The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, December 13, 1900, Image 3

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BURBANK’S A CURE GUARANTEED $ OR MONEY REFUNDED. MANUFACTURED AND SOLD BY T. IF. BTJRBA1TK, 3DHXTC3-C3-XST. Foundry Castings OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, MADE ONLY FROM CHARCOAL IRON. Machine Work and Repairs , OF ALL KINDS. LUMBER SURFACING, RIPPING, ETC. ALL WORK PROMPTLY EXECUTED AT REASONABLE RATES. ALABAMA & GEORGIA IRON CO., Cedar-town, G-a. VANDIVER WHISKEY CO., JOHN M. VANDIVER, Mgr Ho. 18 Broad St, (BAKU'S OL; STABLE) ROME, GA. -?*!- -5*!- FINE WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, ETC. ,JU« ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. i TELEPHONE NO. ~4 HFor Fine Job Printing come to The Standard Office..^ L. 8. LKDBKTTER. WM..T. HARRIS LARGEST Fire, Life and Accident Companies in the World. Special Attention given to the Prompt Payment of Losses. Large or Small. The Travelers* Accident Ins. Co. Hartford Fire Ins. Co. vEnta Fire Ins. Co. Phconix Flro Ins. Co. Coramerlcal Union Fire Ins, Co. [ National Fire Ins. Co. ' Insurance Company of North Amotion. North British and Mercantile. Continental Ins. Co. Greenwich Ins. Co. £t. Paul Ins. Co. Georgia Home Ins. C. Pennsylvania Ins. Co. Liverpool and London and Globed German American Ins. Co. Atlanta Home Ins. Co. Home of New York Itts. Co. Manhattan Ins. Co. Traders Ins. Co. Imperial Ins. Co. ^ Union of London Ins. Co. All Old and Reliable Companies. L.S. Ledbetter & Co,, Agts. G.E. MANNING, The All-round Up-to-date jjN ffw '“Shoemaker, /s, Has bought the shoe business formerly owned by 0. M. Duna way, and is still doing business at the old stand. \ Bring me your work. I will appreciate it, and do it neat and promptly. I make- shoes from $3 up. Yours for business, G.E. MANNING. North Main Street. "I don’t think I want much to cat today; my Btomaoh isn't qnito right,” said tho gloomy-looking man, ns ho glanced over tho bill-of-fare. "Just bring mo somo sparoribs and sauor- kraut, a glass of milk,a piooo of Roque fort ohooso, and a portion of plum pud ding. It’s hotter to bo oarefal of your stomaoh than to bo siok.” CEDARTOWN FIRE DEPART MENT Will give an oyster supper at the It. P. hall Tuesday,Dec. 18th, begin ning at 6 p. in., and lasting till all are served. Popular prices. Mrs. J. H. Dodds and Mrs. J. H. Sanders will superintend,and a bevy of pretty girls will serve the tables. This supper Is given to raise funds for the Tournament that will bo hold here next summer, arid a liberal patronage will be highly appreciated by the llremen and their blends. C. R. Pittman, Ch’rn, Com. m m m New goods, and lots of them—in stock, arriving, and to arrive. Come and see them. ' J. L. Turner, Jeweler, at Old Postofllce Building. Dr. W. A. Chapman arrived home Monday from Richmond, Va., where he was called by theaccldentai shoot ing of his brother,John, in a revenue mid. His many friends will be gliul to learn that his brother is now rapidly recovering from his injuries. Mr. M. B. Ware has lot the con tract for three new cottages in East- view to Mr. J. V. Oppert. They will be built at once, and will help to “ease down the pressure” for more bouses to take care of our rapidly in- creasing population. The Park Pavilion is being beauti fied by u handsome coal of paint, the rouf and lattice being green, and the structure itself cream and brown. The work is being done by Mr. A. F. Gross, tho clever painter, who generously donated his labor, the ladles of the Park Association only paying for the materials used. Mr, J. S. Stubbs has decided to close out his general merchandise business after the first of January, atid will devote his entire time to tho cotton business. He will be the cotton-buyer for the Standard Cot ton Mills next year, und will be hereafter us heretofore a leading fac tor in Ccdnrtown’s cotton market. The old Treadaway building now occupied by J. S. Stubbs will be the business stand of Messrs. J. IT. Stewart & Bro., who will do a gon eral merchandise business here lifter the first of January. One of these gentlemen resides in Cave Spring, the other in Alubama, and Cedar town will give them (he usual hearty welcome to the ranks of her business men. No man in Polk has more friends than Dr. Win. Bradford, and they were pleased