The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, December 13, 1900, Image 10

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ic'd land under and by a. issued by W. 0. V. k County, G*., under and by by AV, 0. V. of folk County, (In., land under ami by infilled by AV. O. V, wnfy tin nd 1890. i for I the purpose i lh'./2, loUi, 1895, '1898 _ _ , , » name time and plnot) end In tbe Miunm r above described, will bv Mild lot of land No. 99, ailiialv, lying and being bl tbe X7IJi Dial, and 4th See. of Polk County, Oa., levied on as unruluinod land under and' by virfcir af a tax A. fa. issued by W. U T. Hekll<«t«tt, T. 0. P. 0., vs. tbe said unre- tunied land for the purpose of the Hlatc and comity taxes for the years 1890, 1891, 1892, 1898, l»M and 1895. Also, at the same time und place nnd In tlie maimer above (Unoribcd, will lie sold lot of land No. 1*0, situate, lying and being in tbs l.tli Dkt. and 4tb geo. of Polk County, Us., loVlftd "u an unrvturiisd bind under und by x 0. fa. Issued by W. C. V. tullllw T. C. 1*. 0., lbs aid mod laud tor the purpose of tbs N(atu and (-utility tuxsM for tbe yutns 1890, 1891, 1892, IbW, 1890, \Wl, 1999, 1899 and yXJO. Ainu, at Mis sums Urns and place sod’ In the uumiur abovu dvscribsd, will be sold 1st »f lund No. 166, situatu, 1/ing und bring in tbe 17tli LHat. and 4tb Hue. of Polk County, Gs., levied on aa unreturued land under and by virtue of a tax U. fa. issued by W. r< v HobUuatett, T. C. P. C„ vs. the said turned land for tbe purpose of tbs State and comity tiuas for the year 1891. Also, at tbs same time and place and (u the maimer above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 17*. situate, lying and being in the 17th Dbt. and 4th Sue. of Polk County, Oa levied au as unrsturued lund undor and b virtue of a tax A. fa. issued by W. HdlillMteM, T. C. r. 0., vs. tbs sab turned land for the purpose of tbo State snd county taxes fur tbs year 1892. .... d place and In tbo n.aimer ubov<- ib «< ribed, will bo sold lot of bind Nm. !'7», nil null-, lying and In-lug in tins ad Hist, and 4th Hoc. of Polk County, Go., lei n-'l on an unreturned land under nnd by vliluo of a tux fl. fa. iMUed by W. 0. V. Schllestett, T. 0. 1*. (1, vk. the said mire- turned laud for tbo purpose of the Hlato und comity taxes for the year 1891. Also, at the same time and place and In tbo inunncr abovo described, will bo sold lot of.Ian* No. 9 bo, situute, lying and being In th 3d Hist, and 4th Bee, of i'olk County, Gu. levied on as unit-turned land under and by virtue of a tax ft. fa. isaued by W. C. V. Bchliostett, T. C. P. O., vh. the said unre- turned lund for tbo purpose of tbe State nnd lity taxes for tbo years 1894, 1895, 1890, 1897, »d Dirt. and 4th Hoc. of Polk County, Ua. levied fin uh unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. isaued by W. O. V. Hchlfertstt, T. 0. P. O., vh. tbo said t turned laud for the purpose of tbs State and county tnxes for the year 1891. Also, at Dio same time snd place and In llio „ nnd by virtue of a tax fl. fa. Issued by W. (J. V. Sclillcstelt, T. O. P. 0., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State snd county faxes for the year 1800. Also, st the Mine time and place nnd In ttie manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 1038, situate, lying and being In the 3d Hist, and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ca., levied on as unreturned land under und by virtue of a tax fl.,, fa. issued by W. C. V. Kcblleststt, T. C. P. O., vs. the said unre- turned land for tbe purpose of tbs State and oounty taxes fur the yuar 1861. Also, at tbs wiuie time and pines nnd lu tbe manriwr above described. will be sold lot *f land No. 1039, situate, lying and being in the Id Dial, snd 4th Hoc. mt Polk County, Go., levied on as mircturnod land under and by virtus of a tax fi. fa. issued by W. O. V. Hcliliettstt, T. C. P. O., vs. ths mid unre- turned land for tbe purpose of the Slate and oounty taxss for the yearn 1894 and 1807. Also, at the same time and place and in the lmucd by W. .0, V. mannsr above described, will be sold lot of land No. 1040, sit nuts, lying nnd being In Hie 3d Dint, and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Gs., levied on as unreturned lnnd under and by virtue of.a tax fl. lu. Isaued by W. 0. V. I Y levied KutollanUtt, T. 0. P. 0., vs. tho said tumsd laud for the purpose of tho Hlato and fa. lasuud by W. 17th DIM. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Gh., levied on sa unreturned land under nnd by virtue of a tax fl. fa. Issued by W. C. V. Hvhllestett, T. O. P. 0., vs. the said turned land for the purpose of Die Stntc mid county taxra for (lie years 1804, 1805 nnd 1890. Also, at the suine time und place and In tlm inunnur above described, will he sold lot of land No. 241, situate, lying and being in the 17th Diet, and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Gu., levied <ei us unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax U. fa. issued by W. O. V. Hc-hllastett, T. (J, P. O., vs. the imld turuod laud for the purpose of tho Stale und couuty taxes for the year 1881. Also, at tho same time and place and In tho 17th Hist, and 4t!> Iks. of Polk County, Gu. levied ou us unreturned land under and by vlrius of u tax fl. fa. isaued by AV, O. V. HobUiwtett, T. 0. P. vs, the tuiid unre- tniaod land tor tho purpose of tho State and oounty taxes tor the years 1800, lbul, 1808 and tlmo and place and In the 1800. -Also, at Mi _ ■Muuiwr shove described, will he sold lot of land No. W, situate, lying and being in tho Ufid hist, and 8d Bee. of Polk County, Ga., levied mi aa unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. county taxes for the years 1800, 1801, 1892 and 1909. i time and place and in the I bed, will be sold lot of lnnd ■luiiu, lying and being in the 22d Dlst. and 8d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by vlrtn* of a tax fl. fa. iasued by W. 0. V. county taxes for ths years 1892 and 1900. Also, at tho samo time nnd place nnd In the manner abovo described, will he sold lot of lnnd No. 907, situate, lying nnd being In tho 8d Dfst. and 4th Boo. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned lnnd under and bv virtue of a tax fl. fa. Issued by AV. 0. V. Bchllsstett, T. 0. P, C., vs. tho Bald unre turned land for tho purpose of tho State and xounty taxes for tho years 1890. Also, at the samp time and place and In tho manner abovo described, will he Hold lot of land •ft MX «*l“«l«. being In tho aw Dint, and ad Sec. ot 1'ulk County, levied on ns unreturned land under and by am* '«• tamed by W. o. V., T, 0, P. c„ ve. tbo .Bid unre- turned lnnd for the purpose of tho Stato nnd county taxes for tho year 1890. Also, at tho same time and placo and In tho manner abovo described, will bo Bold lot of land "°r 841, situate, lying and being in the Aid Diet, and 3a Sue. of Polk County, Ga., i . °? B ' , unowned l»nd undor and hy )Nrtuo of a tax fl. fa. issued hy AV. O. V. Rehllestett, T. C. P. 0., vs. tho said unre- turnod land for the purposo of tho State and county taxes for the years 1890, 1891, 1802, 1803. 1804, 1807, 1803, 1899 and 1000. Also, at tho same tlmo nnd place nnd In tho manner above described, will bo sold lot of lnnd M Bl ‘uato lying and being in tho Jd Diet, and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Oa., levlod on as unreturned land under and by u u.'l* * J ax « fl * ,a - Irau cd by W. C. V. Bchliestott, T. 0, P. O., vs. the said unre turned land for tho purpose of tho Stato and county taxes for the years 1890, 1805, 1890 and Also, at the Bame tlmo and piaru and In the rttltfre above described, will bo sold lot of land b’iug and being lu the 8d DUt. nnd 4th Sec. of Polk Ouuuty, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by \V. 0. V. Bchliestott, T. O. P. O., vs. (he said unre- turned land for the purpose of tho Si*- • and county taxes for the years 1890. Also, at the same time ami place and in the manner abovo described, will be sold lot of land “nJ being In tho 3d Dhit. and 4th See. of Polk County, Oa., levied on as unreturned land under und by virtue o! » lux II. I». IbsuihI by W. C, V. btbllratctt, T. 0. I'. C„ vi. tliti bbIU unre- turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1890. Also, at the same time und placo and In the manner above described, will be Hold lot of land •a'L? 1 }' 8i i ua . t *» „Wng and being in the 3d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk Oounty, Ga., luvlcd on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. Issued bv W. 0. V. bchliestott, T. 0. P. C., vh. the said unre turned land for tho purposo of tho Stato aud coiinty tuxoH for the years 1807 and IK* Also, at the uine timo and pluro and In thu manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 9T7, situate, lying and being in the 3d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. Issued by W. 0. V. Schliestett, T. C. P. 0., vs. the said, unre- turned land for the purpose of thu State aud county tuxes for the years 1804, 1SU5, 1897, 1693, 1890 and-1000. Also, at the same time and place and in tint manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 978, situate, lying and being in tlu 3d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk Oounty, Ga., levied on as unreturned laud under and hy virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. Schlfestott, T. 0. P. O., vs. tho said unre turned land for the purpose vf the State aud county taxes for the year 1804. manner above described, will he sold lot of land No. 1041, situate, lying and being In the Id Dist. snd 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ua., levied ou as unreturned land under und by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. 0. V. Hchllostett, T. 0. P. G\, vs. the said unre turned lnnd for the purpose of the State and county taxes for tho year 1894. Also, «t the name time and place and In the manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 1014, situate, lylpg and being In ths Bd Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levlod on as unreturned land under and hy virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued hy \f, • 0. V. Schlloatctt, T. 0. p. O., vs. the Mid unre- turned land for the purpose of the State and county tsxos for the yenra 1892 and 1800 Also, at the same time and place and In the manner above described, will be sold Jot of land No. 1046, situate, lying and being In tho 3d hist, and 4th 8co. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and hy virtu# of a tax fl. fa. Issued by \V. C," V. Schlicstott, T, 0. P. C., vh. the said unre turned land for tho purpose of tho Htate and county taxes for the years 1802, 1803, 1805 and Also, at the same time and plac# and In the manner above described, will bo pold lot of Und No. 105°, situate, lying aud bnlmr in ths 8<! Dlat. und 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land undsr and hy virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. 0. V. SehUcstelt, T. O. P. O., vs. the mid unre- turned land for the purpose of the State nnd county taxes for tho year 1804. Also, at the same time and place and In tho manner above described, will be sold lot of laud ?. 0, "Uuslo. flying and being In the id hist, anu '4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on ns unretqrnod land under and by Virtue of » tax fl. fa. issued hy W. C. V. Schllwteft, T. G. P. 0., vs. tho said ufare- turned land for the purpose of the State and couuty taxes for the year 1»0. Also, at tho Buhie time nnd place and in tho manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. J053, s tuate, lying end being in the ?evi«i oit ' 4®®°* l*olk County, Ga., virtu# -'Of; „ ... 8chllestett, T. 0. P. O., turned land for tho purpose of the Htato und county taxes for the years 1800 and 1000. Also, at the same time and place and in the .-anner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 1054, situate, lying aud being in tho 8d Dist. .and 4th Sec. of Polk County; On., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. Issued hy W. C. V. Schliestctt, T. C. P. 0., vs. the Bald unre turned land for the purpose of tho Ktate and county tn*ca for tho years 1890 and 1900. Also, at the same tlmo and place and in the manner above described, will bo sold lot of laud .JIM, situate, lying nnd being In the 8d Dist. am) 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga. „„ ■■■* unreturned land under and ' 3d hfi levied on as unreturned land under and hy virtue of a tax II. fa. issued by W. G. V. Hclillcstett, T V. P. C., vs. the turned lavd for the purpose of the State and county taxes for tlie years 1890, 1891, 1692, 1H93, IMtfi, 1690, 1897, 1800 and 1W0. Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 1175, situate, lying and bring in tho 3d Dist. and 4th Bee. of Polk County, Ga., levied on ns unreturned land under and by vlituo of a tax fl. fa. Issued by W. 0, V. Hehlhstctt, T O. P. 0., vh. tho said unre turned land for tho purposo of the Stato and county taxes for tho years 1890, 1891, 1897 and 1900. Also, at the same time and place and In the mnnner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 1178, situate, lying and being In the Bd Dist. and 4lh Sec. of Polk County, Qa., levied on as unreturned land. under und by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. Schlicstott, T O. P. a.. manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 1191, situate, lying and being in the 3d Dist. and 4th See. of Polk County, Gu., levied on ns unreturned land under and by vlituo of a tax fl. fa. Issued by W. G. V. Hclillcstett, T O. P. C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the year 1892. Also, at tho same time nnd place and in tho manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 1192, situate, lying and being in the 3d Dist, and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on aB unreturned land under and by vlituo of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schliestctt, T O. I*. C., vs. the said unre- turned land for tho purpose of the State and county taxes for the year 1892. Also, at the samo time ami place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 1193, situate, lying and being In the Bd Diet, and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on na unreturned land under snd by vlituo of a tax II. fa. Iwui-d by W. C. V. Schliestctt, T. 0. P. 0., vs. the said unre* turned land tor the purpose ef Hie State and county taxM for the year 1802. Aloo, at the wimt time and* place ami In the munnor above dusoribad, will be sold lot of land No. 1215, situate, lying and being in the Sd Dist. and’ 4th See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unretumsd land under and by vn tne »f a tax fl. fa. issued by W. G. T. Rclilicitctt, T. G. P. 0., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the Htatt and county tnxoa for the years 1800, 1601, 1802, 180« and 1900. Also, manner above described, will be sold lot af land tho said levied on ua unreturned land under and by rirtue of n tax fl. fa. Issued by W. O. V. .Schliestctt, T 0. P. 0., vb. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State nnd county taxes for the years 1800, 1801, 1898, 1804. 1895, 1885, 1807, 1808 and lOOo! Also, at tho same tlmo and place and In the manner abovo described, will be Bold lot of land ??* ™l 10, B 1 ltu .“. t , c ' Jytfig nnd being in the 3d Dist, and 4th Sec. of Polk Oounty, Ga., levied on aB unreturned land under and l»y virtue of a tax fl. fa. isaued by W. a V. Schllestett, T 0. P. 0., vs. the said unre- turned land for tho purpose of the 8tate and county taxce for tho y?ars 1801, 1892, 1893 and timo and place und lu the KiuiiiK-r «uuvo ui-aunued, will bo sold lot-of lnnd No. 1127, situate, lying aud heing in the 3d Dist. and 4tlt See. of Polk County, Ou., Icviod on os uuretumed lund uudur and by virtue ot a tax II. fu. issued by \V. 0. Y. Schliestctt, T C. P. V., vs. the suUl unre turned lund for tho purpose of the Stute und county taxes for the years 1890, 1891, 1892, »ww8, 1894, 1895, 1890, 1697, 1898, 1899 and 1900. Also, at tho same time mid place und in thu manner above described, will be sold lot ot land No. 1102, situute, lying und being in tho 3d Dist. nnd 4th Sec. of Polk County, On., levied on as unreturned Und under and by virtue of u tax fl. la. issued by W. G. . V, Schliestctt, . T G. P. C., vs. the said time and place and in Ilia iiiuiiiu-r auuve ucsuuucd, will bu sold lot of land No. 1103, situate, lying and being in the 3d DUt. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. Y, Schliestctt, T. 0. P. C., vs. the said unre turned Und for the purpose of the Slate and cOunty taxea for tho year* 1895, 1805, 1807, 1890, timo and place and in the —»—*»* ucovi iucd, will be sold lot of land No. 11644 situate, lying and being in the 3d DUt. and 4th See. of Polk County, G«., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued bv \V. C. V. Schliestctt, T 0. P. O., w. the said unre turned Und for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1892, 18W, 1696 nnd isoa. Also, at the same time ana place ami in tho manner above described, will be sold lot o( land No. U70, situate, lying and being in the Sd Dist. and 4th Sue. ot Polk County, Ga., levied on os unreturned Und under and hy virtue of u tax fl. ra. issued by W. C. Y, Schllestett, T a P. 0., vs. the said unre turned Und for tho purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1890, 1891, 1803, 1803, manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 1173, situate, lying and being in tbe Sd Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk Couuty, >, Ga., levied on aa unreturned land under audt by virtue of a tax II. fa. issued by- \V. O. V. Sehlicstett, T 0.1 P. C., vb. the said unre turned Und for tlie purpose of the State and county taxes for tie years 1890, 1891* 1S92, 1893, 1894, 1896, 1890, 7p7 and 1S9S. .Also, at the sanle time and place and in tlie manner above described, will be sold let of land No. 1205, situate, lying and being in tho 3d Dist, and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., Africa 18 three times larger than all I K MWalgS V. Europe, * Schllestett, T. C. P. d., vs. the said unre turned Und for the purpose of the State and county taxes forjthc yearn 1S9Q. and 1801, time nnd plaee and hi the inuiiuL-r mwutu ui-acnocd, will be sold lot ef land No. 1210, situate, lying and boing in tbs 8d DUt. and 4th Bee. of Poll^ County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under snd by vlituc of a tax fl. fu. issued by W. 0. Y. Schllestett, T. C. P. O., vs. the said unre