for wliioh bank deponents are now soeklng incorpora tion by the Secretary of State, hns been actually paid by the subscribers, i la in'* ' " nnd that the'same is In fact held, and 1b to be used solely for the business and purposes of the said oorporatlon. Hoick Smith, , Jamks Hkaton, J. A. Famiiro, W, Fkiihuson, Mon., H. C. AnLooon, W. W. Mundy, Buki.1. Stark. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 20th day of September, 1000. A. D. Ilona, Ordinary Polk County, Qa. Filed in office of Secretary of State September 32,1000. Stnte of Georgia, ‘ State. Office of Secretary of 1, Philip Cook, Seoretary of State of the state of Georgia, do hereby certify that the three (3) pages of type-writ ten matter hereto nttaohed contains a true nnd oorreot oopy of tile applica tion for Charter of “The Rookmart Rank,” filed in this ollloe Sept. 23,1000. In witness whereof, l have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of my office, at the Capitol, in the city of Atlanta, this the 22nd day of Septem ber, in the year of our Lord One Thousand and Nine Hundred, nnd of the Independence of the United States of America the One Hundred and Twenty-llftli. Philip Coo*, Secretary of State. Administrator* Snle. My virtue of an order from the court of (Huary of I’olk county, granted at the Septem ber torm, will bo Hold on first Tuesday in No- nor luriu, win uv amu mi mob jiiuouuj hi tier vember. WOO, at the court house door in said county, within the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing described lands, consisting of these Tract No. 1. Consisting of lots Nos. 5, 6, 00. and 70, situate in the 20th distriot und 3rd section, and south half of lot 1327, situate in the 21st distriot and 3rd section. The whole tract containing 180 acres, more or loss, lying in a body. Tract No. 2. consisting of whole lots Nos. 1265 and 1320, tiud 10 acres lying in soutli-wost corner of 1266, and 10 acres lying in north-west corner of 1325; situate in the 21st district and 3rd section, and lot No. 7. situate in the 20tli distriot and 3rd section, the whole traat con taining 140acres, uioro or less, lying in a body. Tract No 3, consisting of lot No. 4. situate In tho 20tli district and 3rd section, nud con taining 40 acres, more or less. All «u said lands lying in Volk county, and all sold ns the property of the estate of 11. F. Wright, deceased, lato of said county. Hold r the purpose of paying tho debts of said do- ‘ ong tho ,-jedi S' making' distribution ; heirs of said deceased- lo-4 4\vks W. H. W mo nr. 1 .lix’r «,f It V • Foreclosure by Advertisement, Under Power of Sale. Georgia—Polk County. Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained In n mortgage executed by II. F. DeBardelcben to B. W. Hunt, dated the 0th day of September, 1800, and recorded In the cilice of the Clerk of tho Superior Court of Polk county, Qa., in Book I) of Mortgages, Folio 12(5,' the undersigned will sell at public out-cry, ntthe Court House door In said county, during the legal hours of snle, to the highest bidder for cash, on the 1st Tuesday in Nov., 10UO, the following property, to-wlt:—Lot of land No. 480; the west half of No. 434 and the west linlf of No. 43S, sit uated, lying and being in the 2nd Dis trict and 4th Seotion of Polk county, Goorgln, except about one acre deeded to Mount Hope Churoli. For the pur pose of pnyitiga -certain promissory note for the sum of Five Hundred ((800) Dollars, executed nnd delivered by II. F. DeUardeleben to B. tV. Hunt on the Otli day of 8ept., 1800, anil due on the Otli day of Sept.,. 