The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, December 06, 1900, Image 8

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BLOOD, BAD COMPLEXION. The skin is the scat of on almost end-' less variety of discnscs. They are known by various names; but nrc all due to the same cause, acid and other jxfisons in: the blood tlint irritate and interfere with the proper action of the skin. To have a smooth, soft skin, free from all eruptions, the blood must be kept pure and healthy. The mnu/prcpafatlonsof arsenic and potash nml the large number of face powders anti lotions generally used in this class of discnscs cover up for a short time,'but cannot remove per manently the ugly blotches and the red; disfiguring pimples. eternal vlgllanoo la thq prloo . of a beautiful complexion when such remedies nrc relied on. Mr. II. T. flliobe, a;sil,ucas Avenue, 81. Louis, Mo., says : "My clmiKliter wus mulcted (or years with O aliflgurlitff eruption on her (ace, which resisted all treatment. She was taken to two celebrated health springs, but received no bene- lit. Many medicines were prescribed, tint with out result, until we decided in try 8.8.8., and by the lime the drat bottle was finished lliecruptlon began to disappear. A doten bottles cured her completely and left her akin perfectly smooth, filtels now seventeen years old, anil noth sign of the embarrassing dlBcnsc lias ever returned." S. S. S. is a positive, mtfniling cure for tile worst forms of skill troubles. It is "the greatest of all blood puriilcrn, tind tlio only one guaranteed purely vegetable. Had blood makes bad complexions. purifies and invigo- rs iH x (TX rates tile old and makes new, riclt blood k »k ■ tlint nourisltes tlie body and keeps the skin active and healthy and in proper condition to perform its part towards .carrying oil the impurities from the body. If you have Eczema, Tetter. Acne, Salt Rheum, Psoriasis, or your skin is rough oitd pimply, send for our book on Blood and Skin Diseases and write our physi cians about your caso. No charge what ever for this service, SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, QA. “And you say you Itavo mndo a for tune. by your pon?" sold tho oarnost yoting man - with tlio literary look, “l’cs, sir,” ropliod tho oomfortablo per son. “And I deserved it. It is one of tlio b'oHt fountain pons ovor put on tho innrkot." Ilotv to Curo Croup, Mr. R. Gray; who lives near Antonia, Dnohoss county, N. Y., says: “01mm- borlnin's Cough Remedy is tbo host medioino I lmvo ovor usod. It is u lino .children's remedy for croup mid novor fails to ouro.” Wlion givou as soon as tho oliild bpoomos liourso, or ovon after tho orotipy oonglt has dovolopod, it will . proYpnt tlio attaolc. This should bo lioruo in mind and a bottlo of tlio Gough Romoily kept nt hand rendy for instant iibo ns soon ns those symptoms appear, For snlo by E. Bradford, druggist. Mrs. Bingo—“That’s just liko a man." Bingo—“What lmvo I done now?” Mrs, Bingo—“I spent a day making that pil low,and now yotvvo f put yonr bond on ' It." l’nrify tho sowors of tho body and stimulato tho digostivo FRUIT GROWERS WARNED. Trees Whipped Kmm Ffwehvllle Infested With Han Jose. Sosile. Wo call apoolul attention of nil inter ested in fruit growing throughout the stats to a rooont order Issued from this department by onr -State Entomologist unit approved by Hod. O. B. Btoveus, chairman of (ho Board of Entomology. Order of tho State Entomologist: "Ofileo of Stato Entomologist, At lanta, Gn., Nov. 8.