The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, December 13, 1900, Image 7

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By the disgraceful filibuster-! ing of a minority of the members of the House, the bill for the new depot on the state’s property in Atlanta seems likely to be de feated—for this session,'at least. Don’t forget that next Wednes day, 10th inst., is the date iixed by the Charter for the annual city election. Take enough ti me from your work to go to the poll s and cast a vote for the excellent nominees of last Friday’s white primary. Caledonia Lodge, No. 121, F. and A. M., will hold, their annual election of officers on the 21st inst., after which the members will enjoy an oyster supper, to which all Masons in good and reg ular standing are cordially in vited. _________ School will re-open at the State School for the Deaf in Cave Spring on Wednesday, January 2d. On account of the presence of scarlet fever, the inmates of the Institute were sent home in November, and after a thorough fumigation to destroy any germs of that dread disease, the session will resume work the first of the now year. The republican majority in the next House of Representatives is estimated at 47, as compared with 18 in the present House. Twenty-one of the state legisla tures which were chosen Novem ber 6th are to elect United States Senators; and in three states, Delaware,Nebraska and Montana, o'wing to special conditions, two Senators are to be chosen. The Senate, after the fourth of next March.will probably lie composed of 65 Republicans, 81 Democrats, and 4 People’s party or independ ent Senators. The State Senate lias killed the osteopathy bill—just ns it should have done. If the osteopaths want to practice medicine, let them pass the regular medical examination and get a profess ional license from the state. The examinations for license to prac tice medicine, law and dentistry should be rigid enough to keep out quackB and incompetents. A man should at least convince the state that lie knows the dilferenee between the medulla oblongata and a femur before he is al lowed to tinker with people’s life and health. The much-mooted Confederate Soldiers’ Home in Atlanta is to be accepted by the state at last- much to the gratification of the veterans aiid their friends. The House pnssed the bill to that eil'ect yesterday, and the Senate will undoubtedly follow suit. The movement was started by the late Henry Grady in 1889, who raised over $40,000 by pri vate subscription for the pur pose. A tract of 119 acres near Atlanta was purchased, and a substantial 'three-story building with seventy-five rooms was built thereon. After the completion of the Home, it was tendered to the state, but the proffer was refused, the Legislature at that time pre ferring to give its aid to the veterans in the way of pensions. The bill which passed the House yesterday, and which received the vote of Hon. J. B. Ayers, the Representative from Polk, makes the following provisions:— The sum of $16,000 is appropriated for maintaining and furnishing the same for the first year, but no part of this sum shall be expended until there are 46 applications for admission. There shall be a board of 11 trustees, one from each Congressional district, who shall have charge of the home and serve without compensation. These trustees shall appoint a super intendent at a salary not to exceed $600. Shall elect a treasurer, steward and such other assistants ns may be necessary. Ex-Oonfederate soldiers who are res idents of the state of Georgia and have been residents of the state for a term of five years, shall be admitted to the home, and these shall perforin such duties ns may be required by the superintendent. No soldier who is admitted to the home shall draw a pension from the state. Admissions shall be from the several counties of the state according to pop ulation. The people have asked for bread but are likely to get noth ing but a stone, in the matter of the reduction of the heavy war taxes. The republican majority now seems inclined to make the reduction solely in the interests of the beer trust, which would not be felt at all by the people—not even by the beer- drinker, for whom the rela tive proportions of beer and foam in the glass would be maintained as at present. - •• •• ■ v •• — TO BUILD SOUTHERN HOME. Hon. Daniel l)nugh,ul' I'hllndclphia, to Dmld in Coilai-town n Hand some Homo ub a Winter Residence. Col. \V. F. Turner hus sold Ihe vacant lots between the residences of Messrs. J. W. Barr and O. W.. Smiih on Walnut, sireet to Hon. Daniel Baugh, of Philadelphia. It is understood that Mr. Baugh will erect thereon a handsome winter home, plans for which are how being drawn by his architect. This will be.welcuine news to Ccdnrlown peo pie, who will receive with genuine pleasure Ihe announcement that this popular gentleman und his excellent wllo are plunging to jjplend herenlter u large portion of their time in Ce- durtown during the winter months. This tract fronts on Walnut street 291 feet and