The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, November 15, 1900, Image 11

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i onn. nu . o', o - . bring *l»e COtliDirt. and 2d See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on ns unrcturneil land under and by virtue of a tax ti. lu. issued hy MY C. V. SchliMtett, T. 0. 1*. C M vs. the said unre- turned land fur the purpose of the State and vounty taxes for the year ISM. Also, nt the same time and place and in .the manner above drecrlbed, will be sold lot of land Bituate. lying and being in the JJlh Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk Countv, da., :SHS °# 08 . unroturned land under iml .by \lrtue Mif a tax ft. fa. issued by MY 0. V. Nchliertctt,. T. 0. P. 0., vs. the Raid unre* Also, at the same time and place and In the manner above described, will be cold lot of land Bllu 1 at ®*, lyiniT a»d being in ihe -20th Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., .lev cd on as unreturned land under and bv virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. vSchliestctt. T.. O v P, C., vs. the, said unre* nurned land for the purpose of the State and •county taxes for the year 1895. Also, at the same time nud place and in the •manner above described, will bo sold lot of land ;Ao* 10. situate, lying and being in the 20t i Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax 11. fa. issued by MY c. V. .vhlleslett, T. C. P. O., vs. the said'unre* turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes <for the year 1892. Also, at the same lime and place and in the manner above described. Wil^be sold* lot of land Sh.- •“’S*®. &•*» .*«? b ' l " B ln " io -Ulli nnd 3d Sec. of I'ollt Count., On., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax 11. fa. issued by W. C. V.: Scliltwlett, T. 0. P. C., vs. the said unre- •turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the year 1805. Also, at the same time and place and in tile manner above deserilled.' will be sold, lot of land: Jjjh 8,tu l at £’. Wng nnd being in the 20t!i Dist. and 3d Sec. of Tolls Countv, Ga., levied on as unretmned land under and bv Virtue cf a ’ tax U. fa. issued by MY 9. V. Scldiistelt, T. C. P. C.. vs. (lie said unto- turned land fur Ihe purpose of the 8tute nud county taxes for the yeur 1892. Aire, ot the same time nnd place nnd in the manner above described, will be Bold lot of land Kb. KO. Rituato. lying arid being In the 201 It Dist. and 3d See. of Polk County, Gu., levied on os unreturned land under urid by virtue of u tax il. fa. Issued by \V. V. V. ScliliiMtett. T. C. 1». C., vs. the Raid nnre- turued land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the yoais 1891, 1S92, 1833 and 1301. Also, at the same time nnd place and in the manner above described, will be Hold lat of land No. 108, situate, lying ohd being in the 20th Dist. and 2d See. of Polk County, (lu., levied on us unrcturticd land under and by virtue bf a tax ti. (a. issued by VV. C. *Y. Schliestett, T. C. P. C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State aud county taxes for the years 1891, 1892, 1803 und at the name time and place nnd in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 238, situate, lying and bolng in the 20th Dist. and -2d Sec. of Polk County, Gu., levied on as unreturned land under nnd by virtue of a tax fl. fa. i.tsued' by W. C. V. Sehlicstett, T. C. P. C„ vs. the said 1895. Also, nt the same timo and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot ot land No. 240, situate, lying and being in the 20th Dist. nnd 3d See. of Polk County, Gu., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl.. fa. issued by W. C. V. Sehllcstett, T. O. P. C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 20th Dirt, and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Oa., levied on ns unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by MY C. V. Mchliestctt, T. O. P. C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the your 1892. Also, at tlie name time and place ami in the virtue of a tax ii. fa. issued hy MY C. V, Schliestett, T. O. P. C., vs, the said unre turned lund for the purpose of the State and ■county taxes for the years 1892, 1898, 1895, 1 time and place and in the 1899 nnd 1897, Also, at til® ML manner above described, will be sold lot of lund No. 197, situate, lying nnd being in tho 20th Dirt, and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on aa unreturned land under nial by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by VV. O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. <C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose ot the State and county -tgxcs for the year 1894. Also, nt the fcamo time und place and In the manner aboyc described, will be sold lot of land No. 198, situate, lying and being in the 20th’Diet, nnd 3d See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land ’ under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. 0., vs. the said unre turned land for Ihe purpose of the Slate and county taxes for the yearn 1890, 1892, 1893, 1804* 1S05. 1898, 1899 and 1000. Also, at the name time and place and in the manner above described, will lie sold lot of land No. 109, situate, lying nnd being in tho 20th Diet. nn s d 3d See. of. Polk County, Ga., levied ou as unrotumed land under and by virtue of a tax 11. in. Issued by MY C. V. .Schliestett., T. C. P. C.. vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1805 and 1893; Also, at the same time nnd place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 467, situate, lying and being in tho 20th Dirt, nnd 3d Sec., of Polk County, Ga., levied on ns unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. iu. issued by MY O. V. Schliestett,. T. O. P. O., vs. the said unre- turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1800, 1891, 1S92, 1893, 1894. 1895, 1890. 1807 and 1899. Also, ai ihe same time and plare nnd in the manner above described, will be sold lot of lmd No. £3, situate, lying and being in - tho 18th Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under a/id by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by VV, C. V. •county taxes for the years 1690, .1891, 1892, 1893, 1891, 1895, 1890. 1897, 1893, 1899 and 1900. Also, at the rame timo and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 84, situate, lying and being in the lfith Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on an unreturned Innd under und by virtue of a fax fl. fa. issued by \V. O. V. .Schliestett, T. C. P. C., vs. the said unre turned land for the of tho State and •county taxes for the years 1891, 1895, 1897, 1898 .and 1S99. Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. SS, situate, lying nnd being in the 18th Dist. and 3d See. of Polk County, Oa., levied on n» unreturned land under and by virtue Of a tax fl. fa. issued bv IV. C. