The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, November 01, 1900, Image 6

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Bagging and Ties FREE! ^ 'We have one of the Best Equipped Gins in the state, and will gin FOR TOLL OR CASH! Just as our customers may prefer. We will also FURNISH BAGGING AND TIES FREE, thus saving our customers money on this important item, as well as making money for them by the improved quality of the cot ton through Perfect Ginning. Cedartown Cotton Co, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1. 1900. Cull on J. C. Hand for seed wheat. Wanted—COO clean quart bottlcR. E. Bradford. MoJ. J. A. Blanco wan In Bock- mart yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Pace, were In Buchanan Monduy. Col. W. 0. Bunn was In Borne Tuesday on business. Col. J. H. Sanders attended court Monday in Buchnnan. Mr. J. T. Wright was umong the Atlanta visitors last week. Mrs. S. k. Hogue, of Bockmnrt,ls visiting frionds in the city. Go to E. Bradford for lino soaps— likowise for nice holiday goods. Mr. J. A. Burdette visited rela tives in Campbell county Inst week. Capt. Balloy Tuelcor, of Orlando, Pin., 1b spending a low days in the olty. Miss Mary Harrison, of Alvarado, Tex., is visiting hor sister, Mrs. L. H. Jones. Miss Myrtlco Brooks is visiting her sister, Mrs. O. 8. Chester, in Columbus. Miss Euln Stubbs arrived home Tuosduy Irom a visit ol sovornl days in Atlnnta. Mr. John T. Thompson, a sterling citlzeuof Fish Creek district, was In tho city yesterday. Mr. Rnd Mrs. G, F. Morgan, of Bockmart, were guests of relatives in the city yesterday. Editor J. T. Fain, of tho Bock- mart Slate, was a welcome visitor in our sanctum Saturday. Mrs. L. H. Jones returned yester day from a several weeks visit to relatives at Alvarado, Tex. Suits cleaned and pressed in line style by E. Boyd, Merchant Tailor, in rooms overBtoroof H. J. Domp- sey. Prol. J. 0. Harris, of Borne, was hero Frldny to see his little daugh ter, Maggie Monk, who has been sick. Miss Martha Adams leaves today for Griffin, where she will be the guest of Mrs. J. L. Gros3Jor a few days. Miss Florence Fouche, of Borne, was tho churming guest of her aunt, Mrs. 0. Philpot, the latter pnrt of last week. Miss Buckie Davis went to Buch- nunn Monday to spend a couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs. W. B. Hutcheson. Mrs. W. S. Coleman, after spend ing the past ten days in Atlanta, is tho guest of her friend, Mrs. J, L. Gross, in Griffin. Mr. Wm. Lybrand, the auditor of the Cedartown Company, returned Tuesday to Philadelphia after a stay of several days here. Miss Mary Walsh, who has been spending a mouth with her aunt, Mrs. J. M. Collins, left Tuesday for her home in Anniston. Only 50 cents to hear the election returns Tuesday night at the Opera House, under tho auspices of the Baugh-Zimmerman Band. Miss, Mamie Hudgins, of. Carters- ville, nnd Miss Arloy Murphy, of Bartlesville,are two charming young Indies who will arrive today to visit Miss Lucy Chambless. FOR SALE—real estate. A desirable 0-room cotluge on Olb- son street, newly painted nnd in tip top condition. Lot 92x100 ft. Price $1700; deferred pnyments on two- thirds of nmount. A magnificent two-story brick cottage on Wlssnhlckon avenue, covered with slate nnd having all the modern conveniences. Large lot. The magnificent Bunn plantation on Cuvo Spring road, 2J miles out, containing 840 acres of rich valley land. Cedar Creek on west side. Largo two-story frame dwelling, barn, tenant nnd other houses. J. B. Bauiier. Mrs. J. H. Ilincs went to Atlanta yesterday for a short stay. Miss Elite Barber, ol Bockmart, Is the guest of relatives in the city. Any one wanting good dry stove- wood, call on Dempsey & Vann. Miss Nolia Simpson, of Bockmart, is visiting her uncle, Mr. J. W. Simpson. Mr. nnd Mrs. S. J. Fearing, of Tecutnseh, Alu., were in tho city yesterday. Tho infant child of Mr. nnd Mrs. P. F. Davis died Saturday alter a lingering illness. Wanted—A lady to learn the tailor’s trade. Apply to E. Boyd, over Dempsey’s store. Christmas Is less than two months oil - . It is time for our merchants to bo advertising holiday goods. Mr. and Mrs. F. M, Woods, of Oxmoor,Ala.,are visiting the latter’s