1000, stipulat ing for interest nt 1% from date and nil ccBt of collection,I colliding 10% at torney's fees, together with the cost of this proceeding, ns provided In said mortgage. A deed to the purchaser will be made by the undersigned. This the 3rd day of Oot., 1000. B. W. Hunt. Sandhiib & Davis, Attoroeys. Polk County Sheriff Sales for November, 1900. ty Will bo sold before the court house door in the city of Codartown, Polk county, Ua., within the lognl hours ol salo on tho first Tuesday In Nov., 1000, to tho highest bidder for cash thefollow- Ing described proporty to-wit:— Certain proporty, of wtiloli the follow ing is a full nnd complete descrip tion Lots of land Nos. (110, (143,1144 nnd 081) in the 21st Djstrlot ami 3rd Section of Polk County, Georgia. Said property levied on ns the prop- of Mrs, Emma Devier tn satisfy erty i A satirist is a man who discovers things about himsolf and thon says them about some ono else. No otlior pills can equal DeWitt’s Little Early Risers for' promptness, oertainty and efficiency. E. Bradford. Tho aavngo who wears a coat of paint doesn’t scold his wife because of a missing button. “For tbroo days and nights I suffered agony untold from an nttaok bt oholorn morbus brought on by outing ououm- bors,” snye M. E. Lowtbor, olork of the dietriot court, Centerville, Iowa. “I thought I should surely die, nud triod a dozen different medioinee but all to no E urposo. I sont for a bottlo of Olinm- erlain's Ooiio, Oholorn nnd Diarrhooa Romedy nnd threo doses rolievod mo ontiroly.” This remedy is for salo by E. Bradford, druggist. ' Editor (of now paper)—“Havo you eoen our last number yet?” Poet (who has just had nshonf of sonnets rejootod) —"No; but I expeot to in about a month,” Dr. W. II. Lewis, Lawrenoeville.Va., writes,"! am using Kodol Dyspepsia Cure In my praatioe among severe oases of indigestion and find it an ad mirable remedy." Many hundreds of physiolanB depend upon the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure In stomach troubles. It digests what you eat, nnd allows you to eat all the good food you need, providing you do not overload your stomaoh. Gives instant relief and a permanent cure. E. Bradford. “I am in favor of tho elootion of United States senators by .popular voto,” ho announced omphatioally. The Montana legislator looked at him sns- plolonsly. “What grndge have you against us?” ho asked. Blood. Ailin’r of M. F. Wright- The demand for good advico is not eqnnl to tho supply. We live by our blood, and on it. We thrive or starve, as our blood is rich or poor. There is nothing else to live on or by. When strength is full and spirits high, we are being re freshed, bone muscle and brain, in body and mind, with ton tinual flow of rich blood. This is health, | When weak, in low spirits, no cheer, no spring, when rest is not rest and sleep is not sleep, we are starved; our blood is poor; there is little nutri ment in it. Back of the blood, is food, to keep the blood rich. When it fails, take Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. It sets the whole body going again—man woman and child. If,you have not tried it, send for free sample, its agreeable taste will surprise you. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists 409-415 Pearl Street, New York- 50c. and $1.00; all druggists. an execution issued from the Superior Court of said County in favor of F.M. Randall against Mrs. Emma Devier. Haid II fa having been transferred to John IV Davit}. Said property being in possession of AMrs.Ernma Devier. baid il fa being for purchase money, bald F. M. Randall has executed a deed to tho Defendant nnd the same llled in the Clerk’s Ofllcs of Polk County and recorded. Written notice given Defendant as required by law. Also, at tho same time and placo will be sold the following property, to-wit:— One farm lying in a body consisting of thirty (80) acres lying on the north side of lot of land No. ono hundred and oighty-mno (180), twenty (20) aores on the north sido of lot of land No. two hundred and forty-four (244), and fif teen (15) acres on the south side of lot of land No, two hundred and forty- three (248), all ia tho 17th distriot and 4th section of Polk county, Qa., Baid farm containing sixfcv-threo and five- eighths (08&) acres, levied on as the property of Richard B. Brewster by virtue qf and to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Polk Superior Court in favor of Georgia Loan & Trust Co. vs. tho said U. B. Browster. Deed of re-convoy- anco filed Und