The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, November 15, 1900, Image 1

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CEDARTOWN STANDARD VOLUME 14. CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MOJRNING, NOVEMBER 15, 1900. NUMBER 42. TWO LITTLE BEAUTIES SAVED FROM DEATH BY PERUNA. MRS. H. XI. OVERMANS TWO LITTLE GIRLS. “Enclofiod And a picture of my two little girls who couldn't bo without their Peruna. They have both had the measles since I last wrote to you, but even through the sickness I gavo them the Peruna. We have used Peruna constantly for the past two years with our children and have received the most satisfactory results. We would not be without it. The youngest one, Elsie, Is the one that had bronchial trouble, and had It not been for your medicine she would have chocked to death. It has done wonders for her. Positively we couldn't keep house without Peruna. Yours gratefully, Mrs. H. H. Overmann, 2865 Winslow Ave., Cincinnati, O." Mr. L.G. Vandegrlff, Carrollton, Ga., | have had two physicians to treat her writes: “I ondorsoyour Peruna. I had I and found no rollcf. Aftor using two o, little girl a filleted with catarrh and | bottles of your Peruna sho is sound and well. I am now giving it to my othei children." Mr. Joseph Ivirchensteiner, 87 Croton street, Cleveland, O., sftys: “We have used Peruna for eight years as our fam ily medicine. During tlio wholo of that time wo havo not had to employ a phy sician. Our famly consists of sovon, and we also uso it for tho thousand and one ailments to which mankind is ltablo, Wo have used it in cases of scarlet fovor, measles and diphtheria. Whenovor one of tho family feels in tho leastill, mother always says: ‘Tako Peruna and you will bo well,* or if wo do not happen to havo any, ‘Wo will havo to got moro Peruna.' Peruna is always satisfactory in colds and coughs." Children are especially liable to acute catarrh. Indeed, most of tho affections of childhood aro catarrh. All forms of sore throat, quinsy, croup, hoarseness, and laryngitis aro Imt different phases of catarrh. Those affections, in the acute form, may pass away without treat ment, but they loavo a foundation for chronic catarrh in lator years. Even a slight cold is acuto catarrh, nnd ren ders tho mucous membrane of tho hoad and throat moro linblo to chronic ca tarrh afterwards. Tho child is con stantly asailed wintor and summor, with catarrh. Affections of tho stomach and bowels, colic and diarrhoea, aro duo to ca tarrhal dorangements of theso organs. A groat many families aro learning by bitter experience that these affections must bo promptly troatod or tho child’s health is permanently injurod. Peruna Is tho remedy. No family should bo without it. As soon as tho symptoms of cold, cough or any othor affection of tho throat or stomach is noticed, Peruna should bo given accord ing to directions. A vast multitude of families aro relying ontirely upon Po- runa for safety in this direction. Thoro aro no substitutes. Peruna is tho only systemic catarrh romedy known to tho medical profession. That Peruna can bo relied upon is evi denced by tho groat number of testi monials which Dr. Hartman is receiving daily. Only a very few of those can bo published. Only ono in a thousand. Every household should bo provided with Dr. Hartman’s free book on ca tarrh ; also “Facts and Faces," a book of testimonials concerning Peruna sent free by Tho Peruna Medlcino Co., Co lumbus, O. Double Width Dress Goods, all Pure Wool pm sy Filled, Limited 7 yards to Customer, per yard J Our lino of new Gripes nro tho prettiest over shown in Rome. Golf Gapes, Plush Gapes, Cloth ‘Gapes, Gapes at all prices. LAND POSTED. All tho lands ot the undersigned aro hereby posted according to law, and trespassers will be punished accord ingly. Nov. 0, 1000. D. A, Whitehead, R. Gammon, W, H. Henley, B. T. West, F. J. West, O, 0. Bunn, 0. P.. Sowoll, .Taok ParkB, Frankio Whatley, Mike Whatloy, Asberry Munford, Levi Thurman, Gass Chisolm. E. Bradford guarantees every bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Bemedy nnd will refand the money to anyone who is not satisfied aftor using two-thirds of tho oontonts. This is tho best romedy in the world for la grippe, oongbs, colds, oronp and whooping oongh, and is pleasant and safe to take. It pro vents any tsndonoy of a cold to rosult in pneumonia. Justioe—"What wero you doing in Col. Pnllet’s ohioken coop?” Undo Moso—“Fo’ de Lnwd, Judge, I was jos taking’ do census,”. Mr. William Parker, vioo president of tho Standard Cotton Mills, of Oo- dnrtown, spent Inst Friday hero, tho guest of Mr. John Stubbs. — Dalton Citizen. Priokly Ash Bitters can bo doponded on to ouro tho kidneys, corrects tho nrine, strengthens the stomaoh and re lieves baoknoho. T. F. Burbank. Miss Nitn Whitfield, a charming young lady of Oedartown, spent Satur day and Sunday with Miss Lila Peek.