The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, December 06, 1900, Image 3

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'irWW WP. BURBANK’S A CURE GUARANTEED jjgg §g OR MONEY REFUNDED. MANUFACTURED AND SOLD BY t_ Sr. btjrbaitk:, zdrtjg-gkest.. Foundry Castings OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. SIADE ONLY FKOM CHARCOAL IRON. Machine Work and Repairs OF ALL KINDS. LUMBER SURFACING, RIPPING, ETC. ALL WORK PROMPTLY' EXECUTED AT REASONABLE RATES. ALABAMA & GEORGIA IRON CO., Codartown, G-a. VANDIVER WHISKEY CO., JOHN M. VANDIVER, Mgr No, 18 Broad St, (BAHEY’S OL. STABLE) ROME, GA. FINE WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, ETC. JUG ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. TELEPHONE NO. 24For Fine Job Printing come to The Standard Office.¥. L. B. LBDBKTTKR, WM.J, HARRIS LARG-EST Fire, Life and Accident Companies in the World. Special Attention given to the Prompt Payment of Losses. Large or Small. The Travelers’ Accident Inn. Co. Hartford Fire Ins. Co. yEnta Fire Ins. Co. Phoenix Firo Ins. Co. Commerical Union Fire Ins. Co. National Firo Ins. Co. Insurance Company of North America. North British and Mercantile. Continental Ins. Co. Greenwich Ins. Co. St. Paul Ins. Co. Georgia Home Ins. C. Pennsylvania Ins. Co. Liverpool and London and Globe. German American Ins. Co. Atlanta Home Ins. Co. Home of New York Ins. Co. Manhattan Ins. Co. Traders J ns Co. Imperial Ins. Co. Union of London Ins. Co. All Old and Reliable Companies, L.S. Ledbetter & Co., Agts. G. E. MANNING, The All-round Up-to-date ipim hi ■Shoemaker, Has bought the shoe business formerly owned by 0. M. Duna way, and is still doing business at the old stand. Bring me your work. I will appreciate it, and do it neat and promptly. I make shoes from $8 up. Yours for business, G. E. MANNING. North Main Street. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanses end beautifies tho Calr. Promote* a luxuriant growth. Never Polls to HeBtoro Gray Hair to Its Youthful Color. Cure* scalp diseases & hair falling. The One Day Cold Cure. Cold in head add Rore throat cured by Ker- jnott's Chocolates Laxative Quinine. Ah easy to take as caddy.' * Children cry for them.” Tho One Day Cold Cure. Pot colds and sore throat use Kermott's Choco lates Laxatire Quiniae. Easily taken as candy and quickly cure. Mr. Skimmorhorn (ns tho participants in tho (lobnto beonmo personal)—‘‘I was a thundering fool whon I asked yov to marry me!” Mrs.Skimmorhorn—“Well, yon looked it, door." E. Bradford guarantees every bottle of Ohamborlain’s Oongh Remedy and will refund tho money to anyone who is not satisfied after using two-thirds of tho oontonts. This is tho best remedy in tho world for la grippo, coughs, colds, oroup and whooping cough, and is pleasant and safo to take. It pro- vonts any tendouoy of a cold to rosnlt in pnotimonia. »•« "Police! Poliool" yellod a man on tho street. “Hero, what’s the matter?” ex claimed a policeman, rushing around tbecornor. “Nothing, of course," ex plained tho man. “If thero had been, you wouldn’t have been anywhere within a mile.” After lie Comes he has a hard enough time. Every thing that the expectant mother can do to help her child she should do. One of the greatest blessings "she can give him is health, but to do this, she must have health her self. She should use every means to improve her physical condition. She should, by all means, supply herself with Mollies;?