—To tho Fruit Grow ers of Georgia: You arc hereby notified nml warnod not to occopt any trees or othor plants commonly known as nur- scry stook or parts thuroof, from tho Oumborlnnd nurseries, otherwise known as tho Grand Viow nurseries, Roso Bank nurseries nml Paragon uurserios, I. O. & A. W, Nowson, proprietors, Nnslivillo, Tenth.. This nursery firm has boon re fused tlio required ofliclnl tags of the Georgia Stato Board of Entomology be cause of tho fact that last senson thoy shipped nursery stock into tho state In fested witli tho Snu Joso scale, the woll known dnngoronsly injuriousiimoot post of orehnrd troos. "Notwithstanding tho laws of Geor gia to tho contrary and tho warning that I havo given them, tile above mimed nursery people lmvo attempted to smug gle into tlio stato several inrgo orders of troos again this season. I have already apprehended sotno of these orders and upon nxnmhmtlon hnvo found tho troos badly Infested with tlio San Joso scale. Thoy wore promptly seized and con signed to tho fire before tho ogonts had nn opportunity to dolivor thorn to tl(o purchasers. “I fnrtuor warn those who may lmvo nlromly tills season roooived trees from tho snld Cumberland unrsorios to dostroy tliom by flro in ordor to provont tho fnrtiior sprond of tho Son Joso sonlo, with which thoy nro undoubtedly in fested. "I also wish to rospootfnlly roqnost tho transportation oorapnnlos, their agents or omployos. to comply with tho rnlos of tho Georgia Srato Board of En tomology, authorized by tho act of tlio gonoral osHombly, approved Doo. 20,1808, governing tho transportation of nursery stooks. Tlio lntont and purposo of those rules Ir to prohibit tho ngonts of trails- •portatlou companies in Goorgla from delivering nursery stook unaooompnniod by tho oortifloato of tlio Goorgia State Board of Entomology. It is tho duty of said agonts of transportation companies to notify tho ontomologtHt when ship ments of uncertified stook nro roooived at tliolr rospootlvo stations. “W M. Scott, “State EutomologtBt.'’ Professor Scott has boon very diligont In dotootiug scalo infested troos that havo lioou illegally shipped into Geor gia. By vlrtuo of tho authority vested In him ho has confiscated and burned more than 80,000 troos tlint had boon shipped into tho Btato without a certifi cate and in spite of i ts written protest. Had tlioso Infested fruit troos esenpod dotootlon, tlio good work tlint for tho last two yoars has boon, going on in Goorgla and whloh has savod so many orchards from ruin, would linve boon undouo In many fruitgrowing localities. —Stato Agricultural Department. Riob, Warm, Healthy blood is givon by Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and thus it protoots from tho othor diseases that stimulato tho digestive organs to qniokly ovorcomo a weak nnd dobiii- tilted system. Tho favorite cntlmrtio is Hood's Pills, 25 oonts. Askit—"What 1b your understanding of tho Golden Rule? Docs it moan: 'Do unto others ns you would 'liko' to bo dono by?’ " Biznoas—“No; my in terpretation is: ‘Do unto others ns you would 'bo likoly’ to bo dono by.' ” Thin, pale, anemic girls« need a fatty food to enrich $ * their blood, give color to | | their checks and restore their {g health and strength, it is $ ; all reject fat with their food.; Priokly Ash Bittors is a tonio for tho kidnoys,livor, stomaoh and IiowoIb. T, F. Burbank. Mrs. Oannnford—“Yos, It te a really high-alnss sohool. Toddy 1b learning Batin nnd Greek, Babylouian art, and proliistorio gradations.” Mrs. Pick- "But do you think thoy will bo use ful?” "Usofull Thank lionvon, wo haven't oomo down to that yot, ” Among tho'tons of thousands who havo used Chamberlain's Gough Romo- dy for coldB and In grippo during tho past fow yonrs, to our knowledge, not n singlo onso has rosultod in pnoumonin. Thos. Whltfiold & Go., 240 Wnbash nvonuo, Ohtoago, ono of tho most prom inent retail druggists fn that city, in Bpoaking of this, says: "Wo recommend Ohamborlain's Gough Romody for la grippo in many oases, ns it not only gives prompt and oomploto rooovory, lint also oontoraots any tcudouoy of la grippo to result in pneumonia.” For salo by E. Bradford, druggist. Rov, Mr. Sniut|y—"I was very sorry that I oouldn’t All my pulpit last Sun day,but I liopo you liked my substi tute.” Mrs WUUorby-"Ob yos, He Si saf(J to s that th ncar | y jjj was lino, and I told my husband, who “ J J J n> didn't