turned land for tho purpooe of the State and county taxes for the years 1800, 1691, 1868 and 1897. Also, at tho same time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 1217, situate, lying and being in tho 8d Dist. snd 4tli Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on aa unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. In. Usued by W. C. V. Schllestett, T. 0. P. O., vs. the said unre- turned Und for the purpose of the Htate and county taxos for tho years 1800, 1S01, 189* and 1897. Also, at the same time and place snd In the maimer above described, will be sold lot of Und No. 1219, situate, lying jiod being in tho 8d Dist.' and’ 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by viftu# of a tax fl. fa. Uaucd by W. G. V. Schllestett, T. C. P. C., vs. tho said unro- turned land for the purposo of the Rtato and county taxes for the years 1891 and 1808. Also, at the snme time and place snd In the manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 1230, situate, lying and being In the 8d DUt. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned Und under and by vlituo of a tax fl. fa. Iwued by 0, Y. Schliestctt, T. C. P. 0., vs. tbe sold unre turned land for tho purpose of the State an4 county taxes for the years 1891, 1892, 1868, 1694, 1895, 1895, 1897, 1893 and 1890. Also, at the same time and place and In ths manner above described, will be sold lot of load •dtnatOf [lying and being in the 8d Dist. and 4lh See. of Polk County, Gu., levied aa unreturned land under und by virtue of a lax fl. fa. issued by \V. C. V. Schllestett, T. a P. 0., vs. tho said unre- turned land for the purpose of the State and county tuKtu for ths yearn 1601, 1892 and 1893. Also, at tLe same rime and place and In the manner above deocribed, will be sold lot of Und virtue oi a tax n. ra. issued by W. No. 1232, situate, lyiug and being in the Sohliestctt, T. C. P. C., vs. the said Also, at the same time and place nnd In the manner nbovo described, will be sold lot of land No. 427, situate, lying uml being in the 20th Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Oa, levied on as unreturned Und under and by virtue of a tax 11. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schliestctt, T. 0. P. 0.; vs. the said i turned land for tho purpose of the State county taxes for the years 1E90, 1691, 1601 and 1WM. Also, at the same time ... above described, will lie sold lot of lumf (1 place and in the Ik- sold lot ot Umf No. 488, situate, lying and being in the 20th Dist. snd 3d Hoc. of Polk Count/, Ga., levied on as unreturncJ land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schllestett, T. O. P. 0., vs. the said unre turned Und for the purpose of tbe State and oounty taxes for the year 1699. Also, at the name time and place and in the manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 444, situate, lying and being in the 20th DUt. und 3d See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. Issued by W. C. V. Schliestctt, T. C. P. C., vs. tho said unre turned land for the purposo of tho State and manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 410, situate, lying and being in the 20th DUt. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. Issued by W. O. V. Schllestett, T. O. P. C., vs. the said unre turned Und for the purposo of the Stato and county taxes for the year 1804. Also, at th<> same timo and place and In the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 418, situate, lying and being In the 20th Dist. and 3d Bee. of Polk County, Ga., levied on aa unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. Issued by \V. O. V. Schlloatctt, T. 0. P. C., vs. the said unro- turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for tho years 1893, 1891, 1897 and Also, at tbe same time and place < on as unreturned Und under und by virtue of & tax 11. fa. issued by W. G. V. Schliestctt, T. G. P. G., vh. the said unre turned Und for tlie purpose of tho State and county taxop 'for the ys*y 16VJ. time and place and in tha 20th Dist. snd 2d See, of Polk County, Ga., Uviad on us uursturnsd Und under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by \V. U. V. Schllestett, T. C. P. 0., vs. the said unre turned land for tho purpose of the State and oounty taxes for the year 1801. Also, at the same time and place and In the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 250, situate, lying and being in the 20th Dist. and 2d Sec, of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by vlrtuo of a tax * fl. fa. issued by W. G. V. Schllestett, T. C. P. C., vs. tho said wire turnod Und for tho purpose of the State and •ountj taxes for the year 1601. Also, at Hie same time snd place and In the manner above described, will be sold lot of Und No. SOI, situate, lying uml being in the 20th Dist. and 8d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. Usded by \V. O. V. county taxes for the year 1801. Also, at the same timo and place and In the manner above described, will be sold lot of Und No. S02, situate, lying and being in the 20th Dist. and Sd Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. Issued by W; 0. V. Schliestctt, T. O. 1*. C., vs. tho said unre turned land foy the purpose of the 8tato and county taxes for the years 1895, 1891, 1692, 1896, 1805 189T. 1898, 1890 and 1900. Also, at tlie bailie flnio and placo and In tho manner above described, will bo sold lot of Und No. 355, situute, lying and being in tho 20th Dist. and 3d Hoc. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. Issued by W. C. V. Schllestett, T. C. P. 0., vs. the said unre turned Und for the purpose of the Stato and county taxeu for the ycani 1890, 1897 and 1808. A*bo, at the same time and plnce and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of Und 380, situate, lying and being in the 20th DUt. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., ““ " unreturned Und under and by ' * '* 1. 