pnrents, Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Hunt. Mr, McGuire lias been here from Waco for several days nt the bed side of his daughter, Mrs. J. M. Crow. Editor W. S. Coleman returned yesterday from a short visit to his aged mother, who has liedn quite til at her home in Canton. Mr. E. W. Orebnugh, a good citi zen of Collard Valley, was in town Snturduy for the first time after get ting up from a severe illness. I will open my Ten-Pin Alleys in my new house on Main street about Nov. 9th. Everything new nnd up- to date. Come and see me. J. A. McDonald. Messrs. B. W. Everett and E. C. Carter, ol Antioch, were in town Saturday. A new organ was pur chased from the Cable Piano Co. for the Antioch Sunduy School. Lost—A brown, gilt-edged pocket- book containing $10 and a number of receipts, Tuesday, nenr tho Tan- yard branch. Finder will please re turn to Phoebe Foster, colored. Judge Janes, of Tallapoosa Cir cuit, has been presiding at court for Judge Harris, who has gone to At lanta. Judge Janes has no foolish' ness around Ids court.—Carrollton Times. Mr. A. T. Harper of Cave Spring, Mr. G. W. Fleetwood ol Borne, and Mr. T. II. Shellman of Cedartown, are the three clever gentlemen in charge ol the McDouald Furniture Company’s new branch store hero Mr. E. Hinkley, the popular bar ber, was in Atlanta on a pleasant mission Monday. He was united in marriage witli Mrs. Mattie P. Babb, an excellent lady of that city, Rev J. W. Vaughn performing the cere mony. The happy couple came to Cedartown that evening, and are at home at the Philpot House. WHAT OTHERS THINK OF OUR JUDGE. Judge C. G. Janes held court for Judge S. W. Harris at Carrollton Inst week, and made a most favorn ble Impression, ns will be seen from the following excerpt from the Car rollton Times:— At a meeting of the bar of Carroll ton, held just before court adjourned Inst Friday, Col. Reese was called to the chair nnd Hon. 3. E. Grow eleoted seeretnry. After complimentary speeches from every member present nnd other ofll cers of the court, the following resolu tions offered by Col. R. D. Jackson were unanimously ndopted by n rising vote:— Whereas, Hon. C. G. Jnnes, Judge of the Tallapoosa circuit, has kindly relieved our beloved Judge, S. W. Har ris, for one week of the term of this court, and . Whereas, Ills Hohor, 'Judge Jnnes, has very much endeared himself to this bnr by his courteous trcntinent and his nmlable disposition, ns well as by the nble nnd impartial manner in which he has discharged the business of the court; Therefore, bo it resolved, that We tender our thanks to Judge Jnnes and wish for him nnd his nil that Is good in the future, nnd should lie ever re' turn to hold our court again we assure him a lienrty and cordial reception. Be it further resolved, that these resolutions bu spread upon the inin utes of tills court nnd n copy engrossed by the Clerk be bunded to the Judge, After the adoption of these resolu tions, Judge Jnnes, in a few appro priate remarks, returned his thanks to the bnr for its kindly expressions toward him. MRS. CROW DEAD. Mrs. J. M. Crow, the estimable wife of the pastor of the Cedartown Circuit,passed away yesterday morn ing after a long illness from con sumption. Her sufferings were borne with Christian fortitude, and death came us a welcome release. The remains will be taken to her old home nt Waco today for Inter ment. She loaves a husband nnd two young sous to mourn her loss, and they nccompany the remains to Waco today. Rov. T. B. McCurty accompanies them, and will conduct funeral survices. COTTONSEED WANTED. I want nil your cottonseed,nnd will pay tho highest mnket price for them. Ham Jones. Hon. and Mrs. Daniel Baugh, who have been spending the past ten days hero, left this morning for Philadelphia. Mr. Baugh is much pleased with the progress of tho new Josephine Mills, und will soon visit Cedartown again. Revivul services are in progress tills week at tho now Canal Street Methodist church, conducted by Bovs. T. B. McCarty nnd G. W. Groce. Meetings are held every evening, and are largely attended, with good prospects for a great re vival. A telegram was received here Monday stating that Coleman Moody, tho clever colored, porter at the Wright House,had