® FrlemdL It will take her jj through the crisis to easi 1 y and “ quickly. It is a fo liniment which jft gives strength and vigor to the muscles. Com mon sense will jshow you ^ 'that the stronger the muscles are, which bear the strain, the less pain there will be. A woman living in Fort Wayne, g Ind., says: “Mother’s Friend did 2 wonders for me. Praise God for your liniment” ' Rthid {his from Hunel, Cal. “ Mother’s Friend is a blessing to g all women who undergo nature’s 5 ordeal of childbirth.” , « Get Mother’s Friend at the |i drug store. $1 per bottle. | THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., £ Atlanta, Go. & 2 Write for our free illust'ated hook, " Before to S Baby Ih Horn.” (q PLEASED WITH OUIt PROGRESS. • ’ +' l ‘ " 1 Hon. Daniel Baugh, president, Hon. Chas, Adamson, vice president and geheral manager, and Hon. Edward M. Wlstar, director, of tho Oedartown Company, returned to Philadelphia the latter part of last weak after spend ing ten diiys In tho olty—Messrs. Baugh and Wlstar living In the Quaker Olty, and Mr. Adnmson going North aguin In the interests of his company. Mr. Wistar is one of the largest stockholders and a dlreotor of Cedar- town’s big development company, and Is the father of Mr. Thomas Wlstar, the popular young gentleman who made many friends during his resi dence here Inst year. Mr. Wistar had nnt been In Cednrtown for twu yenrs, and our rapid and phenomenal growth proved a genuine surprise as well ns a corresponding gratltloatlon. For In stance, In Ilia olosu sorutiny of Cedar- town’s progress he oounted one hun dred houses, oottuges and Industries in the Fifth Ward alono built since that gentleman was here. Every' where he observed evidenoes of our substantial prosperity, and is more than ever pleased with his large in vestments in Cednrtown real estate and industries. Messrs. Baugh and Adnmson expect to return to Cednrtown before the new year, and promise for 11)01 some an nouncements thnt will prove interest ing nnd grntifylng to our people. ■ Bravo Men Fall Victims to stomnoh, liver and kidnoy troubles ns woll ns womon, nnd all fool tho results in loss of appotito, poisons in tho blood, bnokaoho, nervousness, headaohonnd tired, listlcBS, run-down fooling. But thoro's no nood to fool like thnt. Liston to J. W. Gardner, Idnvillo, Ind. Ho says: Elootrio Bit ters nro just tho thing for a man whon ho is all run down, and don’t enro whothor ho livos or dies. It did moro to givo mo now strength nnd good ap petite than anything I conld take. I can now eat anything nnd havo a now lease on life.” Only BO oonts, nt E. Bradford’s drug store. Evory bottlo guaranteed. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. A deslrnblo G-rooin cottage on Gib son Btreet, newly painted and in tip top condition. Lot 92x100 ft. Price $1700; deferred payments on two- thirds of ninnunt. A magnificent two-story brick cottage on . Wlasnldckon avenue, covered wiih slate nnd having nil the modern conveniences. Lurge lot. The magnificent Bunn plantation on Cuvo Spring road; 2J miles out, containing 810 acres of rich valley land. Cedar Creek on west side. Largo two-story frame dwelling, barn, tenant and other bouses, J. R. Bakihcr. Mr. Jos.L. Davis, a popular young business man who holds a position with Watters & Sons in Romo, was the guest over Sunday of his brother, Col. J. K. Davis. The disposition Tif children largely depends upon health. If they are troubled with worms, they will be irritable, cross, feverish, nnd perlmps seriously sick. White’s Crenm Ver mifuge is a worm expeller and tonic to make them healthy nnd cheerful, Price 26c. T. F. Burbank. Mr. John A. Mercer of Palestine, Ala., has purchased the John R. Roberts house mid lot on Rockmnrt Btreet, which will soon be occupied by tho family of Mr. Mercer’s son- in-law, Mr. McMnster, of South Georglu. —i In biliousness, Herbine, by expell ing from the body the excess of bile and acids, improves the assimilative processes, purifies the blood, nnd tones up nnd strengthens the entire system. Price 60c. . Burbank. Misses Mamie Cone and Mamie Williams gave n pleasant birthday party yesterday evening