The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, November 22, 1900, Image 9

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CEDARTOWN, QEORdlA. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1900. POLK COUNTY UNRETURNED LAND TAX SALES FOR JANUARY, 1001. State o( Oeortla—Count; ot Polk. Will be sold before the court house door In the City of Ccdartown, l'olk County, Ga., with in the legal hours of sale on the ttrst Tuesday m January, lull, to the highest bidder for cash the following described property to wit: Ix>t of land No. 64, situate, lying and being ill the 1st Dist. and 4th Sec. of Pork County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. Schli- «atctt, T. C. P. C. vs the raid unreturned land for the purpose of the State and county tax* the ycata 1891 and lSl’J. Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot ot land No. 76, situate, lying and being In the 1st Dist, and 4th Sec. of Polk. County,. Ga. levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by \V. A V. county taxes for the year 180*. Also, at the same time ami place ahd in the manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 88, situate, lying ami being in thi 1st Dist. and 4th See. of Polk County, Ga.. levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. A V. fieldirstt-tt, T. O. P. C., vs. the whl •««(*• turned land for the purpose of the Slate and county taxes for tha years 1801, 1802, 1S03, 1804, 1806, 1806, 1807, 1803 and 1809. & Also, at the same time and place and In the manner above described, will bn sold lot of land No. 117, situate, lying and being in the 1st Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. Hchlirst.u, T. A P. a. .vt, the whl unre turned land for the purpose of the Slate and county taxes for the year 1S9L Also, at the same time and place and In tho manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 137, situate, lying and being In tha Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. levied w^'jirtttt. of, , fichliestett, T. O. P. C., vs. the said ‘turned lsnd for the purpose of the Stntc and county taxes for ttve yeere 1898, 1890 and 1900. Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot ot land No. 163, situate, lying and being In the 1st Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on ns \inreturned land under niftl by virtue ot a tax fl. fa. Issued by W. .C. V. fichliestett, T, C. P. C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the yearn 1890, 1801, 1892, 1893, 1891, 1895, 1890, 1897, 1809, 1800 and 1000. Also, at the same time and place and in tha manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 201, situate, lying and being in tho 1st Dist. and 4th Bee. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W, A V. fichliestett, T. O. P. C., v*. the said unre turned land for the purjioso of the -State and c'ountyjaxes for the years 1800, 1801, 1892, 189*, time and pjace and In the and 1895. 'Also, at the ... ..... manner above described, will be eold lot of land No. 200, situate, lying and being in the 1st Dist. and 4 th 8cc. of IV»lk County, Ga., unreturned land under and by tax fl. fa. Issued by W. C. V. levied jBfifiW-iSfaBB M . 8chl!e*tctt, T. C. P. C., vt the said turned land for the purpose of the State ahd county taxes for the yeare 1800, 1691 and 1803. Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 210, situate, lying and being in the 1st Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. field ieatett, T. C. P. A, vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1891, l«tt and 1893. Also, at the Rame time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 223, situate, lying and being In the 1st Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by IV. C. V. fichliestett, T. O. P. C., vs. the Mid unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1890, %:91, 1892, 1890, mm; moo ar.d woo. «* Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 231, situate, lying and being in the 1st Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unretunfed land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. 8chliestctt, T. C. P. C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose ot the State, and county taxes for the year 1891. * Also, at the same time and place and jn the manner above described, will be sold lot of laud No. 247, situate, lying and being in the 1st Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land upder and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O.' V. HclUiestctt, T. C. P. A, vs. the said time and place and in the 1897 and 1808. Also, at the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 292, situate, lying arid being in the 1st Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. .|r—■* L * “* ‘ ~ " fichliestett, T. C. P. O., tax fl. fa. issued by W.' G. V, . P. C. P. O;, vs. the Bald unre- turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the year 1801. Also, at the same time and place and in the maimer above described, will be sold lot of land No. 296, Bituate, lying and being in the 1st Dtet. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. fichliestett, T. C. P. C., vs. (he said unre turned land for the purposc' of the State and county taxes for the years 1892, 1893, 1894, 1890, 1897, 1898, 1899 and 1000. Also, at tho same time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 307, situate, lying and being in the 1st Dist. and 4th 8ec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on 'as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. fichliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1897 and 1803. Also, at tho same time and place nnd in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 324, situate, lying, and being in the 1st Dist. ond 4th ficc. of Polk County, Qa., levied on as unreturned land under nnd by virtue ot a tax fl. fa. issued l>y W. C. V. fichliestett, T. G. P. C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the year 1891. Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of Innd No. 328, situate, lying and being in the 1st Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by VV. C. V. fichliestett, T. O. P. C., vs. the said nnr«. turned land for the purpose of. tni county taxes for the year 1893. Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described,-will be sold lot of land No. 352, situate, lying and being in the 1st Dist. and. 