recorded in the Clerk’s office as the law requires, and tenant in possession notified os required by tho law. Also at tho same time and placo will ho sold the following property, to-wit— Lots of land Nos. 1184 and 1185 in the 21st District and 3d .Section of Polk county, Goorgia, each lot containing 40 acres, levied on as the property of Allen MaDonald, under and liy virtue of a mortgage fi. ia. issued from Folk Supe rior Coqrt In favor of G. L. Drummond against Allen McDonald and against said land. Also at the same time and placo will bo sold tho following property, to-wlt: Laud lot No. 452 in the 20th district and 3d section ol Polk county, Qa., as tho property of C. H. and N. P. Rice; levied on under a fi. la. issued from Justice Court of tho 1223d District G. M. of said county in favor of T. W. M. Brown, J Administrator, against C. H. and N. P. Rice for tho purchase money of said land. Tenauts in possession no tilled of levy. Also at the sanie time and place will low" M he sold the following property, to-wit:— Lots of land Nos. 8, 0, 10, 11, 72, 73, 91, 02 and 150, each containing 40 acres, more or less, And those parts of lots of land Nos. 12 and 13 lying on the north side of the Vau Wert road, containing respectively nine and twenty acres, all In the 1st District nnd 4th Section of Polk county. Ga. Also lots of land Nos. 100, 110, 111, 178, 170. 180, 181, 182, 183, 251, 252, 253 and 254, escli containing 40 acres, and all being in the 2d District and 4th Section of Polk county, Ga., known as the Ann L. Camp farm, and containing nine hundred aud nine acres more or less, and all levied on as the property of Mrs. Ann L. Camp by vir tue of and to satlsly a fi. fa. Issued from Polk Superior Court in favor of Travel ers Insurance Co. vs. the said Mrs. Ann L. Cafnn. The deed of reconveyance filed and recorded in the office of the clerk of the Superior Court as required by law. and the tenaut in possession, boing tho defendant in fi. fa., notified as the law provldos. Levy made by W. T, Crookor, Sheriff. Also at the same time and place will be sold the following property to-wit:— Ono farm lying in a body comprising lots of land Nos. 520, 521, 560, 561 and 567, and also all of lots of land Nos. 518 and 510, which lie on the south side of the public road which runs from Cedartown to Prior’s Station, being about one-half of each of said land lots Nos. 518 and 510,. said farm lying in the 2d district and 4th seotion of Polk county, Ga., and containing 230 aores, more or less, except the tract of one acre being the property ol New Harmony church, taken partly from each of said lots Nos. 518 and 510, all levied on os the property of George C. Green by virtue of aud to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Polk Superior Court in favor of Watson V. Coe vs. the. said Geoige C. Green. Deed of re-convey ance filed and recorded in the otfic. > the Clerk of Superioi Court as required by the law. Tenant in possession noti fied in writing as the law requires. This the 4th day of Oct., 1000. T. C. HAGAN, Sheriff, .T. B. HOGG, Dop’tv Sh’ff. Mrs. bparks—“Can’t you get that stovepipe together, John?” Rev. Mr. Sparks—“No, Ifbannot, Mary; and if it wasn’t that I am a minister of the gos pel I’d kick the whole darn thing to pieces. ” “Money is dirt cheap,” remarked the Observant Boarder, who was reading the Financial Department. “That must apply especially to filthy lucre,” added the Cross-Eyed Boarder. lint* on n Wreck. A ,correspondent of the Newcastle Chronicle describes n striking scene witnessed nt the breaking up of the vessel Gothenburg City on St. Mary’s island, off the const of Northumber land. Tito vessel might have been sailing comfortably out of harbor for aught that appeared except that there was no sign of life on hoard. Wo had no sooner put foot on deck, however, than we wore furiously attacked by swarms of rats. Great, hungry, Innk, lean looking rattf, many of them with their tails chewed off, swarmed up from below In hundreds nnd 'thousands, squeaking and squirming