The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, November 15, 1900, Image 12

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im SI; CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1000. Ain, at tW mum Him anil plaaa aad in tba Bumr shore described, will b« an Id )«t of land .to. Vti, situate, lylaf and being in tha Slat Dial, and 8d Her. of Polk Oraint/, Oa., Irvbrl mi aa unreturned land uarirr and by rirtue of a tai A. fa. launl by W. C. V. T. C. I*. O., n. tb* Mid unrt- turned land for tlia purpose of the HU4* and county Uui far the year* 1692, 1HU3, 1804, 1806 and life. AUo, at tk« Mia time and place and in tba Mflnrr abare dracribad, wUJ bft aold lot of land K*. t74, aftaate. lying and belug in fha ?.!af Diat. and M Boo. of Polk County, Oa., levied on as unreturned land under and by Wrtuc of a tax A. fa. taued by W. O. V. NehlWtett, T. a P. C.,.va. the auid unre- ’ (limed land far the pun*** nf the Blnte and < oontjMUxf* for (he years 1892, VM, 1804, 1880 jJls©, at the same time and place and in the nuumer above described, will ho sold lot of lund So. 270, situate. lying and being in the 71st Diet, and 8d Bee. of Polk County, Oa., levied on aa unreturned land under and by virtne of a tax 0. fa. i*ucd by W. C. V. Hchlleatett, T. C. P. C„ vs. the Mid unre- tunied land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the yens 1880, 1881, 1882, 1801 and 1886. Alan, at the name time and place and in the 21st Dint, und ad Hoc. of Polk County, Oa. levied on aa unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax A. fa. iaaued by W. C. V. Hchliestett, T. C. P. C. # va. the aatd unre- turned land for the purpoae of the Htate and county taxen for the year* 1804 and 1805. Alno, at the Mme time and place and in the manner above drncribed, will l>e aold lot of land No. 280, aituate, lying and being in the Slat. Dint, and 8d Bee. of Polk County, Oa., levied on oa unreturned land under und by virtue af a tax A. fa. tailed by W. C. V. Hchlieatctt, T. C. P. O., va. the nniil unre- tumid laud for the purpose of the State and county taxed for tha yaar 1H08. Alao, at the natna time and place and in the .manner above drncribed, will be aold lot of land No. 207, aituate, lying and being in the Slat Dial, and iid See. of Poik County, Oa., levied an na unreturned land under and by virtue *f a tax A. fa. iaaued by W. U. V. firhliestett, T. .0. P. C., va. the aald unre- turned land for the purpose of the State and (ounty taxee for the year* 1800, 1891, 1804, 1805 and 1807. Abo, at tlia aame time and place and in the manner above drncribed, will txj wild lot of land . No. 806, aituate, lying and being in the flat Plat, and 3d Sec. of Polk County, <la., levied on oa unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax A. fa. iaaued by W. C. V. Hchliestett, T. C. P. O., va. the aold unre- turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxee for the year 1600. An, at the aamc time and place and in the mtuner above deacribed, will be aold lot of land No» 107. aituate. lying and being in the llal Dial, aad 3d Sec. of Polk County, (la., levied on aa unreturned laud under and by virtue of a tax 0. fa. iaaued by W. O. V. HshltaSett, T. O. P. O., va. the aald unre* ■turned land for the. purpoae of the State and county taxr* for the year 1806. Also, At tho name tlmo nml pluco and in the manner nhovn donor! boil, will "bo Hold lot of land No. 310, Hituatu, lying and being in tho 2lHt distrlot and 3d aontion of Polk county, (la., lovlod on n» unroturnod land under and,by virtue of it tux 11. fi#. IhhuucI by W, <1. V. Hi'hlioHtutt, T. (5. P. (J,, vs. tho aald nnrotnrnud land for tho purpose of tho ntoto and county taxes for tho yearn 1890, 189'i, 1898, 1894 aud 1895. Alho, at the oanie time nnd plaee and in the niunner above deoerlhed, vrlll lie mild lot of land Na. 818. aituate, lying and being in the Slat Dint, and 3d Sec. of Polk County, (la., levied mi aa unreturned land under und by virtue of a tax A. fa. issued by W. a . y Hehllrstott, T. O. P. C., va. the atiid unre- turned hml for the purpoae of tho State and county taxes for tha yoara 1800 and 1802. Alan, at the Mine time aud piaca and in the manner above described, will bo aeld lot of land No. 822, aituate, lying and living in tho «let Diet, and Hd 8o£. of Polk County, Ga. ( •levied cn aa unreturned land under and by virtue a»f a tax tl. fa. Imued by W. O. V. Sdilieatelt, T. O. 1\ C., vh. tho aald unre turned land for the purpoae of the State and *imnty taxes for the yoara 1803, 1804, 1306 and i&n. Alao, lit the aamo time nnd place and In tho manner above deacribed, will bo aold lot of land No. 320. aituate, lying and being in tho Slat Diat and 3d See. of Polk (.’-ounty, (la., , levied on aa unreturned land under and by virtue of A tax U. fa. issued by W. O. V. KcliDestett, T. O. P. O., va. tho aaid unre- turned land for tho purpoao of the State und county tuxen for the year 18D0. Alan, at the umo time and place ami in the rtinmirr above deacribed, will lie aold lot of land No. 342, aituate, lying tmd being hi the 21»t Dial, and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Qo., . levied mi aa unreturned land under and by 'virtue *f a tax A. fa. issued by W, O, V, Nclilimtott, T. C. P. C., va. the aold unre- turned land for the purpoae of the State and county taxm for the year 1890. Abfo, itt tho same time anil place and iu the, manner above deacribed, will be wild lot o( land No. 357, Hltuute, lying and being in tho 21 *t Dial, und 3d Sec. of Polk County,. Qa., levied on an unreturned land under und by virtue of. a tax .0. fa. loaned'by W. G. V. txhlicntett, ■T. O. P. O., vs. the aald .unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county faxes for the jears 1894, 180(1, 1807 and 1808. Also, at the, some time and place and in tha manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 358. Hltuute. lying und being in the , Slat Dint, and 3d See, of Polk County,. Go., levied on an unreturned land under und by virtue of a tax A. fa. tailed by MV. G. ,Y. SchHestctt, T. O. P. O., rs. the Raid unre- turned inml for the purpose of tho State nnd county faxes for the years 1894, 1893, 1890, 1897 and 1833. Atao, at the same time nnd place nnd lu the manner ubovc described, will bo sold lot of land No. 3(15, aituate, lying and being in tho 21st Dint, und 8(1 Sec. of Polk County, Ga., • levied on um unreturned land under and .by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. Schllwtott, T. C. P. O., vs. tho nald unre turned land for tho purpose'of the State and cuonty taxca for the year 1893. Alio, at tho Kuno time and ploco nnd in the manner above described, will l»o aold lot of land No. 3 (Vi, situate; lying ami being in the 21st Dist. and 3d See. of Polk County, Ga„ , levied on n.s unreturned land under and by • virtue oi a tax A. fa. ismed by W. O. V. Sehlleatrtl, T. G. P. O., vs. the said unre turned land for the punmso of the State and county taxca for the years 1890, 1M1, 1802, ISM, 1801, 1S.I5. 16! Hi. 1S97. l!*9s, l.-J.i ami 1900. Also, at the samo time and place und in tho niasnrr above described, will be sold lot of land No. 390, situate, lying and being in the 21st Dial, and Sd Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on aa unreturned land under aud by. virtue of a tax ll. fa. Issued by W. O. Mr. Schllestctt, T. C. 1». a, vb, the said unre turned Innd for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1802, 1893, 1894, 1805, 18W, 1897 und 1898. AWo, at the Mine time and place and in the manner above deacribed, will bo aold lot of land No, 308, situate, lying and being in the 21*t Dist. and 3d See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on aa unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. iaaued by W. C. V. Schlicstctt, T. C. P. a, vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1890 and 1898. Also, at tho same time ami plate and in the manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 401, situate, lying and being in the 21st Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as UHrcturncd land under nnd by virtne of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. Schllrstett, T. C. P. O., va. the said unre turned land for tho purposp of tho State and county taxes for tho years 1895, 1800, 1897 and 1899. Also, at tho same time and place and In tho manner above deacribed, will be sold lot of land No. 408, situate, lying and being in tho 21et Dist. and Sd Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schlicstctt, T. C. P. a, vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of tho State and county Uxw for the.year 1S$>2. ‘ Also, It'tho *same time ami place and in tho manner above described, will be sold lot of bind No. 407, situate, lying and being in tho 21st Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. 0. V. Sciinestett, T. C. P. a, vs. the said Also, at the aame time and plaoe and in the manner above drarribed, will b« sold lot of Und fttfl, situate, lying and tolag in thn flat Dial, and Sd Bee. of Polk County, Oa., levied on aa anreturned Und under and by r of a tax fl. ft. Umied by W. G. V. Hchlleatett, T. G. P. O., va. the Mid unre ad land for the pwrpoM of the Htate and county taxca for the yrrnm 1866 and 1006. Also, at the Mm* time and place and in tka toner above deacribed,'will be sold lot of Und No. 644, situate, lying and being ia the flat Diet, tad Sd Sec. of Polk Gonnty, Ga., levied on u unreturned Und under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. Uaued by W. O. V. HrhtlestMt, T. C. T. O., vs. the Mid uare- turned land far tlia purpose of the State and county Ukm far the years 1801. 1892 sad 1000. AUo, at tbs mmm time and place and in the manner above described-, will be Bold lot of Und No. 608, aituate. lying and bekag im tba Xlrt Dist. and Sd Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on aa unreturned land under and by virtue of n tax A. fa. ineued by W. C. V. Schlicatetf, T. C. P. C., va. the said unre turned Und for the purpose of the Htate and county taxes for the yeara 1800, 1K01, 1602, 1803, 1804 vm) 1800. Alsu, ai'tlie same time ancT place and in the manner above drncrilud. will lie wild lot of land No. 676, situate, lying and being in tho Slat Dist. and 3d Her. of Polk County, Ga., levied on aa unreturned lurid under und by virtue of n tax fl. fa. loaned by W. O. V. Hehlicatclt, T. O. P. O.* vs. the Mid unro- turned land for the purpose • of the Htate and county taxes for the yeara 1890 and 1804. Alan, ut the same time nnd place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 570, aituate, lying and being in the 21at DUr. and 3d Bee. of Polk County, On., levied on ua unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fu. (tailed by W. C. V. SchlieaUtt; T. 0. I*. (A, vh. the said unre turned land for the purpose oI the State and county taxes for the years 1800, 1891, 1890 and 1897. Also, 'at the Mine time and place and in tho mariner above described, will be sold lot of Und No. 677, Hltuute, lying and being iu the 21 at Dial, and 3d Hoc. of Polk County, Ga., levied on aa unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. imued by W. G. V. Hchlleatett, T. O. P. 0., va. the aaid unre* tunied land for the purpose of the Slntc nml county tuxen for the yaara 1801, 1S92, 1804, 1890 . the time nd plnco and ia the 21at Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Gn,. levied on na timeturncd lurid under and by ▼IrttM of a tax fl. fa. issued by MV. 0. V. Hchliesteit, T. O. P. O., va. the said unro- turned Und for the-purpose of the Htate and county taxM for the years 1800. 