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. C.. vs. the raid unre turned land for the purpose of the-State and county taxes - for the years 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 3694, 1895, 1890, 1897, 1808, 1899 and 1900. Also, at the same time nnd place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 128, situate,, lying and being in, the 18th Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by MY C. V. Scbllcfitctf, TV C. P. C., vs. the mid unre turned laud for the purpose of the Stale nnd county taxes for the years 1892, 1893 and 1894. ■ *\lso, nt the same time and place nnd in the manner above described, will lie sold lot of land 3(o. 136, situate, lying nnd being in the 18th Dist. and Sd Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land tinder and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by \V, C. V. Schliestett. T. C. P. C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the Slate and •county taxes for the year 1898. Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 153, situate, lying and being in the 28th Dirt, and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by \V. GV y. Schliestett, T. C. I*. C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and •county taxes for the years 1893, 1894, 1895 and . 1899. Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold, lot of land . No. 191, situate, lying and being in the TSth Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on ns unreturned * land under and by virtue, of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. Schliestett, T. C. T. O.. vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for Ihe years 1800,, 1891, 1692, 1893 nnd 1895. A rousing campaign year Is upon us. Keep abreast ot affairs by subscribing now. We’ll wire you tho news. Also, at the same time nnd place and in the manner above described, will lie sold lot of land No. 211, situate, lying, and being in the 18th • Dist. nnd 3d Sec. of^l'olk County, Ga., levied on us unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued Tiv MY C. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. tho said unre- described, will bo sold lot ot land No. 221, situate, lying and being in the 18th Dist, und 3d Sec. ot Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under und by virtue of n tax fl. fa. issued bv W. C. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. tho said unre turned-land for the purpose of tho State nnd county taxes for the years 1890, 1894, 1895, 1800, 1897, 1898, 1899 and 1900. Also, at the same time amt place and in tlio manner at»>vc described, will be sold lot of land No. 228, situate, lying and being in the 18th Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on us unreturned lnnd under nnd by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by MY C. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. the said unre turned land for Ihe purpose of the'State and county taxes for the years 1890, 1894, 1835, 1890,. 1807, 1898, 1S99 nnd 1900. Also, at tho same time nnd place anil In the, manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 240, Ultuntc, lying and being in the 13th Dist. and,3d Sec. of Polk County, Oa., levied on ns unreturned land under and by', virtuo of a tnx fl. fa. Issued by W. O. y, Schliestett, T. C. P. C., w. the said unre- turned land for the purpose of the Statu and county taxes for the years 1808, 1$00 and 1900. Also, at tho sumo time and place and in tho munner above described, will be sold lot of land ! and place and in tho will be sold lot ot land No. 242, 'situate, lying and being in tho 418th Dist. and 3d Sec. ot Polk County, Ga., levied oh ns unreturned land under und by virtue .of a tax fl. fa. issued by MY C. V. Schliestett, T. C. 1\ G„ vs. the Bald unre turned lund for the purpose of the State and levied on us unreturned land under und by virtue of a tnx II. fu. issued by VV. C. T. Schliestett, T. ,C. P. O,, vs. the said unro- turned land for tho purpose of tho State and county taxes for tho year 1801. Also, at the same time and place.and in the mnnner above described, will be sold lot ot lund No. 354, situate, lying und being iu tho 18th Dist. und 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on us unreturned land under und by virtue of u tax 11. fa. Issued by \V. C. V. Schliestett, T. C. 1». C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpo6p of the State und county taxes for tho years 1893 and 1897. Also, at the same timo and place and in tho mnnner above described, will be Bold lot of land No. 300, situate, lying and being in tho ISth Dist. nnd 3d See. of Polk County, On., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tnx fl. fa. Issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. the said unre turned land for tho purpose of tho Stnto and county taxes for tho years 1390, 1895, 1890, 1697, 1898, 1899 nnd 1900. Also, nt the same time ami pluco nnd in tho manne r above described, will ho sold lot of land No, 80S, situate, lying and bolng in tho 18th Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Gu., levied on us unreturned land under und by virtue of a tax fl, fu. issued by W. O. V. Seliliestctt, T. p. P, C„ vs. the said t time tiud,‘place and in tlie and .1899. Also, at .thiei r manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 875, situate,' lying nnd being iu tho 18th Dist. und 3d See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on us unreturned land under and by virtue of u tnx fl; fa., issued by W. C. ,V. Schliestett, T. O. P. 0„ vs. tho said unre- turned land for tho purpose of the State und county tnxcfl for tho y?ur 189Q. Also, at the same timo and place and in the manner above described, will, bo sold lot of land No. 378, situate, ‘lying und being in the 18th Dist. und 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on os imrnturned lund under und by virtue of u tax ti. fu. - issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T.“ C. IV OT, vs. the said unre- turned land for thc .purposo of the State und OQUlity taxes for the years 1800, 1893, 1894, 1890 and 1900.. Also, at the same' time aud place and In tlie manner aboyo described, will be sold lot of land No. 387, situate, lying and being in the 18th Dist. und -3d See. of Polk County, Ga,, levied on us unreturned land under and by virtuo of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. SchlicRtctt, T. C. P. O., vs. the said unre turned laud for tho purpose of the titato aud .county tarfes for tho years 1897, 1898 and 1899. Also, at tho same timo and pluco and iu tho manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 414,* situate, lying and being in tho 18th Dist. nnd 3d See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on ns unreturned land under and by virtuo of u tax 11. fu. issued by W. C. V. Schliestett, T.-C*. P. C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State nnd county taxes for the years. 