The Cedartown standard. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1889-1946, December 13, 1900, Image 8

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CANCER Sufferer* from this horrible malady nearly always inherit it — not necessarily from the parents, but may be from some remote ancestor, for Cancer often runs through several generations. This deadly poison may lay dormant in the blood fcff years, or until you reach middle life, then the first little sore or ulcer makes its ap pearance—or a swollen gland in the breast, or some other part of the body, gives the first warning. To cure Cancer thoroughly and perina* nently all the poisonous virus must be •liminnted from the blood—every Vcstagtf jf it driven out. . This S. S. S. docs, and is the only medicine that can reach deep seated, obstinate blood troubles like this. When all the poison has been forced out of the system the Cancer heals, and the disease never returns. Cancer beginsoften in a small way, 08the following letter from Mrs. Shirer shows: A small pimple entile on my |n\v about nn iticli below the ear on the loft plot of my face. Ilguvt >nin or Jnconveu- ml I nHouIiI hav< n niiout U bud it not begun to inflame ntul Itch; It wisild bleed a little, then Ileal, mb continued for some time, r.hen my Jaw began to swell, becoming very painful. The Cancer be- to eat and spread, lemarkahte OKI and it what a wonderful effect It bad from the very beginning; the sore began ts heal and after taking a few bottles disappeared entirely. This was two years ago; thet uj signs of tha Cancer, and my general hcntlh jontinues good.—Maa. R. Biiiukh, l«n Plain, Mo is the grentest of all blood purifiers, and the only one guaranteed purely vegetable. Send our free book on Cancer, containing valuable and interest ing information about this disease, and wnte our physicians about your cose. Wl make no charge for medical advice. INC SWIFT SPECIFIC “ I CO.. ATLANTA, QA. NOTICE TO PROBATE WILL. Georgia, Polk County: Potitlon of G. F, Morgan to prolmto in Holemn form tho last will ami losta- innnt ot Mm. Minerva Morgan. Ordorod, that Mm. Julia Thompson, Mm. Li/./.lo Jones, G. JT. Morgan, Thomas W. Morgan, Mm. Minttlo Adams, John w. Morgan, aim. .miiimo aiiimiih, .ioiiii Torhuno, Mrs. Motile P. Morg;ui,T]ioiniiH A. Morgan, J. B. Morgan, W, M, Tumlm and Mr*. AliasTomba,do bo and appear bol'oro tho Court of Ordinary to bo hold In mid lor said county and atato on tho iHt Monday In January, 1U01, Lot citation laauo accordingly, ami bo aorvod poraon- allv upon Mra. .H1111 Thompson, Mra. Unis Jonoa, O. F. Morgan, Tlio man W. Morgan, Mra. Minnlo Adama, John Tor- liiiuo, Sr., Mra. MollloP. Marian, Thom as A. Morgan, J. Ji, Morgan (roaidontHof aald county oxcopt John Torhuno, Sr., who roaldoaln Floyd county), ton daya boforn Bald torm of this oourtj and lot W. M. Tumlin, whoao whoroabouts la unknown, and Mra, Allen Tomba,a non- roaidont or thoStalo of Ooorgla,bo aorvod by publication of aakl oltation onco a wook for four wcoka In tho Advance Courlor and Ckiiautown Staniiauu, nowapapora publlHhod In tho City ol Co- dnrtown, aald atato ami county. Thla Nov. 17,1000. A. If. Hood, Ordinary Polk Comity, Go, OITT MARSHAL'S TAX SALES FOB JANUARY, 1901. Mia ESOM1I1LL. carl DuPree visited relatlvca at lilt.ffton last wook* Mr. W. A. Jones spent a part of laat week in Home. Miss Mary Brumby arrived here last week, and Is now at her plnce In the school. Messrs. .A K. Dempsey, of Prior’s, nml Dims. Cone, of Codnrtown, visited here n few days ago.'Their friends arc always glad to greet them. Mr. J. 8. Brewster made n Hying trip to Home Inst week. Mr. J. E. Itousenl paid us a short call last week. Mr. It. A. Caldwell la in Rome today. Mr, Stephen Hunt, of Hake Creek was in onr village Mondny on very im portant business, that of engaging the ecrvlces'of n minister. A party of merry young people hoarded the train nt this plncc Inst Sundny afternoon and went down to the mineral springs