The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, November 01, 1900, Image 1

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CEDARTOWN STANDARD. VOLUME 14. CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 1, 1900. NUMBEK 40. ADDRESS TO DEMOCRATS. Double Width Dress Goods, all Pure Wool Filled, Limited 7 yards to Customer, per yard 7C, LANHAM & SONS Our line of new Capes are the prettiest ever shown in Home. Golf Capes, Plush Capes, Cloth Capes, Capes at all prices. Plush Capes, Fur Trimmed for only 80c Fur Trimmed Plush Capes Braided Beaded,worth $5 for 08e Fine Silk Plush Capes, regu lar $4 kind for only $2.48 JACKETS 20c. AND UP. ' Fine all wool Kersey Jackets worth $7, we ask $4.08 Ladies’ Waist made of new style Flannellette and worth 75c. for 48c 6 lb bundles remnant Calico of over 40 yds. for only 75c Less than 2 cents per yard. 24-inch Umbrella 25c All Wool Fascinators 15c Pretty bright Dress Plaids, very pretty for Children’s Waists and Dresses for 84c Plain China Silk in Red, Navy, Brown, Black, Green, Light Brown, Pink and White The store is better prepared now than ever before to serve the trading public. We have by far the largest Stock of NEW GOODS in Rome, and they were bought at the very lowest prices, much lower than the small dealer can possibly buy. i We bought our Stock of CLOTHING of a big Manufacturer in New York who retired from the clothing business. We bought them way under their value, but little over half, and now can sell for less than the average merchant pays for his goods. Our SHOES were bought in Boston from the manu facturer at the bottom price, so we can sell shoes as cheap as the general merchant pays for his. OUR HATS, DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, MILLINERY, UNDERWEAR and in fact every item in this big store is offered to you for less than you can buy anywhere in the land. We do not oiler a few loaders but every thing" in this store is a leader. A leader other merchant can touch Don’t take our word for it; come and look at the pretty new sty lish goods, see how very low we can offer them, then do as you like, buy or leave thorn alone— if you" can. DRESS GOODS. This Is the finest dress goods stock Id Rome. All the new weaves and colors are here and for less than at other stores. 40-in. wool filled Dress Goods 19c 40-ln. Venetian worth 75c for 59c 40*ln. Fine Blister Crepon lor 75c Beautiful satin finished Venetian all color sponged nnd shrunk, 54-in wide and worth $1.25 yard, for 75c Trimmings to match every suit and at the very lowest prices. We sell Gilbert Satin Carona and Orien tal Silks at 121c. while others get 20 and 25c. for same goods. Gilbert makes good lining but there is reason in paying more than they are worth. So come here for them. UNDERWEAR. We bought a manufacturers’ samples and in the lot are shirts and drawers worth $1 and $1.25 each; they are all pure lambs wool fleeced, with Silk Tape and Stitching. Great variety. Choice 60c Men’s Heavy Cotton Fleeced . Shirts - 19c fllLLINERY. We never tiro telling of the new and pretty hats in this store. The second floor is our vast millinery de partment with some of the best mil liners in the state in wait on the trade. Wo buy In large lots and sell cheap. One lot Ladles’ fine Fur Felts Hats trimmed with ostrich plumes,ribbons nnd silk. Big lot to pick from, 98c. LaMode Velvet Hat very new and stylish, trimmed all colors $1.48 Fine Pattern Hats beautifully trim med, worth $7 each, for $3.76 WALKING HATS We have the largest line ot new Walking Hats ever in Rome. They are trimmed with silk in all color polka dots. Some are plain with stitched brim,other Ladysmith shape and in all colors 50c, G9c,75c,98c,$1.25, best values in the country. China, Glass, Crockery. Crystal Glass Tumblers, set 16c Crystal Glass Goblets, set 29c Plates White Granite, per set 25c Men’s 50c. Shirt and Drawers 38c p le plates, each lc These are heavy wool fleeced and can’t be bought under 50 to 60 cents at at-y store in the country. Cake Turns, each 2c GlassLnmps complete withchim ney,burner and wick each 19c Glass Cream Pitcher, Sugar Dish, Spoon Holder and Butter Dish all for 25c I Chnlrninii Neel Isrui'n n Kinging Call to the Democracy of the Seventh. Hon. W. J. Neel, the vigilant and able chairman of the Demo cratic District Executive