The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, November 08, 1900, Image 3

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TUo Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which has heon In use fop ovop 30 years, has homo tho signature of . and 1ms boon inndo under Ills per sonal supervision since its infancy. ^ Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are hut Ex periments that trlllo with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children—Exporionoo against Experiment, What is CASTORIA Cnstorln is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morplilno nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colie. It relieves Toothing Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomncli and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children’s Panacea—Tho Mothor’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORSA ALWAYS ’ Bears the Signature cf The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. t CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY ■THKKT, NSWVOtlKC SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Condensed Schedule In Effect May 6.1000, ♦No. S2~*No. 16 stations. ♦NoTl5 •NoTsT 7.00pm 1.00am 6.80am B.45am LlOpm 6.45pm 1 60am 6 4Jom 12.43pm lv.. lv...Selma arHIrra’hum lv ar Cbat’n'Ra lv ar Knoxville lv ar.. ar Lynchb’rulv VV’sh’Kt'n lv 7.80am 1.65um lauopm 6.10pm I"p:m 9.60am 8 00am 0 60pm 8.25pm "Ray, that hunting dig iR no good; I wouldn't havo him around." “Yes, you would; wo koop him to lond.” No. 22 and 21 carry Pullman sleeping oars bo- twcon Mobil, nnd Chattanooga and Chatta- “ ind Now York. Dining car serves l route. nooga meals e 8.65am 9.35am 10.28am 11.40am No. «20 lv Akron ar Greensboro. ....Marion Selma lv jpiwSSE tll.BOJIll Iv.New OT lv.. Meridian, or ...DemopollH... 1.45pm 2.11pm 2.42pm 3.18pm 4.10pm 4.34pm pm 5.40pm 6.16pm . 10.25pm V—ar STATIONS. -.V.Unlont' ...Marlon Jot.. Solma | it “ r ...Montevullo.. .....Calcra ..Columbiana.. ..Chlldersburg. ...Talladega... ....Anniston... ..Jocksonrtllo.. ...Piedmont... ..Cave Springs.. &S fl! 03pm .] .in i ;> pin i. ij in i 4.16pm 2.28pm 2.16pm 1.45 pm 10.43am 9.56am 9.20am 6.30am 9.43 ..I 10.86 or. om p,m ... .Anniston .Lithia Springs.. r.... No. *17 7.10pm 6.23pm &.3ipm _4.05pm No." ♦lii .in 6.10pm 4.40pm t3.45pm STATIONS. ■V Birmingham.. dv Anniston Lv Atlanta,....... Ar Macon.. Ar Joi Ar'jnc&vii, Ai Brunswick 7.10am 8.35pm 4.40pm 6.67pm 10,45pm fl.00am &10am 18.05pm 2.25pm 6.50pm 10,00pm Ingham to Atlanta and Atlanta to Jackaonvlllo STATIONS. Ar Chattanooga Ar Knoxville ArHot Springs. Ar Asheville Ar Salisbury... ..(CentTime) ArQreonsboro.. (EastTime)...., No.15 carries Pullman Sleeping car Romo to CbAttanooga. Chattanooga to .Salisbury and Salisbury to New York without change. STATIONS.No. 2~~NoTT Lv Chattanooga 10 00am 6.00pm Ar Cincinnati 7.3upm 7.45am Ar Louisville 7.40pm 7.5(iam No. 4 Pullman Sleeping car Chattanooga to Louisville and Cincinnati. No. 2 Pullman Sleeper Chnttanooge to Cin cinnati No. 38 No. 36 Ar Charlotto.. Ar Lynohourg Ar Charlottesville.. Ar Washington. ... Ar Baltimore Ar Philadelphia . Ar New 5 8.43pm 6.3 pm 8.6)pm 11.35pm New York, carrying Pullman Sleeping car Atlanta to New York. Dining car serves meals en route. Pullnv.n Library Observation r Birmingham to Charlotte and Atlanta to New York, and Dining car Charlotte to Wn-btngton. •Daily. tDally Except-Sunday. F. S. GANNON. 3d v.P. & g.m. Washington,D.C. J. M. CULP. Trof Mgr. Washington, D. C. w A. TURK. G. P. A.. Washington. D. C. C.A.UENSCOTER. A.a.P.A..Chattauooga.Tonn. luxuriant growth. M Never Pails to BcBtoro Gray 1 Hair to its Youthful Color. 