The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, November 15, 1900, Image 6

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, THE CEDARTOWN STANDARD TIOKDIT, IOTIIBE11!. 1101. A.KrKTOT71srCElvIE NTS - For City Clork. 1 hereby announce myself a cumli- doto for tlio olllco of City Clork, and aak your voUih, subjoin to tlio City Wlilto Primary. J. 0. Walk Kit, I hereby announce niyaolf a candidate for City Clork, aubjcct to the Wlilto Primary I)oo. 7th. Danik ItoiiKiirs. For Councilman 3d Ward, I lioroliy nnnounco myanlf a candl- date lor Counollinitn from the 3d Ward, aubjcct to the Wlilto Primary. If elected, I will endeavor to lalthfully aorvo the I uteri at* of the whole city. Tiros. J. Ovipi'iN. Fresh Celery tit Wood Co’s. Saratoga Chips at Wood Co’s. Canned Goods, all kinds, at Wood Co’s. Fresh Oysters overy Frltlny at Wood Co’s. Wanted—COO clean quart bottles. E. Bradford. Col. W. J. Harris is spending the week In Marietta. Mr. Titos. Morgan, of Rock mart, was hero Saturday. Mr. Thurmond Colbert wus at Stllesboro Monday. Dr. and Mrs. R. N. Spinks spent Tuesday at Rockrnnrt. Mr. Geo. D. Collins spent Tuesday In Atlanta on business. Sir. Halford Davis was among our Homo visitors Sunday. Hon. J. 0. Waddell, of Aragon, was In the city Friday. Mrs. G. W. Fentlierslon is homo from a visit in Atlunta. Applo Butter—a delicious edible— lor sale by Philpot A Co. Mrs. F. W. Homo returned Slon- day from a visit in Borne. Sliss Susie Mann is homo from a visit In Atlanta and Columbus. Sliss Lucy Ohambless spent a por tion of last weok in tlio Hill City. Fresh mince meat Just received at J. A. Adams; only 10 cents a pack age. Miss Willie Wood spent the latter part ol last week with friends at Aragon, Sliss Gusslo Houscal was the guest of Miss Julia Doan in Borne Hast weok. Mrs. E. B. Barber, of Rockmart, was In tlio city on business tho llrst of the week. Judge 0. G. Jones has been hold ing Paulding Suporlor Court at Dallas this wook. Sir. Honry Watts and brido, of Borne, spent Saturday with Mr. and Sirs. J. A. Darrell. ; Suits cleaned mid pressed in llnu stylo by E. Boyd, Slorchant Tailor, in rooms over storo of H. J. Domp- soy. Wo aro ngonts for the oil mills, and will exchange hulls nnd meal for your cottonseed. J. A. Adams. President J. E. Houscnl, of the Cedartown Oil Stills, went to Adairs- villo and Cnlhoun in tho Interests of that enterprise Friday. Sliss Hattlo Goodwin returned Monday Irom Antioch, where she had been the guest of Mrs. R, W. Everett for several days. Bliss Luckle Davis relumed Fri- dny from Buchanan, whero she spont a couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson. Fresh Kraut at Wood Co’s. Fresh clean Currants at Wood Co’s. Fresh seeded. Raisins at Wood Co's. Block Fond, all kinds, at Wood Co’s. Fresh Fish- every Saturday at Wood Co’s. Everyone knows that Wood Co. sells Life Hour. New crop canned California Fruits Just in at Wood Co’s.^ Col. W, W. Mundy spent the first of tho week In Dalton. Col. J. K. Davis was in Romo 'Monday on legal business. Good old-fashioned dried beef at Philpot & Co’s, grocery storo. Mrs. Chas. Van Wood returned Monday Irom a visit In Rome,. Any ono wanting good dry stoves wood, call on Dempsey & Vann. Col. W. K. Fielder was In Bu chanan yesterday on legal business. Tho Majestic Flour is the best on the market. Sold by Philpot A Co. Mr. Robert Lyman, of Randolph, N. Y., is tho guest of his friend, Mr. A. F. Gross. New Currants, Raisins, etc., for making your fruit cake, Just received at J. A. Adams. Mrs. ,T. N. Hardagu, of Rockrnnrt, spent a part of last week with Co- dnrtown relatives. y Clever Jim Bradford was down from Maryville, Tcnn., for a day or so with friends last weok. Mrs. Walter Tumor, of Rome, was here Blonduy to attend the funeral of hor cousin, Mrs. B. F. Sims. The Cedartown Compnny lias glvnn Sir. T. J. Gridin tho contract for two more now houses west ol tho creek. ' Call on me for ostlmnles on paint ing, decorating, paper-hanging, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. R. F. Haines. The reul ostato agonoyof Fielder A Blundy has sold to Mrs. W. SI. Cooper tho Northcutt placo on WIs- sah.Ickon avenue. Mr. SI. E. McCormick has pur chased through the real estate agency ol Sanders ADavIs tlio I,. SI. Bond lllnco on North Slain Btreet. Nows has been received hero of tho recent death of Mr. 0. E. Drew, who was for some time superintend ent of tho Wnhnetu Mills here. Mr. S. S. Evans Is having four neat cottages built on his Atlanta street property, west of tho creek. Sir. T. J. Gridin is tho contractor. Mr. H. SI. White, of BInriottn, has