near Baker’s IIill Mr.J. II. Johnson and Miss Hattie Moroer were married here Inst Sundny, K. A. Caldwell ofllclnting. Mr. John Vaughn nnd Miss Rosa Brewster were married nt the home of the bride’s father, Mr, R. B. Brewster, on Sunday Inst. Mr. T. B. Blake, of Atlanta, is again In Esoin IIill, looking after the inter ests of the American Cotton Company. “Is your son a voter?" asked tho vis itor. “Nope,” answered tho Kentnok- ian. “Ho ain’t quite old enough to participate regular in eleotions yot. All he can do is to sit ont in tho bsok yard and shoot at a target.” How to t’uro Croup. Mr. R. Gray, who lives near Amonin, Duohoss oonnty, N. Y., snya: "Obam- berlain’s Cough Bomedy is tho best mediolne I have over nBed. It is a lino children’s romody lor oroup and novor fails to ouro." Wlion given as soon as tho ohiid beoomos honrso, or ovon after tho oroupy cough has developed, it will provont tho attnok. This should bo homo in mind and a bottlo of tho Oongh Bomody kept at hand ready for instant use an - soon na thOBO symptoms appear. For salo by E. Bradford, druggist. State of Georgia, County of Polk. Will bo Bold bol'oro tho door of tho town, Go., within tho logal hours ol sale, on tho first Tuesday In January, 11)01, to tho highest bidder for cash, tho following doaorihod proporty, to-wlt: One houso nnd let In tho olty of Cedar town, Gn,, nml doaorihod as follows; Said proporty fronting onat on Phllpot alroot, now ooouplod by O. O. Pittman, and known ns tlm Lane residence prop- us tuo orty. Levied on and will bo sold us t ifyn tax oxooution laauod by tho Mayor amt Counoll of aald olty of Oo- dartown vs. tho aald G. A. Lane nnd aald proporty for tho purposo of tho olty tax for tho yonr 1000. Tenant lit posses sion notltlod as required by law. Alao at tho anmo tlmo nml plnco will bo sold tho following proporty to-wlt:— ’ lotlooatod In tho olty of One houseitntt .- Codnrtown, Ga., and doscrlbod as fol lows: Said proporty fronting west 103 foot on Collogo stroot, and running baok oast 210 ft.,and ooouplod by J. F. Harpor ua a rosldonco. Levied on nud to bo sold us tho proporty of J. N. Harpor, by virtue of and to satisfy a tax exeoutlon laauod by tho Mayor nnd Council of tho olty ol Codnrtown, Ga., vs. tho said J. N. Har- porand aald proporty for tho purposo of tho olty tax tor tho yoar 1900. Also nt tho anmo tlmo and plnco will bo sold tho lollowlng proporty, to-wlt:— Ouo honsd nnd lot In tho olty ot Cednr- town, Ga., and doaorihod as lollows: Said proporty fronting west ou Main stroot 130 foot, and ruunlng hack oast 130 foot; boundod on tho north by proporty of Russell it Oolomati, nnd on tho south by Prior stroot, and ooouplod ns arosldoneo by Mra. A. O. Prior. Levied on and to ho sold as tlio proporty of Mrs. A. C. Prior by vlrtuo of nnd to satisfy a bal ance duo on a tux execution In favor of tho Coinmorolnl Bank, transferee,Issued by tho Mayor and Counoll of tho olty ot Codnrtown, Gn„ vs. tho said Mrs. A. 0. Prior and said proporty lor tho purposo of tho olty tax for tho yoar 1893. Also at tho snmo tlmo uml plnco will bo sold tho following proporty, to-wlt— Ono liouso and lot fronting west 160 feat on Main street and running bnak oust 160 foot on tho north sido of South Prior stroot, and ocoupiod by Mrs. A. C. Frior an a rosldonco; ono lot fronting 60 foot on South Prior stroot and running baok 180 It; ono lot treating 30 ft on South Prior stroot ntul running baok 100 ft; lour lots on South Prior stroot and on tho E. & W. R. R. in Its yards, ns fol lows: ouo lot 100 ft front and 200 ft in depth, ono lot 210 ft front nnd 210 ft In depth, ono lot 80 It front nnd 172 ft 111 dopth, nnd ono lot 60ft front and 135 it in dopth, all lying and being in tho city ol Codnrtown, Gn. Lovlod on nnd to bo aold n« (ho proporty of Mra. A. O, Prior, 5 of nnd to “ * by virtue of and to sntisfy tlon issued by tho Mayor nnd Counoll of tho olty of Codnrtown, Ga., vs. tho said Mrs. A. O. Prior nud said property for tho purp iso of the olty tax for tho Mrs. G. B. Stovall is in Codnrtown with hor daughter, Airs. J, W. Adam son. Air. and Alra. Adamson' havo tho congratulations of thoir many friends in Madison on tho rooont arrival of a lino boy at thoir homo.