The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, November 01, 1900, Image 3

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_ TUo Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which has hccn in use for over 30 years, has homotho signature' of SjP . /ft nml lms hecn nindo-iindcr his pcr- f,/- sonnl supervision since its infancy. Allow no ono to deceive you in tliis. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cnstoria Is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nml Flatulency. It assimllntcs the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC OKNTAUB COMPANY, TT MUWHfkV ■TRCKT, NEW YORK OITY. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Condemed Schedule In Effect May 6.1900, •No. 22 •No. 16 STATIONS. ♦No. 15 •No. 21 7.00pm 1.00am 6.30am 0.45 am 1,10pm 6.45pm 1 50am 5 3uam 6.45pm 0.45pm lv.. iv...Selma arUirm’ham lv ar Chat'n’ea lv ar Knoxville lv ar.. Bristol .*.lv ar Lynohb’rglv ar W’sh’gt’n lv ia 10pm 4.20pm 0.80am 7.30am 1.55am 1 a 20pm a 10pm 2.10pm 0.60am 3 00am 0 50pm a 25pm 6 42am 12.48pm No. 23 and 21 carry Pullman sleeping cars be tween - - -■ nooga meals c Ko. *18 8.55am 9.35am 10.28am 11.40am No. *20 No. *16 STATIONS. No. *15 Iv.New OTs.a: lv..Meridian, a- ..Demopolls.. No. *17 2.11pm 2.42pm 3.18pm 4,10pm 4.34pm i :•.]hi• 6.40pm 0.15pm ar..Uniont' ...Marlon Jet., fv | Selma £ ...Montovallo.. Calora ..Columbiana.. ..Childersburg. ...Talladega... ....Anniston... ..Jacksonville., 7.10pm 0.23pm 5.31pm 4.05pm No. *19 :ipm 5.23pm 4.65pm 4.80pm 11.80atn 11.04am 10.43am 0.50am 0.20am .Anniston Hcliln ...Edwardsvllle... ....Prulthurst.... ....Tallapoosa.... "'.biusIos»mo.'“. ..Llthla Springs., ar.... Atlanta.. 0.10pm. 4.40pm t3.46pm l 10.18 8.51 8.27 7.00 8.18 0.50 7.47 0.20 7.29 ~ 0.44 6.10 0.31 “ “ 5.40 Lv Atlanta Ar Jacksonville.. 4.40pm 0.67 pm 10.45pm 12.55am 5.20am a 30am 6. Warn a 10am 12.05pm At Brunswick.. ,. x 7.10am a35pm Na 30 carries Pullman Drawing Room Buffet Buffet Sleeping car Birmingham to Atlanta and Atlanta to Jacksonville and Brunswick. Na 38 carries Pullman Sleeping car Blrm- Ingham to Atlanta and Atlanta to Jacksonville STATIONS. Lv Romo Ar Chattanooga. Ar Knoxville. Ar Asheville Ar Salisbury FCentTime). Ar Greensboro.. (East Time). Ar Washington &50pm Ar New York a 13am No. 15 carries Pullman Sleeping car Rome Chattanooga, Chattanooga to sa” ' Salisbury to New York without cht STATIONS. No. 2 No. 4 Lv Chattanooga ||I IIh o.oopm 7.45am 7.6uam Ar Louisville No. 4 Pullman Sleeping car Chattanooga to Lv Birmingham.. Lv Atlanta Ar Charlotte Ar Danville. . r Lynchburg r Charlottesvllla 8.00am 10.15am 12.43pm meals en route. Pullman Library Observation car Atlanta to New York. No. 30 carries Pullman Drawing room Sleep ing car Birmingham to Charlotte and Atlanta to New York, and Dining car Charlotte to Washington. •Doily. tDally Except Sunday. - r. S. GANNON. 3d v.p. & o.m. Washington,D.O. J. M. CULP. Traf Mgr. Washington. D. C. Clcanae* And beautifies the htit, ~~ iotci A luxuriant growth, er Fails to Bestore Gray ir to its youthful Color. a scalp diieAsea ft hair lolling. WCjAndfLOOAtDnjjjgUtA^^^ Dr. Fenner’s KIDNEY Unfailing in FemaleWeakness. By dealers. fi0c.slze by mill COeFredonla.NY. Pay up your subscription. LAND POSTED. Our farms south and oust of Cedar town are pouted legally, and all pers sous are warned against hunling on the same. This not lee to the public means what it says, and trespassers will get Into trouble. Seaborn Jonhs, Lutiier H. Poole, Hypooritos frequently lay thomselvos open to discovery by overacting their parts. _ If you havo sore throat, soronass aoross the back or side, or your lungs feel sore or tender, or you are threat ened with diphtheria or pneumonia, apply Ballard's Snow Liniment extor- nally, and uso Ballard's Horohouud Syrup. T. F. Burbank. Whenever you meet a man who thinks he knows it all, it’s ten to one that he isn’t married. I For bnrns, outs, bruises, laoorations or injuries of nny description, Ballard’s Snow Liniment is a sovereign remedy. It never fails to do good, and so promptly that its wonderful eurative properties frequently create surprise Price 25 and 50 ots. 