— Bookmart Slato. Working Night and Day The busiest and mightiest little thing that over was mado is Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Evory pill is n sugar-oonted globule of health, that ohanges weak ness into strength, listlessness into onorgy, brain-fag into mental powor. Thoy’ro wonderful in building up the health. Only 25o per box. Sold by E. Bradford. Tho Deacon—“Do yon know what happens to boys who tell lies?” Small | Youth—"Yes, sir. They gits off, some- i times, if they tolls good ones." Absolutely Pure SAKfA'G* No inferior or impure ingredients are used in Royal for the purpose of cheapen ing its cost; only the most highly refined and healthful. Royal Baking Powder imparts that peculiar sweetness, flavor and delicacy noticed in the finest cake, biscuit, rolls, •etc., which expert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable by • the use of any other leavening agent. Alum Is used In making cheap baking powders. II you want to know the effect of alum upon the tender linings of the stomach, touch a piece to your tongue. You can raise biscuit with alum baking powder, but at what a cost to health 1 HQYAL BAKING POWDER CO* 100 WILLIAM 3T., NEW YORK. CHAINGANG RULE ARRAIGNED. Prison Commission Submits Re port to Legislature—Aslc to Bo Given Charge of Misde meanor Camps. The report of the State Prison OomimBsion for tho year, which was issued Saturday, is a severe arraignment of the misdemeanor convict laws of Georgia, and a strong argument in favor of the bill now pending-in the House to place tho misdemeanor system under the management and di rection of the Commission. Tho report shows briefly the advantage to the state which the new penitentiary convict system has proved, not only from a hu manitarian standpoint, but from a financial basis. Interest in the report centers, however, in the remarks made concerning the misdemeanor convicts and the strong reconunendatioh that con victs of this class be taken from under county control and placed under the Commission. The Commissioners call atten tion to the fact that there are at present three classes of misde meanor camps. Those organized under the form of law and em gaged on public works; those organized under color of law and working for private individ uals; and those organized con trary to law, and working for private individuals. Only the iirst class are contemplated by law, yet the others are operated openly and in violation of the statute. In recommending the passage of the bill calling for one system for all convicts, the Prison Com mission is inviting a vast amount of work to Which no additional salary will he attached. The members of the Commission be lieve that something should be done with the chaingangs of Georgia 'in the interest of hu inanity. NO PENSIONS FOR MEN WITH $300 INCOME. To withhold pensions from persons owning $1,000 of property or whose incomes exceed $300 per annum, is the purport of the bill introduced by Mr, Howard, of Dooly, if carried into ef. feet it would materially reduce the pension list of this state. Many per. sons in the state receive pensions | whose incomes reach annually several ] thousand dollars, and it has been [ charged in many instances that those were about the first to receive their pensions. The bill will restrict the payment of pensions to those absolutely needy, - reducing the pension fund thousands of dollars. Mill & SONS, Plush Gapes, Fur Trimmed for only 80c Fur Trimmed Plush Gapes Braided Beaded,worth $5 for 08c Fine Silk Plush Gapes, regu lar $4 kind for only $2'. 48 JACKETS 20c. AND UP. Fine all wool Kersey Jackets worth $7, wo ask $4.08 Ladies’ Waist, made of new stylo Flan nellette and worth 75c. for 5 ll> bundles remnant. Calico of over 40 yds. for only • Less than 2 cents per yard, 24-inch Umbrella All Wool Fascinators Pretty bright Dress Plaids, very pretty for Children's Waists and Dresses for Plain j, China Silk in Bed, Navy,Brown,Black, Green, Light Brown, Pink and White 48c 75c 8*c 10c The store is better prepared now than ever before to serve the trading public. Wo have by far the largest Stock of NEW GOODS in Rome, and they were bought at the very lowest prices, much lower than the small dealer can possibly buy. We bought our Stock of CLOTHING of a big Manufacturer in New York