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under ami by virtue of a tax' fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. i 8chliestctt, T. O. P. C., vs. the said unre turned land, for the purpose of the State and -county taxes for the years 1890, 1891, 1801, 1895, 1893, 1S97, 1898, 1899 and 1900. Also, at the same time and place and in- the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 365, situate, lying and being , in the 1st Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga.. : levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. fichliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893 and 1890. c Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will be cold lot of land No. 308, situate, lying and being in the 1st Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fu. issued by W. C. V. Schliestett. T. C. P. a. vn. the said unre- .turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the year 1890., 3a5so, at the same time and place and in the above described, will be sold lot of land v ™ w w.J, situate, lying and being in the *4*1 Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by vlituc-of a tax fl. fa. issued by VV. C. V. fichliestett, T. C. P. C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and khkst. for the years 1894 and 1890. State and Alto, a-, the same time and place and In the manner above described, sold lot of bind No. 370, situate, lying nnd bring in the 1st Dist. and 4tli See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unretuuicd lund under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. taued by VV, O. V. bounty taxes for the year 1890. Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 871, situate, lying Ami being In the 1st Dist, and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under ai * 1 viitue of a tax fl. fa. issued by VV. Scbliestett. T. C. l\ C„ vs. the said turned land for the purpose of tho State ami county taxes for the year 1890. Also, at the same time and place nnd In the manner nbovc described, will he sojd lot of land No. 372, situate, lying and being In the 1st Dist. and 4th See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on ns unreturned land under ami by virtue of n tax fl. fa. issued by \V„ G. V. Oehliestett, T. C. P. O., va. the said unre turned land for the purpose of tho 8tnlo and county taxes for the year 1890, Also, at the same time and place and in tho manner above described, will he sold lot of land No. 373, situnte, lying and being in the 1st Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under nnd by virtue of a tax fl. fa. Issued by W. a V. Sehlifstctt, T. O. P. C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the year 1690. Abo, at the same time and place nnd in the manner above described, will be sold lot ot land £»°- «, c ‘ lying and being in the 2d Dist. and Ith Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on us unreturned land under * and by Virtue of a Ux fl. fa. issued by VV. O. V. Scbliestett, T. C. P. G., vs. tiro told unre turned land for the purpose of tho State and county taxes for tho year 1897.' Also, at the same tlmo nnd place ond in the manner above described, will lie sold lot of land J 1 ®-' /i situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga. levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. Scbliestett, T. O. I*. O., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of tho State and county taxes for the year 1899. Also, at tho same time ami place nnd in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land N®* 9' Bituate, lying and being in the 2d Dist and 4th See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. .issued by W. O. V. Schfiestett, T. a P. C., vs. , the Bald unre turned land for the purpose of the State and cviunty taxes for the 'year 1899. A\so, at the qamo tlmo and place nnd In the manner above described, will be Bold lot of land No. 10, situate, lying and being in tho 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Gu., levied on ns unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. Issued by W. O. V. fichliestett, T. O. P. 0., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and ■county taxes for the year 1890. Also, at the aamo time and place and In the manner above described, will he Bold lot of lnaid No. 11, situate, lying and being in tho 2d Diet, ond 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue *>f a tax fl. fa. issued by \V. O. V. Scbliestett, T. O. P. A, vs. tho said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and oounty taxes for the years 1893, 1894, 1893, 1890 and 1899. Alao, at the . manner above described, will bo sold lot of land S£®. 8,tuatp * b lng and being in the •2d Dist. nnd 4th Sec. of Polk Oounty, Ga., .levied on as uureturnod land under and by virtue of. a tax-fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. O. P. 0., vs. tho said unre turned land for the purpose of. the State and oounty taxes for the year 1S99. Also, at the same time and place and in the .manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 63, Bituate, lying and being in tho fltd Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga-, levied on as unreturned land under, and by Kirtue of a tax fl. fn. issued by W. £J. V. Scbliestett, T. C. P. 0., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for tho year 1899. Alao, at the same time and place and in the- maimer above, described, will be sold lot ot land No. 04, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and 4th 8ec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schliertctt, T. C. P. 0., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for tho year 1809. Also, at the name time and place and In the manner nbovc described, will lie Bold lot of land No. 82, situate, lying nnd being in the 2d Dist. and Ith 8ec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned lund under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by VV. O. V. Scbliestett, T. C. P. 0., re. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and comity taxes for the years 1897, 1898 and 1809. Alt**, at the same time and place nnd in tho maimer above described, will bo sold lot of land No. ,05, Bituate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and Ith See. of Polk County, On., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by VV. O. V. Scbliestett, T. C. P. C., vs. tho Bald unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for thrf year 1891. Also, at tho same time and place and in the maimer, above described, will be sold lot of land No. 06, situate, lying and bofng in the 2d Dist. and Ith Sec. of Polk County, Qa., levied on as unreturned. land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. Scbliestett, T. C. P. C., vs.- the said unre- turned land for the purpose of the State and countj taxes for the year 1801. Also, at the same time ar.d place and in the manner above described, will be Bold lot of land' No. 07, Bituate. lying and being in the 2d Dist. and Ith Sec. of Polk County Oa., levied on aa unreturned lund under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by \V. C. V. Scbliestett, T. C. P. 0., vb. tho told unre turned land for the purpose of tho Stale and county taxes for the year 1891. Also, at tho same .time and place and in the manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 1Q1, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and Ith Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under nnd by* virtue of a tax (1. fa. issued by W. O. V. Scbliestett, T. C. P. A, vb. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1890 and 1897. Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will be Bold lot of land No. 110, situate, lying and being In tho 2d Dist. and 4t!i Seo. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned, land under and' by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by \\\ C. V. fichliestett, T. C. P. A, vs. the said unre turned land for tho purpose of the State and county taxes for the year 1890. Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will he Bold lot of land [No. 122, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and Ith Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by •virtue of a tax fl. Ta. issued by VV. C. V. .Sohlicstctt, T. C. P. C., • vs. the said unre turned land for tho purpose of the State and county taxes for tho year 1891. Also, at the same time’ and place nnd'in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 123, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dis^. nnd Ith Sfcc. of Polk County Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and hy virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. Schliestett. T. A P. €., re. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes'for the yeare 1891, 1805, 1898, 1899 time and place and in the nnd 1900. manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 124, situate, lying and being in the an d ith Sec. of Polk County Ga., on as unreturned land under and by - virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. Schliestett, T. O. P. O., vs. the anid unre turned land for tho purpose of tiie State and county taxes for the year 1891. Also, at the Baxr.e time and place and In the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 141, situate, lying and being in tiie 2d Dist, and Ith See. of Polk County Ca., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued hy IV. A V. Schliestett, T. C. P. C., re. tho said unre- turned land for the purposfe of the State and county taxes for the yeare 1891 and 1894. Also, at the same time and place and in the inar.ner ,l abovc described, will be sold lpt of land No. 148, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist, nnd 4th See. of Polk County Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. G.J re. tho Bald unre- turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1894 and 1899. Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 147, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and 4tli Sec. of Polk County Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a lax fl. fa. issued hy W. C. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. C.,’ vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the yeare 1690, 1892, 1893, 1891, 1895, 1890, 1897, 1898, 1899 and 1900. I Also, at the same time anil place and in the manner above ^described, will lie sold lot of land No. 163, situate, lying nnd being in the 2d DIM. and Ith Sec. of Polk County Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by \V\ A V, Schllrstctt, T. C. IV O., vs. tho said unre- turned land for the purpose of tho State nnd county taxes for the years 1802, 1893, 1894, 1B9&, 1890, 1S99 and 1903. Also, at the mi-re time and place and In tho manner above described, will lie sold lot of land No. 150, (situate, lying nnd being in the 2d Dist. and Ith Sec. of Polk County Ga., levied . on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax li. fa. issued by W. .0, V, SchUestett, T. C. 1*. O., vs. the Bald unre turned land for tho purpose of tho Stutc and county taxes for the year 1897. 4 Alao, at tho same time nnd place and in the manner above dr.sciibed, will bo sold lot of land No. 100, situate, lying nnd bolng in tho 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. ot Polk County Ga., levied on a9 unreturned land under nnd by vlrtuo of n tax fl. fa. Issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. C. IV O., vb. tho said unre turned lnnd for the purpose of the State nnd county taxes for tiie years 1891, 1807, 1898, 1S99 and 1900. Also, at the rente time nnd place and in manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 108, situnte, lying nnd being in tho 2d Dist, nnd Ith Sec. of Polk County Ga. levied on as unreturned land under and by vlrtuo of a tax fl. fa. taued by VV. O, V. Scii.iestett, T. C. P. O., vs. the said unre turned land for tho purpose ot tho Rtnto nnd county taxes for tho yenrs 1800, 1S91, 1892, 1893, 1895, 1800, 1807, 1808 and 1000. Also, at the same tlmo nnd plnce and in the manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 184, situate, lying and being in tho 2d Dist. and 4th See. of Polk County Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by VV. 0 Schliestett, T, C. P. 0.,'vs. the said U„.„ turned land for the purpose of the Stato*and countv taxes for tho vear 1897 Alsd, at the same tinio nnd place and In the manner above described, will bo sold lot ot land No. 195, situate, lying and being in tho 2d Dist. and Ith Sec. of .Polk County Ga., levied on us unreturned land under and by vlrtuo of a tax fl. fa. Issued by VV. O. V. Schliestett, T. O. P. 0., vb. tho Bald unre- turned land' for tho purpose of tho Stato and county taxes for the year 1899. Also, at the same time and place and in tho manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 200, Bituate, lying and being in tho 2d Dist. nnd 4th See. of Polk County Ga., levied on os unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by VV. O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vb. tho Bald wire- turned land for. tho purpose of tho Stntc and county taxes for tiie yeava 1897 nnd 1899. Also, at tho same time and place nnd in the manner above described, will lie Bold lot of land No- 2W * 8,luatc - lying nnd being in tho 2d Diet, nhd 4th 8oc. of Poll: County Ga., levied on ns unreturned hind under and by virtue of a tnx fl. fa. issued hy W. O. V. Sehlieetctt* T. C. P. O., vs. tho Bald unre turned land for tho purpose of tho State and county taxes for the years 1890, 1803, 1894, 1895, 1800, 1897, 1898, 1891) and 1000. Also, at tho same timo and place and in the manner above described, will ho sold lot of land No. 230, situnte, lying and being in the 2d Dist, and Ith Sec., of Polk County Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by ,W. C. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. tho said unre turned land for the purpose of tiie Stato and county taxes for thy year 1800. Also, at tho same time and plnce npd in the manner abovo described, will bo sold lot of land No. 231, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and 4th See. of Polk County, Gai., levied on U9 unreturned land under and by virtue of n tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. tho said unre- tuhied lnnd for the ptirpose of tho State and County taxes for the years 1895, '1990, 1897, 1898, 1800 and 1000. , , Also, at the same time nnd plnce and in the mannor above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 234, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and Ith. See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W.- O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. the said unre turned lnnd for tiie purpose of tho State and oounty taxes for tho years 1801, 1892 and 1893. Also, at tho same time and place and in the manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 821, situate, lying and being in tho 2d Diet, and 4llj Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied pn ns unreturned land under and., by virtue of a tnx fl. fa. issued by W. C, V, Schliestett, T. 0. P. O., vs. the said unre-, turned land for the purpose of tho State and county taxes for the year 1893. Also, at tho name time and place and in tho manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 322, situnte, lying nnd being in the 2d Dist. and 4th Sec, of Polk County, Ga%, levied qn ns unreturned land under and by vlrtuo of a tax fl. fn. issued by W. C. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. C., vs. tho Bald unror turned land for the purpose of tho State and county taxes for the years -1800 and 1891. Also, at tho same time nnd place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 328, situnte, lying nnd being in tho 2d Dist. and Ith Bcc. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land utider and by virtue of a tax fl, fa. issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. C.. vs. -tho said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for tiie year 1890. , Also, at the same lime and place ond In. the manlier above described.'will be sold lot of land No.' 381, situate, lying and being in tho 2d. DlBt. and 4th Sec. of Polk County,, Ga., levied on ns unreturned bind under, and by virtue of a tax fl. fu. issued by W. Oi’ V. Schliestett, T. C. IV, C., vs. the -said unre turned land for'the purpose'of the Stato nnd county taxes for the years 1890, 1891, 1892, 1894 and 1805. ' - Also, at the same time and place and in tiie manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 882, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and 4Ui See. of Poll* County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land ufidcr und by virtue of a tax fl. fu. issued' by W. O# V. Schliestett, T. 1 C. P. O., vs. tho said unre turned land for the purpose of the State'and county taxes for the year 1891. Also, at tho sumo time and place nnd in the' manner above described, will he Bold lot of land No. 883, situote, lying and being Jn tha virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by \V. C. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. tiie Bald unre turned lund for the purpose of the State and county tuxes for the year 1892, 1893 and 1890. Also, at the same-time*and place and in tho manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 389, situate, lying and being In tho 2d Dist. and 4tli See. of Polk Coqnty, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. 0., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1803, 1894, 1895, 1890 and 1897. Also, at the same titno and place and in tho manner jibove described, will be Bold lot of land No. 390, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and Ith Sec. of Polk County, Ga.. levied on as unreturned land under and by ; virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of tnc State andi county taxes for tho year 1807, Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 401, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and Ith Sec. of Polk County, Ga., : levied on as unreturned land under and- by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C, V, Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. tiie laid unre turned land for the purpose of the State and couatv (or tba year 1S90. , Also, at the samo time and place and • the manner above described, will be Bold lot of land No. 451, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and Ith Sec. of Polk County, Ga,, levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. ijisucd by W. C. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. C., vb. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the^ycars 1892 and 1894. Also, at the samo timo ond place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 459, Bituate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and bv virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V< Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. tho said unre turned land for the- purpose of • the. State and county taxes for the years 1820 nnd 1891. Also, at the same time and place, and in the manner above described, will be cold lot of land No. 470, situate, lying and being in the 24 Di#t. and Ith Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vb. tho said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1897 and 1603. Also, at tiie same timo and place nnd in tiie manner above described, will be roM lot of land No. 476, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and 4th Hoc, of l’olk County, Ga., levied on aa unreturned land under und by virtue of a tnx II. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. tho said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and coupty taxes for the years 1805 mid Also, at tho Mime tlmo mid place mid In the mannor above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 482| Bituate, lying und being ill tho £d Dist. and 4th See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on ns unreturned land under and by vlrtuo ot u tax fl. fa. Issued by W. C, V. fichliestett, T. C. P. C., vb. the raid unre- turned land for tho purpose of .the Stato ahd county taxes for the youro 1893, 1895 and 1890. Also, nt tho samo time and place ami in tho manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 487, situate, lying mid being, in the 2d Dist. und Ith Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on ns unroturhed land undbr -and by Virtuo of a tnx fl. fu. issued by W. O, V. Schliestett, T. O. P. C., vs. tho said uimv turned land for tho purposo of tho Stats nnd county taxes for tho yenrs 1802, 1893, 1805, 1800, 1897, % 1898, 1890 and 1000. Also, at tiie same time and place nnd in tiie manner above desoribed, wiU'bo sold lot ot land No. 407, situate, lying, and being in tho 2d Dist. and Ith Seo. ot Polk County, Ga., levied on ns unreturned land under und by vlrtuo of a tnx 11. fa. Issued by W, O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. 