Com mittee, lias issued the following sensible address to the voters of the Seventh district,which should bo carefully road and thoroughly acted upon:— Rosin, Ga„ Oot. 22,11100. Dear Sir The National election oc curs on Tuesday, Nov. Bill, 1900. It Is now only n few days until Hint time. Tile purpose of this letter Is to make an earnest appeal to you, nnd through you to every Democrat in your county, to go to tlic polls election day and cast ballot. There appears now to bo great apathy among Democrats in Georgia, resulting from over-conii- dence. On every sido the statement can be beard that Maddox lias a walk over for Congress, and that Bryan will carry the state by an overwhelming majority. This idea prevails to such an extent that many Democrtltlo vo ters may decide that their votes are not needed nnd remain away from the polls on election dny. There is danger in Indifference. Many an elcetten lias been lost by it. It is learned that the republicans are, In a quiet way, making a diligent ef fort for McKinley in Georgia. In several counties of the 7th Distriot they are claiming majorities. An ef fort Is being made by the populist candidate for Congress in this distriot to win the republican vote. There is no danger if Democrats will wako up nnd not, but it will be hazardous to nssuino that everything Is all right nnd let the eleotion go by default. It la believed to be the duty of every good oitizen to cast his ballot. The responsibility of government is in some measure cast upon every oitizen. Judge Maddox bna made no ideal Representative In Congress, lie is nl ways on the nlert to serve his people, lie has given Ills whole time, thought nnd energies to the service of his con stituents. He has taken high rank nH n representative nnd made a national reputation ns a legislator. It should be a pleasure to every Democrat in the distriot to vote for Maddox. And Ilrynn ought to carry the dis trict by n grent majority. Ho is mak- Inga gallant nnd gaining light. In the North nnd West he is stirring the people to grent enthusiasm. He pushed the light Tor tbo common peo ple into the very temple of the money changers nnd is enuring them to trem ble with apprehension. He is equipped with n grent heart, n mighty Intellect nnd the consciousness of u just cause Ho is everywhere inspiring lus friends with oonfldenoe nnd lining Ills enemies with fynr, 1 nppeal to Democrats in the 7th Savings bestir themselves for the This is tlio largest suit depart ment ever in Rome. The stock is largo and varied. Som.o of the handsomest suits over seen in this city are offered remarkably low. Wo lmvo them in all the new styles, blouse front, lly.front, double-breasted Eton, single- breasted corset fitting jacket, and all that, is new and stylish. Some silk lined throughout, oth ers with jackets silk lined and skirt percaline lined. PriceB range from $8.00, $0.00, $7.50, $0.00, $12.00, and up to $85.00. Every garment a gem of art made by best tailors and a lit guaranteed. Ladies’ Skirts from 75c. to $0.00 Children's Shoes, size three- sixths, Boys’ Wool Hats, limited, for only 5c Best AAA Sheeting, yard wide, no better value, per yard, only 5c Men’s Joan Pants 25c Boy’s Suits, ago 0 to 15years, 48c Best Standard Calico; very best grade and colors, and wo only charge you per yd 4Jc 3 200 yard spools best Stand ard Thread for less than manufacturers’ price 10c Small Things, 10c. Tar Soup per enkc 2c Turkish Bath Snap per cake lc Octagon Soap per cake 8c 200 yd. spool good Machine Thr’d 2c Perfumed Vuseline Jar 2c 2 papers gold eyed Needles lc Package wire Hair Pins lc Gents’ Half Hose per pair 8c 25 cent leatherBelts 10c Boys’ Suspenders 6c Fine Combs 3J inches long lc The Clothing. We want you to call and see this big stock. We bought them from Newbury, Rosenburg & Co., who quit the business and we are certainly selling out cheap like we bought them. Boys’ Jeans Suits $ .48 Buys’ $2 Suits 98 Boys’ $3 Suits 1.48 Boys’ Pants 15c, 19c, 25c. and up, Men’s Suits $4 kind 2 98 Men’s Suits $5 kind 3 40 Men’s Suits $8 kind 4 46 Men’s Suits $10 kind 6.48 Men’s Suits $15 kind 8 95 Men’s Suita $18 kind 10 00 LANHAM & SONS, ROME, GA. 245 Broad Street. Corner 3rd Ave. P©W€$er Absolutely Pure Makes hot breakfast-breads wholesome—t)o yeast “crms, no alum. Makes cake, biscuit and pastry of