1801, 1894, 1895, 1800, 1897, 1899 and 1000. Also, nt the came thrio and place and In the mnnner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 424, situate, lying and being, in the 18th Dist, and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Gn., levied on as unreturned land, under und hy virtue of u tax fl. fa. issued hy W, C. V, S. Illiciti-it. T. (’. P. C., vs. tho said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the year 1800. Also, nt the same time and place and in tho manner above described, ’will tie sold lot of lund Nq 425, situate, lying and being in the 18th .Dist. ,and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Gn„ levied on as unreturned land under and by virtuo of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. C„ vs. tho said unre turned land for the purpose of tho State und. county tuxes for the yearn 1800. Also, at the snmo time aud place and in the manner ubove described, will be sold lot of land No. 429, situate, lying and being in tho 18th Dint, and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga„ levied on , as unreturned land under nnd by virtue of n tnx fl. fa. issued by W. U. V, flchliestctt, T. C. P. 6., vs. tho said unro- turned, land for the purpose of the State and couaty taxes for the years 1800, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1803, 1899 and 1900. Also, nt the same time and place and ln tho manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 432, situate, lying and being in tho 18th Dist, and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on us unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by \V. O. V. Schliestett, T. C. . P. O.. vs. the said unre turned lnnd for the purpose of tlie State and county taxes for the years 1897 and 1898. Also, nt the saipo time-and place and in the manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 431,; situate, lying and being in the 18tli Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Gn., 1 * .levied on as unreturned land under and' by virtuo of u tax 11. fa. issued by, W. C. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vs! the said unre turned land for the purpose-of tho State and county taxes for tho years 1897 nnd 1893. Also, at the same time and place and in the manner ubove described, will be sold lot of land No. 481, situate, lying nnd being in the IStli Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Oa., levied on ns unreturned land under und by virtue of u tax fl. fa. issued by W. C.‘ V. Schliestett, T.-C. P. C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1890, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1S97, 1898, 1899 and 1009. Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 482. sttuato, lying and being in the 18th Dist. and 3d Sec. of-Poll: County, Oa., 3.tjfiPft‘ . . . .HHjRPI,- virtue of a tax fl. - fa. Issued by W. C. 'V. Schliestett, T. C. P. C., vs. the said unre* turned land for the purpose of the Stale and county taxes for the year 1899. ' Also, at the same time and place and in the manner jibovc described, will be sold lot of land No. 488, situate, lying -and being in the 18th Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tux fl. fa. issued by W. C. * V. Schliestett, T., C. P. C., vs. the Bald unre turned laud for the purpose, of the State and county tuxes for the years 1899, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1897 and 1898. Also, ut the same time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 489, situate, lying and being in tho 18th Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on ns unreturned land under and ,by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. Schliestett, T. O. P. O., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the $«ir 1890. 1897 and 1898. ■Also, a£ the same timp nnd place and In the manner above described, will be sold lot ot land No. 495, situate, lying and being In the 18th Dist. and 3d 8ec. of Polk County, Ga., levied op as unreturned land under and by •virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. C„ vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of Jlie .State and coujlty taxes .for the year 1890 and 1891. 'Also, atf the" - same wine' and place and fn the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 509, situate, lying and being in the 18th,Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., lovied. on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. the said unre turned laud far the purpose of the State and li> V • ‘ i I- • 1 .tin -v r . 1' ’•• 1 ,1 '' Afso, n't "the same lime anil-place And-in the manner above described, will bo Bold lot of land No. 521, situate, lying and being in the 18th Dist. und 3d See. of Polk County, Ga., .Schliestett, T. O. P. C., vs. the said turned land for the purpose of tho State and county taxes for tho years 1S90, 1S91, 1892, 189:1 and 1900. Also, at tho name time and place and in the mnnner above described,Will be sold lot Of land No. 520, situate, lying nnd being lit tho 18th pist. nnd 3d Sec. of,Polk County, Gu., levied on us unreturned land under ami by virtuo of a tax fl. fa., l&sued by W. O. V. manner above described, will bu.sold lot of land No. 629, situate, lying nnd being in the 18th Dist, und 3d See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on us unreturned land under and by virtue of a tux fl, fa, Issued by W, O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. the suid unre turned land ior the purpose of the State and county taxes for tho years 1895, 1807, 1898, 1899 und 1Q00. Also, at the same time nnd place nnd ln the manner above described, will bo Bold lot of land No. 653, situate lying and' being in the 18th Dist. und 3d Sec. of Polk Cdunty, Gn., levied on ns unreturned land under und by virtues of u tax fl. fa. issued by W. ‘ O. 1 V. Schliestett, T. O. P. C., v«. the said unre turned land for tho purposo of tho Stnto und county, taxes for the years 1897, 1893 and 1900. Also,•'at tho same timo and plnco and in tho manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 657, situate, lying ntul being in tho 18th Dist. and 3d See, of Polk County, Ga., levied on us unreturned land under ami by virtuo of, a tax fl. fa. iasued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. O. P. O., vs. the said unro- turned land for tho purpose, of tho State and county tnxes for tho yours 1899, 1893, 1894, 1896, 1897, 1898 and 1899. Also, ut tho same timo and place nnd in the mnnner abovo described, will be sold lot of land |No. 669, situate, lying and being (n the 18th Dist. und 8d Sec. of Polk County, Go., levied oh ns uureturnod land under and by virtuo of u tax fl. *fu. Issued by W. C. V. Seliliestctt, T. C. P. O., vs. the Enid unre turned lnnd for the purpose of tho State und coui.ity tuxes, for tho years. 