9Cure* ucalp diseases It hair 1 tiling. ■ 60cjandtL(J0atJ)ruggljt|^^^ Dr. Fenner’s KIDNEY «Backache Cure. Kidney. Bladder and Urinary Troubles. Lame Back.Heart Dlsease^kln Disease, KhoumatUm, BodWettIng, etc. By dealers. by mail 00CFreiUmla.Nl ■Pay up your subscription. DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo will quiokly heal the worst burns nnd scalds nnd uot leave a soar. It can be applied to cuts nnd raw surfaces with prompt and soothing efleot, Uso it tor piles nnd skin diseases. Boware of worthless counterfeits. E. Bradford. Hearts coed to bo fed as much as bodies. For burns, outs, bruises, IncorationB or injuries of any description, Ballard’s Snow Liniment is a sovereign remedy. It never fails to do good, and so promptly that its wonderful onrativo properties frequently create surprise. Prioo 21. and 50 ots. T. F. Burbank. Tho girl with pretty shouldois ia not apt to disapprove of decollete gowns. The Cure that Cures Coughs, Golds,' Grippe, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis and Inolplent Consumption, Is OllO’S The German remedy ' Cura Wtoa'c otA. Vuuq V VSo\4\nja\\ 258^50 ds/ SUMMER’S TERROR—- It isn’t the discomfort from heat. It is the danger to your children from bowel disorders induced by eating unripe fruit or drinking iced water. For that matter, children are not the only ones who suffer. To check summer complaint and diarrhoea use Curry’s Diarrhoea and Dysentery Spe cific. It is agreeably spiced and prompt in effect. It’s strong enough for grown folks, but not so ugly that you have to bribe a child to take it. Price, 25 Cents, E. BRADFORD. KAY & BRO., DEALERS IN Fine Whiskies, Beer and Wines, Ciash Orders Promptly Filled. Home, Ga. ROVKMAm NEWk. Miss Lilly Davies, of Adalrsville, who has been spending tho past few dnys with Mrs, O. L. Kelly, returned home Tuesday. Col. and Mrs. L. J. Spinks returned Monday from a visit among relatives in Gcdartown and Ragland, Ain. Miss Nina Whitfield spent Saturday and Sunday with MIsb Lylin Peek. Mr. and Mrs. Fleming, of Styles- boro, visited friends in the olty Sat urday. Rev. W. A. Harris attended the pro tracted meeting In Cednrtown Thurs day. The’ literary entertainment given by the Piedmont boys on last Friday night was quite n suoeess. Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Mixon, of Rome, attended.the quarterly meeting here Saturday and Sunday. Mr. DaviB Howard has returned from a visit in Atlanta. J. L. Allgood is at home from Van derbilt University, on aooount of 111 henlth, Mrs. McDonald,of Arkansas, Is vis iting her nieue, Mrs. Frank Jones. Mrs. Kirton, of Livingston, is spend ing several days with old friends here. Messrs. Charles and Hill Wlngard, of Hamlot, Bpent Saturday in the oity. Mrs. .John Moore, of Posoo, was here Saturday. Mr. Sam Atwood, of Stilesboro, at tended quarterly meeting Saturday. Frank Raifurd spent Sunday with liotnu folks. Miss Van Hunter MoCormiok, a Piedmont pupil, visited Cedartown relatives over Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. S. Raiford went shopping in Rome last Wednesday. Miss Mny Williamson visited friends in your olty part of this week. Mrs. Todd left Tuesday for a visit in Onrtersvllle. Rev. W. A. IlnrrlB tilled bis regulnr appointment at Bethlehem Sunday. Hurry Ferguson, of Aragon, is vis iting home folks this week. MIbs Reese, of Rome, Is visiting Mrs, Isnao Jones near town. Miss Ella Spinks is visiting her brother, Dr. J. M. Spinks, st Ragland, Ala. HIs Life Was Saved. Mr. J. E. Lilly,a prominent oitizou of E. Lilly, . Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful delivcrnnoo from a frightful dontli. In tolling of it ho says: "I was taken with Typhoid Fover, that ran into Pneumonia. My lungs boonmo hard ened. I was so weak I oouldn't ovon sit up in hod. Nothing helped mo. I expootod to soon dio of Consumption, whon I hoard of Dr. King’s Now Dis covery. Ono bottle gave great reliof. I eontinued to uso it, nnd now nm well nnd strong. I can’t say too mueh in its praise.” This marvalous medioino is tho Biirost and quiokest otiro in tho world for nil Throat and Lung Troublo. Regular sizo 00 oontB nnd $1.00. Trial hottlos free nt E. Bradford's Drug Storo; every bottle guaranteed. "Well, little Jim, did Undo Jim seem to enjoy tho oarniynl, too?" "YeB, ma; say, mn, Uno’ Jim