'f. F. Burbank. Any man oan make. at least one woman happy for life. All he has to do is to romain a baohelor. It Makes Restful Sleep. Sleeplessness almost Invariably accompa nies constipation and Its manifold attendant evils—nervous disorders, Indigestion, head ache, loss of appetite, etc. To attempt to In duce sleep by opiates is a serious mistake, for the brain lsonly benumbed and the body suf fers. Celery King removes the coubo of wake fulness by Its soothing effect on the nerves and on the stomach and bowels. Celery king cures Constipation and Nerve, Stomach, Liver and Kidney diseases. 8 SUMMER’S TERROR—— It isn't the discomfort from heat. It is the danger to your children from bowel disorders induced by eating unripe Iruit or drinking iced water. For that matter, children are not the only ones who suffer. To check summer complaint and diarrhoea use Curry’s Diarrhoea and Dysentery Spe cific. It is agreeably spiced and prompt in effect. It’s strong enough for grown folks, but not so ugly that you have to bribe a child to take it. Price, 25 Gents. E. BRADFORD. Pay your subscription to The Standard. A FLOURISHING INDUSTRY. Sixty Cars of Pi# Iron Shipped Thus Far This Week, All is activity ut the Cherokee lur- rmceol the Alabama and Georgia Iron Company, and never in its his tory has this furnace done more or better work. Sixty cars ol high grade pig iron have boen shipped thus far this week, and it has been necessary to put on twonty-four extra men, just to load cars. Tins Iron Is of such high grade as to be in special demand for the mak ing of car-wheels, and Vico'Presi dent N. H. Swayne Is in receipt of the following letter from ono of the largest makers of car wheels In this cunntryt— \ “We have made destructive physioal tests which indicate great strength and resistance to thermnl conditions, in the thermal test tile wheel Is im bedded in sand, with an annular space about the periphery into wliloh melted iron is poured. It is required that the wheel shall endure this condition for two minutes without serious oraoklng. in this test the wheel did not oraok in the least for three-quarters of an hour, after which time the observation was ended. When takep from the san0 on the following day, it was found that the iron poured abqut. the wheel had become llrmly welded to It. The iron evidently has exceptional chilling properties, is strong in the casting, gives great resistance to thermal ohanges.” HOCK MARI NE ILS. Quarterly meeting sorvioos will be held at the Methodist ohuroh Saturday and Sunday. Tho pastor, Hoy. W. A. Harris, is winding up a highly sttooess- ful year’s work. Mr. Tkos. J. Morris has boon in Maoon this week as the representative of the Boakmart lodge at the annual, session of the Grand Lodgo of Georgia Masons. Mr. Jay Ford, of Clyde, 0„ is hero to spend.tho winter with his oonsin, Mr, Frank Wost. Mr. B.I. Thomas has accepted a posi tion as tolegrapher at Abboviilo, S. O. Miss Bossio Morgan visited in Atlanta last week. Messrs. J. F. Dover, Dave Baiford,A. H. Graofor, Ohae. Simpson and Larkin Barnett aro among, the number who went down tfi attond tho Atlanta Fair last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davitto attended the Fair in Atlanta last woek, Mr. B. F, Dunn and Miss Mattio Burnley wero united in marriage last Sunday, ’Squire W. N. Strange per forming the ooromony at his residenoo. Sheriff T. O. Hagan spent Thursday and Friday in Atlanta, taking in tho Fair. Mr. Wm. H, Wright was in Atlanta