18Q7 nnd 1900. Also, at tho name timo nnd place nnd in tho manner above described, will bo sold lot of lnnd * No. 590, situate, lying und being in tho 18th Dist. and 3d Seo. of Polk County, Go., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtuo of a tax 11. fa. issued by W. O. V. Seliliestctt, T. O. P. O., vs. the Enid unre turned lund for the purpose of the Stnto aud county taxes for tho years 1800, 1801, 1802, 1893, 1894, 1895 i J800, ISOS, 1690 und K>00. Also, at tho same timo and place nnd in the manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 600, situate, lying nud being In the 18th.Dist, und 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. 0. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. the Bald unre turned land for tho purpose ot the Stnto and county taxes for tho years' 1800, '1891, 1892, 1893, mnnner abovo described, will bo nold lot of land No. 025, situate, lying and being in the 18th Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Gu., lovied on as unreturned land under and by virtuo of a tax fl. fa. Issued by W. O, V. Seliliestctt, T. C, P. C„ vs. till! Mid unre- turned land for the purpose of the State, and county taxes for the years 1805, 1805, 1897, 1898, 1899 und 1000. Also, at tho Euino time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 020, 6ltualc, lying nnd being In tho 18th Dist., nnd 3d See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax il. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. 0., vs. t|ie Bald unro- levied on as unreturned land under and by virtuo of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. O.VP< C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of tho State and county tnxes for tho year- 1892. Also, nt tho same time and place nnd in the manner abovo described, will be sold lot of land No. 047, situate, lying and being in tho 18th Dist. und 3d Sec. of Polk County, On., levied on an uiireturnod land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fn. iflauod by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. O. P. O., vs. the snid unre turned land for tho purpose of tho State and county taxes Tor .tho years 1803, 1894, 1690, 1897, 1893, 1699 and 1M0. Also, at the samo time and plnco nnd in tho manner above described, will ho sold lot of land No. 040, situate, lying and being in tho 18th Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land undpr and by virtuo of a tax fl. fa. Issued by \V. 0. V. Schliestett, T. O. P. O., vs. (be finlcl unre turned land for tho purpose of the State nnd county taxes .for tho years 1891, 1805, 1890, 1897, 1898, 1800 and 1900. I "ATSo, a’t‘ the «ame time and place nnd 1h the manner abovo described, will bo sold lot of land No. 659, situate, lying and being In tho 18th Dist. and 3d 8cc. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned lund under and by virtuo of u tax fl. fa. Issued by W. O. V, Schliestett, T. C. P. C., V3. the eaid ‘unrd* turned land for tho purposo of tho State nnd county taxes for the years 1893, 1804, 1805, 1890, manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 072, situate, lying and being In tho lSth Dirt, and • 3d See, of poll: County, Ga., levied on as unreturned lnnd H .under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O, V. Sehllcstett, T. C. P. O., vs. the said unrfc- turned laud for the purpose of tlie State and county taxes for the years 1805, 1807, 1898 and 1890.' Also, ht the same time nnd place and In the manner hbovn described, will be sold lot of land No. 008, situate,, lying nnd being in tho 18th Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Oa., levied on as unreturned land undor and. by virtuo of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V.' Schliestett, T. C. P. C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purposo of the State and county taxes for the years 1891, 1892, 1603, 1899 and 1900. Also, at the same time-and place and In the manner abovo described, will be sold lot of laud No. 703, situate, lying and being In the 18th--Dist. and 3d See,, of- Polk County,' Oa., levied on as unreturned, land under and by .virtue of a tax (1. fa.. Issued by W. C. V. Schliestett, T. C.. P.. C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for ■ the years 1894, 1895 and 1899. Also, nt tho same ‘timo and place'and In the mnnner above described, will bo sold lot of land .No. 704,, situate, lying and being - in the 18th Dist. and‘3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtuo of a tax fl. fa. issued by \V. O. V. Sehllcstett, T. C. P. O., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the Stale aud -county tnxes for the years 1899 and 1900. Also,’ nt the same timo and place and in tho manner abovo described, will bo sold lot of land No. 730, situate, lying und being in the 16th Dist. and &d Bee. o( Polk County, Gn., levied ou as unreturned land under and b^ virtue of u tax fl, la. isaued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. C.. P. C., vb. the said unre turned land for tlie purpose of the Statu and county taxes for tho -year 1894. Alsu, at the same time and place and In tlie manner above described, will be Bold lot of land No. 742, -flltunte, lying ,and Imping in the i8tli Dirt, and 3d See. of Polk County, Go., 'levied on as unreturned land under and by virtuo . of a taf 11. fa. issued by W. C, V. Schliestett, T. C. P. C., va. the Bald unre tunicd land for the purpose of the Htate and ■ county taxes for the years 1890, 1892, 1893, 1891, 1895, 1890, 1897, 1898, 1899 and 1900. * Also, at the same time and place nnd In the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 743, situate, lying and being in the 18th Dist. and 8d Sec. of Polk • County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under ’ and by virtue of a tax fl. fa.. issued; by \V. O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. VO., vo. the «ald unre turned land for the purpose of the State and . county taxes for the years 1891, 189x, 1895, 189,, 1898. 1899 and 1900. . / Also, at the same time and place and In Cue manner above described, will be Bold lot of land No. 772, situate, lying and being in the 18th Dist-and 3d Sec. of Polk-County, Ga., levied on us unreturned land udder and by virtue of a trtx fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schllertett, T. a P. C„ rs. tlie said unre- turned land for the purpose of the State nnd county taxes for the years 1898, 1894 nnd 1000. Also, at . the same time and place and in the manner nbove described, will be sold lot of land No. 773, situate, lying nnd being In the 1811* Dist. ipul 8ttc - ot l *°lk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fh fu. Issued by W. C. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. C., vs. the said Also, at,the*Bathe time niid plncc nnd In the manner above described, will be sold lot of ;land No. 802, situate, lying nnd being in the 18th Dist. nud 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied - on as unreturned land under and by virtue ot a tux (l. (a. issued by \V\ O. \. Schliestett, T. O. P. O., vs. tho said unre* turned land for the purpose of tho Stale nnd county tnxes for the year 1893. , Also, at the same time nnd plaeo and Irt tl)V manner above dcocribed, will be sold lot ot land No. 80S, situate, lying nnd being In tho IStli Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Gn., lftvlcd oil as unreturned lnnd under uml by virtue of a tax fl. fn. Issued by W. O. V, Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. (lie said unre turned land for the purpose ot the Stnto nnd county taxes for tho year 1890, Also,' nt tl\o same time und plnee nnd In tlie manner above described, will be Bold lot of land 1*>. 