to see him out lust week after a several days’ indisposi tion. So soon ns ho is sufficiently recovered, the Doctor hopes to toko a vacation and go out to California fur recuperation during tho winter months. An army of warm personal irlends hope for his speedy and per manent restoration to the heat of good health; while regretting ex ceedingly the occasion of his en forced absence in the West. WHEW YOXJ VISIT ROME With intentions to trade, have you made up you mind where you are going to do it? Thoro is no doubt about this store being the cheapest place to buy goods at in Rome. Our reasons for doing it are so plain, so siniplo and so well known, that it is hardly necessary to repeat them hero. You should not trade anywhere till you inivo lmd our prices—that is, if you value your money. Your neighbors all save money by trading with us. Why don’t you? PARKER’S „ a HAIR BALSAM —» m in mini i and bcautlflca the ball; V-S^mVronuAci a luxuriant growth. r-) 81 Pn>|gjg The One Day Cold Cure. Cold In liend and sore throat cured by Ker- motes Chocolates Laxative Quinine. As easy to take as candy. ** Children cry for them. 7 Tho On© Day Cold Cure. For colds and sore throat use Kermott’s Cboco- ' Laxative Quinine. Easily taken as candy f and quickly cure. E. Bradford guarantees every bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and will refnnd the money to anyone who is not satisfied after using two-thirds of tho contents. This is tho best remedy in the world for la grippe, ooughs. colds, croup and whooping cough, and is pleasant and safe to take. It pre vents any tendenoy of a cold to result in pnenmonia. ■ —* a» Housekeeper—“I’d just like to know why you go tramping through the oountry?” Mouldy Mike—“Well, mum, I’ve heard that these ’ere palace cars is rather stuffy, mum.” Every woman loves to think of tho own, will nestle in her bosom, fully satisfying the yearning which lies in the heart of every good woman. But yet there is a black cloud hovering about the pretty picture in her mind which fills her with terror. The dread of childbirth takes away much of the Joy of motherhood. And yet it need not be so. For sometime there has been uponlhe market, well-known and recommended by physicians, a liniment called which makes chiidblrth as simple and easy as nature intended it. It is a strengthening, penetrating liniment, which the skin readily absorbs. It gives the muscles elasticity and vigor, prevents sore breasts, morning sick ness and the loss of the girlish figure. An Intelligent mother in Butler, Pa..- sayss “ Were I to need Mother’s Friend again. [ would obtain 0 bottles if I had to pay $5 per bottlo for it. w Get Mother’s Friend at the drug store. $1 per bottle. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. Write for our free illustrated book, *! Before liaDy is Horn." 228 & 230 BROAD ST., ROME, What i Cent Will Buy. 0«ke good Onyx Soap, lo Good Aluminum Thimblb lc Child’s Leather Purse lc Paper good Pins lc Paper good Steel Needles lo Box good Hair Pins lc Good Corkscrew lc Children’s Toy Shovel or Hake lc Whit to Cents Will Buy. Man’s good Undershirt 10c Ladies’ Jersey Ribbed Vest. 10c 1 doz. Ladies’ Aluminum Hair Pins 10c 1 doz. Horn Hair Pins 10c Large Cabinet, assorted Hair Pins 10c Good Hair Brush , 10c Extra large White Honeycomb Towels lOe Men’s extra heavy mixed Socks 10c Men’s good Linen Collars 10c Bottle Dest Shoe Polish 10c Good Yale Spring Lock,2 keys 10c Large Steel Curry Comb 10c What 5 fonts Will Buy. 1 pair Ladies’ Fast. Bl’k Hose 5c Children’s Fast Bl’k rib. Hose 5c Ladies’ All-linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs 5c Ladies’ -Hemstitched Initial Handkerchiefs 5c Men’s good mixed Seeks 5c Men’s large Hemstitched Hand kerchiefs 5c Pnirgood Steel Wire-Cutters 5c Good Can-Opener 5c Good Steel Tack Hammer. 6c Large bottle pure Vaseline 5c Large bottlo best Machine Oil 5c Bottle best black Ink 5c Bottle good Mucilage 5c Large bottle good Bay Hum 5c- Fancy bottle good Perfume 5c Good Glass Cutter 5c Good rolling Tape Measure 5c Good Fire Shovel 5c Good Steel Poker 5c Men’s good Leather Purse 6c Large size Honeycomb Towel 5c Large cake pure Castile Soap 5c THESE ARE ALL BIG MONEY SAVERS. Ladies’ Fur and Braid-trimmed Gapes 80c Ladies’ good Cloth Gape 16c Extra good Fur-trimmed Oloth Gapes 48c Ladies’ Black Dress Skirt . 