The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, November 22, 1900, Image 4

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CAIIDH. ^ tt BUNN. W. II. TRAWIOK. BUNN & TRAWIOK, pfefe©pr?eY& ah Liaw, (Office, 1st Nat. Bank Bldg.) CEDARTOWN, G A. All buHltiOHH placed iu our liatida wilt given prompt and vigilant attention* V. If. SANDERS. J. K. DAVIS SANDERS & DAVIS, Attorneys at Law, Office in Chamberlain Building, CEDARTOWN, GA. W, B. ffiURFlBR ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. OEDAHTOWN GA. '1171LL prActico in all tho Courts of YY Polk, Pauldiug,Floyd and Haral- *»n Counties, and in all tho courts of Georgia, Hi a to, Fed oral and Sunrome. Also, In Alabama courts by special ar- rangement. nr. JC. FIELDER. W. W. MUNDY. FIELDER & MUNDY, ATTORNEYS • AT • LAW, Oedartown, Georgia. JPrOfliJ t attention given to all bUSitlOM, Collodions a specialty. Ofllco up-stairs in .Stubbs Building. Win. JANES, A ttorney - at - Law. Hirst National Bank Building, L’f'.llARTOWN, ' - GEORGIA J. C. WALKER, Attorney at Law. Over First National Bank Building, Cedartown, - Georgia. MrOolIsotions a Specialty. H. M. NICHOLES, LAWYER. tloiumissioner to Take Testimony. Gillen In Judgo's room at Court Houso. OEDARTOWN. GA. J. A. WRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW Osdaktown, Ga. Offloe -with J. A. Blanco, in Ohnmbor- luin Building. J. A. LIDDELL, Physician - and - Surgeon, Cedartown, Georgia. W. A. CHAPMAN, Physician 0 Surgeon, OEDAHTOWN, GA. R. Ft SHIRKS, ■^Physician and Surgeon,^ OEDAHTOWN, GA. Calls nnaworod promptly day or night. W. G. ENGLAND, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON OEDARTOWN, GEORGIA, trails attoiidod titty nnd night. CBAS, VANN WOOD, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Oftlco over Collins A, Holmes, OEDARTOWN, GA. HENRY M. HALL, Physician - and - Surgeon, CEDARTOWN,IGA. Ofllco with Dr. J. A. Liddell. • i —~—- R. F. Sens. Wb. H. Mahsh. SIMS & MARSH, DENTISTS. oasrs thoir sorvloos to tho publlo Office In Unit National Bank building. Office hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. tT. i 3 . gkr,:e:e!:r,, DENTIST, T&ndtora’ fils sorvloos to tho public. Of llco over tho Rackot Store. Thono 116. money™ loan. Wenro prepared to NEGOTIATE IOANS in any amount desired, on approved FARM HANDS ns se curity. For further information ap ply at our office in the Stubbs building, Cedartown, Ga. Fielder & Mundy. fflE CEDARTOWN STANDARD Published Every Thursday in the Year SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year.. ........ .....fl.00 Six Months 50 Inreo Months .25 Advertising Ratkh will be furnlshod on application. THURSDAY, MEMBER 22, 19C0 Cedartown mines and ships more Iron Ore than any other point in the whole South, out side of Birmingham. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests tlio food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or- 'gans. It is the latest discovered digest- iutand tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efllolency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SlckHcadaclie.Gastralgla,Cramps,and ill other results ot Imperfectdlgestlon. . Prepared by E. C. DftWltt & Co.* Chicago. E. BRADFORD. WANTED—TWO INDUSTRIES ! Ocdurtown needs badly and must have a brick yard and a lumber mill! Not a day passes tliat there is not a strong; demand for brick and lumber to keep masons and mechanics busy. Two-thirds of the time there is not enough brick in town to build a stove Hue, or sufficient lumber to construct a chicken coop. And tlio scarcity of both keeps up to a discouraging degree. Neither brick nor lumber can bo obtained on orders from Romo or elsewhere fast cnoiigh or in quantities sufficient to keep going any enterprise going up here, and tliore is certainly a profita ble field hero for two such in dustries. Thefe