—Madison Ad- vertisor, Oth. Purify tho sewors of tho body '• ato stimulate tho digostivo digestive orgni maintain hoalth, strength nnd onorgy. Prickly Ash Bittors is a tonio for tho kidnoys.Uvor, stomaoh and bowols. T, F. Burbank. Kontnokian—"Ho oallod mo a liar, sir.” Now Yorker—“And what did you do?" Kontnokian— "I wont to tho funeral.” To produce the best results in fruit, vegetable or grain, the fertilizer used must contain enough Potash. For partic ulars see our pamphlets. We send them free. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., Now York. ROUNDLAP PREMIUM $2 44 NET. Tho most effective littlo liver pills made nro DeWitt's Little Early Risers. They never gripe. E. Bradford. Wo boliovo it was n Ohiongo boy, that had spent oonsidorablo timo around a stable, who referred to his parents- as a “spanking pair.” isBaig TOOTHS? year 1 This tho 5th day of December, 1900. J. M. Jolly, City Marshal. ADMINISTRATRIX SALE. Georgia, Polk County. By vlrtuo of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, will be aold at S ublio outcry, on the first Tuesday in anuary, 1901, at the Court House in said eountv, betweon tho usual hour* of salo. the lollowlng real estate situate in Polk county, Ga., to-wlt: Lots ot land Nos. 450,480 and 481, in 2nd district and 4th section, containing 120 acres. Terms of salo, cash. This Docembor 3,1900. . Mrs. N. L. Hikes, Adtnrx. of W. H. Hines, deceased. If so, there must be some trouble with its food. Well babies are plump; only the sick are thin. Are you sure the food is all right? Chil dren can't help but grow; they must grow if their food nourishes them. Perhaps a mistake was made in the past and as a result the di gestion is weakened. If that is so, don’t give the baby a lot ot medicine; just use your every-day common sense and help nature a little, and the way to do it is to add half a teaspoon ful of SCOTT’S EMULSION to the baby’s food three or four times a day. The gain will begin the very first day you give it It seems to correct the digestion and gets the baby started right again. If the baby is nurs ing but does not thrive, then ! the mother should take the I emulsion. It will have a t good effect both upon the 1 mother and child. Twenty- j five years proves this fact. s 50c. and $1.00, all druggists. £ SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York*. S • IH—HH— «>—J That’s What Farmers Mndoby Using Tho Starkville Itoumllap Press. Tho Southern Farm Gazotto of Stark- villo, Alisa., published tho following about a tost mado to show tho rolativo value of roundlap and square bales: "The first day tho roundlap plant was oporntod was Friday, Oot. 12. Tho groat majority of tho cotton put up on tho round halo press that day was sold for 10:83 oonts. Some of those samples takon at random wore oarriod to W. W. Scales, ono of the leading ootton buy ers of this seotion, who was asked what its valuo was in the square form. Ho said 0.30 would bo tho best our market oould poy. Tho same Bamplos wore taken to Storu & Goodman, also largo ootton buyers, and thoy, behoving it was sqnaro ootton, mado 0:60 as thoir best offer. This showod a difforonoo of 85 points, or about $4.25 a halo. Tho noxt day ootton was lower and tho round bnlo ootton brought 10.15 on an average, whilo tho same grades of square ootton brought 0.876, or 77$ points, difforonoo. Wo also weighed tho wrapping ou tho two kinds of halos and found 14 pounds difforonoo in favor of square halo. 