Friday. * .Mr. R. P. Ggnn, of Dallas, was in town Monday on business. Mrs. M. E. Mundy spent last week with friends at Aylmer. Mr. J. E. Honseal, of your oity, was in Boojtmart Monday. Miss Ella Johnson was shopping in Oartersville Monday. Carlton & Lee moved into their now store Tuesday. The building that they moved out oi will bo ocoupied by Mr. J. W. Brinsfleld. Misses Francos and Fannie York went down to Atlanta to the Fair > Fri day. ’Squire H.N. Sheffield, of Senoy, one of Polk county’s most prosperous farm ers. was in the oity Friday. , Mr. Buell Stark and family have re turned from a stay of several weeks at Dalton, and are residing in tho Long house on College street. Mrs. Rhodes, of Taylorsville, was in the oity shopping Monday. Dr. T. E. MoBrydo, who has boen attending the Medioal Oollego in At lanta for some time, arrived in the oity Monday, and is quite siok at the home of Dr. w. J. Adair. Dr. Warren Cochran, of Posoo, was in tho oity Tuesday. Ed Miller visited bis parents at Plainville last Saturday and Sunday. Col. and Mrs. L. J. Spinks are at Ragland, Ala., this week. Mrs. S. O. Addison, of Buchanan, re turned home Wednesday after a very pleasant visit to Bookmart relatives. Mrs. McDonald, of Arkansas, is vis iting her neiee. Mrs. Frank Jones. A Night of Terror. “Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave General Burnham, of Ma- obias, Me., when the doctors said she could not live till morning,” writes Mrs. S. H. Linooln, who attended her that fearful night. "All thought she must .oon die from pneumonia, but she begged for Dr. King’s New Discovery, saying it bad more than onoe saved her life, and had oured her of consumption. After three small doses she slept easily all night, and its furtheruse completely oured her.” This marvelous medioino is guaranteed to cure all throat, ohest and lung diseases. Only 50c and $1. Trial bottles free at E. Bradford’s drug If love makes the world go round it is no wonder lovers aot dizzy. Do not. get scared if your heart troubles you. Most likely you suffer from indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests wlist you eat and gives the worn out stomach perfect rest. It is tho only preparation known that completely digests all classos of foods; that is why it cures the worst cases of indigestion and stomach trouble after everything else has failed. It may bo taken in all conditions and cannot help but do you good. E. Bradford. 800 YARDS 18-IN.OHANGEABLE SILK ON SALE AT 10c. YARD. 5 YARD LIMIT. 5ib BUNDLE REMNANTS OALIOO ASSORTED, ABOUT 60 YcL IN BUNDLE FOR $1„ CUT THE PRICE - SPOTCASH TO ALL 228 8r 230 BROAD $J., RQME..GA. w— J “’ Selling as we do for SPOT CASH enables us to place belofe you the Hessfc Oooris for the same money as you would pay lor an inferior grade. Because we al ways are in a position to buy when the market is at its lowest and as we have no bad debts can afford to sell on a Very Close MCarg-iii. It will pay you to visit OUR STORE while in Rome. In fact it will pay you to visit Rome just to visit Our Store. TThe Spot Cash Store Ohildren’s Kiel button Shoes, pair, ’ 15c Boys’ Knee Pants, sizes (S to 16 years, pair, 20c Boys’ good School Suits, small sizes, each . 60c Boys’ lino two piece Suits, all sizes, oacli 76c Boys’ good School Umbrella, .each 80c Ohildren’s fast black Ribbed Hose, pair 6c Ladies’ black or brown. Seam less Hose, pair 6c Ladies’ heavy .Jersey Rib Un dervest, each 16c Ladies’ fur trimmed Cloth Capes, each 48c Ladies’ very line Applique trimmed plush Capes,each 75c Men’s percale Shirts, collar and cuffs, each 16c Men’s heavy Waterproof Duck .Coats, flannel lined, ench 08c Children’s Colored - Border Handkerchiefs, ench lc Ladies’ all-linen hemstitched Handkerchiefs, each 6c Ladies’ black or tail leather Belts, each;, 16c Children’s hand - made wool