809, situate, lying nud being in the 18th Dist. and 3d See. of Polk County, Ga;; levied on jis unreturned land under und by virtuo of a tax 11. fa. Issued by W. 0. V. Schliestett, T. O. P. C., vs. tho untd unre turned land for the purposo ot tho Stuto nnd county taxes for the years 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1896, 1890, 1897, 1898 nud 1S99. Also, at tho same timo nnd place and in the manner abovo described, will bo sold lot of land No. 814, situate, lying and being in tho 18th Dist, and 8d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on ns unreturned lnnd under nnd hy virtuo of a tax fl. fa. Issued by W. 0. V. Schllestolt, T. O. P. C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purposo of tho State and county tnxes for tho years 1890, 1691, 1802, 1803, 1894, 1805, 1897, 1898 and 1890. Also, at tho same timo nnd place and In tho manner above described, will bo sold lot of lnnd N«. 813, Bltunte, lying. nnd being In tho 18th Dist. nnd 3d Seo. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land. under and by virtuo of n tux fl. fa. Issued by W. O. V. SchlleHtott, T. C. P. C., vs. tho said unre turned land for the purposo of tho 8tntc and county taxes for the yearn 1800, 1691, 1892, •1895, 1807, 1898, 1809 and 1900. Also, nt the snmo timo and place and In the manner abovo described, will bo sold lot of land No. 801, situate, lying nnd being in tho 18th Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., lovied on ns unreturned lnnd under nnd by virtuo of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O,, vs. tho said unre turned land for tho purpose of tho State and county tn$es for tho years 1893 and 1894. Also, nt tho same time and plaoo and In the manner above described, will bo Bold lot nt land No. 880, situato, lying. nnd being In tho 18th Dist. nnd 3d See. of Polk County; Ga, levied on as unreturned lnnd under nnd by virtuo of n tax 11. fa. iasued by W, 0. V. Schliestett, 1\ O. P. O., va. the said unre turned land for tho purpose of tho State nnd county taxes for the years 1897, 1898 nud 1899, Also, at tho enme timo nnd plaoo and in tho manner abovo described, wlll .be sold lot ot lnnd No. 026, situate, lying and being In tho 18th Dist. nnd 3d See. of Polk County, Go., levied on ns unreturned land undor and by virtuo of a tax fl. fu. Issued by \V. Ci v. Schliestett, T. O. P. O., vs. tho saiil unre turned lnnd for tho purposo of the Stato and ceunty taxes for the year 1804. Also, at tho same timo and place and in the manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 027, situate, lying and being in tho 18th Dist. nnd 8d See. of Polk County, (la., levied ou as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fn. Issued by W, C. V, Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. tho said unre turned land for tho purposo ot the Stuto und county taxes for the year 1802. Also, at the same time "nnd plaoo nnd In the manner abovo described, will be sold' lot ot land No. 032, situate, • lying nnd being in the 18th Dist. and 8d See, of -Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under nml hy virtuo of a tax fl. fa. issued by W, O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. C., vs. the said turned land for ihe purpose of the Stato and county taxes for the year 1802. Also, nt the samo time nnd place and in ihe manner abovo^dcscribcd, will bo sold lot of laud No. 938, situate, lying and being In the 18th Dist. nnd 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under und hy virtuo of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. , Schliestett, T. O. P. C., vs. tho sold, unre- turned land for the purpose of tho 8tnto ntul county taxes for the years 1890, 180f, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1805, 1800, 1807, 1800 and 1900. Also, nt the same time and plnco nnd in the mnnner abovo doBcribed, will lie Bold lot of land No. 053, situato, lying and being iu tho 18th Dist, and 3d Sec, of Polk County, Gn,, lovied on as unreturned land under und by virtue of a tax 11. fn. issued by \V. O. V- Schllestolt, T. C. P." O., vs, the snid unre- turned land for tho purpose, of the Mate nnd county taxca f«r tho years 1890 nnd 1897. Also, at tho oaino timo and place and in tho manner abovo described, will bo sold lot of land No. 054, ul.tuute, lying aud being In tho 18th Dist. and 3d dec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on us unreturned laud undor uml by virtue of a tux 11. fa. issued by W. C. V, SohllOBtett, T. C. P. C;, vs. tho said unre- turnod Jimd for tha. purposo of tho Htule und county taxes for tho years 1890 and 1897. Also, at tho samo time nnd place nnd in tlie manner abovo dcHormed, will bo sold lot of land No. 965, situate, lying and being in tho 18th Dist. und 3d ijec. ot Polk County, On., levied on ns imroturnod land under uml by virtuo of a tux fl. hi. issued by W. O. V. Sohliertctt, T. 0t P. CY, vs. tho said unre- turned land for tho purpose of tho Htate and county tnxes fur tho years 1800, 1801, 1892 1893, 1804, 1895, 1897, 1890 und 1900, Also, at tho same timo and plnco and in tho munner abovo detforJbcd, will bo sold lot of lund No. 950, situate, lying and' being In tlu» 18th DIM. and 3d Hoc. of Polk County, Gn., levied on ns unreturned land under und - by virtue of a tax II. fa. losucd by W. C. V. Hohliestctt, T. C. P. C„ vs. tho Bald unre, turned land far tho purnose of the .Stale uml county taxes for the your 18(45. Also, at Iho same timo and plnco and in the manner above described, will he sold lot of land No. '957, situate, lying and being In this 18th Dist. and 3d See. of Polk County, Gu., levied.'on as unreturned land under and by virtuo of a taxyfl. fa. lamed-by \V. O. ,V.? Bchllcstett, T. 0. P. O,; vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the Hints anu county taxes for tho years 1891, 1807, 1898, 1899 • timo and place nnd in the and 1900. ; Aleo.’ iit the F . manner above described, will be oold lot of land No. 058, situate, lying and being in the IStli Dist, and 3d Hcc. of Polk County, Ou., Wvled on us unreturned land under and by virtuo of a tax fl. (a. issued by W. O. V, Schllertett,MY O. P; 0„ vs. tho said unre- turned land for tho purpose of the Blato and county taxes for the yeur of 1897. Also, at tlie k-amo timo and place and in the levied on as unreturned land under nnd by virtuo of a tax fi. fa. iosued by \V. O. V. Schllertett, VC, P. 0., vs. the Bald unre turned land for Iho purpose of-the Stato und county taxes for the years 1898 and 1900. Also, at the same time and place and iu the mnnner ubove described, will be sold lot ot