been accident ally killed in Atlanta. Colemun ef fectually contradicted the report that evening, however, by coming in on the E. & W. safe nnd sound. A largo Sunday School whloh has been meeting in a warehouse build ing near the creek, moved last Sun day afternoon into the new Canal Street Methodist church, and there was great rejoicing in their hand some new home. Mr. Allen Garrard is the efficient superintendent of the school. The United Brotherhood of Car penters nnd Joiners of America has organized a lodge here, with the following excellent corps of officers: J. D. Smith, pres’t; J. C. Ellington, vice pres’t; Chas. Wildman, sec’y; A. D. Wall, trees.; B. M. Wheeler, wardenjGeo. Artope,directors; W.H. Tilery,financial secy. Mr. Wm. Parker, the enterprising Vice President and General Man ageroftho Standard Mills, arrived home Moaday frpm a business trip to Northern and Eastern states. He found his trip successlul as well ns pleasant, and received orders for large quantities of the splendid yarns irom his mill. Mr. Parker says he finds Cedartown and Cedar- town yarns well nnd favorably known wherever he went. The Debating Club has been re organized by electing Mr. Walter Butler president, Mr. Judson Crabb vice president, and Mr. Hugh Roberts seeretnry and treasurer. The subject discussed at the last meeting was, “Resolved, .that the Fifteenth Amendment should lie abolished,” the negative winning. The Club meets every second and fourth Tuesdny evenings in each month, and has a membership of fifteen of our brightest yiiungmen. Old riachines Bought in Exchange. We can Save You from $io to $25. This machine is ball bearing case hardened, and guaren- teed for 5 years. Be wise and buy the M M NEW HOME mm#?’ it is easy to operate open shuttle self threading and double feed insuring an equal stitch, doing all kinds of work. HEAVY, LIGHT, PLAIN and FAN OY with equal ease, and highest excellence, with or without attachments. These and other well known qualities combined with our liberal terms makes it the most economical ma chine to buy. Must be seen to be appreciated. O. Willingham. We are requested to say that the [.friends of the dispensary plan, notice of local legislation for which appears iii another column, wish the question to lie submitted to the coming city primary, and say they will abide the result either wily. The pro posed dispensary would iiavo all tlie rigid restrictions for its regu lation of the Athens dispensary, as found in Acts of Legislature of ’00 and ’01, vol. 2, page 430. L.8. LKDBBTTKII. WM.J. IIMIUI8 LARGEST Companies in the World. Special Attention given lo the Prompt Payment ol Losses. Large or Small. Afltna Fire Insurance Company. Hartford Fire Insurance Company. Phcenix Fire Insuranoe Company. Greenwich Fire Insuranoe Company, Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Comp'y St. Paul Fire Insuranoe Company. Equitable Life Assurance Sooiety of United States. Travelers’Life and Aooident Ins. Co. Standard Life and Aooident Ins. Co. All Old and Reliable Companies. L.S. Ledbetter & Co., Agts. J.L. TURNER, FEiACTIGAL Watchmaker and Jeweler. I GARRY A SPLENDID LINE OF is, Clocks Jewelry and Silverware, Spectacles, Etc. The very best selections from leading manufacturers, bought with the greatest pos sible care, and will be sold at prices that can not be duplicated when quality is considered REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. All work entrusted to me will have prompt and careful attention. Charges al ways reasonable. N Come to see me. The Georgia Loan and Trust Co. ivill negotiate loans, ivell se cured by improved real estate, at SIX PER CENT INTEREST on reasonable commission sums of $350 or more. Good applications wanted. W. C. BUNN, Correspondent for Polk Co. DR. R. E. CASON, Resident Dentist, CEDARTOWN, GA. Office and Residence on Main St., at home of Mrs. A. C. Prior. TWENTY YEARS EXPERI ENCE. ALL WORK GUARAN TEED. Terms Most Mo<[erate. J. L. TURUER, J ewele Corner Main and Herbert Streets. in;. JBOYD. - TPl'Tipi "PT | V * l l T l II1 PI 1 |T71'( 11 i j ■ 111111, i11111 ■ ||,11'| ij ii'11 i| i [ i^ i nri OVEB DEMPSEY’S STORE. he sTiiii, m *i i in ■ ‘ - •' ■ I THE NEWS is what you want, and vou get it in The Standard.