runs hack 200 feet,and Is a beautiful site, lying ill one of the most desirable residence portions of the city Mr. Baugh is a gentleman of supe rior tastes amt possesses ail extensive knowledge of architecture, and Ills Southern home In Oeditftown ’will no doubt be a model of convenience n» well as a gem of architectural beauty. The following Sunday special from Meridian, Miss., to the newspapers will be read with much interest by Cedartown people, the bride’s family having resided hero for years: “The marriage ol Miss Gertrude Jones nnd Julius T. Lyles was celebrated at the home of tho bride’s parents In this city today. Rev. J. M. Weems, pastor of tlie Central Methodist church, officiated. The bride is the popular and accomplished daughter of Rev. J. E. Jones, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, while the groom is one of Meridian’s well- known young salesmen. The mar riage was very quiet, only a few friends being present.” HEW FOR CEDARTOWN! But Old People in the Business! :THE: DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are dainty little pills, but they never fail to cleanse the liver, remove obstruc tions and invigorate the system. E Bradford. A soboolboy says there are too many switches on the road to knowledge. For broken limbs, ohilblnins,burns, scalds, bruised shins, sore throat, and sores of every kind, apply Ballard’s Snow Liniment. It wilt give imme, dinte relief and heal any wound. Price 25c and 50o. T. F. Burbank. It is the acme of, impoliteness fpr. ruin to stare a man in the face. When a tricky Jockey holds the reins the race isn’t always to the swift. Pain in Head, Side and Back. For years I suffered with pain In tho head, pain In tho sldei and in tho small of tho back, I was nervous and constipated and could not sloop. The pills and other medicines I trier only made a bad matter worse. Then I trier Celery King. Ono package cured mo nnd inado a now woman of mo.—Mrs. Th. Klee* hammer, Croton-on-Hudson, N. Y. Celery King cures Constipation nnd Nerve* Stomach, Liver and Kidney Diseases. FACTORY selling mills, factories and general trade offer line on com toAi men. "Factory," Box 1371, New York. ’Phone 113. W. A. WEBB, Manufacturer of Harness, Cedartown, Ga. Gentlemen, Harness is a thing of importance. It it a mere chance between life and death to use old, rotten harness, and you can’t afford to throw your money away on them. I make my own Harness right here in my shop and sell them direct to tho consumer, thereby saving him 20 per cent on his purchase. My goods are made from good leather, and are well put up. I have harness in use that has been used nearly two years, and there is not a break or rip about them. I also make a very HARNESS TO ORDER.m Come and see me, and I will show you how I can save you money. McDonald furniture COMPANY HAVE OPENED A BRANCH HOUSE OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE ' IN CEDARTOWN. They Make Furniture!-* ——J±2<TJD Make the Lowest Prices! Go Bedsteads, $2 and Upwards. Chairs, 40c. and Higher. to see them and SAVE MONEY, and get the BEST-MADE FURNITURE. '■© ■© © McDonald furniture co„ CEDARTOWN and ROME. HARNESS. Buggy Harness, Wrgon Har ness of all styles, made here in my shop from good leather and well built, ranging in price from $8; $10 and $12 up. Bargains at price offered. Don’t fail to see them. BRIDLES. Buggy Bridles, Team Bridles and Riding Bridles of all size 8 and styles. Good Bridle from 76c up according to kind wanted. I have good Bargains in them, and they surely please you. Horse Collars ''"iiillfjlliiiiiimi and Pads. I sell the famous Gee Haw Col lars. They are made from heavy duck stuff, with line lint cotton. Tlie best plow collar made. See them. Only 76c., any size. Harness Oil, Axle Oil, Axle Grease, Whips and Har ness Parts. I have a line line of Harness Oil—I MEAN Harness Oil—at 80c to $1.60 per gallon. Also, pure Neats’ Foot Gil. I have a large trade in the city. Harness Repairing. My shop is fitted up especially for neat and prompt Harness Re pairing.' If your harness needs repairing, send them to WEBB’S HARNESS SHOP, and have them put in first-class shape. It won’t cost much. You will also find all kinds of Harness Parts for sale at my shop: Lines, cotton and leather, Hold-hack Straps, Breeching, Backhand, Hames, and most any thing else if you will call for it. W. A. WEBB. W. -A-.WEBB. W. A. WEBB. ROGKMAR'l NEWS. Rev. Gus Harris and family loft last week for thoir now homo at Rookmart. Tho many frionds of Mr. Harris and family very much rogrettod to soe thorn leave.