land No. 1021, situate, lying and being in the 18th Dist. and 3u See. of Polk County, Gu., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued- by \V. C. V. Sehllcstett, T. O. P. C., vs. tlie said unre turned land for the purpose of the State, aud county taxes for the years 1892 and 1893. Also, ut the name timo and place and in the manner above described, will bo eold lot of land No. 1002, situate, lying and being in the 18th Dist. and 3d Bee. of Polk County, Gii., levied on as unretunicd land undor ami by virtue of a tax fl. fu. issued by \V. Q. V, Schliostett. T. C. P. C.. vb. tlie said unre-. turned Innd for the-purpose of the State und county taxes for the year J807. # ; Also, at the. rame time and place and in tin* manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 1095, situate, lying and being in the IStli Diet, arid 3d Sec, of Polk County. Ga., levied on uh unreturned land under and by virtuo of a tax fl. fu. issued by MY G*. V. Bchllcstett, T. C. V; CY; vs. the said unre turned land for tho purpose of the State apd county taxes for the year 1891. , AIeo, at the samo time nud ’place and in tho manner above described, will lie sold lot of laud No. 1135, situate, lying and huing iu tho 18th Dist. and 3d See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned laud under and bv virtuo of a tax fl. fa. issued by MY C. V. Semiestelt, T. O. P. C„ va. the said unre turned land for tlio ‘purpose ot tho State and county taxes for the. year 1898. Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will .be sold lot of land No. liiftf, situate, lying and being in the 18tli Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Oa., levied on as unreturned land under knd by virtuo of a tax fl. fa. issued by MY O., V. Schliestett, T. O. P. C., vs. the said unre- turned land for tlie purpose of the State and county taxes for tho years 1690, 1895, 1890, 1897, 1898, 1899 and 1900. Also, at the samo time and place nnd in tho manner nboVe described, will bo sold lot of land No. 1138, situate, lying and being, in. the 18th Dist. and 3d See. of Polk Cdunty, Ca„ .levied on as unreturned land under and by •virtue of,a tax fl. la. issued by MY O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. tho said unre turned lnnd for the purpose of the . State and 'county taxes for the years 1595, 1890, 1807, 1808, jra rr.'l 1109, situate, lying and being in tho 18th Dial, nml 3d See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on ns unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. Issued by MY O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. a, vs. the said unre turned land, fori t lie purpose of tho State and county taxes for tho year 1891. Also, at tho same timo nnd plare and In tho manner nbove described, will be sold lot of land No. 1211, situate, lying nnd being in the 18th Dist. and 3d Sec. of • Polk County, Gu., levied on iih unreturned land under and by virtue of a 1 tnx fl. fa. issued by MY GY V, Seliliestctt. T. O. P. O., va. the snid unre turned land for the purpose of tho State nnd county taxea for tho yearn 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, manner above described,'will bo sold lot of lnnd No. 1220, situate, lying and being iu - til# 18th Dirt, and 3d Sco. of Polk County, Gar, levied on us unreturned land undor and by virtuo of a ■ tax 11. fa. 1 isaued by ,W. O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. C., vs. the Bald unre turned land for tho purpose of the Stato nnd county tuxes for the ycura 1890, 1801, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1890, 1897, 1808, 1890 and 11X10. Also, ut tho same timo and plaice and in tho manner above described, will be sold lot of. land No. 1227, situato, lying nnd being in tho 18th Dist. nud 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on ns unreturned land' under ami by virtuo of n tax fl. fa. isaued by MY O. V, BelliioRtett, T. O. 1Y O., vs. tho Bald unre turned lnnd for tho purpose of tho State nnd county taxes for tho year 1895. , Also, at tlie name timo. nud place nnd in the manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 1231, situate, lying and being in tho loth Dist. and 3d Bee. of Polk County, Ga., levied on nB unreturned land under nml by virtuo of a tax 11. fa. issued by W. G. y» Schliestett, T. C. P, C., va. tho said unre turned land for tho purposo of tho Stato and county taxes for the yeara lflOO, 1891, 1892 and 1893. Also, nt tho snmo time and plnco and in t.ho mnnner abovo described, will bo sold lot nt lnnd iNo. 1285, situate, lying and being in tho 16th Dist. and 3d See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under nnd by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by MY C.‘ V. Rchliestclt, T. C. 1‘. 0., vs. the snid manner above described, will bo Bold lot of land No. 1204, situate, yling und being In tho 18th IJlst. and 8d Bee. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land undor and by virtuo of u tax fl. fa. issued by MY G, V. BcliUoslott, T. O. P. O., va. tho Bald unre- turned laud for tho purposo .of tho State and county taxes for. tho years 1800, 1891, 1892, 1S9T and 1808. Also, at tho same time and place and ln the manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 1295, situate, lying and being in the 18th Dist. and 8d< See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on . unroturned land . under nnd hy virtue of a lax II. fa. issilcd by MY ,C. V. SclilicRtctt, T. .C. P. O., vs., tho said unre turned laud for tho purposo qt ihe Stale and county taxes for tho year 1802. Also, at tho came time and place and 1n the manner above described, will bo sold lot of lnnd No. 1203, situate, lying and being in the 18th Dist. and 3d Sco. of Polk County, Ga.', luvled on as unroturned land,;undor and by virtue of a tax, fl. fa. issued by. MY C. V. Seliliestctt, T. C. P. C., vb. . the uald unre turned laud for the purpose of tho State and county taxes for .the year 1692. . .V.'so, n;. rue same timo and plaoo and In the mnnner above described, will bo8old : ]ot of land No, ifljet^lH^^ahd!, .HR.- r . _„ levied,,on nu unretunicd land under and by virtue of 'a tax fl. fa. iBaucd by W. O. V. Sehllcstett, T. C. P. O., vs. tho: said unre- lurned land for tho purpose of tho -Btato and county taxes for tlio year 189(1. •.- - •Also, nt the Bamo thpo and place and in tho manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 11, situate, lying and being in tlio 21st Dist, and 3d 8ec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on ns unrctunied land under and by virtuo of a tax fl. fu. issued by W.