took him an’ me into th’ phonograph prizo-fight throe times.” Whon you want prompt noting little E ills that nover gripe, uso DoWitt’s little Enrly Risers. E. Bradford. Lady Assistant (.behind oountor, to oabman)—“Pair of gloveB?" Cabman— “Yes, miss.” Lady Assistant—"What is yonr number?” Cabman—"Fifteen hundred and ninety-three, miss.” If yea havo sore throat, soreness aoroBS tho bnok or side, or yonr lungs feel sore or tondor, or you aro threat ened with diphtheria or pneumonia, apply Ballard’s Snow Liniment oxtor- naily, and use Ballard’s Horehonnd Svrup. T. F. Burbank. Itoad Notice. Georgia—Polk County: All persons aro hereby notified that there Is a petition before the Board I'ommiaslonrrs Hoads and Revenues to discontinue tho publioroadleading from the Cedartown and Esom Hill road nt C. U Isbell's, to tho state lino, nnd reviewers linvmg i oported upon tho samo it will he tried nt the next meeting of this Bonrd on the 3d, Monday in November next, nnd unless a good cuuso Is shown to the contrary that part of said road, from C. M. Isbell’s, to the Esom Hill nnd Cave Spring rond will bo made a pri vate way; from the Esom Hill and Cave Spring road to the Esom Bill and Priors Stntlon rend will continue n nub ile rond; from tbo Esom Hill and Prior’s Station road’ to tho Alabama line, will he made a private way and tho road leading from J. It Haokney’a residence, Hill nnd .Cedartown road, between the residence of Ben Jones nnd Shiloh church, will bo established as a public road. Done by order of the Board.’ This Oct. 15th, 1000. D. M. Russell, dim. Bonrd Gins. 10*18 4t Notice Public'Hon'd. Georgia—Polk County. All parlies aro hereby notified that there Is a petition for u new public road in tho 1447 Dlst. G. M.. from count? line to the (Jodnrtown and Villa Rloa Rond,'befoul the Board Commissioners of Road anil Revenues that will be acted upon nt the Novomtiei meeting of the said Board. Done tiy order of tlio Board. This Oct. loth. 1900. 10-18 4t D. M. Russet,r,, Chm’n Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given to all creditors cf tho b aro also rennostec to scttlo same promptly. W.-If. Wuidlrr, Aihn’r. of It. F. Wlli-ht. Have You Noticed? h Always Tel Yt: WI CUT THE PUKE. You will.naturally ask, 'WHY *? We answer : For the simple reason, it pays us to do it. Our business, daily increasing, demonstrates clearly to us that our method of Buying- in Large Quantities for Cash and Selling on a, Very Close Margin is what the people desire and appreciate. Besides, owning the building we occupy and having no rent to pay, enables us to un dersell all our competitors, and still make a Ittle profit on each sale, Not a Large Profit on a Small Sale but a Small Profit on a Large Sale, is our motto. A SPECIAL IN ALL-WOOL DflISS GOCDS. We aro showing a splendid inn nf nll.wnnl Ti'i’nnfo in nil flm line of all-wool Tricots In all the latest shades of the season, ht a E riee tha t is sure to tempt thrifty uyers, only 80c yd. A Bargain In Elldo Width Dross Goods. 64-inch all-wool Suiting, good weight, linn finish, and cotnes in all sitades of gray and castor, as woll as standard colors, and is sure to be appreciated, at 60c yd. A BAEGAIN IN EEMHANTS. We have secured direct from tho mills a splendid assortment of Short Ends, 2 to 9 yds, of dark color English llonnelette, in the newest patterns, worth 10 and 124c yd, the sale price is 7c yd. A SPECIAL IH OUTING FLANNEL. We are showing a very heavy weight. in . the very best quality of teazle down outing flannel in tho most handsome of this sea son’s patterns, all new colors, the kind others ask 124c for, we oiler them lit 10c yd. A BABGAIN IN MEN’S UNDEBWEAB. Wo have secured 6 enses of men’s heavy natural wool Shirts and Drawers. The usual price of these garments is 40c each; we are going to sell them at !39c. Children’s fast black hose, 6c pr. Ladies’ fast black Hose, 6c. Ladies’ cloth Capes, 48c. Ladies’ plush Capes, 80c. Lndies’ braid-trimmed plush Onpes, $1.00 Ladies’ fine plush Onpes, fur and braid-trimmed, $1.76 Children’s Union Suits, 26c. Ladies’ Combination jersey Ribbed Suits, 26c. Ladies’ line Beaver Jackets, $1.08 Ladies’ new style light color Jackets, $8.60 NOTIONS AND SMALL WARES. 