superior fineness, flavor and deli cacy. Makes food that will keep moist and sweet. Is most economical, because it is the ourest and greatest in leavening strength. In the easy, expeditious preparation of the finer cakes and pastries, Royal is indispensable. .aliliiB i ! sold c ROY.l B.KING POWER CO . ICO WillI4M ST . NEW YORK. success of the party. On November Oth let every voter exercise Ilia fran chise. Make a sacrifice of time iiiul business, if necessary, to get to the polls. Swell the majority. Even if there wore no opposition, it Is im portant to have a full vote. It is a fa vorite trick of Northern and Western republicans to guy the Congressmen from the South on the size ot the vote on whioh they come to Congress, to charge intimidation in elections, and to assert that because they are elected by snob n small vote Hint they repre sent nobody. Judge Maddox should have nt least ten thousand majority. He can have it, If Ills friends will only go to the polls. I ask every Democrat who reads tide to pledge himself to cast a ballot on November Oth, and give one day to the cause of good government. W. J. Nkki., Cli’n Cong. Ex. Com. 7th Dist. E. B. Rcssifi.i., Seo’y. A Monster Devil Fish sstroying its viotim is a type of i ipation. Tbe power of this murder ous malady is felt on organs and nerves and masoics and brain. There’s no health till it’s overcome. Bnt Dr. King’s New Life Fills are a safe and certain ouro. Best in the world tor stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. Only 25o, at E. Bradford’s drag store. Mr. John B. Jonos, tbo Walthall mer chant, was among the visitors at the Fair in Atlanta last week. SHOOTING AT FELTON. Tbe pcopio of Felton wore thrown into a foyer of oxoitoment last Tuesday night by the cowardly attompt of John Fomby, col,, to assassinato Mr. B. A. Winkles, one of tbo best known oitizens of that town. The troaohorous negro searetod himself noar the horso lot, whore ho mado u noise to attraot the at tention of Mr. Winkles, who, on going to investigate, was tired upon at short range by tbo wonld-bo assassin. Four or flvo shots wore flrod in quiok suocos- Bion, bnt fortunately nono took olTeot. Mrs. Winkles, who was with her hus band at tbo timo of the shooting, rc- ooived a slight wound on tbo shoulder, Shoriff Sholnutt was at onoo notified of tbo shooting, nnd ho soon snccocdod in arrosting tho troaohorous ooon nnd plaoing him behind tho bars.—Buoh- anan Tribnno. For tho serious disoaBos that attaok tho kidnoys, Friokly Ash Bitters is nn unfailing remedy. Relioves backache, swolling of the foot and persistent hoadaolio—symptoms whioh indicate kidney trouble. T. F, Burbank. Mrs. Elizabeth Ettor, wifo of a former oitizen, Mr. S. F. Ettor, died aftoraflya days illnossof pnonmonia at BoBemor, Ala., on Wednesday, Oot. 17th. Mrs. Ettor waB a good Christian women, a mombor of tho Presbyterian oburob, and there aro many in Cedar- town who will romombor how ready she was to administer to tbo wants of tbo siok daring her stay hero. She loaves a husband and two married dangbtors to mourn their Jobs. A Frightful Blunder Will often oauso a horrible Burn, Soald, Cat or Bruise. Buoklen's Ar nica Halve, tho host in tho world, will kill tbo pain and promptly benl it. A bottlo of Prickly ABh Bitters kept in tho bouso and used occasionally, moans good health to tbe whole house hold. T. F. '.Burbank. A woman, who drinks in order to Bliaro her husband’s load is wasting her sympathy. “I have used Ohamborlain’s Oolio, Cholera and Diarrbooa Remedy and find it to be a great modioine,” says Mr. E. S. Phipps, of Poteau, Ark. “It oured mo of bloody flax. I cannot speak too highly of it. ” This remedy always wins tbo good opinion, it not praise, of those who uso it. The quiok cures whioh it elfcots oron in tho moBt severe oases make it a favorite everywhere. For sale by E. Bradford, druggist. box. Ouro guarantood. Sold by E.Brad- ford, Druggist. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Everett and Mr. Will Everett wore among tho visitors in Atlanta at tbo Interstate Fair last week. disease s stages Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the known to the medicine ira- The kidneys aro small but important organs. They noei\ help occasionally. Priokly Ash Bitters is a successful kid ney tonio and system regulator. T. F. Burbank. _______ \ Mosdames M. M. Edwards and A. S. Williamson were among tbe visitors to Oednrtown Wednesday. -Rookmart Slate. ; $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be earn that there is nt leasi o ’ ' that science has been able to and that is Catarrh only positive cure .1 ternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment Halt’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, ana giving the patient strength by build n up the constitution and assisting nature in iig its work The proprietors have so i faith in its curative powers, that they offer Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to Send for list of testimonials Address. F. J. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O Sold by Druggists, 75c Hall’s Family Pills are thebeBt. Says a rural editor: “Wo under stand that pumpkins are very fatten ing for hogs, but personally wo have never given thorn a trial.” It is well to know that DoWitt’s Witch Hazel Halve will heal a bum and stop the pain at once. It will cure eczema and skin disease and ugly wounds and sores. It is a certain cure for piles. Counterfeits may be offered you. See that you get the original DeWitt’s Wltoh Hazel Salve. KiHrad- ford. THE YOUTH’S COMPANION CAL ENDAR. More thought nnd expense than evot before bnvo beeu lavished on tho Cal endar whioh tho Youth’s Companion will present to ovary ono subscribing for the new volume of 1901, siuooit is to bo a sonvonir of tbe paper’s 75th year. It is nn exceptionally attractive Calendar, nnd has boon designed and lithographed for Tho Companion ex clusively. The central figure of the Onlondar is nn ideal portrait of a Puri tan maiden of Plymouth, and tbe 12 colors in whioh tho Calendar is litho graphed to reproduoo tho delicate col oring of tho nrtiBt’s original painting with porfeot fidelity. Aftor tho usefulness of tho Cniondar is past, tbo portrait of Prisoilin can be ant out and framed nnd preserved as a beautiful household ornament. This Calendar, which is sold to non- seribers to Tho Youth’s Companion for 00 aents, will be givon to nil new sub scribers for 1001, who will also receive, in addition to tbe 52 issues of tbe now volume, all tho issues of tho paper for tbo remaining wooks of 1900 from the timo of subscription. Illustrated An nouncement of tho volumo for 1901 will be sent free with sample copies of tlio paper to any address. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, Boston, Mass. Unquestionably the two best hooks about Chinese life and the Chinese people aro those by Arthur H. Smith, entitled “Vitlago Life in China,” and "Chinese Ohnraotoristios.” Dr. Smith has long been a missionary in China. He was in Peking when tho outbreak arose, and was thronghont a prisoner in the Legations, In Tho Outlook for Ootobor 27th, Dr. Smith, under the title, "Tho Punishment of Poking," tells muoh that has not heretofore been told abont the dramatio and tragic events of the wooks whon the world was waiting to hoar from tho prisoners in Peking, This artiole is tho first in a Berios whioh Dr. Smith is writing for The Outjook as its Spcoial Commis sioner in China. It would bo impos sible to name a man whoso oxporienoe and literary work bettor fit him for snob a task. ($3 a year. Tbo Outlook Company, New. York.) With tbo November number, the Ledger Monthly enters tho Hold of the dollar magazines. It has already wan a place among onr most popular month lies, and in tbe enlarged and improved form in which it now appears, wo pre- diot for it increased popularity and sucooas. Hall Caine’s new story, “Jan, Tho Icelander,” begins in the Novem ber number. This is tho only story that Hall Caine bat written for publica tion this year. It is a domostio story that will be read in every household in the land with delight. All the regular departments aro maintained in thii nnmber, with additional illustrations and new headings. Altogether the promise of the Ledger Monthly as a dollar magazine is abundantly fulfilled. It is sold on ail the news stands ut 10 oents per copy. Robert Bounor’B Hons, Publishers, Lodger Building, Now York. They say that a man doesn’t appre ciate wlint he gets for nothing, bnt free lunches arc appreciated. No other pills can equal DeWitt’s Little Early Risers for promptness, certainty ami efficiency. E. Bradford.