certainly is money in the business of making brick and lumber manufacturing on a scnlo worthy of the name, and tlio man who establishes either industry in Oednrtown can begin to coin money tlio minute his plant begins operation. Oednrtown neods these two particular industries right now, and the demand for both brick and lumber will be brisk and steady for years to come right here in our city. Both would do a permanent and profitable busi ness. There are going to hoover one hundred housos built in Oo- dartown inside of the noxt six months, nnd the material will have to come from some place. Shall wo continue to depend or Rome, Ohnttanoogn, Atlanta, South Georgia and Alabama for this supply of material, or will Oednrtown manufacture shin gles, lumber and brick right at our own doors? Besides the new housos oer- tain to be built, there is a cbn- demand for materials of every kind for repairing and en larging houses, fences, cellars, and nil kinds of improvements. Oednrtown is a good market right now for building materials ,of every kind, and will continue to be such for the next five years to come. Who will reap this harvest? W. J. LANGFORD DEAD. Mr. W. J. Langford, a popular unci well.known printer, died at liis homo in Oednrtown Thursday at 0:80 p. m. This sad intolligonoo will bring sorrow ,to many Atlanta printers, as ho was for many years a favorite among tlio oraft. Ho was an onthusiastio union man, nnd sorved sovoral torms ns vioo presi dent of'the looal organization. Ho has for several years boon oon- nactod with the Atlanta Newspaper Union, nnd, up to a few months ago, when ho retired from the service on aeeount of bad health, ho was the effi cient assistant foremnu of that com pany. Tlio causa of Wb death was consump tion. Ho leaves a wife and one child, who linvo tho sympathy of thoir many friends in Atlanta. Tho fanoral occur red yesterday in Oednrtown.—Atlanta Eve. Nows, 17th. W. J. Langford, ono of the most popular and best known members of Atlanta Typographical Union, died at tho homo of his mother in Oedartown, Gn., Thursday, of consumption. “Joff," ns ho was familiarly known among his associates, had served the union in many offioinl onpnoitios, nnd for two years gained the distinction of being tho best and most pains-taking sec retary tho Federation of Trades ever had. For soveral years ho had been in tho employ of tho Atlanta Newspaper Union, on Loyd street. Mr. Langford leaves a wife nnd ono small child. The news of his death will bring sor- sow to tho hearts of many workingmen of this oity.—Atlanta Journal. After a lingering illness W. J. Lang ford, a well-known young man of At lnnto, passed away Thursday afternoon nt tho homo of his father in Cednrtown. Mr. Langford was a viotim of consump tion, nnd hnd suffered greatly for many months. Ho leaves a wife nnd one ohild to mourn his death. Mr. Langford wns a prominent member of the Typo graphical Union of this city, and has many friends here who will regret to learn of his demise.—Constitution, 18th. THE SEVENTH DISTRICT. The Constitution Makes Amends for Erroneous Census Figures. Owing to incorrect handling the figures of the population of tho Sev enth Congressional distriot were mado to show a decrease of population. Tho oorroot figures show tho prosent population of that distriot to ho 197,001, as against 179.259 ton years ago—a gain of 18,342. This is gratifying, as showing a hand some increase. The Seventh district extends from Whitfield, through Folk and Floyd, and aronnd to Oobb and Bartow. In these oonnties aro situated suoh oitics as Rome, Dalton, Marietta, Cedartown, Tallapoosa and Cartersvillo. Half a dozon of tbeso counties are regarded as tho ohampion agricultural centers in the state, Floyd, Oobb and Bartow successfully competing in every state fair. Within the limits of this district