'X levied virtue of Schllestett, T. 0. P. 0., vs. the said ...... burned Und for the purpose of the Stato and tax fl. f«. issued by. \Y. , time and place and in the manner abovo describ'd, will bo sold lot of land No. 171, situate, lying and being in tho EOth Dist. and 3d See. of Polk County, Oa., levied on as unreturned land und r and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. Issued by \V. O. V. Schllestett, T. 0. P. C., vs. the said unre turned Und for tho purpose of the State and county taxes Tor the yeara 1891, 1895, 1807, 1893, 1699 and 1900. Also, at the same time and place and lu the . .. .... of Polk County, Oa., unreturned Und under and by virtue ot a tax fl. fa. isi.ued by W. 0.- V. Schllestett, T. 0. P. C., vs. tho said unre- turned Und for the purpose of the State and HOth Dist. and 3d See. of Polk County, Ou. levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. 0. V. Schliestctt, T. C. P. C., vs. the said unre- 20th Dist. snd 3d Sec. of rolk Coupty, Ga.. levied on as unreturned Und under and by vlrtuo of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. 0. V. Schliestctt, T. O. P. C.,. vs. the said unre turned lond for the purpose of the State and county taxes for tlie year* 1691, 1802, 1693, 1894 and 1805. Also, at the same tfmo and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of Und No. 140, situate, lying and being hi tha 20th Dist. and Sd Sec. of Polk County. Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. Issued by' \V. C. V. .Sehlicstett, T. O. P. C., vs. the safd unre- turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1802, 1803, 1894, 1895, ,S M place u„„ the manner above described, will be sold lot of Und No. 238, situate, lying and being in the toth * -• ” * ~ I' Vied 20th Dist. and 8d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., * ‘ ’ unreturned Und under and by tax fl. fa. Issued by \V. 0. V- Schlleslett, T. O. I’. 0., vs. the said unre turned land for tho purpose of the State ami county,taxes for the years 1802, loo3, 1804 and 1895, Also, at the same tlmo and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 240, situate, lying • and being In the 20th Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. Sohliestctt, T.. C. P. C., vs.. the said ... —jr and by Irtuc of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schllestett, T. 0. P. O., vb. the said unre turned Und for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1895 and 1890. Also, at the samo time and place and In the manner above described, will be sold lot of Und ‘ situate, lying and being in the Schlleslett, T. O. f, 0„ Ti, tho said turned Uml for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1890, 1891, 1692, 1803, 1691, 1805. 1896, 1897, 1803, 1809 and 190Q, Also, at the same time and place and In the manner above described, wUl be sold lot of land No. 119, situate, lying and being in the *0th Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk Oounty, Ga., levied on as unreturned Und under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. 0. V. Schliestctt, T. 0. P. O., vs. the said unre turned Und for the purposo of the Bute and county taxes for tho years 1895. Aleo, at the same tiimj. and place and In tho manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 125, situate, lying and being in the 20th Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on os unreturned Und under nnd bi No. 128, situate, lying and being 18th Dist. and 3d See. of Polk County, Oa., levied on as unreturned Und under iind by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by \Y. 0. V. Schliestctt, T. C. P. 0., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county (axes for the years 189?, 1803 and 1601. ADo, at the Eanie time nnd placo nnd in the manner above described, will be sold lot of Uml ftji ,ylnff • uml l,c,n K ,n 18th Dist. and 3d Sco. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned Und under and -by virtue of a tax fl. la. issued by \V. C. V. Schllestett, T. C. P. C., vs. the siid unre turned land for the purpose of tho Stute and county taxes for the year 1808. Also, at the same tlmo and place and in tho manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 163, situate, lying nnd being in the 18th Dist. and 3d Gee. of Polk County, Gal, levied on as unreturned Und under‘and by virtue of a tax 11. fa. issued by \\\ c. v. Schliestctt, T. C. P. C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1893, 1894, 1895 and 1803. Also, at the same time nnd placo and in the manner above- described, will be sold lot of land No. 191, situate, lying and being in the 18th Dist. and Sd See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on os unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by \V. C. V. Schliestctt, T. C. P. C.. vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose nf the State and county taxes for the years 1890, 1591, 1892. 1S93 and 1805. . Also, at tho samo time nnd place and In tho manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 211, situate, lying, and being in tho 18th Dist. nnd 3d See. of Polk County, Ga.. levied on as unreturned lnnd under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. Issued by \V. C. V. Schliestctt, T. C. P. C.. vs. the said unrel turned land for the purpose of the Htate and county taxes for the years 1800, 1894, 1805, 1898. 1899 nnd 1900. Also, at the same time and place and in tho manner above described, will be sold lot of laud No. 221,. situate, lying and being in tho 18th Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. G. V. Schllestett, T. C. P. C., vs. tlm said unre- turned land for the purpose of tho State snd county taxes for the years 1890, 1894, 1893, 1890, manner above described, will be sold lot of land 7 I , “ OVJ vi i vm vvuuij, vm., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. f«. Issued by W. 0. V. 3d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk Csunty, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and ‘ Virtue of a tax U. fu. issued by \Y, "<?. V. Schllestett, T. C. V- 0., vs. the said __, r turned land for tlie purpose of tho State and county taxos for the year 1805. Also, at the same time and place and In the manner above described. wM be sold lof. of land No, 1233, situate, lying and being in the 3d Dist. and 4th See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on aa unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. Y. Schliefltcit, T. O. I'. C., vs. the said