80c Ladies’ doth Jackets, worth $5 $1.08 Men’s heavy Jean Pants 85c Men’s good Overalls 85c Boys’ good Suits 75c Boys’ extra good Knee Pants 20c Men’s good Wool Suits $2.08 Men’s Sunday Congress Shoes 50c Boys’ solid Leather Brogans 08c Men’s solid Leather Oak Kip Ties 08c Ladies’ good Sunday Shoes 08c Ladies’ heavy Fleeced Vests 25c Ladies’ Jersey Combination Suits 25c Children's Combination Suits 26c Good Turkey Red Damask 15c White Table Damask, Colored Border 20c AAA yard-wide Sheeting, yd 4Jc Heavy Cotton Checks; yard 4£c Good heavy Bed Ticking, yd 0|c Heavy Southern Seal Drilling 0£c Heavy Canton Flannel, yd 5c Extra heavy Canton Flannel 8£ Very heavy Colored Outings 8£ Remnants best Flanelette, yd 7c Double-fold Fa’y Dress Goods 12£ Double-fold Storm Serge,yd 124 Thousands of Yards of Remnants— Percales, Calicoes, Worsteds, Flanelettes and Shirtings==all Big Bargains. OUR HONOR ROLL. Tim Standard has been made happy within the past few days by the, pay ment of the following subscriptions: F Hanson $100 Rev. A A Pittman 100 Rev. A F Nunn I 00 D A Hicks 1 00 W I. Scott 00 SC Dean 00 •IN Hamrick 100 JC Atwood .:... 100 E Hinkloy 100 W R Brook 100 SF Fries 1 00 A RGoliglitly 100 L L Earp 75 Rev. Joe Wood 50 .J H MoDowell.. 1.. 50 M rs. T F Cowan t.. 1 60 Thos. Terrell 50 Mrs. U. B. Ware 8 GO WO Cornelius ....6 00 J S Young 200 T L Rose 1 60 CF Miller \... 100 Mrs. CE Little ... 100 W U Morgan 2 00 .1 F Grimes 1 00 .1 R Roberts 2 00 J C Walker. 1 00 Cold Steel or Death. “There is but one small chance to save your life and that is through an operation," was the awful prospect set before Mrs. I. B. Hunt, of Lime Ridge, Wis., by hor dootor after vainly trying to oure nor of a frightful case of stomaoh trouble and yellow jaundice. He didn’t count on tho marveloua power of Eleo- trio Bitters to onre stomaoh and livor troubles, but she heard of it, took seven bottles, wbb wholly onred, avoided sur geon’s knife, now weighs moro and feels better than ever. It’s positively guaranteed to ouro stomach, livor and kidney tronbles and never disappoints. Price, GOo, at E. Bradford’s drug store. The Cedartown Oil Mills are doing finely,making a splendid record for a new industry. Over 7,000 gallons of oil were shipped yesterday, and their full tanks of 32,000 gallons would have been emptied if the oars could have been secured. An Immense amount of oottonseed meal and hulls have been sold by this factory, and the mill is crowded with a line lot of seed. A new meal crusher has just taken dhe place of a smaller mill, which now turns nut about 8,000 sacks of meal daily. The gentlemen at the head of this industry are hustlers, and all are proud of the success from the first which this en terprise is enjoying/ FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. A desirable G-room cottage on Gib son street, newly painted und In tip top condition. Lot 92x100 ft. Price $1700;, deferred payments on two- thirds of amount. A magnificent two-story brick cottage on Wlssnhickon avenue, covered with slate" and having all the modern conveniences. Large lot. The magnificent Bunn plantation on Cave Spring road, 2J miles out, containing 340 acres of rich valley land. Cedar Creek on wpst side. Lurg9 twn-story frame dwelling, barn, tenant nnd other houses. J. R. Barber. The north pole is very muoh like a woman’s pooket. Wo all know where it should be, blit we can’t find it. Have you a cold? A dose of Bollard’s Horehound Syrup at bed-time will re move it. Price 25o and GOo. T. F. Burbank. In biliousness, Hcrbine, by expell ing from the body the excess of bile and notds, improves the assimilative processes, purifies the blood, nnd tones up nnd strengthens the entire system. Price 50c. T. F. Burbank. Love mnkes the world go round only when the lovers are intoxicated with happiness. The disposition of children largely depends upon health. If they are troubled with worms, they will irritable, oross, feverish, nnd perhaps seriously siok, White’s Crenm Ver mifuge Is a worm expeller and tonio to make them healthy nnd cheerful. Price 26c, T. F. Burbank. Edmonia—"Edgar, I’m going to burn thoso new photographs of mino; they look ten years older than I do.” Edgar —“Nonsense; pnt thorn away until you can catch up with them.” When it comes to word painting the sign painter is nt the top of the ladder. When the stomach is tired