„ O. V. Bchllcstett, T. 0. P. C., vb. the said unre turned land for. the purposo of tho Btato and county taxon for tho year 1890, Also, at tlie snmo timo and place and in tho manner ubove described, will'he sold lot of land No. 18, silunte, lying and, being in tho 21st Dist. and 8d Bee. of Polk County, Qa., levied on us unreturned land under nnd hy xirtue of a tax fl. la. Issued by MY C. V. Hohliestctt. T, C. P. O., vs. tlio said unre turned land for,tho purpose of the Btato and comity taxes for the year 1804. AIbo, nt .tlio Baino time and place and In^tho munner ubove described, will bo sold lot of land No. 30, situnte, lying and being in tho 21st Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County,. Ga., levied on iib unreturned land under and by virtuo of a tax fl. fu. issued hy W. C. V. HchUcstott, T. O. P. C„ va. the said unre- turned land for the purpose of the Stato and county taxes for tho years 1894, 1895, 1897 and 1893. Also, at tlio same timq ami place and in the maunor above described,,wljl be sold.lot of land No. 23, situate, lying and beta's-in the 2Ut Dist. and. 3d Hoc. of Polk :County, Ga.,- levied oh as unreturned land under nml by virtue of a tax il.. fai iBsued by MY O. V. Schllestolt, T. O. P. O.,’ vb. tjio said'Unre turned lurid for tho purposo of tho State and county tuxes for Iho yenrs 1802, 1S93, 1894 1895,. 1897, 1898, 1899 nnd 10(i0. Alco, nt the samo timo nnd place and In tho mnuner above described, will' bo Bold lot of land No. 24, Bituate, lying and bring iri Uic 21st, Diet, and 8d Bee. of Polk County, Ga., levied pti as unreturned land under and by virtuo of u tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. AY BchlleKlott, T. C. P, C,, vs, tho Bald unre turned. laud (or tlio purposo of tho State and , county tnxea for tlio year 1894. . A,so, at the same limp nnd place nnd In tho munner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 61, Bituate, lying and bring in the 21st Dirt, and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on ns unreturned land under and hy virtue of a tax ft'.' fa. issued by MY C. V. BellileKtelt, T. ,GY P. O., vs. the said unre turned land for the purposo of the State and county taxes for the years 1896, 1890, 1897 and 1898. ' Alap, nt the some tlnie and place and in tho manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 63, situate, ylflig and bring in • the 21 ot Dist. und 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levird op as unreturned land under aud by virtue of a tax 11. fa. issued by IV. O. V. Sclilicfltett, T. 0. Fi • C,, vs., tlie said unre turned lund[ foy the purpose of the State and' county taxes for tho years 1800 and 1898. , Also, at the same time nnd place and In the munner above described, will bo Hold lot of lund No. '64, situate, lying and bring in the 21st Dist. nnd 3d Sec. ef Polk County, Ga., levied on ns unreturned land under and by* virtue of n tux fl. fa. issued by ;W. O. V. Sehllcstett, T. O. P. C., va. the said unre turned land for tho purpose of the Stato and county taxes for the years 1809 and 1000. 4Jso, at the same time and place and In the levied on as unreturned land under anrl hy virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by MY O.. V. Scbllefltett, T. C. P. C.; vs. the Bald unre turned land for the purpose of the Stato nnd county taxes for tlio years 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894. 1896, 1897 and 1898. •Also, at the Baino time and placo and In tho manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 67, Bituate, lying and bring in tlio 21st DJst. and 3d Boo. of Polk County, Ga,, levied On ns unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by \V. O. V. Sclillentelt, T. O. Pi C., vb. tho ijaid unre- turned land for ,tho. purpose of tlio ‘State and- county taxes for tlio years 1890, 1891, 1892, 1803, 1894. 1895, 1897 and 1893. , Also, at the jinmn time and place and in tho manner abovo described, wJll.bc sold lot of land No. 05, situate, lying. and. bring in tho 21et Dirt, and 3d Bee. of polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned. land under and by turned tynd for tho purpose of the State und county tkses for the year 1802. . Also, ot the samo time und place and in tlio manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 66, Bituate, lying and bring in tho 21st Dist. nnd 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied: on as unreturned land under and hy virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by MY G« V. Schliestett, T. C. P. C., va. the iaid unre turned land for the purpose of the‘*$iite and county taxes for the years 1890 and 1891. Alco, at the samo time and place and in the manner above described, will bo sold lot of lnnd No. 83, situate, lying and ’ bring in the 21st Dist. and 3d Sec.- of Polk County, Gn., levied on ns unreturned land under nnd by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V; Schliestett, T. C. P. C., vs. tlie said unre- turned land for' the purpose of the State and county taxes for the year. 1894. Also, nt the same time and place and. in the mnnner above described, Will’he sold lot of land No 8f, situate, lying Und being in tlio 21st Dist. and 3d See. of Polk, County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land undor ami by virtue of a tax A. fa. issued by MY O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O., va. the said unre turned land for the purpose of tlio State and county laxea for the vparji lSflO and 1897. Also, iff lho same timo aim pitot and fn the manner ubove deacribed, win M sold lot of land No. 04, situatcr lying and being tn the 21st,Dist. nnd 3d Bee. of Polk tkmnty, Gu., levied on as imrcturiicd land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fn. issued by MY C). V. Belliiciitott,' T. C. I*. C.; vr. the mild unro- turned land for the purpose of the Slate and county taxes for Iho yearn 1801, 18U6, 1897 and 1S98. Also, nt tho name time and plaoo nnd in the mnimor nbove described, will no sold lot of himl No. 95, situate, lying uml being in the 21st Dist. uml M Bco. of Polk County, flu., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtuo of u tax II. fn. issued by W. O. V. * Sehllcstett, T. C. P. O., va. the said unre turned land for tho purpose of the State and county tuxes 'for the years 1894, 1895, 184N ami 1898. Also, at tho samo (hue and place nnd in tho manner above described, will be sold lot of laud No. 115, Bituate, lying and being in the 21at Dist. and 3d See. of .Polk County, Ou., levied on as unreturned land under und hy S O of a tax 11. fa. isaued by W. C. V. estett, T. C. P. 0., vs. the said unre turned land for tho purposo of tho Stato aud county taxes for the years 1S94 and 1896. Also, at. the snmo time and place nml fn the manner above described, will bo Held lot^ol land No. 118. Bituate. lying and being In Mia .nu. jio, niuiuic, lying anu ueing in (.lie 21st Dist.