unre turned land for tbe purpose of the State and county taxes for tho years 1891, 1863, 1890, 1897, 1890., 1899 and 1000. Also, at the same rime anu ttlaao nna m tne manner ubovo described, will be sold lot of land No. 1241, situate, lying nnd being in the 8d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by \V. C. V. Schliestctt, T. C. P. O., vs. the said unre turned land for the purposo ot the State and county taxes for the years 1802 and 1893. Also, at Hie some time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 1244, situate, lying and being in the 3d Dirt, and 4th Sec. of Polk Oouaty, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by i virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. CJ. Y. Schlieitott, T. O. P. 0., vs. the Bald unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes tor the years 1890 and 1891. Also, at the same time and place and In the mannrr above dcbt-ribcd, will bo sold lot of land No. 1251, situate, lying and being in the 3d Dist. and 4th See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned lnnd undor and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. Issued by W. O. V. Schliestctt, T. O. P. 0., vs. the said unre turned lnnd for the purposo of the State and county taxes for the years 1800, 1891, 1892, I860, 1891 and 1807. Also, at the same time and place and Jn the manner above described, will be sold lot of lund No. 1203, situate, lying and being in the 3d Dist, and ,4t|i Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on ns unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. a V.' Sehlicstett, T. O. P. C., vs. the said unre turned land for tho purpose of the State nnd county taxes for the years 1891, 1892, 1893 and 1804. . . Also, at the same time and place and In tlie manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 1280, situate, lying and being fp the 3d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk oi'flnty, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by \V. O. V. Schliestctt, T. O. P. O., vs. the said unro- turned land for tho purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1890, 1891, 1S92, 1S93, 1IXH ICOI low ...I .nw ’ 1 1894, 1805, 1807, 1893 and 1690. Also, at tlie same time and plaee and in the manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 1291, situate, lying and being hi the 3d Dist. and 4th See.'of Polk County, Ga,, levied en as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by \Y. O. V. Schliestctt, T. O. P. 0., vs. the said unre turned land for tho purposo of the State and county taxes for tho years 1801, 1892 and 1893. Also, at the same time and place and In the maimer above described, will be sold lot of land No. 1292, situate, lying and being in tho 8d Dist. and 4th Sec. of Polk County; Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by vlrtuo of a tax fl. fa. iasued by W. O. V. Sehliestott, T. O. P. O., vs. the said unre- turned Und for tlie purpose of the State and county taxes tor the years 1300, 1891, 1802, 1893. 1894, 1895. 1807 and 1893. ’ Also, at the same Ifmo imd plaee and In tbe manner above described, will bo sold lot of land £2*. i* 0 * situate, lying and being in the 20th Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. Issued by W. C. V. P * a ’ V8 -, tho unre turned land for the purpose of the Stato and county taxca for the years 1890 and 1891. Also, at vne same time ana place and fn the £? ,nnf / ftD ab ® v , a . described, will be sold lot of land JJfh ■ituato, lying and being in the 10th Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga.. levied on on unreturned Und under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued hy W, O. V SchlUrteit T. O. P. O., vs. the said unre’ turned land for the purpose of the State and >cm lm - lsa - 1SW - 1S! *. turned land for the purposo ot the State and •ounty taxes for the years 1891 and 1892. Also, at the same time and place aud in the manner above described, will bo sold lot of Und No. 324, situate, lying and being In the 20th Dirt, and Bd See. of Polk County, Ga„ levied on as unreturned Und under nnd by virtue of a tax fL fa. issued by W. O. V. Schllestett, T. C. P. C-, vs. the said unre turned Und for \hp purposo of the State and county taxes for the years 1801, 1892, 1693, 1804, 1805 and 1805. Alao, at the mme time and place and Jn the manner above described will be sold lot of Und No. 880, situate, lying and being in the 20th Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Oa., levied on ns unreturned land under and by jirtue of a tax fl. fa. Issued by W. O. V. Schllestett, T. C. P. 0., vs. the said unre- •turned Und for the purposo of tho Stato and oounty taxes for the year 1897. Also, at tlie same time and place and in tha manner above described will be sold lot of land £o; rit H at £. I yinff and in tho 20th Diet, and 8d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on ns unreturncu Und under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. Schllestett, T. C. P. C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1603. 1895 and 1805 Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described will be sold lot of Und No. 280, situate, lying and being in the 20th Dist. and 8d Sec. of Polk Oounty, Ga., levied on as unreturned Und unocr and by •virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schlfeetett, T. O. P. 0., vs. the s&fd unre turned Und for the purpose of the State and <»unty taxce for tho year 1891. Also, at the same time and place and 4n the manner above described will be sold lot of knd No. rttuate, lying and being in the 20th Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County. Ga., levied. on as unreturnod Und under and by virtue of a tar fl. fa. Issued by W. O. V. Sehlicstett, T. C. P. 0., vs. the said unre- turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes tor the yeaV 1890. Also, at the same timo and place and in the manner above described will be sold lot of Und No. 801, situate, lying and being in the 20th Dist. and 3d Ses. of Polk County, Oa., levied on as .unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issuod by W. C. V. Schllestett, T. 0. P. 0., vs. the said unre turned Und for the purposo of the State and county taxes for the year 1804. Also, at the same time and place and In the jnanper above described will be sold let of Und No. 802, situate, lying and being in the 20th Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County? Ga., levied on as unreturned Und under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. SchllMtett, T. O. P. 0., vs. the said unre turned Und for the purpose,of the State and county taxes for the years 1890, 1891. 