1 cake Onyx Soap lc Children’s School Tablets lc Children’s colored border hand kerchief lc Largo bottle Bay Rum 6c Paper Pins lc Pair steel pincers 5c Good steel Tack-Hammer 5c Large bottle Vaseline 6c Good steel Currycomb 10c Good bristle Hair Brush 10c 1 dozen good Bend Pencils 10c 200-pnge ink Writing Pad 10c Ladies’ black or tan Leather Belts 15c Best kangaroo Razor Straps 15c Ladies’ jersey rib Vests 16c Men’s fleece lined Under- Men’s Shirt Collar and Cuffs 15c Children’s kid button Shoes 15c Quart bottle best black Ink 19c MEN'S FURNISHINGS. Men's Sunday congress Shoes 50c Men’s full stock oak kip Slices 08c Men’s heavy mixed Socks 5c. Men’s Sunday percale Shirts 26c Men’s good elastic Suspenders 10c. Men’s 4-ply linen Collars 10c Men’s heavy jersey rib Shifts 25c Men’s very heavy fleece-lined Shirts and Drawers ‘ 48c Men’s 28-inch steel rod Um brella 49c Men’s striped jeans pants 40c , Men’s gorilla brand all-wool pants 08c Men’s niekelWntch and Chain 00c Men’s rubberized Duck Coats 08c Men’s odd Salmet.te Coats 08c. Men’s good wool Suits $2.08 Men’s line worsted Sunday pants 2.08 Men’s waterproof Coats 1.25 COVERT CLOTHS .UNDER PRICE. Wo have placed on sale a large assortment of patterns of heavy double and twistedwarp Covert Cloths, in stripes, checks anti solid colors, in the now shades of tan, gray and blue; tho price should be 10c, we offor them nt 124c- iilMiMi iciiMpoTCASti 228 & 230 BROAD ST., ROME, GA. HR. LIDDELL'S BOOKS. It being impossible for ine In silly inmycifllce where my friends eun find me, nr look after the collection of my accounts, I linvo placed my books and accounts in (he hands ol J. K. Davis, nnd all personsowing me Will please call and settlo with him. J. A. Liddell. It is a grantor theft to steal reputa tion than to stoal diamonds. Both makers nnd oirculntors of coun terfeits oommit fraud. Honest mon will not doooivo j ou into buying worth less counterfeits of DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo. Tho original is infallible for onrtng pileB. injuries, eczema nnd ' ’ - los. k Bi '■ ' skin diseases. Bradford. "Mr. Hardonse,” said the ministor, "I saw yonr son in a saloon yesterday.” “Did you?” replied Mr. Hardonse; "I hope ho bad tho politeness to ask you to have something.” Women are Like Healthy andstrong 0 SHJJWd they blossom and bloom. Sickly, they wither and die. Every woman ought to look well and feel well. It’s her right and duty, but she might as well try to put out a fire with oil as to be healthy and at tractive with disease corroding the organs that make her a woman. Upon their health depends-her health. If there is inflammation or weakening drains or suffering at the monthly ns,l/\J aftan/I in It at nnaA TTnn't period, attend to it at pence. Don’t delay. You're one step nearer the grave every day you put tt oft. Women can stand a great deal, but they cannot live forever with disease dragging at the most delicate and vital organs in their body. You may have been deceived In so-called cures. Wo don't 800-how you could help It— there ia so much worthiest stun on the market. Hut you won’t be dis appointed In Bradficld’s Femalo Reg ulator. We boliovo It is tho ono medi- clnoon earth for womanly ills. There is ns much difference between it and other so-called remedies as thero Is between right nnd wrong. Bradficld’s Kemble Regulator soothes the pain, stops tho drains, promotes regularity, strengthens, purifier, and cleanses. It does all this quickly and easily nnd naturally. It Is for women alone tode- cide whether they will-be healthy or sick. Bi-adfield's Regulator lies at head. SI p.r buttle at drugstore. pend ft.