out it must have n rest, but we can’t live without food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure “digests what you eat” so that you can eat all the good food you wnnt while it is restoring the digestive organs to health. It is the only prepa ration that digests all kinds of food. E. Bradford. Some men are so very good that it is a question what they are good for. Don’t forgot to use a little Prickly Ash Bitters whenever the Btoranol or bowolB nro disordered. It quiokly oor roots such troubles and mnkes you feel bright nnd cheerful. T. F. Burbank. »®uPay up your subscription to The Standard GOVERNMENT COTTON REPORT. The agricultural department, cotton report Monday estimates the crop at 10,100,000 bales and acreage at 25,500,000. The estimated yield in pounds of lint cotton per acre is: Virginia, 180“j North Carolina, 109; South Carolina, 107; Georgia, 172; Florida, 188; Alabama, 151; MiB- sippi, 159; Louisiana, 284; Texas, 220; Arkansas, 228; Tennessee, 177; Missouri, 275; Oklahoma, 818; Indian Territory, 289. • Immediately after the an nouncement of this report, cot ton took a tumble of one-half a cent a pound. The best grade is bringing in Cedartown today 9£ cents. The Insurance companies made a satisfactory settlement this week with Mr. W. W. Prior for the Iobb the latter sustained at the recent Ore in which his foundry was destroyed. The settle ment was arranged througli the enter prising agency of L. 8. Ledbetter & Co., the full amount of insurance being paid by the companies. This prompt nnd liberal course on their part will enable Mr. Prior to rebuild Ills foundry, the work on which haB already been started. Mr. Stephen A. Hunt was happily married yesterday afternoon nt 8:! o’olook to Miss Patience Harris. The ceremony was performed by Rev. G. B. Boman nt the .home of the bride near Lake Greek, and was witnessed by only a few relatives nnd friends of the oouple. The bride is the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben. H. Harris, the groom being the popular County Surveyor-elect of Polk. T|ieir many friends extend heartiest con gratulations and best wishes. GOOD HORSE-SHOEINO. Gentlemen, if you have good horses and mules, don’t let just' any body shoe them when you can get them shod at the Riurie price at Ter- hune’H up-to-date shop on Court House Square, $3.50 PENNSYLVANIA PUKE RYE, EIGHT YEARS OLD. OLD SHARPE WILLIAMS FOUR FULL QUARTS OF THIS FINE OLD PURE RYE. EXPRESS PREPAID. We ship on approval in plain, scaled boxes, with no marks to indicate contents. When you receive it and test it, if it is not satisfactory, re turn it nt our expense nnd wc will return your $3.50. We guarantee this brand to be eight yenrs old. Eight bottles lor $6.50, express pre paid; 12 bottles for $9.50 express prepaid; 1 gallon jug, express prepaid, f3.oo| 2 gallon jug, express prepnld, $5.50. No charges for boxing. We handle all the leading brands of Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in the market, and will save vou 50 per cent on your purchases. Quart. Gallon. Kentucky Star Bourbon $ 35 $125 Elkridge Bourbon „ 40 1 50 Coon Hollow Bourbon 45 1 60 Mel 1 wood Pure Rye. ..... 50 1 90 Monogram Rye; 35 2 00 McBraycr Rye 60 2 25 Baker's aaaa 65 2 40 O..Q. P. (Old Oscar Pepper) 65 240 Hoffman House Rye. Mount Vernon .R yenrs old).... C. PHILPOT, Real Estate Agent CEDARTOWN, OA. SPECIALTIES. Sffi^FOR SALE—City Lots, Resi dences, Timber Lands, Business Property. SQT4,000 acres Fine ORE Property near E. & W. road for sale. USyFarm Lands. Some of the Finest Farm Lands in Georgia, in Either Small or Large Tracts—Also in Mid-', die and South Georglu. WSTTaxPs Paid, Rents Collected. Pay your subscription to The Standaid; Jy a .... . _ carry in stock. Send for catalogue. All oilier goods by the gallon, such as Corn Whiskey, Peach and Apple Brandies, etc., sold equally nb low, from $1.25 gallon upwards. We make a specialty of the jug trade and nil orders by mall or telegraph will have our prompt attention. Special inducements offered. The Altmayer & Flatau Liquor Co. ■#9“Mnll orders shipped some day receipt of order. 50G. 5Q8, 509, 510, 512 Fourth St. Near Union Passenger Depot. Phone 1G5. MACON, - GEORGIA.. Dr. Feniir’s KIDNEY ^Backache Care. Kidney, Bladdor nnd Urinnry 1 ruuim-r*, Lamo Back,Heart Disease,8kln Disease, Rheumatism, Bed Wotting, etc.