'So, if a oortain amonnt of ootton made into a round bnlo woighs 500 pounds tho samo amount in a sqnaro halo would woigh 514 pounds. Tho 500 pounds round ootton nt tho average prioo of tho two days, 10.26 oonts, would bring $61.25. Daduot ginning $1.60, rental of press $1.00, and wrap ping 40 cents, nnd wo havo n not prioo of $48.85, Tho 514 pounds square oot ton nt its nvorngo, 0,4875 oonts would bring $48.51, Dodnot ginning $1.50, prioo of bagging nnd ties $1.00 and weighing 10 oonts, and wo havo not $45.01 for the Bqunre ootton. This gives a difforonoo of $2.44 not in favor of (ho roundlap halo." LAKE CREEK LET'IER. Air. J. W. Wilkins and wife wore pleasant visitors at tho homo of J. B. Woods Saturday nud Sundny. Air. W. L. Drummond, of Bnclmnnn, was visiting hiB brother, T. 8. Drum mond, Saturday and Sunday. Air. E. S. Woods, of Cedar .Volley, was in our burg Sunday. «• Air. T. 8. Drummond wns in Romo Saturday on business. Air. J. B. Woods was in Romo Fridny and Saturday selecting and buying a lot of Christmas goods. Ho has a lino lot. Mr. B. H. Cook is proparing to ao- oommodato tho pcoplo of this seotion noxt yonr by grinding thoir corn. Ho has a good mill, nnd with littlo work can put it in running ordar. Airs. B. H. Cook, who has been siok for somo time, is convaloscont. On account of J. A. Tuokor contest ing tho olootion of T. E. Brook, tho lat- tor and quite n number of his friends wore in Codnrtown Monday to hear tho testimony taken before Ordinary Hogg, Messrs. Fielder and Mundy dofonding tho cuso. Mr. B, Logan and Miss Sallio Tread- away woro married last Sunday morn ing in tho pnbllo road two miles from Oodartown by 'Squire J. A. Tnokor. Wo extend to thorn our congratulations, Messrs. J. B. Hogg and Wade and Jones Whitehead wore out hunting last Thursday. Thoy arrivod at Lake Crook about 1 o’olook worried and hnngry. They oallod for cans of ohippod beof, oysters, Vienna sausago, potted ham, sardines and a lot of oraokors, and after eating all of thi£ called for two and a half ponnds of breakfast bsaon. I don’t gnoss thoy wanted any supper. Sager. Mi . Lnna E. Chandler has returned from Oodartown, whoro ho spont several days on business.—Carrollton Free Press. Porfootiy healthy pooplo havo pure, rioh, warm, nourishing blood, good ap- potlto and good digestion. Hood’s Sar saparilla gives those, and thus it makcB pcoplo honltby and keeps thorn so. Get only Hood’s, Siok hoadaoho is ourod by Hood’s Pills. 25o. Mrs. Jones—“Don’t troublo yonrsolf to soo mo to tho door, Mrs. Smith Mrs. Smith—"No troublo. Qaito ploasuro, I assure yon.” PETITION TO AMEND 0HARTER. State of Georgia, County of Polk. To th^Buporlor Court of said Count; ion of Codnrtown Cotton Oil Company, and of L. 8. Lodbottor, J. A. Wynn, E. T. MaGheo, J. E, Housonl, nnd thoir associates, orlglm.1 potillonors for tlio .Incorporation of Bald Company, rat. Tlint said Codnrtown Cotton Oil Company was upon propor petition incorporated by this Court nnd tho samo 1ms boon duly and locally organized, all tlio capital siook, nnd procoodod to oxoroiso its corporate rights. Socond. Petitioners doslro tlio Char ter granted them by tins Court amended so that tlio nnino ol tho Coporntlon shall bo “Codnrtown Oil Mills” In linn of and lustoad of tho prosont oorporato name, as stntod nbovo, nnd that in Its namo so ohnugod it shall axorolso all tho corpor ate rights conforrod by said Churtor. This Potltion Is brought In bolmlf of said Corporation and nil Its Stockhold ers, who pray tho Court to allow and mnko tho amondinont aforesaid. Bunn A Trawiok, Petitioners' Attorneys. Petition filed in tho olUco this tho 21st day or November. 