at tho home of tho former’s parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W. Cone, west of town. Tho large company was delightfully en tertained. Rev. E. M. Stanton, tho new pas tor of tho Cednrtown Circuit, is in the city with his family, and they are cordially welcomed. Mr. Stan ton has been nt College Park the past year ns Conference Colportpur, and Is nn earnest, consecrated preacher. Miss Clara Whittaker entertained, the junior contingent of society most delightfully Friday afternoon nt pro gressive whist. Delicious refresh ments were served. Tho club will he entertained tomorrow by Miss Lucllo Hightower at 6 o’clock ten. Dr. W. A. Chapman was called to Richmond, Vu., last Friday by a message announcing that his younger brother, John, had been seriously hurt. The young man has been pro, paring himself for the Episcopal ministry, and has been paying his expenses by working in the revenue e-rvice, in which his father, Col. W. II. Chapman, is a noted officer. He was assisting in a raid one night Inst week, and was fired upon by mistake by another party of revenue officers, who took him and his companion for moonshiners. While his injuries are. very pprious, he is reporled to be doing well in Hie Virginia hospital. WHEN TOU VISIT ROME With intentions to trade, have you made up you mind wltoro you are going to do it? Thoro is no doubt about, this store being the cheapest place to buy goods nt in Romo. Our reasons for doing i ar ?j S0 v l } ln, , so suuplo and so well known, that it is hardly necessary to repeat them here. You should not trade anywhere till you have hiurour prices—that, is, if you value your money. Your neighbors all save money by trading with us. Why don’t you? a^MB;PMG^.-4jS,PQTCASH TOMB 228 8r 230 BROAD ST., ROME, GA. Wliat 1 Cent Will Buy. Oake good Onyx Soap, le Good Aluminum Thimble, lc Child’s Leather Purse lc Paper good Pins le Paper good Steel Needles lc Box good Hair Pins lc Good Corkscrew lc Children’s Toy Shovel or Rake le Wh t 10 Cents Will Buy. Man’s good Undershirt 10c Ladies’ Jersey Ribbed Vest 10c 1 doz. Ladies* Aluminum Hair PjllB 10c 1 doz. Horn I-Iair Pins 10c Largo Cabinet assorted Hair Pins , 10c Good Hair Brush IQc Extra largo White Honeycomb Towels , 10c Men’s extra lieavy mixed Socks 10c Men’s good Linen Collars 10c Bottlo best Shoe Polish lOe Good Yale Spring Lock,2 keys 10c Largo Steel Gurry Comb 10c Whit 5 rents Will Buy. 1 pair Ladies’ Fast Bl’k I-Ioso 5c Children’s Fast Bl’k rib. IIoso 5c Ladies’ All-linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs 5c Ladies’ Hemstitched Initial Handkerchiefs 5c Men’s good mixed Socks 5c Men’s large Hemstitched Hand kerchiefs fie Pair good Steel AVire-Outters 5c Good Can-Opener - , 5c Good Steel Tack Hammer 5c Large bottle pure Vaseline 5c Large bottlo best Machine Oil 5c Bottle best black Ink 5c Bottle good Mucilage 5c Large bottle good Bay Rum 6c Fancy bottle good Perfume 5c Good Glass Cutter 5c Good rolling Tape Measure 6c Good Fire Shovel 5c Good Steel Poker -. 6c Men’s good Leather Purse 5c Large size Honeycomb Towel 6c Lnrge cake pure Castile Soap 6c THESE ARE ALL BIG MONEY SAVERS. Ladies’ Fur and Braid-trimmed Capos ' 80c Lndies’ good Cloth Cape 15c Extra good Fur-trimmed Cloth Onpes ■ 48c Ladies’ Black Dross Skirt 80c Ladies’ Cloth Jackets, worth $5 $1.08 Men’s heavy Jean Pants 85c Men’s good Overalls 85c BQys’ good Suits 76c Boys’ extra good Kneo Pants 20c Men’s good Wool Suits $2.08 Men’s Sunday Congress Shoes 50c Boys’ solid Leather Brogans 08c Mon’s solid Leather Oak Kip Ties 08c Ladies’ good Sunday Shoes 08c Ladies’ lieavy Fleeced Yosts 25c Ladies’ Jersey Combination Suits 25c Children’s Combination Suits 25c Good Turkey Red Damnsk 15c AViiite Table Damask, Colored Border 20c AAA yard-wide Sheeting, yd 4|c Heavy Cotton