1897, 1898, 1890 and 1900. Alao, at the same time and place and In the Klrt Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on aa unreturned Und under ami by virtue of it Ux fl. fa. loaned by MV. 0. V. Hchlieatctt, T. a P. 0., va. tho said unre- turned land fer tha ‘purroae of the Slate and county ||ix ft f<r the yaara 1800, 1601, 1892, 1694, 1896, IB*’ . ■ ■. 10W. Alao, ; ?4rr. i time and place and in tho munner r.i.^Vc dvbribed, will be sold lot of land No. Ct'.', fljl'j. ', lying and being In the Slit ph-% end - l Bjc. of Polk County, Oa., levied c:i CJ v: rrturnjtd Und under ahd l»y virtue m' a it. fa. isaued by MV. N 0. v. Schlies if T. . \\ C„ va. tile 1894, 189:., ; Afao, at tha i 21at Dw. and 3d 8ec. of Po 11 . County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under nml bv virtue of • tax A. fa. issiied by M\\ O. V. Kctdicstett, T. O. P. O., va. Die said unre turned land for the purpose of, the Htate and county taxes for the yearn 1605 and 1900. Also, at the same time And plnco and in the manner above deacrihed, will bo sold lot of land No. 042, situate, lying and being lu the 2Ut Dint, and 3d See. of Polk County, Go., levied on aa unreturned Und under and by virtue of a tax A. fa. issued by MV. O, V. Bchliestett, T. O. P. O., vs. tin* aaid unre turned land for the purpose of the State and •ounty taxes for tho yenrj 1803, 1697, 1898, 1800 manner above deacribed, will be sold lot of land No. 040, aituate, lying and bring in the 21at Diat. and 3d See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on aa unreturned Und under and by virtue of n tax fl. fn. Issued by MV. O. V. hchlleatett. T. C. P. O., vs. tho said unre-- turned* land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1894, 1895, 1307, 1898 und 1809. Also, at tho same time nnd plnrc and in tho manner ubovc described, will t>e sold lot of land No. (150, aituate, lying and being in tho 21st Dint, and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on ns unreturned land under and by virtue of a - tax fl. fa. issued by MV. O. V. Bchliestett, T. O. P. O., vs. the said unre turned land for tho purposo of the State aud county taxes for the years 1891, 1802, 1803, 1004, 1896, 1800, 1807 nml 1898; Alsu, at the same time and place nnd in tha manner above described, will be sold lot of land No, G51, sltnato, lying and being in the 21nt Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Os., levied on as unreturned land under uml by virtue of u tax 11. fa. imued by MV. O. V. Bchliestett, T. O. P. O., va. the said unra- turned land for tho purpose of the State nnd county tuxes for the years 1895, 1860 and 1897. Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, vrlll be sold lot of land No. 055, aituate, lying and being in the Slat Dist. and 3d See. of Polk County, 0a., levied on us unreturned land under and by vlrtuo of a lax fl. fa. issued by MV. G. V. Bchliestett, T. O. ('►. O., vs. the said unre turned' land for the purpose of tho State and county taxes for tho year 1894. Also, at the same time nml place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No.. (V»7, situate, lying and being In • the Slut Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, On., levied on as unreturned land under nnd by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by MV. C. V. Schlicatett, T. G. P. O., vh. tho said unre turned laud for tho purpose of the State and county taxes for tho years 1890 and 1897. Also, at the same time and pUca*atul in the manner above.described, will be sold lot of land No. C58, situate, lying nnd being in the 21st ,Dist. nnd Sd Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on ns unreturned land under and by Vlrtuo pf a tax fl. fa. issued by MV. 0. V. achliestett, .T. C. P. v.. vh. the said unre turned knd, for tho purpose of the State nnd county taxes for the years 1803, 1894, 1695, 1890 and 1897. Also, at .tho same time and place and in the manner above described, will .bo sold lot of land No. 682, situate, lying nml belhg In tho 21st Dist, aiid 3d See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned lund under and by virtue of a lax fl. fa. issued by MV. O. V. Bchliestett, T. C. P. O., .vs, the said unre turned land for the ,purposc of the State and county taxes for the years 1890, 1891, 1892, 1694, 18M nnd 1897. Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 635, situate, lying.' nnd being in s the £lst Dist. and 3d Sec.- of Polk County, Ga., levied on ns unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax 11. fa. Issued by MV. O. V. Schllestctt, T. C. P. O., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of .the Stato and county taxes for the years 1897 and 1899. Alao, at the same time and place and in the manner above deacribed, will be sold lot of land No. 6SC, situate, lying nnd being in the 21st Diat. nnd 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and bv virtue of a tax fl. fn. • issued by MV. C. X. Schlicatett, T. C. P. O,, vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State nnd county taxca for the years 1892, 1895 nnd 1890. Also, at the same Umo and place anil in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land . No. 707, situate, lying and being In the 21st Dial, and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by MV. C. V. Schllestctt, . T. C. P. C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1S91, 