1900. W. C. Knioht, Clerk. Tbo above is a truo copy of tho origi nal Petition filed In my ofilco, this the 21st dny of Norombor, 1000. W. C. Knioht, Clork Po'k Superior Court. Notco to Debtors nnd Creditors. Notice la hereby given to alt creditors of tho estate of W, L. B. Powell, Into or i’olk county, deceased, to reitdor in an account of their de mands to mo witnln tho time prescribed by law. manna to mo witnin the tlmo proscribed by law, properly mado out. And all persona indebted to said deceased aro hereby required to make immediate payment to tbo undersigned. This tbo oth day of December, 1900. " W. U. England, Executor. Georgia; rolls' .County. f- »y virtue of au order from the court of 01- dlnnryof fcnid county, will be sold at public outcry on tho first Tuesday In January, 1001, at the court house in said county, between the legal hours of sale, tho following real estate to-wlt: All of lot No. 525 and all of lot No, 524 oxcopt a strip oil of tbo north sido of said lot, -apposed to contain three acres, and running ith the lano; said tano being tbo dividing lino otween tbo lands of Audrow fc'opp, deceased, ad John A. Orebaugh, deceased, and fifteen Bros off of the east side of lot No. 523. All of said lots and parts of lots lying and being in the 21st district and 3rd sootnn of said oountv and containing in the aggregate 02 acres, more or less. Tbo abovo described property is tbo homo place of the lato Andrew Coup, situated in Colfard Valley, with about 70 acres ot open land, the remaining 22 acros in tho woods, and well timbered, with dwelling nnd out buildings sufficient to make it a very desirable homo. Said place also contains a fine oro bank. Tbo above described property is sold for division among the heirs of said estate. Terms cash. W. J. Lawson, Ey. of Andrew Copp, deceased, Georgia, Polk County: Whereas E. H. Richardson, executor of the last will of A. Richardson, represents to the court in Ins petition, duly filed aud outered on record, that bo ba* fully administered A. Rich ardson's ostate; this is therefore to cito all persons concerned, klddrnd and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said executor should not bo discharged from bis administra tion and receive lettors of dismission on the first Georgia, Polk countyWhereas, S K Hogue, administrator of JO Hitchcock, represents to tho court In his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that lie lias fully administered J o Hitchcock’s estate: This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and crenitors, to show cause, if any they can, why said ad ministrator should not bo discharged from his administration nnd receive letters of dismis- 8 on on the 1st Monday in January, 1901. 10-13,11 A fl - ” !> iloGo, Ordinary. Many persons have had the expe rience of Mr. Peter Sherman, of North Stratford, N. H., who says: ’‘For years I suffered torture from chronic indigestion, but Ivodol Dyspepsia Cure made a well man of me.” It digests what you eat and is a certain cure for dyspepsia and every form of stomach trouble. It gives relief at once even in the worst cases, and can’t help but do yon good. E. Bradford. Ho—“I understand you havo a family tree?” She—"Oh, yes.” Ho-’.’Woll, tho fellow who picks yon will get a peaok.” FREE BLOOD AND SKIN CURE. An Offer Proving Faith. Ulcers, Eating Sores, Cancer, Scrofhla, Itching Pains in bones, back or joints, Syphilitic niood _ _ n . — ,. ic „ Poison, Rotten Gumsand Chronic Rheumatism, and nil obstinate, deep-seated Blood troubles are quickly cured by taking a lew large bottles of botanic Blood Malm. We challenge the world for a case of Blood Disease that Botanic Blood not cure. The cures are permanent patching tip: Is your Blood Thin? Skin Pale? All Run Down? As Tired in the morn ing ns when yon went to bed? Pimples? Boils? Joints? Catarrh? Putrid Swollen Glands ___ Breath? Eruptions? Sores in Mouth or Thtoat? your Blood is Bad. Blood Balm will make —.> ■-»*• ■—«- — B*yft»e,8U>ps •Id and weak the fl’lood Pure and Rich, Heals e the Aches ana invigorates the bottle, including complete directions. To prove our faith iu Blood Balm n trial bottle given away to sufferers. For free trial bottle, address Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Don’t hesitnte, but write at once describing trouble, and free personal medical advice given. Blood Balm (B. B. B.) Cures when all else falls. Thoroughly tested for 30 years. Over 3.000 voluntary testimonials of cures by using B. B. B. Mr. Jones—'‘I'm afraid Mrs. ’Brown 8acri floes her comfort to her appear