who retired front tho clothing business. We bought them way tinder their value, but little over half, and now can sell for less titan the average merchant, pays for his goods. Our SHOES were bought in Boston from the manu facturer at, the bottom price, so we can sell shoes as cheap as the general merchant, pays for his. OUR HATS, DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, MILLINERY, UNDERWEAR and in fact every item in this big store is offered to you for less than you can buy anywhere in the land. We do not offer a few leaders blit everything in this store is a leader. A lender other merchant, can ftmcli Don’t take our word for it; come and look at the pretty new sty lish goods, see how very- low we. can offer them, then do. ns you like, buy or leave them alone— if you can. This is the largest, suit, depart ment, ever in Rome. The stock is large and varied. Some of the handsomest suits ever seen in this city are offered remarkably low. We have them in all the new styles, blouse front, fly front, double-breasted Eton, single- breasted corset fitting jacket, and all that is new and stylish. Some silk lined throughout, oth ers with jackets silk lilted and skirt percaline linod. Prices range from $8.00, $0.00, $7.50, $9.00, $12.00, and up to $35.00. Every garment, a gem of art made by best tailors and a fit guaranteed. Ladies’ Skirts from 75c. to $0.t)0 Children's Slioes, Bizo three- sixths, 8c Boys’ Wool IlatSj limited, for only 6c Best AAA Sheeting, yard wide, no better value, per yard, only v 5c. Men’s Jean Pants 25c Boy’s Suits, ago 0 to 15years, 48c Best Standard Calico, very best grade and colors, and we only charge you per yd 4Je 8 200 yard spools best Stand ard Thread for -less than manufacturers’ price 10c DRESS GOODS. This iH tho fltiost dress goods stock in Homo. All the new weaves nnd colors are here Rnd for less than at other stores. 40-in. wool filled Dress Goods 19c 40-ln. Venetian worth 75c for 59c 40-in. Fine Blister Crepon tor 75c Beautiful satin finished Venetian all color Bponged nnd shrunk, 54-in. wide nnd worth $1.25 yard, for.....75e Trimmings to match every suit and at tho very lowest prices. We sell Gilbert Satin Carona and Orien tal Silks at 12jc. while others get 20 and 25c. for same goods. Gilbert makes good lining hut there is no reason in paying more than they are worth. So come here for them. UNDERWEAR. We bought a manufacturers’ samples and in the lot are shirts nnd drawers worth $1 and $1 25 each; they are all pure lambs wool fleeced, with Silk Tape and Stitching. Great variety. Choice 50c Men’s Heavy Cotton. Fleeced Shirts 19c Men’s 60c. Shirt and Drawers 38c These aro heavy wool fleeced and can’t be bought under 60 to 00 cents at at y store In the country. niLLINERY. We never tire telling of the new and pretty hats in. this store. The second floor is our vast millinery de partment with some Of the best mil liners in the state In wait on the trade. We buy in large lots and sell cheap One lot Ladies’ tine Fur Felts Hats trimmed with ostrich plumes,ribbons and silk. Big lot to pick from, 08c. LaMode Velvet Hat very now nnd stylish, trimmed all colors $1.48 Fine Pattern Hals beautifully trim med, worth $7 each, for $3.75 WALKING HATS We have the largest line ol new Walking Hats ever In Home. They are trimmed with silk in all color polka dots. Some are plain with stitched brim,other Ladysmith shape nnd in all colors 5Uc, G9e,76c,98c,$1.26, best values in the country. China, Glass, Crockery. Crystal Glass Tumblers, set 16c Crystal Glass Goblets, set....'. 20c Plates White Grnnite, per set 25c Pie Plates, each lc Cake Turns, each 2c GlassLamps complete with-chiin- ney,burner nnd wick each 10e Glass Cream Pitcher, Sugar Dish, Spoon Holder and Butter Dish all for 25c m Small Things, Big Savings. 10c. Tar Soap por cake 2c Turkish Bath Soap per cake le Octagon Soap por cake 3c 200 yd. spool good Machine Thr’d 2c Perfumed Vaseline Jar 2c 2 papers gold eyed Needles lc Package wire Hair Pins lc Gents’ Half Hose per pair 3c 25 cent leather Belts 10c Boys’ Suspenders 6c Fine Combs 8{ inches long le The Clothing. We want you to call nnd see this big stock. We bought them from Newbury, Bosenburg & Co. ; who quit the business and we are certainly selling out cheap like we bought them. ’ Boys’ JeanB Suits $ .48 Boys’ $2 Suits 08 Boys’ $3 Suits 1.48 Boys’ Pants 15c, 19c, 25c. and up. Men’s Suits $4 kind 2.98 Men’s Suits $5 kind 8.40 Men’s Suits $8 kind. 4.45 Men’s Suits $10 kind 5.48 Men’s Suits $15 kind 8.95 Men’s Suits $18 kind 10.00 pA LANHAM & SONS, ROME, GA. 245 Broad Street. Corner 3rd Ave.