1892, 1S93, 1894, 1805, 1800, 1897, 1898, 1699 and 1000. Alao, at the same time and place and in tho manner above described, will be sold lot of land No, 687, situate, lying and being in the filst Dist. nnd 3d Sec. of Polk Co inty, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a. tax fl. fa. issued by MV. O. V. Schlicstctt, X- c. P. O., vs. the said unre turned land for the purposo of tho State and county taxes for the years 1890, 1891, 1S02, 1893, 18JM and 1&)5. . . . • Also, at the same flmo and place nrtd in the manner.obovc described, will be sold lot of land No. Too, situate, lying and being in the Slat Diat. nnd 3d See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on aa unreturned land under and by virtue of a t*x fl. fa. Issued by MV. a V. Schlicatett, T. C. P. C., vs. the said unre turned lahd for the purpose ot the State and county taxes for the yfar 1893. 9 * Alao, nt the aamc time and place and In the manner atwve drncribed, will be sold lot of Und No. 707, aituate, lying and being in the 21st Diat. and 3d Her. of Polk County, Oi., levied on as unreturned land under and br virtue of a tax 11. fa. issued by MV. C. V. Bchliestett, T. C. P. C., vs. the Mid unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county (axes for the year 1891. Alao, at the him time and place and In tha manner above described, will be Mild lot of land No. 700, aituate, lying and being in the 2Jat Dist. and 3d See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. isaued by MV. G. V. Hchlleatett, T. C. P. C., va. the Hid unre turned Und for the purpose of the H6ato and county taxes for the year 1806. Alao, at the same time and place and in the manner above deacribed, will be sold lot of land No. 817, aituate, lying and being in the 21at Diat. and 8d See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on an unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. iaaued by W. O. V. Hchlleatett, T. C. P. C., va. the said unre turned Und for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1897 and 1898. Alao, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will lie sold lot of Und No. 824. situate, lying and leing In the 21at Diet, and 3d See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on ns unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by MV. C. V. Hchliestett, T. O. P. C., vs. the aaid unre turned land for tha purpose of the State and county taxca for the years 1892 and 180S. Also, at the same time and (dace and in the manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 825, situate, lying and being in the 21it Diat. und 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on us unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by MV. C. V. Hchliestett, T. ,0. P. 0., vs. i the said unre turned land for-tho purposo pf the State and county (Axes for the years 18Q2,* 1893 and 1894. Also, pt the same time- nnd place and Jn the manner above described, will he sold lot of land Wo. 862, aituate, lying and being in the 21st Diat. und 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levic-d on os unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax. li. fa. issued by MV, C. V. Hchlleatett, T. C. P. C., vs. the said unre turned land for tho purpoae of the Btnte nnd county taxes for the years IM 1699 and 1900. Also, at the same time und place nnd in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 8C3, situate, lying and being in the 21st Diat. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga,, levied ofl oa unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. ineued by MV. C. V. Bchliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. the said unre turned lend for the purpose of the H(atc nnd county taxes for the years 1894, 1807, 1899 and Also, at tho sumo time and place and in the manner almve described, will lio sold lot of land No. 809, aituate, lying and being in the 21at Dial, and 3d See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. a V. Schlicstctt, T. C. P. O., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpoae of the Htate and county taxca for the year 1998. Alao, at the name time and place and in the manner above described, will be wild lot of land No. 898, aituate, lying and being in the 21st Dist. and 3d Hoc. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of • a tax 11. la. issued by MV. G. V. Hchliestett, T. O. P. 0., va. the Mid unre- d land for the purpoae of the Htate and county taxes for the years 1896, 1697, 1888, 1893 and 1900. Alao, at the aame time and place and in th« tnner ubove described, will bb sold lot of land No. 009, aituate. lying and liclng in the 21st Dist. and 3d Hoc. of Polk County,' Oa., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue *f a tax fl. fa. iaaued by MV. O. V. Hchliestett, T. O. P. O., va. the said unre- il land for th<f purpose of the 8late and for tho years 1800, 4801, 1802, 1803, rnasner above described, will be sold lot of land Np. (mw, aituate, lying and being in tho 21st Dist. and 3d Hoc, of Polk County, Ga., levied on ua unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by MV. G. V. Hchlleatett, T. C. I*. 0., va. the said unre turned land for tho purpose of the State and county taxes for tho years 1800, 1691, 1602, 1803, 1894, 1895, 1890, 1897, 1808, 1899 and 1000. Also, at the same time and place nnd in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. Oil, situate, lying and being in the 21st Diat. and 3d Hoc. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by MV. G. V, Hchliestett, T. C. 1*. O., va. the said unre turned land for the purpoae of the State and county taxes for the years 1S90, 1891. 