- oar tr oo two Id,it. THE BRADflElD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Go. TREI1GAR MINERAL RAILWAY Trnnsfors All Its Properties to tlio Basr * West Railway. Anniston, Ala., Nov. 4,—(Special)— In the probate oflloe tn tills oity yes terday a deed was recorded 111 which the Tredegar Mineral Railway com pany transfers to tile EnBt and West Railwuy company all of Its tracks, rights of way, depot grounds, rights and terminals, the consideration being given as $8,000. The Tredegur Mineral is a spur rend about three miles In length from a point on the East nnd West to the town of Jacksonville. It alBO owned depot grounds and termi nals at Jacksonville. How are your norves? If yon aro easily "flustrntod," oan’t sleep and feel unrofresbed in tho morning, yonr norves aro weak. Hood’s Sarsaparilla makes tho nervos strong by making the blood rioh and pttro. Siok Headaoho is ourod by Hood’s Fills. 25o. LOCAL LEGISLATION. Notioo is hereby givon of an intention to apply to tho present Legislature for tho passage of a local or epcoial bill,tho title or oaption of which will • bo ns follows:—A bill to bo entitled “An Aot to authorize and empower the Mayor and Council of the Oity of Godartown, Polk oounty, Ga., to establish a dis pensary for tho saio of spirituous,vinous and malt liquors by submitting tho question to tho qualified votors of said munioipal corporation. To provide for tho regulation of snob dispensary, and for other purposes.” The title or oaption of tho proposed bill may be as follows, instead of tho preooding:—A bill to bo entitled "An set to authorize nnd empower tho Mayor nnd Connoil of tho Oity of Co, dartown, Polk oounty, Ga., to establish a dispensary for tho snlo of spirituous, vinous and malt liquors. To provido for tbo regnlations of such dispensary, nnd for other purposes.” TAX COLLECTOR'S NOTICE. I will be at'the following name® places at dates named below for th«. purpose of collecting tho state and county taxes for tbo year 1000: — 8BOOND BOllNn. Blooming Gl'ovo...,, Nov. S, urn Liino Branch..'. .... s, p in, Antioch 0, a m Yoniig-s 0, p nt FIbL Creek 10, a nt Grady... 10, p in Browning's 12, a m Buncombe....... J3, am Cochran’s Mill.,. 18, p m Aragon 13 pm Seney / 14 a in Lake Creek 14pnt Ray’s Mill 15 a nt Cedartown 1G, 1> Roekmart ......1... M Tinnn round. Etna Dee. 4, a in Hampton's ' 4, p m Esom Hill ..Tn.. 5 Blooming Grove... G, a nt Lime Branch (j, p no Antioch... I,iu Young’s...,,:.., 7, pm Fish Creek H, a m Grady 8, p no Browning’s 10 Buncombe....,..., LI Aragon 12, a m Roekmart 12, p m 13, If Lake Creek 15,am Cedartown....:...,. 16, pml7,18,19,20 This Oot. 1st, 1900. W. C. V. Sonr.iESTBTT, T. C. P. C. “Was tho play sad,Miss Bing?” “Yea. very; if I hadn't hud a box of candy with mo, I oouldn't halve set through it.” DcBulFs ICOUGH SYRUP/ id for other purposes. (Signed) J. A. Liddell, T. H. Adams, I A. H. VanDevander, ,T. K. Davis, E. Bradford, J. Wright Adamson. curc3 Hacking Soro Grippo, all sovoro lung affections. Why thou risk consump tion, a slow, snro death ? • NOTICE OF SALE. Agreeably'to an order of ttie Court of Ordinary of Floyd county, Ga., will be sold at public outcry at the Court House door of said oounty, on the first Tuesday in December, 1900, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, td-.wlt:— l ot of land number one hundred nnd eighty (180) in the 10th dlst. nnd 4th see. nr Prilk county, Ga. Sold ns the property of W. B. Sims, deceased, and Mrs. O. R. Sims, deceased, jointly, late of Floyd county, Ga. Terms cash. This Nov.’S, 1000. ' J. M. Sims, Administrator of W. U. Sims and Mrs. C. R. Sim', deceased. l’ako warning 1 Act at once I Buy a bottle of Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup, a doctor’s proscription, used over 60 years. Price, only 25 cents. Insist on Laving It. Don’t be im posed upon. Refuse tho dealer's substitute: it is not as good as Dr. Boll’s. Salvation Oil cures RhcumntlHm Aches and Pains. I5&25cts. Mamma—"Johnny, I fonr you were not nt school yesterday." Johnny— “H’m! T’iy bet the teacher told yon. A woman can never keep a seoret."