go, that he little know what ho had missed.” Many persons have luid the expe rience of Mr. l’cter Sherman, of North Stratford, N. II., who says: “For years I sulVereil torture from olironio Indigestion, but Kodol Dyspepsia Cure made a well man of me.” It digests wlmt yon eat and is a certain otire for dyspepsia nml every form of stomach trouble. It gives relief at once even ill tho worst cases, nml can’t help but do you good. E. Bradford. Wlion a woll known aotor was askod at an amateur play wliioli performer ho likod best, ho replied: “Tho prompter; for I saw less and hoard more of him than tiny ono olso." ■ The Best Plaster. A pieoo of llannol dampened with tibamberlain's Pain Balm and bound to tbo affected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lamo baok or pains in tho eido or ohost, give it a trial and yon nro oortaiu to bo more than pleased with' the prompt relief whloh it affords. Pain Balm also onros rheumatism. Ono application gives relief. For sale by E. Bradford, drug gist. ^ In North Carolina:— First Citizen— “Ain’t yon goin’ to teaoh your little boy to read an’ write?” Second Citizen— .“Now; ’taiu't necessary. His grand, father had a vote.” Every cotton .planter should write forourvaluable illustrated pamphlet, “ Cotton Culture.” It is sent free. Send name and address to GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., N. Y. COES LOVER OIL WITH HYPOPHOSP1HTES or LIME $S0DA 58 is exactly what they require; | it not only gives them the im- ® 5, portant element (cod-liver oil) $ 5a in a palatable and easily di-1 <! gested form, but also the hypo- Sj> 5‘i phosphites which arc so vaiua-$ S blc in nervous disorders that in 5}j usually accompany anaemia, (jj 58 SCOTT'S EAUJLSION is a $ 5ft fatty food that is more easily (ft digested than any other form J8 of fat. A certain amount of 5-j flesh is necessary for health. (ft You can get it in this way. 58 We have known per ns sons to gain a pound a » day while taking it. SPEAK FROM EXPERIENCE. Farmers Toll of Proflta Thoy Made by Patronizing a Rnundlnp Plant. Booing in a Boutborn paper tho namos of a nnmbor of farmers who hauled tholr ootton last year to tho roumllap prose operated by D. M. Ezell at Faulknor, Texas, tbo Bouthorn Farm Magazine of Baltimore wrote to them to loarn whether tboir oxparionoo had shown tho roundlap baling method to bo prolitablo to farmorB. Without ex ception tbo roplios wero highly Butter ing to tlio roundlap bale; notonoaon- tained any oritiaism of it. Mr. H. W. Diokson, of Crisp, wrote: Mr. D. M. Ezoll ginned my ontire orop last senson. Part of my orop I bad ginned into rptindlap bales and part I sold in tho sood. Tho first that I had ginned wns in tho first days in Sep tember, for wliiah I rooeivod II oouts per pound. Tho equaro halo was soiling on tho same day in Ennis market for 0.50 to 5.55. On Novombor 0 I sold eight round bales for 7.25. For ootton sold in tbo sood I got from two oonts to 2.47J. I would say that thoro was a square press in oompotition with round- lap press nt tbo point where I gin, and I had tho opportnnity of comparing prioos. Aocording to my jndgmont, the roundlap press was a great benefit to tbo produoor." Mr. L. M. jloliun, of Crisp: "Isold Mr, D. M. Ezoll sood ootton, wliioli I linulod past square gins. Neitbor of thoso gins would offer mo more than 2 oonts a pound in tho sood, They also stated that thoy would loso monoy at that. So Mr. Ezell’s roundlap prioo onught mo at 2:4B." Mr. J. L. A. Grizzard, of Bristol: “I rooeivod from 91.50 to 38.50 on oaoli bale put up on tho roundlap balo press operated by Mr. D. M. Ezoll more than I aould havo roooived from the square bate. I figured vory olosoly on tho difforonoo in tho two prossoB, and it is my honest conviction that tho round balo pross paid its patrons more for oot ton than tho squnro bate press.” Mr. J. M. Andrews,of Bristol: “I had 100 bates ginned on the roundlap bale gin, and am woll pleased with results,” These