Hoods, each 26c Ladies’ all-wool hand-made Fascinators, each 80c Ladies’ heavy Swiss Rib Elas tic Undervests, each 25c Ladies’ Jersey Rib- combina tion Suits, ench 25c Ohildren’s Jersey Rib combi- tion Sleep’g garments.ench 25c Ladies’ heavy Striped Flannel Underskirts, each 26c 10-4 heavy fancy border Cot ton Blanket, each 26c 10-4 extra heavy Cotton Blan ket, pair 00c Ladies’ hands’e but. trimmed all-wool Shirt Waists, ctfcli $1 Ladies’ fine accordion ,plaited Underskirts all colorsj $1 .ONE ROOK BOTTOM PRICE TO ALL.. lib b.ot. best Petroleum Jelly 10c Pair large steel Scissors 10c Good steel Curry Comb 10c 88 foot Plow Line 16e .Good Fire Shovel 6c Pair good steel Cutting Pliers 6c Large hot. Ilouse’d Ammonia 10c Large bottle good Bay Rum 5c Good steel Gross Out Saw 26c 8 oz. bot. best Machine Oil 5c 6 papers Pins for . 5c 80 balls best Sewing Thread 16c Largo Onke Pure Olive Oil Onsteel Soap 5c Box best Buttermilk Soap 8 calces a box 10c Leather l’urso with chain 6c Pearl Buttons, all sizes, value 15c doz. for 7Ac 500 page School Tablet, each 5c Niekle Alarm Clock, warran ts ted one year 75c Wade and Butcher hollow ground Razors, ench 50'e Watch, Chain and Charm, warranted one year, ench 00c Good size Zinc Trunk, iron bottom, each $1,25 Large size Dress Suit Case, spring lock, ench $1.50 Heavy yard wide Standard Sheeting j 4Je Heavy yd. wide Bleaching 5c Standard Cotton Checks, yd. 4Ac Heavy striped Ticking, yd. 6£c Yd. wide Shirting Percales in remnants, yard flic Very hea’y English Flnnelette in remnants, yard 7c Heavy yd. wide English Flan- elette, new patterns 124c Largo size white Honey Comb Towels, each 10c 68-in.’ oil boiled turkey red Damask, yard 25c 68-in. heavy bleached or silver bleached Damask, yard 26c. Extra large hemmed Honey' Comb Bed Spreads, each $1 All sizes in R. & O’, make of Cornets 48c Men’s heavy working Shirts, best Percale, each 25e Men’s heavy seamless Sox,.pr. 5r Men’s white Alpine fur felt Hats, each 75c Boys’ fur felt Cigarette Crush Hats 50c Men’s medium wide flat, brim fur felt Hats, each $1 Men’s heavy fleece lined Shirts. and Drawers, each 20c Men’s natural wool Shirts and Drawers, each 80c Boys’.heavy fleece lined Shirts and Dra wers, each 80c Men’s good elastic Suspenders 15c DR. HIDDKbit'S ROOKS. It being impossible for me to stay in my office where my friends can find me, or look after the collection of my accounts, I have placed my books and accounts in the hands of J. K. Davis, and all personsowing me will please call and bettle with him. J. A. Li [Him,I,. Mr. Fnlmore anil Miss Malone, of Esom Hill, were united in mnrriage last week, ’Squire R. L. Caldwell of ficiating. A Wife Says: 44 We have four children, With the first three I suffered almost unbearable pains from \2 to 14 hours, and had to be placed under the influence of chloroform. I used three bottles of Mother's Friend before our last child came, which Is a strong, fat and healthy boy, doing my housework up to within two hours of birth, and suf fered but a few hard pains. This lini ment is the grand est remedy ever made*” Mother’s Friend will do for every woman.what it did for the Minnesota mother who writes the above let ter. Not to use it during pregnancy is a mistake to be paid for in pain and suffering. Mother's Friend equips the patient with a strong body and clear intellect, which in turn are imparted to the child. It relaxes the muscles and allows them to expand. It relieves morning sickness and nervousness. It puls all the organs concerned in perfect condition for the final hour, so that the actual labor is short and practically painless. Dan ger of rising or hard breasts is altogether avoided, and recovery is merely a matter of a few days. Druggists sell Mother’s Friend for $1 a bottle. The Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga, Send