Checks, yard. 4]c Good heavy Bod Ticking, yd o|c Heavy Southern Seal Drilling o|c Heavy Canton Flannel, yd 5c Extra heavy Canton Flannel 84 Verff heavy Colored Outings 84 Remnants best Flanelette, yd 7c Double-fold Fa’y Dress Goods 12^ Double-fold Storm Serge,yd 124 Thousands of Yards of Remnants— Percales, Calicoes, Worsteds, Flanelettes Shirtings—all Big Bargains. and GOOD ENTERTAINMENT. The B. Y. P~U7 will entertain their friends at tho resldenco of Col. J. II. Sanders tomorrow (Friday) evening. An Interesting program has been arranged, nnd everybody Is cordially invited to come. Admis sion ten cents. 1’IIOQIIAM. Instrumental Solo.. .Mrs. R. E. CaBon. Beo., “Thanksgiving Dream”,(oomlo) Will Eph. Roberts. Plano nnd Violin Mrs. Cason, Mr. Slade. Vocal Duet Mrs. J. T. Phillips, Miss Nita Whitfield. Quartet, “Harvest Moon,” Messrs. Good, Hester,Hunt, Simpson. Reading Miss Mary Barton. Vocal Solo Col. F.A. Irwin. Piano and Violin Mra. Onson, Mr. Slade. Voonl Solo Mrs. J. T. Phillips. Reoitatlon (comic) Mr. O. K. Henderson, Jr. Quartet, “Como Where the Wild Flow ers Bloom,” Messrs. Good, Hester,Hunt, Simpson. nave you a cold? A dose of Ballard’s Uorchound Syrup nt bed-time will re move it. Price 26c and 6O0. T, F. (Burbank, _ EXE0TJT0ES’ SALE. Georgia—Polk County. By virtue of an order granted by tho Court of Ordinary of snlu county nt tbe regular November Terra, 1800, ol’said Court, tbo undorsignod will sell, beiorn tbo Court House door in Cedartown.sald county, within tho logal hours ot sale and at public outcry, to tho highest bid der on tho first Tuesday in January, 1001, and as tho property oi estate oi Joel Brewer, deceased, and for tlio pur pose of paying tho debts and for distri bution of said ostnto, tho following real ostato, to-wlt:- One body of laud con sisting oi whole lotsot land Nos.874, 878, 902 nnd 003 situated on tho E. Ac W. it.It. in 21st district and 3rd section of Polk County, Ga., and designated as tho Old Homo placo. Also 000 body in same district and section consisting of land lots Nos. 073, 074 and 051, being about ono-bnlf milo south of said railroad nnd having thereon a lino iron ore mine. Also uno body consisting ol land lots in same district and section consisting of whnlo lots Nos. 950, 040, 048 and all oi No./ 947 excopt five acres in northeast cornor tliorool which is owuod by Ham mond, and all of lot No, 004, except cloven acres on oast sitlo thoreot, which is owned liy Hammond; also whole lot in samo district and section, No. 1026, which is also ricli in Iron ore; also, tho following unimproved lots of land, to- wit: Lots Nos. 080 and 1201 in 21st dis trict and 3d section, and Nos, 1280 and 482 In IStli district and 8d suction, and No. 070 in 3d dlstrictand 4th soctlon, all of said county; also, vacant city lots Nos. 26 and 20 accord’ng to tho Btowart Ac Duvenport sOrvoy of Has!view addi tion to Oedartown, Ga.; also, ivholo lots ol land in 21st' district and 3d soctlon of said county, Nos. 097 and 998, situated about one-half mile of Rockmnrt, and which is very valuable as a slate mine. This slato proporty will lie sold ami the contrachol Joel Brower with W, C. Bar ber in regard thereto will be earriod out. nnd tho interest of said Barber’s, /estate will bo respected. Terms, cash. This December 6th, 1000,. B. H. flKEWKij AE.O. BiiRWun, Executors of Joel Brewer, dec’d. JUSTICES AND BAILIFFS. Election Last Saturday Throughout tlio County Results 111 Good Men Doing Selected in Each Diet riot. Lost Saturday wns election dny for Justices of the Peace nnd Constables for eaoh militia district, and Polk oounty seleoted n good set of officials on the whole. A number of good men were defeated, while In many oases there were no contests for positions. At Cednrtown the election was un usually quiet, little or no attention