nro samples of many tetters, writton by farmors all ovor the ootton Btatcs, bearing witness to the fnot that roundlap bales bring the produoor bigbor prioos than sqaaro bates, LOPEZ HILL NEWS. We are very sorry that Rev. .1. M. Crow will not preach here, but hope tlint Bro, Stanton will have a success ful year. Miss Maude Godwin, of Lindale, Tex., is visiting friends and relatives here. Mr. J, It. Hunt wns in Rome a few days ago. Mr. Jim Montgomery visited friends in Reeseburg Sunday. Miss Ora Hunt is home from a few days visit in (Jnlhoun. Messrs. Will England, Fred and Clifton Collins and Newt Crow came out: in tills section ’possum hunting Thursday night. People, pay up your subscription to Tine Standard nnd have a big honor roll Xmas. Rock-a-Fku.ow. Red Hot Fjrom The Gun Was tho ball that! hit G. B. Steadman, of Newark, Mioli., in the Civil War. It onuBed-horrible Ulcers that no treat ment helped for 20 years. Thou Buok- lon’s Arioa. Salvo cured him. Cures Outs, Bruises, Burus, Boils, Felons, Corns, Skill Eruptions, Best Pile oure ou earth. 25 ots. n box. Cure guarau teed. Sold by E. Bradford, druggist. RECEPTION'IN HONOR OF MIBB CHAPMAN. Tho pretty homo of Mr. and Mrs, A. O. Crockett, in EaBt Rookmart, was tho sccno on Thursday evening of a charm ing reooption in honor of Miss Florcnoo Chapman, of Oodnrtown. Mr. and Mrs. Orookctt kayo only ro- oontly taken possesion of their lovely now residence, erected in a beautiful situation environed by tbo piotnrcsqno bills of Rookmart’s eastern suburbs,and this was tbo first sooial funotion wbiob Rookmart society poopio have had tho pleasure of attending under their hos pitable roof. Mr. and Mrs. Crookett are ideal ontortainers, and this Thanks- giving reooption was a fitting conclusion of tho festivities of tho almost ideal Thanksgiving day wbioh preceded it. Miss Chapman, tho lovoly honoreo of tho ovening, was tho brilliant star in tbo constellation of bounty assembled for tho occasion. Her charming and unaffected manner as woll as her beauty and brillianoy won tbo admiration of all. Aftor tbo usual round of sparkling conversation, with- vocal and instru mental mnsio ad interim, the gnests wero conduot to tho dining room by tho charming hostess, where an elegant snppor in six courses was served. Tlio guests of tho ovoning wero tho following ladies and gontlomon: Miss Floroooo Chapman, Miss Lillian Ven able, Miss Loulio Trimble, Mtes Nell Ramsaur.Miss Ellio Barber, Miss Annie Simpson, Miss Frances York, Miss Bessio Morgan, Miss Jobsio Branson, Mtes Ella Johnston. Mr, J, F. Dover, Mr. Harry Forguson, Mr. H. F. Harris, Mr. J. T. Fain, Mr. H. B. Williamson, Mr. N. H. Bulloch, Mr. Dave Ruiford, Mr. J. L. Allgood, Mr, E. R. Morgau. —Rookmart Slate. How's This'! Catauh C- F. J. Ciismsv & Co. props., Toledo. O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney For the last isycars, and believe him perfectly honorable tn aft business Iranst-ctions and fin- anclally able to carry ont any ohlfgatton made by then-firm. Wiist ft Thuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O., Waldino, St Kinnan St Marvin, Wholesale Druggists Toledo. O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure (a taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ol the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggirts. Testimonials tree. At Cave Spring Inst Saturday,'Squire W. p. Trout wns elected Justice of the Peace, and Messrs. G. II. Albea nnd II. V. McGinnis as Bailiffs. Working Night and Day Tho bnBiest and mightiest little thing that over was made is Dr. King’s New Lifo Pills. Every pill is n sngar-oonted globule of health, that olmngos weak ness into strength, listlessness into onorg.v, brain-fag into montnl power. They’re wonderful in building tip tbo hoalth. Only 25o per box. Sold by E. Bradford. Women are quiok to disoovor tlio faults of a wiso man and tho merits of a fool. In sluggish liver, Uerbtne, by its benefioinl action