1892, 1693, 1805, 1897 and 1898. , - Also, at the aamo time and place and In the manner above described, will be sold lot of lnnd No. 084, situate, lylug and being in tha 21st Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Gs., levied on us unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by MV. O. V. Hchliestett, T. C. 1*. C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for tho year 1691. Also, at tho samo time and place and in the mannrr above described, will bo aold lot of land- No. 1000, situate, lying and being in the 21st Dist,. nnd 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on ns unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fn. issued by MV. 0. V. Schlicstctt, T. O. P. O., va. tho said unre turned land for the purpose ot tho State* and county taxed for tho year 1030.« Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of Innd No. 1019,' situate, lying and being in the 21it Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on aa unreturned land under und by virtne ot a tax fl. fa. issued by MV. G. V. Schlicstctt, T. G. P. C., v*. the said unre turned land for tho purpose of the State nnd county taxes for the years 1S90, 1891, 1603 and 1894. Also, at tho same time and place and In the manner above described, will lie sold lot of land No. 1024, aituate, lying and being in the 21st Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga M levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by MV. O. V. 'Hchliestett, T. O. P. C., vs. tho said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxed for the years 1890, 1801, 18921 1803, 1804. 1895, 1690, 1397 and 1S9S. Also, at the saino time and p:acc and in the manner above described, will be Mild lot of land No. 1012, situate, lying and being lu tho 21st Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County* Qa., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a lax 11. fa. Issued by W. a V. Hchliestett, T. C. P. G., vh. the said unre turned land for tho purpose of tiie State and iunty taxes for tho years 1S99 and 1900. Ahki, at .the Banyj nine and plow and fx tho maimer above dcsoMbtd, win be sold lot ot loud b,°1 J5 63 * Mtuwte; lying and being in the 21st Diat. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under und by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by MV. C. V. Bchliestett, T, O. P. O., vs. the said unre- turned land for the purpose of the State nnd county taxes for the years 1890, 1892 and 1833. Also, at the same time aud place und in the planner above described, will ba 6o!d lot of Innd lying nnd being In the .1st* Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by MV. C. V. «l» It II rt .. Also, at the nnie time and p’arc and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land ■Kurt*. Jy In * «n<i b*ing in the 2lat Dist. and 3d Bee. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as. unreturned land under and bv virtue of a tax fl. fa. lamed by MV. C. V. Bchliestett, T. O. P. G\, vs. the Mid uare- ttimed land for the purpose of tbe Htate and county taxes for the year 1803. Also, at the Mme tinoe and place and in the manner above described, will tie sold lot of land Jw i 1 . 1 .??* ,l !. U *i e .’ J* in *. ,nd be,n * ln »*»• 2!rt Dist. end 3d Sec.- ef Polk County, Oa.. levied on as unretur~* J * - * * * * virtue of a tax fl. Bchliestett, T. C. - P. „. t ... .... UUIC , turned Und for the purpose of the State and comity taxes tor the years 1890, 1801, 1802, 1893. 1MM IHQft lOtMt lari’? ...I ’ ’ ’ ’ i 1 . 0 - >'™. Jjlnr Mid b.lnc In the tlit Dirt, and !td Sec. ,r Polk Count., O.., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax 41. fa. issued by W. C. • V. Scblleatett, T. C. P, C., vs. the Mid unre turned land for the flprpoee of the Htate and * 1890, 1891, 1802, 1803, county taxes for the 1804, 1695, 1800, 1837 and 1808, Also, it th- 6bOV0 described, will be r aojjj lot of land time and place and lu Hie No. 1171, aituate, lying and being .... 21*t DJst. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. Bchliestett, T. G. P. C., VS. the Mid unre- turned land for the purpose of the Htate and county taxes for the years 1800. 1891, 1892, 1893, 1694, 1695, 1800, 1897, 1608 and 1899. Also, at the same time and place and in the manner al>ove described, will be sold lot of laud No. 1210, situate, lying and being in the 21«t Dist. and' 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. i»ucd by MV. C. V. Schlicatett, T. C.‘ P. C., vs. the Mid unre turned land for tlui purpoae of the State and county taxes for the years 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1695, 1600, 1897, 1898, 1699 and 1000. Alao, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 1242, situate, lying and l*ing in the 21st Dist. ami 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on us unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. iwtrd by W. O. V. Schlicstctt, T. C. . P. O., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State nml county taxes for the years 1600, 1991, 1692, 1801, 1895, 180O t 1897, 1898, ;690 aryl 1900. Also, at the same time and place and m the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 1277, situate, lying and being in the 21st Dist. ami 3d See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on us unrrturnrd land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by MV. O. V. Bchliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. the Mid unre turned land for the purpose of the State und county taxes for the years 1805, 1890, 1807, 1803, 1899 and 1900. Also, at the same time sad place and in the manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 1278, situate, lying and being in the 21st Dist. ami 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unrefumed land under und by virtue of a tax fl. fa. iwued by MV. C. V. Schlicstctt, T. O. P. O., vs. the said unre turned laud for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the year 1893. Also, st the same time and place and in the manner above described, will be aold lot of land No. 1270, situate, lying and being iu the 2lHt Diat. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of h tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. Hchliestett, T. O. P. O., vs. the Mid unre turned land for'the purpose of the Htate and county tuxes for the years 1893 and- 1804. > Also, at the same time and place ami in the manner above deacribed, will be sold lot of land No. 1288, situate, lying and being in the 21st Dist. and 3d Bee. of Polk County, Ga., levied' on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a lax 11. fa. issued by MV. O. V. Schlicstctt, T. O. P. C., vs. tho said unre turned land for tho purpose of the State and county taxes for tho yearn 18M and 1897. Also, at Me same time and place and in the manner nbovn described, will be srld lot of land No. 1201, situate, lying and being in the 21at Diat. and 3d See. ot Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land undi*r and by ‘virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by MV. O. Mr. SchllMtctt, T. O. P. a, n. Dll! Mill unre- turned land for the purpose of the-Stato and county tuxeo for the year 1899. AUo, at tho same time and place and in the manner above described, will be nold Jot of land No. 1296, situate, lyinf* and being in the 21st Ditt. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under nnd by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by MV. O. Mr. Schllestctt, T. C. P.'C„ vj. the said unre turned Innd for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1890, 1891, 1892, 1S93, 1697, 1893, 1699 and 1900. AUo, ot tho same tlmo and place nnd in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 1300, situate, lying and being in. tho 21st Dist. and 3d See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned load under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by MV. O. V. Bchliestett,. T. O. P. Q., vs. the said unre- turiinl land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the year 1899. Also, at.the same time and place ana in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 13(11, situate, lying and being in the 21st l)lst. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Go., levied on n.s unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by MV. O. V. Schlicstctt, T. C. P. C., va. the said unre turned land for tho purpose of tho State and county taxes for the year 1800. The above sale of lots will continue from day to day until deposed of. This the 10th day of of October, 1000. T. O. HAGAN, Sheriff. JOHN li. HOGG, Deputy Sheriff. SrhlintcU, T. V. P. a. n. the uld ....... turned land for tho purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1S95 and 1800. Also, at the same time aiid place ana in the E“"" r . r „. : !. bov , ( -' wm *» *oW lot ol land }£¥’ '“I* 1 " 1 . MKl. bclnjf In tha -1st Dial, und ..d Sac. ol I’olk County, Qa., levied on aa unreturned land under and by vlrtuo o'. “ tax n. la. inroad by tV. O. V. Scldlostott, T. C. r. C„ va. tho aald unre turned land for tho purpoae ol tho State and county taxes for tho year ISO]. Also, at* tho same time aiid place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 1090, situate, lying and lK?ing in the 21st Dist. nnd 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by \V. C. V. Schllestctt, T. C. P. C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purposo of the State nnd county taxes for the years 1890. 1691, 1892, 1S93, 1S94. 1S95. 1237. 1893, 3,299 tzd M999. Also, at the same time nml piuce nnd in the manner above described, will be sold lot of Lind No. 1099, situate, lying and being in the 21st Dist. and Cd See. of Polk County, Ga.,, levied. on os unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. isaued by MV. 0. V. Schlicstctt, T. C. P. O., vs. tho said unre turned land for tho purpose of the State and couatv taxes for tho years 1S29 aad toon Also, at Clio Kune time auu place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 1125, situate, lj'ing and being in the 21st Dist. and Sd See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on 03 unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa., issued by MV. C. V. Schllestctt, T. C. P. C., vs. the said unre turned land for tho purpose of the State and county taxes for. tho year 1S99. a L th V a ™ and Pl a «Vn<i in the manncT above described, will be soUl*lot of land •M-V s „ Iy,n8r and bring in the -1st Dist. and 3U See. of Polk County, Ga.. °“ »» unreturned land under and by "rtne °* * tax fl. fa. issued by MV. C. V. 9' - P- - O., vs. ti] C Mid unre- land for the purpose of the State ahd 1S, °- 1S01 - im - The Tunic a New Fashion, Dressn):tl;era seem to lmve .ibiiriilon- oil tho plain and flnt form which has been so much lu favor during the Inst season. Tho tint skirt 1ms almost completely dlsnppcnred, to give plnco to tho tunic with sniull folds, which senrely Improves tho figure. "It Is tho revongo of thin women,” wns snhl to mo In a melancholy tone by n fnslilonnble I’nrlslenno who never misses 11 society gathering. You see mnny bright colored cloths nnd light velvets trimmed with fur. Tho suequo shaped Jacket, worn very long, still 1ms its followers for even ing and country, but flnt enpos, sup erposed one over flic other, have dls placed tho high-mounting capes. Felt lints nnd toqups are trimmed with furs or fruits and autumn leaves, In' pretty shades. Small muffs are mnde with roses, chrysanthemums, orchids nnd popples, to harmonize with tho shades of tho hats. Finally, colored stockings to match the dress or underskirts seem more popular than black stockings, the supremacy of which, after having been for so long undisputed, seems to bn menace)} at a not very distant date by the offensive return ot the white stocking, against which, how ever, the majority of fashionable la dles who have pretty feet, attached tc dainty ankles, protest.