* and 3d Soc. of Polk County, Gu., lovied on as unreturned lnnd under ana by virtuo of a "tax fl. fa. issued by MY O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. the said unre turned land for tho purposo of tho Stato nnd county tnxes for tho years 1893, 1894 and 18X5. Also, nt tho same time nnd place nnd In the manner above described, will bo Bold lot o( land No. 120. Bituate, lying and being in 44m 21st Dipt, and 3d Sco. of Polk County, Gn., levied on as unroturned land under and by virtuo of a tax fl. fa. issued by MY O. V. Schliestett, T. U. P. 0., vs. the aaid uiire turnod land for tho purpose ot tho Btato and county taxes lor tho year 1897. Also, at the same time and place and in the mamier above described, will bo sold lot, of lnnd No. 120, sttuato, lying and bring .'in (Ho 21st Dist. and 3d Boo. of Polk County, Gu., levied on as unroturned land under and byv virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by ‘MY C. V.i Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. the eaid imre-l turned land for tlio purpose of tlio Stato amir county taxes for tho year 1894. Also, at tho samo time and place and in the* manner above described, will.,bo sold lot of !iimk{ No. 127, situate, lying and bring in th»J 21st Dist. and 3d Sco. of Polk County, fla.,i levied on as. unreturned land Under and by! virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. a T. Bchllcstett, T. C. P. 0., vb. tho Bald unre- turned land for tho purposo of tho Stato nml! county taxes for. the yea re 1801, 1899, 1897, 18U». nml 1900. Also, at the same, time nnd placo and in tho4« manner abovo dcflorlbcd, will bo Bold lot ot land! No. 120, situate, lying and bring in tin* 21st Jllst. and 'Sd Soc. of Polk County, Go.* levied on as unreturned land under und byf virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by Vf, O. V. Schllestott, T. C. ?. O., vs. tlio said unre- tumod Innd for, tho purpose of tho Stato amt: county Uxcs for the yearn 1800," 1891 1892, 1693: and 180*. Also, at tho same time and plnco and in thi*.- munner abovo described, will'be Bold lot ot land' No. 131, Bituate, lying and being iu th» 21st Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unrctunied lnnd under aud ,br 'virtue of a tnx fl. fa. ironed by Vv. O. V. Schliestett, T. O. P. 0., .vb. the said unre turned land for the purpose of tho State aud county taxes for tho ybare 1890 aud 1892. . Also, at the same time and, place and in tho manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 138, situato, lying and ' being in tho 21st Diet, and 3d Bco. of Polk County, Ga., lovied on ns unreturned land linder and < by virtuo of a tax fl. fa. issued by Vf. C. V. Schliestett, T. O. P. O., vs. tho said unre turned land for tho purpose of the Btato and county tnxes for the year 1894. Also, at the same time and placo.and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 139, Bituate, lying and bolng in tli« 21st Dist. .and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on aa imrqlurncd land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa., issued by Vf. O. V. Seliliestctt. T. C. P. 0., va. the said unre- turned land for tho purpose of tho Stoic and coqpty taxes for the year 1894.. *, at the Bamo time and pluco and In the manner ubovo described, will bo sold lot of land No. 163, Bituate, lying and bring in the 21st Diet, and 3d Sec, of Polk County, Gn., levied on as unreturned land’ under and by virtuo of a tax fl. fa. .Issued by W. O. V. SchlleHtott, T. O. P. O., vs. the said uiire turnod land for tho purpose qf tho State and county, taxes for tho year 1894. ‘ Also, at tho'samo tfmo and'plRCC- and In the manner abovo described, will ho sold lot of hind No. 182, Bituate, lying nnd being in the* 21st Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County', Oa.,. levied on as unreturned land under and by -Irlue of « tax fl. fa. issued by MY O. V. Schllestott, T. C. P. C„ va. tho said unre turned land for tho purposo of tho Btato and county taxes for the year 1898. Also, nt the same time nnd placo and fu tho manner nbove described, will bo sold lot of land 1 No. 189, situate, lying and being in the 21st.Diet, and 3d Sec. of. Polk County, Go., levied on ns unreturned land under and by virtue of‘a tax’d, fa. issued by W. O. Y. Schliestett, T. O. P. O., vs. tho said unre turned . bind for tlio purpose of the Stato and virtuo of a tax il. fa. Issued by MY (J. ▼. Schliestett, - T.' C. P. 0., vs. the mid urre- t limed land for tlio purposo. of (lie Shift* and 21st Dist. and 3d Soc. of Polk County, Qa., levied unreturned land under and lw virtue of a tax fi. fa. issued by MY O. V. • Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. the suid irnre- turne-l lund for the purpose of the Stoto and county taxos for the yeara 1899, 1801, anil MB.,., AIbo, af tho same time nnd place and in (fee manner above described,, will be sold lot of loud No. 210, situate, lying and lining iu tlio 21st Dist. and 3d See, of Polk County, On., levied on -as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tux 11. fa. issued by IV. (J, V. Scblieslett, T. C. P, C„ vs. tho uufd tuire- turned land for the purpose of tlie Htato and county taxes for the yearn 1890 and 1897. Also, ut the same timo and pluco und in the manner above described, will .be sold lot of lund No. 223, situate, lying and being in the 21st .Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Gn., Schliestett, T. C. P, C., vs. tho said ____ turned luml for the purpose of the State and' county taxes for the years 3890, 3891, 1892, 1893, 1896, 1697, 1898, 1809 and 1900. Also, at the same time and place and in tlie manner above described, .will bo sold lot of land 1 No. 224, Bituate, lying . and being in th» 21st Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga.^ manner'above described, will lie r.old lot of Ih«U. No. 225,. Hituatc, lying and being in the 21ct Dist. und 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under und by virtuo of a tax fl. fa. issued by MY O. Y. Sohliestett, T. O. P. O., vs. the said unre turned land for tho purpose of the Stato and county taxes for the. y.eurs.lSOfl nnd 1897. Also, nt tlie i i anu piaco i 21st Dist. and ,3d .Sec. of Polk County, Ga., county taxes for the yearB 1890 and 1897. No. 235, situate, lying ami being in the 21st Dist. and 3d See. of Polk County, Gu., levied on us unreturned land under und by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by VV. O. V. Bchllcstett, T. O. P. 0., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the Stato and county taxeB for the year 1890. ‘Also, iit tho smile time and plnee ami in'tho nianper above deecribrd, will be sold lot of land No. 240, situate, lying and being iu the 21st Dist. and 3d Sec, of Polk County, Gn., levied on us unreturned land under and by virtue of -a tax fi. fa. issued by W. C. V. Schllertett, T. C. P. O., vs. the mid unre- tiirhed land for the' purpose of the Stato and r tl.o vnflw IRfXV 1Sfl1. 1H9». 1891 couiiiy (axes for the years 1S90, 1891, 1892, 1891 and'1895. • ; Also, at tne mine tune ana place ana m tne manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 260, situnte, lying arid bring in the 21st Dirt, und 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on us unreturned land* under nnd by virtue of a tux 11. fu. issued by VV. C. \. Srldi.rtcU f T. (Y P. c., vs. tho said unre turned land for the purpose of the Stale am county taxes for the years 1S04, 1S95, 1897 and