—Calhoun Times, 0th. Rookmart Lodge. No. 07, F. and A, 41., has eleoted tho following cxoollont corps of officers: T. J. Morris—W. M.; J. O. Oroohott—S. W.; J. W. Strange— J. W.; D, H. Hubbnrd—Treas.; J. L. Ingraham—Seo'y; 8. R. Jones—S.D.j Ellis Davis—J. D.; E. H. Hogan nnd T. M. OhoBtnut—Stewards; A. M. Brumbelow—Tyler. Rookmart bndo Rov. W. A. Harris and family a roluotant and affectionate farewell last week on their departure to Canton, after their residonoe of four years hero. They extend a cordial wel- como to his successor, Rev. S.A. Harris. Dr. and Mrs. R. N. Spinks, of Cedar town, spent Saturday hero. A Night of Terror. “Awfal anxiety was felt for the widow of the bravo Gonoral Burnham, of Ma chine, Mo., when tho dootors said she could not livo till morning,’’ writes Mrs. S. H. Linooln, who attended her that fearful night. “All thought she must soon die from pneumonia, but she begged for Dr. King’s New Discovery, saying it had mors than onoe saved her life, and had oared her of consumption. After throe small doses she slept easily all night, and its fnrtbernse completely onred her.” This marvelous medioine is guaranteed to cure all throat, ohest and lung diseases... Only 50o and $1. Trial bottles free at E. Bradford’s dtug store. A set of false teeth is an emblem of time. Now is the time when croup and lung troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only harmless remedy that produces immediate results is One Minute Cough Cure. It is very pleasant to take and can be relied upon to quickly cure coughs, colds, and all lung dis eases. It will prevent consumption. E. Bradford. The man who possesses a million is a capital fellow. A coated tongue, foul breath and clogged condition in the bowels sug- gets the use of Friokly Ash Bitters It is just suited for such ailments. T. F. Burbank. Every little vice is the subject of a lot of advice. There are 'few ailments so uncom fortable as piled, but they can easily be cured by using Tablet's Buckeye Pile Ointment. Relief follows its use, and any one suffering from piles can not uflord to negleot to give it a trial. Pricq, 50c in bottles, tubes 78o. T. F. Burbank. Tlie baker inay not want for bread, but he has'liia hour of knead. Prison Visitor—“My poor man, how did you got in hero?” Convict—“Hard luok. I didn’t manage to Btcal enough to engage a first-olass lawyer to dofond me!” Don’t use tiny of the counterfeits of DeWitt’s Witoh Hazel Salve. Most of them are worthless or liable to oause injury. The original DeWitt’s Witeli Hazel salve is a certain cure for piles, eczema, cuts, scalds, burns, sores end skin diseases. E. Bradford. If wo understand tho rules of civil ized warfare, anything wliioh makes for tho goring of the Anglo-Saxon ox is in violation of thoso. When you need a soothing nnd heal ing antiseptic application for any pur pose, use the original DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, a well known cure for piles nnd skin diseases! It heals sores without leaving a scar. Bewnre of counterfeits. E. Bradford. Magistrate — “Are you a married man?’’ Prisdner—“I should say I was —I’m the huBbandof two women: that’s why I’m hero.” Help is needed at onoe when a per son’s life is in danger. A neglected cough or cold may soon become serious aiid should be stopped st once. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures coughs and colds nnd the worst cases of oroup, bronchitis, grippe and other throat and lung troubles. E. Bradford. LAND POSTED. All the lands of the undersigned are hereby posted according to law, and trespassers will be punished accord ingly. Nov. 0, 1900. D. A. Whitehead, B. Gammon, W. H. Henley, B. T. West, F. J. West, C. O. Bnnn, 0. P. Sewell, Jack Parks, Frankie Whatley, Mike Whatley, Asberry Munford, Levi Thnrman, Cass Chisolm. Do you Cough? Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup will enro-a Cough or Cola at onco. Conquers Croup, Whooping-Cough and Measle- Cough without fall; Mothers praise it. Dootors prescribe it for Bronchi tis, Hoarseness, Grippe, Pneumonia and Consumption. „ It gives quick, sure results. Price, 25 ots. Rofusetho dealer’s substitute; it is not as good. Dr.Bull’s Cough Syrup Always cures when others fail. Dr. Bull's Pills euro Constipation and Liv-t Mother -“No, Johnny, you have had pio enough.” Johnny—“Mother, it is impossible to have enough of your pie.” Ho gets anothor pieoe. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood'ln your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. The kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or Impurities in the blood. It they are sick or out of order, they fall to do their work. Pains, achesandrheu- matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart Is over-working in pumping thick, kidney- poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. j It you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy Is soon realized. It stands the highest (or its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases andlssoldonttsmerlts by all druggists Inflfty-. cent and one-dollar siz-l es. You may have a sample bottle by mail noma of swamp-Root. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. I WANT to make, for you, a dozen FINE PHOTOCIRAPHS. AND I WANT Your orders for excellent Cray on Portraits, size, 10x20 inches $1.30. (These are the kind the agents sell at $1.08;) I Make Frames, All Sizes and Price. Barber, Photographer. Cure Cold In Hoad. Kerraott’s Chocolates Laxative Quinine, easy to tnke aud quick to cure cold in head ami sore