purchased through tlio real estate agency of Messrs. Fielder A Slundy tho 0. T. Moore place on Park street in Enstvlew. Mr. C. K. Henderson, Jr., who has been conducting a highly successful school at Eagle Cliff in Walker county, arrived hero Tuesday for tho holiday vacation. Tho muny Cedartown friends of Sir. nnd Sirs. N. K. Bitting, of Summerville, sympathize with thorn in tho denth Friday of their littlo dvo year-old daughter. Sir. C. D. Smith, an excellent cor- netist In the Baugh-Zlmmermnn Bund, went to Anniston yesterday to play at the laying of tho corner stone of tho new court house there. Miss Lou A. Morgan, a lady who liasa host of friends in Cedartown, arrived Blondny to resume her posi DEATH OF MHS. SIMS. Ono of Our Mont Prominent LadlfN K*mhhc8 Away. Cedartown was greatly shocked Monday morning by a sad message announcing the death Sunday night In Atlanta of Sirs. B. F. Sims, one of our city’s most prominent and popu lar ladles. It was not known to many that she had been critically ill, (hough she had been In bad bealth ever since her return from Carolina this summer, nnd has in fact been a secret nnd patient sufferer for years. She wsb taken to Dr. Holmes’ sani tarium In Atlanta a couplo of weeks since to undergo a delicate nnd dlftl- cult operation, which it was thought would effect a cure.. Tho operation was performed last Thursday, nnd Mrs. Sims rallied from its effects nicely. A change for the worse oc curred Saturday, however, und she passed away Sunday night. Tho remains wore brought to Ce- dartown at noon Blonduy, Col. C. P. Ball thoughtfully tendering the use of his private car to the heart-broken husband and mother, Sirs. E. J. Bobo, for their sad home-coming. A large number of sorrowing friends met tho party at the station, and the remains were taken at tonce to St. James Episcopal church, where they remained until tho funeral service at 3 p. in. In accordance with tho wishes of the deceased, tho funeral was simple nnd unostentatious. The beautiful buriul service of tho Episcopal church was read at tho gravo by Rev. Geo. E. Benedict, and all that wus mortnl of this excellent Indy was consigned to its last resting place In tho pres ence of a lurgo concourse of sympa thizing friends. Cedurtown has lost in this death one of her brightest and most be loved Indies. She wus born in Spar tanburg, S. 0., Dec. 4th, 1804, and ns Bliss Emma Bobo was united In murringo on Nov. 17th, 1887, with Dr. B. F. Sims. They came to Ce- dnrtown immediately after their marriage, nnd this has been their home ever since. A ludy of attrac tive personality, bright intellect nnd cultured tastes, sho wns naturally a social leader, nnd had a large circle of warm friends who will sorely miss her. Thu husband nnd two sweet little daughters of ton and twelvo years are left to mourn the loss of a de voted wife nnd mother, nnd tho one tiro community sympathizes deeply with thorn In their great bereavo- ment. Old machines Bought in Exchange. \ We can . Save You from $io to $25. 1 This machine is ball bearing case hardened, and guaren- ^ teed for 5 years. Be wise and buy the MS ■vim. NEW HOM vr////.. it is easy to operate open shuttle self threading and double feed insuring an equal stitch, doing all kinds of work. HEAVY, LIG-HT, PLAIN and FANCY with equal ease, and highest excellence, with or without attachments. These and other well known qualities combined with our liberal terms makes it the most economical ma chine to buy. Must be seen to be appreciated. 0. Willingham. YOUll ATTENTION. Sliss Ola Wright has returned home from Chnttunonga to the home of her father, Sir. Reuben Wfight. It will bn remembered that she se verely Injured herlelt nnkle and foot some weeks ngo in a collision be tween a train nnd street enrin Chat tanooga. Suit for damages amount ing to $2,000 has been filed against tho railroad by Miss Wright’s at torney. We wish to call the attention of every trading man und woman In Cedartown und Polk county to the Inct that our stock of Shoes for men, boys, ladies, misses and children is qow about complete. Also, our lino of Hats, Underwear, Gloves, Hand kerchiefs, Neckwear anti Suspenders are here in great variety, nnd at prices that aro strictly right. So we cordially invite you to call and in spect these lines. Polite attention to everyone. Anybody can sell cheap shoes, but we sell good shoes cheap. Your friend, J. W. SIatthews. Next door to Pcstofflce. CITY TAX BOOKS CLOSE NOV. 24 All unpaid city taxes should bo settled at once to save cost. The books will positively be closed Sat urday night, Nov. 24th. J. C. Knight, Collector, Wo