upon tlio biliary tracts, rendersjthe bile more fluid, nnd brings the liver into' a sound, benltby condition, thereby banishing the sense of drowsiness, lethargy, and the gen eral feeling of apathy which arise from disorders of the liver. Price 50 cents F. Burbank Pat’a Ready Wit. An Irishman who wns traveling through Loudon met two Englishmen, who thought they would play a joke on him. Ono of them snitk, “Good morning, Pat! Did you hear tho devil is dead?” The Irishman put his hand In his pocket and gave ench n copper. They asked what this was for, to which he replied: “ ’TIs always a custom in ould Ire land, when tile father is dead, tp give something to the poor orphans!” Tommy’ll Lomcli. Uuele (who left his nephew “refresh ing”)—Well, Tommy, you see I’m back. Are you ready? What have I to pay miss? Waitress—Three buns, four sponge cakes, two sandwiches, one jelly, five tarts aud— Uncle—Good gracious, boy! Are you not 111? ' - v Tommy—No, uncle, but I’m very thirsty.—London Tit-Bits. Praotionl oxperienee is a death-blow to illusions. FREE BLOOD AND SKIN CURE. An Offer Proving Faith. Ulcers, Eating Sores, Cancer, Scrofula, Itchin; Skin, Scabs aud Scales of Eczetna, Aches am Pains in bones, bnclc or joints, Syphilitic Blood Poison, Rotten Gumaand Chronic Rheumatism, aud all obstinate, deep-seated Blood troubles are quickly cured by taking a lew large bottles of botanic Blood Halm, we challenge the world for a case of Blood Disease that Botanic Blood Balm will not cure. The cures are permanent nnd not a patching np. Is your Blood Thin? Skin Pale? All Run Down? As Tired in the morn ing ns when you went to bed? Pimples? Boils? Swollen Glands or Joints? Catarrh? Tutrld Breath? Eruptions? Sores in Mouth or Tht oat? If so, your Blood is Bad. Blood Balm will make the Blood Pure and Rich, Heals even* Sore,Stops the Aches ana invigorates the old and wenk Botanic Blood Balm, the only perfect Blood Puri fier made. Sold at Drug Stores. $t pef large * ttle, including complete directions. To p r faith in Blood Balm a trial bottle given i ... Bufle'ers. For ft>e trial bottle, address Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Don’t hesitate, hut write describing trouble, nud free personal * * en. Blood Balm (B. B. B.) fails. Thoroughly tested for cures by using bTb. B. medical iuU Cures when all 30 years. Over 3. PETITION TO AMEND CHARTER. State of Georgia, County of Polk. To the Superior Court of said County: The Petition of Cedartown Cotton Oil Cptupany, and of L„s. Ledbetter, J. A. Wynn, E. T. McGhee, J. E. Houseal, and their associates, original petitioners for the incorporation of said Company, shows: First. That said Cedartown Cottoii Oil Company was upon proper petition incorporated by this Court and the saino has been duly and legally organized, all tho capital slock pain In, aha procet to exercise it* corporate rights. Second. Petitioners desire the Char ter gianted them by this Court amended so that the name of the Conoration shall be “Cedartown Oil Mills” in li«u of and instead of the present corporate name, as stated above, and that in its name so changed it shall exercise »il the corpor ate rights conferred by said Charter. This Petition is brought in hohalf of said Corporation and all. its Stockhold ers. who pray the Court tox allow and make the amend me 111 aforesaid. Bunn A Tkawick, Petitioners’ Attorney... Petition filed in the olllce this tho 21st day of November. 1900.. W. O. KNiciirr, Clerk. The above is a true copy of the origi nal Petition filed in my office, this the 2lst day of November. 