for our free Illustrated book. Vote next Tuesday for the re-election to congress of Hon. John W. Msftdox, the faith ful servant of the peo ple. I.OCAI, LEGISLATION. Notioe is hereby given of an intention to apply to tho present Legislature for tho passage of a local or speoial bill,the title or oaption of whioh will be ob follows:—A bill to bo entitled “An Aot to authorize and empower the Mayor and Oonnoil of the Oity of Oedartown, Folk oounty, Ga., to establish a dis pensary for tho sale of spirituous, vinous and malt liquors by submitting the question to tho qualified voters of said munioipal corporation. To provido for the regulation of snob dispensary, and for other purposes.” The title or oaption of the proposed bill may be as follows, instead of tho preceding:—A bill to be entitled “An aot to authorize and empower the Mayor and Oonnoil of the Oity of Go- dartown, Folk county, Ga., to establish a dispensary for the salo of spirituous, vinous and malt liquors. To provido for the regulations of sueh dispensary, and for other purposes.” (Signed) J. A. Liddell, T. H. Adams, A. H. VanDovsnder, J. IC. Davis, E. Bradford, J. Wright Adamson. HE NICY SIGIIIE. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Sheffield spent Thursday in Rookmart. Mr. “Bud” Smith was in Rome one day last week, and while there had the misfortune to lose about thirty-two dollars. Messrs. H. Z. Sheffield and IV. J. Calloway were in Rome last week on business. Mrs. .J. W. Pullen visited her father, Mr. Parlier, in Rome last week. Mr. C. C. Smith was in Cedartown on business Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Allgood, of Rock- mart.spent Sunday with relatives near here. Mr. W. E. Lyon was in Cedartown one day last week. Misses Stella and Katie Sheffield were the guests of their sister, Mrs. O. II. Randall, of Hamlet, last Satur day. Mr. R. N. Vincent was in Posco on business last week. Several of our “boys” took in the Fair in Atlanta last week. Mrs. J. IV. Pullen was shopping in your city Saturday. The entertainment at the home of Mrs.SmithThursday night was highly enjoyed by all present. Oxk op toe Nine. TAX COLLECTOR'S NOTICE. I will bo' at tho following named places at dates named bolow for the purpose of oolloollug the stato and oounty taxes for the 1 year 1000:— SECOND BOUND. Etna Nor. 0, a in Hampton’s ,..i.. 0, p m Esom Hill 7, a tn Berry’s StatlonT...... L P ® Blooming Grove ...... 8, a-m Lime Branch .... 8, p m Antioch 9, a m Young’s 9, p nt Fish Creek... . 10, a m Grady 10, pm Browning’** 12, a m Buncombe.......( 13, a in Cochran’s Mill............... 13, p ut Aragon i J . ... 13 p tit Seney 14 a m Lake Crock 14 p ni Ray’s Mill ... 15 a ra Cedartown '. 1C, 17 HI THIRD ROUND, Etna Tec. 4, a ut Hampton's ..... 4, pm Esom .Hill , . 5 Blooming-Grove 0, a m Lime Branch Antioch 7, a m Young’s 7, pm Fish Creek ..... 8, a m Grady.. .8, p TO Browning’s 10 • Buncombe ........ 11 Aragon 12, a m Rock mart ... 12, pm 13,14 Lake Creek 15, a m Cedartown 15,pml7,l8,19,2G This Oct. 1st, 1900. W. C. V. SOHI.IESTETT, T. C. P. C. Wise men never trust a second time those who have deceived thorn once. The best method of cleansing the liver is tlie use of the famous little pills’ known as DeWitt’s Little Early Risers. Easy to tske. N.ever gripe. E. Brad ford. Do you Cough? Dr. Bull’s Congh Syrup will cure a Cough or Cola at once. Conquers Croup, Whooping-Cough and Mensle- Cough without fail. Mothers praiBO it. Doctors prescribe it for Bronchi tis, Hoarseness, Grippe, Pneumonia and Consumption. It givoB quick, sure results. Price, 25 ots. Refuse the dealer’s substitute; it is not as f Always cures when others fail. Dr. Bull’s Pills euro Constipation and Liver Troubles. 50 pills, io ctu. Trial bo*, 5 (.ts. To mako them stiok to tho key, souu musicians need a pitch plaster.