are still buying all the bees- tion in Mr. A. C. Cobb’s popular wnx and green and dry hides of nil millinery department. Her coming kinds that come to town, and pay-1 at the opeuing of tho season was ing cash for thorn. .T. A. Adams. > delayed by illness. J.L. TURNER, PRACTICAL Watchmaker and Jeweler. I GARRY A SPLENDID LINE OF 3S, Clocks, Spectacles, Etc. The very best selections from leading manufacturers, bought with the greatest pos sible care, and will be sold at prices that can not be duplicated when quality is considered REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. '^“—^All work entrusted to me will have prompt and careful attention. Charges al Wfiys reasonable. Come to see me. Best Sausage all the time at Wood Co’s. Mrs. E. I-Ilnkley Is visiting rein tlves in Cnrtersville. New Crop South Georgia Cane Syrup at Wood Co’s. Wood Co. has just received fresh lot Cafe Chiima Coffee, Sir. D. J. Lowry Is In the Gale City today on business, Mr. J. S. Slubbs was up to Dalton the drst of the week on business. Gold Band Hams and Breakfast Bacon, best on earth, at Wood Co’s. Mr. J. E. Houseal, president of the Cedartown Cotton mills, was in At lanta yesterday on business for the mills. Sir. R. F. Haines nnd family, of Haines Falls, N. Y., are among the recent and welcome additions tu Ce- dartown’s residents. They occupy Dr. B. F. Sims’ house on Wissn- hickon avenue. People who desire beautiiul holi day goods should not spend their monoy until they go to J. O. Crabb’s. He has bought the due sample stock of R. B. Parks’ elegant chinnware, and hns added other novelties for holiday attractions. Go to see his varied selections before purchasing elsewhere. Rev. 1. SI. Waddell, president of the Institute at Eubarlee, will hold services at the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning and evening. J. L. TURNEB., J ©■w©!@a?. It is hoped that all members of the Presbyterian church and those inter ested in its welfare will be present, ns an important congregational meet ing will he held after the morning service. LOCAL LEGISLATION. Notice is liorcby given of an intention to apply to tho present Legislature for tho pnssago of a local or epcoial bill,tho title or caption of which will bo ns follows:—A bill to bo entitled “An Aot to authorizo and ompower tho Bfayor nnd Council of tbo City of Codnitown, Polk county, Ga., to establish a dis pensary for tho salo of spirituous,vinous nnd malt liquors by submitting tbo question to tbo qualified voters of said munioipnl corporation. To provido for for other purposes.’’ title i The title or caption of tho proposed bill may be as follows, instead of tho preceding:—A bill to bo entitlod “An not to nnthorizo and ompowor tho Mayor and Oonnoil of tbo City of Co- dnrtown, Polk county, Ga., to establish a dispensary for tbo salo of spirituous, vinous nnd malt liquors. To provido for tho regulations of snob dispensary, and for other purposes.” id for other purposes. (Signed) J. A. Liddell, T. H. Adams, A. H. VanDovnndor, J. K. Davis, E. tho regulation of snoh dispensary, and Bradford, J. Wright Adamson. NEW MAN At the Dr. Russell Store on Main St., With Stock oi RACKET GOODS Desires a Part of the Patronage of the People of this County. Low Prices for GOOD GOODS, ONE PRICE to -All and Fair Treatment to all at tlie FAIR STORE. NICE LINE COTTON TOWELS I A Good Towel, 3 cents; Better, 5 Cents; 0 0 * 0 Fine Bleached Towel, 18x40 ins., at 8 cents. » BEAUTIFUL LINE OF fill BRONZE, CHINA AND WOOD CLOCKS For $1.14 to $8,23, worth double. Just come and see them. No trouble to show goods or answer questions. G-ood 1-day Alarm Clocks, 65 c; Standard 8-day Clock $1.79. ANTIMONY METAL GOODS.' Pin and Ash Trays, beautiful designs, from 5c. to 48c. each. BORATED TALCUM Violet-sented Baby Powders, wdrth 25c. at 5c. per box, ‘ — , >CORSETS.^’— Leader, 22c; Popular, 24c; Dr. Nash’s Health, 45c. Elsemere, 48c. UNDERWEAR. Men’s heavy Merino Undershirts, worth 50c for 88c. Men’s h’vy Fleeced Cotton Undershirts,w’th 85c for 25c Women’s Com. Cotton Ecru Undershirts, 20c for 16c, Children’s Undervests, ribbed, worth 80c for 22c Ladies’ Capes, 50c. to $2.90, worth from 75c. to $5. Children’s Reefers, wor(h $2.50, for $1.08 Children’s Reefers, worth 1.75, for 95c Dress Trimming-Gold, Black, Worsted and Bead-for 10c. downil to 2 cents per yard. -STATIONERY. Envelopes, from lc. to 4c. package. Nice line Box Paper, 24 sheets Paper and 24 Envelopes from 6c. to 5oc. per box. 2 Lead Pencils, lc 1 Paper Tacks ,1c 1 card Hooks and Eyes lc 1 paper Needles 1 lc ifair store. Dr Russell’s old stand on Main St. A.. A. SUBEE, p rop