1900. W. C. Knight, Clerk Po'k Supurior Court, oastoria. Bears tbe Thfl Kind You Haw Always Bought Signature Tho Kind You Ilavo Always Bought, nml which has been iu uso for over CO years, has horno tho signature of nnd hns boon made under his per- soiinl supervision nlnco it3 infancy. iig /.ilotv uo one to deed vo you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd “ Just-as-go6<l” nro lmt Experiments that trifle with and endanger ilio health of Infants and Children—Experience ngaiust Experiment. C4&TORIA \ CastorLt, is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Erops nnd Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other NurcotJo substance. Its ago is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Pevcrisltncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind. Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach nnd Bowels, giving healthy nnd linturul sleep. Tho Children’s Panacea—Tho Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORS A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. * TMB CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. A BOON TO MANKINDS D R TABLER’S BUCKEYE FILE CURE A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES, WITHOUT PAIN. CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. Tubes, by Mail, 76 Cents; Bottles, 60 Cents. JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, • - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. FOR SALE BY T. F. BURBANK. T IK T. . . WHITE’S CREAM 1 WORMSI VERMIFUGE! — Best In Quality. FOR SALE BY T. F. BURBANK. Georgia; Polk County, Hy virtue of an order dinaryof paid county, v... outcry on the first Tuesday In January, 1001, at the court house In said county, between the legal hours of sale, the following real estate to-wit: All of lot No. 625 and all of lot No. 524 except a strip off of the north side of said lot, supposed to contain three acres, and running with tho lane; said lane being the dividing lino between the lands of Andrew fr’opp, deceased, and John A. Orebaugli, deceased, ana fifteen acres off or tho oast side of lot No. 623. All of said lots and parts of lots lying and being In **10 21st district and 3rd sectnn of said county id containing In tho aggregate 02 acres, more • less. The above described property Is the line place of the late Andrew Copp, situated _j Collard Valley, with about 70 acres of open land, tho remaining 22 acres in tho woods, and woll timbered, with dwelling and out buildings sufficient to make it a very desirable homo. woll timbered, with dwelling and c sufficient to make It a very dr - ' Said place also contains a fine c above described propprty is sold ior uivisioi urnong the heirs of said estate. Terms cash. Gaorgla, Polk County: Whereas E. H. Richardson, executor of the last will of A. Richardson, represents to the court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that helia-< fully administered A. Rich ardson’s estate; this Is therefore to cite all persona concerned, Kiddrpd and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said executor should not be discharged from his administra tion and receive letter- of Ulsmis-iion ou the first Monday in March. 1U01. i2-d..'tmos A D. IIOGO Ordinary. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought The Georgia Loan and Trust Co. will negotiate loans, well se cured by improved real estate, at SIX PER CENT INTEREST on reasonable commission in sums of $250 or more. Good applications wanted. W. C.BUNN, Correspondent, for Polk Co. Bears the Signature oASToniA. Bear, th. /> Kinti Vuu Han Always Bought OASTOHXA. Bears the jg The Kind You Hava Always Bought “One of my rivals played me an awfnl mean trick.” “What was it?” “He gave ns n lamp which bnrns a half gallon of coal oil every night. KAY & BRO., DEALERS IN Fine Whiskies, Beer and Wines, Cash Orders Promptly Filled. Rome, Ga. LAND POSTED. All the lands of the undersigned are hereby posted according to law, and trespassers will be punished accord ingly. Nov. 6, 1900. D. A. Whitehead, R, Gammon, W. H. Henley, B. T. West, F. J. West, C. O. Bunn, O. P. Sewell, Jaok Parks, Frankie Whatley. Mike Whatley, Asberry Munford, Levi Thurman, Cass Ohisolm. Missionary—“Now, can yon tell me what is the chief end of mac?” Little Heathen—“To be annexed.” ^ FOUR IN ONE PRICKLY ASH BITTERS For sate by T. F. Burbank.