0., vs. tho said unre turned land for tho purposo ot tho Stato and county taxca for tho years 1893, 1894 nnd 1890. • Also, at tho name time nnd place and in the manner abovo described, will be sold lot of lnnd No. 612, Bituate, lying’ and being in the 2d Dist. and Ith See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on os unreturned land under mid by virtuo of a tnx fl. fn. issued .by W. G. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. the said unre turned land for tiie purpose of the State and county taxes for tho years 1892 and 1893. Also, at the same time nnd place nnd In the manner abovo described, will be sold lot of land No. 614, situate, Iving nnd being in the 2d Dist. and 4tfi Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on ns unreturned land under and by virtuo of a tax fl. fa. fsimcd by W. C.« V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. the snld ulirc- turned land for the purpn«c.of the 8tatc and county taxes for tho year 1862. AIbo, nt the same tinio nnd plnce and in tlio manner nbovc doBcribed, will lie Bold lot of land No. 622, Bituate, lying und being in tho 2d Dist. nnd 4th Sec. of Polk County, Oa M levied 'on as unreturned land under nnd by virtuo of u tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. Schlieatctt, T. C. P. O., vs. * the. said unre turned land for the purpose of tho Stato nnd county taxes for the year 1890. . Also, nt tho same tlmo nnd place mid in the manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 525, Bituate, lying and being in tho 2d Dist. and Ith Sec. of Polk County, On., 1 levied on ns unreturned land under mid by virtue ot a tax fl. fn. issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. C., va. tiie Bald unre- turned lnnd for tho purpose ot tho State nnd county tuxes for tho yen re 1890 nnd 1897. . Also, nt tho samo time nnd plnce nnd i in the manner above described, will be Bold lot of land No. 620, situnte, lying nnd being ill tho 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Gn., levied on as unreturned land- under and by virtuo of n tax fl. fn. iBsued by W. O. v. SchlloBtett, V. C. P. G., vb. tho Raid unre- turned land for tho purpose of tho State nnd county taxes for the years 1890 mid 189A Also, at the same time and placo nnd in the manner nbovc described, will be sold lot of land No. 658, situate, lying and being in tho 2d Dist. nnd 4th Sec. of Polk County, Gn., levied on as unreturned lnnd under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. 0., Vb. the Bafd unre turned land for tho purpose of the State und county taxes for, the yeare 1890, 1803 and 1895. Also, at the same tlmo and plnce nnd* In tho manner above described, will bo sold lot of land 8l ! ,wte » l^ng and being in tho 2d Dist. and Ith See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fu. issued by W. O. V. Schlicfltctt, T. C. P. .0., vs. the said unre turned land for tho purpose of tho Stato und county tuxes for tho year 3891. AIbo, at tkc same time and place and in tho manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 60S, situate, lying and being in tho 2d Dist. and Ith Sec. of Polk County, Gu., levied on as uuroluhied land under und b! levied on ua uurclurncd land under und by virtuo of f a tax II. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. A, vb. the said unre turned land for tho purpose of tho State nnd county taxes for the year 1891, 1892 and 1893. AIbo, nt the name time and place nnd in tho manner above described, will lie sold lot of land No. 687, situate, lying arid being in the 2d Dist. and 4th See. of l’olk County, Gn., levied on as unreturned lnnd Under und by virtuo of a tnx fl. fa. isBucd by W. A -V. Schliestett, T. O. P. A, vs. the Bald unre- turned laud for the purpose of the State and county tnxes for tho years 1890, 1891, 1892, 1694, 1806, 1800, 1897, 1808 und 1899. Also, nt the same time nnd place and in the manner ubovc described, will be sold lot of land No. 606, Bituate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. »of Polk County, Ga., levied on ns unreturned land under mid by virtuo of n tax 11. fa. issued by W./C. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O., v«. the said unre- turned land for tho purpose of the Stntc and county,taxes for tho years 1891; 1692, 1B93, 1891, 1805,-1897, 1808 and-1899. ! Also, ut tho samo time nnd place nnd in the manner above described, will be sold.lot of land No. 590, Bituate, lying nnd being in tho 2d Dist. mid Ith See. of Polk County, Ou., levied Cn ns unreturned lincl under and by virtuo of a tax fl. fn. issued by. W. C. V, SchlleRtelt, T. O. P. A, vs. the said unrB- turned land for tho purpose of the State and bounty tnxes for the.years 1801, 1897 mid 1803. , Aluo, nt the Bamo lime and place and In the manner above desoribed, will be Bold lot of land Np. 507, Bituate, lying and being in . tho 2d Diet, mid Ith Sec. of Polk County, Cn., ; levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of u tax fl. fa. issued by W. A V. Schliestett, T. A P. A, vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxca for the years 1890, 1S91, 1892 and ISSfl. AI no, ut the same tlmo and place and Iq the manner above described, will be pold lot of land Np. 014, situate, lying und being in tho 2d Dint, and Ith Sec, of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned lnnd' under and by virtuo of a tax fl. fn. Issued by W. A V. the said qnre- fichliestett, T. C. *t\ 0., turned land for tiie purpose of tho State and county taxes for the years 1892, . • Alio, at the tome timo nnd place and in tho manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 688, situate, lying and being in tho 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tnx fl. ■ fa. , issued by W. O. V, .Schliestett, T. C. P. A, vs. . the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1800, 1801, 1892, 1893, 1834, 1895; lb9fl, 1897, 189$ and 1899. Also, at the tome time and place And in tho manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. C39, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied 6n ns unreturned Jnsd under and by virtuo of a tax fl. fa. issued Ky"\V. N O. V. Schliestett, T. 0. P. A, vb. tkc said unre- turned land for the purpose of. the Stntc ami county taxes for* the years 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1834, 1895, 1890, 1897, 1898 and 1899. . Also,', at tiie Bamo time and place and in tho imanner above described, will be Bold lot of land No. 042, Bituate, lying . and being in the 2d Dist, and Ith Sec. of Polk County, Oa., levied, on as unreturned land under and by vlrtuo of a tax li. fa. issued by W, A V. Schliestett, T. 0. P. A, vb. tiie said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1894 