ance.” Mrs. Jones—“Yes; and sacri fices it in vain.” castor 1A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always’Bought Bears the Signature of OA.STOHIA. Bear, tio ^0The Kind Van Han Always Bought Signature of Mr. Lntlier Goldin died at the homo of bis parents, in Cedortown, last Sun day night, after an illness of a few days with pneumonia fever. The deceased was about 10 years of age at the timo of his death; was the son of Mr. <T. A. Golden, a former resident of this oonnty, and has a host of relatives and friends hero who were pained to learn of his untimely death. The remains wore brought to this oonnty and in terred in the oemetery at Union 'Hill Monday evening.—Buohanan Tribune. Clara—“Evidently Mr. Sweetsor is bead over heelB in love with yon, Miss Edith.” Edith—“Nonsense!” Clara— “Oh, hut it’s a faot. Ho nottially said ho delighted to hear you sing.” Nell (exoitedly)—"Here’s a telegram from Jack Punter of the ’varsity team.” Bello—“What’s it say?” Nell—"It says: ‘Nose broken- How do you . prefer it Bet—Greek or Roman?’ " AYegclaUc PrcpacationrorAs- slmilalinS ihcFocc! r.ndRcduta ling Hie Stomachs andBowcis of Promotes Digcslion.Checrfut- ncss andltest.Contfllna neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. Not "Narcotic. Umpe cSCtAArAlXlTi PirCJlSH PmyJan Seal ~ i 4tx.Se/inn * ] \ /'ofAfttf SJir - I \ / flint* Se*d~ S ('fanfud ,S\iav J nbibryf+ftt 7mm / Aperfecl Remedy forConsllpa- lion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness audLossOF Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. ■EngHjjflinnNTgM| REEBSSftuflUilXSil EXACT COPV OF WRAPPER. W A BOON TO MANKINDS D R TABLER’S BUCKEYE T|Z sHSSoo t-<!“ iroShmSo 01 ml 73. tn 5 *ri m H m z HsxSf n slo«-S , m o Vo <dh"\ PILE 5-rT CURE A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES. WITHOUT PAIN. CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. Tubes, by Mail, 75 cents; Bottles, 60 Cents. JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. FOR SALE BY T. F. BURBANK. !WORMS!|v W E r11f C UCE!, For 20 Years Has Led all Worm Remedies. 1 „ BOLD BY A.XiX« DX11TG-G-XSTS. .Prepared hr JAMES F. BALLARD. St. Louts. FOR SALE BY T. F. BURBANK. Tho Qeorgia Loan and Trust Co. will negotiate loans, well sc oured by improved real estate, at SIX PER CENT INTEREST on reasonable commission in sums of $250 or more. Good applications wanted. W.C.BUNN, Correspondent for Polk Co. Missouri Pacific Railway nml Iron Mountain. Route. Are you going West of the Missit- sippi River ? Writh the undersigned for reliable information and rates. Low rates for parties to Tfcxas.Oklahoma and Indian Territory. I. E. Rehlandeb, Trav. Pass. Agent, 10 E. 8th. St., Chattanooga, Tonn. She—“What’s tho difference between vaudeville and variety?” He—“Oh, you call it vandevillo when yon first get tho habit of going and are still a littlo bit ashamed of it.” DEALERS IN Fine Whiskies, OAQTOniA. Bears the j*Tha Kind You Hava Always Bought Signature OAST ORIA. Beara the ^9 Tha Kind You Have Always Bought 8!gnatnre when the' KIDNEYS ARE OVERWORKED" r They make known their condition bit frequent' 'HEADACHES.SLEEPLESSNESS, NERVOUS WEAKNESS.’ r BACKACHES, CHANGES IN URINE, AND IRRITABLE TEMPERl '-.IT IS DANGEROUS TO NEGLECT THESE WARNINGS, V* KAY & BRO., Cash Orders Promptly Filled, t Rome, Gra. > Lady engaging a now cook—“Aro you sure you don’t keep company with a policeman?” “Yes, I do, ma’am; bufc he’s a very small eater.” “One of de great hindrances in de way of de oullnd race,” said Uncle Eben, “is dat dar ain* no way of habbin chicken stealin’ politely spoke of in de papers ns a defalcation.” YOU SHOULD ACT AT ONCE* • j BITTER5 IS A SUCCESSFUL KIDNEY REMEDY. It cleanses the system of poisons and impui conveys a healing and strengthening intluc to the suffering kidneys, PURIFIES THE B - " stimulates the Liver, Stomach and Bov and works a speedy improvement in the condition of the body ^ AT DRUGGISTS. rities, lence For sa e by T. F. Burbank.