are to bo found mines of iron, slato and other minerals in successful operation. Borne is metropolitan, with resources of rivor and rail; Cedartown has tho foundation for ono of tho most success ful manufacturing centers in tho South, while Marietta is an established manu facturing comer, as well as a choice residence seotion. If over there was occasion to listen to tho suggestion of incorrcot returns, it would socm to bo in this case, for thore is no moro enter prising and wide-awake seotion in tho wholo South than the ono undor con sideration. Disonssion of tlicso returns, however, is only useful in ono way— that a lesson for the future bo drawn from it. Tho Soventh distriot has railroads and rivers,farm lands nnd mining prop erties, and can raise tho grains, tho fruits, and eattle. Tho’ faeo of tho earth is as rloh as its internal wealth. Whilo tho Soventh has not led in population, it should havo dono so, bo- catiso Providence has blessed it with ovory gift. The dnty of tho day should ho tho development of latent resonreos; tho expansion of oxisting plants, and tho encouragement of immigration by ovory method known. Let the oitics of Mariotta, Bomo, Tallapoosa, Cartors- ville, Oedartown, Dalton and tho otbor county sites organize at oneo business leagues, caah to exploit its own seotion, and when tbo oenstis of 1910 is takon the distriot can show a marvelous in crease. Tho eonntios comprising tho Soventh Congressional distriot offor tho widest opportunities to investors of capital. That seotion is rloh in minorals, timhor and produotions. It is well pierced by railroads. Tho opportunity for nil mnnner of hnndioraft and maohinery is not oxaoedod any whore. It only waits for tho pooplo to mako the foots known!—Constitution. $100 Howard, $100. The readers of this -paper will be pleased to corn that there Is nt least one dreaded disease .hat science has been able to cure In all its stages and that Is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure known to the medicine Irn ternlty. Catarrh bain;; „ constitutional dlacnse, requires a constitutional treatment Ilntl's Catarrh Cute Is taken tnUrnally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem, thereby destroying the fuundnllon of the disease, amt giving the patient strength by build lug up the constitution nnd assisting nature In doing Its work The proprietors hsve so much faith in lla curative powers, that they offer, One Hundred Dollars for any case that It fnilsto cure. Send for list of testimonial. Address, P. J. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O Sold by Druggists, rsc Hall’s Pamtly Pills are the best. For sprains, swellings and lameness thore is nothing so good as Chamber lain's Fain Balm. Try it. For salo by E. Bradford. Cholly—“There! I killed that ono all right, didn'tl?" The Gamokeepor— "Yes, sir! He’s just ns dead ns any body could havo killed him!" WOMAN'S TROUBLES AND FEMAl.B DISEASES CURED BY Johnston’s Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLES. Painful and Suppressed Menses, Ir regularity; Leucorrhoea, Whites, Steril ity, Ulceration of the Uterus, change of life, in matron or maid, all find re lief, help, benefit and cure In JOHNS TON’S SARSAPARILLA. It is a real panacea for all pain or headache about the top or back of the head, distress ing pain in tho left side, a disturbed condition of digestion, palpitation of the heart, cold hands and feet, nerv ousness and irritation, sleeplessness, muscular weakness, bearing-down pains, backache, legache, irregular ac tion of tho heart, shortness of breath, abnormal discharges, with extremely painful menstruation, scalding of urine, swelling of feet, soreness of the breasts, neuralgia, uterine displacement and catarrh, and all those symptoms and troubles which make the average wo man’s life so miserable. H1G11IG1N DRUG CO., Detroit, Mich. For sale by E. Bradford. BAPTIST GENERAL MEETING. The following is the program for tho General Meeting of the Polk County Baptist Association, to be held with tho Antioch church on tho 5th Sunday in December, 1000, and Saturday before: SATURDAY. 