and 1S35. Also, at the same time and place and In the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 640, situate, lying and' being in the 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on ns unreturned land under and by virtuo of a tax fl. fa. Issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. .C. I\ A, vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and comity taxes for the year 1898. AI*o; at the same time and place and iri the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 665, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and Ith Sec. of Polk County, Ga.', levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. tailed by W. A 'V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. the said unre- turned land for the 'purpose of the State and county taxes for the yem* 1805/1897, 1898 and lr.'X). Also, -at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will be Bold 1 lot of laud No. CC0, situate, lying and being hi the 2d Diat. and Ith Sec. of Polk. County, Oa., levied on as unreturned, land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. tailed by W. O. \.' Schli.stett, T. C. P. A, vb. the Mid unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes.for the year 1890. . If you Iiato somethin? to sell, lei the people know It. An advertise ment in this paper will do the work. No. (108, situate, lying nml being in (he 2d l>ist. mui 4tii Sec. of l’olk County, Ga., levied on hb unreturned land under and by virtuo of a tax fl. fa. iwued by W, 0. V. "Vxj, P. A, va. “ **“*'■ Tor the purpose i county taxes for tho year 1890. Also, ai the same time and place and In the manner nbovc described, will bo BoldJot- of lnnd No. C00, Bituate, lying , und beliTg in the 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of l’olk Couhty, Gn., levied on as mirutumed land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fn. taned by \\\ C. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. C., vs. tho Raid unre turned land for the purpose of tho Stato *und county taxes -for the year 1S03. Also, nt tho samo time nnd place and in tho manner abovo described, will be Bold lot of land No. 700, Bituate, lying ami being In the Vd Pi$t. and 4th Bcc. of Polk County, Ga., levied on ns unreturned ‘land under and by virtue of a tnx fl. fa. Issued by W, C. V. SchlicHtett, T. O. »P. O., vb. the said unre turned lnnd for thq purposo of tho State and county tnxes for tho year 1802. Also, nt' the same time nnd placo nnd In tho ntnfiner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 708, situate, lying nnd being in the 2d DUt. nnd 4th *Soc. of l’olk County, Ga,, levied on as unreturned land under .nnd by 'virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. -SchlicBlett, T. G.,P. A, vb. tho Bald unre- turned land for tho purpose of tho Stato nnd county taxes for tiie years 1800, 1897, 1899 and AIbo, at tho same time nnd place and In the manner aliovo described, will be sold lot of land No. 741, eltuatc, lying mid k being in tho 2d DUt. and 4th Sec. of l’olk County, Ga., levied on B9 unreturned land under and by vlrtuo of n tnx fl. fn. issued by W. A V. fichliestett, T. O. P. O., vb. the said unre- turned lnnd for tho purpose of tiie State ond county taxes for tho year 1805. Also, at tho samo time mid place nnd In the manner abovo described, will be sold lot of land No. 748, Bituate, lying nml being in tho 2d Dist. ,nnd 4th Sec. of Polk. County, Ga., levied on ns unreturned land under ami bv virtue of a tax fl. fn. issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. A I’. O., va. tho natd unre turned land for tho purpose of the State and county taxes for tiie year 1894. Also, at-tno same time and place nnd in tho manner ubovo described, will bo sold lot of land No. 750, situate, lying nnd being in thd 2d Dist. nnd 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on ns unreturned lnnd under nnd by virtue of n tax fl. fa. issued by W. O.* V. fichliestett, T. A P. A, vb. the said unre turned land for the purpose ot tiie Stuto and county taxes for the year 1895. AIbo, nt I’m. snmo tlmo and plane and in tbe manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 701, Bituate, lying mid being in the 2d DlBt. and 4th Bcc. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtuo of a tax ,fl. ta. issued l.y W. O. V. Schliestett, T. A P. A, vi. tho said turned land for the' purpose of the Btnte and county taxes for the years 1802, 1803, 1894 nnd time nnd plnce and in the 1897. 'AIbo, at the ... manner above described, will bo Bold lot of land No. 708, situate, lying nnd being in the *d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk Comity, Gn., levied on us unreturned land undbr und by virtue of a tnx 11. fa. issued by W. A V. SchlieBtett, T. O. P. A, vs. the said unre turned land for tho purpose of the State and county taxes for tho years 1890 ana 1897. Also, at tli.- saiiic time and place ami In the munner above described, wi'll bo sold lot of .land No. 817, Bituate, lying and being in. the 2d Dist. mid 4tH See. of l’olk County, Ga.,- levied on as unreturned land under and hy virtuo of a tnx fl. fn. issued by W, A V. Echlicstctt, T. A P. O., vb. the snid unre turned land for the purpose of the State nnd comity taxes for tho yeare lpOO, 1891 nnd 1892. Also, nt the same lime and place and in the manner nbovc described, will bo Bold lot of land No. 637, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and 4th 8cc. of Polk County, Ga., levied on os unrelurncd land under nnd by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. Sohlicstctt. T. C, P. A, vb. the Mid unre turned lnnd for the purpoBC of the State and comity taxes (or tho years 1800,.1897 and 1900. Also, nt the namo time nnd place nnd in the manner abovo described, will be sold lot of land •No. 805, situate, lyin'* nnd being in the 2d Dint, and 4th See. of Polk County, Ga;, levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. A. vs. the Bald unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the. venre 1805 and 1009. Alto, at the BaVne time and place und in the - manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 887, uituate, lying and being in the- 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of l’olk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under nnd by virtue of a tax fl. fa. taued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. the Bald unre turned land for tho purpese of tho State and county taxes for tho yeare 1890, 1897 and 1000. Also, nt tho same time nnd plnce and in the manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 804, Bituate, lying and being in tho Sd Dist. and 4th Seo. of l’olk County; Ga., levied op' as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O.. V. SchlieBtett, T. A I*. A, vh. the said unre- turned land for tho purpose