—Earls Corres pondence Now York Hondd. A Cheap Modo of Marketing. 'Feeding tho products on the farm Is tho cheapest modo of marketing tho bulky materials. A kuudrod dozens of eggs will bring more money j than a ton of hay, yet more ground will bo required to produce tho hay, to say of plowing, harrowing nnd seeding the land and mowing, curing, stacking and hauling tho hay. When corn is fed to pigs It will bring nonr- ly twice ns much as when sold by tho bushel. Nothing should be sold off the farm that can bo turned Into some thing morn valuable, or which can ho marketed In a . more. concentrated form. It Is transportation' charge? that largely reduce the profit. AGRICULTURAL I'm* ns m Food For Htock. Tho farmer* of Ontario, Cnimdn, Boom to have great faith In pea's ns nn Important crop to be grown an n feed for stock. BctMveen fifteen nml tMventy millions of bushels are raised annually In the ProviikitOe nnd the greater part of the crop is fed to live stock. It Is thought that much of the success which the Canadian farmers have obtained in preparing stock for the market has arisen from the lib eral use of pons iu the food rations. No doubt there is a profitable lesson In this for a great many American farmers.—New York' Weekly Witness. Summer Hhude For Blod. The accompanying illustration sIiomvs how to arrange a very conM*enient shel ter for sleds wbenf not in use. Mnko n hinged roof of light material, say three-fourths in boards, large enough to cover sled When lot doMvu. Ilinge this roof to an outbuilding about tbreo feet from tho ground. Fasten tMVo pieces of two by four to the ground for sled to rest on. If It is not possible or handy td BLED SHADE IN POSITION, fasten shelter to nn outbuilding, set two posts eight to ten feet apart, one post six feet high and the other three feet. Board up one side of tho posts to three feet from tJie ground nml at tach the hiuged roof. When sled Js In use the roof Is raised out of the way aud fastened to the six-foot post by a hook.—Orange Judd Farmer. Methods of n Mutton Maker. * Sheep require no expensive shelter.' A ilry place nml J protection from the force of-storms, nn opon'shefl with n roof that will turn tho ruin. Is nil that Is required Sheep will not lie down ln mud, nnd no matter how warm nnd commodious your barn, unless clonn nnd dry, they will seek n knoll or dry spot of, enrth, np nmttor how fierce tho Btorm. ' Confining them to luclos- ures Is less difficult than Is gonerully supposed. I never knew n sheep to nttempt jumping n burbed wire. It Is n common mlstnko. to build fences too high, nnd not low or close enough. I bollevo n flock of sheep thnt have' never been taught to climb or creep can ho successfully restrained with four barbed wires, properly strung nnd kept tdut. Their wool Is such n pro tection to them ngnlnst tho vlelous- uess of the hnrbs thnt when taught to creep, tho building of Impregnable fences becomes n necessity. Stagnant water Is tho host vehicle, for conveying the pnrasltes thnt Infest tho sheep. If you linvo not an abun dant supply of clear, pure,water, easy of access for sheep, do hot nttempt sheep raising. I-aw, marshy ot spouty laud Is uu abomination to tho llock- mnstcr. Hither drain the ponds or apply tho herd law nnd fence the sheep out. Slicop are great scaven gers and will clear your farm of weeds if you give them tlmo and opportunity, hut they will not thrive and Increase twofold mid pay your grocery bill four times n year on weeds, barbs and fence corners. Sheep, ns well ns other live stock, love a grenter variety of feed than they usually get; hut sheep especially arc fond of change nnd variety, even unto apparent fickleness. They adapt thcmsclvcB quickly to a change of con ditions, and no matter how luxurious tho pasture, they will leave It dally and frequently to nip sprouts nnd weeds.—H. If. Kirkpatrick, iu Now England Homestead. beam into a post so that It can work up or down aud hang n weight to 111# outer end of the beam. Tho hoop with the. curd In It should he turned or re versed every eight or ton hours. From eighteen to twenty-four hours Is gen erally long onoligh to press a cheese. Now comes tho curlug jioriod, which requires considerable enro nnd atten tion. The cheese when taken from the press should lie rubbed with lard and n bandage of new muslin' pinned loosely around It. The clioeso must be greased every dsy. Do not remove the baudngc, hut apply the grease on It. In from four to five weeks the cheese should ho ready for homo uso • or market. I.lghtse Shoe. For Horse*. The wear nnd tear on horseflesh makes quite nil Item on tho fnrm, anil anything that will reduce this friction for tho farmer shourd he welcomed. It has boon proven beyond dispute that tho average horso Is shod with too lienvy Bhoes, and If lighter ones were substituted tho animal could do more work with less weariness. Heavy shoes, have no particular ad vantage except for largo truck horses on stono roads whore shoes wear out quickly. Even In such cases It Is doubtful It too heavy'shoes prove of any value. Certainly for farm