1802. 1893 18W, 1805, I860, 1807, 1898. 1S90 and 1900. Also, at the same time and place and in the manner abovn described will be Bold lot of land No. 309, situate, lying and being in the 20th DUt. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. Y. Schllestett, T. O. P. O., vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of the- State and county taxes tor the year 1891. Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described will bo sold lot of Und No. 812, situate, lying and being in the 80th Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned Und under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. O. V. Schliestctt, T. C. P. C., vu. the said unre turned Und for the purpose of the State and county taxca for the year 1891. Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described will be sold lot of Und No. 810, situate, lying and being in the 20th Dist. and 3d 8oc. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned Und under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by W. C. V. Sehlicstett, T. C. P. C., vs. the said unre turned Und for tbo purpose of the State and county tax<3 for the year 1801. Also, at the same time and pUce and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of Und Vo. 104, sltuato, lying and bring» in tho K)th Dlat. and Sd Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by of a tax 11. fa. issued by \V. O. V. SchllMtett, T. O. P. 0., vs. the said unre- turnod land for the purpose of the State and 1804 lt £ld A lSQ5 fOr th ° yC “” 189 °’ 18911 1S92, 1SD3, icvicu on as unreturned lnnd under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by \V. a V. Schlieetett, T. C. P. 0., vs. tho said unre turned Und for the purpose of the State and county taxM for th# years 1800, 1891, 1892, 1603, 1804,. 1695, 1690, 1807, 1808, 1899 and 1000? Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will bo sold lot of land No. 82, situate, lying nnd being m the levied 20tj. Dlat. snd 3d See. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and hr vlrtuo of a tax fl. fa. Issued by W. Q Y- 20th Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Oft,, Icvlsd on as unreturned land under and by virtue ot a tax fl. fa. issued by AY. 0. V. SchllMtett, T- 0, P- C., vs. tlie said unre turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the year 1801. Also, at tho Bame time and place and in manner above described, will he sold lot of land No. 43, situate, lying and being in the 20th Dirt, and Sd Bee. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land under and by Virtue of ft tftx 8. fa. issued hy W. C. V. Sehlicstett, T. O. 1». O., vs. the said unre turned land for the purposo of the State and county tuxes for the years 1S00, 1801, 1892 and 1803. Also, at the same time and place and In the manner above described, will he sold lot of land No. 250, situate, lying ami being in tlie 20th Dist. and Bd Sec. of Polk County, Oa., levied on ns unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued hy W. C. V. Sohliestctt, T. C. P. O., vs. the said unre turned land for the purposo of the State and county taxes for the year *802. Also, at the same time and place and in the manner above described, will be sold lot of land J84, situate, lying and being in the *°th Dist- nnd 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., Jevied on as unreturned 4nd under and by virtue of ft tftx fl. fft. issued by \V. C. V. 8chliestett, T. C. P. Q., vs. the Bftid unre turned land for the purpose of the State and ,or tho ycnra 180®, 1893, 1895, ; time and place and in the 1300 and 189T. Also, at the ^ 4U iiivj mnnner above described, will be sold-lot of land Si, -t ^ at *l i yin * #nd beI, *8 In. the 20th Dist. and 3d Sec. nf Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land undor and by I a tax fl - fa - issued by W. C. V. 8chHe«tott, T. 0. P. 0., vs. the said unro- turned land for tho purpose of the State and couiYy byroft tor Hie year 1304. Also, at flic same time and place and in the 5 annc /J‘ bov .° de8crIb «i. will be sold lot of land nul Mng and being In the f°t“ ““J 3d 8m. ol I'olk Oounty, Oa., levltd on aa unreturned land under and by virtue ot a tax a. la. isaued by W. C. V. Sohliestctt, T. C. P. 0., VI. tbe laid unra- turned land tor the purpose ol the State end r?!'. nt t , 1 '* xc *the yeara 1S00, 18B, 1803, ISOt, ISM, 1SD3, ISO and 1900. »•>. & «rid a i . h : levied on unreturned land under and by d B i®* 01 i fl - issued by \V, 0 A’ 0- P. 0., vs. the said urfre: ] and i° r *he purposo of the Stato and oounty taxes for the years 1895 and 1808. Also, at the same time and place and in tho manner above described, will be sold lot of land 4 J*1\ * it y at £, lying and being In tho and M . Scc L, of , Polk tt&nty, Ga., JESS ?? “ unreturned land under and by a J ax ^ f *- issued by AA’. O. V. turn-in net P * ^ V8, the 8aId unre * turned land for the purpose of the State and s h M \z iso1 ' ^ jn^ ltdM%rbe P S SoV’it ist'h rS't i rln * * Dl1 in tbe invinK™ and 3d l Scc - °f Polk County, Ga., o? .“urrtiit, r y J Tv "g y SMd ^r Vpn^vl 'tt.TS -d*1d Sf “ u ” r ''urr>«t land under lid by Schlkjtett, T I C. a 'r , ’'o tho Zh° V ' turned land for the purpose of * the ITi'sot' 3 ,or " ,e ynn lsa >' mS “&d”£ «"1 «,sito“pV$*t£ at °» as unreturned lund under and by s&ti^v-P.vnt & s turned land for the purpose of the stnta „„ C i There Is no other country In Enropd »o tnx-rldden na Italy. manner above described, will be aold lot of land No. 228, situate, lying and being in the 18th Dist. and 8d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unreturned land tinder and hy virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by AY. C. V. Schllestett, T. C. P. 0.. vs. the said unre- turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for the years 1800, 18C4, 1635. 