being paid to it. For Justice, Mr. J. A. Burdette won over Mr. M. W. Bar ber, the latter gentleman being a can didate only a very few days before the eleotion. ForYionstnbles, there were three candidates, thd vote being as follows: —Weaver 247, Tumlin 230, MoMeekln 147. Messrs. G. J. Weaver nnd W. V. Tumlin were deolared eleoted, being the two who received the highest number of votes. Follow ing is the result by districts for the county. Oedartown—J. A. Burdette, Justice; G. J. Weaver nnd W. V. Tumlin, bnililfs. Rookmart—,T. G. Buliook, Justice; M. A. Ilnynie and T. A. Morgan, .bailiffs. Buncombe—B. B. Bishop, Justice; W.T. Wilson and II. H. Smith, bailiffs. Fish—L. Y. Jaekson, Justice; W. F. Stringer and Joe Brewer,•bailiffs. Young’s—W. T. Lee, Justice; Jesse McKibben and Warren While, bailiffs, Esom HIII-t-W. A. Hackney, Justice; Ed. C. Ilnokncy nnd A. J. Roberts, bailiffs. Seventeenth—T. J. Dempsey,J ustiee; P. C. Blankenship and Hutch Carter, bailiffs. Lake Creek—Edgar Brook, Justice; Pan! Faires nnd Leonard Parrish, bailiffs. ’Squire J. A. Tucker has given notice of a oontest for Justice, and the case will be heard before Ordi nary Hogg next Monday. ’Squire Tuoker thinks he had enough men pledged to re-eleot him, and wants a re-count. Blooming Grove—W. P.Ray,Justice; R. R. McKibben ami W. ,7. Bullard, bailiffs. Antioch — Tims, Wright, Justice; Ed. Wright nnd Taok Smith, bailiffs, When the stomnoh is tired out it must hnve a rest, but we can’t live without food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure “digests wliat you eat” so that you enn eat all the good food you want While it is restoring the digestive organs to health. It is the only prepa ration that digests all kinds or food. E. Bradford. In the death of Mr. \V. L. B. Powell last Thursday night, Polk county loses an excellent cltizon. He had just undergone a surgical opera- which Drs. E. II.Richardson, of Atlanta, and VV. G. England .and H, M. Hall amputated his leg. The shock proved too serious and death followed soon afterwards. Mr.Powell lived three miles north of the city, nnd wns a large and prosperous farmer. His unexpected death was a fiurpriseto his many friends nnd fam ily relatives, who deeply mourn his loss. / PENNSYLVANIA PURE RYE, EIGHT YEARS OLD. OLD SHARPE WILLIAMS FOUR FULL QUARTS OF THIS FINE OLD PURE RYE. $3.50 PREPAID. We ship on approval In plain, sealed boxes, with.tio marks to indicate contents. When you receive it and test it, if it is not satisfactory, re turn it at our expense and we will return your $3-50‘ We guarantee this brand to be eight years old. Eight bottles tor $6,50, express prt :ss prepaid; t m . • a, SHI .. express Mild, fSsSo. No charges for boxing, e handle all the leading brands of Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in the market, and will save vou 50 per Ant on your purchases. , Quart. Gallon. Kentucky Star Bourbon $ 35 $t 25 Klkridge Bourbon-....—.... 40 1 50 Coon IIollow Bourbon 45 160 Mellwood PurS Rye..,.. 50 1 90 Monogram Rye 55 2 00 McBrayer Rye 60 2 25 Baker’s aaaa.‘. 65 2 40 O. O. P. (Old Oscar Pepper)... 65 2 40 Old Crow. 75 2 50 FinclieB’ Golden Wedding ....... 75 2 75 Hodman House Rye. 90 3 00 Mount Vernon • 8 years old) 1 00 3 50 Old DiHinger (to years old) 1 25 4 00 The above are only a few brands of the many we carry in stock. Send for catalogue. All other goads by the gallon, such as Corn Whiskey, Peach and Apole Brandies, etc., sold equally as low, from $1.25 gallon upwards. We make a specialty of the jug trade and nil orders by mail or telegraph will ha /e our prompt attention. Special inducements offered. The Altmayer & Flatau Liquor Oo. 49~Mail orders shipped Lame day receipt' of order. 506, 608, 609, 610, 512 Fourth St. v Near Uuion Passenger Depot. Phone 105. MACON, - GEORGIA.