10 a. m.—Organization. 10,15—“What Baptists Believe and Why"—Rev, T. W. Griffith and Itov.W. P. Whitlow. 11.90—“The 4th Article of Faith aa contained in the Minutes of the Folk County Baptist Association"—Bbv. L. E. Roberts and Dr. J. L. Branch. I. 30 p. m.—“Ohnroh Discipline, and how and why it shonld ho maintained" E. It. King nnd Bov. J. Davis. 2,30—“Pastoral Support"—Maj. J. A. Blanco. 8USDAV. 9.00 a. m.—"Why Baptist Ohurohtis should maintain Sunday Sohools”—Dr. D. M. Bussell and J. O. Head. 10.00—"What Baptists Believe as to Communion and Why”—Bov. G. B. Roman. II. 00—“Soripturai Missions”—Rev.O. K. Hondcrson. 1.80 p. m.—Unfinished and miscella neous business, Eaoh of tho suhjcctB nhovo mentioned will bo open to general dlseussion. Respectfully submitted by tho Exec utive Committed of tbo Folk County Baptist Association. DoWitt’s Little Enrly Risers are tho best liver pills ever made. Easy to take and nover gripe. E. Bradford. 44 A Burnt Child Dreads the Fire/' You have been ill. Oh, the weary, dreary days of illness and that depressing tired feeling. Nauseous med- icines taken copiously. You dread to think of it, Be wise after this. Half teaspoonful doses of Hood's Sarsaparilla will keep your blood pure, bright, dean and wholesome, and half the battle with disease is won. II puts the dreaded enemy to rout as nothing else can. After the Grip—"After the grip I was weak, suffered from catarrh and was run down. In a week after I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla I felt stronger. It relieved the catarrh and gave me an appetite/' John Roberts, Ionia, Mich, 3&cd6 St SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Condeniod Schedule In Effect May 6,1900. •No. 2T*No7Tfl I. 0-1,ill, l> II. 45 am 1,10pm STATIONS. Iv.. lv... Selma nrnirm’hnm lv ar Chat’n’ca lv :tr Kno.xviil.- lv nr.. Bristol., lv rLvnohb’rglv r Wsh’gt’n lv •No. 15 *No. 21 0.50am 3 00am 0 50pm No. 22 and 21 carry Pullraap slooplng oars bo- moals on route ffoT*I5" f' .''-'Hill mi l 11 -‘>11111 t8.15nm 8. Kara 9. ; Oi In 11.8 am 11.45am l.:i -pm l i:.]iin 2.11pm r.’iun lv..Mcr!d! ...Demopolls... jr..U»lont* ...Marion Jet.. ?, r J Selma f‘ r r ...Montovnllo.. Cnlcra..... ..Columbiana.. ..Chtldorsburg. ...Talladega... ....Anniston... ..Jacksonville.. ..Homo..... *>.<■:! pin 5.23pm 4.55pm 4.30pm 1.1 •! *in 8.28pm 2.16pm 1.1 pm 1 - ''7pm 12 20pm 1". li’.llll 0.50am 0.20am 5.30am lv...BIrm , .Pell City.,.. .Anniston...., .. I’M waftlsv illf*. .. ....Frulthurst..,. ....Tallapoosa..,. ar.... . l"pm 0.23pm 5.3ipm 4.05pm STATIONS. Lv Birmingham Lv Anniston Lv Atlanta No. 3fi No. 38 Ar Jacksonville.. Ai Brunswick. 8 10am r-’.u-.nm 2.2’'pm 6.50pm liUHpm 7,10am 8.85pm No 30 carries Pullman Drawing Room Buffet Buffet Sleoping oar Birmingham to Atlanta and Atlanta to Jacksonville and Brunswick. No. 38 carries Pullman Sleeping car Birm- Ingham to Atlanta and Atlanta to Jacksonville Ar Chattanooga. Ar Knoxville. ... Ar Hot Springs.. Ar Asheville . Ar Salisbury... .(CentTime). Ar Greensboro.. (East Time), Ar Washington 8.50pm Ar Now York 6.13am No. 15 carries Pullman Sleeping car Rome to Chattanooga. Chattanooga to Salisbury and Sansbury to New York without chango. Ar Louisville 7.40pm 7.50am No. 2 No. 4 ^ 8TATION8. . . Lv Chattanooga 10 00am 9.00pm Ar Cincinnati 7.30pm 7.45am No. 4 Pullman Sleeping car Chattanooga to C. PHILPOT, Real Estate Agent CEDARTOWN, GA. SPECIALTIES. SSTFOR SALE—City Lots. Resi dences, Timber Lands. Business Property. 