1890. 1607. 1808, 1809 and 1900. Also, at the same time and place and In the manner above described, will be sold lot of land No. 240, situate, lying and being in tho 18th Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on as unroturned land under and hy' vlrtuo of a tax fl. fu. issued by AY. C. V. Schllestett, T. C. P. C., vs. rite said unre'i turned land for thu purpose of the Statu and county tuxes for the years 16U8, 1899 and lrtn. Also, at tlie saute time and place and in tho manner above described, will be sold lot of laud No. 242, situate, lying and being iu tint 18th Dist, and 8d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied ou os unreturned land under and by vlrtuo of a tax fl. fa. issued by AA\ C. V. Schlicstctr, T. C. P. C., vs. tho said unre turned land for the purpose of tho State and county taxca for the years 1804 and 1395. Also, atntho tame time and place and in tho manner above described, will be so!d lot of lam) ”1; “ftuate. lying and being in tho 18th Dist. and 8d Sec. of folk county uu. ( levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax li. fa. issued by AY. O. V. Schliestctt, T. C. P. C., ‘ vs. the said unre turned land for the purpose of tho Stato and county taxes for tho vtuir 18U4 Also, at the same time and placo and In tho manner above described, will be sold lot of land situate, lying nnd being in the 18th Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ua., levied on as unreturned land under and by virtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by AA’. O. Y Schliestctt, T. C, P. 0., vs. the said unre turned land for the purposo of the Stato am) county taxes for the yean 1800, 1S95, tfOO, 1697. IBM. 1890 and 1T92. * ’ * Also, at tne same t same tlmo nnd place and in tbo manner above described, will be sold lot of land fSi, ,lt ” at *\ J yi »W «" d being in tho 16th Dist. und 3d Bsc. oj Polk County, Qa. fc levied on ns unreturned land under and by virtue of ft tax fl. f a . issued by AA’. O. A’. - SchIMolt, T. C, -P. 0., vs. tbo said unro- ■ turned land for the purpose of the State and county taxes for tlie year 1895. Also, at i’hc same time and place and fn tho manner above described, will be sold lot of land Hi n 7 , 8 ’. lyin & nnd being in tbo 18th Dist. aud 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., levied on os unreturned land under and by *°f. a J ax fi * fa - i flsue d by AY’. C. V. Schliestctt, T. C. P. C., vs. the said unre turned land for the purposo of the State and and 1000 11X68 f ° r tb ® yca ” 189 °* 1803 » 1894, 1895 the same time and place nnd in the manner obotve described, will be sold lot of land IBM. dt j at S', ,yinff nnd being fn tho l 1 ^v!l*t D1 ™ and 8d of Polk County, Gu., levied on ns unreturned land under and hv virtue of a tax fl. f a . i ffiU cd by AV. C V Schliestctt, T. C. P. 0., vs. the Mhl^ViB^* countv t« nd f f ° r lbe P ur P° 80 the State and A?i? ut X ?JZl he J Cara 1 ? 07 ’, 1898 and 1S0 °- Also, at the same time and place and in tho manner above d^ribed, will be «)ld lot of land iKM. TiV.l 1 , at E\ yin S and being in tho and 8d Sec. of Polk Oounty, Oa., levied oil os unreturned land under and bv £a t ^T!“c.V*b.. taB 4 d & 2k c iJ turned land for the purpoie of the State and *«■mTJSS Ajb6, at tne same tnno and place and In tne 2 anne /J* bov ,°. described, will bo sold lot of land lirtt, iXv ait ^ at 2’, L yinsr and being in the 18th Dist. and 3d Sec. of Polk County, Ga., Bnr ® lu ? ed , la "d under and by Jdrtue of a tax fl. fa. issued by AV. C. A' Schllestett, T. C. P. 0., vs. the said unre^ turpod land for the purposo of tho Stato aud Kf/Sw.” lsra > m.micr .bovc dowribedT wm < b Pl E * 0 'id *J? Kgv. i 3 ,*t *nd being in tho 18th Dirt, nnd Sd Sec. of Polk Oounty, On., 2™* °, n aJ , unreturned lnnd under nnd bi virtuo of a tax fl. fa. issued by AV, C. AT. SchllMtett, T. 0. P. C., vs. tho said unre st! J and f , or !!* c P ur P°“ of the State and county taxes for the years 1897 and 1898. Also, at the same time and placo and In tho Nn nn 7 B i ab0V u de 1 Bcribcd ' wlu be sold lot of land ism. {& 81lt H at ?i a «d being in the 18th Dist. and 8d 8ec. of Polk County, Qa un m unreturned land under ind by Jjireuo of a tax fl. fa. issued by AY O A’ SchllMtett, T. C. P. 0,, t™ I he .aid uni turned land for tho lnirpoM of the Slate nnd county taxes tor tho year. 1837 nnd 1S98. AIbo, at the same time and nlneo and in tho manner abate described, will be sold lot ot land vul, l?. 1 ’. ‘".“‘Si '/‘"S' °nd being in tho “"J 3d Sec. of Polk County, Oa., virtue or a tax fl. fn. issued bv AV n v < Schliestctt, T. 0, P. 0., va. the said linrd turned land for the purposo of the State and ^UrC'and Jm 1SM ' IS ° 3 - 189 *' 1855 ' Sjj, '“u? lc . lying and being in tho !er cd U m d Pollt County, Oa., o7 .VrTJ B Y mujv ** Also, at the same time and place and in tlm NJ rU, 7s3 nb0 Ji e t u d n < ^ rib 1 6d ,’ Wil1 b / E0ld lot of 18th nuV ^ l yi?s , nnd bc,n ff bi tho - levied 0 ™ f d Sd See. ol Polk County, On.. ilS ot . i.H TV - , ,mdcr “ nd by CeidiL. J“* a - In- tamed by W. o. V. lr V'pn^o, l ?,% Also, at the same time and place and in the manner ahoTe dMcribed, will he sold lot ot land i 8 ?; lung and being in tho w„d°e!r nnd ad Eec. ot Polk County, Oa., vtrtul . . unreturned land under ind by Sctiltcatctt, 1 T^C.^'p.^c. !* nd i or ‘J e purpose of the Stato and counky taxe, for the v wr 16Mj i 807 an[11S33 _Al»o, at the name Bine and place and in tho No 4aa ab °Jn described, will bo sold lot of land S'h ni.V Wue and being in the levied 0 ™ “ d 3d Sec. of Polk County, Go., virtue of .“■" nr !‘ U r d , I * nd “"der and by. SJhuL. .. fi - hi. Isaued hy IV. o. V. lin'd i P ‘ C " Ts - the - Bald uarc S "Ud 'or the purposo of tho Stafo and eounjj; tajn for the year 1600 nnd 1831. u tb * , saxne place aud in tho maimw above described, will be sold lot of land Sft "ituate, lying and being in tho JfH 1 . DIst « ai »d 3d Sec. of Polk Oounty, Ga., iwed on as unreturned land under and by '*• Imed lry W. O. V. ?• °V p - «■ the eafd unro- r 6 * 1 ^ 0r the Purpose of tbe State and the yearB 18 ®2» 1893, 1804, 1895* 1805, 1897, 1893, 1899 and 1000,