horses light shoes are much more satisfac tory. Tho effects of sudli a change are quite noticeable shortly after they arc put on, nnd In a yenr's tlmo tho extra araouut of work thnt Is obtained from n horse will more tlinn pay for tho shorter time that light shoes nuiy wear. The main object of the shoe Is to protect tho hoof, mid tho lighter It can ho made and Serve its purposo the hotter It Is for the horso. A good part of tho year horses on tho farm would bo bettor off without shoes, and they can do plowing nnd similar work In soft fields without ln any way In juring tho foot. In winter, when the ground is frozen, It Is-quite different, aud shoes seem necessary at these' times. A horse weighing 1100 pounds should generally bo shod wltli shoes not weighing more than twolvo to fif teen ounces each. If four ounces arc added to cnch shoe, tho total differ ence In the animal’s shoes is sixteen ounces. In plowing, cultivating, mow ing and reaping; a fnrm horso will walk from ton to twenty miles a day. If It takes about four feet each step the horso will lift half n pound extra on Its two feet or six hundred pounds In every mile. If wo mnko tho av erage day’s work fifteen miles, thn horse will lift 9000 pounda a day, or nearly five tons. The energy required to lift tills nmount Is wasted ami serves no useful purpose. If It eouhl ho expended In doing extra work that would pay, It would nearly pay the animal's keep. Leg weary horses are common on the fnrm, nnd leg weary horses are apt to break down In time nnd have crooked nnd ailing limbs. It Is not only n matter ot hu manity, hut one of profit to lighten the horse's burden nil wo can, and this Is one good way.—C. T. White, In Amer ican Cultivator. Milking an Open Milk 11*060", Tho wagon Is a short reach, side spring vehicle capable of handling 100 quarts In bottles or 200 quarts In cans. Tills body can ho made by any one handy with tools, nt homo, although l lmd a carriage maker Uulld tills one, .FLAX OF ran, WAQOJt. To Make Cliec.o nt Home. Some of tho most delicious cheese Is made In tho homes of modest farm ers. In New Englnnd It is no uncom mon sight to see a room filled .with shelves hearing a score of handsome cheeses. The ranking of cheese Is n very sim ple process and almost any one enn turn out a good article with little prac tice, writes J. M.'Smith, lu Field nnd Farm, I will give a method by which any one can make cheese successfully. Take evening's milk aud strain It Into some clean vessel nnd let It stand in a cool place until morning. Evening’s milk should ho wurriied to about nine ty-six degrees before ndding morn ing’s milk. A good way to warm It Is to set n pall of boiling water Into the milk. Prepare tho rennet by soak ing In one gallon of warm water for twenty-four hours before using. Add as much salt ns it will dissolve, strain, lot softie and It will ho ready for use. Use' n tahlespoonful for each three gallons of milk. If it Is much over half nn hour coming increase tho quan tity; if much less decrease It. As soon as It is well curdled take a. knife anil cut tho ?urd into blocks so that tho whey can escape. As soon as the whey Is mostly out of tho curd take a basket and place a doth lu It so as to receive tho curd. As the curd hardens con tinue to strain off tho whey. Chop the curd fine, add salt—one ounce to oneh five pounds of curd—and It Is ready for the press. v Put tho curd In a till hoop made like a peek measure with out bottom. It Is a good Idea to have two sizes, ns the amount of curd will differ at times. Almost any one with a few tools nnd n little Ingenuity can construct a press that will answer the purpose very well. A simple way is to mortise a as I wns too busy at the time to do it myself. Instead of a wagon box. tho foundation Is a bed similar to tile bed of a cart body, haif-lnch roil.* lioing used Instead of slats, ltods arc better than slnts for|the hod of a cart body. Here are tho specifications of the wagon body: Length, six feet; width, three feet. Three one nnd one-half bv two Inches by six feet ash sticks anil two, one nml ono-holf by two Inches by three feet ash sticks;' six rods, one-half Inch by three feet (scant, so ns not to come through the sides), anil two hnlf-Incli hoards, from the bed. Mortise sticks together,drive In rods nml stnplo hoards to roSs. In stead of a dashboard tho front Is built up solid twenty-nine inches high with half-inch hoards fastened to corner stakes mortised into tho bed twenty- two inches lmek from the front. An other stake twenty-nine Inches high is mortised Into hod, nnd five qluts, two Inches by nine-sixteenths, on each side eonneot tho side stakes. On top sixteen Inchon is tight board ed, rein holes go through »tho front close to the top, nml In tho centre un der tho top hoard Is a pigeon hole eight by seven by sixteen Inches, with n three anil onc-lialf-hieh strip acres* the bottom front. This is bnndy for mail, account hook, and other odds and ends. On each side is spneo for a forty-quart milk cau and room to- turn It over Into d dipping Can with out hitting the top. If no cans larger than thirties arc used a lower front would ilo. This front protects the cans from sun, dust, etc. * At tho hack the posts are fifteen inches high. The front post Is set thirty-two inches from rear end, leav ing an entrance eighteen Inches wide. Tho diagram will explain tho details of the back. Tho end board Is fif teen Inches high, slatted, hinged to drop down nnd closes with' catch® All the posts are strap-bolted to the bed, and the whole body is very firm- The seat can ho mnde stationary or movable as desired.—E." 0. Birgi, k» American Agriculturist. v