over each other In a manner sickening and horrible to be hold. f , Those of us who had stepped on deck ran to the rigging, whjle the others scrambled hurriedly hack Into the boat Our position In the rigging was dan gerous in the extreme. It was more than one’s life was worth to attempt to run the gnntlet of tliohe fierce, starv ing rodents, and to remnln In the rig ging was equally Impracticable. At last we cut off some loose ropes, knotted them into convenient lengths and, so armed, descended nnd fought our way through tho squealing hordes and eventually succeeded in beating a passage to the boat. It seemed ns if the rats knew the Im pending fate of the vessel, for they no sooner saw us over the side than they began to swarm down the ropes and try to enter the boat. It was with diffi culty that we could beat them off be fore casting clear. And they squeaked in a horrible manner as we rowed away. A few hours later the Gothenburg City went to pieces. For sprains, swellings and lameness there is nothing so good as Chamber lain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by E. Bradford, druggist. “Ob! mah goodnese!” exclaimed lit tie Abo Linooln Snow, “I wisht I wuz laik de little boy in tlis hyar story book.” “Whuffer?” asked his mother. “Kase hit says he went to bod wif de obiokens.” It is well to know that DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve will heal a burn and stop the pain at once. It will cure eczema and skin disease and ugly wounds and sores. It is a certain cure for piles. Counterfeits may be offered you. See that you get the original DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. E.Brad- ford. Ma—“Tommy, you seem to love pa bettor' than you do me.” Tommy— “Ob, ma, I don’t mean to; but y' see, pa alius has his pockets full o’ nickels.” GOOD HEALTH by the Quart. Evory bottle you toko of Johnston's Sorsaporillo means better health, and overy bottlo contains a full qu&rt. It makes bettor blood—purer blood. For thirty years this famous remedy has boon creating and main taining good health. Johnston’s Sarsaparilla builds up the system, tones the nerves, and strengthens the muscles moro promptly and effectually than any other remedy known. The pallor of the cheek disappears, energy takes tho place of languor, and tho rich color of health flows to the oheeks. Uacqualled for all disorders of the stomach and liver, and for all weakening com plaints of men, women and children. Bold mrywhoro. Prito, 91.00 p«r full qaort bottle. MICHIGAN DRUO CO., - Detroit, nicb. For sale by K. Bradford. CATARRH Tlxe Mother of Consumption. How this Dread Disease May be Prevented and Cured—The Greatest o! Specialists Writes on the Subject*' Catarrh Is the mother of consumption. ~ - -* ‘si do not mean that every case of catarrh Ue- velopes into consumption, but I do mean that catarrh when un checked, and when ^riven Uie By thlsl proper opportunities lor exten sion from Its placo of beKlnntng, which is the nasal passages deeper and deeper* along the breathing tract, invariably ends In Consumption of tho Lungs. Catarrh seldom destroys at., considerable part of the mucous surfuce of the upper air pass ages; It inflames Hnd congests them, causing usually a super- — . abundant nnd offensive dis charge: bnt when It reaches the Intensely delicato lining of the hntr-llko lung tubes and little lung cells, the rnflatuaUnn nnd congestion which It causes, closes these smalt air passages and, allowing the putrid discharged matter to accumulate, causes a r-‘ ting away of the membrane, resulting tn what lug away of the merabrnno, i all Consumption of the Lungs. © THB TENDENCY OF CATARRH. The tendency of catarrh, w hen tt hns once obtained ( foothold tn uny portion of the mucous membrane which lines every cnvlty of the body, is to constantly extend In every direction. Catarrh in almost every instance starts with what Is commonly known us cold In the head. This cold Is added to by another, because of some extra exposure or weakening of tho system nnd becomes chronic. Nasal