6Sy4,t)00 acres Fine ORE Properly near E, & W. road for sale. Farm Lands. Some of the Fines Farm Lands in Georgia, in Either Small nr Large Tracts—Also in Mid dle and South Georgia. seyTaxes Paid, Rents Collected. No. 38 No. 39 Ar Charlottesville.. Ar Washington . ... Ar Baltimore Ar Philadelphia...., Ar Now York....... 600 m 12. um 8.13pm 11.53pm 1.55am 3.37 am 6.42am 8.00am 10.15am 12.43pm 8.51pm 11.35pm 2.56am 6.13am "When the Elephant walked the rope-y, He greased his tail with Soap y.” ^—"So the poet says. But it was a wicked waste, if he used elegant Soaps like I keep. Such thorough Cleansing Qualities in combi nation with such Entrancing Odors have not been obtainable at such ridiculously Low Prices before. When you give mine a trial, and find that you can get Three 25-cent Cakes in an ele gant box for One Small Silver Quarter, you will be both convinced and delighted. Also,—and most emphatically,—keep your weather eye on this space for some Holiday remarks -very soon. I’ve bought the Prettiest line ever brought to Oedartown. E. BRADFORD. ..... l route. Pullmi.n Library Observation car Atlanta to New York. .No. 36 carries Pullman Drawing room Sleep ing car Birmtngbnm to Charlotte and Atlanta to New York, and Dining cat “ * " Washington. •Dally. tDally Except Sundny. F. s. GANNON. 3d v.p. & o.M. Washington,D.a J. 5L CULP. Traf Mgr. Washington. D. C. W A. TURK. G. P. A.. Washington. D. a C.A.BENSCOTER, A. g.p. a.,Chattanooga. Tonn. New York Bargain Store, NEW STORE! NEW GOODS and OLD PRICES! We have just returned from New York, where we bought a full lino of fancy and up-to-date Dry Goods and Clothing. A Vo boughtjthem cheap. Wo sell them cheap. We want to close out our stock ->• BELOW COST. -*> Our prices are the same, as they were when cotton was only 4 cents a pound. Don’t miss this great opportunity to get a bargain in any thing in our line. COME ONE, COME ALL! -^Goldstein & Berkowitz, HFor Fine Job Printing come to The Standard Office, Chattanooga, Rome & Southern RAILROAD CO. Passenger Schedule iu ©licet April 10,1000 SOUTHBOUND. STATIONS. No. 2 No. 4 No. 12 No. Lv Chattan’ga Trion Sum’rville Lyerly Ar Carrollton.. IS Poll City flrn Q aOntn 7 10 a m Piedmont 0 * nQ Esom Hill 2.45 P 10.51 Codartown 7.00 3.25 11.20 Grady 7.18 3.42 11.33 Fish Creok 7.23 3.47 11.38 Rockmart 7.39 4.04 11.63 Aragon 7.47 4.10 11.69 Taylorsville.... 8.03 4.23 12.18 pm Cartorsville 8.40 5.00 12.45 NORTHBOUND. Bremen Buchanan• Cedartown Rome Lyerly Sum'rviUe- Trion....... LaPayette Ch'katn ’ga Battlefield Ar Chattan’ga Nos. 1 and 2 dally. Nos. 3 and 4 Sunday only. Nos. 0,10,11 and 12 daily except Sun day. Trains Nos. 9 and 10 arrive and depart frrra C. R.& S. shops near Montgomery ayenue. Connections made at Chattanooga, Trnn., with all roads lor points North arc! West. For any Inlormation apply to C. B. Wilburn, President amfiTraffic Manager. B. A. Fite, Agent, Cedartown, Ga. C'/tScholarship POSITIONS GUARANTEED. Under $3,000 Cash Deposit Railroad Fare Paid. Open aU year to doth Sexes. Very Cheap Board. Georgin-Alabnma Business College, Macon, Georgia The Standard’s Clubbing List will save you iwniy on any paper or magazine you want. East and West R’y of Alabama. EAST BOUND TRAINS. No. 4. No. 2. No. 34, Leave— (Daily) ox-Sun. Sun. only WEST BOUND TRAINS. No. 1. No. 8. No. 85. Leave— (Daily) ex-Sun. Sun. only Cartersvillo... Taylorsville... Aragon Rockmart Fish Creek Grady.... Cedartown,,,.. Esom Hill...... Piedmont Pell City 10.00 a m 10.34 10.49 10.57 11.11 11.15 11.30 12.45 pm 6.40 pm 7.12 7.24 7.31 7.46 7.51 8.10 ^-Close connections as follows: Cedartown with Central of Georgia, Rockmart with Southern Railway Cartersville with W. & A., at Piedmo with E. T. V. & G. FOR RATES andMAPS ALL I»OINTS North 0 West ADDRESS FRED D. BUSH, DISTRICT PASSENGER AGENT Louisville & Nashville R, R. No. 1 Brown Bid,, Opp. Union Depot ATLANTA, GA. “No Trouble to Answer Questions.”