of the State and comity taxes for the yeare 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 18‘.'0 and 1003. AIbo, at the same time and plnce ond in the . manner above, described, will be Bold lot of land No. 897, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and. 4th See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on ns unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. SchlieBtett, T. A P. A, vs. tho said unre- turned land for the purpose of tiie State and county taxes for tho year 1899. Also, at the same tiitac and place nnd in the manner above described, will be Bold lot of land No. 903, situute, lying and beingMn the 2d Dist. nnd r 4th Sec. of l’olk County, Ga., levied on .as unreturned land under and by virtuo of u tnx fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. SchlieBtett, T. A P. A, vs. the said unre- turned land for tho purpose of the State und county taxes for the years 1890, 1801 and. 1802. Also, at the same lime ana place and in the manner abovo described, will be sold lot of land No. 019, Bituate, lying and being in the 2d- Diet, and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under nnd by virtue of a tax fl. fa. Issued by W. O. V. Hchlicstott, T. O. P. A, vs.. tho said unre- turned land for the purpose of the Stato nnd comity taxes for tho yeare 18p0, 1895, 1800, 1897 and 1000. Al(o, at the same time and place and In the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 920, situate, lying mid being in the 2d Diet, and 4tli Sec. of Polk County, Qa., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. taued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. O., vs. tho said unre turned land for tho purpose of the Stato and county tuxes for the yeare 1891, 1892, 1897 and 1001. Also, i time aim place i i tiM 2d Dist. nnd 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and > by virtue of a tax fl. fa. taued by W. 0. V. Schliestett, T. O. P. A, vs. the said unre- turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1805, 1807, 1898, levs and. 1900.. .... .. . • Also, at the name time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 965, situate, lying and being in tha 2d Dint, and 4th See. of l’olk County, Oa., levied on ns Unreturned land under • and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. SchlieBtett, T. C. P. A, vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the >cars 1890 and 1807. Alto, at tho same time and place mid in the manner above described, will he sold lot of land No. ' 976, Bituate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. nnd 4th See. of l’olk Comity, Ga., levied on ns unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. A, va. tho said unre turned land for the purpose of tho Stato and county* tax?s for .t(ie year 1890. Also, at the same time and plaec and in the manner above described, will be sold lot ot land No. 984, situate, lying • and being in tha 2d Diet, and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax 1 fl. fa. iisued by W, O, V. Schliestett, T. 0. P. C., vs.' the Bold unre turned land for the purpose of tho State and 'county taxes for the years 1802 and 1893. the same time and place and in tho manner above described, will be sold lot ef land No. 902, situate, lying and being in the 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga.; levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fp. issued by. W. O.. V, Schliestett, T., A P. A, vb. the raid unre turned land for the purposo of tho State and county taxes for the years 1891 1802, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1807, 1898, 1899 mid 1903. Also, nt tiie same time nnd place and in the 2d Diet, and 4M* See. of l’olk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued, by \V. O. V, • Schliestett, T. C. P. A, vh. the sniil unre turned land for the purpoBe of the Stale and county taxes for the years 1830, 1801, 1892 and 1900. Also, nt the snmo time mid plncfr and in tho manner above dcHcribcd, will be sold lot of land No. 1006, situnte, lying and being in tho 2d DIM. mid 4th Sec. of Folk County, Oa., levied on ns imroturnod land under and by virtue of n tax fl. fft. taued by W. ,A V. KolilioHtett, T. 0. P. A, vs. the raid unro* turned lnnd for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the year 1890. Also, at the Biltno time and plnce and in the manner ubovu described, will be sold lot ?»f land No, 1012, situnte, lying und being in thu £d Diet, mid 4th See, of Polk County, Ga., 'levied on u» unreturned lund under and by virtue of a tux fl. fa. issued by W. A V. Schliestett, T. C. P. A, vh. tho said, unre turned land for the purpose of the Stato und county taxes for the years 1802. AiVo', at (lib Butn’e tlino-and place and in" tho maimer above described, will be wild lot of land No.- 1010, Bltuntc, lying and • being in tlio 2d DIbU and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on us unreturned lund under and by vlrtuo Of u lax fl. fn. taued hy W. A V. Schliestett, T. O. P. A, va. the B»id unre turned lnnd for the purpose of the State and county taxes for tiie yeure 1898,4890 and 1000._ Also, at tho same time nnd plnrc nml in the manner ubovo described, will bn sold lot of land No. 1080, situate, • i.iing and being in the 2d Dist. ond 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga„ levied on as tinreturned land under mid by virtue of a tax 11. fn. taued by W. O, V. Schliestett, T. C. P. A, va. the said unre turned land for the purpose of tlio State and county tuxes for the yeare 1807, 1608 nnd 1890 41ho, nt tiie same time and plan- nnd in the manner, abovo described, will bo sold iot of Iniul No.. 1032, situate, lying mid being in tlio 2d Dlat. and 4th Sec. of l’olk County, Ga., levied on ns unreturned land under and by « virtue of a tax M. fn. homed hy *\V. A 1 V. SchlieBtett, T. A P. A, vb. the said unre turned land for the purpoBe ol tho' State and county taxes for the yeare 1808, 3890 and ltKKJ. Also, ut the flame tiitic mid place ami in tlw manner abovo described, will bo told Jot of Jruid No. 1034, situate, lying and being in thu 2d Dist. and 4th See. of Folk County, Gu., levied on as unreturned land under und by' virtue of a t*x fl. ffi. taued by W, O. V. SchlieBtett, T. C. P. O., vb. the said unre turned land for the purposo of tho Stntc and county taxca for the yeare iliuo, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1804 nnd 1899. / Also, at thu same timo nnd place and hi the manner above described, will be bold lot of land No. 1053, situnte, lying and being hi the 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. ot Polk County, Ga., levied on ns unreturned land under ami by virtue of' ft tux it. fu. taued by W. • A V. Schliestett, T. A P. A, vs. tlm Bald unre- . turned land for tho purpose of the State and county, taxes for the years 1894, 1805, 1690, 1897, 1893, 1899 nnd 1900. Also, at the sumo timo mid plnce ami hi tha manner abovo described, ^vllj, ho Bold Jot of bind Nb. 1030, situate, lying and being in tlio 2cl Dint, and 4th Sec. of. Folk •County, (Jn.,. levied on as unreturned land .under and by- vlrtuo of a tax fl. fa. taued by W. O. V- SchlleBtott, T. A P. A, >b. tho said unre turned lund for -tho purposo of the State and' County taxes fur tUa veuro 1U)0 am) Also, at tho samo time nnd place amt in the manner abovo described, will lie sold lot of lmid< No. 1070, 8ltuuto, lying and bolng in tile 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of l’ojk County, On., levied on ns unreturned lnnd under and by vlrtuo of n tax II. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schliestett, T. A P. A, vb. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State nnd': county taxes for the years 1893, 1891, 18*5, 1693, 1899 and 1900. Also, nt tho same.time ond place and in the manner above described, will bo sold lot of bind- ??* n? 1 , 07 ’ B being in the 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of l’olk County, Gn., levied tm as unit-turned lurid under nml by tw 10 -, °. f . n tax* fl. fa. taued by W. 0. V, Schliestett, T. C. P. A, vb. tlio said unre turned land, for the purpose of the State and county tnxes for the years 1691, 1692, 1893, 1694, 1895, 1800, 1697, 1899 and 1003. Also, at tho same time and place and in the w n ann ??no b0V n de ! cr,b ? d ; w,n bo B0, ‘ 1 lot of land o ,°* JK 08 * situate, lying und being in the 2d Diet, and 4th Sec, of Polk County, Ga., lov ed on ns unroturncQ lnnd under mid by virtuo of a tax fl. fa. issued hy W. ,0. y, rerni l T^ lt 'i 'i* C >\ **’ VB * the said unre-i ! d *° r !, ho P ur PO" 0 of the State and county taxes for tho years 1894 and 1895. Also; at the same tlmo nnd place and in the manner above doBcribed, will be sold lot o! land M cbeing in the 2d. Dist. and 4th Sec. of l’olk County, Gu., levied on as imroturned land under and by. virtue of » tax fl. fa. tauod by W. A V. SchlieBtett, T. 0. P. O., vu. the said unre- turned land for^ tho purpose of the Stntc mid county taxtfcs for the years 1894, 1895 and 1909. Also, at the same timo and place nnd in fhe ™ n "cr 91’OV. Will K,ld lot Ol ta.Kl. V- i “ u. . • , ! 80,11 101 01 «*>««• “"d t’olni, In (tic 2d Dint, and 4th Sec. of l’olk County, ,Ua. f levied on na unreturned land under- and by Jirtue of a tax fl. fu. issued by W. O. V. SchlieBtett, T. A I’. O., vs. the said unre turned land for the purponc of the Statb und county taxes for the yenra 1892 and Jjb93. • Also, at the same tlmo and place mid In the maimer above detoribed, will bu Hold lot-of land No. 1169, siluate, lying und being in the *-d DlBt. und 4th Seo. tf l’olk County, Gn., levied on us unreturned land' under and by - virtue ot n lux fl. fa.. taued by W. 0. V. Schlicstelt/ T. A P. A, vb. the said vnre- turnod laud for the purpose of the Stutc und county tuxi-M lor the year 1894, 1895, 1896, lb— and 1699. Alao, ut tho same tlnifi und 'place npd in-the manner nbovc described, will bu sold lot of hind No. 1176, Bllmate, lying und : hci«S W the 2d Dist. und 4th See; of l’olk Comity, Gu., levied on as uurttiirneU laud . under and by Vlrtuo of a tax fl. ta. homed by W. V. Schlieetctt, T. C. P. C.V vs. the told unre turned lnnd for tho purpone of the State and county tuxes iOr the yean! 1803, 089-1 ami 3896. Also, at the Bumc time and place ami In ihm manner above d.'«cribed, will be Bold lot of land No. 1199, situate, lying und being in the 2U Dist. und 4tin * Sec. of l’olk County, Gu., levied on as Mirt-turncd land under and by virtuo of u tax fl. fn. tauf-d by \\\ A V. Schliestett, T. (V l*. A, v.«. the said, unre turned land for. the' ’purpose of the, Shite and county tuxes for the year 1899. Also, at the same time and place and in the virtuo of a tux fl. ta. taued by \V. C. V. SchlieBtett, T. - A 1’. A, vb. tiie raid unit- ttimqd- land for the purpono of tho State und county taxes for the years. 1391 and 1892. Aluo, at the same timo und place and in the manner abovo described, will bo Bold lot ol Lind No. 1225, situnte, lying and being in thu 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of l’olk County, On.’, levied On us unretuuicd fuml under and hy virtue ot u tax fl. fu. taued by VV. C. V. Schliestett, T. A 1’. A, vh. the .said unre- mined )ond for thu purpose of the Sf* ounty i for the years 1893 and 1894. AIbo, at the miiiic time mid place and in the manner above described,, will be told lot oi lurul No. 1233, situate, lying and being in the. 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of l’olk County,- Ga.,' levied on u» unreturned . land .under and', by virtue of u tax fl. fa. tamed bv 'V. C. y, Schliestett, T. C. l\ A; vh. the wnid ui.-.e- turned lund for the purpoon of tiie State ami 1 county tuxtm ior the yeare 1690, 1894 and 169.5.’ Also, at. the surne time-nml place and in tiie manner above described,, will be told lot of land No. 123v bituate, lying ami being iri the 2d Diet, and 4th Sec. of l’olk County, Ga., levied, on as unreturned hind under and by virtue of a tax fl, fa. issued by \V. 0. V. • Schliestett, T. O. P. A. vb. the said. Also, at the same time and plucc and in t1iq manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 1282, situate, lying and being in tho !d Dist. and a 4th See. of l’olk County, Ga., levied on as unre turned land under and by virtue of a lax fl. fa. tautti by W. A V. Schliestett, T. C. 1». O., vs. the said unre- turned land for the puipnne of the Stale arid county taxes for the year '1S03. Also, at;the same time.and place mid iri tho manner above described, will be Hold lot of land! No. 1293, Blfuatc, lying nnd being in tbq 2d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga./ levied on as a Unreturn.'d land , under and by virtuo of a tax II. fa. issued by VV. C.. V.'- SehlieHtett, T.„ 0. P. A, vh. the wild unre turned land for the purpose -of tiie Stale and- county taxes for the years 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1825, 1890, 1697^ l808, 1899 Um» 1900. Also, at the aame time and place nml iir the manner, above described, will be Bold lot of land * No. 1204, situate, lying ami being in lh« 2d Dist. nud 4th -See. of Prilk County, Ga., levied on ns unreturned bind under ami by virtue of a tax fL fa. issued by W. A V. SchlieBtett, T. O. 1’. C., vh. the Mid • unre turned land for the purpowo of the Stale and county taxes for the yeare 1890, 1803 and 1990. Also, nt the name Lime.and place and in the manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 1296, situate, lying and being in the 2d Diet, and 4th See. of l’olk County, Ga., Schlicfltctt, ’l. C. P. A, turned lnnd for the purpose of the fifitfe and county taxes ter the years 1695 ami 1896.