catarrh la the result Unless a radical euro of Is effected, the disease posses rapidly to the bi — '.anas. the throat, to the bron chlul tubes, and then to the NEW LUNOS. flnge'reora Consumption cannot bo cured. New lunge cannot * *— — “■*ro than new flngersora be cured In all Its stages be made for a a any moro than ; bnt catarrh can be cure except this final aud always fatal on A CERTAIN CURE. In an experience of twenty years, jiurtng which s of all treated many thousands of arrh, I hav radical and permanent exclusively my o\ o^prepareti undor Many people Imagine thby hnve Consumption when In reality the disease has not quite reached **•“* itage. L am treating and curing cases of this sveryday. So long ns tho process of deceyhai... . pegnn In the lungs themselves lean make the putient perfectly well ’ ‘ forms of catarrh, I have never yet failed to effect a •• * • The method I employ —I the remedies whtchl use are prepared under my personal direction in my Let l begin treatment at < now ts better tliunth. I shall make for the r i all catarrhal sufferers I . Jton. mnth a specially low fee for tho treatment of catarrh uot complicated I) other diseases, making no extra charge torallmei lclnes, etc., that may be required. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. Dr. Hathaway & Co.. J&2K South Broad Street. Atlanta, Ga. MENTION T11IS FAPElt WHEN WRITING. :K!DNE THE COMMON ENEMY Kidney dluis. u the enemy we hive most to feu u • result of the feverish restlessness of our modern civilization. It is > treacherous enemy, working out Its desdly effect under cover of the most trifling symptoms. The fust Indication of changes In the urine, frequent he.d- aches, digestive troubles, should be the signal for prompt remedial meesures. PRICKLY ASH BITTERS Is a kidney remedy ol gre.t merit. It Is soothing, hesling end strengthening, quickly relieves the aching or soreness th.t always sppesrs In the tdvtnced stege, checks the progress of the disease, snd through its excellent cleansing tnd regulating effect In the liver tnd howels, it brings bick the strength snd ruddy glow of vigorous health. 8old at Drug 8tores. Prloe, $1.00 Per Bottle. For sa.e by T. F. Burbank. A BOON TO MANKINDS D R TABLER’S BUCKEYE PILE ri o —4 s pi c«wro= ol mw m 55 *cDaJ3L<3 BLIND,HIDDEN BLEEDING & ITCHING ’ PILES CURED WITHOUT THE KN 1 FE u-— rs-— feiepa SSnKmPiJi jrsa CURE A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES, WITHOUT PAIN. CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. Tubes, by Mail, 76 cents; Bottles, 60 Cents. JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor. - • 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. FOR SALE BY T. F. BURBANK. Mule. CMntoga fi St. Ms eg. OWN RAILS, WITH THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE TO ROME, CHATTANOOGA, NASHVILLE AND MEMPHIS. PULLMAN SLEEPERS AND FIRST- CLASS DAY COACH TO St« Louis and AH Points West QUICKEST SCHEDULES TO 5HICAGO % NORTHWEST. Excellent Service to Louisville, Cincinnati and Ohio, Indiana and Michigan Points. ALL 1 RAIL AND STEAMSHIP LINES TO NEW YORK hnd the EAST. TOURIST RATES TO ALL RESORTS. Cheap Emigrant Rates to Arkansas and Texas. Tor scdedaics, maps, or any railroad information, call upon or write to J. W. THOMAS, JR., H. F. SMITH, CHARLES E. HARMAN, General Manager, traffic Manager, Qen. Pass, agent NASHVILLE, TENN* NASHVILLE. TENN. ATLANTA. QA. PATENTS GUARANTEED Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent ability of same. “How to obtain a patent” sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice> without charge, in The Patent Record, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO (Patent Attorneys,) Evans Building, - WASHINGTON, D. C. Opium, gig. i'l i-POU-SHA n I 7 years The disease Is the national curae of Jaf ’ 'llil nu. a remedy was Imperative auu icdlcal profession there accepted thi» permanent, painless, private, i*. liiiu Known to science. A weeks’ meat FltKK OF CHARGE. Phy- THE NEWS is what you want, and vou j it in The Standard. ii: I mum